HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-10-25, Page 12nted I m Man required by the Exeter Curling Club Ltd. for maintenance of Curling Club. State wage expected, Written applications received until October 27,. c/o PO Box 505, Exeter, OM, The TitriOs.Athrucato, October 25, 196 Ttng 1.. 13 For Sale 10 Livestock For Sala SPRINGER HEWERS, Hol- stein (Franco breeding); also. to York pigs, 7 weeks old. Ralph Rowe, Ailsa Craig, ele ittfles west of Brinsley. 25': 3 SHORTHORN BULLS, red, 15 months; some yearling Short- horn heifers. Edgar Monteith, lU Exeter, Phone 235-0047. • • 13 For Sale 13 For Sale 16 Properly For Sale 9 Services Ct lssified, Rates 5 Help Wanted C it ROME and ceppertone suites, all prices and sizes, See them now et Sandy 18:25c CHOICE BUILDING LOT, Hill St, directly south of and over- looking Riverview Park, Apply box Times-Advocate. .;.,43tfug 3 MOTOR; Champion grinder; guaranteed in good condition; nrie c reasonable,. Cohn GlIfillan, phone Kirkton 14r4. FRESH APPLE CIDER made from clean, washed apples. Bring your own containers, Al- so. Jack-0-Lantern PtMlnkins Tor Hallowe'en, Drive 2le miles west of Densall on 84. Highway. Wilf Mousseau. 25e TEEN-A.(1E BALLROOM rington Studios, Exeter Public Li h r a r y, Wednesdays only. R e g i s t e r Wednesdays only. Course $111.00, 11:18:25c 22 Words ,85 Bach Additional Word 30 (Minimum 8501 20c Off If paid by saturdae, following last insertion. Second Insertion 21/2 PER WciRte iMtnrmum 550) Assistant 1, Revenue Post Office Custom Butchering WATCHES WATCHES We have a large .selection nt Alen's and Ladies' jewelled Wrist Watches. Just arrived, in the popular Elgin and Elco Swiss movement and modern, styles. Also Timex, from $7.95 and up. A year guarantee on any watch at WILSON'S .IEW.EL,LERY & GIFTS 25c RANCH HOUSE, brick, 3 lied, .rooms, living room, dining area, -floor to eeiling 14 Wanted To Tioy full basemen:, colored bath, immediate possession. Apply 239 Huron St. 18:25e HURON ST. EAST - Modern 3-bedroom ranch style house with. full basement, garage and stone fireplace; reasonably priced. You are invited to see this well-kept home, K. Otte. well, Exeter. 9:7tfec SIMMONS MATTRESS Two for one low price. $2120. - $2480. ANNEX HEATER, wood and coal, in good condition. Phone 2354406, 27c SANDY ELLIOT 444 Main St. Exeter 25e Cattle - Sheep - Hogs Wholesale and Retail "We guarantee the Quality" Butchering Days: every Monday and Tuesday WOODHAM MEAT MARKET Phone Kirkton 121 John C. Witteveen, Prop. Irn 1 Ulm Post Office Department RCAF Station, CENTRALIA. Ontario. 11 WEANER PIGS Phone 81r1 Kirkton. 25c PIANO, by private party, suitable Tor music student. Ap. ply The Times-Advocatc, Ex- eter, 25:le 11 Poultry For Sale COAT, HAT, LEGGINGS, blue, size '8, sheepskin lined; girl's coat, 3/4 -length, size 12; child's desk and chair, blonde, Phone Hensel! 268W1. 25c Open to; Residents of the area served by the RCAF Station, Centralia, Ontario, Post Of- fire who regularly recent, their mail at this office. For full particulars as to resi- dence, qualification require- ments and application forms, see Posters on display at the RCAF Station, Centralia, On- tario. Post Office. Apply before NOVEMBER 3, 1962. to the Civil Service Commission, 27 St. Clair Avenue East, Toron to 7, Ontario. Quote: Competition 62.T929 Six Insertions PER WCIRO t Minimum 450) 90 PULLETS, hybrid Leghorn 311, laying, phone Austin Oren- nom, Granton, 41111. 251' Inn PULLETS, Red and Sus• sex, laying, Apply Joe Mc- Cann. RR 8 Parkhill, or phone 103r12 Dashwnod. 25c 90 PULLETS, Red lionnegger. Phone Murray Thompson, 227 .1687 Lucan, 10:25 tine APPLE CIDER, fresh, 750' per gallon, Orders taken at 235- 2081 or Clinton HU 2-3214. Fred McClymont & Son, 1 mile south of Varna. 25:1e IMITATION FIREPLACE Phone Luean 227-4680. 25c HAVING PURCHASED Thomas Welsh & Sons saw mill in Hein sail and operating it now, T am in the market for logs anti standing timber hi this dist- rict, paying top cash prices. Special prices on good hard maple, cherry and soft maple logs or standing timber. Con- tact: Gets Saw Mill at Hen- sall, phoee I; or write Cats Saw Mill, 290 Ashland Ave,, London, 7:26tfnc HOUSE, 2-bedroom, corner lot, well-kept, renovated through- out. Contact Cal Wein, 172 Anne St, W., phone 235-2635. 12tIne SNOW APPLES and Baidwins, sprayed, $1.50 a bushel, Lynn Bros., RR 1 Clandeboye, 25c Semi-Display Classifieds '(Restricted to One Column First Insertion-Per Inch 51.40 Second Insertion-Per Inch $.1.25 .,11inunu,m one inch, accepted only in multiples of lee inch. MAN'S BICYCLE, balloon tires, in real good condition, Phone 235-2593, 25c HAVE HORSES -- WILL TRAVEL. ANYWHERE1 Removing Cattle From Pastures Is Our Speeialty We Also Do Custom Roping CONTACT RON SCHWARTZ, AC 8.6209 CENTRALIA 25:1:8e ASSORTED tropical fish with 8- and 10-gallon tanks, pump arid attachments; doll carriage, like new, Phone 2354893 Ex- eter, 25e K.ELVINATOR refrigerator and deep freeze chests; Maytag laundry equipment; Simmons. mattresses; Baetz and Troister chesterfields all lead the field in quality. Buy them in Ex- eter from Sandy Elliot, 444 Main St. 25c ECCA SPECIALS 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale 455 PYMOUTII 4-door, standard transmission, in good condition. Phone 2374510. 25* ssifications CI fio( Fast healing for CUM BURNS, BOILS, I N FECTIONS Soothing Antiseptic Last week's sale left us with many good values in used furniture and appliances. Frigidaire deluxe automatic washer anti dryer, Westing- house automatic washer, used ironer, Crosley range, only 8 months old; several wringer washers and refrigerators; chesterfields, bedroom furni- ture, dining room furniture, baby bedy, baby carriage and chest of drawers. Some used rugs and carpets at very at- tractive prices. SANDY ELLIOT 444 Main St, Exeter 25e 23c n. Lost, Strayed -2. Found 3 Male Help Wanted 4 Female Help Wanted. 6 Help Wanted 6 Business Opportunities • Teachers Wanted 8: Situations Wanted 9. Services 10, Inves,ock For Sale 11 Poultry For Sale 12. Cars, Trucks For Sale -13, For Sale 14. Wanted To Buy 17. Wanted 1G. Properly For Sale L. Property For Rent 18 For Rent 1t For Sale or Rent 21. Wanted To Rent 21 Property Wanted Nonce; Legal Notices 24. Tenders Wanted Aution Sales 9 Services ALUMINUM 16 Properly For Sale '58 VOLKSWAGEN-Jim Brand, 1111 1 Exeter, Ont., phone 234- [3238 Credilon, between 12:30 and 1:00 p.m. 25:1.* '36 PLYMOUTH, standard transmission, S. Deelstra, RR Centralia. 2.5:le 'Si METEOR sedan, radio, standard Iransmission, good motor. Phone 1651.10 Dashwood. 25* HADCO WELL DIGGING-Ma chine dug 1 ft. to ft. diameter up to 150 ft deep; repairing and deepening Highway 35. Elmira MO 9.3761, or Lucan BA 7-4680. 6.7Ytfnc W. C, PEARCE, REALTOR 86 Anne St. Phone 235-1402 Highway 150 acres Stores, Duplex brick house RUSS BRODERICK, Salesman Box 124, Phone 235-0477 10:11c AWNINGS • DOORS WINDOWS ELECTRIC TRAIN, boy's, die- sel locomotive, extra loop of track and accessories, in good condition. Phone 2354.594, 25nc Buy Mecca or tube Now is the time In order your self-storing aluminum windows and doors to ensure delivery and installation before winter. Call us for free estimates, We do our own installing and sole vice what we sell, ANYONE wishing whitewash ing or disinfecting barns for brucellosis, contact Bill Wat son, phone 37r19 Dashwood 5:25,1fric GET THE BEST - Westing- house direct air-flow dryers with temperature control, large capacity. Why settle for less? Get Westinghouse, the best. Only $169.00. Beavers Crest Hardware, phone 235.1033 Ex- eter. 25c 1 13 For Sale SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED - Immediate service. always available. Harold Butler. .Lu- can, phone BA 7.4254 or BA 7 4312 collect. • 10:4tfnc WALKER ALUMINUM SALES SEE THE NEW Simplicity 2. speed wringer washer, very gentle for dainty clothes or faster speed for heavier clothes that are more soiled.; large 11- lb. tub and guaranteed for 12 years. Sandy Elliot., 444 Main St. 20:27:4:11:1.8:25c DE LAVAL MILKER, com- plete, 2 units, pump, motor and piping, 3 years old. Phone 22r15 Kirkton. 254' SUBURBAN COAT, boy's, grey, size 14, in good condition, May be seen at Mid-Teetm Cleaners. 25c GIRL'S COAT, hat and leg- gings, wool, medium brown, with fur trim, size 8 - 10, in very good condition. May be seen at Brady Cleaners. 25nc EXETER Phone 233-0722 (Collect) PAINTING and odd carpenter jobs. Phone 228-6687 Centralia. 9:20tfnc 25c OIL HEATERS-1 Duo Therm with fan; 1 Blue Flame. Rea- sonable price. Phone Good- win's, Hensel, 136W. 25:1c 10 livestock For Sale 91.W=NOW. DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For dead or disabled animals. call DARLING & COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED lost, Strayed MAN'S ei.R.I.S1- 1,ATCH„ in Ex- e-eer, Certtna automatic, with expansion Jraceet. Reward. Ray- Jory, phone 233-0270. 25', McSTEPHEN AUTO WRECKERS RR 1 Crediton Behind Centralia Airport Used Tires, Wheels & Tubes also Batteries, Seal Beams Guaranteed REGISTERED JERSEYS - 1 cow, 10 years. freshened; cow, nle years, bred, in i 1 kin g; heifer, 1 year; heifer. 5 months; Al breeding, Alex Mc- Intosh, Clandeboye, phone 227- 4598. 10: llt-fne 25 STEERS, 600 lb., to put out by the pound on the gain. Apply Willis Gill, RR 3 Park- hill, phone 38r3 Grand , Bend. 23c KITCHEN STOVE; electric stove; washing machine; cheap. Phone 38r12 Grand Bend. 25c COB CORN, from picker, Ap- Thunderstorms occur most ply Don Hirtzel, phone Lucan frequently in. Canada on the 2u:171-. 25c 4610. 25:? southern prairies and in south- anding. Phone 234-6462 Credi- F E LD CORN, 41/2 acres, ern Ontario, an average Of 20 standing. to 30 days with thunderstorms each May-September period. LI)ST OR BORROWED-Steel Phone Collect Hunter 2-720 ii":teelbarren.• with rubber tire, Licence No. 175-C-62 leen rear ,ef Devon Building. • ne en.ieinz whereabouts, 9:20tfne • r.Jettaet Gra lel MacLean. 25 , I AM DOING RADIO and TV •rie . repair work, Call Jim Laye. TAO,: OF OLASSES, October 293.3134 Ailsa Craig. 10:4thic 6. ieii hymn leather case DRESSMAKING and altera 1..n.h chain aniachcd to corner. „ F';:-Fits' Pat, Egan, Lucan, '227- nyni), in my home. Invisible mending done at a reasonable 4't:: or 227,1172. :ate. Persona: mending also Mrs. Shirle:e Watson. Dash 3 Male Help Wanted 'rood 10:11-11:15: `ADDLE MARE, black, 4 year , ild; gelding pony, 2 years old' fret`, LIAite se:t s FOR PROMPT, dev.relable TN. •.zeldine, pony. 1 year old. Ap for IpartinQ 4las, service, call Lucan Radio ant nly Earl Ratz, phone 163r5 ..rinany ,,,k;es. etore .TV, phone 227-4432. 18:25:1c Dashwand. 25c een:, and a:an:ilium !c. S,.altitA eetern Gla ss Ltd. 4 rleeen's At e.. Iinntlott. PHONE 228-6214 2 QUEBEC HEATERS, med- ium size; 2-burner camp stove; .308 Winchester rifle, telescope and ease; 8 mm movie pro- jector. Phone 235-0704. 25c MIXED SLAB WOOD, $30.00 truckload, delivered Apply to Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, or phone 232-4450 Nairn. • 3:22tfnc Fall Planting YORK SOWS, first litter, 1 due next week. Emerson Johns, RR 3 Exeter, phone 44r8 Kirk- ;on. BOY'S SPORT COAT, all wool, and trousers, size 14, in good condition, May he seen at Mid- Town Cleaners, 25* MAN'S SUIT, charcoal, size 42, in good condition, $20. May be seen at Mid-Town Cleaners. 25* OIL BURNER, fairly good con- dition, cheap. Apply 73 Simcoe St. 9:Stine * SHRUBS * PERENNIALS * EVERGREENS We have on hand now Red Barberry, Bleedingheart and Arctic Willow for hedges. This willow is low with a blue, gray, greenish color, FRAME BARN, 18'x27'; maY be removed or dismantled. Phone 235.1543 or apply 313 Carling St., Exeter. 9:20tfnc MAYTAG Laundry Equipment is top-rated, • Buy the best from SANDY ELLIOT 444 Main St. Exeter 25c 8:26e „ :NIA). AVTE11 for F.'„ea.de• enneeirners Vernti Crlitnts , Inirmanenr cen- reetihn larze r rp,lall'a, tin?' Itauleieh's„ 25t irect 4 4:1 1 4" ess SI TV SALE r Let's Trade TV's Now - the Price is Right, SANDY ELLIOT'S Furniture and Appliances 11:18:25c APPLES, all leading varieties. Victor Jeffery, RR 3 Exeter. phone 235-0387. 9: llif tic SPRAYED APPLES - Spy, King, Russet, Taltuati Sweet, Snow, Delicious, G r e en in g. Fred McClymont & Sons, one mile south of Varna. 11:18:25;1c OUTDOOR HARTY MUMS In Pots $1.00 Each C. H. RODER, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Strathroy, Ontario OFFICE HOURS Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 9.12, 2 - 5 Tues. and Fri, Evening, 7-9 By Appointment Please Office Phone 654 Home 1498 G. A. WEBB, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC CLOSED WEDNESDAY For Appointment Ph 235.1680 DRY STOVE WOOD; also quantity of furnace blocks and apple butter, Bring your own containers, Phone George Link, Dashwood 34r3. 25e Reder's Florist 4 Female Help Walled STENOGRAPHER SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE SERVICE Commercial, Industrial and Residential Janitor Work Venetian Blind Cleaning FREE ESTIMATES Reasonable Rates COB CORN, 25 ton,, fret-1i pick- er, in 4- or 5.ton loads only; $26 per ton. Bill. Sherzitt, 8th Blanshard Township, phone 38r19 Kirkton. 25e 37 Main Street •E4- • - -14/111Y }lei \As, t k c i Lines- a7f ". %Phi:* iADY. ,..;ipti.f;,e of n., • k 1•••:,lott to don 14: Main . .e'r„ III!!!"!frig• MACKENZIE & RAYMOND BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC "HARLES L. MACKENZIE B. Comm , LL.B. PETER L. RAYMOND, B.A. Open Monday to Friday PHONE 235.2234 EXETER APPLES for Hallowe'en, bright red snows and golden brown russets, Victor Jeffery, RR 3 Exeter, phone 235.0387, 25' PUMPKINS, Jack 0 -Lantern, 250 each, available for apple butter, Pie pumpkins and dif. Tercet varieties of squash, Large Rouen and Muscovy ducks, alive only. Girl's winter coat, Site 12, good condition, $5. Apply The Reynolds Pam- ily Parm, phone Exeter 235- 1917, 25c GIRL'S WINTER COAT, blue, grey fur trim, size 12, excel- lent condition. Phone 228.6258, Mrs, Elmer PoWt, 25c SEVERAL single beds, springs and mattresses; dresser; ward• robe; Meltliac &Sites; Beatty Washer with pump; White ena- wad electric ironer; 40" 4- burner white enamel eleetric stove,'cloak and timer, Phone 235.0720, bettved) Ili 'and 7 p.m. 25e Get protection TOY MANCHESTER and Fox Terrier puppies, registered and unregistered; I Daschhund fe, male, 2 years, black and tan. Phone Mrs. Alex McIntosh, Clandeboye, 207.4508, 10:18Uhe APPLES -Sharrow's Orchard, 11 .: miles north of Dashwood, phone 336 nasnwond. 18:25* PHONE 235.0963 EXETER I appreciate lei►SOLAR. HEAT Against RUST N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every NN erkday Except Weilneeday For Appointment Ph 235.2433 'if me; part-time. ...! ,•.ii at R4.,ther's 1. •' '5e because it is CLEAN-BURNING FLOOR COVERINGS, sandran vinyl, also wool arid nylon rugs and carpets. Best values always at Sandy Elliot's. 18:25c In:RN from picker. Apply Ray Rastieberg, phone 37rI5 Dash. veoorl.18:25:14 at ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, ceurleous and efficient service at all times, "Service That Satisfies" DASHWOOD EXETER Phone '119 Phone 235.0991 AVON COSMETICS artniti ,u .vitit ear to , .:11/ quality prn• S.1ephen I .,,efre• on. lown• Snell Bros. DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON L,D.S., MIDDLETON GENTTNER LTD, ONLY $9 ene vtilect. 24. I, :IIT.L.SON Rd. .Z.j London. flti, 9(1113 25e SHETLAND COLT, male, 5 months old, chestnut with white main and tail, a real beauty, price $75.00: purebred filly Shetland colt, 5 months old, chestnut color, paperS avail- able, price 5110.00, Phone 235- 2027. 25e Main Street Closed All Day PHONE 235.0233 Exeter Saturdays Phone 235.2411 Exeter USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Offiee - Exeter, Ont, hip Wanted ' 4. to supply 4.• '..a••:nniers -A, I I. a•dvertised nrotnicits. No invest- Earnir..e of $75 and up ..t pli.•••ible, Fur or part , 5V1'iit to M. Reaumier, Meta Strtet. Montreal (eienev. 4:11:18:25'e DR. J W. CORBETT L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Devon Building phone .235.1b83 Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons FIRST MORTGAGES Directors Milton McCurdy RR 1 Kirkton President Timothy R. Toohey RR 3 Vice-President Lucan William IL Chaffe RR 4 Mitchell E. Clayton Colquhoun lilt, 1 Science Mil Marlin Feeney RR 2 Dublin Robert -(4. Gardiner 1111 1 Cromarty FARMS *** RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Prompt, Confideitial Service .Help 41- BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS II, NOTARIES 'PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q.C. C. V. LAUGHTON, Q.C., LLB Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoons PHONE n5.0446 EXETER Httgli Benninger Dublin Harry Coates RR I Centralia JOHN WARb, Clayton Harris U.VVIED-Inuranee: Reporter for Ex- rer'ralia, Lucan area. •rieuranee agents eligible. Inease write, giving mires of .an-: von can cover, to-Insur- ,ortet Ilev,rter, Box 335, Ade. St. P.O., Toronto, Ont. 25:1:$e •SEPTIP,TArtV l'irst 'County rf-,7 erition Agricultbre re. Unities part time secretary. &tree knowledge of term or. ganization required.. Morning heiits, plus -occasional evening meetings. -Office to he located in i',<* n of Mitchell or city of StIeo'ferd. Per further particu-la enqiiire In Ed Dearing, titteffa, Or A. Bowman, tem . 25e THE INDUSTRIAL MORTGAGE & TRUST COMPANY EstablMeti 1889 Contact Our ReprosnnfalivOt JOHN BURKE REALTOR and INSURANCE PHoNE 235.1663 ExtTet Cimpbeli's Soup Co, Ltd., Lisf.owel, urgently heed temporary female employees to help with process. ing fowl, Work is available on both day -and eve- ning shifts and will probably last for eight to ten weeks, If you are interested please apply to the plant personnel 'office, Listowel, or telephone Listowel 1100, Agents CHIROPRACTOR AND Solicitors DRUGLESS 'THERAPIST Mackenzie ,ks Raymond Exeter 15 Wellington across Secretery.Treasuree from PUC Arthur Fraser EXeter St, MARis PHONE 1 4