HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-08-04, Page 3'b • tr is an: mi- st! re. les- ..t !C- ERN few ea. ar- 'ilh mor Ir•. rt. a• us• of IIs tits be tri rd is the Drily pure Reformer i to try alai make delays his .etun, for lung time. Meao- lbe good Reformer, of Canadaram biro while, slander with her hawked eyes and till he would lead them into the halide of ren is busy at work. The 'beret husband u (barged with iu6J.h,y. The lady be- ige 1'bli,uuca again ; to accomplish Ibis cowl Iedignaut, applies to the CourU, sed ad lbs Terns are aur idle, they are al- seed eel a divorce, with X5,0110 s@ alimaty, wayareaJy with while -wash to coocesl the while is immediaiely paid over by the black spots as they erten appear. Brown fritais of the sheen' bu,ba.d. '1'M lady owe washed will nut stand, le caouot de- mov Tho ing now become of age, comes before Court, aeklug ou these gawp& that retie the ltefunner of (:goads of this Ilse above meottoned sum be raid to her - age; they know the present Ministry; self, which war of course granted. But, they are not men of yesterday ; no, they richest of all this legal warfare, however, are of many years standing, both in office the husband returns, seeks as ioteniew wub bis former wrfc, eaplaes@ away all Altai aud out of ,thee ; they have always been bad bets said to Ota d,sadvulage, auJ a advocates of liberal measures and good go- second time less happy couple sota�bt lbs vcrnmrnt. Now, that they are the coo- steps of the altar, and a axoed Its IIs queiiog heroes, let every Reformer is Ca- knot was tied, and we pram* Study nuts si.wd to their support, saying, good enough this tune to last for the rest of thew and faithful 'eremite, you have done well, es. hie awl enjoy 11re fruits of your labor. An OE THAT (AVER Matt. --Mr. J. A RLl'ORMEI.. Thorn, of Clinton, has as os that gives • milk treely. Ile has a bag with four teats, l'at it+ts'r !'ia uci AND 1\ Ars ♦T each one of which yields milk like that of CHURCH. --.1 writer is@ the N. V. Herald, the cow. The bag is divided into four dating from Washington, July 11, says sections but unlike the cow's it has nu ud- be went on SaDday to a small conventicle der. Each quarter of the bag has a cavity which supplies its teat, independent of the looking church there, and while standing i. others. tbe portico, a handsome two -hone cothers.When milked out, it is readily ris$r, with drier and footgear' in plain blur supplied again, like that of the cow. The rheas drove up, with the President of for animal, a fine one, is worked every day on wiled state.,1'raD4hn !'iiia., and iii. the farm of Mr T.-Yough,(ecpsie Anre- wife,--the latter diverted in deep tuouruing, enure and wearing Ler veil oder her face -step- ped out, snit entered the church. 'Abe pair passed in uiut IiceJ, and look their seat+ in au ordinary 1'ew in the cen- tre of (Le little church. Thr c.ougregatiun war Small and far Irina fashionable, and L one seemed to consider in tiny way re- markable the pretence of the chief ruler of this Republic and his grief %int ken reti- red. Frew the negro women and children m a side gallery (awned themselves with as much noochalence, and chimed in the hymns with rs great an eahibitiou of anal, as if they were in one of their exelusiee trmptt s, Leder the ministry of a colored. Sandeman. Jr.. JIr. Sands -Hand [it was tie Lt 1'resbyTrnau clinrrli] preached from Ro- mano, 13 ch. L".1 verse, and service over, the president and his lady left the church ps quietly, and eliciting as little notice, as An important railway question was re - when they entered it. cently decided in Lnglaud. The Ediuburgb [Lord Elgin, when at 'Toronto. often and Glasgow ('ompa°y were wed by a pas - walk( J to church n:, foot, and rides in seuger who held a yearly ticket. for dam - iron Spencer \Voce! with his countess in ages sustaioed by him from the danger of en open two horse -carriage, with very ht- fire and the injury to his feelings. in coo- tie ostensatinn. Qs to Queen Victoria and sequence of the nor'-enfore,rnent of the Prince we cat.not easy. -Lo. Message. rule against smokitfg, The decision was that the company were liable, in every case .StLyaa Mon. -The Super;ntenJeneof the of smoking, to the infliction of a penalty Lek. Superior SsJwr M'aing Company, of forty shillings, and they were fined ac- ' Georgie K. Smith, Esq., 'came down this cordingly. - tnn•n.ng frou, Mlichlpicoten {bland where ATTEMPTED INCENDIARISM.- On • this n••w wine, non-.-attrvetmg a good deal Monday night, about half -past eleven tit attention, is being opt red and u,imrr o'clock, a miscreant was discovered in. the work commenced. Mr. S. brings down I rex barrels of teoutiful apeeI neon of ore or act of pouring. turpentine into a knot hole rattier the 'wive' Iver the•:f, a tine piece in the board* of a wooden house, on Youge of which is Dow on pure table. The Com- Street, a few doors north ol 'McClear's pony bare but reeeniTy put on a farce of . Book store. A woman in the house smelt mon t., work this 'mine, which bas been the turpentine, when about a pint and a known to sane for several yens as a wry hall had been poured through the opening. proml,ng •hurtaco show." The epccinhen O„ hieing discovered the seamy made ntT Wore um Chou• both metal., the "Over Ihrgely predon"raring. and as it le the before he had time to apply tbe match rams •rc received from ifr,s mine three yearn and unfortunately trade Lis escape. spy %hco it was br.t discovered, wa have , ire doubt an to Aro being a gentiles and rirh PHILADELPHIA, July 19.-A small st n of .:ever. The supenntendcnt comes boat, containing three gentlemen and foe down fur nitre men -and matrnal Int pros ladies, bound on a pleasure excursion to secutioi; the work ngnreusly,and he speaks Cooper's Creek, was run into and swamped in the htgb,nt terms of the '!.Show." ile this .evening at the Camden ferry, by the is now tanking cn the vein, end. assures- steamboat William Penn. 'Three of the dowoLis oi it improves rapidly se they go ladies, Mary (;avanDi, of Philadelphia, This mins is situated .brut l20 miles Mary 1lcE.augWin and Margaret Price, above this place, co the ('anadrar vole of of Camden were drowned. lake Sn;recur, and re owned by Enghrh and Atner'ran c.pitelode, .r.:i xe caoa,t new to A MODEL PRINTING O►rlce.-Mr. Norris, of the Boston Olive Brands, ss the course of some remarks neIbe em- ployment of females as compositors, gives ue a peep into his sanctum, and affords us some idea of what a well regulated print- ing office ought to Le. Ili+ rooms, be says, are 31i fret square, with high critter, well lighted by 1.2 Targe windows, snugly carpeted and furnished with an organ and a MusD, on which the lady compositors, when they feel inclined, discourse some elo- quent music, at meal leers. They work from 7 to li hours per day, and earn from pia to eight. dollars per week. Ile adds that his rooms ere as clean and as quirt u a gentleman's parlour. The editor does not meution whether lee has airy difficulty in keeping the girls from talking. haee silver manes; rich a* thane of Mexico. PA N K O R I TE •" openr,l on the N orth Dhpre of the leko.- imp ORT.INT TO TN(fi'•v-9NDS. Sheer has been found to mtn, pliers of the North s'.r•re,and we hope min cfcntrrpnae MYER'S EXTRACT OE ROCK ROSE. w,'. fol.,w up tlie•e ansiin•ent r,.scucer,es,A N lnvsivable remedy for all Scoriulous e nd turn the untold reties 01 these tut0crai dtreaser, Iodigeation, Souls Rbeum, vara to account, Sack Headache, Canker. No none Sore Air. Smith send, !hie .mal lot of the ire Month, and Gencrsl Debility, and as a Pu- rtfior of the blood,,' ucequalled. el: /' To be convinced that it it the moat valtmhie medicine of the dav, you 1.4,0 Only ti' read Ilia testimony of n. efficacy. Atea THE SAULT.Sntr CANAL AND Tn5. I:TC*. Family \reddene it us invaluable, and one rertoss.-The lake Superior 'Journal, of wbiel, no person •bouli be ey,oihout. the 16th inst., states that notwithstanding The Rock Rose has groused a reputation. the uofarorablo weather of last month, the at home and .bread, which no other wed'. great work hem procrr•rrrd steadily and vino has ever dons in the game length of rapidly, and the "big ditch" has already, in lime. come poses•. taecn the •Gape of a ship ca- According to the opinions of eminent nal. The rxcavaton has been, carried down physicists, the Rock Rose pleat is unequal to the bottom of the canal at one or two potntr, and within aoot or tern of the re- gnired depth for many rods. Alen are at to New York to to smelted and fully test - el. -Luke Superior Journal. ed in Curing Scorfula Io ns various forms ! The Sick Headache. In Obeuneie and work along more than ball the length of remedoyo case•' may bareAnJ a goyim(' the canal, and the drill and gad.pickat, and The Canker and Nuretng Sore Month! shovel, are doing good execution,and every 10 •umeroue caeca, bare betn apaedily cos. department of the work appears to be con. ed, ducted with energy and order. Buildings for the accomodsuon of more men, 'hope for mechanics, are still being erected. and the monster crane for lilting out the huge boulders will soon be in working order. - These boulders ars .trewn thickly in this lower portion of the canal, and preempt the greatest barrier to rapid oxcvvation. They are interesting spectenees to the world's groat cabinet, aro those fine old bou.der• of graotte, of trap, of sandstone, and of many other kinds of rock. I'ow beauti(ully some of thotn are ribbed up with the strongest, tre- mendousmost coduring shocks to which al, e they beim been exposed in their wlystenous rolling and tumbling peregrinations aroued (he world. Some of the huge muses of rock are of e•ormoue size, weighing perhaps twenty- five tnne, and still they seem to bays been handled as easily in olden timed as t11• smallest, for large and small are tumbled into heaps together. As these monetrons boulder' have been rolled Irom thelr beds, or torn asunder t y powder blast, we have watched for some explanation of their mys. tcrioue origin. That they have travelled far and long, re evident from the worn ap• ptaresee, and from their being unlike arty rock taathis region:but they keep their own secrete -the great question BO long pro- pounded by geologist'', as to when, whence, and how rimy came, ars Licitly to remain involved in some mystery, but if we do discover any clue to this old boulder, fami- ly, in the prertees of this work, we 'hall take the earliest opportnalty le lay it be furs the public. The New York Express gives an inter- esting account of an affair which rleently took plate In that city. A wealthy gentleman, residing in This city, becomes eoemoted of a poor hut vir- tuous girl. They are marred, and in doe lime are blessed with • smiling cherub- ' pledge of their mettssl affection. But " the coarse of true love never did me straight" as fregnehty Mer the consent - metros of the tltiterhie !dations aft before tiny are entered epos. Braises' calls the itentletaan to Europe, and the same cause For sale by BENJAMIN PARSONS, Drugint, ke. Wholesale and Retail Agam for Goderich and vicinity, sod general dealer in Drugs and Medicines, Pat.u, Orb, Ace , kc. Also by McDermud k Co., H.rpsrbey: David McKendrick, Ki.eardine ; J. Gard ear, Bayfield; R. Thwarter, Closto). Paeplskis gratis. Wholesale Agent for C.cada, 1. C. BRIGGS, Importer of -genuine British and Americso Patent Medictees, King Street, Hamilton C. W. v6o24 Ashfield and Wawanoah. THE Undersigned will be in Godwrich on the 17th and 18th instant, and re- quests all those wbo have purcbaeed lands from the Ilon. G. 1. Goodhue, through hue 'gene!, to meat him then in order to a fin•I entitlement before resigning the •gen. cy. They will pleads bring all receipts and vouchers, sod those in arrear must PIT. or h- ! T. Stratford, 3rd Aug., 18b3 TEWAR 826 Sheriff's Sale of Lands. !''riled Cernfiaw p Huron and Bruer, '" Virtue of To WIT: Writ n( Ple ri Her Majesty's Facia* rowed out of !' y', Cesrt of Qnesn'. Bench, nod to me directed against the lands sad tens• meets of Jasper Kimbell Goodie, et tbe suit o1 William Holmes, i balm seised sad taken to *amours, the followi.g proprty Lots running gumtrees /berteew, *feafy- sir, sad ninety wean, ie the Town of Gab rich, costarring olio fourth of •n acre. be the same mare or Ina, which lai& sad time - inmate I shall offer for ole at the Court Room, in the Town of Goderie11 o. Wed. seeds, the ,ecoid day of November melt. at the b inr of twelve of the clock grow. JOHN McDONALD, Sherif,, Huron and Brute. Sheriff's OIC Goderick, Zed Aug., 1481. 'lf6-I.v t HURON SIGNAL'. fila r t i eb. On the 3rd init. be the Raw. Mr. Me M.. Jub• Nair. to Alae lase Aa. Gibbon& bulb e111es& iikome. New llbuctiscmcuts. To Let or to Sell. T ilt: MAITLAND DIST' I.LER Y. Ino ualee !reel the Turn of Gsderieb, 'bees Is no other Distillery within seamy foieli of thoabew, Per particulars *Poly M the i1.rse Signal Officio or to the Sob- isenhe, (if by leiter poet paid.) A. le. NII,NTGOMERY. Oudaelab, Aug. iib, 1883. old Valuable Property for Sale .lain the proposed ill MINY. .f the •rffulo, Bruslfu,d and GooleritA Rail:Jay, in the 7uwrt of Qoderiek, fl TIIAT property formerly known u the GODERICH HOTEL, situated on the corner of Elgin at., and Hibernia l'etrace, commandos, as sae te0sls• view of the Lake, sod adJjoin'., she proposed Terminus of ley Buffalo, Brantford end Goderich Railway. For further particulars apply to the prof Helen on the the premises JUDGE REED. Goderich, Aog. 1st, 1153. 036 BARGAINS!! BARGAINS !t DRY GOODS, Ready Made Clothing and !Lots sad Shoes. now Selling off, for a Few Days only, at the Iluron Hotel, Gudertch, every variety of DRY GOODS, Ready -Made Clothing, and • huge swwt- meet of BOOTS aid SHOES. vthlellAvaI be •Id for Cash, at the lowest prices. Ge' Call sed see. Godertcb, Aug. 4111, 1853. New Piano -Forte and Music MITA BLI'HAI ENT. .66 "'rarity in (treat Britain and Tin Ssibeer*es Alm enprM, diem** fur the ,msees,7 d ow... 1. these ' u.trie., hawing .name_Yg*e eetommde.I5 Mem, b.sidme mektag pensees* visite ler %iist pap.ee. Some woe *elm chute wf at hie ew• Kok. Refese.egs and lurtker m(oreaison 11.4 os soptle.uon. JAMES SIMSON. No. 4, Royal Eaohaage Rw'dinga, I..edo., 1'. W. 16th M•, 1863. Vaal# Pei 0'rlt E. THE Ueder0tned lienee, by tb. last .ad 'reeteaseet el her late bee - keel, lames Gentles, been made mule legates mud Eaecutrta to hia estate, here. by levitate a'l penile' indebted to the said ]Prelate tea call sed esti* their seooust Ise+ wMdiately: God those harosg claims stain( if, ere deemed to pressor them for adjust meet to CHARLOTTE GENTLES. Sole Executrix, or to ALEX ROBERTSON, her Ageut, O.41deb. 9•d July, 1651. .e n33 CAUTION. IHERESY aaeties any parsee or penes@ sot to treat in any way my wife Anna bee as I will get pay the .ame, •leo 504 t• beard, harbor or 'miasma bar, as else has Wiley bed and board witbout Raz p(sgo- catio.. batewer, Ww. BICE. Sen. Meth/limy. Jug. *sib, 1853. ,6-D25 King. Street, three door. West of }'ormg Street, .'oronlo, C. W. MESSRS. SMALL & PAIGE, 1Mron'f1:Rt3 nod D, -.ler. in Music A.D 9ltnc.,L Insr.caaiTs, ETC., beg to announce that they have opened their new Wareroom (situated as above,; and will have trammotly on hent, both for Wholesale and Retell every settee of thence' Mrrch•teide of verities quali- ties sod pnees. They would particularly solicit an tnepectlnn of their new style of GRAND SQUARE P1ANO-FORTES, f-om the Manufactories of CoLLsau & CuL- L•Ro, Loudon; and Lossaao & WLaxa, Phila- delphia. Meier.. S. & P. have also on band, • large stock of New Yak sand B•stou Praoo.Fortes, of excellent (lushly, whteb they esu warrant in all re.pects, and eepec.ally in regaid to their keep- ing ,• fuse. They will oleo relaid the same softness and *erectness of tone for a number of yews, s- shout ever ocyuirina that atTALLss. HARD and moray tone which many ioatrumeuts, sit otherwtre good reputation, are apt to have Then Puno-Forth are carefully selected by cies of the loom, •• Mr. R. G. Paige. Proiesanr of Mose, Org.nmst of St. James's Cath••,tr.l, Toronto." whose 2rofeseioasI.xpere-nee eaabies him to judge of the qualities of an instrument• They can therefore, folly puanntee every Instru- ment purchased et them. Messrs. S. & P. hate ales a very large stork of BRASS AND WOODEN INSTRU- SIENTo, FOR MILITARY. AMATEUR. sad QU.\DRILLS: BANDS. Likewise every Description of Stringed and Wooden losue- ments necessar, for• complete Orchestra. y Vtoltn Strings of a very •uperor quality. Messrs. S. &I'. ere also the Sete Agents for the wt. of WARREN'S CELEBRATED HARMONIUMS Red ME:i.ODEONS. The sewed sell moat Fs.bio.able Music can always be" procured at their Eatablyduneot. Clruit:al Sacred .Merit -00...115, of all Ow echito.ted Ornterior: also, Church Music. Second hand Pomo-Fortes Bought. Sold. sad token in Exchange; P.aoo-Fort.. Tuned, Re- paire I, sod for hire. \Toric for Kittery Deeds, [ohm), French and German Open•. The newest end moat popu- lar Ba'ade. lnetroction Books for every Me- cca' In.'rue.ent; Vocal Instruction Books of the herr Mestere. The latest sod meet Faehiossble Dance Mu- sic of all kinds Polka., Schottiches, G.lopes, Maxata,s, &c. Piano -Forte MIMIC by all the great Msa'.ra The newest French. German, halms, sod Eaglial1 Publications received week- ly. A Lberal Discount to Dealers, Teachers. mid Heade of Seined.. 37 Every article Warrent- ed. Partite at a dietetic() can hare Music wet by Mail for Lefler pottage. N. IL -Means. s. & P. import (rem Eu- rope and sell as .heap as any hovee in Caaads. A.gast 3rd. 18.3. r6n26 BOOT & SHOE FACTORY, WEST STREET, GODERICIJ. THSubseb.r retains P1:. thanks toE the penople of Goderich, and the surrounding country for the libe- ral patronage he has received while in the above ►asosee* in Goderich, for fourteen yeses ; be take• this opporluoity of inform. tog his old eteitomere, and the public at large, that ha ban commenced again in his old stand; from hie strict attention to bu- sinew, lee hopes to merit a conuouation of Men patronage. A large assortment of Ladies and Ge.- lleeen's Boots and Shoes constantly on band -sold uousually kw for emelt. JAMES CAMPBELL. Goderich, Joly 27th, 1853. o!3 N. B. Five Journeymen will 6nd constant employment, one boots -man, two Bogey- men, and two women. men ; men of tern - pirate habits preferred. A contract for crimping sod making S00 pair of course Boot• will be gives to a good, workman. THE FARMER& INN. MESSRS. Andrew and Abraham Donegh 1• haeing recently pereha.ed the said inn, and fitted It up in a style to secommo- date Traveller*. and the public in g I. And feeling grateful for the patronage •1• tended toward, them an year gime 11y, now 'elicit a eonuluanee of the same. N. 8. -Good I.tgoors on band. Good Stables end an atl.nu,, ANDREW DONOGH, ABRAHAM DOPOGII. Goderreb, 1116 July, 1863. ten93 Huron Library Aaso(wuion and Mechanics'Ifutlatllc. TIIK Subscribers to the aboveInetite- uee are informed that the Library in eeeneetian wfl► tee Boerete le now to working order and is epee a the 11a11 *f the So.. of Tempera's% .wry Weduep- day .regia` a4,6 o'aleek, wise the Ube*. rtes, Mr, Nicholls, will he fa ateedarees for ow* boor each 'realer. By order of the Executive Committee, R. Q RSYNOLu,`►, Cur. Alec. Godetieb, J.ly $6, Aide v4e3Stf WANTED A SCHOOL. TEACHER for Seethe No. J. !A Lake Slone Road, Ashfield Ile will retein a eameed or tblyd clew eenttioate. Apply t. KENNETH McGRF.GOR, er KENNETH McKENZIE. Taeuvxs. Aabddd, Jally 1t. 1841. w¢atStf 1l slice. -A Farm for Sale. LOT No. 4, 4th concesefon. Eastern Di- vision, A.bfleld, 100 teres of good land, 30 of which we cleared, in good state of cultivation, well fenced. 'with a good you'll' orchard of 100 choice fruit treas. with • well finished boos., being within j mile of .saw mill, and 31 miles of • grist mill, and within 10 miles of Ooder-tele on • good road. For further particular apply to Samuel Hagen, 00 tit. pramlee.. A.hueld, July 90, 1853. _ v6o241m .5o11 ! Sall ! Sail! JUST RECEIVED, sit SWOOPED tr An- RaxaTaun, 300 tittle. SALT. C. CRABB. ;Lily *0, 1853. rt)°fted --- FOR SALE. Excellent Brick house with I of so A' Y *ere of Land for sale on, East Street, within 100 yards of the Market Square. - For paiticular apply to WILLAM MALCOM. Goderieh, Nov. 3rd 1852. v6 -e41 NOTICE. AT a meeting of the creditors of the late Robert McIntyre, held on the twen- tieth 'rodent, the undersigned was ottani. mouldy chosen to act to behalf of the w,dcw of deces..d• she haviog'admioietered according to law. •A:I mutter, therefore. holding claims against the aforesaid Robert McIntyre, deceased, are requested to hand the same foto the Subscriber on or before the first day of September Dell; and all paroles indebted to the aforesaid Robert Mctnfyr•, deceased, are hereby ,potiflrd dist all Notes end accounte remaining un- settled upon the firerday of September next ensuing, will without distinction be placed in the hands of the Clerk of the Division Court fur immediate collection. WM. J. KEAYrt, Attorney for ANN McINTYRE, Admioistratrix. Gnderfch.'Jnle 27111. 1883. nO5 FOR SALE. A STONE cottage with seven rooms, LL cn s three and hell acre lot to the Town of Goderich : it hn• one of the most beautiful prospects on the river Maitland, a never failing rpring runs through the lot. Apply to ROBERT PARK':. Goderich, July 27th 1853. e5 -r25 Oils! Oils! Oils! BOILED and Raw Linseed Oil , I•'ine Whale Oil Machinery and Olive Oil; Cold prefixed Castor Oil; Pale Seal 00; Varorsh k Turpenttcc; For sale be BENJAMIN PARSONS, Druggist, West Street, Coderick. ALEXANDER LEYS, GENERAL DEALER IN DRY Goody, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Stationery, kc., kc., ke._ Corner of Ilaieiltoo Street, Minket Square, Goderich, June 15th,1853. .22 L0Srit. ANOTE by Thomas Graham and WM. Dougherty is (ave- of R. D. Aitche- son, Aahfield, for £4 2e. 6J., dated 14111 Oc- tober, 185*, payable 15th months after ate, ALSO A note by Jamas Hawkins and Thomas Hawking in favor of R. D. As:cheaer', Asb• field for £6 7e. 6d., dated 11th ()cutler, 1852, payable 15th moahis after date ; any Wrenn bringing the above notes to the office of the Signal *III be suitably rewarded ; aft they are only payable to the order of the Subscriber, they can be of so use trimly other person. R. D. AITCHiSON. Ashfield, July 18, 1853. ,6-n24 TO ARCHITECTS. APREMIUM of LIS will be given by the Board of Trustees for the t:ounces Grammar Scheel of Huron and Bruee, for the best plans end epecifiralo•s of a brick building suitable for 'h• County Grammar School serf Common Schools of 1h• Telef. of Godeneh United. The sum to he .(periled la finishing the same, not to .steed ie the weaepn.e a 1250, but the plan to be so armored that the building can be extended afterwards. Th. area .f ground epos which the hutd- os= i• to be erected le • parallelogram or nue acre sed s quarter surrounded by strut• os@ three melee. The pleas and eprc,6cauons to be deliver - .d to the eubeenber, at Goderfeh C. W. ea or before the 1st day of September neat, from whom &.y further information ego be reteetvmd. D. H. RITCHIE, Bee'y Board of (:►.semi School. Comely Cleek's Office, Goeerieb, July rite, 1853 ,5 •'LS Glebe ad Gloats( to copy for One m4e1b. WANTED. THE ttlubscrlbre waste u ett,ve bsy ibwwe .seams yeast; of age, to lows Ike l7abiena lianas.. 1'or fedber parti curare ypy to DANIRI. GORI)ON. Godplktb,Joss Sibs 16111. al9 DIVISION COURTS. Ai tke Cusses of General Quarter Ses- sions of the Peewee ikd.len at Gutlerielr, sea and for tkc (Install aunties u/ If l'RON arD BRUCE, to the mend. of July, 1853. IT 18 ORDERED, That in pursuance with Hie order of the 5th instant, the Court de now take into cnnsider*ituo the great tccrsaae of the pop'riettos ttaroegbout the Untied Counties of Huron and Bruce, and proceed to a reviaton of the boundaries. limits and extent of the several Dt,i.ori Cowie, that their Number be added to wubun the said United Counties. and also that the times .nil places rot hatchet the same be now derided upon -Whereupon 71' IS ORDF.1tED. 'I'bst the following shall his the boundare• sad extant of the FausT DM/WI CowaT fur the said United Counties, ,tst-To col.eist of that MN Ot the Tnwn.lup of Goderich to the North of the Cut Lose .sd lite Huron Komi. until the some meets the road •!towagee between the 13.h and 14th eonce.stooa, then South along the said Coneeniun to the river Bays fwld, thea •test the river to the Landon road in • Northeast diree'io•. Together with tit. Township of Colborne. NE1Wit? Statfohlery iT 18 ORDF.RF:D, That the following shall be the boundauoa sed extent of the Psioao Dtvurw CoeaT for the said United Cnuouem, vis: -T•• rnnsist of the Town - shtpe of Hullers, McKillop, Tourher"mil h, Morris, Grey, Turebe,y and Ilowtak, iT 18 ORDERED, That the following shell be the boundaries and extent of the Tomo Devts,nt Comer for the said United Counties, vl1:-To consist of the following Townships of the ('nuaty or Brice -Arran, Brent, Druce. Carrick. Cokes., Eldershe, Greenock, Horne, K,ncard,ne. Kin lose (with the exceptioe of the first four South Concesai. is of the .rid Township of K,n- lora) sad the Tow..hip of Saugeen. The Court to meet three times during 111. yea,. IT i8 ORDERED, That the following shall be the boundaries and extent of the FollitTn Pni,ton COVET for the said Uoit ed Counties,ats:-Toconeiet of the Town ships of Biddulpb and McGillivray. IT 18 ORDERED, That the following Abell be the boundsriea and extent of tbe Ptrrrq Dimwers Cooar for the said United Counties, vex: -r0 0nnst.t of the follow- ing Towesl,ips of Stephen and Uabnrne and that portion of the Township of Ilat to the East of the 6th and 7th Conc./moos of the said Township of Hay. iT 18 ORDERED, That the follnwiag *ball be the boundaries and extent of the uTR Dtvrelnu, COMM for the ward United Counties, vis: -To contest of the Town- ships of A.hfeld and Wawanosh, and the `rat toed South Cuncessionm of the Town, ship of Kinloss. IT IS ORDERE4), That the following shall be the boundaries and event of the SEvatyw Devr.ton Cot'iT for chi staid United Counties., can: -To consist of the Township of S'anley and chat portten o1 the Township of Goderich to the Senile of the Cot Line end Duren road, will the same joit,s the road between the 11th and 14th Corceatona of the Township of Goierieb, thence along the said Conversion road, untii the same joins4he river Barfield, thenee along the said neer to Lake Iluron; together with all that roruon of the Town- ehip of Ilsy to the Weal of the 6th sod 7th C*occ.erooa of the said Township of Hay. iT 18 ORDERED, The' the said sr- rangemcnt of she boundarie., [mote and ex - tell of the several DIVISION COURT. •hall come into operation after the bolding of the next ensuing Courts for these United Counties, and that the name be ■dcerti.cd for six inecruocs is the Huron Signal oetyspaper. By the Court, DAN• I.IZARS, Clerk of tbt. Pear,' Hurnn and Brace. Office of the Clerk of the Police, Godor,ch, 11th Jul!, 1853. C 021-Gt DIVISION COURTS. TiIF. next Division Course for the United Counties of Huron end Druce, will be held at the times and places following rlR•r nntnien.l Colborne' ina, (R. Ellie.] God.rich,Sater- day lit October. Scarlet 1Ydltams, Clerk. %me ien DIVISION. Knox'. Ilntel, Ilarpurhey, Huron Road. Twee - day 16:11 August, Ludwig Meyer, Esq.,Clerk. 711100 DIVISION. Walker's Tavern, Villager of Pennatongnre, Tnwn.hip of Eineatdtne, Thursday iet Septem- ber, C. R. Barker. Clerk. SODIUM nio,SloN. Flanagan', Tavern. McGillivray, Toe..rimy 13th September, Geo. Carter, Clerk• virtu tension. The time and place for holding the next truing r,f thieeosrt will be annnaneed .• soon se the Clerk and Bailiff's aro appointed. SIXTH n,oi,,n.• The time mot piece (or holding the next 'sitting of this Coins will be sonn.need as ram as the Clerk sad Beildre are appointed. e•re.Tit Dinging. COMMIS. Teeere, V,Il.ae of Dayeeld, Mnndey 12th Septmiber, Dead Hood Ritchie, Esq., Clerk. The Soden* of the ov.r.l Ceiling will eem- n miee pesct.&Iv of I t o'clock. A. M. ARTHUR ACLAND, J. f . C. Goderich, 1841 Jsly, 1863. v6.24 A CARD. HESwber,here relear- n their ei thank• to the inh.hnaots of Goderich sad adleia- leg .avoir'', for the very liberal p.Iro.age be- stowed opoil them while in biome.. u. G•de- nuh. They wewld now este that they hive ree'gn.d then balees, in (i«krteh to !nor nl Meows. BANNERMAN & FERGUSON: fee whom they world respectfully .ohrit the t ree .sledded support .fr riled a emote'. es. (.ORUON & 51ACKAY. G.derich, April 90.11, 1833. .6s@ 13 INref t- o the shave we have to *tete that we 11,,. pnrchsad the entire Stook .f Meows. GORDON & MACEAY, tnweir'int d DRY (GOODS, GROCERIEm. CROCKERY, ( I.OTHING, die , e• the mem edeseisgeoe. term.. The addition. we are winking thereto .ill render remelt!' ie ell of depan meets. Ie the ...te- rm of lbs tate Firm se well .. the teh.biiurs geseretly, wit w..0 ..y that the *dil.tles we geerw foe perrlesslae ie slot beat Markey, with • determisaeloe he *Mere to ib. Beeiesa Pri•e.ples of nei peedeerseen, seemly -O.. Price, Lives *at.., 8..11 reset*, eeebl.m w wolf am/dente to *shell Ib support el • dib ter...g pwbhr. BANNERMAN et et:RGUSOR Gode,lch, 20111 Ape.i, 1843. r11mI3j • • e area r1• s V.d ab.we eat. )BVON �L('I LET (401 STAID:MEI WARE, JEN Press their looteaseluillw Trade, they eae with iww wi.l bed•.►•• ed withaser The DRUGS, CHEW ears from the beat were',, lea offered a This aelphb.rk.w The Bohrenheuo.. 7•8[IIR i.' ataDaam silt shed.'', sad which always 1 They would also sa.oaewe that they p.,, ea head for be' whieb they will warned melees Their sleek •f PP.ItP Lera.J'r Waters, see .aIle by ialeseli•g t nehaems. They sea also ras.assessJ Fade -Cep, Put .ad IreuJ Bleak Accosts' Books .f .as.. - sad Jrpaaed, •II which they are 4 laesdiax patehewn, s4 Dr -m M OrM -• their best market se • Se. win tie .oartudy is sewed. 17 P.neriptieM centime Goderiol't,July 28•b,185 M h hi • THE pde to apprise their nn the Foundry ROW. Baur Mills; ami - Ploughs and all other Agracultsgel They also intend going mon" la cooking, box and Parlor Staves 014 The busiuera,will be carri.•..se- 41Mr, Robert Runcimse v fence .11 the COnstrnetioD his thorough kbowledge of all. trig pace web the Tames. N. B. Apprentices wanted in Gnderici, March 24th, *553.; (;EO. M. TRUE AUCTIONEER `t' COMMI,'t M ERCH ANT. 1tr,rkrt Sr,w.e, GoderieA. IS prepsred to attend Sales it- ` el' the United Counties. . ON TA MARINE AND FIRE. COMPANY Iacer)oroerdby ad of Pe Ca ital-£1l HEAD OFFICE AT Dratteruas i Hugh C. Raker. Esq. Al. s, M. W. Snwx. " J. F: , Peter Carroll, ca Jame. D. C.,Ge'lq " Chad' Jaseee Eltclatyre, rs !: C. Janne Malblaeon, " Jobs t THE Subscriber having be Agent at Goderieb, fur 1.1 ly respectable Company, it effect issuraace st tb• m rales open lioness, Shippfn THOMAS NiCHOL Goderich, 15th rept., 1649 BOOTSiit MADE BY -B: L� )'•est Street, Coderieh, et the sig• of th• Nu -awing JJsei. LA DIES and Geotleme• lutea is the stews, Greer mull makes ep Ent rate Boom* bilines: Amiss they're good, why should we drew back, Se now for lila shop-hulrab, clear the track itis Boots keep our feet from wet and from eel,, Hy weavng the slime you will live to be old; Besides they Inst long, why 'should we drsw bark, 8s@ now fur his Shop -hurrah, clear the track! He has lived to this Town these two years and more. Thanks his friends for then custom, it increases "Rolore;" The work 'eine Send. why rhnold we draw bark. So now for Green's Shop-Iter:■is, clear the track! Two jnirneymen woofed. Gsderleh, June 29th, 1853. 022 Sherilil's Sale of Lands. Ueda Conatiee of BY Virtue of a Heron and Brice,) a/ N'nt of Fier' Fa. To WIT: ) cue, teethed net of Ilcr Majesty's Contny Cnert for the Um, ed Ceunuee of Huron and Bruce. and In me directed, ■gsieet the lands end ten. merits of JOHN GLAZIER, et the stilt of CHRISTOPHER CRAIIB, I have sei1' ed end taken to execution let number Twenty-six, In the Etghteentb Concession of the T.twnshin of G.nbrch: wh,cb Lind, i shall nf1;.r for sale At the Court Rome. :n '11. 'ron if Gn,erieh, on SA1 URDAY, rho TWENTII:TII day of AUGU'T next, at the hour of TWELVE of the cluck no00. J. McDONAi.D, Sh.rtfr, Huron and Bruce. Sherifl"a Office, Goderich, 260 5l.y, 1855. n21 -6t [First published 2.'ftb May, 1853.1 FARMERS STORE. New Goods 1 T11 K Sub.rrber In now in receipt per Schooner A non of the largest end Leet almertnient f set.& D FANCY GOODS, ever krunirght to thNAN market; and ei Arch lie will well ((or Cm.h or rountry produce, ebeaper by TWi'}:,11'rY. Pr CENT, than hare ever !nen ei.IJ is Go (torch before, Louupnj,.ng the sew 1 elylo et Wolin, B•yadere and hal drawee. Somme. SbewlI, B•,nsels, kc. kc. G.ete ready made CLOTHES, to great' ,arittr. A Isr'ge sasortme•t of leaches' and Mie Boots and Slippers. 1b. Gents mod Poore„ Shell mad heavy hardware. PAIN"r8, 031.8, furry, Piich, Tar, R.• - .in, Block. mrd Cordagi', %Pk! icy aJ abr bbl. or 3 Sailers. TEAS cheer from C!1ine,l'p, aittp dale, and wb,eh will be .s:4 .1 wee. 1. a•InnI.h a11. GLASS -.111 pipe•. I'OT ASII KETT( ES for rale .bear. Ad%ancr. made w cu•etgamest u( Ams mad ether produce. 11 yeti want bargaimm for VISA, entre tied oke a look •ruts l.ytej else V", ,1 ti, lime 13, 1853.• or- eibieb:Je tidal upend e passivea tltyi tssented. er slat .ateallielteW 10 (rant at the torrential', of Phew!. 8 OR DAMAGE EY PIKE Yiwee% Parnitmene timid& E rind other dee.,ipiikee of peeps tato gainst Ioe• or daotage he she ' 11.1 %IAGES 01' NAYIGATIOH On Cargoes or Yewaisis. wadi on *s J0. Mod Watters of this :aonlistr!t ae beroni elle to and from the•Perrin itilreN'Beitina, . Forms of Applieetto4j Wit b'sll+as4'Naits information. furnierted be W. BENNETT RICH, Apht• Goderich, Joao 30111, 1831. W-4 y • Coiled Counties if IV vide& of ed,- lleron and !deur., "Wel writs ef At- te frit : S laebanent isjgrld nut of tler Msj•-ety'. County C ant for Deo United Counties of Iluron and B•uee, and to me directed, against the r.1.te, real u• well as pets •nal, of ALR!,•urn Mc(nrrale, an absconding or enneraled dc9tur, at the reepecu,e elide of 1 aac Cul:n}+,• Thome. Bate., Merger) 3. llamitlon and Boojuuiw Parson., I have sem .1 all tee esIwai real se will as persona!, of the raid A:Cxamler- McIniyrc ; and toles' th4 'rid Al' *sntet Meletyre return w,thiu tire j,riiJicuon of the said Court, anal pat In bail to the ac- tion. or cause tho some to be discharged within th•ee calead.r mon'!th frill the fit,' day of the publtca'too ol 1`iie notice. all 1h• estate, real se well as Ler* inn!. of the said Alexander Jlclntyre, or eve nluPh thereof nit may be nee y, will be held limlle for the payment, benefit or .esiofaeiiun of said claim,. or emote of mach other pl.,lnu9'ur pl.inl.fi'e us *heti er Elite tike eroesm,lnngs rosined the reoper1y and tIT,cts of the steed AlexentJ.•r Sieln yrs, wtluin r x mnutba :row the iseotog of the 'hose writ, J. MnDI)NALD, Shenth'11. kA S1er fr'. tt 5 r, t:u'dericb, 24ud June, MS. ■2I 3s@ Sheriff's ff's ,S'rrlc of Lands. f',iteef Covelfr,,f 1' ,vir',,d ,A( Nerun *la lli'ilCf, \. r a of J1 s.ry 'ro N' IT: S facts., ^teed wet of Iter 111.j••ay'a Court of ac - +e'et+ 00J an Alfie IVr,t .f Fie.t, Ws.e,Dun of the .aid Court, .'d n 4ie��ret.rt an.I Ilis.,)esaf -74704 116,8 PER Kt:11 BA 1.1. fsOt)HI\ti end i..mn Rartenh..rr. at ars suit of IiiNJAMIN BREwS'I't:R. 1 '.;500 it a.•.1 acrd lake* f exec nl p• II' to.lnw p peeper , via Lots rb•,otng nwmh.r L art .u, ni.►ty; ata aid sfjmaty *eve Ia the 'to e(Goda- rrch, pact tonlatnleg nN S i$$1 of •n aellf� Goths - brie ' Le 'rtlwe tlysaa oa Ise4 heat i 11 pp v r'• 01 the aafd.1a.p.e E,shell /Ivrai,M, ►easing nano er Aft e'ntaiig uone hearth ores at •tee more Or Iwrl sad let eee.,nn C. os sly Towne( di imam, by ademeno three 11t1trtrret1 he '.e • r• g I Ae ►r'epai'r r btiry; whisrb taa� much o! rtn .assn. -nllely tb. chef lett, on pa UtNe.G•s? et