HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-11-08, Page 14P400 14 The Times•MYecate, Nevember 1962 ' A new way to cover up The wig is back in style and ladies speak about their wig with the same pride that yester- day they used to say —my mink", The Egyptians were among the first to use wigs but they had an. excuse—wigs protected them from the heat of the sun. When the style came back in the 1600's it was strictly for vanity's sake. From the mo- ment Louis XIV became bald the wig was the thing in Paris and the style quickly jumped. the Channel to England, The English, eager for a diversion after the gloomy rule of the Cromwells, took up wigs with a vengeance. Children were for- bidden to go out-of-doors alone lest sonic thief snip off their locks. Wigs finally fell with the Bastille and after the Revolu- tion anyone appearing on the street in Paris in a wig was likely to lose it as well as his head. French hairdresses were ruined but the National As- sembly voted them 22 million francs in compensation. England kept its powdered wigs on until the government needed money to fight the wig- less French. The fashionable Englishman powdered his wig with flour that should have been Made into bread for the poor but when the government slap- ped a tax on hair pOwder the wig went the way of all fads, wore then when a woman wore a wig it was because she was an actress, was going to a fancy dress party or had lost her own hair. But no more: The wig has now become high fashion. When labor was cheap in On- tario, grandmother could take the combings .1-roM her long hair and tuck them into the hair receiver, She could also ' find some dealer who was ready to pay a price for her industry in saving it. "That end of the business as dead" say the wig- makers, The weekly session un- der the dryer doesn't help the hair--most of the hair used in making wigs is itteperted. Wigs are now being Made. of spills nylon and can be washed and. When dry regAin their nat- ural hair-do. Many of them can scarcely be distinguished tram a hat and are made up in many different -styles and colors. Did you 'note that in last Week's issue that hair.. stSitsts demonstrating to CGIT group put a white wig en the leader? October 27 at 1 p.m. Father William Smith per- formed the ceremony and Jane Moons. Forest, played the wed- ding music. Given in marriage by her father the bride sure a gown of white taffeta styled with fit- ted bodice, lily point sleeves. scoop neckline trimmed with se- quins and pearls and the front skirt panel studded with se- quins. A tiara of pearls and rhinestones held her three-quar- ter length veil of French silk illusion and she carried a bou- quet of orange roses, white daisies and trailing ivy. Elaine Grassier, Grand Bend, was maid of honor for her sis- ter and wore a gold brocade satin dress and carried orange mums, white daisies and ivy. Therese. Grenier was flower girl in white organdy with gold sash and carried a basket of orange mums. Joseph Giosia, Montreal, was best man for his brother and brothers of the bride, Eugene and William 'Greiner. ushered. A reception was held in the Imperial Hotel, Grand. Bend, where the bride's mother re- ceived guests in. a winter white brocade dress, turquoise acces- sories and pink rose corsage. For a honeymoon spent in New York and Philadephia the bride travelled, in a winter white suit with black patent and deep pink accessories and corsage of pink roses. The couple Montreal, will reside in Bake better with Gas We'll deliver clean, safe LP gas direct to your door, Enjoy modern living! HOTSON Propane Phone 156•W Grand Bend Shipka fetes area bride SHIPKA Miss Betty Pickering. whose marriage to, Mr. Hersey Steep- er of West McGillivray is plan. ned for November 10, was hon- ored with a miscellaneous show- er by the community on Fri- day mght. Personal items Mr. and Airs. Schbnkert of !Marysville, alieh • were Sun- day visitors with Air. and Aire. Verne Sharpe and Miss Eleanor Sharpe of London and Mr. Glen Sharpe of Guelph, who Were spending the weekend with their parents. Mr, and Airs. harry Chapman of London and Mr. and Airs. Jack Corbett and Al of Hensel' attended the anniVe,sar, secs- lees at Grand Bend United church on Sunday and were gueate with Mr. and Airs. Les Adams. Harvey .and Gloria air. Robert Adams left Sate urdas for a week's hunting hear the French Rim cr. Mr. and Mrs, Rosa Lose and Air. and Mee,. Douglas Gill of Grand Bend were Wednesday visitors with lien. Alervsn Dave. Mrs. Lose, Allan and Carol, at Leamington Mr. and Mrs, IL Parsons. Audres and Phi Ilia. of London. visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Harlin Mr. and air:, Clifford Dell. Clinton. and Hoek of Richmond Mil were weekend visitors WO Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Morenz and 13111. Mrs, George Robertson. of WheAlle.y. add Airs, Clyde Nick- olson of Erigden Were Monday visitors with Air. and Mrs, Hers bent Harlton. A Hallowe'en party no Friday, with Miss Pearl Ann 'Erb in the chair. The eons ee n ch at ee consisted of shades Erb, Dee- m, Bachert, Mary Gingerich, and Arnold Erb, THE LUCAN LODGE HOME IOR THE AGED `RATES PRIVATE ROOM, 5260 PER MONTH SEMIPRIVATE, $150 PER MONTH 4•BED WARD, $135 PER MONTH For further information, phone Sr RIDDICK, LUCAN 227-4474 A REAL TREAT I READY • TO • COOK Rabbit Fryers NOW AVAILABLE IN THIS DISTRICT Fink's Meat Market MAIN STREET — EXETER— 235,1313 Exeter Frozen Foods MAIN STREET — EXETER — 235.0400 and Al's Super Save HENSALL PHONE I/ This new, exciting meat is raised and prepared by the Huron Rabbit Breeders Association. It's different if's ail, white meet „ only 8 percent bone high in protein bUt low in calories • • • TRY SOME TODAY. Bit your best buy in spreads! r FREEI Marie tOseet uCtif(te take rieW recipes bil:getterWith.ElatterliNtiteieday„ • • Baskets of gold mums and white, daisies decorated the al- tar of Immaculate Heart of Mary Roman Catholic church, Grand Bend, for the marriage of Marion Al a r i e Grenier, daughter of Air. and Mrs, Rol- and Grenier to Peter Al. Giosia, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nicola Giosia, Montreal on Saturday, • Plan Montreal home MR, AND MRS, PETE GIOSIA --Photo h; x ores,. Far the first time in the his- tory of Beta Sigma Phi Soror- sty the presentation of the Order of the Rose Degree was made to a member, Airs, Robert Din. ney, at the annual pledge ban. (met held in the Dufferin Hotel, Centralia. on. Tuesday evening. The Order of the Rose isean honorary degree given only to those with spepial. geelifica- one of which is a 15-year membership in Beta Sigma Phi. Those receiving the Pledge Degree were Mrs. Lee Sher- men, Miss Brenda Brenner, Mrs. Peter Raymond and Airs. Don llenclrielc all of Exeter and 'Mrs. John 'Witteveen, The pledge ritual was conduct- ed by President Mrs, Norman Amos assisted by Viee-Preaident Mrs, William King and Trees- urer, Mrs, Alan Gasch.o, .Spon- sor, Mrs. Muriel Sweet and Director, Mrs. Clara Welling- ton. Mrs. Amos conducted the candlelight ceremony assisted ey Mrs. Don Graham, Airs• Robert Fletcher. Miss Norma Sorority awards honorary degree Mrs Arthur Hamilten, At- wood, was. the guest speaker. at the meeting of the Caven OW- Wes[gce, Mrs. William .Kirigi .don Evening Auxiliary Monday atrs, LOn Veri, Mrs. Joseph evening, Wooden, .1Mrs. Lloyd. Smith and She gave the history .of the Mrs. Ross TtielSeY. \VMS (Western .Divisionl which Five charter members were will celebrate its 100th eenis Also in. attendance to honor eersaey Montreel in 19d4, Alva, Dewey, They were MI'S. Mrs. Don :Frahm contributed .sletnee lleweliffe, London, Alt's. solo .ACCOMpapied by Alt's. J. .Gordon "Tisynliam, Alm Lou c. aliss Donna Erman Halley, Aire, Gertrude 'May and led in the devotional. Miss. Marian iiissette A silent .auction was held. be- Toasts Were proposed by Mrs. fore the business meeting with. Robert, feleteher and Mrs, King. the proceeds to go to the .sup- Mrs. Peter Raymond replied to ply fend which this year sends the toast le. the Pledges, Mrs, gifts to Byron Sanitarium, R. W. Read and Miss Jean Tay. The meeting was preceded by ler were co-conveners of the .supper 6.30 p.m, to which dinner, each, member invited a guest. ;1%, .saeSseSseseareeee•sesse By MRS, 4, M, Did anyone try the recipe .for Stuffed Baked Potatoes — Appleeauce cake given in. last Cut. a slice from the broad side week's came? If so, you found of each baked potato and scoop the amount of flour was miss. potato out of shell. Slash hot trig. The recipe calls for 14 potato and add diced ham or cups all purpose flour, Sorry cooked meat, chopped parsley if. you were inconvenienced by and a little milk and melted this omission, - butter. Refill shell. Reheat and serVe, Canada's Most Famous Apple flied Potatoes — po- Travel across Canada from Atlantic to Paeifie and its tatoes.e rice, them hot potato ricer, serve a- moat any market when you pick wits round meat stews or goulashes. up an apple chances are it will a Meletosh, It is considered to Meshed Potatoes a— :tise as a he , Canada's greatest consoler- topping for meat pies, stews or vial apple — a favorite. with meat loaves or use in stuffing growers and consumers alike, for pork 01' veal roasts or shape it yields well, stores well, has mashed potatoes into nests on an excellent taste and beautiful greased baking sheet and hrown red color — what more could in oven, Fill nests with peas or diced vegetables. one ask of an apple? A. few weeks ago on the farm Household Hints at :Dundela, Dundas County in - How many times. have you Ontario a plaque was erected put too much salt in the slew to commemorate John. Mein- and not been able to hide the tosh, the discoverer of the fa- fact from the family? Cook a .mous McIntosh apple. The tree ew more potatoes with the was discovered as a seedling - stew and , they will absorb the on his farm over 150 years ago. extra if It enjoyed no more than a lo-"' cal reputation until around 1900 when it became a well estab- Pe fallayeonyottitialtiadgollidttelne bmeaerc isng,aLpie- lished variety in eastern Can- after it has cooled? Chances are THIS 'N THAT Gordon • group hears history and Mrs. Russell Worden, has been selected as one of four teen outstanding 4-li members wise will form the delegation representing Ontario at Na- tional 4-H club week in Toron- to from Nov, 10 to WI entertaining. night Slaffa Womeif.s Institute's entertaining night took the form of a Hallowe'en party its Star- fa township hall on Tuesday evening, Oct, 30 with Goulds, .ilonkton and Walton institutes as guests. Miss Vera ,IlembleY was in charge of .registration with over 60 registering. The evening opened with grand march of everyone in costume with prizes being awarded to best dressed, airs. Stewart, Monkton; best comic, airs, Clyne, Geoids; oldest lady in costume, Mrs, Young, Monk- ton. While those in eoeturne were changing, those not in costume were having their fortunes told by the old witch with her black pot and broom. Airs, 'Russell Word en and Mrs. Gerald Agar were in charge of the games for which the guests were separated into four groups, Roll call. "what would do with an odd Mo- ment" was answered by all in- stitutes, Business was dealt with and everyone was re- minded to get their gift for the :Institute's Chinese orphan to Airs. Tom Laing or Miss Olive Spcare right away, Mrs. Carter Kerslake intro- duced the guest speaker Miss Kay Worden, a local 4.ei girl, who gave a very interesting ac- cou nt by word and picture, of her slay at OAC last June as a 4-ft delegate and her bus trip in August down through Eastern Canada rep- resenting the junior Farmers. Mrs. Kailey, Gould's, played an instrumental and Mrs. Young, Monkton, gave a recitation. She. also led in a sing song of old favorites accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Kailey, Airs, Ce- cil. Bowman gave the courtesy remarks, $TAFFA Kay Wardell. danghter of Mr• 114se;AtsEvans: funniest, David prettiest, Gail ►funniest,tr ,'rigs bet6guieLinda Moore: AirtisonoBiterrathIle)8;%teortol PneWs.7(l;v1.1(..t. By aid Agar, Kenneth parsons, MRS, JP1-10 TEMPLEMMN Airs, Lain g II:01 41%1 , a d t eras- social pepila. unch seas ser'v:ed by the .110 [lees...g ee poly Ai - , Mrs, M. Kemp and her PPP- 'entire's..'Pl4etileentlAitne.riVilleltoilsdaalillonSepl.':- ils '.$,S NO. Hibbert held tai, London, their liallpwol qi .partY 90 Theresa Miller, daughter of (ley evening. with everyone in Air, and Mrs, Russell : Millet, the ..seetten being` iiivitcd. The had her cast removed this past pupils put .on a prograin M, week in St, Joseph ileapital.. lowed by a. Parede .of everyone London, after being 'laid on in costume, 12 Prize Whirlers were; best with brekell. leg for wee". Staffa girl delegate to 4.H club week avertveetre.vAstaximermes Letter from Bri nsley GORDONBy. MPR.L.OT me••••• • •p,laiikeisrsolutaiorsZt Personal items Mr. and Mrs, Harold Keep- ton were Sunday guests or airs, FredFenton. Mrs, 140 Watson and Bob have taken up residence in 'Exe• ter. Air. Rae Lewis and Gordon Morley motored to Burgessville On Wednesday. Air. Kelly Robinson is erect- ing a new drive shed at hip farnal il liosve'en pasaed very quiets ly in this vicinity with a few spooky figures out as usual, Mrs, Jack Trevithick, Airs, Don Newey and her twin daugh- ters spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Waleer. Morley and Kathleen. BLAKE NEWS Mr. Lloyd McBride and Das vid, of Windsor spent the week- end at their farm on the town Mr, and Mrs. Herold lien- thick and Elaine of Dashsvood, Mr,: Donald Forrest were Sun- day guests with Mr. Harold Finlay and family. Air. Frank Fillinghalu and daughter of New Liskeard, ited friends in this vicinity 'ode day last week. Hallowe'en party The Blake Public School held Waves buy nurse stools At a meeting of the Huron Wa es of the Mary Hastings Club preceded by a pot luck supper in Crediton Community Centre Monday, October 2a it was voted to purchase two stools for the nurses' rest period in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, the executive to be the par- chasers. President Mrs. Ross Krbeger presided for a progam which included a skit by Mrs. Col- cough and Airs, Falconer. Clin- ton, readings by Mrs. F. Stade, Dashwood. airs. Beierling and Airs, Thiel. Zurich, and Mrs. Colcough, and a singsong led by Mrs. E. Fahrner. Mr. Cartier, London, who spoke briefly won the prize for the lucks, chair; Mrs. O'Connell, Clinton, won a prize for the largest earrings and Mrs. Thiel ads. Since then it has become that the egg whites were not won the draw on the ta ble can- one of the leading varieties in beaten enough after the sugar tre. North America, was added. The sugar should New president for 1963 will be Today with improved storage be completely dissolved in the Airs, Percy Noels, RR 1 Cred- methods, fortunately we can en• whites before baking to give a iton, and vice-president, Mrs. joy this apple from fall right light, line textured meringue. Audrey Geiser. Exeter. The through to swing, Overcooking any vegetable is two-year president is Airs. Have you had your apple to- a poor kitchen practice. Start Frank Glanville and two-year day? the vegetables in boiling salted vice - president, Mrs. Hubert The Consumer section, Can- water, The longer the vege- Cooper. ada Department of Agriculture tables are cooked the more the Mrs. Paul Schenk acted as suggests ways of using apples valuable nutrients will escape secretary in the absence of Mrs. every clay of the week: into the air and cooking water. Nelson Schenk. Monday; A fresh apple for Save the vegetable water for your midmorning break at soups and gravies. school or work or for your late Roll grated cheese into left- evening snack, over pie lough, Th infra into thin strips and bake 475 Tuesday: Apple wedges with degree oven until lightly brown slices of cheese for dessert at lunch or supper. ed. These cheese slices go well Wednesday: Apple and cab- with soups and as a perky bage salad for lunch. Use equal salad addition, amounts of chopped, unpeeled red apple and sliredded cab- bage. Caved CC sees Thursday: Baked apples for supper. Fill centres with honey d• and nuts. Friday: Apple sauce with toast for brealdast. At the meeting of Caven.Con- Saturdey: Apple dumpling for gregational Circle Tuesday eve- Personal items Mr, Paul Dietrich and Donald O'Rourke of London spent the weekend at their homes. Mr. and Airs. Leonard Ryan of Chicago visited their rela• lives in village and with Miss Miss Mary McLaughlin of London. Air, Jack Doyle of London spent Sunday with his sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill McCann. Airs. Josephine Dietrich of Zurich visited with relatives over the weekend, Alr. Charles Regier held A successful auction sale last Saturday with good prices Pre, va air, and Airs. Wilfred Alban and girls and Mrs. Mary Des- eArdine visited its Merlin On Sunday with Air. and :firs. :To. senh I-1011. Misr Nancy Yolk of Park- hill spent last weekend with her sister and family, Mr, and Ales. Jack Hogan. air. and Mrs. Paul Ilazis spent Sunday in London with Hsh' family- Miss Theresa Carey of Lon• don spent, the weekend at the Borne of her narents, Air and ..str. Hebert Carey. Airs. Jack Pearson and sons of Zurich spent Monday after- noon at the hemp of her par. enls. Mr. and Airs. Patrick Sullivan Sr. • A Division 61 DAIRY FARMERS OF GANADA '147 Davenport Road, Toronto B Mt: Carmel honors pair MIT, CARMEL A large crowd attended the presentation and dance for the newly-weds. Mr, and Mrs. Ste- phen Dietrich last Friday eye- ning held in Mt. Carmel Hall. The bride and groom were presented with a purse of mon- ney. Michael Ryan read the address and William. Reeler made the presentation. Hallowe'en party lunch. Sunday: Apple pie and cheese ning Airs. W. Siebert. Zurich, for Sunday dinner, demonstrated'. her, hobby, the Potatoes in Many Ways finishing and decorating of drift-Serve wood. The Holy Name Society gave Potatoes are plentiful these the teen-agers and school chil- days and here are sonic tips She also showed the group dren a Hallowe'en party and to serve them: other ideas for Christmas par- treats novel- in the parish hall, Wed- Parsley Potatoes—Roll small ties and decorations and nesday evening. boiled potatoes in melted butter ticularly stressed that no mat- Over 125 children attended and sprinkle with chopped pars- ter how ins aluable an object. and reported a good time and ley. may seem, something veluable plenty of goodies. Mrs. Roy Cheese Potatoes — Roll boiled ”(1 pretty maybe made from Ryan entertained, them and potatoes in melted butter then it. Mrs, area Simmonss thanked played records to keep the par- in grated cheese, Brown in hot Mrs. Siebert and the group in ty lively, oven, charge of the program. peeled Mrs. Murray Keys, recently Browned Potatoes — Parboil potatoes to min, Coat appointed organist of the church with fat and cook in roasting played piano Selections. Airs. pan around' roast 45 to 50 min. Norman Stanlake led in the de- Quieked B a k e d Potatoes — rational. Cut potatoes in half. Brush President Mrs. Harry Strang halves with oil and place cut was in the chair and during the side. down on baking sheet, -husiness eerier! further plans 3B5akme milti 425 degree oven 30 to for the Christmas Fee' and lea on December 1 were discussed. !splay of crafts Foodsai SerVite Bureau Exeter Public Utilities .Commission PHONE 235 ,1350 MAIN' STREET BUY AN. ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYER. NOW GET A FREE ELECTRIC BLANKET MAKE EVERY DAY A DRYING DAY ELECTRICALLY...COSTS LESS THAN 5( A FULL LOAD TO OPERATE! tctwomicAL. r M eLe ss • oticslieeeSs oseee • ntxttclatLY AUTOMATIC CHOOSE FROM ANY OF THESE FAMOUS BRANDS et:Atte • coral et.b.HASAnsidial * CONNOR • CORONADO • DOMINION • Egton'N•VIKING • G NI, FRIGIDAIRE " G ENERAL tit.Ctrilt. • 0,16118 IItLV1NATOR • ttertAitti 4-H REPRESENTATIVE . . Kay Warden THIS tiOlitk tabb At THE STORES DISPLAYING T1;0s '$YrilttoL146V,011b TO bttfitTit MAXWELL tAmcilpiTcLAAc! Tys. T.yt.t, ANo t ylx i RCA WHIRLPOOL ti sSiptrtpusiro'su—liEEENKKII5 seils•titi • THOR • Co•# VISCOUNT ► WESTINGHOUSE ,,.AND OCHER PINt.t)1MtES In the first half of 1962 the value of goods imported into Canada totalled e3,139,000,000, an increase of 13,6 per cent over the corresponding period of the preceding year, while exports increased by 12.4 per cent to a value of $3,012,700,- 000. Get-Acquainted Special . SO OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS CAN MEET OUR NEW STYLIST MISS DARLENE FROM ALBERTA We are offering the following Special; $15 PERMANENT FOR $10 (INCLUDES COLOR RINSE) Offer Expires .Noyember 17 Modern Beauty Salon BRENDA BRENNER. Phone 235-1663 Exeter • DOLlisLt IBMD tze email 2•YEAPE GOARANTEt A Tor, QUALITY BLANKET • toisivektmie CONT6uneb C0/114RFIS CAN BE WASHCD AND Onto AUTOMATICALLY A $29.95 VALUE!!