HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-10-25, Page 1314 Properly For Sale C. V. PICKARD EAL 'ESTATE .& INS t (RANCH.; We have clients prepared. to .tety„ it YOU wish to sett. see 14:4. 110.11St with low lax Acreage; comfortable 3-bedroom home; desirable location; garage and smell barn. This property is in. good condition; moderately priced with liberal terms; quick poseeesion. SMALL HOUSE with new bath roo m and oil burning furnace While this is a low priced property, YOU will be agree. ably surprised at the comfort- able living it offers. Terms if desired. INDUSTRIAL building — 80' ss 28', tile block construction, heavy duty wiring, radiant heating. While this building is particularly suited for small industry, Machine shop etc , could be converted into dwell- ing apartments. BRICK .BUSINESS BLOCK — Choice location on Main St. Two stores with two apart- ments above, Whole building is centrally heated. Oil. Separate storage basements for stores Full bathrooms and kitchens in apartments, Apartments clean and ready for occupancy. Rea sonable price, Terms, FOR RENT—Two a patio., on La. We also solicit your business for any type of general insur anee. C. V. PICKARD, REALTOR 394 Main St., Exeter Phones 235-0310 and 235.0414 9:13tfne Call JB at 1863 APARTMENT HOUSE, 3-unit., one block from Main St, All units rented to reliable tenants. Oil beat. HOUSE, 3-bedroom, in village of Centralia, hot water, oil heat, large lot. Ideal for re- tired farm couple. Reasonably priced, EXETER — Brand new ranch type with attached garage, A most practical floor plan with 3 large bedrooms, Look for our sign on Pryde Blvd. EXETER — New 3-bedroom; priced below replacement cost; large landscaped lot with gar- age; $71 per month after reasonable' down payment. EXETER — 2-bedroom with oil heat, located one block from centre of town; attached garage and oil heat. LUCAN — Large brick home, completely modernized, on cor- ner lot; large modern kitchen and separate dining room; MI heat; garage; reasonably pric- ed with low down payment. 8 ACRES OF LAND within town limits, suitable for sub- dividing, Terms can be ar- ranged, COMMERCIAL property on ex- cellent main street corner; could be converted to almost any use, Owner is anxious to sell and will consider good terms to responsible party. Would consider rental. WE HAVE FOR SALE the site of the Towne 4: Country res- taurant. A terrific location for a motel. Make us an offer. BUILDING LOT, close to cen- tre of town and schools. Priced to sell, with terms. 100 ACRE FARM, brick house, good barn, two wells, close to highway. Terms to responsible party, Building Lots Itesteicted ter $0,000 elerefls and ute- Reetrieteel for $12,1106 Arid up. DOW Subdivision G. E, DOW Phone 13$044 JOHN BURKE Limited REAL ESTATE BROKER MORTGAGE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE INCLUDING LIFE DEVON BUILDING EXETER Phone 2354863 10;41fne 17 Property for Rent APARTMENT, in Exeter, fur nished, 3 rooms, heated, 4- piece bath; no pets please, available now. Apply 169 Wil- liam St. or phone 2.35-0738, evenings. 8:16*U/1c STORE, Main St., Exeter, Ion- tion of teenier Exeter Electric, floor area '!50 so, ft., suitable for store or office, heated. washroom facilities, storage space, immediate possession. Apply Art Geiser, phone 235- 1505 days, 23e.2754 evenings. 916 Iftic STORE on Mate Street, op, posite the teeter post office, Apply et Exeter Times-Advo, sate. 9:0.3f* Al5 ARTMENT, furnished, mo- dern, heated, central location. Phone 235-0915. 11):4tfrie COZY APARTM.f.,11111, famish- ed and beaked,. private get- ramie, suitable for two. Avails able .now- Apply 170 Carling St. 25" GRAND BEND — Modern, fur nished, 2-bedroom .-house, cent rally located, oil heeled, year rotted tenancy. Available Nov 15. Apply Box psq, Exeter Times-Advocate. .9:271Inc ROOM—Phone 235-0382 Exeter. 10:11tfee 5-ROOM DUPLEX, living room, kitchen and dining room, large bedrooms, pew bath, use of Utility room in basement. Available Nov. 1, 19e2, Apply Harold Taylor, RR 3 Exeter, phone Kirkton 39r8. 10:11tfne HOUSE, 3-bedroom, new bath, modern, 11-e miles west of Ex- eter; immediate possession Phone 35r5 Dashwood. 25,s APARTMENT, suitable for 2 Apply Fink's Meat Market, 25s 5-ROOM HOUSE, brick-sided. one floor, 3 bedrooms, bath, garage, garden. Concession 4, Bieldelph (Lucan). Harry Arn- old, phone 227-4428 Lucan, 25c HOUSE, in Exeter, 3 bedrooms, I block from school, complete bath. Available November 15, 1962. Phone 2351951, 25* HOUSE, modern. newly decorated, ment, in Exeter, possession. Phone to 5. 2-bedroom, full base.- immediate 235-2234, 11 10:25 tine 18 For Rent CLOWN SUITS, for rent by the Exeter Kinettes. Secure yours now, Phone 235-1820. 25c 19 For Sale or Rent CORNER LOT with large brick home, small barn, 534 Main St., Exeter. Apply Jean W. vein, 199 St, Vincent St , Stratford. 18:25:1c HOUSE, in Kirkton, 3-bedroom, complete bathroom, P it o n e Kirkton 131r7, after 6 p.m. 25:1* 20 Wanted To Renl SMALL BARN, in Exeter area, suitable for housing approxi- mately 6 head of cattle. Apply Box JAG, Exeter Times-Advo- cate, 2,5* 22 Notices THE VOTERS' LISTS ACT Section 1.2 CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST Voters' List, 1962, Town of Exeter, County of 'Huron Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 9 of The Voters' Lists Act, and that I have posted up at my office at 394 Main Street South, Exeter, on the 25th day of October, 1962, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the municipality at municipal elec- tions and that such list re- mains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate pro- ceedings to have any o.mmis- sins or errors corrected ac- cording to law, the last day for appeal being the 8th day of November, 1962. Dated this 25th day of Octo- ber, 1962. C. V. PICKARD, Clerk of the Town of Exeter. 25c 23 legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estates of John Dietrich and. Emma Dietrich, deceased. All pereerte having claims against, the estates of John Dietrich, Farmer, who died the 13th day of June 1934, and Emma Dietrich, his widow, who died the 17th day of June 1962, both late of the Town- ship of Stephen, in the County The.. Times,Aclypcatti ,,October 25f. 194 ,1244.0 1.3 *. • 25 Anition Sales: 25 Auction Sales 2-wheel trailer; 16 ft. hay rack; sliding rack; 2000-1b. beam scales; emitting box; bag truck; fanning min with motor; .Cline ion fanning mill: snow fence; steel posts; .extension ladder; rubber hose; heavy duty barn jack; power lake-off air pump; cutter; steel. lire buggy; new single harness; Swiss team bells; post hole auger; lawn mower; scythe; roll fence wire; electric brooder; onion crates; cistern pump; chicken feeders; hand sprayer; steel drums; gals, water trough; lawn. chairs; grease guns; 1.01.45;. Shovels; chains; many .articles too numerous to mention, . HAY & GRAIN esl 2,000. bales choice quality hay; 700 bushels. Gary oats.. suitable for seed. POULTRY --se 100 choice Red X flock pullets, starting to lay. No Reserve as (lie- farm is sold. 'TERM'S; Cash. URBAN PFILE, Proprietor HAROLD STADE, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer .0.5:le • Must curtail milk —Continued from page 11 may form the. main ingredient in that program. Representatives of one of the large Quebec cooperatives are visiting various Asiatic nun- tries in an attempt to sell Cele lain dairy precincts. "In my department, we are studying the possibility of in- stituting a nation - wide school milk program, Under the ARDA program, we will also encour- age some farmers to switch their operations from dairying to beef production. "But at best these things will only go so far in solving our surplus problem and their bene- ficial effect will in most eases be extremely gradual. Quota system in flint milk "The price obtainable for quota milk has been nearly double that paid in any manu- facturing outlets, so it is un- derstandable that many dairy farmers have sought to get into the fluid end of the business and 'that all fluid shippers have wanted the largest possible quota, "In determining quotas, dis- tributors usually favor those. INIMINIMOOK who can supply a large volume, especially in the low-producing months. Thus many producers. who expand production during the fall and winter months find themselves adding greatlyto their surplus shipments during the rest of the year. "Shipments of surplus fluid milk may also result from steps taken to prevent already-ex- isting quotas from being re- duced. I understand that many producers have retained their quotas onl, by agreeing to ship large quantities of milk in ex- cess of their quotas. To the extent that the amount of eters plus milk has been inereesed for this reason it is obvious that distributing firms must he held partly responsible." "Also many producers are obviously -turning out extra milk in response to a very real e'en- nomic incentive. Even though they have to accept a fairly low price for the surplus, the fact that they get a really high price for their quota milk means that the average price received for all their milk is far above that received by others who have to sell to the manufactur- ing outlets. Want to save money on equipment you'll need next year? and get a big Early Trader's CASH BONUS the day you make your deal EARLY TRADING with III means cash savings — and a good deal! For a maximum bonus, close your deal now. No cash down required your trade-in usually suffices for a Bonus deal. This sound business opportunity puts cash in your hand today and the best equipment on your farm later when needed. Park your old machinery on your IH dealer's lot now and let it collect a cash bonus instead of rust. 7.w earner .;eiti trade, the bigger Belltus. Cheque I. 44.14141 /1,16•• SPQ1 ft61" VI* sirs, e"A CHECK TODAY WITH. YOUtt LOCAL INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER bEALER r ni .lipron, are required to file Particulars. of same with Bell 4 Laughton, solicitors of Ex- eter, Ontario, by the 10th day of November, 1062, After which dale the estate will he :distri- buted having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell A Laughton, Solicitors for the Exeettfor, Exeter, Ont, 25:1:8c NOTICE Tr) .le..gletel*Pfte. In the Estate of Jahn +Trueman Fletcher, late of th.e Township of 'Usborne, in the County of Huron. Creditors and others toying claims against; the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on or be. fore the 9th day of November, 1962, after which date the estate's assets will- be distri- buted having regard only to claims that have then been .received. Mackenzie & Raymond, Exeter, Ontario, Solicitors for the Ad min istra tors, Genevieve Allen and Allen Lloyd Fletcher 25c 25 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE Of Real Estate and Household Effects for the estate of the late Ethel Schenk, john St., in PARKHILL, fourth house west of Main Si., 1/272 Diesel, with 3-point bitch; Massey Ilarris 44; Internation, al W4; Massey Harris 81; elas,. say Harris 101; Model "I)" Case; Model "S"Case; Min- neapolis Moline "Z"; Model "LA"- Case; Coekshutt EQUIPMENT; McCormick corn picker; two-row picker head for Minneapolis Moline linie harvester; John Deere ham- .mer mill; Gehl forage blower: Fleury 'Rieset manure spread- er; ,Oteco manure spreader; 11-1 manure spreader; Verge- son manure loader; Minneapo- lis Moline 7 ft. mower, Seta- mounted; Ferguson 3-furrow disc plow; Massey Harris 3- furrow plows 1-H 4-furrow plow; 3-furrow plow; Coek- shutt 2.-fuerow plow; Fleury Bissell 2-furrow plow; Allis Chalmers 2-furrow W.B. mouel- ed. plow; Mils Chalmers 2-fur- row trail plow; snow thrower. (3-point hitch); Coeltshutt side. delivery rake; M.M. side. delivery rake, This is an opportunity for farmers to. buy 'at wholesale prices. In case of rain, sale will be held under cover. Terms: CASH, day of sale. F. R. LOBB, Sale Manager Phone Clinton HU e-3272 BERT PEPPER, Auctioneer 25e Holstein DISPERSAL SALE SAVE $$$ $3,5O GALLtIN INSTALLED Guaranteed Until May 1 Top Prices Paid ! ! Ws Need Used Skates For Our SKATE ; EXCHANGE Let Us Install Your NOW! If Your Present Skates Are Too Small, Exchange Them On A New Pair Of BAUER Figure or Hockey Skates We Also Cal'ry it,- ANKLE SUPPORTS 4- SKATE GUARDS o LACES • USED SKATES SHOE STORE PHOP4E I400 MAIN ST. EXETER North End B ‘A Service * tbhipiiit6 fled * Tires A Batteries telititatforte Call 2.854910 40..4 .NowtH EXETER floor-4 large bedrooms.. with clothes closets. size hese- meet with. water pressure sys- tem. Large bank bare, newly built drive . shed, garage and hen house. Buildings all in first class state of repair. Land all choice clay loam, 8 Acres mix- ed latish. Remainder all till- able. Parcel. No. 2: 50 acres, Part Lot 20, Con. SS, Stephen Town- ship, with no buildings. Choice clay loam, well drained and fenced with never failing water supply. Farms nicely situated with separate, public and high school bus conveniences. Terms of. Real Estate: 10se on day of sale, balance in 60 days. Sold subject to reason- able reserve hid. Please Note: Farms will be offered in one parcel, namely 125 acres. POULTRY EQUIPMENT & MISC. ITEMS: 20 galv.. .feed- ers and fountains, like new; electric broader; chicken nests; chicken wire; 40 rods woven fence; steel posts; large gale water tank, brand new; plan form scales; hay fork rope: quantity elm planks and lum- ber; block and tackle; heavy vise; carpenter tools; eaten- sloe. ladder: sausage grinder and press; large cabbage cut- ter; Woods 21 en. ft. deep. freeze: in good condition; many other misc. items. No Reserve, everything will be sold, TERMS: Cash. - CHARLES REGIER, Proprietor GLEN WEBB, Clerk ALVIN -WALPER, Auctioneer 25:1.c 4th Annual Sale of Registered HEREFORDS The undersigned will sell for HIRTZEL BROS., Crediton, Ont. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1962 at 1:00 p.m. 31 Head — 19 Heifers, 12 Bulls Eleven or the hulls are per- formance tested and eligible for the grant of 20%. Catalogues on request. W. S. O'NEIL, Auctioneer 25;le Clearing AUCTION SALE 25 :Auction- WO important AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real. Es ate .HoOehoki ..Effects. and Misc. 'Items lIeberne Townebip, in the Part of Lot 10, Coe. 6, On the premises, VILLAGE OF ELIMVILLE on St, Marys Rd., first 'hum south of United Church. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, OCTOBER .27 at 1;00 REAL, ESTATE: Consists of Part of Lot 10, Can, 6, I/shortie Township, on which is situated e well constructed 2-storey brick dwelling. Large living and dining room, kitchen with cupboards and utility room. Second floor-4 bedrooms with clothes closets, 3-piece bathroom. Full size basement, large soft water cistern, newly installed oil furnace, Small barn and ample garden land. Dwelling In good state of re- pair, nicely situated with spac- ious lawn .and shade trees. Inspection invited, Terms of Real .Estate; 10% on day of sale, Balance. in 30 days, Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS & MISC. ITEMS: 3-piece chester- field suite; Nord/minter piano. and stool, in good condition; Of 30 Selected Holsteins Admiral 21-inch television, and aerial, GE medium size re- frigerator; Heat Wave heavy duty 4-burner electric stove; Good Cheer coal and wood range; solid oak dining room table, 8 matching chairs; buf- fet; china cabinet; 2 chests of The undersigned auctioneer of drawers; kitchen table and received instructions to sell by chairs; various end and centre public auction on tables; occasional chairs; 3 oak rockers; daybed; couch; mir- rors; electric lamps; coal-oil SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27 lamps; toilet sets; writing at 1:00 p.m. desk; antique book case and desk; modern 3-piece bedroom Offered for sate will be the suite; oak bedstead, springs complete household effects in- and mattress; dressers; corn eluding a new McCiary deluxe modes; steel bedstead; heating electric stove; new Quebec pad; suitcases; trunks; crokin- space heater; TV and many ole board; card tables; kitchen other pieces of good furniture, clock; organ stool; Goblin vacuum cleaner; Raymond TERMS; Cash plus 3% sales tax, sewing machine; tapestry re. versible light green rug, 9x15; Also offered, subject to pre- congoleum rugs: mats; drapes sale and a reserve hid, will be and curtains; GE electric fry the property on which is situ- nans and toaster; large variety ateci a 4-bedroom cottage, large kitchen utensils; aluminum living room, kitchen and 3- ware; sealers; crocks; Crafts- piece bath. master 48-inch turning lathe and motor; 200 gal. fuel tank; TERMS: 10 -;- on day of sale. Balance in 30 days, large variety caroenter tools, including saws, chisels, drills, BILL ELLIOTT, Auctioneer hammers. vises, etc.. etc; gar- Phone 294-6759 Parkhill den tools: wheelbarrow; power lawn mower; extension cord: DOUGAL e.lacGREGOR, Clerk nuantity dry wood; steel pining 18:25e lumber. Many other articles too numerous to mention. No reserve, everything will be sold to settle estate, TERMS: Cash. GILBERT JOHNS, & Misc. Items ALLEN ,JOHNS, Executors for the Estate of On the premises, the late William Johns. Part Lot 26 N.B. GARNET HICKS, Clerk Mc GILLIVRAY TOWNSHIP ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 6 miles south of Dashwood, 18:25 c miles west of Mt. Carmel or 8 miles northeast. of Parkhill, WESTERN ONTARIO The undersigned auctioneer WHOLESALE FARM received instructions to sell by EQUIPMENT public auction on AUCTION SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3 at 2;00 p.m. at .BRUCEF1ELD (Corner of Highway 4 and REAL ESTATE: Parcel 1 Huron County Road No. 3) consists of Part Lot 26 NB, McGillivray Township, 75 acres, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31 on which is situated a frame at 1:00 p.m. dwelling covered with asphalt shingles. Main floor—large liv- The following is only a par- ing and dining room, modern tial list: kitchen, bedroom, 3-piece bath- TRACTORS: Cockshutt 860 room and utility room. Second Diesel, 2 years old; David Brown 950, 2 yeare old; Allis Chalmers WO 45 Diesel, with loader, 3-point hitch and heat houses, Ferguson 20/85, with Step-up and step-down trees- mission; 8N Ford, with step-UP transmission; 8N Ford; Mas- sey Harris Mustang, with 3- point hitch; Allis Chalmers CA with :smaller; Allis Chalmers +r- 1 17 Properly for Rent 23 tegel Notices 25 Auction Sales 25 Auction Sales On the premises, Lot 9, Con. Lake Rd. East, 2 miles South of Grand Bend or 2 miles North of Klondyke Co-Op, thence 1s4 mile East on High- way 21. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31 at 1:30 p.m. Sale includes 29 Holstein heifers, majority to freshen around sale date. Remainder theeirNerosvember. 6 Holstein open Cattle all of extra good type and quality. Selected from top leading blood tines. An ideal opportunity to secure fall milk ra etepilacements. Calfhood vaccin- Convince yourself by inspect- ing this herd before sale date. Sale will be held under cover. Plan to attend, TERMS: Cash. AUCTION SALE Household Effects and Misc. Items of the Cudmore Estate, on Burk Street, HENSALL, south of Lorne Hay Coal Yards SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27 1:30 p.m. Kitchen range, new grates; dining room and kitchen chairs; washing machine, in good order; table; rocking chairs; Admiral refrigerator; clock; chesterfield and chair; end table; electric tea kettle and iron; Admiral frig; Clare Jewel cook stove, in good con- diUon; annex heater, wood or coal; oak table; end tables; electric frying pan; 5-piece walnut bedroom suite, in good condition; oak extension table; drop leaf tables; email tables; Singer sewing machine; rock- ing chairs; odd chairs; 2 chests of drawers; sideboard; maga- zine rack; wicker rocker and matching arm chair; daybed; 2 couches; beds; mattresses; dressers; wash stands; antique crib; piano stool; toilet sett; bedspreads; cushions; pillows; picture end picture frames; dishes; cut glass; linMees china; kitchen utensils; hot plate; garden tools; wash tub; rubber tired wheelbarrow; boy's bicycle; two 670.15 snow tires, and numerous other -ar. Hetes. Don't ED CORBETT, Auctioneer 'Gamble Of Farm Implements Tractor, Hay, Grain Poultry & Misc. Items WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7 at 1:00 p,m. TRACTOR & FARM IMPLE- MENTS: Allis Chalmers "CA" standard tractor, in guaranteed condition, equipped with 2-row scuffier and puller; Allis Chal- mers hydraulic lift 3-furrow plow, like new; McDeering 2- furrow tractor plow; Int, trac- tor manure spreader; McDeer- ing binder, 7 ft. cut; McDeer- ing 71.2 ft. spring tooth Quill- valor; Deering 11-run grain and fertilizer drill; McDeering mower, & ft. cut; Fleury Bis- set tractor disc; 4-section dia- mond harrows; 2-section dia- mond harrows; 2-drum Steel roller; Maturing hay loader; Fairbanks Morse hammer mill; single plow; 50 ft. 6-inch rub- ber belt; like new; oat roller and belt; rubber tire wagon; JOE VAN DONGEN & SON, Proprietors GLEN WEB/3, Clerk On the Premises, ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Lot 10, Concession 14, HAY TOWNSHIP Phone. 119, Dashwood 211/ miles west of Zurich, 21 a 18:25c miles south or 11/4 miles west of Dashwood, thence 21e miles Important north, AUCTION SALE The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by Valuable 125 Acre Farm public auction on. Poultry Equipment ,c.'D IL Lucky : ... ,A,.:,.:,.. isierier's sale OCT, 29 - NOV, 3 ...—,..—. Christmas Cards 32 Cards with 71 a Envelopes I ; Envelopes Pael: of "Economy"' Only „ 20 IDA 7c Writing Pad Note She Only 7c 6-AlOnths Vita Vit. and Min, 13T4.° :VI's SUpply Diet Tablets $4 .99 Hair Dryer Easy Breeze Electric Snwt, Lightweight ONLY $10.77 MATCHING WALLET, LIGHTER A KEY CASE ONLY $1 477 IDA 100-rt. x 12" Wax Paper 2 i=t 57C HALIBUT LIVER OIL Capsules lOO's, Reg, $1.15, 77 250's, Reg. $2.20, $1.77 500's, 'Reg $4.29, $3.37 Many more LlitladVertiSOCI Specials UN DRUG TILEY STORE es er',Illerir. IDA 4, gb ' Iik EXETER Ontario Telphone 235.1070