HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-08-11, Page 29
The Mai. Liquor /Am was adapted by
• Myra': vote ie Miebigas ee thq 20tb
Wbiereepee the Detroit Tribeas pub -
/hews tbe fullormigi
Dam, es Use NOth lest., Pert C. Brae -
4. 01 dupw. Thia oust is pot altogit
ar uoespooted, u tic departed had
isalitiand with the discus which ceased his
death for • long time. 01 1411 the geese -
es, of water accumulated in les system was
immesse, and be bat been tapped by bis
phymehms several toncs, but witbuitt e •
Cot. Ile bad a large neither of doctors, media a rueli 1.r the round boom le peowase
and some are mean eneeigh to say that ihrimeelses of the orifie,is width filmy sue
that hasteaed Ws decease. His loss will seeded. Galas alarm beteg even, die
Le useably felt by Ws many frteuda who amtoe, his mate, sae pert of ibe crew, ee.
wens aceutomed 10 see hien daily in our d est te mist, aad isms ot the asaull'-
erects. site wens abet. Alter which the masioi
" mime day, R. G. Brandy, and mate retreeted to the cabins, (roe
Ako tha v.hroce *bey were drives by the Cuelme
Esq., familiarly known by the soubriquet pouring =to the c.Mise balms water: the
of -Rot Gut," aad brother of P. C., whose orrotchehl creatures finding this Ceelme
death we chronicle above. Ile took a tenthly* escaped through ilk. pone Gr..) tee
large mmatity nI poieun (by miatake it it whereupon seamed of the (hinese,
supposed) several years ago. No bad ef- having thetnielwo• with pistols aod
feels were realized at first, but for a few coil. ..it.,.werodiusobeboasit,spjaisibuoodesthlentals:
yyears past tt has bees spreading through ter_.ter.d
ancarpeeter, earned (a.
glishmene sod the cook also touk tun
les systenesad bas finally 'mused his death. ""''
It Is to be hoped that his death will km a itte water. some of the etew, 11000, 01
waraiug to those wbo have been in the whew, were meu,j,,,,,„, jumped over r,t.
tuba of taking poison for a medicine. aide and tie:d oe by the ropee,othere ammo(
Also, on the same dry, 11. leu, Esq.- ed the rigging. The carpenter, n swears,
The deceased was a membeof the Brao micceeded in *trimming on visors. dismal
dy family, sod a relative be marriage.-- (.•tween %brim sae five utiles, aad reached
the suited states sever& years sgo, in con- nee
sad vereettag 11.11.1 displayed W
k. litoodlo• seggeweedibe verse', el the
It.-4tOls Wag Messiah= kept le emilhe
Os AprU dih die vessel ,....d Aimless
erten ampler, of tate*, hos, meld 1...
been eata.se kat no W111*I0 iv/mired,
the carats trilogies as los reason teat at
as Woad myeird Ankle ma *bootlace of
waters coobe renewed without Ineurriagipork • fair business doing. Baum its good
asps.... The Coolies appear to hem regatta. Butter, ions dearer. Cheese
formed toe Imedge el teasel she elite. itd wod reedy.
reweave te Mae. tte the dsy Weir mutt IR• NCI.
leg Anise, whihsthe crew were at glealim, 3.., 19 fus 4.wiPerl•ue rd
sad tha cement amid les chief *Seel us
memo ac mil se ascend emli
llicere Chiseler dich" "411 of 3d.
A despatch from Coaatastisople slates
bIl. wet dia tialieed at the opereiag. it weld
,.ib. *rajah! esti the shies sleeted
cismege nor lootatioss a/ the 13116
Wass t,ora last, te drimutd, GNI tue.
chimaged es to vales. natio' write
were "its iseglected.---Cottai
putout at previous rate*, sales 20,0011
Wu. Laid was &toady. 1. Wel Dad
Cabello, far US oespose of realise
=eft for let deeduebea lbe
IfIth, fear dye renters to the mks' of
the meet whish brought those advisee.
A senile earthy*s was notivieseed
-et Cuomo at the 15th inst., which over-
drew mew of t be boillliags. Moro lima
therearlea, hundred persona were buried ia the
New York, Aug. 6.
The Atlantic sailed at soon for Liv-
erpool, with 140 pawners. Among diem
were Mr. Buchman, Minister to Englaad,
sad Mr. Book, Monster to Spain.
Theclipper slop, Soverogn-o -the- Sias,
was chartered at London for Melbourne,
Ile was a native of Holland, and fled to ttmsve1:1.„41 O7ilice.:14Z fil=11 ::::=11
eel the crew to navigate the 1 to
sequace of having been actively engaged
Crime, but thibiroas summed to the d•reet tun
is mac rat the revolutions that characterise ot tlingipore, Shich wee thou mired by the
That country. 11. was pursued by the po- Chinese "rime abate 40 miles crow thm
Tice, bet secreted himself in a cask, sod port.
landed safely io New York. Since then, Tee vessel was within sight of the
alloy ol his family have made their escape lien•burg Lighthuure, on Piedra nr•nca,
iu the same moaner. He left a large fatal _ iv he re
:o!.lieYs: ..CO by aa tiv • Dubti,
lyochldren, moat ofwhew were bortoit"•atho'g•77,„iL,,,uc..ro,
iarda•ccriained :7.the Caplan
this country, bet we are sorry to say are ROI Mee had Mee murdered, and repotted the
'•characterized by any of the traits of their circumstances to the local astIortues.-
Ilistieguished father. The latter look or steps i• the matter, se
Ala°.i." law setae day, Rye Whinkey, ihs only steamer here, lib. tiorerly, was
Earl. Mr. W. was one of the first settlers dimmed incapable, from her .13 .4* power, of
of Michigan, in early efe 4* wan ell w_ h
making her return sganat the monsoon
dustroua, hard-working min. Ile Ina dour .arld,•""eDdmoa
ubpobriieclu;"••„ 10 t alsnd wei.b.een
1 t
Illuelt to build ue our railroads aad public
::ft uecrcrod•d brought mit'siligence that she
works, aad eratild always be found in tbe was a coolie ship. From etre statoffents
harvest field early and late.- Sorge few ol of the new it would appear that the chi.
Oaf farmers thought they could not harvest nese, mistrusting them and fearing that
dieir wheat tidos Mr. W. was with thein the vessel would be d 4 from tees
to cheer up their bands. How they will gapers, ands up their minds to murder the
manage to do so since his death, we are un- crew, after *tech they considered they
able to say. It may lead to disastrous is- is,ou1d rii:cine
•edt:,11 itrewacihintoCuihistabbley anmert.of
u'ilickig the night theYgreater part Po! the
sults, and it is leered by sombju
e tnat some of e
our farmers may cease to grow wheat. whichner
4rew ..caped, and reached this place. On
would inevitably liaise the price of flour. the nth instant, the brig Rival, with a
Of late years, however, Mr. W. bas targe party ef Eoropeami, sailed from this
grown shiftless, noisy, quarrelsome, aud any port, fell in With the Komi Elias, and sue..
neighbourhood that he visited was sure to seeded in bringing her in. Tbe Coolies
be the scene of disturbance of every nature. have MI tritteJ their late slave ship. ex.
The too frequent occurrences of street cePtlywar cuotetit.d1:r aiwbslirtninglieised:: %acisms
cause of his death. He was killed by a Rosa Elms is the thirteenth Coolie laden
blow oe the bead with a ballot -box, iu open ship which hes bees cut off, either by the
daylight. The perpetrators of the deed Coolies or the crew, or both, sod all with
are not fully known, but suspicion rests up- in the post thiee yrars.
on two men whose name, we believe, are .
Mr. Law and Mr. Order. Several men ARRIVAL OF 'IRE S'IsEANIER"
from the Free Press office are on the watch WASHINGTON.
and cm tbis no doubt they have apprehend- -
ed them. New York, Aug. 4.
that Eaglaod, France and Germany bad
agreed to the basis of the arrangemeat
winch is to be proposed to 'furkey. The
head quarters of tie Russian army bad
Wee established at Bucharest, and 150,000
troops were encamped about the environs.
Advices from Vicuna to the 18t1, state
that troops were still marching to the south;
62 guns of heavy calibre had arrived at
Insley on 8111 July ; the exportation ol corn
had been prohibited.
Advice" from Cbina to the 19th May,
are of a very singular character. The
rebel* hate raked the banner of Cbristian•
ity. The Bible lies been translated, and
they were under an extraordinary fanati-
cism of the whole Tatoo race. Naukin
was held by them, and reported to be in a
state of ruin. Tee rebels were for filing
tin city, and intended to march upon Pekin
as soon as the espected reinforceineuts from
the south arrived. Tbe Commander of
the Britiab Wsr steamer Hermes had re•
turned from an expedition to • section of
the rebellion, where be explained the emu-
tral position of foreign powers. Ile sloes
that the insurgents Lad adopted the protes-
tant form of worship.
ea the *time Wad the Comity st Murex do.
rude epee Bruce sa • reel Auld ire ste
eakfuters trade. We Wald
sagged to ear Mead this Kure a Kim -
earths*, that a little agitatios at the Castl-
ed Board to opal up ties lAtto shore
road to and through the sew Comi-
ty, woold sot ultimately lie withoat
effect, aad would serve the purpose of
Bruce at the preseet tiine, probably more
than any other local project, but we hardly
think that opposition end nuareprePentatiO0
of wbat the people of Hero° believe to be
useful and payiug undertakings will al all
facilitate amicable arrangements at the
Council Board, for the mutual improve-
ment of the two Comities. We think the
allusions to the Warden especially out of
place, as every person, acquainted with
that gentleman, is well aware that the *en-
thisent attributed to bun could not find eves
a momentary resting place in Lis mind.
Boston, Aug. 6.
Patrick 0•Donogisee was arrested at tbe
Adam's House, yesterday afternoon, on •
warrant ckargiog bim with tending a letter
to Mr. 'freatior, accepting a challenge to
fight a duel somewhere iu Manchester, N.
H., early this morning. He was taken
before Justice Rogers and gave bail for
$2,000, and io the meantime to keep the
peace. A warrant is also out for the ar-
rest of Treanor wbo gave tbe challenge;
be is commander of the Meagher Rifies of
this city. O'Donoghue's (needs caused
les arrest as the only means of averting the
Washington, Aug. 6.
The postal arrangements between Bre-
men and the United States are completed
and will go out so the steamer to -day from
New York.
C. D. Fadden, of Pennsylvauia, is ap-
pointed Judge of Oregon.
Halifax, Aug. 5.
The Niagara arrived here yeeterday.
Breadstuff' considerably elated, io cease-
quence of the weather, and the opening of
French ports to free imports.
Fon:K.-Large business dotng ; ad-
vance 9d. to 11. Wheat advanced 2d. to
U. -good demand. Corn ; held 6d. higher
that) last week. Wester. Canal fioor, 25s
o 28s. ; Ohio, 27*. 6d. to 28s. ; white
wheat, 8s. to 8s. 6d.; red aud mixed, 71.
6d. to ls. I ld ; white corn, 31s. lo 32s.
Beef unchanged ; pork steady. Ashes
lower --26s for Pots.
New York, Aug. 5.
'1 he Niagara from Liverpool, July 23,
arrived at Halifax resterday morning. She
has 115 passengers._ _
In England it MI generally reported
that Lord Palmerston would succeed to the
foreign Secretaryship -the Earl of Clar-
endon exchanging for the llome Depart-
Respecting the Eastern question, the
Chancellor is reported to have said that
Czar will follow the arrangements held out
for his acceptance. Tbe only motive for
further delay was to obtain the assent of
It was telegraphed from Vienna, from
Berlio, that the Gear had accepted the
proposl offered by England and France.
The Steamship Washington,witb LOn-
News had also reached London, uuder
don dates to the 20t43 alt, arrived at 1011
dare Constautinopl e July I 1th, that a
this moroing. conciliatory note has just been passed by
Cotton at Lit erpool firm and moderitely I podia,
which was considered of
active. ;.'";;;;;re to bring the negotiations at once
Breatlatuffs rather higheresay at outside.
-Wheat Id., and auur 6d. Corn quiet.
Bacon dearer. Bee and Pork itnebouged.
'rim Turkish question is more pacific and
likely to be arranged without recourse to
The steamship Niagara, with Liver-
It is seldom we hare to announce .the
death of an entire faintly, thus swept away
at one fell swoop. 'limy were all men well
knows io our State, and have acted io many
public capacities; some one of theta Ime
been& member ofevet legislature since our
organization as a slate. In primary meet-
ings and caucuses they have succeeded in
nominating their own friends to office, and
afterwards its electing theta There is hard-
ly a. officer in the State but what owes
to them his election.
At the request of tiv, friends of the de-
ceased, their remains will not be interred
until December ncet. Those who wish to
take "a last long loek' can do so m most
of the groceries and saloons in town.
hoe antis reed you. pig *Icor eaci, shah 1 Walla Ysa
that I sr the holy Reeve free Ws tha
'Ceded Cowie", sad that Whet 66.1 Wu
iloariebiog cowry is bras& are sisal es-
weseemithe, Istt 4 oporeostre Iisb b
tel late 1 w43s we eetirely a our
judgelledt, will ad hewer, in -W
to site the sot* Oat raises the '---000
to rah* grovel roads 10 yes sad for thet
rut id ilk runty that had the Railroad,
here, whoa a unite copper is sot gives
to reke a sleigh track is thou who have
DODO. Yea, so *ridged! serst the
thitig bees settled, depeadest os yaw ap.
oval that us of Ilia lieu is modiste roe
...heetssee melted
akz;ounellillidei which
Whig di reval depot
for the prime of the vest, from the spoor
lakes rowti to the Atisae cities, sed
already connected with her by close bed-
aub Midterm, • barge potion of the travel
will bs Wawa of from the Great Warn,
at the Paris Ouija, aad take this lime to
Buffalo. Is like saaar.ar, her Railway ccos-
oectioo with the Easters cities will doubt-
less cootribios a considerable Weisel' to
pass lust by Use same route.
'lles road 1(115 coaaect a, at Stratford, mrallel with the Railroad whirls cannot S•
with the Provincial Grand Truk Line, now j but • losing and ruinous speculative, wheat
about to he emstrueted, Weedier eaat lied ' II static nsi:e has aot been given aorth of
west, from v hick all passengers for the Uai- the Maitland, while those who have the
ted States must be attracted by this road, Itailroad and good COODO04 Road suet
' have ravel roads too, ea, ea these tura-
being the only direct road to tbe Ameri-
can frontier which conoects with it west of
With these termini and connections coo-
joiaed to the resources, cultivation. wealth,
This noble work, as many of our readers
are aware is now progressing very rapidly
hi the hands of the energetic coutractors.
Tile number of men employed are con-
tiuuiog to iscrease, and the cuttings alrea-
dy made look very promising. We are
glad to have an opportunity to subjoin a
report, which we take from the Buffalo
Commercial Advertiser, believing it to
possess many features of interest :-
pike or coannot. roads, Imre travelled, by
a coach and four, at the rata of 7 miles
ea hour, and the poor settlers in tbe county
of Bruce. yr bo carry their begs and bag -
and population ol the intermediate country, , ages on their backs, some 15t roug
together trek the facilities derived from j deep snows and all hying fron20 10 80 miles
favorable grades for the construeitoo of the from the nearest point of either of your
road at &low first cost, the Directors coo- rail or gravel roads, are to be fleeced by
tient impressed wttli tbe coevictiou that the eases to make your roads whilst bey
undertaking will prove largely profitable to refused • copper for their owe. 'Die
the shareholders. while it confer, inappre- 1Railroad vote of £125,000 tad about
ciable advantages mem all the munietpali- 1, £200,000 wbcn paid our Reeve supported,
ties whose inhabitants have, is a manner as IOIDO measure of benefit alight be re.
alike judicious and spirited, supported the Iceived, but for toll roads they are to be of
enterprise from its first projection. DO beeefit to us, and with ibe ltailroad
U roe the tine ef the road ia Canada, the \ very little *0 700, nothing in comparimin
greatest unanimity in favor of the project l to what they cnst you. "Ile £30,000
appears to prevail, and the several depart- will he ezeetly £60,030 when paid, aud
waits of the Government,seeve desirous of Idepend upon it dm must come in the shape
affording every facility and encoenageineet of tolls or tales out of you, for we are de -
to tbe Company. A liberal charter has i termined that over, copper we pay than
been ranted the additional foods required 1 he paid back. Being thus treated, a year
err two will send us out of the family; and
Tbe 'Oatmeal and exhibit of the Buffa-
lo, Brutford and Godei ich Railway Com-
pany for 1863, is now before the public,
and from the importance of the work, mil
the anxiety with which the progress of the
road is watched by those interested in its
construction, the document will be a wel-
come ooe to our citizens. From an Me -
.nate acquaintance with tbe facilities afford-
ed by the selected route for the rapid con-
struction of a line of railroad, and from a
knowledge of the business tact aud cher-
getic characters of the gentleman eutru•ted
with the management of tbe affairs of the
company, we have always bad confidence
in tbe uodertaking from its inception, and
have expected that the progress of the work
would be such as to satisfy, if not to aston-
ish the public. We are not, therefnre sur-
dnsed by the announcement in a note ap-
pended to the annual report, that the east-
ern division of the road-Ibat portion be-
tween 11411"410 and Brantford is confidently
expected to be opened to the public by
the first day of next October. '[be
iron, says the report is arriving in u-
tisfactory quantities at Quebec, and is
being forwarded with despatch to the
Welland' Cereal Feeder, from which
point with the aid of two locometives, the
permaaent road is beteg laid, east and west
Tbe financial affairs of the company, tno,
are in a prosperous and healthy condition,
and the debentures accepted in payment of
shares held by the local municipalities along
tbe line to the amount of £184,500, have
been cubed by Prorinciel Government at
par, under tlx Consolidated Municipal Loan
Fund Act for Upper Canada. The follow-
ing is the eihibit:
Of the Wale. Brantford and Gadtricli
Railway Company, Jut 1,1863.
To cash paid inaewery. grading. etc.$129.3.57 54
Right .f Wel 23,484 89
" Interest on Bonds, Die-
men, Brokerage, Agee.
ffsee Eapeeses, Seta-
' ries, femeng, Adernine
isg, etc., • 16.976 17
•• &nomads' 41t. O;;Ireyli:eg lki,915 46
• 1 Iron II61,111 11
46 " Plank ... •••• 1,80000
To menet et glhotinipal Detester's
negotiared with Provincial Gov-
ernment 738,000 00
" Balance of cash om hug 108.820 96
Io anodic- place will be found a letter
from Mr. W. Fraser, the Reere of the
Cuited 'fownshiys of the County of Bruce.
We insert this communication because
Mr. Fraser is the only Reeve of that
County and is entitled to a hearing on tbat
accouot, and we are also desirous that the
important question, shortly to be submitted
to the inhabitants of the different townships
should be thoroughly discussed, but we
must say that the arguments adduced are
rather of a fossil cast. Tbesubstance of
the argument is that because Bruce is not
yet prepared for gravel roads, that the se-
nior County must either wait until ber ju-
nior is ready or untd a separation takes
place. Mr. Fraser also complains of the
injustice of the project -the idea that
Huron should have a Gravel Road as well
as a Railroad, while Bruce is lett without
either, he endeavours to bold up as oppres-
sive and unjust, and would if possible make
Herron believe that these roads are ruinous
speculations. We cannot subscribe to
these complaints and iusinuations, as they
are unfounded. Huron requires Gravel -
roads in connection with her Rail -road,
which, without these necessary auxiliaries,
wriest be far less useful; she has deter -
!flirted, through her reeves, to remedy the
evil under which she has so long labored,
and to escape from the isolated condition
she has too long occupied, but Huron is
only one of the United Counties, and in
taxing herself she has necessarily to tax her
junior, for the law makes no distinctive
provision. It is true that the roads at
present lo be undertaken are exclusively
within the County of Huron, but 11 1* pre-
sumed safely that the inhabitants of Bruce
will enjoy many advantages and will be ad-
vanced greatly by every step towards im-
provemeneundertaken even in an adjoining
county, and in tbk respeci, the position
of Bruce is infinitely superior, at tie pre-
test tint., to that of theft in the early
days of its settlemeet. But we also pre-
mise that the Couiril never isteaded to
net selfishly -it was sever =toadied by the
C.... that Heron should have all the
taws upwind upon leer toads whole Bruce
should be entirely weeded. This was
well niasifeated at at the last session of that
board. The Cooatil had already toted a
large sole for the Maitland Bridge sad in
addition to which Were prepared to vote
for tbe gravellieg of 10 or 12 miles of tbe
portiere road, all of which would be
greatly beeefi7ial to Bruce, but this last
was refused by the gentletem for whose
beoefit it was inteaded, on rim ground (last
the hard read would =jure dm feet of their
men. It is true two mottoes were mode
by Mr. Frame for amounts to be expelled
is POW* of the back roads is the Could,
of Bruce which the Courted refuted to
rut, as 11 1, erideatly the &sire *1 14*
Cauca to groat mosey to tie first instasee
to Brace for purposes which shall be re-
ally generally beneficial to that rising
coasety and leave tea back roads to he
opened op by mous of the 'rapt* feeds
resell et tbe disposal of tie 'Poweehips 1.
the new Comity by its hind sales. Mr.
Fraser complain that sot a " es" -
pee" has yet bees gives to make improve -
mesh hi the sew meaty. Bet Mr. Fre-
- wiN also recant Mot Braes 43 01*
paid ei* shish, eopper" into the Trusts,
tha liaised Custom
'Let's?. received from Singapore to the
13th May, afford shot king detail. of another
of Ilicere serial mord ere Ilu board *hip. are,
mg out .1 13. odious Coolie trade. In the
present instance the roma.' mit Of wits a
foreign vemet, veiling under the Per timer,
flag. bat efficered by Englishmen who have
fallen meows to the foul trade in human
which has for snore few years been
carried es from China to South America
mid the 'lateens*. It route appear from
the fare diaceoed during aa diktat ince.-
heath*. tato th• matter here, ;hat the pert,
alas teak Ela., of 900 too*, received
board st Cele sire moon fbetereen hong
Kong sod Cintonl 201 Cshiese Coolie', n:
whichmnother, nes was • doctor bound for
Calla.). The reason no doubt for slopping
Coolie, at Coin •ing•inoon becalm*, there
to a conclusion.
Boston, Aug. 5.
At the N1cagber festival, on Wednes-
day evening, some feeling of enmity is al-
leged to lure arrisen between Captain
Tremor, Chairman of tLe meeting, anti
pool dates to the 22nd, arrived at Ties ax Mr. Donoghue; the recently arrived pa -
ibis morning. --Not a word of ber news hasItn°t'
been received Qnebee, Aug. 5.
Tbe Washington brought 141 passen- The Sarah Sfinds nit yet arrived.
The steamship Niagara arrived out on
the 17th and the Baltic on the 19th.
WIren the 1Vashington left, confidence
in the maintainance of peace was hid -eas-
ing both in London and Pali'. The reply
of Lord John Russel to the joint repre-
sentations of France and England was ex-
pected in England about the 2'2nd. Tbe
latest intelligence from St. Petersburg Was
to the 9th July, which stile, tbst one of
the propositions fur a compromise had
reached the Russian Cabinet, 'glitch indi-
cated a desire to negotiate. The telegra-
phic aecouts from Coestaudoople state
that a minister crisis was feared, in con-
sequence of the Russian invasion of the
Principalities. A pacific saluting) was,
however, espected- Orders had been giv-
en In permit the passage of' the littliah or
French ships at any mom. at day ur
A formidable conspirary against the life
of the Saltan, by the lumina a Somatic
New York, Aug. 5, 1853.
FLOUR. -Io consequence of the favor -
Able advices from Europe by the Niagara.
Westeru State has advanced I2i cents
per bbl., -demand fair. Canadian wanted:
a $5.31. Sales Western State,
76,000 bbls. : $5.34 a $5.37 for Cunt -
030n 10 straight state : $5.25 a $5.44
for mixed to fancy Michigan and Indiana ;
gib.31 a $5.50 for common to good Ohio.
WHICAT, 2 a 3 cis. better. Demand
mainly for export. Sales 10,500 boh. ;
good Ohio, at $1.34 a $1-35 ; 4,000,
gnod Canadian, $1•28; 25;000, rood
mixed Ohio, 124, 14,000, good old Ge-
nessee, $1.44.
have been raised upoo favorable terms, and
tbe negotiation of tbe sale of municipal de-
pentures lave been undertaken by the Pro-
tincial goverameoe thus protecting the
compute against au anticipated loss uo sub
debentures of 12e to 15 per cent.
The report of Mr. William Wallace, the
Engineer of the road, accompaated tie bringing home your fire wood and sending
statement of tbe Directors, and givesa very lime saw logs t3 the mill. Tile purse
favorable account of the progress arid pros- I must continually be in hand. lo addition
• • to tbe said enormous sum no less than .£500
a year will support tram le to 16 tollco -
lectors, besiie tbe loss the great lo.s you
may bare to suffer through emir dishon-
esty. The Railroad mai pay itself partly
at least by the traffic arid cave of the
while we remaiu we will not willingly sub-
mit to be robbed or deprived of our goods
for the benefit ol others. So gentlemen,
in addition to al! your other tax, your toll
going east, goiag south, going to mill and
oingvie' your neighbour, and even
peels of the work. The following Ls hes
estimate for the Godench eztessioa:-
Clearing. Grubb:um sad Cradles. i. -
e154115 all the seeeseary bridges •
and culverts, sad Mae the ties diaper
ooetract 560 0'
Grading sod Dockage at Gederich... 15.0t10
stir,' .1 way 314 Lj.p., 25,000 stranger, but not the gravel roan loan.
as ROO 1 If so never you be afraid but money will
Etallosaiog,Criela Gouda, co ' 00.000 be found to take up the project and do It
ffepersireetere laud,. ib. WWI M0*Ifor you. Be not so simple is to believe
per, with the heavy rail, melodies
•Il necessary toremois camp every tale that is told you, without this we
Depot Buildies m Gederich, and all have too much reasoner) fear that we have
Istermedism statomMomos 55.n.°°0 enough to do to meet the Railroad tote.
Ent:Mews' awl Appel's, '".000 For when the £125,000 are expended,
• gloom° the road will not be half finished, how then
Eight Locomotives, fifties best class will the next come. Well it is 'opposed
Peseesege, tear Mail ..d Besiege, that [tankers in England will tike this
o.. Misdeed Freight, forty Plat- half finished road and edvance the rest on .
term, forty Gravel, sad ma Head
Cars 235. 000 a mortgage. Therefore as the subject vvd1
then be entirely in their power their con-
IIII.673.000 dilions will be as favourable to themselves
The reports are accompanied by a do- as posaible and then if the mortgage should
cement exhibiting the commerce of Buffalo in a few years take the Road and all, how
for a !cries of years; a subject upon which shall our £200,000 be paid but by a no -
our citizen's are too well posted up to ren- serous taxation. But when yutt add to
1 this fearful sum £60,000 for gravel road
der it necessary that we should make an
reference to the facts and figures sct forth and 7 or £8000 for a Suspension Bridge
thereiu. We regard the report as !light,' with 2 or £3000 for a Court House, in -
satisfactory, and can congratulate out eiti- eluding principal and interest in 20 or 30
seas generally all of whom are vitally inter- years, the farmer of these United Coun-
ested in the success of the project, upon its ties should pause to Pee the Railroad fin -
present progremand future proapects. The tithed before they engage in a gravel road
New York, Aug. 6.
The astounding fraud in this city, alleded
to in a %Washington despatch a few dor
ago, relates to land warrants. The par.
practice may .343 impunity et moor e u par,y, lied been discovered, sand 13 Of, the ties concerned In it are said to he a distill -
being BO Consular do, how y th ameba vilest ,
b t J t
te order 10 recto.* a ,hipairoit „,r c„„1,6„._ leaders arrested and bowstiinged. Ike. gnished bead of a bureau in Washingloo,
At Amoy, • here there to a flrft sh Cresol object was to despose the Sultan in formic a clerk, and a broker in this city. The
so= the ereigranis are shipped in BrIliiih of his brotber, then declare war against amount of the traud is nearly $150,000.
Ircatti,• the most outrageous practices were
mooted to in order to Istice wen to .911
lisik, bat ie the case of the Roes Etta,
there was not tl • 1(141 illItC1111111CO.
Aceuriing to the general tettaintny of
the =en easiness= (.1. aro n .1 soaped to can and Austrian corvettes bad determined
\have had soy sham in tb• weeders coneetit. to fight, and had cleared their decks tor
Iteesia. Washingtein, Ang. 5.
Negoliseons were still progreesing ',I 1 A letter, dated Hong Kosg, Iday 15,
the Hungarian refuels offer at t.3inyeria. say, ibai th. t-. s. ri rotes 601001000a
The latest accounts stair that the A"'". and Mis‘issippi, and the U. S. sloops of
war Plymouth and Supply, would leave in
about a month for Jepan.
ed se boviiii). rim mil is pari IhNo VW, 11010111, Witril the and French COR-
1..lupped bed Introit, carried on timrd. or auls interfered mil prevented the threatened
...stood by the Chime* euo:is brokers en
Boston, Ang. 5, 1853.
follow. prolog to, to oor4 the re .set, (ram Iturittlity. It wss afterwards arranged that Papers have here received here from
Costa ishould bit gives up to the French Gewirl•t"ni Gutoest to July 14.
. whisk 11.1. were not aisle auf•FeJ 3.
pbrl. 1111.ey of l'or puller. thee ellaaumfitily
=reared eosuistrag of boys mem awoke
years of ags the Rose Elms hsviag forty •
Ave ef thee later class oe board. It ereadd
ale* •ppuretrons the C..olica statement
,at they eittO 6oforsold by Omit asillalleNles
• .pp000 that des mese! was deettowid fur
• rode'?" Gil voodoo. geld; sad 'hit they
seed4 be matilerid le thmtelmweltee 11*
Freedom metal, *bile, its hue, the irempers
coatemplateie emptying theta so guaoo
VoSsr noel eireosiot.oetis red soi
tie earprhied shot a Few days se ees
mos se shopped IRMINIRItt diseetiefirid with
'look loe.oad sa steels to rotors to their owe
• story. Well. with *kis by log eaten,
whams as toteireter, the bark Rees
gas gem«. ess Castes rite oisr17 to
It welt, issue the usisesad et se ffiegbela-
reale asamtvd Ommege Weattry, ••4 P. W.
Dereemer or rate. The yrs.1 tram titled
so trIth e stave deck -that ie. ia• luau
Wows* &rho, ovitioally abut eta sad a
um rue, was Sim Jed WOO two tooth web
Osumi foal to 144ity whsh the
•14011 puked. FOt DOOR URN All
Clisbi.wies sorra ell weir en soli.
she ow etertallea a=11
ding ompremed
• row
40 the Miss
081110*.vo.th *W00% Tae hitter
01 roe he abet wear" Wt the
Asterism Menders at Coestantioop e.
y settled Um affair. Coma was
retards boded is Name, avid escorted
by Aortas mariaes *0 143. Frisch Consu-
la die Huss of Lords nu the Illth Lord
Clareadoe stated OA MI 11111111Wer, in (stint
coeformity with the ante published by the
French Government, had bees retureert
10 thlt last diplomatic note of Count Nes-
They report that there was considerable
dissatisfastios at the result of the Mosier -
tattoo Chiaese Coolies, who were very
quarrelsome. 'II* bark Appolone had
armed from Calcutta with 190 Coolies.
'nuttily others had died on the passage.
Fair budred wore Chilies* Coolies had
bees contracted for, aad were espectoil.
They werethe offscouring of tbe Chioess
Lowden, .1oly 18. --The foods opened
lavorablo es Tuaday, sod sdi seem' pl.
dluneg day , doming hoops* 1118
at Ott g. Ramo, buds were quoted
at as advisors. Wet soul stormy weather
load eared a ries is Ugh& wheat .1 14.
te 2J. per quirtor. Americas Geer bid
adtaaerl 11. per MO f;ore wee 43014 with
iiterreed ika eesatio•••• of die
ameamalh tbs Nate elm*.
(lois litialroaeo Sep. Chaider. tett
Te-isiy Ise seterearare of buyer* ises
%rite& sea the hie of *haat MO WOO Ogra
pusses Ursa as Fre*. We quota Sae
white sad hush red 14. per 70 lbs. diem
thr ea that . Several sales el door
bate edvertimed te take plow by 14.601
Alit Ora hailhet, there wee *et pitch W-
aits la die ore*, so WU& of N. per
As article in one as *ha papers declares
that if Cubs is snowed to receive slues,
Ilie 01t1043 West ladies caoaot compete
with her is the productive of *agar. Ow.
The NON papers have details of the Vi-
ietseelea Revelries, of whielt the Pee.
noes 'of Cameos 11114.1111 to he the bud
tposeten. 'Flay bed leased • Providers,
Ooettruiret. eel bed takes seemeree Iser
• Cosustios of the disaffootod Proviadoe
te Ora a Ceelledaratioa. Owed Thad -
dee a Gestural af Pimps wee witseliots
wire Ikea at the Ireadef A.000 woo. et every ewe ie Beteroloids hfavor
The Merles lenity bed et ad 7,000 "Pm BM",asl fliokes i• it° freirirfil
doebleseatsr ate boom* is, well aware that the toterwile Ilse
The nitaidathais Maks Oat the V Camila are too closely erseeted
osissalliass we matt W 10(MI. mot be serrated with impurity. The he -
se dettelese Rea (kir bad better 1 ortsvereats are underteltiets le Hero*
01 01 dm tiontry mud severs it.
A 4.01 .4 steoesere, with fryer gm saft17 • mho 10090141•414
bawd, bed bon Ampetiowitataio.„..,. gip 1 tecroset the rigidity of its ottleimest, but
President of the Company, the Hon. James loan of such fearful reeponsitelities that
must inevitably come out of their own
Wadsworth, leaves this country is a few
days for E*rope, on business connected 1 pockets. Let no one suppose that the
with the road; aad we have DO doubt his 'Comity of Bruce is to submit for 30 years
mission will result to advantage to the corn- I to come to be ribbed sod plundered by a
form ot „law for roads and improvement in
the County of Huron, we have a Railroad
already chartered through the whole
breadth of oar county, and another
may soon be and we shall soon teare a cold
bearted step -mother, those very Warden
told us " We have got you under the /ask
and keep you wider the lash" to manage
our own affairs, and efair, just and equita-
ble arbitration will not make us liable,
bet in proportion to the benefit received
nod as we shall have our roads then made,
or to be made it wilt take some logic to
prove that you have auy more right to our
taxes for your roads than we have to yours.
Tbe fact of the matter is, each hare a
right to their own. From the Railroad
we confess some benefit, but from the gra-
vel road, none at all, and know you be-
fore hand that we are determined not to
pay but on the condition of getting a Mare
equal to our tales and liabilities.
& Co., was launched. Sbe Li as fine well I am yours, most respectfully,
constructed vessel and is named we be-
$1,469,422 45
By receipts fur Stock 913,5565S$
By convertible bond*, 555,555 55
By sundry halaocesdes 310 3.5
From the first moment flat *43. Goderich
extension was proposed, it was evident to
all acquainted with the portion of the coon -
try to be readied thereby, 115.1 113. original
scheme would be incompatible without it;
and a glance at the map and a moment's
consideration of the growing importance of
the trade of the Lake Superior regions,were
sufficient to convince every person of tie
certain success of the project and of the
many advantages which it promised to se-
cure to Buffalo and the State of New York.
The necessity of baring Lakes Superior
sad 'Michigan, aud the Sault Sle. Marie
drawn closer to the Empire State by tbe
iroo bands which are fast bioding together
the most remote points on the continent,
has long been aekaowledged, and Las been
moresensibly felt with each succeeding
season. The wealth of the mines and of
the fisheries has been hitherto prevented
by the natural difficulties of access aad by
remoteness from the markets of the East.
from waking that ed for the country
which mind y remit therefrom. -
A kid of rieb merseretioe for labor Ws
bees comparatively dosed to oto cutitieu,
and the gifts lavished 175. 11 by adore hove
bees almost beyond osr reach. It needs
but such a ermarizree se that mewed by the
Godench exteesioo to place these gifts
witbin our gimp sad to secant to es the
full oeeefit of theme lateral advantages. -
We quote from the rrpol:-
This questioa, wheel' has to long plated
in jeopardy the peace of Europe, is now
apparently about to be amicably settled,
lthough the position assumed by England
and France is to some extent sacrificed,
11* arbitra/y demands of Russia virtually
partially allowed and poor Turkey com-
pelled to pocket the insult of ber haughty
and encroaching neighbour. Peace M cer-
tainly worth a small sacrifice, bat Russia,
the haughty and unscrupulous aggressor,
ought deservedly to be bumbled.
L•VItCkl.-On Saturday last the sew
Schooner just built for Messrs. Watson
here the e Mary Watson". Sbe is
to be sailed by'Capt. Hays who is also
part owoer.
Susetestoe Bairroz.--Tbe progress of
this work has been temporally stopped
owing to a cootemplated change in tbe plan
of the structure. Time lettlemeat with the
Contractors was left to the arbitration of
Win. Piper, Esq., of Godericlr, oe behalf
of the Council, and Peter Ferguson, Esq.,
of Stratford, on bekall of tbe Contractors,
who selected Wm. Day, Esq., of Gosepb,
as referee*. The amount of award is
£930 5 74, which also orioles tie se-
hitratiee e ipeams.
• • 1. *dation to the travel
to Lake Superior tie row e by way et Go-
derieb will afford the speediest armee. der -
dories Use wales of stairigatims, to Regius
and Green Bey, to tbe Northers and
part+ of Wiscoatia, the temtory 01
Minnesota sad lbws aad the varsity lyieg
meth arid meth -west of Lakes Michigao
sad Starrier, wb1.b ere fad Min up with
• thriving aol oneurpraiag popidatios. A
vast =crease of the below 01 (43. Lake
Superior aoutry, why abio be Wass! kw -
surf ler 17 tie esustroctims thc Sault
Sta. Mane Castel, which is sew la pro-
COPICIRT.--Sigwor Martinez will give
a Calvin on Seterday evening, the 13th
east., 35*0 Hall of the Bntish Eschasige
Hotel, at 8 o'clock For particulare see
Heed -bilk.
1e seder 10 5.5.00 all the adversiges of
this eesurnes, the Dins/ton vissowmosid
thowly Maps be take. ter roma Or
ortaidiehreat id a We 01 .s.... to m
frese Pert Goderieh he Wharkimatt had
8.041 8*.. Marie, in wroth* welt (341
ler pelt of iseeredemeetine, that id*
the Ire ef the areal Wastatts, at Perikeese,
mod wed eril be Ai iluelest
froth triter retorts, say he wowed ire
ELI 'MOS IN 97. PitTlatCleil W•11.D.
-The E10etisuI. of a Coweeillor erre-
seat ea the loath of the late Carakt Mar-
wood cams ole. Tueedey hot ;mar
Mealefes, Reg., wee retread witliciat
FROG- E•TtRS111 FRATICt.-The other
morning the frogs of tbe Aa performed
their part is a scene not easily to be forgot-
ten. 1 bad overheard a good-looking sinart
yonng (*nacres' chattering away in the
middle of an inn -yard about something or
other which she had brought in her petti-
coat. As that was not any concern of mute
I passed on. and paid no further attention.
But while finishing my breakfast 10 (4* 'salle
a meager,' the bosteria knowing the ingest -
five 'clarinets of the Eoglisk, stepped in and
told me that a large party of country folks
bad just arrived to spend the ((ete) day, Rod
tbat one 0(tie females was then preparing
a mess of frogs for dinner. Would 1 like
to wee the process' Following ber guid-
ance, 1 entered a sort of ecullery, wirers
madame was hard at work with her sleeves
turned hack, a knife io one hand end a frog
is the other. She was standing before a
small kitchen table, usually devoted to
scrapiag carrots and peeling potatme, bet
now loaded with a stack of eciesiderable
Sae, made, sore enciogh, by stitching up the
bottom of a common every -day petticoat,
sod fell of living frogs. Sie viTs them no
time 10 417 for (pewter, u elle whipped
then hy see old ot tbeir avonlee l43i.
How she eut each lreg ie two, Gard 4.
alive, and flopped 1310 10* of beets 4is01.
ful sit he told. " Ihit," said 1, is Mort
seed astoesholeat, k these .4. 501 tbe nett
sort of frogs to sot! Them are tidy III •
sorrow brows Eitel' fro, They siht*
byre a brie's ries role dl dews the sod -
Me of their haeks." " Rel• blab!" .43.35
severed, wwth a Unlit's& "they are boa,
bee. heal W.'4 Wee for the others ley
sad bye." She wee es pretty made, Item
that Ate pot re ia owl Dir floe fsessbe Go -
belie ie els• •• kr•kiso Melte sad I Elrod
set ear bey ?editor reviwneviesee., lest she
Whoa twit We' Illaughteriuis propersaitien
Letter to the Freeholders NW Howlek
ors of dm Cooney of Homo by W.
From, Retro of Kieessellae.
Geedeshes,--It is with the greatest re-
Iwttesee Natieas ilmas Unread, is self le -
few* sod ilk appal af jeolioe, hediti tad
the faunae ef esienselemeta, ais bier -
POI° ilk 740* OgralanOftivithill7 ISM" essollsel .1 reteisted wish a
Yr Nile% te Ihe .Ws.ort7 eflisionsi mot viey volt
set sisamisist ut01 Tear slams repro. io• of OA As • Woe
imobsdese ease 1055. re; Ova. Bet -Dielmano.