HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-11-01, Page 3MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS All-Canadian As low as $3.49 LET'S TRADE SKATES We stock exclusively the famous Bauer for the whole rattily. All used skates recondi- tioned and sharpened, With new laces, See our large stock of men's, boys', misses' and children's OVERSHOES Keep your :feet dry and yohr head cool to live long and die happy,. VISIT WUERTH'S AND SAVE ii NOW! ft Now Srmiktite, Me, 1m, World 4)4 fewyga, "It's the optometrist." Bingo! Over 70 persons attended the first in the Exeter Legion's weekly bingos, Thursday, and four of them returned home with both a turkey and a chicken. Clarence Taylor, Mrs. Lloyd Ford, both of Exeter, along with George Brown of RCAF Cen- tralia and Mrs. Ward Bern, Kirkton, each won the first round for chicken and came back with lucky cards in the turkey event. Paul and Eric Sehwartzen- truber teamed up to take both types of fowl home, while the luckiest family turned out to be the Lawson's. Mrs, George Lawson won a turkey and her daughter-in- law, Mrs. Gerry Lawson, also won one and then the latter's son, Peter, won the 21-pound turkey door prize, Other chicken winners were: Mrs. A. Graper, Mrs. Stan Frayne, Mrs. Whitney Coates, Mrs, Bill Smith, Audrey Gaiser, Mrs. Walker, Mrs, Norm Hea- man, Betty Morley, Larry Brintnell and Mrs. Mattie Fink. beiner, Other turkey winner's includ- ed: Miss E% elyn Irvine, Mrs. Bill Lamport, Mrs. !AI a r g wragg, 6,60f4. .29 "'You mean I shouldn't have belted him for calling me a toreboyt?" Blind fund nears $500 Campaign for the Canadian National Institute for the Blind is nearing the $500 mark, Chairman S. B. Taylor re. vealed this week, Objective of the appeal in the Exeter area is $1,000, Donations to date, by com- munities, amount to: Exeter $428,00 Centralia 5,75 Crediton 11,00 Dashwood 14.00 Total $458,75 Biggest in the world The largest two wheel pow- ered farm tractor in the world — and the first of . its kind in Ontario — was delivered to a Huron county farm last week. The machine weighs over eight tons and is equipped with specially-made tires of a 24.5 x 32 size, It; was equipped with 22-foot-wide cultivator which has a penetration of 12 inches. Wings of the cultivator- fold up for transporting on the high- way. The tractor — a John Dee. 5010 — was purchased by L, Ryan and sons, Walton for use on their 2,500-acre flax and cattle farm. It's rated at 117 horsepower, The machine was sold by Hu- ron, Tractor and Equipment Co., Exeter. •titi Century old dresses set theme for WI's hers and told of a trip she had taken this summer in .empailY with 38 other people arranged by the Elgin County Ag, Rep,. They journeyed to the West Coast, visited the World's Fair at Seattle and on to Los Angeles and San Francisco. Mrs., Sillery introduced Mrs, Futcher. Mrs. Al. McLeod, ROAV Gen- Ira:Ha favored with solo num- bers aceo,npanied. by Mrs, A, Willard and tap dancers under Mrs, J, Weber contributed sev- eral numbers. Mrs. Sillery„ convener of the Water/eel research and current events and her committee were responsible for the stage set- ting and program. President Mrs, Harry Dougall wa s in the chair and hostesses were Mrs, Stanley Mitchell, Mrs, Richard Hthcrington, Mrs. Edward Sit- cry, Mrs, Jean Morgan, Mrs, William Lamport, and Mrs. Ar- chie Etberinglon, Highways dept —Continued from page 1 and material resources, and administers the information ob- tained. Administers and checks all documents and field data for the, calling of tenders, awarding of contracts, progress payments and completed con- tra cts, Maintenance division: pro- vides technical guidance and advice to the districts on regu- lar summer and winter main- tenance of all highways; and on such specialized services as bridge inspection, landscaping, highway lighting, safety de- vices, District offices; Each dist- rict carries out regular sum- mer and winter maintenance operations and directly super- vises all contract work in its territory, Services branch This branch administers pur- chase, sale and rental of all departm ent properties; per- forms land surveys and pre- pares necessary 'plans for ac- quisition or disposal of land, assumption, reversion, desig- nation and closing of high- ways; administers the pur- chase of all department mater- ials and overall control of dist- rict stores of maintenance and construction materials; estab- lishes practices in respect to purchase and maintenance of all department vehicles and equipment; establishes prac- tices for filing and mailing service in the department; procures and distributes all office furniture, equipment and supplies; supervises the alloca- tion of office space and build- ing requirements of the depart- ment; administers all tender- ing procedure within the. de- partment. Comptroller's branch This branch performs the service of processing payments to contractors, invoices, pay- rolls, etc., together with the necessary accounting. The in- ternal auditing of financial and non-engineering matters comes under this branch's direction, l'roni information submitted by all branches, this branch pre- pares and controls the depart- ment's budget. Administers to oualifieation of contractors bid- ding on department contracts. Studies existing office routines, developing and improving sys- thins for other branches, Pro- vides .financial and statistical information for other branches and other government branch- es. Municipal roads branch This branch administers the Highway Improvement Act with respect to county and township roads and urban municipali- ties. Supervises the construc- tion and development of roads ID sparsely settled areas. The department also has personnel and legal branches. This constitutes the massive and widespread organization for which Heron's AMP took responsibility last. week. • • Let Us Install Your Council briefs At a special ,meeting Mon- day night, town council : Decided to advise William Etherington of the dangerous condition of his shed on the street opposite Trivill memor- ial Anglican Church; Asked. Clerk C, V, Pickard to enquire of Engineer n, 'oss, Goderich, how the sur- vey was progressing on drains. for Sanders St, east, Granted building permits to McCann Pros., for construction of a store and office addition to Exeter District ,Co-op and to. Arthur 'V.V.hilsrnith, for two additional units to his apart- ments On Andrew St. Accepted an invitation from Exeter Legion to attend its Remembrance Day dinner Sat- day night, November 10, and its church parade on Sunday, Nov, 11, MacNaughton —Continued from page 1 nying the cabinet, changes, Mr, AlacNaughton's appointment emphasizes the administration's awareness of the need for re- lief from road costs in rural area s, The announcement stated: "Honourable Charles Steel MacNaughton, member of Hur- on and minister without portfo- lio, now becomes the minister of highways. lie possesses a. wide knowledge of the problems and needs of the rural commu- nity of Ontario, and. has also had extensive experience in the business communities of West- ern Ontario. His appointment emphasizes the importance with which this administration regards the needs of the agricultural areas, and the economic requirements of the province as a whole, as they relate to the operations of the department of highways of which he will now be the min- ister in charge." Rapid advancement The appointment, just four years after he won his seal' in the legislature, indicates the Huron. member's rapid. rise to a major post in the government,. He succeeded the late Thom- as Pryde as PC member for Huron in the by-election of 1958 and was re-elected in the gene- ral election of 1959. Mr, MacNaughton was ap- pointed to the Ontario Water Resources Commission in Jan- uary, 1960 and on November 8, 1961, was sworn in as minister without portfolio, Although his new post will re- quire much more of his time and will necessitate a consid- erable amount of travelling throughout the province, the Huron IMPP indicated his rid- ing's interest will remain fore- most among his duties. "I don't intend 'to lose sight of 'the fact that it all starts and ends right here in Huron," he stated. In the official list of the On- tario cabinet, whose order is established by seniority, Mr, Dismiss appeal Ontario dep't of ,education has dismissed an appeal from. Usborne township requesting transfer of parts ..of union sections at Kirkton and Wood- ham to the .trshorne school. area. In the letter advising of the dismissal, the deputy minister of the department indicated that the disagreement should be settled by local effic.ials. since it was a local matter, 'Osborne council liar not yet discussed any further action in regard to the matter. It will probably be on the agenda of the regular, meeting next week. Blanshard township refused to break up .the union sections because, according to its re- solution, no move was being made by Usborne to construct a central school, since the ratepayers turned down the proposal in a referendum last year. Blanshard indicated it would reconsider if 'Osborne. planned to proceed with the Provision of central facilities. The conflict arises from a meeting earlier this year among Biddulph, Blanshard. and Osborne officials at which plans were made to redistri- bute school boundaries accord- ing to municipal boundaries, Ths affected the union schools in Whalen, Woodham and Kirk- ton. The bylaw splitting up the Whalen section, which involved all. three townships, has been passed and approved by the three councils, 'Osborne passed the bylaw to bring the 'Osborne sections of Kirkton and Woodham under its township school area juris- diction but Blanshard has re- fused to accede, Of the Kirkton section, the Usborne portion amounts to about 39% of the assessment. It is a two-room school, In the Woodham section, Us- borne assessment amounts to 46%. It is a one-room opera- tion, The changing of boundaries has been precipitated by the proposal to build a central school in Biddulph, MacNaughton now stands 17th in the 21-member body. A former desk-mate of Mr. MacNaughton, William 0, Da- vis, of 'Brampton, who was elected to the legislature about the same time, was named min- ister of education in Thurs- day's announcement. He suc- ceeds Premier Roberts, who held his selection as prime min- ister, Other appointments were James Auld, Brockville, min- ister of transport: John R. Sim- onette, Sharbot Lake, minister without portfolio; Hon. Frede- rick M. Cass, former municipal Affairs minister, attorney-gen- eral; Hon. J. W. Spooner, for- mer lands and forests minister, municipal affairs; Hon. A. Kel- so Roberts, former attorney- general, lands and forests; Hon. H. L. Rowntree, former minis- ter of transport, labor. The TirmepACIvoptei ilfogmb,,er 1 F 19,4 Pete. Bonus .heat. VISITORS?' with dryers We like to report the,, social Mary came to visit-,•-or Y.04 When. ‘incle. Bill and Aunt. visitthem—tell us about it. activities of the folks in this district, Ph,235-1331 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE Or your local corrosP9nderif Products Of General Mot0ra Frigdai is Sales with Service Drysdale - Crest Hardware PHONE n HENSALL cv.it4 z!.-'t 1.74 '••••-!.stcr,,to 'oft tgrfo cc,4 W,4-=FAcq,c,70'...t6v;14-=.i:iarz?lic?A'W:014"Ktertt -- 1 aa.. ......---7,-- SHOP EARLY 9 FOR CHRISTMAS for ALL Shop at home now with pleasure and guaranteed satisfac- tion. Gifts set aside with small down payment, BILLFOLDS, Can, Leather ,, $3.50, $3.95, $5,00, 57,00 DRESSER SETS, 4 pieces $8,95 BRUSH, COMB & MIRROR, 3 pieces 55,95, $7.98, $13.50 PAPER-MATE PENS 51,95, $2.49 EZY-BREEZE DELUXE HAIR DRYER 517,95 4 heat controls, a real treat for all the family. LADIES' SUNBEAM RAZOR . 517,95 MEN'S SUNBEAM RAZOR $29.95 ELECTRIC BLANKETS, SPECIAL .............511,88 Headquarters for all Hearing Aid Batteries Wskitv,A=MC?.tiztt4^.!Ac:Ntc*ttl?.:EWAW:g •-%?.ti'ig?A'attrxt:SillNict7tal:FfZfrztVA-vg• for economy right down the line! Save money in style -and comfort-with a '63 Ford. There are three wonderful ways to do it! Falcon makes it fun to be thrifty! Fairlane is trim and terrific with a price tag to match. And this year, there's a big new economy size Ford 300, with the room, ride, power of the great Galaxie. Or, treat yourself to the elegance of a Galaxie or Galaxie 500, and still get your share of the savings. Ford's service.conventence features and outstanding warranty for 24,000 miles or 24 months, whichever comes first, make it the value leader , right down the linel FALCON I.0000 SEDAN—With comfortable interior room and loads of trunk space, • FAIRLANE 2.000A Stptli4 with choice bf F.cylmrier nr two lightweight v.s engines. rono ao6 -,the power, performance and ride of 'a Galaxie, al a low, low Pride, t'tqffigYttafing fillist?fr• flitnhortddere,ophrinal 41 rifto The theme was bisterleal when. Huroodale WI was host- ess to the other eight WI bran- dies an 'Smith Huron on 'Tues- day evening in Exeter Legion About 225 Were In at. lend a nee. A roprosentative of o a e h. branch was .dressed in .the cos- tume of 100 years ago and sat no the Platform in rockers or period chairs with a background of family pictures mounted OA easels, coal oil lamps, stereo, seopes, and even .a very ornate baby carriage. Each lady gave her name and branch and told the history of her .costume, Mrs, Harold Tay- lor represented Elimville WI, Mrs. Ervin Rader, Dashwood; Mrs„ Earl. Neil, .Credilon; Mrs, Nola 'Taylor, Grand Bend; Mrs. W. Pilling, Hensall; Mrs, W. J. E, Bell, Kippen East; Mrs, Jim Keys, Seaforth; Mrs. Del- but Geiger, Zurich, and Mrs, Mervin Dunn, litirondale• Airs, Edwin Miller for the motto spoke on "Gracious Liv- ing in Grandmother's Time" and reviewed a cookbook "tom- piled by the ladies of Toronto and .printed in 1877 according to an act of Parliament under the direction of the Minister of Ag- riceltere," It belonged to Mrs.. William Sillery's mother and excerpts read from it by Mrs, Miller were interesting and humorous, Guest, speaker was Mrs. J. I. Futcher, St, Thomas, former FWIO president, and a member of the historical sites board, who paid tribute to WI mem- Award prizes on anniversary Four persons won prizes in the recent tenth anniversary celebration held by Fisher's Hardware, Main St. Donald Jory won a mirror; Mrs„lim Wilson and, Mrs, Ila McKenzie, cookware sets, and Philip Johns, a roasting pan. Court report —Continued from nage 1 sary noise in the past five months. Commends officer After giving Jesney and the other youths a severe r epri- mand, he lauded PC Hodgins for his efforts in attempting to curtail the fight, noting that he had done everything possible in trying to keep the two groups away from each other. "The officer is to be com- mended," he stated, "for at- tempting to curtail any further trouble after spotting the men in front of. the restaurant." Fined $100,00 A 30-year-old father of three children, Charles Guy of Ethel, Ont. was fined .100,00 and costs or 14 days in jail after plead- ing guilty to supplying liquor to minors, The charge arose when police learned that the young carpen- ter had purchased liquor for three area youths who were later found in Hay swamp in an intoxicated condition Guy, who was recently re- leased from the Ontario Com- pensation Hospital, admitted he had purchased the liquor for the youths who ranged in age from 13 to 15. The three appeared in juven- ile court last week in Exeter and were 'placed on probation, Dismiss charge A charge of careless driving was dismissed against Leon Triebner, RR 1 Hensel!, who was involved in an accident with Reginald Bennett of RCAF Centralia on August 18 near Whalen. Evidence revealed Triebner had been driving in the centre of the road and hit Bennett, despite, the latter's attempts to pull, off almost into the ditch. The magistrate told Triebner that due to the unusual con- struction of the road which was in the vicinity of a four-way in- tersection, he Was dismissing the charge, HoweVer, he 'told the Hensall man that he should Use greater Don't caution under 81161 conditions as going up a hill and told hint to keep well Le the right regard- W G... less of the tised marks on the I II I road, North End B-A Service * Complete Rad Service * Tires & Batteries * tubrieations CAI] 235-1910 NO. 4 .NOOti4 $AVE $$$ $3.50 S L N INSTALLED Guaranteed Until May 1 SUNSHINE . SPECIAL FOR ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYER BUYERS DELUXE FEATURES at a rock bottom price FREE Electric Blanket McClary-Easy Meter'd-Aire Dryer * A complete selection of time settings allows you to dry all regular fabrics, deli- cotes, synthetics and wash 'n wear * Safety door * Oversize lint filter Vent- ing to suit every Installation. Save 25% on electricity cost Byer' at this low price you get McClary'Easy's exclusive Meter'daire drying system, which costs 5% less to oper- ate than other dryers, Incoining air travelling around the heated cylinder becomes pre-heated while keeping the cabinet cool, Then the air is drawn through a special "metering" intake, over and through the heating unit, then evenly distributed through the clothes as they re- volve in the perforated cylinder. HARDWARE immaramot-Zik ES PHONE 235.21 I EXETER A . free electric blanket will be offered to each ,purchaser of an -electric ..clothes dryer from a -partiel.piting dealer during the Sunshine Special campaign Nov. 3 to Dec, 15. The province-wide promotion of electric clothes dryers is be- ing supported jointly by manu- facturers, appliance dealers and electrical utilities. Participating appliance deal- ers will have samples of the bonus electric blanket on dis- play during the campaign per- iod. The rose-colored blanket is double-bed size with a single eontrot. The Sunshine Special theme will identify the electric dryer campaign. displays in appliance stores and electrical utility of- fices. Electric clothes dryers and electric blankets will be in- cluded in Ontario Hydro's mo- bile display coach, and in ex- hibits at fall fairs and exhibi- tions, Hydro's home economists will feature the care and use of dryers and electric blankets in their presentations, At the present dine one On- tario family in four enjoys the convenience of a n electric clothes dryer. - • • Thtee nt Fotd of Canada's Fine PrOductsBuiltin Canada, 4 iefteenirm.seiesie,sear,esmesssrwassiss iiiswesimeseeria. LARRY SNIDER MOTORS LTD. S86 MAN ST, $, PHONE 2354640 eoam. 4",,,, 0••••tk•`0'..z.ktt,Mg: • . kis'WingUreSMS.-"er......iss,••••• • "b .-NA . 1;4- „N 4, ,„ ,