HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-11-01, Page 13There's no limit to what you can build with LEGO. LEGO, the play sensation of Europe, is now produced in Canada by Sam- sonite, The LEGO System is composed of various sized coloured plastic building blacks which lock together and stay locked until they are taken apart. Exclusive! FULL LINE OF KennerTays As. Advertised on TV ROMPER ROOM TOYS REMPLE SPRING HORSES 702 Basic $ Set Only 2.50 Models Games Dolls Bring the kids to 40.e what Santa can bring this year, .Be av:ets CREST Hardware Mibite msl From T'e Advanced thiakio "'"-••••• 1 Property For Sale 17 Prop!'ly for Rent 23 legal Notices 24 Tenho Warile0 2$ Auction $ales 25 Auction Selo The. Times,AdypSate, tuber It 9,2 HURON ST- EAST — Mode's HOUSE-, . in liensali, 3-bedroom, 3-bedroom rarteh style house complete both and oil foreace. With full basement, garage and available the middle of Nevem- Itt ,P n e fireplace; reasonably her. Phone ilensall 231, le Priced. Yott are invited to see - . this well-kept home, X. Otte- :SMALL APARTMENT Exeter. ‘9:0trne able December 1. Apply 16. John St. R. or phone 235-0382. 13UILINNO. LOT, 1141 11:lane St., direetly south of and ever,. looping Riverview Park. Apply Box 1111., Times-Advocate. 8•;231fite C RE-P.1tqlR4- supPLY VRII,A9g 91-4 ,HgRg.PQRP$-: P4reel NO. 2., 50 aLres. Part 4 , . . , .Auctipri able. Lot 26, C SB, St " TENDERS FDR THE 4th ,Annual Pole. ,Of 'Reoisterctd, ship, with no, buildings, ,Choice mono 11„„arrowsl clay well drained mood .ha rrows; 41krum steel loam, fenced with never failing water roller ; M°De011og Quay loader; sup ply. F arms n i cely sit uat e d Fairbanks Morse hammer mill; with separate, public and high shienrglebelpti,owli:k050neftv.;°"Oinatch roritlieb; se:lh‘rdlaImy sbotifes'f saRpinee,71bilailelanstneacetsee t o 60 2-wheel trailer; 16 ft, bay rack; 10% and belt; rubber tire wagon; days. Sold subject la a reason" sliding rack; ti 1.in bo?0x0;0-b lba. beam g truck; Please reserve hid, fanning mill with motor; Clin- Please Note: Farms will be ton fanning mill; snow fence; offered In one parcel, namely steel posts; extension ladder. 125 acres. . , rubber hose; heavy duty 'barn jack; power take-off air pump; MISs.„ ITEMS: 20 gals'. ieed• entior.; steel, ti r o b oggy ; new ers and fountains, like new; single harness; Swiss - team electric brooder; chicken nests; bells; post hole auger; lawn chicken wire; 40 rods woven mower; scythe; roll, fence wire; fence; steel posts; large galv, electric brooder; onion erates; water tank, brand new; plat- cistern pump; chicken feeders; form scales; hay fork rope: hand sprayer; steel drums; quantity elm planks and lum- galv, w ater trough; lawn her; block and tackle; heavy chairs; grease guns; forks; vise; carpenter tools; exten• shovels; chains; many articles .Sion ladder; sausage grinder too numerous t o men tion , and press; large cabbage cut- BAY & GRAIN — 2,000 bales ter; Woods. 21 c". ft. dee p choice quality hay; 700 bushels freeze, in good condition; many Gary oats su i table for seed, other misc. items, POULTRY — 100 choice Red be sold. No Reserve, everything will -X ,:tooc,Ik epseurll‘eets,a ss tatti lt eingsatromlayi5, TERMS; Cash sold. 'PERMS: Cash. ggest • Official sub-agent of MIDLAND SECURITIES See: ELMER D. BELL, O.C. 417 MAIN ST. EXETER EASY TO BUY SIMPLE TO CASH GOOD TO KEEP CORPN. LIMIT Z/1 YIELD 5,11% • • C.i.S.W•Vi=iti.."&:%:••0 • • Studebaked far ahead for HOUSE, 2-bedroom, corner lot, well-kept, renovated throUgh. oot, Contact Val Wein, 172 Anne St, W., phone 235-2635. 1.2tfne FARM FOR SALE 120 acres on #45 Highway, west of Centralia, light clay loam, 8 acres bush and 10 acres gravel, Modern 3-bed- room brick house, good barn, excellent water, Priced to sell, reasonable down payment and vendor will take back first mortgage, Call. VERN WYANT, James Dixon Real,Estate, Lon- don, GE 4.1141, Ic LUCAN—First time offered— modernized 1-floor brick house, 3 bedrooms plus sun-room, broadloom in living room, sep- arate dining room, new oil fur- nace, extra large new garage, covered patio. Don Downs, phone Lucan 227-4423, le 17 Property For Rent APARTMENT, in Exeter, fur- nished, 3 rooms, heated, 4- piece bath; no pets please; available now. Apply 169 Liam St, or phone 235.0736, evenings. 8:16*tfne APARTMENT, suitable for 2. Apply Fink's Meat Market, Lc APARTMENT, furnished, mo- dern, heated, central location. Phone 235-0915. 10:4tfne COZY APARTMENT, furnish- ed and heated, private ent- rance, suitable for two, Avail- able now. Apply 170 Carling St. 1* GRAND BEND Modern, fur- nished, 2-bedroom house, cent- rally located, oil heated, year. round tenancy. Available Nov. 15. Apply Box PSQ, Exeter Times-Advocate, 9:2711ne ROOM—Phone 235-0382 Exeter. 10:11tfic APARTMENT, unfurnished, in Zurich, 3 rooms, 3-piece bath, basement; available immed- iately, Phone Zurich 178W, or if no answer try Dashwood 165r9. 5-ROOM DUPLEX, living room, kitchen and dining room, 2 large bedrooms, new bath, use of utility room in basement, Available Nov. 1, 1962. Apply Harold Taylor, RR 3 Exeter, phone Kirkton 39r8. 10;11tfne SPORE on Main Street, op- posite the Exeter post office. Apply at Exeter Times-Advo- cate. 9;t13V, HOUSE, in. Exeter, 3 bedrooms, block from school, complete bath, Available November 15, 1962. Phone 235-1957. le HOUSE, modern 2-bedroom, newly decorated, full base- ment, in Exeter, immediate possession. Phone 235-2234, 9 to .5. 10:2,5 tine APARTMENT, furnished, up- per, heated, running water; middle-aged couple preferred; no pets. Apply 68 Sanders St. E., Exeter. I I itfnc HOUSE, Gidley St. W„ Exeter, 3 bedrooms, bathroom, full basement*, available Dec. L Phone 235-0286. lc CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF' Voter's List VOTERS' LIST 1962, 'Municip- ality of Grand Bend, County of Lamhton. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 9 of the Voters' List Act 1960, and that I have posted up in my office at Grand Bend on the 29th day of Octo- ber 1962, the list of all. persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal Elec- tions and such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate pro- cedure to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day of appeal being the 19th. day of Novem- ber, 1962, Dated this 1st day of Novem- ber, 1961. MURRAY A, DES JARD1NS, Clerk of the Village, Grand Bend, Ontario • c CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF Voter's list TO OF STEPHEN COUNTY OF HURON Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section 9 of The Voters' Lists Act, and that I have posted up at my office at Main Street, Crediton, Ontario, on the 27th day of October, 1962, the list of all persons entitled, to vote in the. municipality at municipal elec- tions and that such list re- mains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate pro- ceedings to have any omissions or errors corrected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 12th day of Novem- ber, 1962. Dated this 27th day of Octo- ber, 1962. ROSS HAUGH, Clerk Crediton, Ontario. lc Get protection Against RUST Snell Bros. $9 N9TICR T9, In the Estates of John Dietrich and Emma, .D ietrich, deceased. All persons having claims against the estates of John Dietrich, Farmer, who died the 13th day ..of ,tune 1934, ..and. Emma Dietrich, ids widow, Who. died the 17th day of June 1962, both late of the Town- ship of Stephen, in the County of "NM, are .roquirod tci file particulars of same with Bell Laughton, solicitors of Ex- eter, Ontario, by the 10th day of November, 1962, after which .date the estate will he distri- buted having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received, Bell & Lavghton, Solicitors for the Executor, Exeter, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Mary Helena Steinhagen, late of Exeter, Ontario, Spinster. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full par- ticulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of November, 1962, after which date the estate's assets will be distributed hav- ing regard only to claims that have then been received. Mackenzie & Raymond, Main Street, Exeter, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors, CLIFTON DAVIS and. G-ORDON DAVIS 24 Tenders Wanted OIL TENDERS WANTED To supply !Leman Public School for the 1962-63 term. Approximately 7,000 gallons. Send tenders, clearly marked, to Robert G. Reaburn, Secre- tary-Treasurer, Hensa II, Ont., by noon, November 14, 1962, 1:8c Tenders to be in the hands of the secretary by Saturday, November 17, 1902, 6:00 p.m, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, H. W, BROKENSHIRE, Secretary.Treasurer, ll,T,S,A,, Zurich Ont, le Terms of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale. Balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid. Complete list of household furnishings and antiques in next week's issue.. Estate of the late James Bell ALVIN WALPER, ED CORBETT, Auctioneers lc Catalogues on request, 25:1c Middlesex Elgin Yorkshire Breeders SALE 1LDERTON ARENA FRIDAY EVENING, NOV. 2 at 7:30 p,rn, Bred gilts, boars, open gilts, government and health inspect- ed, MURRAY McGRAE, Sales Manager FILSON & ROBSON, Auctioneers lc , Important AUCTION SALE Of Valuable 125 Acre Farm Poultry Equipment & Misc. Items On the premises, Part Lot 26 N,B. MeGILLIVRAY TOWNSHIP 6 miles south of Dashwood, miles west of Mt. Carmel or 8 miles northeast of Parkhill, The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3 at 2:00 p,m. REAL ESTATE: Parcel, 1 consists of Part Lot 26 NB, McGillivray Township, 75 acres, on which is situated a frame dwelling covered with asphalt shingles. Main floor—large liv- ing and dining room, modern kitchen, bedroom, 3-piece bath- room and utility room. Second floor-2 large bedrooms with clothes closets. Full size base- ment with water pressure sys- tem, Large bank barn, newly built drive shed, garage and hen house. Buildings all in first class state of repair. Land all choice clay loam, 8 acres mix- ed bush. Remainder all till- wn in the area! Exclusive! The Creative Building Set CHARLES RE ALVIN WALPER., Auctioneer ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer GLEN WEBB, Clerk HAROLD STADE, Clerk (11KB, Proprietor URBAN PFILE. Proprietor 25:10 25:1c Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Farm Implements Tractor, Hay, Grain Poultry & Misc, Items On the Premises, Lot 10, Concession 14, HAY TOWNSHIP 21/2 miles west of Zurich, 21 miles south or Ilia miles west of Dashwood, thence 21/2 miles north, The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7 at 1:00 p.m. TRACTOR & FARM IMPLE- MENTS: Allis Chalmers "CA" standard tractor, in guaranteed condition, equipped with 2-row scuffler and puller; Allis Chat- mers hydraulic lift 3-furrow plow, like new; McDeering 2- furrow tractor plow; Int. trae- tor manure spreader; McDeer- ing binder, 7 ft, cut; McDeer- ing 71/2 ft, spring tooth culti- vator; Deering 11-run grain and fertilizer drill; McDeering mower, 6 ft. cut; Fleury 13is- sel tractor disc; 4-section dia- BUY YOUR CANADA SAVINGS BONDS 19 for Sale or Rent CORNER LOT with large brick home, small barn, 534. Main St., Exeter, Apply Jean W. 'Wein, 199 St. Vincent St , Stratford. 18:25:1e HOUSE, in Kirkton, 3-bedroom, complete bathroom. Phone Kirkton 131;1, after 6 mot, 22 Notices at LTD. ONLY 25:1:8c 25 Auction Sales Important AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate Household Effects Antiques & Misc, Items On the premises, part of Lot 5, Con, 1, adjoining the VILLAGE OF HENSALL SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 at 1:00 p.m. REAL ESTATE: Consists of Part of Lot 5, Con. 1, Tucker- smith Township, on which is sitiated a well constructed 2- storey brick dwelling, Main floor—large living and dining room, modern kitchen, utility room and 3-piece bathroom. Second floor-2 bedrooms, apartment size, modern kit- chen, living and dining room, 3-piece bathroom. Full size basement, newly installed oil furnace. Newly built double lc garage. Dwelling in first class state of repair, The Township of Hay School The undersigned will sell for Area Board of Trustees are liiRTZEL BROS., hereby calling for tenders for Crediton, Ont, the supply of furnace oil for all the open schools in the area F RIDAY,.NOVEMBER 1, 190 as follows; et 1:00 n,ro. No. 2, No, 10, No. 3, No. 15 31 Head — 19 Heifer;, 12 Buds No. 7 Zurich Eleven of the bulls are Per - State price per gallon. , formance tested and eligible Person tendering to state for the grant of 20`;. type of service offered. Accounts to he rendered monthly when payment will be W. S. O'NEIL, Auctioneer made, oy Wh l Toys ALL 1061 STUDEDARER PRODUCTS ARE DEALER WARRANTED tOR 2 YEARS OR 24,000 71°M.NI23174ciMer LAbleS VANITY'—Exclusive built-in, pop up mirror with cosmetic tray plus convenient refresh- Mont Server. STANDARD EQUIPmENT ott ALL '63 LARKS AND AVANTII nalMaIR.:NEMICRWMAMOO ITuarrmair,vafflo zwontir;r5t7aloron icominizvostvg11 onmemarort,, camotaxsatsio?" LARK Wagonaire Slide-away Root makes three cars in Ohe,,. Sedan, Convertible and Truck SEE ALL THEtiRPRISES AT YOUR STUDEBAKER DEALER CAREFREE COMFORT thanks to ESSO OIL HEAT Esso Oil Heat is care and dependable.And your Imperial Esso Agoit °frets the best service in the land. Call him today; he'll introhee you to a leondc,fiii, uoari tsr warmth. Whether you use a si:ace healer, floor In mace 'r antennae firnace, there s iii 1'2,556 heating fuel that's emcily right Tor the job. Use Esso ail Heat and you'll sleep 'easy in the whiter to tote: AL, LitIOWTO IN110ERIAL t3 t GEORGE \MESE PH E 23,54386 EXETElt LARK leads again with even greater performance, safety, comfort and economy. Your choice of two VS's and a SiX cylinder engine, each one a powerhouse on regular gas, New self adjusting, dual safety system brakes with sealed drums specially designed for Canadian conditions, Admire the new luxury interiors, padded, fully functional control panel and limousine room, Options include 5 transmissions, bucket and reclining seats and race.car-proved disc brakes, Canadian made,so the price is low, A FULL LINE OF FAR AHEAD CARS FROM THE ADVANCED THINKING AT STUDEBAKER AVANTI Haider of 20 world'S Sneed recordS. Dist Stakes standard equipment Ex eter Phone 235:1373 Groh Turism0 HAWK Canada';; Classic Touring Coupe Priced Sg,g0g below cornottitiOn WAddIVAIPE AVAN11 GRAHAM ARTHUR MOTORS