HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-11-08, Page 8Thompson
wins s iel
A rink skipped by Bill Thomp-
son won RCAF Centralia's open.
ing league bonspiel, in which
22 men's teams competed over the weekend.
Group Captain T., lf. Randall
officially Pinned the season
Friday night by throwing the
first rock to christen the fresh
sheet of ice,
Members of the Thompson
rink included Art Marlow, Bob,
Ferguson and, Frank Ayton. Runner-up. foursome was skip.
ped by Art Wilson and included.
fierrY Johnston, Joe Walker
and Bert Milani,
Winner of th e (013,, event was
John Peitraszko's rink and Pat
Clermont skipped the quartet
which won t h, e consolation
event. Chairm a n of the bonspiel ivas
Al Johnson,
fetes bride
Mrs. Carman Woodburn was
hostess on Friday evening for
a miscellaneous shower for
neighbors and relatives of Miss
Sheila Eggert, a bride-elect of
this month.
Mrs. Ed. Stewardson made
the presentation of a number of
gifts and .Mrs. Harold McDon-
ald read the address,
Personal items
A. presentation was held on
Friday evening in the Corbett
Community Centre for Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Woods, newly
Mrs, Lawrence Curls, Mrs.
Paul Eagleson and Mrs, Car-
man Woodburn attended the
Ontario Council of Christian Ed-
ucation convention at Mini-
yille last Tuesday.
Miss Muriel Fallis of Sarnia
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Rooms two and three of
Dashwood Public School di-
vided into groups of four can-
vassed the town as goblins Hal-
lowe'en night collecting for
'United Nations International
Children's Emergency Fund.
Twenty-nine dollars were col-
Room 3 with their teacher,
Mr. Don Finkbeiner, returned
to the school for a party.
Rooms 1 and 2 with their
teachers Mrs, Ada Webb and
Mrs, Lotto Taylor held their
parties during the afternoon.
WSWS meeting
The Missionary Education
committee was in charge of the
meeting of the WSWS of the
EUB church with Mrs, Sid Ba-
ker chairlady, The subject was
"The church has a mission to
the children, youth and dis-
turbed persons". A round table
discussion was held with Mrs.
Letta Taylor, Mrs. Don Gais-
er, Mrs. Ward Neeb, Mrs.
Lloyd Eagleson, Mrs. Eben
Weigand, and Mrs. Sid Baker
the panel. Mrs. Gerald Mason
sang a solo.
The president, Mrs. Charles
Snell conducted the business.
Twenty -n 1 n e members an-
swered the roll call. Used clo-
thing is to he left at the church
by Nov. 15, A party for the
Boys and Girls FellOwship will
he held Friday, Nov. 9 at 7:00
p.m. The following donations
were made: Five dollars to the
War Memorial Hospital; 85 to
the crippled children:. to
Care: 825 to the Children's
Aid; $25 to support a mission-
ary, Donald Pletch in South
America; and $100 to the
church mission fund.
The committee for the Christ'
mas shut-in boxes are, Mrs.
Everett Hoist, Mrs. Lou Eagle-
son, and Mrs. Louis Weigand;
nominating committee, Mrs.
Sid taker, Mrs. Carl nest-
reicher, Mrs. Ervin Scharle and
Roe. M..1, James.
ilestesses were Mrs. Harry
Hoffman. Mrs. Art liatigh, Mrs.
Lou r, agtosch and Mrs. Ninia
Mr. and Mrs. Gerrlen Bender
We have on bond now Red
Barberry, Bleedingheerf end
Arctic Willow for hedges, This
WilloW is low with a blue,
gray, greenish cater.
in Pots * * $1.06 Each
37 Main $freef
Facing the eventual winners
from Central of London in their
first series, the boys came out
on the short end of a 15-7 mar-
gin and lost the best-of-three
affair with a 15-10 deficit in the
second match,
London's Beal Tech proved
too much in the second series
and emerged with a 15.6 margin
in the first and came back with
a close 15-12 decision in the sec-
The locals gave them stiff op-
position in the second game and
pulled to within two points be-
fore the winners managed to
come up with the game point.
Edge Woodstock
In the battle to keep out of
the cellar in the tournament,
and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Bend, Sarnia, celebrated their
29th wedding anniversaries at
the former couple's home Sun.
day, Nov, 4. Families of both
couples were present to join in
the celebration,
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Miller
and Mrs. Floyd McClean of De
trolt spent the weekend with
Mrs. Bertha Hayter.
Mrs. Sid Baker, Mrs. Chas.
Snell, Sirs, Tohn Rader, Mrs.
J. M, Tiernan, Mrs. Ken Mc,.
Crae, and Mrs, Leonard
Schenk attended the London
Area Convention at the Hotel
London this week,
L. H. Rader, Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Rader, Glen and Dar-
lene, and Miss Marilyn Desjar-
dine spent Sunday at London
with Mr. and Mrs. Wendell
Gamble and family.
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Cudmore
of Willowdale spent the week-
end with Mrs, Effie Kleinstiv-
VI, and Mrs. Grant Good-
ale of North Gower and FO
Bob Pope of Mont Apica, Que-
bec, are spending a few days
with Mr. and Mrs. George Tie-
rnan and other friends.
SHDHS hooked up with winless
Woodstock in one of the most
exciting series of the affair.
After jumping into a 33-8 lead
in the first game, the locals
watched Woodstock come up
with five straight points to tie
the game at the end of regula-
tion time,
Woodstock scored the first
point of overtime, but the locals
came back to knot the count at
14-14, only to have their foes
pick up two straight points for
the win.
Coach Glenn Mickle's crew
again started out in fine fashion
in the second match of the se-
ries and they quickly opened
up a commanding 13-3 lead,
only to have Woodstock come
back with 10 straight points to
tie the set once again at the
end of regulation time.
The teams exchanged two
points each to maintain the tie
at 15-1.5 before SHDHS scored
two in a row to emerge with
the 1745 margin.
The "rubber match" was also
a see-saw affair and there was
never more than two points
separating the squads until
SHDIIS put on a late rally to
pick up three in a row to win
15.12 and nab the third place.
Members of the SHDHS squad
were: Dennis Mock, Robert
Mickle, Dale Turvey, Ron Oke,
Allan Prang, Russ Klopp, Roger
Cann, Robert MacNaughton,
Gary Ford, Neil Hamilton, Greg
Spencer and Ron Weber.
Girls third, too
The senior girls, under coach
Miss Lauretta Seigner, finished
their tournament in exactly the
seine way as the boys, losing to
the two London schools in the
first two matches and whipping
Central Elgin of St. Thomas to
gain third place.
Playing at Clarke Road, they
met up with the eventual cham-
pions from Catholic Central in
the opener and were handed a
decisive 15-4 drubbing in the
first game and a 15.9 loss in
the second of the best-of-three
They came up with a better
showing in their next set With
South and were tied at 14 each
at the end of regulation time,
The SHDHS six scored the first
point and needed only one more
to win, but South came back
with three straight to win 17,45.
The loss appeared to take
some of the spirit out of the
girls and, their opposition had
an easier time in posting a 15-5
margin in the second to take
the series in two straight.
Default helps
Pitted against Central Elgin
in the series between the non.
winners, the locals jumped into
an 8-2 lead, but wilted under 74.
sustained drive to end up on
the short end of a 15-12 margin.
The St. Thomas school ap-
peared to have third place
wrapped up when they came
up with a 13-4 win in the second
game, but they had to default
to SHDHS because they used
two ineligible players in the
The 'break" really sparked
the girls and after being down
by a 5-3 count :in the early
stages of the third game came
roaring back to completely over-
whelm their opposition by a
15-6 score,
Members of the team were:
.Toan Dettmer, Ausma Gulens,
Kristina Gulens, Gail Farquhar,
Elaine Miller, (Marjorie Mac-
Phce, Jo-Anne Miners, Grace
Eagleson, Diane Hood, Caro-
lynne Simmons and Pauline
SHDHS girls who assisted with
the officiating included: Janet
Blair, linesman; Cathy Smith,
timer; Ruth Ann Salmon, scor-
The Berean Bible Class of
the United Church will hold its
meeting on Friday evening at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy
.Personal items
'Air. and Mrs. Lewis Johns
visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Pepper of Exe-
ter and together they visited.
friends in the ituronview Home
at Clinton,
Mr. and Mrs, Donald l'ar.
sons of liensall, Mr. and Mrs,
Alvin Cooper, Mr. and Mrs.,
Floyd. Cooper, Kathy and Nan-cy, are spending this week with
Mr. and Airs. Harry Murch of
Pcia.wawa and the men will be
deer hunting in the Algonquin
Misses Susan, Gail and Deb-
bie Parsons of Hensall. arc v isiti ng this week with their
aunt and uncle, Air, and Mrs,
Ross Skinner and family.
The Elimville ladies of the
Women's institute enjoyed a
social evening last Tuesday night at the Exeter Legion
Hall guests of the Hurondole
Women's Institute,
Mr. Melville Skinner, Mr.
and kit's. Delmer Skinner, Ed-
ward and Frances, Miss Gail
McBride of Zurich were. Satur-
day evening guests of Mr. and
Airs, Ross Skinner celebrating
the birthdays of Delmer and
Brenda Skinner and Gail Mn-
Airs, .Charles Stephen 'is a
patient in South Huron Hospi-
tat suffering with a fractured
wrist and vertabrae from a fall
last Tuesday afternoon.
Sir, and Mrs. Gerald 'Ran-
Me and Joanne of Toronto
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs, Win, Routly.
and Miss Jane Clawthorne of
Port Huron spent the weekend
with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Bra,
Al.:'. and. Mrs. Walter Mac-
Pherson spent the weekend with
relatives in London.
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For all your
petroleum ne eds
The, Tirnes,Arbtcgofo., Novombor 1961
TOP CE 'SPIEL---A total of 2.2 rinks competed in the
opening bonspiel at RCAF Centralia over the week-
end, with a rink skipped by Bill Thompson taking
home top honors and the Labatt trophy. Officials and
members of the winning team shown above are, from
the left; Frank A.yton. lead; Bill Thompson, skip; Bob
Ferguson, second; Jack :Pere, Labatt's representative;
Art Marlow, third; Alf Fiske, club 'president, —RCAF
SH senior volleyball squads
settle for thirds in tourneys
The SHIMS senior volleyball
teams had to settle for identical
third. place showings in the four-
school WOSSA tournaments in
London, Saturday,
Playing in South Collegiate,
the boys were forced to practi-
cally change their entire meth-
od of play as the referees used
a different set of rules to the
ones used in the Huron-Perth
The local youth were con-
tinually called for illegally
spiking the ball with their open
hand and in one of their games
they had no less than 10 such,
infractions and were unable to
change their style of play in
time to be a threat for the hon-
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