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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-11-08, Page 9
10.1.11-11*-MIMMlifitteltkrtatlteM1011111:11.12-11C.V.V")'-'6111irflriVr..V • BOWLING + STANDINGS (gZit.ATS;;Feo'k(V,IZ‘)glfi;.4:ie,...3,a.4ttl'Uta..1,zfZllr:?:' ,,,, „ 4. STATISTICS GB LANES ,LADIES` LEAGUE Hot, she's (1', Schroeder 4461 0 FuTrre,ocerb. (lt. Roberts 601) 6 viiloueitebler; 'IV. $1101dWP t72) LoometteA (P. Ilat elle 4:11.) a Atoms 15. Tee v ins 5121 • 11, Gals Ill. „Hata t.s. 97)) ....„,„ Brat' es '4G. la s0e 695( „ 7 Westerners (W. 13111 kit1J .. I) Firecrackers . 24 $ toms 23 Legio»e 1. t es lirav cs it; i.ra 'loony talcs 1% i 'm ouch abl es 14 Hot shots West erners II igh single: 51, lloheria OM High triple: M. Roberts (u37) All4A CRAIG MEN 'B. Pant hers (1.'. Brans ton 912) Bottoms Co 191. 1.'Ink brine!. 331) 11 'boy ,Ntghts (.1. tiollino; 6261 7 D. Dare Devils I.13. 141)11f-aY 460) 1 14. Bombers di, hew!), ;5)18; :; Cats (M, 91111s 491) 1 0, Supers Cs', 14r/(ights 501 ) 4 Lucky Six Iv. wro.5.011 67) 0 (Iles) .Nigh iF 17 (Mend ebo,ve Supers . 10 Lucky six ll 1PW1 cats ......... „„,,, lu T;rlusley Bombers in Rot t oms 1'I) Devizes Dare .1)ecila fi Flack Panthers 4 High single: 11-, Watson (25)) High triple,: W. 'Watson. r6s7) Your vacation lasts Iwo weeks, death is permanent. 5 2 Master-craft 8" Ball-Bearing TILT-ARBOR BENCH SAW Used Car Buys 1961 CHEV 4 -door Impalla Hardtop, fully equipped. 1960 CHEV Sedan, automatic transmission, radio, new tires, real sharp 2-tone 1960 METEOR Montcalm, fully equipped, ex- cellent condition. 1952 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, good transporta- tion. 1960 ANGLIA, perfect, second car, in perfect condition, new tires. 1956 DODGE SEDAN, push button transmis- USED SNOW TIRES WHILE THEY LAST South End Service RUSS AND CHUCK SNELL Phone 235.2322 Exeter Goodyear Seibering With DEPENDABLE SNOW TIRES We Have Them In ALL SIZES 750x14 A * $4 5 PM. , 750x14 '$32 Pia,. EXETER LANES MEN'S LEAGUE "A" qtlgtlf4 Rockets (I, Vuller 7541 4 R. Caldwell 541) . Pepsis (,.1, Coughlin .747) 4 Supertetit Pr. Farrell 501) Big Six 111. Stagg OS) 3 run;ers ID. Wright .690i 111111s.rdis (H. Pon hale 118) 3 Specials 1,r,, W ebb 603) Kingpins. Ili. 1164)11.) 673) ... Huskies Hockey 6031 1. Trad.esmen (G, .Mason .00) SPares (J. Fah bairn fl.g) 1 IL Billiards (27321) ........ 24 Big Six (274161 .. ....... '22 Kingpins (23002) • 111 Ringers (25343) . • 23 .Rockets 1,6994) • .13 Tradesmen (25331.1 . 1. stipertest (25296) ........ Pepsis 42294171 . • . 16 A.&H, Specials (ala'n). Spares (25121) Huskies (23825) Itensall (18291) - , "a" GRQUP Falrianas 111, Edwards 1171 N. 13, S' test (B. Higgins 701 ( Smith 657) .4 S. leuels (H. Patterson 6111) .. 6 'Hot Ilods (H, Pat.% erson 630) . 2 Canners (Di 31.anDonald 581) . 2 Bankmonts 111, Kieswet ter 700) E. Tigers (P. \S'elman 565) . 1 C, Loggers 191. .91.olnlvre 627) .. 4 Bo-Didleys ..... , .„ , 0 Milkmen (Si Stire 562) . • 4 Wes tons. (B. Kirk 518) ..0 Crystal Loggers .(2.4801) „ ,„ „ 26 1,7 IPPen Tigers (26166) 21 Milkmen (242201 „.. ............. 2ankmonts (25214) ... 19 FaJrlanes 4249101 LarkS 4230151 1? Bo-Didleys (20457) 17 N, E. Supertest (21041) 15 Canners (215351 13 llot 1 Rods (23134) 1 Sterling Fuels (19510) 7 Westons (22023) High single: R, kla.che (374) Igh triple: J, Fuller (754) Hidden score: N. Sts.nlak e LADIES' LEAGUE "A" GROUP Nappy Cale (N. Coleman 584) 5 Pills (P. Hunter-Du var 610) 2 Torisky Six (D. 'Dobson 614) „ 4 Roll e ttes (D. Marks 596) „. .... Ile Bops W. Brintnell 647) 7 Nile Hawks (1), Cider 431) 0 1., Strikes (91. Jory 681) ... 7 1 lot Dogs (D. Tierna.n 551) .. 0 P. Poppettes 191. Gravett 636) , 7 Wee Hopes (V. 1,inden(ield 628) 0 Merry Maids IL. Pincombe 514) 7 Trailer-a (M. Cronyn 546) 0 Pin Poppe II es ...... 42 Happy Gals -40 Pills „ ........• ....«......«.»„- 37 Frisky Six Hot Dogs Be Bops rosettes Merry Maids Trailers Nile Hawks Lucky Strikes . Wee Hopes . ..... High single: M. Gravett (244) High triplc tnell ($47) ''El " GROUP Alley Cats (F, 1Valker 760) 1 Smtniks ,(M. Schenk 512) .. 0 Mighty Mice (.1'. Parsons 613) 6 LollipoPs (t.., Brock 562) 2 Tandicappers CM. Bache 560) Jelly Six (A. Cann 196) , IlroPpe t es (C. Rader 4661. 5 High Hopes (N. Rooth 442) .. Busy- Bees (C. Webster 691) „.. 7 Jolly „Tills 13. i4odgins 520) ..... 0 Who Cares (B. Reid 4031 . 4 )llowettes (D. Prance 514) „ . 3 Lollipops . ...40 Thowe t t es ....... . 05 Ailey Cats ............... as Handicappers , Busy Bees Mighty Mice, High Hopes 11roppe13e5 • Jolly. I s . 1'ilf1 Cares Jolly Six ................ ,...„ 10 Sputniks : 12 High single; Frock (25H high triple: P. Walker 1700) FRIDAY NITERS Floppetl es Oh Hockey 679) . . 7 Alley Girls (0. Davis 170) .. • 0 Nlghtengaies (J, LaFreniere 492) 7 1•10 Jokers (B. Sander 502) 0 Earlynnes (A. 'Kearney 5061 4 Ten Cats (A. Rotnaniuk 505) . Floppettes Nightengales Top fats 22 The Jotters 14 Iitarlyones ..... 11 Alley Girls „ ........ 7 high single: 1st. hockey 1223) Fitch triple; St. Unekcy (573) LADIES' INTERTOWN 0:Ac rich . strat [Ord . ..... St. Marys .... VOW S HIM ton O rel:Mort /1.1101./MI. 0.0110•41.8.6. ......... Mitchell Ol• N... EXCter ..... ..... ......... Zurich 0 13 34 32 26 23 31 2,7 26 25 25 nri RUSSELL ELECTRIC YOUR. HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE DEALER, FOR SALES WITH SERVICE 1110 TimeaAdvocate, November 8, 1962 Page SENIOR. .BAYS. d, GIRLS A ton is 411. Wright 409 11 .LUCAN LANES Strikers 191. liea.y113, ) K..eir«1:90(110 (B, flayn ham 115) 0 Cool tats IP. Meloalls 105) Comets (A. Iliempson 21 3 I)(narniICl's Campbell 437) 5 .coot opts . ....... ...... . ,.,,,..,,,• 9 .H Hotel (B. ('oughli() .5501 . . . 0 1.1Yn.aiiiiter$ Strikers Ku 00k- elli...1)06175 Ntonis . ie. K. Simpson 65(1) _ Comets .. . . .. . - ...._ ... 7 111fiil .51110e1 -1. ' 111031-11).5" 1251) Hot Shots ('. baskets 528) . - 0 High. .double: B. Wright .44991 ,,. kJ i-g b .i.c.A.a;(•,: El 1V right (2,1f11 Legion «„ . It.lsoit 72..,.1 ..,. 2 Da iry.men 4171, 91cDonald and Duffers 411. .9losuriniolin 6261 2 Shamrocks (1.1. Ito! lings 660) 1 Ilex ((3, 4-knells 1S01. Latin her h1ings (..I. Slaw, 594) - _ 1 t•Voodbutrliers (A. Dewar 583) , 3 .Restaurant (.1. P'reentan 6251 1 MEN'S LEAGUE BANTAM pt. Ftt,5 ..1 g Deo (.1, Dykes 63.1) .. 17.e lilators (1A', 111ck.son 55(1) 1 Robins (,). Glot er 2101 . ....... 6 . .. ,PalOOMD . 16 !Arks M. AVIriOns I.44) . (I .13egi on 15 Owls (J, Forgstion '511 a Woodbine here 13 Sparrows 13. Walters .123) -r 2 Stientroolts 13 Clilekodaes (.1,, Irsr.other 2011 a Lumber Kings 12 Cansrles [J. Campbell 251) 2 1.! eniral Restaurant 0 Hotel ..... .441.1.•••• 6 . 10 Rex . . 6 ............ 111 Ito) Shots . 6 „. .............. 12 .Duffers 9 12 A grico 5 Fire Eaters 3 High single: 147. Dickson (276) HiF,711 triple: C. bison. (7221 PEE WEES 12lephs.nts (3. Darling 199) 4 LIOJIS (P. Clover 183) 1 Zebras (B. Johnson 203) . 6 Crocodiles (P. -McKnight 234) 5 Crocodiles ..... . . 1n Elephants 9 'ions 1 High P. 'McKnight (118) High double: P. McKnight (224) High average; J. Darling (103) LUCAN LANES LADIES' LEAGUE Satellites 91. Zubal 261) .... 36 Aces W. Bison 2051 ...... 33 Dairymaids (B. Ankers 192) ..„. 27 Ramblers (S. Ready 203) . , 26 C. Cu ties (I'), Shipley 210) .. , 22 Legionettes (D. Crudge 2091 , 22 High Hopes (it, McCallum 231) 22 Shamrocks (K. Thom Pson 235) 18 Dumbells (91, Darling 222) 10 Sputniks (B, 'Wraith 239) 15 Diamonds (B. Newman 168) 3 The Clowns (L, Revington 186) 6 High Zubal (264) 'High triple: M. 7,11bal High average: B. Wraith (.1.77) COLLEENS Too Five (.1. Isaac 561) Wingdings 41). Hayter 5531 Little Shots 4E. Hodgios 4933 Toe Tappers (91, Cocksworth 413) WIngdings 23 Top Five . 16 Little Shots ..........»...,,.,... Ton 'rappers 6 High single: „T. Isaac C2.11 High J. Isaac 961) nigh average: .6, 111$sel. (193) JUNIORS Dumbelis (N. park 152) . Jinxs W. Ready 162) ...... Strikers Hearn 178) rinsplitter.,s llayt 1ST) .2 Blewbells IL, Arnold 2801 Blow-outs (S. Kennedy' 1(3) ,Donthells . . 20 .Blewbells 15 .1 itixs 7 Strikers Phispli t 1 ers 7 Blow-pins „, Girl's high single: 3.A. Arnold (236) BO,s",s high J. Hearn (17S) Check 3 Rated Owls Chickadees Robin Canaries Sparrows . be Hui 1.1 igh single: J. Waiters (1631 High double: .1. Canmhell (253) BANTAM BOYS Wildcats W. irk 2)32t Vile HAM 1M (11101,e her 293) Blue Jaye 03. Raj-1(11am 2275)'. 2 2 'rigors IR, Moore 2671 . Silver Darts 91, Boner 272) -. Rockets (.1, Parker 262) 5 NHe. Hawks . .... 13 Silver Darts 13 Wildcats 12 Rockets , ........ ....... 10 Blue Jays • ....... ..... • •• Tuners. . . .. 6 High single: B. BaYaha.m (203 ) High. double: Pick Weber (293) 'High average: Rick Weber (146) MANiSIZED" INCLUDES - 1/4 ", 2.6 amp, UTILITY DRILL (famous make) with geared chuck and key - Plus, 13 - piece Set of Straight Shank Drills (1/16" - IA") in numbered case. HERE'S A REAL DEAL for the start of the indoor home maintenance and repair season. This 1" Electric Drill is compact, lightweight (only 2i-lbs ); it's full-poWered to handle most any job, in wood, metal or plastic. No-load speed 2000 rpm, full load • speed 1400 rpm. Precision-ground ball- 77 thrust bearings. COMPLETE WITH CORD, PLUG and SET OF 13 DRILLS GRE:411 ,NEWS tio-fromf:Avir CUTS TO 2 1/2 INCHES) BALL BEARING Deluxe High Speed Fully Automatic Special value .. has more features, yet costs less than many comparable makes, Has precision,grouncl semi.steel stationary table, 173/4 x 123/4 " (measures x 363 ii" with extensions). improved floating motor mount keeps correct tentien on motor. Blade tilts to 4S', locks in position With convenient hand-wheel control, Depth of cut up to 2ss", instantly adjustable with quick-set tontrol, bearing arbor unit is adaptable to take other accessories. Locking rip fence with solid-steel rip.fetice bar for quicker, more accurate setting. Complete with combine. Hon rip.crosseut blade with se arbor it's a "stand. out"! A2400-With extensions . Telephone 235.1505 tiluton (11103) ........... on ('rediton (17236) ... 27 St. 'MeV; C17252) ..... ...„ 26 doderich (17443) ....... 25 Exeter (17771)24 Mitchell (115511 ...... ..... 16 Stratford (17-130) . 15 ZUrielt 115191) 4 singlet 0. Ussery tered!.. ton) 368 High Murray (St. ],isinqS) 517 ,JUNIOR BOYS & GIRLS Porribert II, 6toUtheott100) . Podget Penbaie 11.4) . `I'-Birds L. 150) ;lets Grat8iek 271) ..., 3. Mugnirts 113. PcaverS 11101 . PM-Busters (P. SeliroOder 214) 0 Ilbrubers 21 T .13i kit .det •protection •dgsinsf RU if Snell Bros, oNLY $9 Dryer THESE i EATURES SPELL THE DIPPtRENCE • Automatic Control *- Shuts off when clothes are dry • Automatic be, * F cl est a Mounted conttols • Three cycle operation Auto. matic Dry Cycle, Damp Dty Cycle and Automa- tic Fluff cycle • Niagne- fie boor latch • interior li lit ".". Porcelain onh-m• e1 lop and truth • Vert. able Timer Control up to 130 minutes,. • High Speed Drying' Systein I Safety re-start switch 0011 Wash load capacity • Fine Metal Screen lint trap,, • Pull width wide opening door • teunter height 136") and '&0.i f WI fits like. -a 'Built* in" CGE 1 year writ, ten Warranty* .... .30ts Dodgers 7 RInPnIna ...... ..... ..... S l'in-Bustert............ , ItIgh alti*16: 1.0. Campbell ) (27 M 1 et double: 31, T., Caimpbeti (Mist) Crake: 91, Reay Watch our IN ticlow oir tido:- Night Specials SABRE SAW 6" Electric Saw Power Sander Cuts holes, patterns, straight or curved lines - in wood, metal or plastic. 3050 strokes per minute. Adjusts to 45' for angle N‘ork, Cuts 2x4's, With 3 blad- es, cord and plug 8 Portable 1-hand Utility Saw -- cuts Vs" at 90', 3lit" at 45 6. Universal fan- owl motor, 3,500 rpm, no lead speed Graduated t)epth arid Bevel adjust- ments. Ad). Rip Pence, Safety Guard. Trig ger .95 Gives professional results and faster hoimshap finishing. 2 amp, 115 volt trouble-free motor. Big 7"„x85.;6" sand- ing surface. Well balanced for easy operation. Sand- paper included .4r 436 Main St. Exeter Phone 235.0160 Won Robbins & Son Lid. Take the "work out of woodwork I see the new 1963 line-Up 1)1` Pout Tool's and Accessor- ;t7- at Canadian Tir#, Canada's largest Romeshop f Supplier. FILL YOUR RAD WITH CTC ANTI FREEZE NOW! 1'