HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-11-01, Page 16. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Municipal Auditors • DEVON BUILDING PH 235-0120 EXETER • Office Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Davies Grant Denning Bann ORDER YOUR WOOD NOW When the weather is good MIXED SLAB WOOD Stake Truck load, delivered Half-load, delivered MIXED LIMB AND BODY WOOD ,$30.00 S17.00 Stake Truck load, delivered $50.00 Half-load, delivered ••1111 ,,,,, Vi7.6e1 Apply in writhing to Robert ..Eagleson AILSA CRAIG tor Phone .231-4450 Nairn befeirt .8:30 eitiiY oi'between S..00 and 7.30 PA, Social Evening Sponsored by Catholic Women's League of St, Patrick's Church, Bidduiph Lucan Community Centre FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2 CARDS AND DANCING Admission 75¢ Grant's 2 in 1 Repair Shop Specials on used TV 1.17" Sparton Consule 1-17" Crosby Table 1-- 21" Admiral Consule Trade-in accepted on new Admiral TV, on display. Follow the crowd and save at GRANT'S WATCH & TV REPAIR SHOP Phone 227-4812 Lucan For Servis • Lucan and district news gerrespondent4 Miss Lina Abbott •o build PQ01: Scott l ead full support Stone farmer in. area Alice Street lost another of its residents last Monday, Oct. 24, when. Mr. William Boy Stone, 79, died suddenly in his. sleep. Son of the late Mr, and Mrs. William Stone, he was born in. Glanfgord township, Wentfortit County, lie farmed in. London township before moving to a farm on the Courey Road 13 years ago. Three years ago he. retired to Alice SL., Lucan, Mr. Stone is survived by his wife, the former Frances Stone, three sons and one daughter, George of Seaford, Welby of Welland, Douglas of Prince Al- bert and Mrs, Murray (Lavena) Thornton of Dorchester and 12 grandchildren. The body rested in the C. port card went out this week,. Haskett and ben funeral home, end with only comments and suggestions by the teachers, .He said just before Christmas re- ports will go out again with December exam marks. 'rue attendance was divided Into grilles with each being given a list of suggested topics for future meetings. They were asked to mark the subjects they felt would be most helpful, The attendance cup went to Mrs. Harold Cobleigh's room, President Mrs. James Freeman was in the chair, Hostesses were Mrs. Norman Carter, Mrs. Cecil Lewis, Mrs. Freeman and Mrs. Royden Her- bert. Church activities Phone 2274255 Music topic .at H&S meet At the meeting of the Lucan sorite and School Association last Tuesday evening Mr. Luther 'Jackson, London, who teaches music in the Lucan schools each Friday, was guest speaker giv- ing a history of music and Mg about music in the schools today. He 'told of the struggle to get :Music introduced into the 'schools, through the years .of depression up to the present time when music has become a regular subject in most schools. He was introduced by Mr, Tom Beer and thanked by Principal Robert Jenkins. Mr, Jenkins spoke on exam ,. inations and reports. First re- Personal items The bazaar in the United Church will be November 17 not November 7 as printed last week in the CGIT news. Among the 1962.63 student of- ficers of the Wells Business Academy London is Jim Foster of Lucan, as vice-president.. UNITED CHURCH Explorers At 'the Explorer meeting in the church schoolroom last 'Ines- day evening the worship service was taken by Mrs. Stewart Mc- Lellan. and Counsellor Ilene Donaldson. The latter also led game, During the craft period woven pot holders were made for the Bunny Tea. Honorary Counsel- lor Iva Hodgins gave her final talk on "What it means to be an Explorer." TWo • gold crosses on chains were presented to Linda and Rase. Coursey, who are moving to Chesley, An initiation ceremony and. presentation of stars will be held at the November 6 Expedi- tion: Parents and friends will guests at this meeting. Bible. Hour The third meeting of the Bible Hour was held Sunday evening. At this adult study meeting, Mrs. G. W, Sach spoke on the study book, "The Word and the Way." This is for all members of the congregation, Messengers Last Saturday 16 little people were out for the Messenger's Thanksgiving meeting and Hal- lowe'en party in the school- room. Mrs. Stewart MeLellan, Who told the story of the Pil- grim Fathers, was assisted in the worship service by two little people, Ian ;McLellan and Jan. ette Barr. All enjoyed the Hal- lowe'en party of games and. refreshinents which follow ed. Couples Club The .Couples Club had a Vass, Week with two meetings, On Wednesday evening Mr. and. Mrs. 'George Carpenter and Mr. And Mrs, J. W, Lockyor were nth charge of the regular meet- ing in the schoolroom. • Mrs. Dave Park took the Study book "The Word and the Way." Mr, Shuttleworth, of the Little Tree Vann, showed a film on landscaping with a ques- tion and answer period follow- ing. The group were guests of the Birr Couples' Club on Tiles- day, Oct. 30 When "Ting" of the London Free Press Was the guest speaker, On Friday night the club Met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. :have Park for an enjoyable HalloWe'en masquerade party. Games, progressive euthre and dancing highlighted the evening for the IS present, Mr, Dint Pettigrew, with his violih i and Mrs. Lockycr On the piano, pro- vided Mask for the dancing. A large number of prizes were a- warded for the euchre and gainer, ;Harvest Thanksgiving service Speaking on the. text "It inn ;'ours anyway", Rev, H. Don. AlcI5On 5Th, Anglican rector of Seaforth was the guest speaker at the 11 o'clock Harvest Thanksgiving service, Miss Heise Donaldson sang and the Junior choir sang an anther», InIlkITECOSTAL HOLINESS Young People The Lucan 1P put on the Pro- gram at the txtter church last Friday night. ReV, E, A. Gag. non; as guest speaker, spoke on "Bad Hearts". The choir sang Several numbers, Paul Graham a. solo, POOL Vicky and Marg- aret Eizenga a trio and . Mrs. .Tagil;• • Eizeriga. Mrs, Clayton Abbott and IVIISS Lorraine Gra• ham a trio, Scout troop progressing Seout-master Earl Carling is very proud of his Scouts, who continue to grow in numbers with a present enrolment of over 20 and a number of whom are now coming from Grant= He feels he is fortunate in se- curing Mr, Bobb Studd (of the Ba neLl Telephone)' as his assist- The Apple Day collection was successful in spite of the miser- able wet day, At the camporee held at the Clinton District Scout Camp Lucan Scouts came second, The Scouts spent a happy weekend when they parked re- cently on the Park farm. Personal items Mrs. J. de Munnik of Hol- land, who has been visiting her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Hodgins, for the past five months was called home, Mrs. Hodgins took her by train to New York last Wed- nesday and she sailed on the New Rotterdam on Friday. G. A. Jameson wood worker OPENS REPAIR SHOP Grant Brady recently opened a watch and TV repair centre in Lucan, Mr. Elmer Darling and friend of London visited Mr. and. Airs. Cecil Armitage and his father, Air, Levi Darling, on Sunday, Mr, Douglas Stone, who was homeAn* his fathers' funeral, has left the RCAF and is now working for the Federal Peni- tentiary Service at Prince Al- bert. Last Tuesday and Thursday's sudden snowstorms caught many Lucan gardeners unaware with potatoes, other vegetables and bulbs still in the ground, Pumps in front of Lucan's new IGA store have been re- moved. Soon there will be little left to remind one that the building was once the Lucan Motor Sales, Miss Flo Chown of. St, Thomas- Elgin Hospital, St. Thomas, spent the weekend with her sister, hiss Rota Chown. Mrs. Murray Hodgins attended a camp Kee-mo-Kee meeting at Lambeth United Church Satur- day. Mr. and Airs. William Brown- lee and two daughters, Mrs. Charles El.son and Miss Marilyn Brownlee, attended the Colbert- Robinson wedding Saturday in the Delaware United Church. The bridegroom, Cameron' Col-, bert, is a nephew of Mrs. Brownlee. After the church service on Sunday Mrs, Gordon Banting held a family gathering with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Paton of London and Mrs. Dan Lewis of Ailsa Craig, On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Bill Burkell of York- ton were guests. Sunday guests with Ali•. arid Mrs, Eldon Hodgson, were Mrs, Daisy Angold, son and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Angold, all of Hamilton, and Air. Wes Morley and daughter, Mrs. Stanley Steeper of West McGillivray. Mr,. Ken Simpson of Ottawa and friend, Miss Heather Alli- son of Windsor, who attended the Home Coming at the Uni- versity of Western Ontario, spent last weekend with the former's mother, Mrs. Ernest Ross, `and Mr. Ross. Mrs. Ross' brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Watson of .Dor- Lucius. will he able to develop a swimming pool for the -com- munity only with the full sup- port and co-operation of all or- g.anizations and individuals In the community, arena board chairinan, Erwin Scott said this week in a statement made to clarify earlier announcement concerning the project. "We will proceed With this work only on a Pay as we go basis, the same method used in the construction of the ar- ena," he told The Times-Advo- cate, "We don't intend to go into debt over it." 'This means," he continued, "that we must have the whole- hearted backing of all com- munity organizations and all the new and old families in the community." chester' were Sunday guests also. Airs, Harry McFalls and Mrs. Grace Welborn of London were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. Sheridan Revington. Mr, and Mrs, w, S, Kilmer and three sons of Toronto and Mr, and Mrs, John Houston of London were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Louis Kilmer. Mr, and Mrs. A, D. Turner of Brown Hill are visiting Mr. and Mrs, Harry Bond , The ladies arena committee has again taken over the snack bar, Mr. and Airs. Calvin Haskell. of Lucan and Mr, and Mrs. Art McLean of London attended the auto show at Coba Hall, Detroit on Saturday and on Sunday vis- ited Mrs. Ed. McLean and Mrs. Gladys .Afoore of Detroit. The latter is quite sick, Mrs, Kay Egan, Miss Marilyn Culbert and Messrs. Don and Bill Banting and Frank Egan visited Mrs. 0. F. Banting at Richmond last Sunday and coming home called on Dr, Ken Ranting and family at Port Huron. Mr. and. Airs. Earl Wright and family of Camlachie spent last Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, J. W. Lockyer and family. Mr, Allan Westman was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital Friday. Miss Flora McMillan Miss Flora (Flo) McMillan, 82, (known to many Lucanites wen she visited her sister the late Airs. C, S. Chown of Alice St.) died in Metropolitan Hos- pital, Windsor, October 19, aft- er a short illness. Miss McMillan was a native of Kingston but had spent the last 40 years in the Windsor district, often making extended visits with her sister„ Mrs, Chown of Lucan. Three of Mrs. Chown's daughters attended the funeral on Monday, Oct 22; Miss Reta Chown of Lucan, Miss Flo Chown of St. Thomas, and Marion (Mrs, C. E, Blough) and Mr. Blough of St, Thomas. The first Canadian school house was built at La. Have, N.S., in 1632 by the Franciscan Order. Attempting to .clear up some misunderstandings about the project Sir, Scott emphasized that it first .and foremost will serve as cooling and storage facilities for-the ;.water required. for operation .of the arena, The board plans to provide the proper fittings in the reservoir to convert it into a pool -during the Mr, Scott pointed out 'the- Arena is using 75,000 gallons of watbr a day, or a total of half a million a week—more .than is consumed by the entire vil- lage, All of this water for the Vona goes 011'0.40 the cont. pressor once, then is sent, down the drains without further use, The reservoir will conserve. considerable water, enabling the village's one-well SYSteM to meet, tbe increasing demands upon it by the growing number of houses in the eeirimunity. The reservoir also would pro- vide a water supply for fire protection. One of the first organizations to get behind the project is the arena ladies' group which has decided to operate the booth on a volunteer basis again, Over the past 13 years,. the ladies have contributed S17,000 toward the arena throagh their efforts. Last year, the opera- tion of the snack bar was rent- ed out as a concession but the ladies plan to take it over again, That's good news for the chil- dren, .because it means the price of snacks wilt go down. The ladies indicate they'll be Offer- ing both a hot dog and soft for a quarter—a combination that always was one of the most popular features of the arena, New proprietor for Koffee-Cup The Koffee-Cup Restaurant, which closed last spring when Air. Joe Hay moved to London, reopened last Saturday with Mr, Don Simpson of Grand Bend as the new proprietor' and his sister, Mrs. Ted War- rington, Mr. James Goble and Mr. Frank Warrington as his ,assistants, Mr. Simpson has been work- ing in a restaurant since he was 10 and was running Bruno's Brunch at Grand Bend for the past year and a half, so is no amateur in the restaurant busi- ness, Many hours of hard work went into the preparation of re- fitting the building which now looks very attractive. Two long planters with artificial flowers lends a homey touch, In the window (formerly used for Mrs, Radcliffe's display of Gift Shop articles) is a large Silverwood open cabinet with all kinds of ice-cream, cakes, rolls and pies. Mr, Simpson expects to be open from 7 a,m, to J. a.m, on week days and from 11 a.m. to 10.30 p.m. on Sundays, Since Mrs, Strasser's death last May, Lucan was reduced to one res- taurant, [he Central Coffee Shop, Recreation news Tuesday, .Oct. 30. -Please ;Iva them all the support you 'Can, because they are a keen bunch of lads. The Litean-liderton Combines local entry in the 0114 Inter- mediate league have started their workout and open their sehedale on Nevernber 22, TIMPIsT TIP You. should eat out unprofit. Able sows immediately after the pigs are weaned, advise. swine researchers with the On- tario Department of 40411. inre. The. .sews which have just weaned small litters ..of poor pigs can be picked out at, this time. Keep good .mothers only. Call JEl 235-1863 General Insurance Real Estate Mortgages JOHN BURKE LTD. DEVON BLDG. EXETER THE MEALS CERTAINLY HAVE IMPROVED SINCE WE &OT OUR OWN CHEF, NATIONAL: BEEFBILDER CONCENTRATE the fresh-mix with the balanced protein baser .Want to produce prime beef in the briefest tim0 Thin feed your cattle your own home-grown grains fresh-mixed with National Beef bilderl Peed made from, National Beefbilder 32% Concentrate puts on pounds at the lowest cost—it's the fresh-Mix with the balanced protein base, that produces top quality beat Whether yell have your own grains or We supply them) we can custom blend the finett fresh-mix you can buy right here at the mill — . using. National Concen- trate, or course, 'A PRODUCT F CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED C30 John Glenn Henderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Hender- son, Lunn,. His godparents were Air. Leslie Gordon Austin, Mr. James Henderson of Bothwell and Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hick- rnott of London. AlcAuslanti Dinsmore Irvine, son of Mr. and Airs. MMus- land Dinsmore Irvine, Watford, Godparents were Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Bates of Galt; Deborah Ey ely n Ilirizel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Hirtzel, Lucan, Godparents were Mr. and Mrs. George R. Atkin- son, London; Lori Lynn Atkinson, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. George At- kinson of London. Godparents were Mr. and Mrs. Don Hirtzel of ',lean, Page, 16 November 1,1902 Lucan, until Thursday, Oct. 25 when the Rev, E. 0, Lancaster of Holy Trinity Anglican church conducted funeral services. In- terment was in St. James ceme- tery, Clandeboye. Pallbearers vere cysis, Tom Coursey, Harvey Bodgins, Earl Mathers, William Frost, Albert Townsend and W lliam Mathers. Mr. Warren Fairies of Strat- Six grandsons acted as flower- ford called on Mrs. Annie Fair- bearers, Welby and Reginald les Friday. Stone, Billy Thornton, Donald and Howard Schram and Ray Scorns, Relatives .attending the fu- neral included Mr. and Mrs. Murray Thornton and son of Dorchester, Mr. a n. d Mrs. George Stone and family of Sea- forth,Mr, and Mrs. Welby Stone and family of Welland, Mr, Douglas Stone of Prince Albert, Sask., granddaughter, Mrs. Ray Scoins of Brantford, grandson, Reg Stone .of London, nieces, Mrs. John Chennary, Mrs. John Dibbon, Mrs. Cecil Syer and Mr. Syer, all of Hamilton. George A. Jameson, 94, died in. St, Marys Memorial Hospital Thursday, Oct, 25. The body rested in the C, Haskett and Son Funeral Home, Lucan, Saturday, Oct, 27 when the Rev, IV, J. Maines of Granton, conducted funeral services, with interment in Granton. cemetery, Pallbearers included Messrs. Walker Gibson, Fred Crouch, Harold Hardie, Fred Jameson, Earl Middleton and. Delmar Westman. COF services under the auspices of Court Carlton ANGLICAN No. 235 Granton, were held in Last week was a busy week the funeral home Friday eve- for ning. Anglicans. Monday, Tues. Mr. Jameson is survived by day and Wednesday were busy days of preparation for the big one son and three daughters; turkey dinner, Wednesday eve- James of London; Mrs. Austin ning. The crowd wasn't quite as D(S J , (Evelyn) Hobbs of Granton, Mrs. brae as last year, probably Island, N.Y. and Glen of Gran- (Evelyn) Kelly of Long due to the change of date, other .ton; fowl dinners in the vicinity and also five grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. so much sickness. His wife, the former Ada West- Flowers for the Sunday serv- man, and one son William, pre ice were in memory of the late deceased him. Roy Stone. Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Baptism William Jameson, Mr. JaMeson Mr. Lancaster had five bap- was born i Blanshard township tisms Sunday afternoon and he but spent a good part of his life and Mrs, Lancaster were guests as a wood worker in Granton, of his nephew, Mr. AlcAusland Dinsmore Irvine of Watford at a baptism dinner following the baptisms. The children baptized were, Thomas Paul Gilmour, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gilmour, Lucan. His godparents were Mr. and Mrs. Allan Scott; former resident Mrs. J. Cr. Veitch, 74, the for- mer Margaret Phillipa Robin. son, died Tuesday, Oct. 23 at her late residence, London, Funeral services were held from the A, Millard George. Fu- neral Home, London, Thursday, Oct. 25 with interment in Rich- inond cemetery, near Aylmer, Besides her husband, she is survived by one son and three daughters, Holton of London, Mrs. W, E. (Mary) ilewins of Niagara Falls, Mrs. John (Kae ) Roe of Victoria, B,C., and Miss Beverley Veitch of Toronto, also one brother, Fred Robin- son of Nelson, B.C. and live grandchildren. Mrs. Veitch was born in ?dm- breke, She lived in Lucan dur- ing the years Mr. Veitch v4 as was manager of the Bank of Montreal here. She moved to London 31 years Ago, Mrs. J. Veitch Lucan personal items Surprising? Yes—but true, Like most people, you have probably thought of your life insurance—as protection for your family—as a good way to save money regularly--ea t valuable collateral if you need a loan for an emergency—as a retire- merit plan for you later on. Actually, your lifa ivauratiee dollars are. mere than an investment in your'personal security and your faintly's, These dollars are also an investment in Canada, They Stirmilatk growth and progress and help make this country a better place in which CO live and `work, At this nit:intent% 9 BILLION DOLLARS Of lite iiiatitante Savings are invested in THE 'OPE INISUkAl\le YOU HAVE A HAND IN THINGS CANADIAN when you own Life Insurance iinportant Canadian eriterptiseathrou the purchase of bonds and Meeks and through mortgages, These hard-working dollars are helping to finance. great projects all over this Country such as pipelbleS, shopping teii- 0'68, bridges and highways, homes, awt- rota and office buildings, schools, factories, industrial plants And powor deVelopitieriLl. These investments eterate etripleyinerit Oppertuilities, too. The income :from these investments bene- fits you directly by reducing the Coat or life insurance you and the fi Million Other Canadian'oolicyc000ra, COMPANIES 1N OANAIDA 4y..NpRm CARTER Activity arena is now in Nu swing with the Vari91ls hockey leagues getting into ac- tion. The .Skating for PressehOgi children on Tuesday afternoons from 2 to p.m, could be little more encouraging in so, far as .nninbers. are -.concerned,. So don't forget you mothers you have a date get aside Or your children every Tuesd0. The Preireens. had a success- ful dance on Wed,, Oct. 24 and they plan to hold. their next one .on, Wed., Nev, 7 at 6,30. p,m. The. Teen- Town hold their next dance on Friday, Nov. 9, Response to the meeting of the Senior Citizens. last Week was most discouraging. Out of 18 pee* who signified theic intention to attend 'this organ- izational meeting only two men showed up. However we will not be despondent over tins but will try once more to enable you to get started, The Lucan Junior p team lost their game with liensall 8-0 last Friday but people can be as- sured that, although the mar- gin seems high, they will give a good - account of themselves when the schedule DPOPS on Combine your home-grown grains with • Harold Kellerman: 'Dashwooci M, t, •Rota Ditishwood Stotes ,.Elevator Ltd„ Lucan •