The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-11-08, Page 18Shop Early
.Christmas is so _close just
next month,, believe it or. not.
our store. now bulging with
Ini.Ukaeliftoyr tynoellrrehialonicillieseoryoans Tilihrtt
for Mother, Dad, Son or
ii Lazy chairs, swivel reek,
ors, recliner .chairs, occasional
chairs, space savers, 1S beaUti,
int elleSlerfield suites, gaffe()
l 'amb'Sl!sinll°,11ldengttahblinesirrowrasn , cedar
chests, student desks, chests
of drawers, card tables and
chairs (6 sets on tli9lay).
* *
Bedroom suites, many to see
in blonde white or walnut,
Simmons mattresses, all sizes,
and Simmons are second to
none, Baby carriages, cribs
and play pens,
Dining room furniture, china
cabinets, corner cabinets, Con-
sole tables and chairs. Chrome
and coffeetane sets, all sizes,
even kiddie sizes,
Carpets, rugs, Sandran vinyl
floor covering,
nY * *
Refrigerators, Deep Freeze
Chests, Ranges. (We have the
new Swingline Tappan Guer-
ney Ranges,), Wringer Wash-
ers, Automatic Washers and
Dryers (a new electric blanket
with every dryer), Dishwash-
ers, Television and Sets,
Radios, Transistor Radios,
wr * *
Electric heaters, electric blan-
kets, trans. tape recorders,
tea kettles, fry pans, toasters,
lamps of all kinds.
More and more people are
now buying in Exeter. Drop in,
make your own comparisons.
We deliver and we service what
we sell.
444 Main St.
Air. .and Airs. IL Aimless
spent the weekend in Detroit.
Mr. Tent Nestle returned
home from Victoria Hospital
Saturday afternoon and has re-
turned to school.
Airs. Hari Morgan is a pa-
tient in St. Joseph's Hospital.
Airs. Gordon Eaton is ins-
proving in St. Joseph's Hospital
following a heart attack several
weeks ago.
Oet .protection
Snell Bros.
As low as
We stock exclusively the
famous Bauer for the whole
All used skates recondi-
tioned and sharpened, with
new laces.
See our large stock of
men's, boys', misses' and
Keep your feet dry and
your head cool to live long
and die happy.
snow White
Ea 29c
boz 39c
FROZEN FEATURES Chicken, Turkey or Beef
Morton's Pot Pies 4 rya 99c
Zero Peas 5 F LIP 99c
Top Value Orange Juice 5 6F:gg 99c
White Swan Toilet
R s
Hi-Fi Long Playing
RECOR S only 39c
SPAGHE"`T1 2 2 R 9
Challenger Cohoc
2,000 Stamps
1,000 Stamps
500 Stamps
Nov, 10
Nov, 24
"Never Has So Much Been
Given' To So Manyl"
By MRS. WILLIAM ..RPHPIE and Mrs. William Elford. Miss
TuAmEs ROAD Hall remained for the
• • end At the VOW meeting held on • ".
Wednesday afternoon at the Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller,
mense, Rev. Hugh Wilson in. Air. and Mrs,. Milton •Sleamon
traduced the book "The Word or Exeter, Mrs. Gladys Stew-
and Thy Way" and discussed art were Thursday evening
the first chapter, "What is Re- guests with Air. and Mrs, John . Selves, was answered with. Air. Walter Gunning, Mrs.
"How can I promote peace," Percy Passmore, Mrs. Edgar
About 25 members of Huron.
dale WI met at the home of
Airs, Lloyd. Ballantyne Monday
evening for the short course
"143 lbs. of Meat".
Mrs. Ballantyne and Mrs. Al-
tiler Passmore are the leaders
for the project and the next
meeting will be held at the
home of Airs. Passmore Tues-
day evening.
Personal items
Misses Mabel and Mildred
Thomas, Ida Hall ,of London,
visited on Friday with Mr.
Thames Road group
chooses executive,
Girls visit
— ^ • the weekend in London with her
and, Miss Tibby Wright and,
''Credif on Comments ghtirches. • .. • ••• ••,••,-•St. Joseph's. but 1,S• ttilk
also. spent a. lot of timo with.
her mother wile is a patient in
Lorne Passmore, the occasion Airs, Douglas and
being 'Mrs, Percy Passmore's Airs, D. Stephenson of Lon-
birthday• don accompanied by her group
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Straw, of Girl Guides toured the Eis-
Laurie and Michael of London, enbach Museum on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bray, Air, George Nelly of Grosse
Robert, Janet and Ruth were Point. Michigan, spent the
Sunday guests with Air. and weekend with Mr, Peter Eiscn-
Airs. John Bray. backs,
Mr, and Airs. Douglas Rivers Mr. and Airs. Russell Brown
and "iris of London, Air. and and family of .Greenway vis-
Airs. Robert Jeffery and Doug- ited on Sunday with Air. and
las, Mr. and Airs. Harry jet. Airs. Arthur Baker.
fery and family were Sunday Miss Marion Gill of London
guests with Mr. and Mrs. spent the weekend with her
William Jeffery of Exeter, parents, Air. and Airs. Ed. Gill
Miss Ida Hall of London, and family.
Mr, and Mrs. William Elford, Mr. and Airs, Ken near and
Ronald and Doris, Mr. and Mark of London spent the week-
Mrs. Donald. BraY, Robert, end with her parents, Air, and
Janet and Ruth were Saturday Mrs. Earl Finn.
evening guests with Mr. and
Mrs, Lorne Elford Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pal-
Um-lock of Greenway spent Sun.
clay with Mrs, Lily Gill. Mr, and Airs, James Harris
and family, of London, spent Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brophey
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. of Greenway spent Sunday with
Leonard Harris. Mr, and Mrs. Wellwood. Gill.
Mr. and Mrs, Newton Clarke Mrs, G. Latta of Exeter is of Winchelsea were Sunday visiting this week with Alr, and
evening guests with Airs. Bev- Mrs. George Latta.
erley Morgan and family. Mr. Miss Eleanor Taylor of
Bev Morgan is away deer Woodstock spent the weekend
hunting, with 1101' mother, Mrs. Nola
Mr. and Mrs. 'William Rohde, Taylor and family.
Douglas, Glenn and Calvin Airs. Frank Allister and .la-
were Sunday guests with Air. net of Hamilton are spending
and Airs. Alex Rohde of Alit- this week with her parents
Mr. and MrS. Willis Gill and
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hibbs, f am ily.
Jamie and David of Belleville Sunday visitors with Mr, and
were Sunday guests with Mr, Airs. Ray Patterson and fain. and Mrs. Victor Jeffery, Mrs.
were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hubbs is a niece of Airs, X i -. Adair and Orno. Mr. Gordon for Jeffery. Miens,Mrs. Gordon. Woodburn, Mr. Ross Merrill, Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wood-
Brian and Esther of Clinton burn and Pauline of Corbett. were Sunday guests with Mr. Mrs, John Stocker spent the and Mrs. Almer Passmore. weekend with her sister Mrs. Mrs. Merrill is a patient in St, R. Milne and Air, ;Milne at Joseph's Hospital, London, Willowdale, Rev. Hugh and Mrs. Wilson
called at the Rann funeral
home at Brussels on Friday
evening where the late Airs. R. day School meeting will be
F. Downing lay at rest. Tice held on Friday evening at the
deceased was a close neighbor home of Air. and Mrs. Victor
to sie Brussels manse. Jeffery,
The official board of the Mrs. H. N. Deas and Mrs.
Thames Road charge met in Taylor of London visited with
Thames Road church on Mon- Rev. Hugh and Airs. Wilson
day evening. The annual Sun- on Friday.
See pies 9f .Erttish. hies
The WSWS. attendance and
inetnbei'ship unittee of the
church with Airs. Walter
Weber as convener held
meeting on Thursday, NOV.
with. 1/4good attendance.
Airs. .Gordon Finkbeiner be.
gag the meeting with quiet
music. Those taking part were
Airs. .Roy Betz, Airs. Gordon
Ratz, Nola Feist and Mrs. A.
Al. 'Sehlenker,
Nola Faist sang a, solo. Airs.
Wilfred Mack gave an interest-
ing description with the showing
of slides of her trip to the Brit-
ish Isles,'
Business was conducted by
Mrs. Gordon. Raiz. A bale of
used clothing Ava sent to Rev,
Peck at Port Albany.
A nominating committee was
elected to bring in a slate of
officers at the Deeember meet-
Each member has been
asked to bring a 500 donation.
A social hour was enjoyed.
Teen Town Hallowe'en party
Crediton. Teen Town held a
Hallowe'en party on Friday,
November 3 vith a large attend-
Prizes given for costumes
were; Best dressed couple,
Cathy Buxton a n d Joanne
Hicks; comic couple, Charlie
Browning and Doreen Kenney;
best dressed lady, Elyse Lam-
port; best dressed man, Allen
Roszell comic man, Jim Pfaff;
comic lady, Jim Neil; craziest
of all, Ruth Roeszler.
Teen Town will meet again
on Friday November 0.
Personal items
Mrs. J, Buxton left Saturday
to spend some time with Air.
and Mrs. Richard Bore and
family in Dundas.
Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Woodall
of Royal Oak, Mich. and Mr.
and Mi's, William Gilmartin,
son, Danny, and daughter,
Kerry, of Port Hope, visited
over the weekend at the home
of Mr, and Airs. Jos. Woodall
and with Mr. and Airs. 3. Pryde
and family of Exeter.
Mr, and Airs. W. J. Berg and
girls of Camp Borden and Mr,
and Mrs, j, T. Berg of Island
Falls, Sask., visited over the
weekend with Mr. and Airs,
Oscar Pfaff and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Preszca-
tor and Mr. and Mrs. Claire
Schwartz .attended the Crawford-
Preszcator wedding in London
on Saturday.
Airs. William Oestricher re-
turned 11 o m e Sunday after
spending some time with Mr.
and Mrs, Robert Greenwood of
Pond Mills.
F/L and Mrs. Robert Palmer
and family of Downsview spent
the weekend with Mr. and Airs,
Emery Fahrner. Sunday visi•
tors with Mr. and Mrs, Fahr-
ner were Air. and Mrs. Everett
Botcher and Miss Olive Merritt
Peg,e. IS The TirlIPPA4Ve.cete4 NelteMtler 8, 1902
The. OGIT met in Sunday
School room of the United
Church on Monday, Oct. 29.
The first part of the evening
the girls worked on crafts.
Marlene Thom :p .s o n and
Elaine Green conducted the
worship. The church of God.
was visited and. Rev. Hoffman
explained different parts of the
On Nov. A Rev. R. Farrell
will take the girls through •tho
Airs, William. Snow gave the Rodd of Exeter, Air. and Mrs, St. John's-by-the-Lake Angli-
hospital auxiliary report- Frayne Parsons, Murray, Mar- can Church.
Mrs, Glen Stewart presented caret and Mark of Hurondale,
the slate of officers for 1003: Mr. and. Mrs. Almer Passmore, Per s onal items
President is Mrs. W 1111 a in David, Dennis, Darlene and Mr. and Airs. Wilmer Harri-
Cann; vice-presidents, Mrs. Ed- Dale were Friday evening son and Joanne of Goderich
win. Miller, Mrs. Donald Her- guests with Mr. and Mrs. spent Sunday with Mr. and
nick; secretary, Mrs. Bev
Morgan; assistant, Mrs. Lloyd
Ballantyne; treasurer, Mrs.
Ross Hodbger,
Group leaders, Airs. Barry
Miller and. Mrs. Fleming Simp-
son; Mrs. Jack Borland and
Mrs. Reg fledged; Mrs. Archie
Rtherington and Mrs. Victor
Jeffery; convenor of groups.
Mrs. Archie Etherington;
manse committee, three senior
group leaders; pianists, Mrs.
Alvin Passmore, Mrs. Lloyd
Knight; press secretary, Mrs.
William R.ohde,
Christian Education commit-
tee, Airs, William Rohde. Airs.
Floyd Stewart; Christian citi-
zenship secretary, Mrs, Lee
Webber; literature and supply.
Mrs. Robert Cann; Christian
stewardship, Airs. H. C. Wil-
son; community friendship and
visitations. Mrs. (7 . ANTisernan;
auditors, Alm ii illiam Elford.
Mrs. Carl Hume: nominating
committee. Mrs. William Lam-
port, Airs. Robert Mayer, Mrs.
George Kellett.
Representative to Board of
Stewards, Mrs. Edwin Miller;
representative to official board,
president, Mrs, William Cann;
renresentative to Al & Al com-
mittee, treasurer, Mrs, Ross
liodgert; finance committee,
treasurer, second •vice-uresi-
dent, stewardship chairman
and senior group leader, Airs.
POSS. Rockfert, 'Donald
`Remick, Mrs. Hugh Wilson,
Mrs. Jack Borland.
President Mrs. Cann was in
the chair for the meeting.
Take meat course
of London and Air. Calvin
Fainner of Selkirk.
Mr. and Airs. Joe Finkbeiner
are spending a few days with
Mr. and Airs. Eugene Fink-
beiner and family at Barrie.
Airs. Walter Weber, Airs, Earl
Nell, Mrs, Earl, 1-laist and Mrs.
Lorne fledge attended the Lon-
don Area Convention for the
Women's institute on Monday.
Mrs. Wilfred Mack also attend-
ed and remained for Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs, Walter Weber
and Shelley visited on Sunday
with Rev, and Airs. C. B. Carr
of St. Jacobs.
Airs. Ross li:rueger and Mrs.
Nelson Schenk attended the
Mary Hastings banquet spon-
sored by the London Free Press
held at Hotel London on Mon-
News budget from
St, Jame.s' bazaar
A successful bazaar was held
on Saturday in the Sunday
School room of St. James
church under auspices of the
Ladies' Guild of which Mrs.
Alan Hill is president..
The rector the Rev. E. 0.
Lancaster welcomed the guests
and opened the bazaar at 2.30.
Conveners were; Farmer's
booth, Airs. Wilfred Cunning-
ham; home baking, Mrs. Alan
Hill, Airs. Ernie Lewis, Airs,
rthur Cunningham; candy,
Misses Nancy Hill, Barbara
Cunningham, Joan and Jean
Cunningham; sewing, Airs, E.
0, Lancaster, Airs, Almer Hen-
drie, Airs, Mervin Carter and
Mrs, Carlyle Carter; tickets,
Mrs. Ed Flynn and Airs. Alvin
The tea table, centred with
mums, made an attractive set-
ting with the new church diSh-
es. Assistants were Mrs. Rea
Hodgins, Mrs, Cecil Carter,
Mrs, Andy Carter, Mrs. Robert
Latta, Mrs. Jim Cunningham,
Tea assistants were Misses
Elaine Hodgins, Nancy Hill,
Joan, Jean and Barbara Cun-
Personal items
Air. and Mrs. Wilfred Logan
and Myrna, Thorndale, visited
Saturday evening with the Paton
family. Mrs. Paton has been
Mr. and Mrs. Clare Paton
and Jimmy visited Mrs. Harvey
Riehi and Bob and Mr. and
Mrs. Ken Bradley in Stratford
Sunday evening.
Miss Helen Sigsworth spent
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