HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-11-01, Page 5Page- S. NOY.e.MbPr L. 170. Hens and district news CORRESPONDENTS Mrs, Maude Hedden, Phone $ Mrs. Archie MacGreggr, Phone 56 lirranfEtT,:sJ.a,10;ra,;Nattss avisasstastaM.: If You're TIRED ALL THE TIME NOW and then, everybody gets, a "tired•out" feeling, and may he bothered by backaches. Perhaps noth• ing seriously wrong, just a temporary condition caused by urinary irritation or bladder discomfort, That's the time to take Doritra Kidney Pills. Dodd's help stimulate the kidneys to relieve this condition which may often cause back, ache and tired reeling. Then you feel hatter, rest better, work better, Gel bodd's Kidney Pills now,. Look for the blue box with the rod band at all drug totinters.You can depend on Dodd'a, to Hess CERTIFIED Watchmaker Well known for Quality W atch, Check, Jewellery, Electric Shaver- S. Spectacle Repairing Established 1918 Albert Hess JEWELLER & OPTICIAN ZURICH DRAIN TILE C--45s per M Feet 1)61 d. .5"..-$85 par M Feet DeVd, 4"--S114 per M Feet Delid., 7"—SISS per M Feet 8"—$18S iser M Feet Dercl. Above prices based on 1009 linear Feet, in trueltteads or More, deliVered 'Within ,35 tittle 'radius of out' plant, or detailed prices on all sizes tile, either delivered or F.O.B.. our Plant at Elgilifield, Write Or Oahe RYDALL BRICK & LTbo ttk 2, London Phone 221,4721 Lticati, itriatielista....sa—apaassitiaaWat,a,4aitalatiaat fssliMMIt.„..WWW,Fatan',WP'wM4fIkawa,mitsimsam FAL DAYS SPECIAL EXTENDED TO NOVEMBER 17th This coupon is worth $10.00 on the purchase of ony new Pioneer chain saw. Trade-ins awe acapteel on this offer which expires Hoy. 17,1'5)62 venft,§V04044*A us.4 it • -* UC concert a 'hit', another requested The concert Musicale in Hen- fitting climax showing great salt United Church Sunday eve- ability. .ning was presented by the three A repeat of this concert has choirs to a packed church under been requested by many pea- the direction of Mrs. Robert pie. Fryde, choir leader and organ- During luncheon served by ist. the UCW Mrs. Pryde was Pre- Ths choirs were assisted by sented with a crystal candy guest artists, Miss Gail Atwell, dish, Mrs. Harry Horton mak- St. Marys, and Woodham male mg the presentation. Before the quartette. Mrs. Pryde's rendi- service Mrs. Pryde was also lion of Polonaise Chopin, Op. presented with a corsage. 53 on the piano, and Rondo in The offering for the new G-John Bull, arranged by R. Christian Educational wing Ellsasrer on the pipe organ amounted to $203.00 which was were well rendered and many much appreciated by the min- fine comments were heard. The inter Rev. H. Currie, church closing number "The Battle members, and building fund Hymn of the Republic" was a committee. MA tita •, COUPON Crest Hardware M NEY GOOD FOR FIVE CENTS IN MERCHANDISE AT TOY DEPARTMENT OF Crest Hardware HENSALL -ONTARIO zogoopog0 \‘‘‘‘‘‘kwomvooky* HERE IS YOUR FIRST COUPON FREE Clip Out This Free Coupori and Start Saving Right Now, rysdale Crest Har HENSALL 0.(st^taisftftoakt.stft astaotasoosaidtatOttAitsWAttstk*ittOatsttitti oat ressita******.ei ONTARIO cia,aviteMttOtai0,- $2P DOWN Buy you A CANADA SAVINGS BOND AT .4* BAN H" 70 3 MILLION CANADIANS For the past two weeks the Explorers of Carmel Presbyte- rian Church, Hensall, have been busy picking colorful maple leaves and pressing them with hot irons between waxed paper. At this week's meeting at hobby period they packed the maple leaves in small boxes sending one each to Miss Marg- aret Ramsay of Georgetown, British Guiana; Miss Hildur Hermanson, RN, Taipei, For- mosa (who was a guest speaker here two year ago); Miss Ida. White, RN, Bhabra, India (who the Explorers met personally in Goderich), Miss Agnes Gollan BA, Nigeria, Africa, who also was a guest speaker in Hensall three or four years ago. These are all Canadian missionaries. Those taking part in the pack- aging and wrapping were Faye Troyer, Janice Bonthron, Lois Wright, Marjorie Schwalm, Beth Troyer, John Tirnrnermans and Gordon. Thompson, Leader Airs. Gordon Schwalm addressed and mailed them, Explorers are also selling Christmas ca,is to help towards • mission Work. S/L. Ray Waters of RCAF Station Clinton addressed the members of the Kinsmen ChM at their dinner meeting Thurs- day night, speaking on "Project Mercury" and showed films on preparation of capsule and as- tronaut before space flight, W/O Ed Lesnielt, also of RCAF Clinton was in charge of the projector, President John Ideal chaired the meeting and. guests present were Tony Char- rette, Grant MacGregor, Hen- sail; John Burke, Ward Kraft, Clifford Quance and Les Park- er, Exeter, It was voted to sponsor a bantam and midget hockey team again this year and to hold a hard time dance at the arena Friday, Nov, 9, Next Kinsmen meeting No- vember 8 will be a joint meet- ing with Exeter Kinsmen Club when guest speaker will be the national representative of World Council, Paul Mills, of Han- over. Pack 17 cartons Seventeen cartons of good used clothing were packed in a bale by Hensall UCW at the church this week to be forward- ed to Toronto for overseas re- lief. Mrs. Albert Alexander was convener of the project and was assisted in packing the bale by Mrs, Norman Jones, Mrs. Jar- vis Horton, Mrs. E. T. Rowe and Mrs. Hugh McMurtrle, Personal items The members of Amber Re- bekah Lodge held a successful bake sale and tea in the lower lodge hall on. Saturday, Mrs, Hugh Morena and Mrs. Roy Morena of Dashwood visit- ed recently with the farmer's aunt, Mrs. Annie Consitt. Mr. and Mrs, R, A. Orr quiet- ly celebrated their 30th wed- ding anniversary on Wednes- day, October 31. Space flight Kin topic Maple leaf goes afield White wig style shown at CGIT Exeter CGIT were guests of Carmel Presbyterian Church CG1T Cetaber 24 when guests Jack Caldwell and Bill Gibson of the Be-N-Jay Beauty Salon took ever for the most exciting part of the evening, Previous to the meeting four Models Miss Ruth Smale, Miss Flora Lee Johnston, Miss Rose Marie Neilands and Miss Ann Lawrence had their hair wash- ed, cut and set, These girls were then called upon to have their hair combed out, and as they did so, they advised the girls On hair care and hair problems such as oily hair, fly- way hair and styling, A start- ling effect was produced by. Mrs. Ross MacDonald as she wore a pure white wig provided by Be-N-Jay, Miss Patsy Moir led in a sing song which included many fa- vorites. Mrs. MacDonald ac- companied at the piano. Mrs. C, Boyne, leader of the Exe- ter group, asked grace before lunch at close of meeting, Mrs. R. Baker dies in hospital Mrs, Robert Baker Sr, of Hensall died in Clinton Public Hospital Saturday, October 27 where she had been a patient for some weeks, having suffer- ed several strokes during the summer, In her 70th year she, was the former Clara Meade and had resided in the village for a number of years, Surviving are her husband, eight sons, Glen, London; John, Murray, Bob and Bill, all of Hensall; Austin, Stratford; Meade, London; Bruce, King- ston; five daughters, Mrs, Grant (Gladys) McGregor, Hensall; Mrs. Adam (Wanda) Wilson, Brucefield; Mrs. Alphonse (Betty) Grenier, RR 3 Zurich; Mrs. Bill (Clara) Brown, Sea- forth; Mrs. Bruce (Irene) Tyn- dall, Clinton; 38 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Private. funeral services were held Moaday from Bonthron Funeral Home, Hensall, con- ducted by Rev. Ross MacDon- ald. Burial was in Baird's. cem- etery. Pallbearers were her six sons, Glen, John, Bob Jr., Aus- tin, Meade and Bruce Baker. Phone 235.186 R. D. Jermyti Exeter (( LOOK WHAT `1 PIONEER'S I DONE TO THE if 6-20 / The death of Mrs, Edward Norminton, a lifeslong resident of the village occurred suddenly in Woodstock Hospital on Thurs- day, October 25, She was visit- ing with her daughter and son- ln-laW, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Traquair of Woodstock when she suffered a heart seizure and was rushed to the hospital, In her 00th year she was the former Martha Freda Smalia• combe and was born in Hen- sail, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Fred Smallacombe. She was a former teacher at SS 19 Hay, a member of Hen- sail Women's Institute, being a past vice-president, and pa'at secretary, a member of Hen- salt Library Board, and of Hen- sall United hurch. Surviving are her husband, one son, Ted, who is attending university at Toronto; o n e daughter, Mrs. Arthur (Lenore) Traquair, Woodstock; one broth- er, Fred Smallacombe, Guelph; one sister, M r s, Cornelius (Jean) Faber, RR 3 Exeter; an aunt, Miss Mattie Ellis, Hen- sail, and three grandchildren. Public funeral service largely attended was held Saturday from the Bonthron Funeral Home conducted by Rev, Har- old F, Currie, Floral trubutcs were many and lovely. Burial was in Hensel] Union cemetery and the bearers were Jack Boyd, Bob Cameron Jr., Albert Shirray, Lorne Chap- man, Ken Elder and Harold El- der. Your library — Continued from page 4 Moiseiwitsch and Brian Jack- son who design them. She ex- plains the blocking of plays, how rehearsals must be syn- chronized so that 51. actors may not only rehearse in three dif- ferent plays but have as well 211. costume fittings, not to mention dance, fencing and choir rehearsals. She shows the Stratford work- shop in action as it creates the wonderful costumes, jewels and furniture and into this she weaves the picture of the dy- namic directors—Mithael Lang- ham and George McGowan, and of the actors with all their glamour and eccentricity. Active lady dies on visit NOW IPS TOE Over 15 a Hensollpersonots' Area rally .St, — S The Fall Deanery of the Women's Auxiliary of Huron met aot .c%t.bePrauL5's aCt tt h,4re510t, iien- saIl, with a good attendance, Airs. W. E. Middleton of Exeter (new president) presided. Airs. Al. Dowding of Windsor, convener of deaneries, was the guest speaker. Her talk was in- steorme sethlo other e that itritosldW°Le%.vidl in g aot- at their meetings. "Group discussions were highly favor, able," she said "because in this way, each individual had a part to ,play—even though small, it became a part of a whole," Mrs. Dowding showed how a chapter from the Bible could be discussed with this question in mind, "What light does this ellapter shed on our purpose in the church?; the results of the discussions were then compiled. and repotted on. Mrs, Wilson of Goderich, girls secretary for Huron reported on the conference held in Goderich in September and expressed an appreciation of help from the. Senior Branches of the Dean- :VY• Mrs. K. Taylor of Goderich, irst vice-president for Huron diocese gave a splendid report of the semi-annual at Brant- ford Oct. 17. Members were present from Bayfield, Brussels, Clinton, Ex- eter, Seaforth, Fordwieh, Gor- rie, Middleton and Wingham. Personal items Miss Linda Reid is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, where she underwent eye surgery, Ray McKenzie is spending the winter months vacationing at Miami Beach, Florida, Ray says the weather is lovely, a low of 70 at night and a high of 87 to 90 in the day. Ray, who is staying at the President Ho- tel at Miami Beach, expects to return home in April 1963. Mr. and Airs. Wm, G, Alex- ander and Barbara of Bramp- ton visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alex- ander, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mur- dock, Mrs. T, Murdock and Jeffery, Mrs. Don Rigby, Mrs. Bill Knights and Stewart of Blenheim, Mrs. McKeen of Staples spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell. Mrs. Myrtle Kilpatrick of London, spent last week, the guest of Mrs. Minnie Sangster, Mrs, Robert. Paterson of Cal- gary, also spent a few days with Mrs. Sangster. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Parker, Alias Betty Parker, London, visited recently with their mo- ther, Mrs. Eva Parker and and Mrs. Hugh. Morena and Bill, Dashwood, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Corbett and family, to celebrate Jeffreys first, birth- day. 'Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Cliapma.0 and Rod ,accompanied by Mr. and Airs. t].. Ellis of Clinton spent the weekend with. Mr. and Mrs. Don MaeLaren and, Mr.. and Mrs', S. Nollingshead in Toronto. .Charles. Mickle of Hamilton was in London over the week- end for Western's Nome-eons- ing and spent Sunday with his Parents, Mr. and Mrs, Laird Mickle, Bob and Ann, Mr, and Mrs, Douglas Cook* Beth, 'Kathy and Jet:Miler,: Mr. and Mrs. Robert 'Cook and Caro, lyn, together with Dr. and Mrs. Al', A. Hopkinson, Joan, Bruce and Mary Beth of Lion's Head spent the weekend in Detroit. Flowers in the United Church Sunday morning were in mem , ory of the late Airs. Edward Norminton„ placed there by her family. Mr. James Patterson is a pa- tient in South Huron. Hospital, Exeter, Mrs, George Walker is a pa, tient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, Mr. Claire Zuefle of Toronto, formerly of Hensall, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bell, and also renewed acquaint, anees with friends in the vil- lage. Mrs. Sim Reobol, who has been a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, where she un- derwent surgery, returned home on Friday. Mr. Norman Shiels of Am- berley, spent the weekend with his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Allan and family, Air's, roe Potter, Randy and. Barbara, Clinton, visited on Thursday last with Mrs, Ross Corbett and family, Mrs, Basil Edwards is visit- ining with relatives in Toron- to. Air, and Mrs. Harvey Taylor, Mi'. and Mrs. Morris Taylor and girls all of Varna, visited Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Corbett, to celebrate Kim and. Steven's birthday. A reception and dance for Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lovell. of Veterans The plans for our new subdivision provide for one-half acre lots. ENQUIRE DOW Subdivision G. E. DOW Phone 235.2764 Stocks Are Complete. KIPPen. former 'Myra. Stokes) will be held in Zurich Community Centre Saturday, November 3. Desjardine ,orchs estra will furnish the MISiC. Mrs. iI, Venables it a patient at South Huron. Hospital, EXes ter, having suffered a..fraetUred. ankle in a fall in her apart, .anent. .139)0! Gidst NOTICE A Carload of Choice Calves will he arriving in approxi, mate!), 2 weeks. Any boy or girl under age 21 in the town. ships of Tuekersmith, Hay, Stephen, Stanley and Osborne wishing to feed calves for the South Huron Agricultural S o. cietY, contact any of the Di- rectors or Secretary for further Information, PETER McNAUGHTON, Secretary, Hensel! The New Styles • TINTING • SETTING • STYLING Tues., Wed, & Sat,, 4 to & Thurs. & Fri„ 9 to 7 WE FEATURE School Girl Perms—$6.00 Regular $8.50 Be-N-Jay BEAUTY SALON Phone 236 Hensall SUPER 6-20 by PIONEER IT'S 30% FASTER! PIGNIER Exeter Farm Equipment Marks 100 years Celebrating her 100th birthday at Queensway Nursing Home, Monday, Miss Rachael Spencer was the recipient of congratulatory messages from Her Majesty the Queen; John F. Diefenbaker, Prime Minister of Canada; Hon. C, S. MacNaughton, Minister of Highways and MPP for Huron; and from the Provincial Secretary and many others. Although her eyesight and hearing are impaired she is able to sit up in her chair most of the day, She was born near St. Joseph's and is the last remaining member of her family. —T-A photo Our New my' AN Upstairs MIL A Small Deposit Holds any Article Until Christmas Make Your FREE CREST MONE To Choose From OtaccSait!ftoa4i-awsiso!ottse . w Starting Thursday, November 1st, we will again Be Giving Away CREST MONEY -=- 30 on every Dollar Cash Purchase. Redeemable Any Time Our Toy Department, Start Saving Now I I Selection Now Whit Hardware NOW HENSALL S C REST IS OPEN At • 4`* BUY YOURS FOR CASH OR BY INSTALMENTS DOWN PAYMENT OF 5%— $2.50 FOR A $50 BOND, $5 FOR A $100 BOND, ETC. BALANCE IN EASY INSTALMENTS OVER A YEAR BANK OV MON TittAL a4od,1,4, 7e;t4t vdi,„4 IVOaRINO 15110 CANADIANS TN EVEI4V WALK Of LIFE SINCE 1S11