HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-11-01, Page 20sat-um-am instinct, ATHLETIC SOCIETY This student organization has been in existence as long as the school. Its purpose is to raise money for sports functions. This money, required for referees, buses, etc., is raised by selling school jackets, school sweaters and apples at the foot- ball games. • From each game $60 to $70 is collected from admission fees, Twenty dollars is made from the sale of apples and potato chips. From this money $30 is spent for referees and $21 for buses to transport the players each game. Overheard in the halls of SHiglu First Girl: "My dates .are pouring in." Second Girl; "So are mine—drip by drip," the funeral of their late uncle, of Detroit spent the weekend Nathaniel Ogden of Exeter, with Mrs. Lucinda Mclsaac. called on friends and relatives Ernest Hutchinson and Alva last Friday. of Ohio called on relatives Mr. and Mrs. Willis McIsaac here on Saturday, Deliciously Tender York Fancy Peas 2 0' 31C Regular or Instant Robin Hood Oats S-PUUNC) BAG 58` St. Williams DAOUST LALONDE APPROVED HOCKEY OUTFIT 0, SCORE SAVINGS PRO-STYLPI . . FOR LEAGUE ACTION 1. Personal items Mr. and Airs. Hill MacLean, Brian and Allen, of Exeter, were •Sunday guests with Mr. and Airs. Lloyd smith. pientIQ and Douglas. Air. and Mrs. Fred .Payne, of London, visited on Sunday with Air. and Mrs. Robert Run- dle, Jim and Jack. Miss Jean .Copelamd was host- ess Tor a bridal shower for Alias Beverley Sicken of Anderson on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Denham and Marty, of Trenton, are vis- iting this week with Mr, and Mrs. Victor Chatten and Darb• ara. Mr. Ken Christie, of Brant- ford, visited on Sunday evening with Air. and Mrs. John Witte- van, Sharon and Brian. Miss Barbara Chatten visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Wes Shier of Granton, Mr. and Mrs. Archie chat- ten and Dawn, of St; Thomas, were guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Chatten. and Barbara. Miss Jean Copeland was a guest at the Ruthig-Bickell wed- • ding at Anderson United -Chnrell, an Saturday. :Sunday guests with Mr, and Mrs. John Redd, Pamela and Calvin, were Miss Edith .Rudd of London, AIr. and Airs, Frank Tiodd, Mrs. Ada Butters, ,Mr. and ., Alm George Wheeler and David and Air, and Mrs. Glenn Copeland and Cynthia. Mr. and Airs Donald Brine were Sunday evening visitors with Mrs. Phil. Brine and Nancy of St. Marys and also visited Mr. Phil Brine who is a pa- I Exeter Motor Sales . . . This pro-style outfit is recom- mended for fast ac- tion forward — or hard-checking de- fensive play — DOUBLE HELM ET BOX TOE 10c' off 6-oz. jar FINK POLY 3-LB. FAMILY PAK BAG OF Et RCILLE; 1_13. 24-0Z, JAR 39c 87c 99' 59c Wet RallY held at Zurich Sun- day afternoon. New officers were elected. Hold annual aupper The Ladies Aid of Zion Ltith , eran church held the annual fowl nipper for the huSbanda and friends Friday October 26 with approximately 100 at- tending. Following the supper erokt. note was played. Lloyd Rader and Airs. Garnet Willert re- ceived. high prizes; Valentine Baker and Mrs. Oluf Peder- sen. consolation prizes. A door prize drawn for by Kra. Getz was won by Rev. Win. Gatz. Albert, Miller thanked the la• dies on behalf of the guests. Personal items Brenda Grace, infant, daugh- ler of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Miller, was baptized in Zion Lutheran church Sunday, Oc- tober 2S by Rev, Win, Cats. Misses Elaine and Carol Mil- ler were sponsors. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Miller ac- companied Mr. and Mrs, Harry Bassow and Emma of Zurich to Fordwieh an Sunday where they visited with Mrs. Pearl Duke and family. Weekend visitors with Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan and. Lynda were, Dr. and Mrs. Lorne S. Tinian and David of Middle- town, New York; Mrs. Ruth Streets of Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stormes and Da- vid of St, Thomas. Air, and Mrs. Wendel Gam. hie and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Howe and Mary-Jo. and Miss Ruthanne Rader all of London; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller of Zion; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rader and Darlene and L. H. Rader spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Rader and fa mily. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Filkins of Howell. Mich., who attended SNP ENT COUNCIL, PLANS EVENTS. On October 16, soon after it was chosen by the student body. the Student Council met in Mr. Henderson's room. It was decided that the signing officers for this year will be Gary Wedlake, the president of the council, and Margie 1-iosveY, the treasurer. Frain October 27 to November 9 a magazine campaign will be held. The second meeting of the Student council was held October SS, At it, tine room represenatives were given material' which will be distributed to the students. Mr. Dean of the Curtis Distributing Company also attended the meeting to ex- plain details about the magazine campaign. A wreath will be placed at the memorial by the Student, Council. MAGAZINE CAMPAIGN During the final class period on October SS, the student body was addressed by Mr. Dean of the Curtis Distributing Company, He gave instructions about the use of the contents of the envelopes which had been given to the students. If each student sells three subscriptions we will meet the objective of $6,500. Strawberry Jam Maxwell House Instant Coffee Purex Toilet Tissue Tulip Margarine tiy MRS:, .gRvtht .RARER pASHWQ01), Mervyn Tiernan, Don and Jack .Gaiser attended the 40th. General Conference of t h Evangelical 'United Brethren Church at .Grand Rapids, Well, over the weekend. Those who left from this district Monday were Rev. P. Iteckendorn, Rev, A. M. Schlenker, Rev. A. M. Amacher. and Rev. M. J. James. Youth. Rally Members of the Youth Fel lowship of the EVE church at- tended the Stratford Youth 1)is- The story in Zion By MISS MURIEL HERN Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jaques and Steven were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Roane and Pamela of Wyoming, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Jaques visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Melville Gunning and Mur. lel, Whalen. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brock and Bill visited Saturday eve- ning with Mr. and Mrs. Burton Morgan and Paul, St. Marys, and on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Skinner and Joan, Exeter. Mr. and. Mrs. Ross Ballan- tyne, Brian, Jimn ie and Shir- lee, Thames Road, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Bern and family. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hero, Muriel, Sheila and Alan visit- de Saturday evening with Mrs. Mary Martene and Edwin in Dashwood and with Mr. and Mrs, Laverne Niksch and fam- ily of Hobart. Indiana, who were on a visit here. Mr. and Mrs. Ward. Hern and Edward attended Elimville an• niverSary on Sunday and visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Fulton, Mr. and Mrs. Everard Miller and Elsie and Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Jaques, Yvonne and Dal- ton were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Johns and family, • Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bern and family attended Hensel] United Church service on Sun- day evening, Mrs. Harold Hern spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bern and family, Jarvis. Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Hern spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs, Orville Snell and family of Grimsby. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jaques, Harry and Shirley, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Al.- vin f;ooper and attended Elim- ville anniversary. Mrs. Ross Bern of Detroit is visiting at her home this week. Get protection Against R ST at py $00.1_ THPM. QN. tieut in St NarYs Memorial Hospital. Mr. And Airs, Howard. :Weir of Warren, Web. and Mr. and Airs, Cecil Murray of EXcler visitedAm. Saturday evening with: AIr. and Mrs. Donald Mgr- pity And Bradley. Alt'. and Boss Robinson and. LAP. pf Kirliten, were guests on Sunday wins Mr. .and. Aim Oscar Brine. Messengers .meet At the meeting stingers .beld durin clhorelt service Sunday =mina Zr: members were present. The ihelilp of pt1110110.1Crepg was uwbo, is, My A reading was given by Bren- da Parkinson. .Scripture study was taken by Airs. Ken Park- ins with s prayer abpylc,p Dr a ingig Women now snake up .3na •per :11 ' story, e Canada's .6.,8 nlilliop civilian labour force, Pago la- The 'Times-Advocate,. November T, 1902 r. Dashwood officials at EUB conference Topics from Woodh.arn fly MRS. ROBERT Garage Sunday And Evening Service Open this Sunday, Wed- nesday afternoon and dur- ing the evening through. out the week. f the Ales, Features demanded by top League scorers are built into this special "Daoust - La- londe" Outfit, savings priced — at Canadian Tire. The shoemaker's skill has incorpor- ated stamina, comfort and protec- tion to match the speed and per- formance of the precision-fitted Daoust blades. PRoSPILE TUBE SleATES MEN'S DAOUST LALONDE HOCKEY OUTFIT HOCKEY OUTFIT MASTERCRAFT EXTRA SPECIAL BE SURE TO CHECK THE HIGHLIGHTS OF THIS FLAY-MAKER OUTFIT, SHOWN ABOVE — Two-tone grain leather uppers; leather lined; built-in tendon-guards; sturdy leather soles; full padded felt tongue; armored box toe, Mated to riveted tempered Steel blade Tube Skates, .with approved National Hockey League heel protectors, Maybe you won't get a million dollar deal from the Chicago Black Hawks — but you'll sure skate like a. million on this "Bauer-built" Outfit, FEATURES — Two-tone, select leather Shoe, Ar- mored toe cap, Built-in reinforced ten- don guard and padded ankle protector; Waterproof Sole; Padded Tongue; Leather inner lining. Riveted to Silver- Arrow Skates with approved blade protector, Men's sizes-4 to 12. PAIR 11.98 PROTYft Hael- GUARD FULL GRAIN L5ATH Eft Snell Bros. The Pick of Fern ONLY Top Quality Coal Furnace & Stove Oils FILL LIP WITH THE BEST! Phone 2354314 or 23S.06B2 Seldon FUELS LTD. s 9 120 off Giant .24.oz. 69 NUR "ALL-STARS" SELECTION— Cwo-tene Grain Leather Boots; Kip- .eather lined; Armored Toe; Formed, padded leather Tongue; Leather In- alle; McKay Welt Leather Sole; Rein- forced Tendon Guards; Extended Counter for added support. Riveted to Senior Tube Skates with NHL-ap- proved Heel Guards, Men's sizes 6 to 13. PAIR .16.99 Maple Leaf Vacuum Packed Mae 43, Cheese, Dutch or Chicken L oaf 6•OZ.PKLi. CA. 19' FROZEN FOOD FEATURES Supreme Fancy Peas Libby's. Strawberries A&H PRODUCE BUYS Canada No, 1 Potatoes Local Green Cabbage Crisp New Carrots South African 216'S Oranges Florida Seedless White or Pin Grapefruit Nestle's Quilt 49 Maple Leaf 3e• off Cheese Slices 29c Salad Dressing Quart Jar iracle Whip 69' Persona I Size S,Bar Deal with Free Face Cloth ivory Soap 44c Colgate Large Size Free TOOtlibilith Tooth Paste 2 69' Stokely's Fancy 48•ounte tin Tomato Juice 29' Aerie 21541212 FREE DELIVERY Open Fridays 'Til 10 A&H MEAT VALUES Tendergrown Chickens Sweet Smoked Rindless 3.pound average 37c Maple Leaf Detergent 10e. off 16-ounce tin ' Devon Bacon LB 69 Maple Leaf Bologna lie d or by the Piece LB. 29' 2-pound ugly bag 45c 1S-ounce package 37c SAC. OC 2-LS, POLY, 19 , Ci Z. 96's A, SENIOR HOCKEY GLOVE alasthreraft Senior Gime — Sun, tan leather palm, fingers, black fabrikoici cliff, .1 padded Wrist relit. Poain-padded thumb, 14" Overall, Pair 6.98 BOY'S. HOCKEY GLOVE Mastercratt Boy's Clove — Pro team colors, 'Leather palm, fin= gcrs; fahrikoitl cliff 12". to 12, lears.old. Leafs or Cana. 48 pppp 8 diens colors. Palk , ADULTS NoCkEY GLOVE Mattereralt Selilbr Move bronze tOwliltic. 4 leather rolls plus thumb roll, Armour cum molded thumb, pro curved fingers, 14" -merall. Pair, Only ..... 9.39 B, SUPER SHIN PAD Polyethylene face Stid rap; leather covering. 'Thiel( felt 'backing; wide side wings, 2 padded 20 r011S at knee. 20.4 Pair 5 MASTERCRAFT MEN'S SHIN PAD Poly plastid with thick felt back, log end wings. Padded roll belOw knee, 1.844", C. SENIOR HOCKEY PANT natiaa ftuality. tatta.thirk poly. ethylene kidney and back Pada. 'Even Asia 52 to 44" waist. Bed or Blue, 6.69 BbPs Pants — Bed or Blue cotton drill with White Stripes. te.16" D, BOY'S ELBOW PAD Rubber protecting caps, fabrikold coVering. 7" long. tip to 1.69 15 yrs, Pair ........ . E. tso,os flockEY HELMET Unbreakable pOlyethylene to pap. that blue and white. Pelt lined; ad- .: 2.49 F, YOUTHS' SHOULDER PAD Moulded fibre; lined with :thick padding. Laced at front A .1is and back, 12 to 16 arra, . offedfa ALL-FIBRE SHOULDER PAD Gives complete protection rel. and theuldera, Thickly 6 Padded lining for top 6 comfort And proteetiOn, 9 G.'HARDWOOD HOCKEY STICKS Crafted Fred, selected clear-grain. etocits,11,a ptdr‘oirmmo!..s: 'Jrmvenlles' Won=. Mrs and 'Sen. .45 to 145 436 Main St Exeter Phone ,235-6160 Mitten Robbiht & ten LW4 ASSOCIATE STORE