HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-11-01, Page 15pe. Brabandere also grows s oral' .acres of root crops. Personal t ms Mrs. William fluff, of Strat, ford, visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson on Wednesday of last week. Miss Mary De Brabandere, nurse-in-training at St. Joseph's hospital, London, spent • the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Alrti. Jules Dc Brabanclere and family. Mr, and Mrs* Ted Weide vis- ited this past week with his parents in Manitoba. Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Baker were Sunday guests with. Mr. and Mrs. Newman Baker of We and Attended the Well- born anniversary services. Mr. and Mrs. Olive Baker visited with their aunt, James Geer of Mitchell on Sun- day. Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Brine and son have returned :from their trip to California where they have spent several weeks with their relatives and friends. Mr, and Mrs. William. Spence were guests of his sister, Mr• and. Mrs. Lorne Johns of West Zion on Sunday. Sunday guests at the home of Mr, John Flinn were Mr. and Mrs. Ken McLellen of Kippen and Mr. and Mrs, Bill 'leaskard of London. Enjoy Western trip Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Mc- Naughton arrived home safely after a month's holiday touring through the west as far as Van- couver leaving home via Port Huron and on through the new Rogers pass road portal into Saskatchewan. They made their headquarters in Alberta where they visited with relatives and friends, stopped at many north- ern ranches and took in sev- eral cattle sales. They noted a very friendly atmosphere every where, also found telephones on the fences for anyone to use. v, TED HOLMES 14b Deer Park Circle, London GE 4.9502 or Enquire at The Times. Advocate Your Co-op has the BEAT WINTER bRviNc W —HER WITH A Many win at cent sale MT. CARMEL Two crops in, year for Base Line :maw Several nieces and their families attended the funeral of their uncle, the late Thomas Glavin, who was buried here Monday last. Rev. Father Hugh Fleming, pastor of Our Lady of Sorrows Church, Aylmer is making good progress in St. Joseph's Hospi- tal, London. Fr. Fleming was wounded by shotgun pellets in a hunting accident at P'elee Island. How to OUT- FOX Old Man WINTER tumult Automatic Clothes Dryer Let's face it. You need more than just ear-muffs to keep you comfortably warm this coming winter even indoors. Extra ,foxy home owners rely on the extra convenience of CO-OP Sunglo Fuel 011 Service. Why don't you Get all the housewarming details today from your Co-operative. A CO-OPERATIVE BUSINESS IS DIRECTLY ACCOUNTABLE TO THE PEOPLE IT SERVES. Because it is, it's More sensitive to the people's needs—serves them and the community better. PETROLEUM PRODUCTS FUEL OIL PROPANE GASOLINE GREASE OIL Model CSLC 30I-1 30 gal. tank 1/2 II.P. Motor Regular Value $188.80 'EXETER DISTRICT :EXETER. DISTRICT Phone 235,2081 1 cup dates cut fine 1 cup boiling water I. tsp baking soda ' 1 cup brown sugar 1 tbl shortening 1 egg pinch of salt 1 tsp vanilla 2 cups flour 1/2 cup walnuts, Pour boiling water over dates, add 1 tsp baking soda and let cool. Cream butter and brown sugar, add egg, salt, vanilla The monster Penny Sale and flour alternately with date sponsored by the CWL of Mt. mixture. Add walnuts. Carmel parish was a great suc• Cook slowly 1 hour in loaf cess held in parish hall, Octo• pan, her 24, Mrs. Leslie Adams, Dash- wood, won the first prize for this loaf and her recipe differs slightly, Date and Nut Loaf 11 cups of dates . 1 tsp baking soda li cups boiling water 2 tbl butter 2 cups pastry flour 2 tsps baking powder 1 tsp salt 1/2 cup walnuts a /4, cup brown sugar 1 tbl molasses 1 beaten egg White .Breal Mrs, Adams won first prize for loaf of white bread, • 1 pkg yeast (rap lukewarm water 2 cups scalded milk 2 cups boiling water 4 Ilal shortening 4 •thl sugar 1 OA salt 12 cups flour or more, Soften yeast in lukewarm. water, Combine water and milk, add salt, sugar and shortening. Cool to lukewarm and add softened yeast, Add flour gradually until de- sired consistency, knead until dough is soft but not, stielcy, Place in greased bowl, cover tightly, Let rise until doubled.; knead down and let rise again until doubled, Shape into loafs and put in greased pans, Let rise until 21 time;,original size. Bake in moderate oven (315 degrees) for 60 minutes, Some of the prize winners in• eluded: Mrs. Van Massenhoev- an; Sandra Sweitzer, Mrs, John Dyke, Mrs. Pat Sullivan Sr., Mrs., J. Dewan, Mrs. The- resa Hartman, Mrs. Jack Mc- Cann, Mrs. ,Greg. Fleming, Toni Ryan Jr., Rita McCann, Sandra O'Rourke, Mrs. Jim Doyle, Mrs, Bill McCann, Mrs. Lorne Dietrich, Mrs. Basil. Nagle, Mrs. Bill Smith, Mrs, Pat Sullivan jr., Mrs, Chas. Dietrich, Theresa Glavin, Bill Regier, Paul Glav- in, Judy Regier, Mrs. Harvey brown sugar, egg, molasses and Cann, Mrs. Tom Ryan (West) vanilla. Then add sifted flour, Mary Angela. Glavin, Mrs. baking powder and salt and Toni Kooy, Mrs. VVan Doogen, walnuts. Mix thoroughly. Mrs. Mary Tr a in o r, Mrs, „ Bake in a greased loaf pan at Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Ha r v e y 350' for 1 hour, Smith. Applesauce Cake Mrs. Arnold McCann, Mrs. Mrs. Glanville received sec- Erwin Thompson, Mrs. Alonzo ond for applesauce cake. McCann, Mrs. Wm. Mahar- 2 tsp baking powder gey, Mrs, Roy Dietrich, Mrs, Max 1-1 o d gin s, Mr, Erwin Thompson, Mr. Joe Whelihan. A $5.00 door prize was won by Mrs. Louis Farrell of Zur, ich, a hand made quilt, won 1/2 tp soda tp salt 1/2 tp cinnamon 1/2 tp allspice 1/2 tp nutmeg by Mrs, Joe Houlihan and a A cup seedlessraisin s oven dressed turkey won by (part Larry McCathy. cup soft shortening butter) al cup sugar Personal items 1 egg Miss Mary Ann Hall and 1 cup applesauce. friend of Mt. Forest spent the Grease and lightly flour an weekend with Air. and Mrs. 8-inch square pan. Jack Hall and family. Preheat oven to 350 degrees; Mr. and Mrs. Toe Hogan of set 25 degrees lower for glass Merlin called on Mr. and Mrs. ovenware. Wilfred Hogan over weekend. Measure flour without sifting; add baking powder, soda, spices and stir thoroughly to blend. Add raisins. Cream shortening until fluffy. Add sugar, gradually, beating well after each addition, Add egg and beat well, Add dry ingredients alternate- ly with applesauce, starting and ending with dry ingredients, mixing until well blended after each addition, Turn into prepared pan and bake 1 hour. Remove from overt Wittlawall irked optianai at extra eml. Mrs, Frank Glanville ,Credi- 'ton, champion cook at Exeter Fair for 1960, was also crowned Cook .1300k Queen at the Mary Hastings Central ?ionic at Springhank, London, in July. To win this title an exhibitor had to: win the most points- in apple pie s. applesauce cake, dale and nut loaf, loaf of plain white bread, marmalade fa.ny variety), raspberry jam and jar of canned oherries„KiYe points were given for first prize, three for second, and one for third. The Mary Hastings Cookbook Arrived with Monday's Free Press and Mrs. Glanville's pic- ture appears As .she was crown- ed Cook Book Queen. She won. second prize for date and nut loaf and here is the recipe. Date and Nut Loaf and allow to stand in pan 10 to 15 minutes then turn out on wire cake rack to cool. Hospital bed —Continued from page 11 of Dakar for the last time, an intense sadness possesses me, and I realize for the first time how deeply I have become at- tached to this country. Each face which swims up to me in the thickening dusk is the fate of a friend, whether he is a Moor, a .Lebanese, a Wolof, or a Frenchman. Every familiar smell, sight, and sOund seems to urge me to stay, to become a part of the country, to in- crease the dint stirrings of un- derstanding which I can feel within me. Bet I must return home for a time at least. And later that night, Senegal slips away be- hind me in the stream of the jet streaking westward over the. Atlanti More farmers —Continued from Page 11 Mr. Hamilton indicated that these changes (approved by the arm Credit Corporation on Septenther 17, and approved by governor in council oft October 18) are closely related to amend- ments being proposed to the Farm Credit Act, to increase the funds available to the COr- "oration and to permit farmers ...cater fleXibility in the way '4-cy may use the Money they' bIrroW. Together, the changes will open the door for closer coordi- nation of the Work Of the Part Credit Corporation and the AR- DA, administration. 1EAL with MECCA wick relief hero palatul odes by iisieg his of the Mecca special antiseptic Pilo Needles, Old at all et ruk canters. , :"IECCA PILE REMEDY NO. 1 i n protruding piles, and is Sold in tube, with applicatof, for internal spplicktion. MECCA Pitt Rt MitiY NO* is bit' and itching Wag, Snid in le and is tar sidernsi ass wily. By MRS. ARPHIg p.gwArt. SASZLINF,I, mr.• Jules De Brabandere,a sileeessftil farmer who livea On the Vase Line, had ,a profitable and unusual experience. on his farm program this year when he sewed a crop of peas and '41rvested this crop 'the last week of June. Immediately aft- er he planted a crop of beans in the same soil whieh was harvested the middle of tober with a yielc' of from 15 to 16 bushel to the acre, Mr. fkre'''''77:;.valErMIglinT417=17,.<1 This week in Winchelsea By MRS, WILLIAM WALTERS .... . .. ... .2 Personal items Mrs. John Coward spent a couple of days this past week with Mr. and Mrs, Wib Coward and Susan, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Sparling and Misses Kay and Ruth. Herne of London visited on Sunday with Mr,. and Mrs. Freeman Horne and Raymond.' Mr, and Mrs. Beverley Mor- gan and family of Thames Road visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Newton Clarke. Miss Brenda Martin and Mr. Dale Baker of London spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Charles Martin and George and also celebrated George and Brenda's birthdays. W al- Get protection Against RUST at Snell Bros. LTD. ONLY $ The ThroA,Arivo„.4 November 1, 1962 Ng* 15 Double Dividend F rigidaire QUALITY RYER "VMXIMAIlitgiNIMM0000:: * 9-Lb. Dry Load * Automatic Time Clock Control * Safety Switch * Porcelain Drum * 5-Temperature Heat Control MODEL DDA-62 3% CREDIT TOWARD PURCHASE OF TOYS — CHRISTMAS SAVING ! Delivered and Guaranteed DRYS ALE CREST Hardware Dealer for Hensall, Exeter and Surrounding Districts • • PA11.1S1bN St'OR OthE THIS 'N THAT By MO. J. M. S. This week in Thames Road Ey MRS, WILLIAM ROHPg Persenal items Mr, and Mrs. Fred horton of visited reeently with Air. and Mrs. Lloyd. Knight. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Car- roll visited with Mr. and Mrs, harold Thorned of union Lake, Michigan, over the weekend. Mrs. Melvin Gardiner of Exe- ler, Mr, and Mrs, Art Harris and Ronnie, Mr, and Mrs, Al. hart Scott, Mrs. Ken Simpson, Mrs. la d , Coward, Mrs, sarold Carroll, Mrs, .Alvin C o t t le were Friday evening guests with. Mr. And Mrs, Len Har- s Mrs, Martin De Jonge re• turned to her home at, Appin on Sunday after having spent the past week recuperating at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Carroll. Mr. and Mrs, Robert: Mayer and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Donald maver and family of London. Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Jeffery andAlan visited on Sunday evening with. Mr, and Mrs, Re ger Urquhart of Kirkton. Mrs. Leonard Harris visited with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bar- ris and family of London over the weekend. • Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Balton. tyne, Don and Larry were Sun- day evening guests with Mr. and Mrs, Thos, Ballantyne of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Jef- fery, Barry and Billy were Sunday guests with Squadron Leader Wally and Mrs, Burton, RCAF Centralia. Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Pym, Mr, and Mrs. John Pym and Pauline, attended Whalen Uni- ted Church anniversary on Sunday with Mr. and.Mrs. Sunday and later spent the day 1Y Becker of Allenford, with Mr. and Mrs, William Mar- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Delbridge ley. Mr. and Mrs, Hans. Gertsen- Mr. and Airs. Bev Morgan, korn of Exeter spent Sunday evening with Mr, and Mrs Ed- Johnny, Gerry, Scot and Su- ,„; ' san were Sunday guests with "'Ty/ • • Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke of Mrs, Edwin Miller enter- Winchelsea. tamed Sylvia Stewart, Janice Stewart, Sandra Stewart and Mr, Ross Merrill, Gordon, Janet Bray in honor of her 1 tsp vanilla, Smith, Rev, Fr. Kelly, Joe Ca- Brian and Esther of Clinton, rs, Percy P a ss m ore, Mr. clay on Wednesday of last week. daughter Barbara's fifth birth- Sprinkle soda over dates, add rey, Elizabeth Miller, Louis . s. Almer Passmore. boiling water and butter. Stir Farrell, Mrs. Len Dietrich, Walter Gunning of Exeter were Rev. Hugh and Mrs. Wilson Mt occasionally. When cool add Mrs. Theresa Stark, Peter Me- Sunday guests with Mr. and' attended the afternoon serv• ice of the opening of the Mr. and Mrs. Reg Hodgert, Blyth United Church on Sun- Grant and Brenda visited on day. COULD YOU USE $10,000 15 YEARS FROM NOW? Investors can show you how you can accomplish this by setting aside just a few dollars a week. Investors I • tlairte FREE Electric Blanket "Fresh-air drying" — Safety door switch Large lint trap -- infinite heat-control switch —Porcelain top Enamelled cabinet — Ozone lamp — In- terior light — three year gUat- ntee on the element. Co-op Sale $ 59.95 PrItei each WATER PRESSURE SYSTEMS If you've been thinking about installing a new water pressure system, then now is the time to do it. Low priced yet quality built. These arc self priming jet pumps for shallow or deep wells, Complete with galvanized tank, air volume control, strainer or foot valve, automatic pressure switch, pressure gauge and rugged motor. Model CSLB 17H Co-op Sale Price 17 gal. tank 113 H.P. Mot or Regular Value $160.00 $1 Co-op Sale Price $1 8.85 10% discount on all other STA.R1Tt PUMPS during sale. Annual Meeting .Deserve November 15 for the Co-op Minual Meeting and Banquet r• . • " PLUS FREE Electric Blanket I LOCAL 1 SERVICE ! Phone 11 Hensall Your Frigidaire PONTIAC Ls' HAS THE FEATURES THE OTHER 1St WISH THEY HAD Water entering the cowl air intake flushes out corrosive elements . . following air dries the entire inside of the rocker panel. A new aluminized treatment provides extra protection against muffler corrosion. Pontiac's smart new over- and-under headlights make night driving safer, easier, by lighting more road on high beam. Every Pontiac has big, big brakes to ensure quick, positice stopping, every time. Backing up automatic- ally adjusts the brakes, Pontiac's new Delcotron generator keeps charging your battery c‘en while the engine idles. Shown is one of the many powerful Pontiac Vfi's and there's a new lightweight Astro-Six, too. •••••••• -slaltland so the PRP the ether 63s wall they kited 48 YOU BET THEM All IL 47AW• A G.LINJEAL M611:51,8 VALUE Paisat PONTIAC Be sure to watch "The Tommy Ambrose Show" on the CBC'TV network, Cheek local listings for time and therm& TAYLOR MOTORS LIMITED "The New Car Xing of Huron County" ZURICH Pontiac . Vookli II « 6MC, Trucks torlfoill Vans EXET