HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-11-01, Page 1Another reason for congratulations Huron MPP C. S, MacNaughton has received many congratulatory messages from his constituents following his appointment last week as Ontario minister of high- ways. The appointment came just four years after he was elected to the legislat- ure in the by-election of 1958, at which time he received this congratulatory call ,from Leslie Frost, then premier. The new roads minister, along with Mr. Frost, assisted at the official opening of the .$20 million international bridge at Sault Ste. Marie this week. Roads now under MP wrap *lobe three times Town plans reception At a special meeting Mon- day night, town council made plans to sponsor a commun- ity congratulatory dinner for the new minister of highways in Ontario — Hon, C. S. Mac. Naughton. Arrangements for the tribute are incomplete but Mayor El• drid Simmons „indicated it would beheld as soon as pos- sible. He plans to contact the Huron MPP this week to ar- range a date. Mr. MacNaughton, a native of Saskatchewan, has been a resident of Exeter since 1942, Before deciding to devote all his time to public service, he headed Jones, MacNaughton Seeds Ltd. on John St. The Huron MPP and his family moved last year into their new house on Huron St. east, Memories from the past , .. Members of, all the Women's Institutes in past when they attended, a SPOtiat der Legion flail, Tuesday, One member dressed in clothes from "grandmother's with .antique theirs, lamps. pictures and. theircostumes are; back row, left to tigit fug, Heiman; Mrs, Larry Taylor.. Front row, Mrs. Nola Taylor,, Grand ten Credito% .and V. 8411,. X South Iluron bad a small glimpse of the g hosted by the Flurondale WI at the Ex. from each et' the visiting groups was time" and the stage was suitably set off even a baby buggy. Shown displaying t; Mrs. aim Hey.s, Seartirtli; Mrs. W. bill- and Mrs, Merviui Dunn,14ttrondale, d; lqrs. Ervin 'Rader, Dasliwood; Mts. tail ippen East, --T•-A 'photo Plan limited canvass for swimming pool A limited canvass for funds Will be undertaken by Exeter and Disttict Swintrtit g Pool Committee "as soon as Pus• sible", Cha irman John Goman announced Tuesday night fol- lowing a meeting of the group, The ethumitted indicates it will be somewhat of a "test campaign" to determine the extent of support for the Pool project. Members of the group Be- tided gin the limited canvass af- ter it was agreed it Would be impossible to cenduct a emu-, plete campaign of the town and district, ""Since we ean't Contact revery one at this time, we trust that those' Who are not appOached will hot be Offended,' Mn, GO- Man said. "At the OM 'HMO, Inc would appreciate any initelicited ton. tributions front those whim ;feel strongly enough about the Pte. jett to make a •tioriatioil before wog. tailed upon. This would greatly assist the work et the canvassers." Treasurer of the teititeitteois L, Smith, Manager of the Bank of Montreal. Two .clubs 'back litoiocf Two of the three service otb ganizadons represented 'on the committee have endorsed. the project at recent meetings. Li- ens and Kinsmen both have pledged themselves to assist with fund-raising ea moign, Local branch of the Canadian • Legion, which discussed the pro, pow at a meeting last Week,. withheld its decision pending further sledy. IlOWever, the branch's representatives will continue to act -on the commit, tee,. =kr Vinies-A6uocafe gighty-Eightft Year EXETER, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER i t 1962 Price Pro •Copy 10 Cents +0, .414k: ;.,.• • • 4, ov't .suspends formula; airies Forego .milk hike fe.- YN,• •-•'.• ... The challenge involves re- • 0 the spo.nsibility for .. ... ............ ,•,..,4..;"C"<7.:4:'"" world's largest highway -.•-• "This is a real challenge'', ovo These were the words of Hur- on MPP C. S, MacNaughton following his appointment Thurs. • " day as minister of highways for the province of Ontario. 'This is real challenge' says new highway chief there may be some shifts in de- partmental. policy coming in the near future. "It already has been stated," lie explained "that extremely costly projects such as No, 401 and the Trans-Canada highway are nearing completion and that the government plans to take a look at what we can do in re- gard to shifting of emphasis to- ward assistance of urban and rural municipal road programs in the province, A study of this proposal already is under way." MacNaughton was sworn in by Lieutenant Governor J. Keiller Mackay along with eight other members of the cabinet Thursday. The cere- mony was witnessed iv Mrs, Mac-Na.ughton. and their son, John, Friday, the Huron MPP con- ferred briefly with departmental officials before travelling to Larabton county where he as- sisted P'rime Minister John P. Bobarts in the opening of the Petrolia. - Watford - Wyoming- Plymton joint water pipeline system. First official function Wednesday, in his first official appearance as minister of high ways, he participated in the opening ceremony for the $20- million Sault Ste, Marie inter- national bridge along with for- Area dairies, including those in Exeter and Tiensall, will not increase the price of milk as a result of the announcement Wednesday of the Ontario govern.. ment's moratorium on the application of the milk price. formula. Exeter Dairy Ltd., which distributed notices tP its consumers Tuesday that the price would increase from 23 to 24 cents Thursday, said yesterday the new prices will not go into effect. .1-furondale Dairy, Hensall, which, had planned ,to raise its price on the weekend, no longer intends to do so. While a young Exeter woman lies in critical condition in Lon- don hospital, police are attempt- ing to locate witnesses to the accident south of town Fr,iday night in which she was injured. Mrs. Kenneth Broom, 23, Main St. S., suffers from multiple compound fractures of both legs, undetermined brain injur- ies and lacerations to the face and head. She was the driver of one of three ears in the crash. PC H. C, Reid is trying to lo- cate two airmen, believed to be from RCAF Clinton, who were at the scene and rendered val- uable first aid. 'They were hitchhiking south and one car- ried a kit bag, The constable also is attempt- ing to locate any witnesses to the crash since none of the dri- vers is able to recall what hap- pened, Jean Tremple,' 30, Victoria, St., suffered lacerations of the head and face, The Broom and. Trempe vehicles crashed head- on just south of the town pil- lars on. No. 4 about 9:15 p.m. Ream' Turcotte, 29, London, travelling north at the tittle and was struck frOm behind imme- diately prior to the head-on crash. Police believe Tremple may have struck the sedan de, livery and then hit th e Broom ear, apparently sotithbourid. Mils.- Broom is the former AA- fie Carter of Clatideboye. `Slid was driving a VolksWagen, Total damage ,is estimated at $2,000, Dr, D, Better treated the injured and Mrs, 13 MOM was taken to hospital by Harvey's Taxi. Credits safety bel t . Staff: varies between 11,500 and 12,000. Gross expenditure ('62-'63 fis- cal year): 8274,309,000,00. Number of miles of provinc- ial highways: 12,109,800. Total of provincial, county, urban and rural highways and streets, all of which are af- fected by the department's policy: 85,903,81 miles, Outline of operations Here's an outline of the de- partment's operations, taken from the Official Directory and Guide to Services of Ontario Government, 1962: "The department of high- ways is responsible for the plannin g, construction and maintenance of all King's High- ways and secondary highways throughout the province and for the enforcement of statutes and regulations with respect to them, Nicholas Van Vugt, 48, RR 4 Seaford], wsa driving north in a 1962 truck when he was blinded by headlights of a southbound car and his truck crashed into the ditch and struck two trees. Four pigs were killed in the crash and one cattle beast had to be destroyed because of a broken leg, The truck, valued at $3,000, was wrecked, accord- ing to PC Westover, The same day, vehicles driv- en by Robert D. Grassick, Main St, and Florence D. Mulinder, Dashwood, were damaged when they skidded off No, 4 and No. 83 highways respectively and struck service poles, Neither was injured, During Thursday's snow storm, 12 cars left the road and motorists were forced to stay in hotels and motels -throughout the area because of toad con- ditions, Police called out the highway dept plows to clear the heavy snow off. area roads. Visibility was confined to 10 feet or less at intervals during the night, Volunteer Workmen At the .Dashwood community ball were extra busy this week When they started out, in their door-to-door Campaign to raise $5,000.00 and also finished putting the roof on the structnte. Sesretary treasurer tir e Nleinstiver reported the roof is completed and the brick for the front of the $20,000.00 building have been delivered at the job site. He repotted work on the in- side of the building will bi started when proceeds froth the area-wide canvass start to conic Each Week during th e emit- pain The Thries-Advecate will publish a list of all donors to the hall. The following list are donatkies that were received rote the canvass started. Donations to date, Dashwood fire Brigade 2,200.00 Dastiwood Men's ChM (eash)'606.1)0 Men's Club. f PrOPerty "The minister . is assist- ed by a deputy minister (W. J. Fulton) who acts as his ad- viser in matters of policy and administration. Under the de- puty minister, an assistant deputy minister for engineer- ing and an assistant deputy minister for administration co- ordinate the various engineer- ing and administrative func- tions within the department. "The chief highways engin- eer has under his direction two branches, namely planning and design, and operations.. The latter is responsible for the construction and mainten- ance of all. King's highways and secondary highways. Planning, design branch Planning division: provides long-term programming of fu- ture highway construction bas- ed on traffic and economic studies:- the location of plan- ned highways in the field and the maintenance of all plans and priorities, Design division: Designs all highways and structures ac- cording to needs and carries out the pre-engineering field work required, Operations branch This branch administers the construction and maintenance of highways and roads in King's highways and second- ary roads in Ontario through 18 district offices lot ate d• throughout the province: Construction division: Pro- vides guidance and technical advice to district engineers during construction, Investi- gates and tests soil conditions -- Please turn to page 3 Officials attend hospital session! Miss A, Claypeic, Mrs. M, 1,earn, Mrs. Don Graham, Mrs, J. G. Dunlop and Mrs, R. C. Dinney left on Sunday to at- tend the Hospital Convention at the Royal Wilt, Toronto, this week, Miss Myttle Ninhaht, Mrs, J. ii, Dethridge, Mrs. Gerald God- bolt, Mrs, Valeria Armstrong and Mts. E, HoWey attended the convention on Tuesday. Dashwood Planing mill 1,000,00 Fd Odhert, Grand Band 10.00 Fred Dobbs, Exeter 25,00 Dr, Coxin, Zurith . 25.00 Myran Morant, Stratford 25,00 Donations may be left at Rank of Montreal at either Dashwood or Grand Bend or cart be mailed to Lorne Kleinstiver, Box 80, Dasitwood, here to tents, which employs around 12,000 people to look after a similar numberof miles of road on a budget currently estimated at $275 million. The Huron member is ap- proaching his major task with confidence and an open mind, he indicated in a weekend inter- view at his home here. The highways department in Ontario, he stated, already ha's established a world-wide repu- tation for efficiency and a- chievement, reflecting the cali- bre of its personnel and admin- istrative organization. "I don't wish to make any statements about our plans at the present time until I have an opportunity to explore tho- roughly the operation of the de- partment with our senior offi- cials," .Mr, Ma.eNaughton stated. However, he did indicate No contract for sewers Gaffney Construction Co. Ltd., Stratford, said this week it was prepared to "move right ahead" with Exeter's sewerage project, whenever the contract is let. A spokesman for the com- pany said lie did not expect there would be any delay on the company's part, once it re- ceives the award, primarily because the contract stipulates a completion date, However, Ontario Water Re- sources Commission said Wed- nesday it may be two or three weeks before the award is made. The information office indicated the commission is handling "a whole stack of similar contracts" because of the CMHC incentive to muni- cipalities. Exeter's council, at a special meeting Monday night, signed the third agreement with the commission, this one .confirm- ing the town's approval of the contract award to Gaffney, Delay opening for Christmas It's a bit too early for Christ- mas opening, town merchants decided this week. The town wide promotion marking the beginning of the yuletide shopping season has been postponed until November IS, two weeks from today. Exeter Businessmen's Asso- elation, originally planned to stage the event this week but decided this was premature, trier premier Leslie Frost and a number of other Ontario cab- inet ministers. According to Premier Ro- harts' announcement accompa- - Please turn page 3 men exchanged bitter words words with Jesney and seine of his companions when the local youths commented on the noise being made by the clickers on the airmen's boots. The argument later resumed when the two groups left the restaurant, but attracted by "about 15 men in front of. the restaurant," Constable Lloyd Hodgins arrived on the scene to disperse the men. Ile testified he advised the three airmen to get out of town and return to their base and told the Exeter youths, who were joined by three more in another group, not to follow them, However, Jesney got into his car with Gary Heywood and Don MacDonald, along with two other unidentified passen- gers and followed the Bartlett car north to Clinton. Kestiuk reported that when they were in the vicinity of Rip- pen, Jesney's eat hit them and then pulled hi front and swerved several times in an effort to force them off the road, This evidence was .discounted by Mervyn Taylor, 17, Exeter, who said that the airmen's car pulled in too soon after passing Jesney on one occasion and this caused the minor collision, The proposed increases were the result of an announcement from the milk industry board that the price to producers must be increased by 19 cents per hundredweight as of Nov. 1. This was based on the formula that the return must be increased 19 cents each time the cost of living index rises by 19 points, The index rose over that figure in Au- gust, The proposed increase came at a time when the surplus milk situation is causing con- siderable concern, particularly at the federal level. Agriculture Minister Alvin Hamilton re- cently warned producers that some curtailment of produc- tion must be instituted or the government would be forced to cut its butter support. drastic- ally. The Ontario announcement came directly from Prime Minister Robarts' office follow- ing a cabinet meeting. The statement said: "The government of Ontario is very concerned about the ultimate effect of a proposed increase in the price of fluid milk in the province. The price of milk to the farm was due which was not serious enough to force the airmen off the road, Wanted to join fight When questioned about the in- cident, Taylor said he had been outside the restaurant and heard the argument and he and his two companions decided to follow the two cars as they ex- pected a fight. Taylor admitted that he had been thinking of joining in any fight that may develop, al- thouglj he had been war neck to stay in Exeter by PC Hodgins. Hodgins stopped Taylor along with Bill Mavers and Bob Arm- strong,. but the three youths jumped into another car and 'went to follow the other two c ars. In his remarks to Taylor, the magistrate suggested he should enlist in the armed service if he enjoyed fighting so much, "There are many places where fighting men arc needed," he stated, lie warned the many area youths who appeared in court as witnesses that he would not tolerate any mob violence in Exeter, and said if any of them appeared on charges of fight- ing they would be given jail terms, Defense counsel Charles Slat- Kenzie, Eketet, pointed out that the driver of the ear following Jesney was perhaps as much of a menace as the accused, but suggested that his driving priv- ileges be 'taken away. "1 may be wasting my time. in trying to point out that there may have been, death involved iu the accident," the magistrate. Stated, "because these airmen were trying to get away from a mob of ten," 3esneY'S record shOwed that he had been convicted sit times for socedlog and unnects• Please turn 10 page 3 to an increase to the farmer by 190. per cwt., effective Nov. 1, as a result of an increase in the indices of the economic formula which has served -as an indicator for the price to the producers for almost •10 years, The gov't is also very" concerned as CO the effect of a price increase on the farmer- producer, the individual eon- sumer and the milk industry generally. "Thus it has been decided that a moratorium on the ap- plication of the formula will be declared effective immediate- ly to provide an opportunity for the industry to study very closely the overall effects of its application upon the dairy-in- dustry in Ontario. The decision of the gov't to declare a mora- torium on the operation of the formula is done in the hope that there will be no increase in the price to the consumer," Need time for study Enlarging on the prime min- ister's statement, the minister of agriculture, Hon. W. Stewart, pointed out that the formula had been invaluable to the dairy industry over the years and had received excel- lent acceptance from the pro- ducers and the general public as it was a clear indication of the general economic condi- tions and the milk producerSi costs, The minister emphasiz- ed that the moratorium was declared in order to provide sufficient time for the industry to study the general dairy situation, He was most concerned. he went on, with the ill effects that a price increase might have at this time on the general per-capita consump* tion. He mentioned as Well that surplus milk was a problem and an increase in the price of fluid milk could result in in- creased consumption of sub- stitute products. Recognize dangers Mr. Stewart stated that he felt fluid milk producers gener- ally recognized the great den. gers of the current dairy situation and were questioning the wisdom of a price increase at this time, As a matter of fact , at least 31 markets in the province have indicated that they wished to negotiate to maintain the current price or arc already in the process of negotiation. The minister stated that lie had received a recommenda- tion that a close study be made of the factors making un the current formula, in order to ensure that the factors were suited to present conditions in the dairy industry. Mr. Stew- art emphasized forcibly that it 'was not his intention to (tic- tinue it as part of the milk hut rather, recognizing the ex- tremely effectIve instrument it has been i n the past, it was his intention to strengthen i t if need be but certainly eon. Untie is as nart of the milk marketing policy. Welcomes postponement Clarence MacDonald, one of the, owners of Exeter Dairy Ltd., said he welcomed the government's decision. lie in- dicated an increase to the fluid milk producers at. Ibis time would only aggravate the sur- plus milk problem. "Every time the price goes up," Mr. MacDonald said, "we lose sales to people wile switch to powdered milk and other products." Magistrate Glenn Hays, QC, said in Exeter court Tuesday that he would stamp out any mob violence that may be pres- ent in town and, as an example, fined an area youth $50.00 and costs and suspended his driv- ing privileges for two years. "I'm shocked at the contempt for law-abiding citizenship that has been shown", he stated, af- ter listening to the evidence in a charge of careless driving against 21.-year-old James Jes- ney of RR 2 Centralia. The magistrate was told that Jesney and three other cont• panions followed a car in which three Clinton airmen were rid- ing, and attempted to force them off the road by bumping into them and swerving in front of their car. The airmen managed to reach the safety of the station and later laid a complaint against ,Jesney with OPT Constable Hobbs of the Goderich detach- ment. Argue in Exeter The first of the steps heading up to the incident occurred When Edward Bartlett, along with Jo- seph Kestiuk and another air- man front RCAF Clinton en- tered an Exeter restaurant around 11:00 p.m. ot1 Sept. 22, Evidence revealed the air- If Huron 11IPP C. S. Mac- Naughton, Ontario's new min- ister of highways, could put all .the roads under his super- vision end to end, he'd be able to wrap them three times around the circumference of the earth. That's an indication of the magnitude of the operations of this department whose influ- ence is felt in almost every one of the province's 400,000- plus square miles of area, The staff of the department, if located in one site, .would create a municipality four times the size of Exeter, not counting their families. Its budget is about 100 times the amount handled by the council of Exeter, Here are some of the facts. about the department of which the Huron MPP became head last week, 1 i in a 'sedan deliver was v g y Driver Les Parker, Andrew St„ credited his seat belt for saving hint from injury when his car snuck and broke a tel- ephone pole on NO 83 highway, near Thames Road church, Monday, Parker said he Was totted off -the road by an unidentified transport truck, tensing him to enter the south ditch, then skid out of control across the high- way into the opposite ditch where lw struck the pole. tent- age totalled $250 aecording to PC D. M. Westover. S:'ow causes trashes heavy anew Thtirsday caused three area ateldeins, including omit_ near kipPen in which a Seaertli district Man suffered fra ottired ribs 'and Midetetittined Local woman critical, seek crash witnesses donated) ............1,'060;00 First donations roll in for Dashwood centre in. find it AnneUncementa , ..., 17 Church Notices Cattiing Events .,... ...,, 17 Editorials 4 'Farm News..................11 f=eminine Paett ., 14 Hensall 5 itkiln 1 .6, 17 Spols ,... ..... .. ...... '8, 7, 8, 9 Want Ads ,....... . 12, 13 to Won't tolerate violence magistrate fells youths