HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-11-08, Page 12FRE * 4)InIngiort NVLON 66 RIFLE 27 ,ohbr , semt-outernotoc Don't Forget COB Us For AN Your Needs Qui&Lour eon Service "Ale .The Tirmn-A0vp.oatei ft, 1962. (; 16 Properly For Sale 13 For Sale 13 For Sale DRYER BUY! 1.6 Properly For Sale 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale .5 Help Wanted NW0ANITnEwDr—a insurance WANTED—Insurance R,ce2.1.iP:0:11rble01,7 Ttepra.rt- time — required - arEeax." Please write, giving names of towns you can cover, to—Insur- ance Reporter, Box 335, Ade- laide St. P.O., Toronto, Ont. 3 Male Help Wanted Classified Rates KITCHEN BUFFET, in Mel- 1956 DODGE va. lent _condition, white with red 4-door sedan, automatic trans- arborite top, lots of storage mission, radio, heater, White. 5P-aeo, Phone 2354304, Call J B at 1863 22 Words *85 Each Additionel Word 30 (Minimum 850) 20c Off C. V. ,PICKARD Business Administrator 4,, wall tires, metallic green and KELVINATOR appliances are whiter. Reasonable, good appliances, ' We sell and we service Kelvinator refrig- erators, Kelvinator deep freeze E. L. CHAT & SONS .chests, upright freezers„ ranges, Credit= Road and #4 Hwy. wringer washers, automatic Phone 228-6641 washers and dryers. Free bleu- Se ket, with .every dryer. Terms if • - - ' desired, Sandy Elliot, 444 Mein '54 PLYMOUTH., with radio, in St, 8c good condition; reasonable for . . _ ... . . . , quick sale. Phone Dashwood .350.0, 8c REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Westinghouse Electric ,Dryer Limited- Offer $1,39 Other models at similarly low prices and with FREE ELECTRIC BLANKET We have clients prepared to buy, If you Wish to sell, see us. The. Clinton District. Collegiate Institute Board invites applica- tions, for the position of Secre- tary-Treasurer and Business Administrator, Knowledge of accounting, purchasing and per- sonnel management, prefer. able. Duties to commence on or be- fore January 2, 1963 and ap- Plieation to be submitted by November 12, 1962 and marked accordingly, Apply stating age, qualifica. lions, educational background and salary expected to: H. C. LAWSON, Sec,-Treas. Clinton, Ontario. :Lt paid by Saturday following last insertion- • Second Insertion EXETER, New 3-bedroom, located on the river .bank, hot water, oil heat, full basement, at ached garage, Beautifelly landscaped, Owner transferred. EXETER — 4-bedroom home on Andrew St., nicely (Jewel- ed, new kitchen and bath, new furnace, $7,500 with terms, APARTMENT HOUSE, one block from Main St. All units rented to reliable tenants Oil heat. HOUSE, 3-bedroom, in village of Centralia, hot water, oil heat, large lot, Ideal for re- tired farm couple. Reasonably priced, — Brand new ranch type with attached garage, A most practical floor plan with 3la on p large bedrryodoo lvmBs.L000k for our sign EXETER — New 3-bedroom: priced below replacement cost; large landscaped lot with gar- age; $71 per month after reasonable down payment. EXETER — 2-bedroom with oil heat, located one block front centre of town; attached garage and oil heat, BUILDING LOT, close to cen- tre of town and schools, Priced to sell, with terms. LAUN D RY SUPERVISOR Qualifications: Preferably Grade X education, Completion of a recognized training course in operation of a commercial or institutional laundry. nor- otigh knowledge of laundry machinery and materials. AT LEAST 5 years experience in a commercial or institutional. laundry, Supervisory and in- structional ability, Mechanical aptitude, Salary range: $3240.00 - $3750.00. Reply to: Business Admini- strator, Ontario Hospital, Gode- rich, Sc HOUSE with low tax acreage; comfortable 3-bedroom home; desirable location; garage and small barn, This property is in gond condition; moderately Priced. with liberal terms; quick possession., SMALL HOUSE with new bath- room and oil burning furnace. While this is a low priced property, you will be agree- ably surprised at the comfort- able living it offers, Terms ,if .es. - desired, INDUSTRIAL building — 80' 28', tile block construction, heavy duty wiring, radiant heating. While this building is particularly suited for small industry, machine shop etc., it could be converted into dwell- ing apartments. BRICK BUSINESS BLOCK -- Choice location on Main St. Two stores with two apart- ments above. Whole building is centrally heated. Oil, Separate storage basements for stores, Full bathrooms and kitchens in apartments, Apartments clean and ready for occupancy, Rea- sonable price. Terms. FOR RENT—Two apartments. We also solicit your business for any type of general insur- ance. • 21 2 PER wow:, • AllnIMUM 550) Six Insertions 2c PER woiao (Minimum 450) Semi-Display Classifieds (Restricted to One Column) First Insertion—Per Inch 51.40 Second Insertion—Per Inch $1,25 Minimum one inch, accepted only in multiples of 32 inch. Season's Best Buy! 12 MEN'S QUALITY TOPCOATS Clearing at HALF PRICE $24,95 While they last. * 12 MEN'S WINTER JACKETS Quilt-lined, sthartly styled, Reg. $17.95 to $22.50 All at one low clearance price BEAVERS CREST HARDWARE Phone 235.1033 Exeter 8e 1951 MORRIS MINOR, 4-door, with whitewalls, good tires, new battery, runs pretty well, leather upholstery, Certainly a good buy at $175. Don South. colt, Exeter Times-Advocate,_ Friday or Saturday. 11:8tfec COME IN AND SEE our com- plete line of juvenile furniture. Dinney Furniture, phone 235- 0173 Exeter, 8c B.ERNINA sewing machines — Dinney Furniture, phone 235- 0.173. Everyone needs a hobby —inake yours sewing, 8c 1949 DODGE, in good condi- tion, custom built radio. Phone George Tiernan, 105 Dashwood. 8* 1:80 8 Situations Wanted PART-TIME WORK, evenings, Saturdays; home typing, exper- ienced stenography, bookkeep- ing, general office, sales lady. PO Box 435. 8;15* Classifications '55 PLYMOUTH, 4-door, stand- ard transmission,in good c on- dition, Phone 235.1510. SHERLOCK - MANNING pianos See them at Dinney Furniture. Come in and choose one for your home, Pianos t toted, Phone 235-0173, 8c HEAT HOUSER for Interna- tional II tractor. Phone Grand Bend 57r4, KITCHEN RANGE, wood or coal, $10 or best offer, Simplic- ity wringer washing machine, $20. Phone 2354406. 8c SWING SET, outdoor; jackets, snow suits, snow pants, sweat- ers, shirts, sizes 3, 6X, priced 81 00 to 84,00: new electric blanket. ,28 Victoria St. W,, Exeter, phone 235-0636. COMBINED $11.95 Bookkeeper, Stockkeeper And Front-End Man 1, Lost, Strayed 2. Found S. Male Help Wanted 4. Female Help Wanted 5. Help Wanted 6. Business Opportunities 7, Teachers Wanted S. Situations Wanted 9. Services 10. Livestock For Sale 11. Poultry For Sale 12. Cars, Trucks For Sale 13, For Sale 14. Wanted To Buy 15. "Ci: anted 16. Property For Sale 17, Property For Rent 18. For Rent 19, For Sale or Rent 20, Wanted To Rent 21. Property Wanted 22. Notices • 23, Legal Notices 24. Tenders Wanted 25. Auction Sales 13 For Sale WALPER'S MEN'S WEAR Phone 235-0991 8c Take Advantage NOW 9 Services GIRL'S COAT, hat and leg- gings, wool, medium brown, with fur trim, size 8 -10, in very good condition. May be seen at Brady Cleaners. Sim CHESTERFIELD, 2 tables, lamp, suitable for den; cheap. Phone 235-2154, 8c MILKER, National deluxe twin unit, used one year, with motor and attachments, half price. Exeter Farm Equipment, phone 235-1380. 8c 2 QUEBEC HEATERS, med- ium size; 2-burner camp stove; 1 blue dress, size 14; 8 mm movie projector. Phone 235- 0704. 8* DRESSED DUCKS Apply Glen Jeffery, RR 3 Exeter, phone 235-1716. 8c RECORD PLAYER; 45 rpm, perfect condition. Phone 235- 0224. 8c HADCO WELL DIGGING—Ma- chine dug 1 ft, to ft. diameter up to 150 ft. deep; repairing and deepening. Highway 85, Elmira MO 9-3761, or Lucan BA 7-4680. 6:7*tfnc ANYONE wishing whitewash- ing or disinfecting barns for brucellosis, contact Bill Wet- son, phone 37r19 Dashwood 5:25*tfnc JOHN BURKE of our Pre-Christmas Sale Lay-away for her a beautiful OrCal Diamond, insured Free for one year, For him, a Dependable Elgin or Elea Wrist Watch. Guaran- teed for one year. Pleasing you pleases us. FOR LOCAL GARAGE Limited REAL ESTATE BROKER MORTGAGE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE INCLUDING LIFE DEVON BUILDING .EXETER Phone 235-1863 11:1tfnc ( I; Apply Box WRB, EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE 11:8c C. V. PICKARD, REALTOR 394 Main St., Exeter Phones 235-0310 and 235.0414 GIRL'S WINTER COAT, size 12, bright blue color, a very dressy style and in new con- dition, reasonable. 'Phone 235- 0537. 8" SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED — Immediate service, always available. Harold Butler, Lu• can, phone BA 7-4254 or BA 7- 4312 collect, 10: 4.1.fne 9:13tfim Wilson 's Jewellery & Gifts 8c 4 Female Help Wanted OIL BURNER, large size, with fan, in excellent condition, reasonable. Apply Joe Ryan, RR 8 Parkhill, Ont. 8" COUNTRY LIVING "At It's Best!" STENOGRAPHER PAINTING and odd carpenter jobs. Phone 228-6687 Centralia, 91201111c LUCAN 5-DAY WEEK For permanent position in Ex- eter office, good salary. Apply Box NAS, Exeter Times- Advocate 3: Stfne SALESLADY to take charge of ladies' wear dep't of Ex- eter store. Apply in writing to Box D52, Exeter Times-Advo- cate 8c MIXED SLAB WOOD, S30.00 truckload, delivered Apply to Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, or phone 232-4450 Nairn, 3:22tfuc (See picture next week) Airport road, Centralia—Large 2-bedroom home, oil heat, at- tached garage, large living room, dining room, kitchen, furnished rec room in base- ment, well landscaped, asphalt drive, TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Grand Bend — Suitable Motel Site 132-foot frontage, one block south of bridge, 350-foot river dockage. Present income is $2,560,00 yearly from 7 cottages on property. GARBAGE CAN, step-on; com- mode; chemical closet; 2 Duo- Therm oil heaters; minnow pail; Singer treadle sewing machine: hand lawn mower. Phone 235-2884 or apply 94 Simcoe St., Monday to Friday. 8c Private modernized, one-floor brick, 3 bedrooms, sun room, broadloom in living' room, din- ing room, new oil furnace, oversized garage, patio, fenced lot. DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For dead or disabled animals, call DARLING & COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED 1 Lost, Strayed OIL BURNER, fairly good con- dition, cheap. Apply 73 Simeoe St. 9:6tfnc APPLES, all leading varieties. Victor Jeffery, RR 3 Exeter, phone 235-0387. 9:11tfnc SPRAYED APPLES — Spy, King, Russet, Tatman Sweet, Snow, Delicious, Grpenin g. Fred McClymont & Sons, one mile south of Varna. 11:18:25:1;8:15c TOY MANCHESTER and Fox Terrier puppies, registered and unregistered; 1 Daschhund fe- male, 2 years, black and tan. Phone Mrs. Alex McIntosh, Ciandeboye, 297-4598. 10:18tfnc CHUNK PIG, between Cent- ralia and Hensel'. Finder please phone 228-6309. Sc YEARLING STEER, brown, in September, on Lot 9, South Boundary, Stephen, Anyone knowing whereabouts please phone collect 234.6413, Clayton Sims. A reward. 7c We have the best variety of the most popular toys in the area, All the TV- advertised toys are on display, including the exclusive Lego creative building sets, from $2.50, Kenny Toys TOYS! Wheel Toys, TOYS! Games, TOYS! Models, Dolls, See them all in our Basement ToytoWn — a whole floorful of fun! TOYS ! TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! DON DOWNS Lucan 227-4423 Sc Phone Collect Hunter 2-7269 Licence No. 175-C-62 9:20tfnc 14 Wanted To Buy AVON COSMETICS Needs m a t u r e, ambitious, energetic woman with car to represent these top-quality pro- ducts, Openings in Stephen, Usborne and McGillivray town- ships. Write or call collect: MRS, M. MILLSON 960 Wellington. Rd. S., London GE 2-9019 8c HOUSE, 2-bedroom, corner lot, well-kept, renovated through- out. Contact Cal Wein, 172 Anne St. W., phone 235-2635. 12tfnc HAVING PURCHASED Thomas Welsh & Sons saw mill in Hen- salt and operating it now, I am in the market for logs and standing timber in this dist- rict, paying top cash prices. Special prices on good hard maple, cherry and soft maple logs or standing timber. Con. tact: Gats Saw Mill at Hen- sail, phone 1; or write Gats Saw Mill, 290 Ashland Ave., London. 7:26tfnc I AM DOING RADIO and TV repair work. Call Jim Laye, 293-3134 Ailsa Craig. 10:4tfnc DRESSMAKING and altera- tions, in my home. Invisible mending done at a reasonable rate. Personal mending also. Mrs. Shirley Watson, Dash- wood. 10;1141:15c FOR PROMPT, dependable TV service, call. Lucan Radio and TV, phone 227-4432. 10:18.11:29c 2 Found WARTIME HOUSE, 2-bedroom, with basement and floor fur- nace. Apply Vern Postill, 373 Marlborough St., Exeter. 1:8c BRACELET, on Sanders St., on Sunday evening. Nov. 4. Owner please call in at the Times-Advocate. 17 Property For Rent • .',,..k:t:t,k1:1'11AW•:,:i:....:..','c,:'4AVIVAROP" • APARTMENT, in Exeter, fur- nished, 3 rooms, heated, 4- piece bath; no pets please; available now. Apply 169 Wil- liam St, or phone 235.0736. evenings. 8 : 16*tfne APARTMENT, suitable for 2, Apply Fink's Meat Market. 1,:Se TERMS usiness Directory SCOTCH PLNE Christmas trees. Every tree carefully se- lected. For quality as well as lowest price, order direct from Georgian Bay Tree Farms, Owen Sound. Phone FRanklin 6-6254. 1:8:15:22* 15 Wanted W. H. HODGSON BEAVERS CREST HARDWARE Phone 235-1033 Exeter 8c Custom Butchering $1,000 ON FIRST MORTGAGE, short term. Apply Exeter Times-Advocate, phone 235-1331, Phone 235-2420 Exeter 8c 11:8c iced, ao• ',1r.tty-ovray., s, strEa G. A. WEBB, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC CLOSED WEDNESDAY For Appointment Ph 235-1680 a, C, H. RObER, D.C. ;DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Strathroy, Ontario : OFFICE HOURS Tuee • Thurs., Fri. 9.12, 2 - 5 "ttes. and Fri. Evening, 7.9 Z.—. By Appointment Please ,Office Phone 654 Home 1498 1958 GE TELEVISION, floor model; 1954 Chev 4-door. Phone 28 Grand Bend. Please call Friday or Saturday if possible, Sc Cattle - Sheep - Hogs Wholesale and Retail "We guarantee the Quality" Butchering Days: every Monday and Tuesday WOODHAM MEAT MARKET Phone Kirkton 121 John. C. Witteveen, Prop. 10:11tfnc 16 Properly For Sale CHOICE BUILDING LOT, Hill St., directly south of and APARTMENT, furnish- and heated, private ant- suitable for two. Avail- now. Apply 170 Carline COZY ed mance, able St. McSTEPHEN AUTO WRECKERS RR 1 Crediton Behind Centralia Airport Used Tires, Wheels & Tubes also Batteries, Seal Beams Guaranteed over- looking Riverview Park. Apply Box 1111, Times-Advocate, 8:231fne W. C. PEARCE, REALTOR 86 Anne St. Phone 235-1402 Highway 150 acres Stores, Duplex brick house RUSS BRODERICK, Salesman Box 124, Phone 235-0477 10:11c BABY CARRIAGE, brown, in new condition. Phone 234-6306 (not Friday), MEN'S UNDERWEAR, 2 suits, pure wool, size 50; never used. Phone 235-1607, SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE SERVICE Commercial, Industrial and Residential Janitor Work Venetian Blind Cleaning FREE ESTIMATES Reasonable Rates PHONE 235.0963 EXETER MACKENZIE & RAYMOND PHONE 228-6214 HAVE HORSES — WILL TRAVEL ANYWHERE! Removing Cattle From Pastures Is Our Specialty We Also Do Custom Roping CONTACT RON SCHWARTZ, AC 8.6209 CENTRALIA 25:1:8c BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS - & NOTARIES PUBLIC ;-CHARLES L. MACKENZIE: ▪ B. Comm., LL.B. L. RAYMOND, B.A, - Open Monday to Friday 'PHONE 235.2234 EXETER ALVIN WALPER So new! So pretty! MADE-TO-MEASURE Suit Sale N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For Appointment Ph 2352433 itqmingtoli W, R. Johnston celebrates Its 95th anniversary as Canada's oldest and most respected tailors with this special offer: 20'.-1. OFF OR FREE EXTRA PANTS Many excellent choices in su- perb all-wool British fabrics, completely up-to-the-minute hi pattern and shade! Reg. $69.00 Stilts ONLY $55.60 Her snow suit will look that way longer if it's Sanitone Dry Cleaned regularly! • Our Safe, thorough cleaning reMoVes even embedded soil that dulls colors, chafes fabrics. • Out Soft-Set® finish puts back the look and feel of newness, cleaning after cleaning, • No fading or shrinkirig. Our professional Care keeps garments new,loeking longer, Call on us today forservice. WITH THE PURCHASE WILL DO TYPING in my home, Phone 228-6739, 8c WANTED — Corn to pick by acre, with 2.row picker. G. A. Elson, Clandeboye, phone 227- 4623, 1:8c OF TOP QUALITY CHAIN SAWS This chain sew MM has everything. • Pewee ••Speed • balance • Design • Setitclivity IR big rnedeis1 Try a iterningtort Chain Saw today. *Handling charge $4,00 Outcuts Outlasts 'Em All Rio PROVINCIAL rt LICENSED AUCTIONEER nr ?,our sale. large or small, eburteeus and efficient service at al! times, ... "Service That Satisfies"' DASHWOOD EXETER atone 119 Phone 235.0991 DR, H, H. COWEN 10 Livestock For Sale DENTAL SURGEON 1. MIS Dtp • S 13 GOOD WEANER PIGS—Ap- ply Earl Rata, phone 1651'5 DashwoOd, Main Street Exeter Closed All Day Saturdays PHONE 235.0233 WALPER'S MEN'S WEAR Phone 235.0991 Sc 4 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, due any time, Apply John. Breg- man, pohne 235.0856. 8c 45 WEANER PIGS—ApPly. Arn old Stebbins, phone 47r11 Grand Bend, 8c '7USBORNE & HIBBERT .f MUTUAL FIRE i:INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office — Exeter, Ont. FLED TUILVIPS and cob corn, Phone Russell King, RR 1 Ex- eter, phone 235-0867. 8e DR. J W. CORBETT L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Devon Building Phone 235-1083 Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons H O LS T E IN HEIFER., bred Hereford, due in one Weep: other heifers dee later. Fritz Daterne, RR 1 Rensall, phone 339W3 Re 50 WEANEAS arid chunks, Vac- cinated arid 'castrated, IL D. Etherington, phone /854628, MITCHEL CIDER and apple butter mill rvil operate Tues- day, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from now on until November '22, Terms strictly cash. Fred Henniek & Son, proprietors. 8:15:22:29n0 COB CORN', 41/2 acres, stand- ing. Phone Crediten /34-6462. Directors fililton McCurdy RR 1 Kirkton President Timothy B. Toobey AR 3 .... Vice-President Lucan Silliam H, Chaffe RR 4 Mitchell . Claytbn ColqUhoun RR 1 Science Hill Martin Feeney RR 2 Dublin, Tiobert G. Gardiner RR 1 Cromarty Agents :P• ugh Benninger Dublin arry Coates RR 1 Centralia Slayton Harris Mitchell BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q,C, C. V. LAUGHTON, Q.C„ LLB 24 .H1 Coia‘Op Loundeferia Servke Se SOW, fourth litter due hi 2 weeks, Iltigh Rundle, RR 1 Centralia, 8c Sc -- TAPPAN GIIKIfelE? Swingline ranges—Hie ones you see On TV, ranges, built-in ovens, regular electric r8Pges, 21-inch or 30-inch. Buy the best for less, Sandy Elliot, 414 Main St, Re Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoons PHONE 235.0440 EXETER 11 PONY For Sale 300 PULLETS, LOOM, start. ing to lay, $1,75 each, 'Luther Morley, E1;. 3 Ailsa Crain. Phone! 293-3128 Ailsa Craig. 8c Brady Cleaners. JOHN WARD, CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST 15 Wellington . St., eerbis Cron.' PUC ST. MARYS PHONE 1172 51' MOBILE HOME, 20th Con. ti-y, 2-bedroom, 2 'years bid. Phone 234-6311. Cteditori, '11ttne LATHES' WINTER COAT, 'silo 16-18, beige, in new $12. r.lny be Seen et Brady 8* Ma cGREGOR ;FUELS AND LAUNDETERIA LTD. Phone 235.2131 Solitifort tfatkentie & Raymond Exeter' Secretary-Treasurer Arthur Fraser Exeter 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale '51 VANGUARD, 4-door sedan, excellent 'Motor. fires like new, $85 Or best offer, Phone Dash- WOW 44r3, Exeter AND WELDING Phone '23'5,121,1 EZetof •