HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-11-08, Page 5ORDER YOUR WOOD NOW When the weather is good MIXED SLAB WOOD Stake Truck load, delivered $30.00 Half-load, delivered $17.00 MIXED LIMB AND BODY WOOD Stake Truck load, delivered „.. . $50.00 Half-load, delivered , . ........ $27.00 Apply in writing to Robert Eagles/n' AILSA CRAIG or Phone 232.4450 Nairn before 8:30 a.m. or between 5:00 and 7.30 p.m. • ;VS*01:-YOKrint,.., .ar speed your mail! Just follow these four points to faster .mail service every • time you address an envelope: Use full and correct name of Use full and correct address with Postal Zone Number in Canada's six "Zoned" cities. 3 • Write your own return address and Postal Zone Number in upper left corner of envelope. ;Is is 1,0.62.55 Beef-Pork Sausage 311 Pork Spare Ribs 556 Minced Hams . 491 KING SIZE BLUE CHEER Supreme Brend 2-Lb. Poly FROZEN FRENCH FRIES Stafford 'S 12 Dunce Jar MELLO GOLD MARMALADE KING SIZE FAB. LIBBY'S BEANS sl ..-tCP El pbvvf,co KRAFT CHEESE WHIZ ROBIN HOOD OATS Nature's Best Choice Quality 15.0uttee Tins CREAM-STYLE CORN s1.09 55c 2 rc,031c 99c 5 roo $1 57c 29' 8 ftt•P Dst bee' Fr ers 37 AA OPEN Friday Evenings 'TO 9 Saturday Evening 10 t3nf• PAck:. AL S HENSALL is teaching at the Westdale High School, and also Air, and Mrs, Lawrence Bell and family, They attended morning service in the Westdale United Church. where Charles had become a member of the choir. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Keys and Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Hill of Simeoe have returned from a three weeks' train trip to visit relatives at Wainwright, Alta., Winnipeg and Pilot Mound, Man, Air. and Mrs. Lloyd McLean took up residence in their new home a mile and a quarter south of Hensall on Highway 4 on Saturday last, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lovell of Kippen, a recent bridal couple, were honored at a reception and dance at Zurich Community Centre Saturday evening which was largely attended. The cou- ple were presented with purse of money, Presentation address was read by Lloyd Cooper and gift presented by Jim McGreg- or. Desjardine orchestra pro- vided music for the dance. Miss Ruth Anne Traquair and Miss Ruth Anne Hume, St. Thomas, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. S. McQueen. Mr, Allan Soldan, Mrs. Lit- Tian Mekle, Mrs. Bertha Ma- son, Mr. and. Mrs. Gordon Cle- mas, of London. Mrs, Elsie Case and Miss Wendy Moir of Hensall, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, John H. Soldan, Patrick and Michael of Hay township. Mrs. Basil Edwards who has been visiting in Toronto and St, Catharines, for the past two weeks has returned home. She returned with her nephew and his wife Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Parke of Zurich who vis- ited in St. Catharines on Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm visited on Monday with Rev. and Mrs. Donald MacDonald at Walkers, Ont. Mr. Sam Oesch is confined to his home with a fractured ankle. Explorers Hallowe'en Various games and contests were held for a Hallowe'en par- ty by . the Explorers of Car- mei church, Contest winners were: Faye Troyer (book balancer); Lois Wright (carrot eater); Marjo- rie Schwalm (dropping pen. nies); John Thompson (wish. bone); Janice Bonthron (candy pusher); Beth Troyer (blowing bubble gum), Leader Mrs. Gordon Schwalm provided treats., Carmel bazaar ,, • Groups sponsor Hallowe'en fetes ensall and district .news • .CORRESPONDENTS. Mrs,. Maude Hedden, Phone 5 Mrs. Archie MacGregor, Phone 50 realizes $150 The bazaar, bake sale and tea sponsored by Carmel Presbyte- rian Ladies Aid, YPS and CCM Friday evening in the church basement was a success, realizing $150 with donations still coming in, Conveners were; fancy work and, aprons, Mrs, Earl Camp- bell, Mrs, Harvey Hyde; slip- per tree, Mrs, Malcolm Don- gall; bake table, Mrs. E. Munn, Mrs. Bessie Luker, Mrs, Percy Campbell; touch and take, Mrs, Robert Madge; Home produce, Mrs. Archie lloggarth, Mrs. Douglas Mae- Gregor and Mrs, John Mac- Gregor; (ea tables, Mrs. John The 10(:),F baseball banquet Soldan, Airs. Harry Snell, Mrs, will be held Wednesday, Nov. Ed Fink; CGIT, Patsy Moir 1.4 at 7 p.m. in the Hensall and Patsy Schwalm; Christmas Arena auditorium, decorations, YPS; Christmas Mr. J, R. (Jim) Millman of cards, Explorers; calendars, London will be guest speaker Arnold Circle. • and well known entertainers President of the LA is Miss will be present. Hannah Murray, Hensall personals In in circles as hard es you were mayetL in, screaming at the tip Dianne Yeehler and Ruth mar lungs and firing your gun Smale convened the lunch, and s Yon can. Wh" you Patricia Moir and Patricia 'we run out of breath and Sehwahn were in charge of inintinition, sit down rttlintlY dbenr a iinn8, • id take stock of the situation. "" the stock-taking shows the -'10.1ves to be pretty hare, Use MECCA for "we's tine solution, It Works "-1st if there's a good, stiff SCRAPES :,rteze, .lust gather some birch BRUMSES ,4rk, pile it in a clttm n of dry 1,rush and start a roaring hush INFECTIONSrush, ri'e, When the f ire-fighters At, Iowa, a tavanie nt0IIV Ove, you are be longer lost oinimoil for ovet 60 sears ?i rliffignot soon& One lag word of caution. Ntargitliaal "'hen „1011 bag your first hunt-, •01hing antitao- rr. don't brag about it. It juM:zlrag ggifear!, 8" '''i't done, in hunting circles, even allow yOurself a 8"Y Mecca • smirk of Satisfaction as an fin 6""68 qty carve that first notch in • ^or gun. After all, there's no, riling so unusual about your feat, Any damn fool can silent Ai lit/Ater, And quite e feW Nye November 1901 Grades 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of Hensall. Public School canvas- sed the village on Wednesday afternoon and collected $67,00 for the UNICEF, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Reid have • taken up residence in Exeter, Mrs. Charles Stephenson, who has been a patient in St. Jos- eph's Hospital, has returned home, Mr. Jack Chipchase, of To- ronto, visited over the weekend. with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ernie Chipchase, Mrs. Edna Corbett is spend- ing this week with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Harold Parker. Mr, Brian Bonthron, of To- ronto, visited over the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bonthron. Mr. and Mrs, Joe De Loge, of Sarnia, were weekend visitors tiith the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Chapman, Mrs. Lou Simpson is spending this week visiting with her daughter Airs. Gus Voth in De- troit. Mr. and Mrs, Don MacLaren, of Toronto, visited over the weekend with Mr. and. Mrs. Archie MacGregor and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Chapman. Miss Dorothy Farquhar, of Toronto, spent the weekend wth her mother, Mrs. Emma Farquhar. Miss Ellie Hilsinger, Thames- ford, was a weekend guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Sangster and family. Miss Elvera Churchill, of To- ronto, is visiting with her sis- ter, Mrs. Pearl Shaddick, this week. Members of Hensall Kinetic Club delivered 43 boxes of treats to the sick and shut-ins in the village, patients at Queensway Nursing Ho in e, South Huron Hospital, Exeter, and Huronview, Clinton, on Sun- day last. This is an annual fall project of the club and a com- mendable one and much ap- preciated by the receivers. Jim Smale left Sunday for Cornwallis, N,S. where he has enlisted with the Royal Navy. Jim is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Roy Smale. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle, Bob and Ann, spent Sunday in Hamilton visiting Charles who Local native reaches 95.. Airs. Helen. Dalrymple of Clinton recently celebrated her 95th birthday and can personal- ly recall the beginnings of the village of Hensel!. Oldest resident of Clinton, she lived her childhood years near Hensall and remembers when some of the• first buildings in Hensall, Petty's Pork Packing House and the Anglican church were erected . She raised a family of nine children, six of whom are liv- ing, and has 35 grandchildren and 75 great-grandchildren and. four great-great grandchildren, Unit packs bale At the UCW unit 4 meeting Thursday afternoon Mrs. Albert Alexander reported that 17 car- tons of good used clothing had been packed and sent to To- ronto for overseas relief. Plans for the December 1 bazaar were discussed. Mrs. Fred Beer took the devotional and Mrs, Wilbert Dilling the topic, In hospital Mr. Thomas Jolly, who makes his home with his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Kipfer, fell and is a pa- tient at South Huron. Hospital, Exeter. Ills son and daughter-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Norman Jolly and family of Port Hope visited him in the. hospital over the weekend, and also were guests with Mr, and Airs. Kipfer and family, Ice carnival one of best The Hallowe'en skating carni- val for children of Hensell and area sponsored by the Kinsmen Club and held on Wednesday, Oct. 31 'in the local arena was a great success and one of the best held in years. Hensall Citi- zens Band headed the parade which left the town hall at 7.30 for the arena where judging of costumes took place. Winners were: Comic, 7 and under, Jim. Ferguson, Betty Beer, Kenny Varley; 8 to 10, Mark Fiforcl, Shelley Bonthron, Beth 'Cook; over 10,' Clark For- rest, Paul, Drysdale, Gary Kyle; Best dressed, 7 and under, Bradley and 'Pauli. Baker; Joan Goddard, Cindy Parker; 8 to 10, Ann Bell, Linda Hay, Susan Broadley; over• 10, Donna 'Rei- chert, Michael Davis, Chrissie Cameron. Judges were Mrs. R. H. Mid- dleton and Mrs, Thomas Laven- der. The children enjoyed free skating and refreshments, In charge of the project were Bob Caldwell, Harold Bonthron and Homer Campbell.• 'Spirits here well behaved Hallowe'en . seemed to pass over very quietly in the village Wednesday night. The children who called at the homes for their usual "treat or trick" were a well-behaved bunch of youngsters and judging froth the goodies their baskets and bags' held they must have been treated royally by the people. Chief E. R. Davis, with Fire Chief Byra.n Kyle and Bob Cald- well who was on duty most of the night reported everything was fairly quiet with the excep- tion of two signs being pulled out, a picnic table in the mid. dle of the street., a tool_ shed owned by Orville Twitehell was turned over, and a building at the rear of Archie Noakes' house turned over and dentol• ished, Hess CERTIFIED Albert Hess Products Of General Motors Fl Frigidaire &des with Service - Drysdale Crest Hardware PHONE 11 HENSALL Cromarty mark Hall By• MRS, :KEN .AiIcICELLAR On October .26 a euchre and crokinote party was held At 55 .5. Bibbert school, spon- sored by the Junior Red Cross. Eleven tables were in play. High prizes went to Mrs. Er- nest Harburn, Harry Norris Jr„ Mrs. Bob Gardiner and Ed- ward Kernick, A generous col- lection to be donated to LINT. CRF was received with thanks. Lunch climaxed an enjoyable evening. On Tuesday, October 30, A Hallowe'en party was enjoyed by the .pupils when. they en- tertained nine pre-schoolagers. Costumes were splendid and prizes were won by; ,ioyce Norris, Beth Christie, Helen. Christie, Edward Kernick, Jo- anne Dow, Nola Dow, Jack Christie, Ronald and 'Brenda Gardiner and Linda Haekney. Judges were Mrs, Don johns and Mrs. Warren Clifford, Eve- ryone enjoyed lunch served by the, senior pupils, Remembrance is WMS theme Remembrance was the theme. of the meeting of the Cromarty Presbyterian •WMS when they met at the manse in Exeter on Thursday. There were four- teen members and one visitor present. Mrs. K. McKellar presided. Mrs, j. C, Boyne conducted the worship service. The last chap- ter of the study book, "Today's Active season for Brownies The 1st Hensall. Brownie Pack has an enrollment of 28 under the leadership of Mrs. Robert Cook, Brown Owl, and Mrs. John Drysdale, Tawny Owl, Seven Tweenies will be offi- cially enrolled on November 27 at 4 p.m. in Hensall United Church basement. Meetings to date have in- cluded athletes badge work tested at the. school by Mrs. William Smith and Airs. Fred 13roadley. A nature and treas- ure hunt constituted another meeting. Golden Hand Brown- ies are currently working to- wards their needleworkers badge under the direction of Mrs. J. B. Jarrell. On Novem• ber 6 Tawny Owl took charge of the bulb planting, another test used in Golden Hand work. Crafts for Christmas will conclude the fall season, Auxiliary to send parcels At the Legion Ladies Auxili- ary meeting Tuesday evening in the Legion Hall it was voted to send Christmas parcels to local boys serving overseas. The group will cater to a Kinsmen banquet tonight (Thursday) and to a Legion banquet on November 10. An invitation was received from Blyth and Clinton Auxilia- ries to attend their birthday parties this month, Three teams represented Hensel]. Auxiliary at the Exeter Auxiliary bowling tournament Wednesday. The Legion and Auxiliary family Christmas party will be held Sunday, December 16. Members will exchange Christ. mas gifts at their Christmas meeting. Mrs. Beatrice Forres- ter, Zurich, won both mystery prize and a guessing competi- tion.zngo was played and lunch served. schools owe en challenge in British .Gnina" WAS reviewed by Mrs. T. Laing. Mrs. C. MeKai„,/, condneted the business period. Mrs. T. L. Scott favored with a solo. fn the absence of Airs, Grace .Seett, Miss Olive Speare read an article. "Words from the Cenotaph", Mrs. E. Moore gave current events. Mrs. T. Laing and Mrs. Sa- die Scott assisted the hostess in serving refreshments. The annual bazaar and tea, sponsored by the Ladies Aid and Marian Ritchie Auxiliary of Cromarty Church will be held on Wednesday afternoon, November 14 in the b,'ornent of the church. Wtvts„ .servtce• 'I' h e annual Thankoffering service of the Cromarty WMS was held on Sunday with Mrs, J. C. Boyne conducting the service. Mrs. Calder !deKaig and Miss Olive Speare assisted with the scripture reading and Mrs. T. L, Scott led in prayer. Mrs. Boyne gave a splendid mission- ary address, using as her theme "Why Missions?" The choir sang an anthem, Speaker told of church work Mrs. J, N. Nichol, Listowel, was guest speaker at the thank. offering meeting of the Marian Ritchie Evening Auxiliary in the schoolroom of the church. She told of the work of the Presbyterian church and the literature available. She was thanked by Mrs. Mervin Dow, A thanksgiving topic was given by Mrs, Eldon Allen, Mrs. Sam McCurdy took the devotional. Mrs. Robert Laing presided for the meeting, Plans were made for a quilting at the home of Mrs. Carter Kerslake. Personal items Misses Bonnie and Nancy Kay, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Kay of London, spent the, weekend with their aunt and uncle, Miss Nettie McCurdy and Mr. Will McCur- dy. Mrs. W, Harper visited on Thursday with her mother, Mi's. Clara Hackney, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Allen of Moosejaw, Sask,, accompanied by Mr. and Airs. Howard Ahiers and two sons of Toron- to were recent visitors with Mr. and Mt-s. Frank Allen, Mrs. Ahiers is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Allen Mr. R, J. Everatt of Banff, Alberta, was a guest for a few days last week, with Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott and family and Mrs. E. Moore. Janet, Donald and Margaret Couper of Mitchell, spent the weekend with Mr. and Airs. Gerald Carey and Mrs. Moore. Mrs.- L. E, Abbiss of Toron- to spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carey, Staffa. Mrs. Alex Walker and Kim- berley spent a few clays with her parents at Kirkland Lake. Mr. and Mrs. T. Laing vis- ited on Sunday with AIr. and Mrs. Wm, Caldwell of Bruce- field, Mr, and Mrs. Alex Gardiner attended anniversary services at Knox Presbyterian Church, Mitchell, on Sunday and after- wards visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kraemer of RR Mitchell. On Wednesday afternoon a Hallowe'en party was enjoyed by the nupils and parents of SS 6 Hibbert. A Junior Red elects at Zion UC By MISS MURIEL HERN, ZION Zion United. Church .annual Sunday Scheel. meeting was. held on Monday evening, Of f er s for 19.04: were elected, Superintendent is Nor- man Jaques: .assistant, Fred Miller; secretary, Harry Ja- qne,s; treasurer, Morris Hem; pianists, Barbara Bern, Paul. Baker, Vernon Peril; cradle roll superintendent, Mrs. Al- lan Jaques. Teachers elected were: prim- ary, Mrs. Ray Jaques, Shir- ley Jaques: intermediate jim. ions; Mrs. Edgar Baker, Thom, Las Brock; intermediate seniors, Mrs, Cliff Jaques, Harry Hern; junior bible class, Airs. Ger- ald Henn Harold Hera; senior bible class, Mrs. Morris Bern, Wellington Brock, Ross Fern, Cliff Jaques. Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jaques and Steven attended Kirkton anniversary on Sunday and were guests with Air. and Mrs. Ray Paynter and David, Air. and Mrs. William Strong, Seaforth, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brock and. Bill. Mr. Lloyd Lynn and June, Clandeboye, were Sunday eve- ning visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. Harry Hern, Ivan, Nancy and Sandra, Mrs. Orville Snell, Grimsby, visited on Friday with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ephriarn Hern. AIr. and Mrs. James Row- cliffe, London, visited on Sun- day with Aix. and Mrs. Wel- lington Brock and Mr. and Airs. Thomas Brock, Karen and. Mur- ton. Visitors on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Ward kiern were: Mr. and Mrs. William Dixon, Christine and Jimmie, Brins7 ley, Miss Gerta Hunter and Miss Phyllis Hern, London, Air. and Mrs.. Beverly Skinner and. boys, Exeter, Cross program was followed with judging of the costumes, games and lunch. Those win- ning prizes were Lorraine Laing, Janet. Allen and Andy Douglas. 4 Queen's HOTEL Seaforth Attractive Rooms NIGHTLY Licenced under LCBO PHONE 433 SEAFORTH Honor fallen on $unday Remembrance Day will be ob. served here Sunday, November 11 under the auspices of lien. sail Branch. 468 of the Canadian Legion. Following a service at the cenotaph at 10,30 when placing of wreaths will take place, Members of the Legion, Ladies' Auxiliary, Scouts, Cubs, Guides, Brownies and their leaders will march to the United Church for service at 11 a,m, and will be addressed by Rev, Harold F. Currie, Baseball banquet Sugar 'n spice — Continued from page 4 whites of their eyes. If some- thing moves in the bush, blare away. It might be another hunter, but there's an even chance it's a partridge or a deer. Or a farmer. It's old-fashioned to wear bright red clothing in the bush, Statistics show that 98 oar cent of the hunters who have been shot in the past ten Brightly lit jack - o - lanterns *ears were clad in red gar- grinne d down i nto the eerie -dents, So why not wear some.- blackness as witches, beat- 'hing that blends with the Mks, ghosts, tramps and 'lush? You can sneak up on others significant of Home. 'he quarry that much easier, ,en passed the the "Gate. of and there's a fair chance you Spirits". Watchmaker ran sneak past the other hunt- The prizes as awarded by the ers, Without being spotted. H CGIT leaders went to Ruth Well known for QUdlity Watch, !hey do see you first, get away Smale, a tramp for the most Clock, JewellerY, Electric "oar shot first, then drop to ;tins Bishack, Romeo, Shaver & Spettacle Repairing the ground and let them hang f or br i nging the past into the -- way, They'll go home happy, 'In* everyone about the big Marilyn Monroe, f or th e pret. buck they missed. Meg there, * * Intrechiction of the masque- ratters were carried out before JEWELLER & OPTICIAN ,you happen to become lost such games as bobbing for ap- ZURICH n the bush, don't panic. 'Mist pies, charades, and blow-out present; and Air, MacDonald, Established 1918 J1i son pry n 'BC speaker at .'Kippen • . By MRS, NORMAN ,LANG Herb Mousseau, Dr. A. MO, meeti ng in uSrtp:h Andrews P- son, R. 4. ,and dint P 4171.478-,. !°14 united Church held visitors' awl' hunting trip to Man' Oct,day,, :30. with Mrs, Bert Fa. Mr. and Mrs. Kerr of her And :Mrs, Thomas Reid as Winthrop visited :Sunday with hostesses. Mrs. Ronald Me- Airs. E, powson. Gregor was in charge of the worship service, and the pres- 7+11(r•sjr,.BC.)rsoVrtl,4 Detroit,3r°wn' Mrs.QC and,Al - ident, Mrs, Harold Jon PS yin Melt, WindS0r, Mr+ James. chaired the meeting, Armstrong, Staffa, and. Mr. Dr, J, E. Whiting, home .en Charles .Grimeel of Ow en furlough from Hazelton, Sound were Sunday visitors spoke and showed slides of his with AIr, and Airs, N, .Long, wwoifek, an iss dW.tOS tliasr rit'Patetby his Miss Ann Westlake of Bayfield Accompanied by Miss Marion Triebner favored with duets, Guests were present from. VOW Chiselhurst, Egmonti,- villa, from the WMS of First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, WMS of Carmel Presbyterian Church, Het:sail, At the close of the meeting, lunch was served -in the school- pining facilities for room which was nicely decor- banquets and weddings ated in -colorful autumn flow- ers. Surprise, for anniversary Wednesday evening, Oct. 31 at ENTERTAINMENT • • .A surprise party was held on the home of Mr, and Airs. liar- old Jones to celebrate their twentieth wedding anniversary. The evening was spent by play- ing euchre. Prize winners were: Mrs. Roy McBride, Mrs, Pearl Love, Mr. Harold Jones and Mr. Robert Madge. Musical entertainment Was also enjoyed. Mr. Roy McBride read an address and Mr. and Mrs. Jones were presented with a pair of table lamps, At lunch time they were also presented with a two-tiered cake which had been made and decorated for the occasion by Mrs. Pearl Love and Mrs. Jim Love. Personal items Airs. Whiten an, widow of the late Alden J. Whiteman, formerly of Kippen, died last week at her home in Long Beach, Cal, Miss Mabel White- man is a sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. 'Ross Faber and Kevin accompanied by Mrs. Elzar Mousseau spent Sunday afternoon at Grand BenAiceiSsrs Elzar Mousseau,