HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-10-25, Page 9BY SUSAN THOMPSON SHigh CURRENT COMMENT We conducted another survey among the students at „SHIMS to find out their opinions about having school uniforms for the eirla. Margaret Johns, 11A, and Barbara Herm 12: "We are in favor of baying school uniforms because there is too Much competition between the girls and most of them cannot afford the expensive clothes they are' buying." Norma -Young, -114; "No, I do not, think it would he good because dressing the same way day after day would be mono- tonous." Eleanor Wein, 10E; "They are good because there would be less competition among the girls," Frances Johns, 13: "It would be good, It would look nice And would make everyone equally well dressed," Carelynne Simmons, 11A: "I am in favor of it. Sinve there is a wide range of fashions to choose from they could be very Attractive:" Marie P.owe, 9At "No, it would cause too much. opposi. Cathy Smith, 10E; "A good idea! There would be less competition among the girls, It would also be less expensive to dress well." lion." SCIENCE TEACHING CHANGES There have been many changes in the science curriculum during the past few years. in 1960 and 1061 the course for grade nine included general physics along with some agriculture topics but in the following year one-half of the course covered physics and the other half, zoology. This year the course for grade 10 was also altered. it became a one-half physics and one-half zoology instead of the course of 1901-1962 which was mainly composed of biology. In 1063.1964 the pupils in grade 11 will be introduced to nuclear physics for the first time. CHEERLEADERS From the girls from grades 10, 11 and 12 who tried out for cheerleading, the following girls were chosen; Ann Pair. bairn, Carol Foster, Mary Ann. Hayter and. Suzanne Rennie. They will join last year's squad which included Carol Mc. Leod, Helen Hendrick, Linda Walper, Linda Tieman, Bonnie Turvey, Ann Marie Kroft, Frances Johns, Barbara Weber, Elizabeth Chapman, Carolynno Simmons, Elizabeth Gosar and Norma Young. Budget from Brinsley By GORDON MORLEY United Church and were guests with Air. and Airs. Ross Mc. Falls and boys for the day. Mr, and Mrs. Heber Davis accompanied by Air. and Mrs. Robert Coleman, Lucan, were guests on Saturday evening with Mr. and Airs, Ivan Stanley, Den- field, and on Sunday Mrs. henry liodgins and Miss Sophia Rich- ards, Lucan, and Mr. and Airs. Clifford Abbott were guests with the Davis', Mr. and. Airs. Howard Clarke and girls, Shipka, were Sunday guests with Mr. mad Airs, Robt, Call JB afi 235-1863 General Insurance Real Estate Mortgages JOHN BURKE LTD. DEVON BLDG. EXETER Used Car .Buys 1961 COMET SEDAN, autoniatic, sharp. 1961 CI4EV 4-door Impalla Hardtop, fully equip. ped. 1960 METEOR Montealm, fully equipped, excel- lent condition, 1960 FALCON TUDOR, new tires, 1960 monis MINOR 1952 PLYMOUTI1 SEDAN, good transportation, 1960 ANGLIA, perfect second car, perfect condition, new tires. 1956 DODGE SEDAN, push button transmission, 1954 AUSTIN Sedan 1951 CHEV Coach ANNUAL SPECIAL TIRE SALE 'TIL. THE END OF OCTOBER Check Our Prices 'Before You '81tyl You'd be envious too if you were a compact without Comet's new range of 12 models—sedans, wagons and two new convertibles. And what if you couldn't, offer these other Mercury quality features, Major lubrica- tions 36,000 miles apart. Minor body tubes every 12,000 miles. Brakes that adjust themselves automatically. Oil changes 6,000 miles apart. All this and Comet still only looks expensive. No wonder other compacts envy comet. Be the envy of your block! Drive a Comet! See South End Service today! '63 COMET ...the Compact other Compacts Envy! South End Service hone 1:5.2122 RUSS Aria CHUCK ..SNEtt, Eiceter -.171:''-177.74C717 .-AVII.:4777144gir BUY YOUR CANADA SAVINGS BONDS in the privacy of your own hoiiie or offite Arrange NOW, to 'buy your CANADA SAVINGS BONDS, Idelding ;.1".„1.1„ in the privacy of your own :ortie, M,'FRAN CIS 131 MAIN ST, EXETEk Office: 21S-2424 14bmel 235.1405 (iPziat 3-4,7 gcni MIIBLA146 St Clititit$ tottP14tiuttt0 Personal items Linda and Elaine Morley at- tended. the birthday celebration for diss Jean Fenton on Satur- day on the occasion of her eighth birthday. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lewis were Mrs. Eva McGovern and Mrs. Olive Hamilton of Toronto, also Mrs. C. Lewis. Mrs. Fred. Fenton returned home last Thursday after visit- ing for a few days with friends at, P Airs, Fanny Hodgson spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Hazel Perrin of Granton. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Dixon and boys visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dixon, Many attended the shower last Thursday evening at Neil's school to honor Miss Eleanor Thompson prior to her mar- riage, Airs, Howard Fenton enter- lathed eight young friends of her daughter, Jean Fenton, on Saturday, Oct. 20. it was Jean's eighth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bawden, of London, visited on Sunday with Air. And Airs. Joseph Amos. Rubber Boots Bargain Values, Men's 6 to 11, 12-inch $3,49 Hunting Boots, hip, $8,95 Ice Skates Skating season is almost here, We have a large stock of new or used, Let's trade --e1Ve11 save you money. Dock Shoes Now from $17.50 Op Wuerthrs PHONE 235-061 4i#00‘•••-• #•••••••••••••••••••••••••••00Www0114.11• Did you know... that $1,000 put into Investors Mutual in February of MO is worth over 53,290 today? nvestors murndticatm 01 011l.40A. l)M11/0 TED HOLMES 1.4,, beer Park „. Circte, London GE 4.9$02 or Enquire at Th Times. Advocate Get Your ANTI* FREEZE Now! 436 MAIN STREET AFTER Phone .13S060 Milton Kiolilairi & :Soo •LitL 150/14 SIMILAR SAYINGS ON OTHER SIZES 100-LEVEL PLUS PREMIUM FEATURES 42-Months' Insurance 17w t VERY SPECIAL DUPONT WHITEWALL 100-LEVEL NYLON 1962 and 1963 New Car Equipm*nt Construction 42-Months' Insurance lsrt ldxt Atte nt10 90-LEVEL NYLON 18-Months' Insurance 80-LEVEL NYLON '12-mm4s' insuran(A Tube Type Prices Shown--Tubeless $1‘50 to $2,00 Extra, Easy Terrns—To Suit Your Du SAVE MORE WHEN TIRES SOLD IN PAIRS — NO TRADE NEEDED WHEELS FOR SNOW TIRES ht s ChavtaNt, Plymouth, ttodoe, Cohealt, .04 easier to Aar* W1.1 EELS iltet; 10'0 ierneunting winter tiara ?inns, at woithlithHa 1a 'fit AS LOW AS *.. , # # 0 V # . 0 9 The motto "The Future 13.elengs •-• • • • to him who Prepares fop it." Wayne Rata, Ron Weber, was given by Mrs, C. Kenney. Karen Finkbeiner and Ella Mae The topic, current events, was Schlenker were delegates this given by the various members weekend at the Youth Fellow- of the committee in charge. ship Conference Wide Conven- A short course entitled lion held - in ,New Hamburg. A ?minds of meat" is to be given goodly number of other young in the near future and ...vane people also attended. interested may contact Mrs, Ed Mrs. P., Molitor, principal of Lamport or Mrs. Al. Reid, Also a euchre party is in the plan- ning. Airs.'E.d. Lamport was ap. pointed as the representative .Atouxithir earySouth Huron Hospital Hostesses were Mrs. Ed Lam. port, Mrs. A. Pfaff, Mrs. I,, Wein, Mrs. C. Kenney and Mrs, E. Neil, Mrs. Martha Berg Mr, Martha Berg, wile of the late Christian Berg, died, in South Huron Hospital on Fri- day, October 10. Airs, Berg was the former Martha Wenzel, sister of Mrs. Herb (Mabel) Falumer, Funeral services were held from the residence of Mr, and Mrs. Herb li'ahrner on .Nionday, Oct. 22 with Rev, A. "1, Schlen- ker in. charge. Interment was in Crediton cemetery. Crediton Colleens On Saturday, Oct. 20 the Cred- Ron Colleens held their sixth meeting in the Community: Cen- tre, There was an attendance of • 18. Demonstrations o n jellied salad and tossed salad were given. • Next meeting will be Satur. day, Oct. 27. MRS', .FAI4T .Honored neighbors C1t,‘,DITON Mr. and Airs. Harry -Carroll At the meeting of .Crediton were honored at A :gathering of WI held in th e -Community Hall their neighbors when th ey. were on -WedoesdaY, October 17 Mrs. presented with a coffee table. Wilfred Mack gave a calk on Air, and Mrs, Carroll Are OW" her recent trip. le Engtend, log te Dutton, A denumstrallon on the plant' The 4(1(ire$S was read by Mr, log of. fall bulbs. was given by Ross Krueger and the gin ,,pees- Mrs. Ed Lamport. -e,ntation by Mr. Emerson Wein. roll call was answered An enjoyable evening of .cards with a news event of the: :past followed the presentation, -week Or someone in the news, Personal items Describes UK trip. t4 Creditor Institut aintsbuty packs bale ay MRS. HEBtrR PAY'S. SAINTSRUDY On. 'Thursday afternoon the Guild of St. Patriek.'s chore!: held Ks meeting at the home of Airs. Jim Barker-, President Mrs, Harry .Clarroll was in charge, Mrs. Raymond Green. lee, Airs. Dill Johnson and Airs. Heber Davis conducted the de- votional. Roll call was Answered with articles for the missionary :bale which was packed following re- ports. The ladies plan to start an- other quilt as (he ones on hand have been sold, The mystery prize donated by Vera Greee• lee was won by Alarg Carroll, The hostess was assisted by Airs. Hugh Davis and Mrs. Charlie Atkinson in the ab- sence of Airs, Herman Athie- son. Personal items Air, and Mrs, Earl. Atkinson held a family dinner on Friday evening. Those present were their daughters and famil- ies, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Latta, Carol, Kenny and Dav- id, Air. and Mrs. Don. quire, Leroy and Dennis. Mr. and Mrs. 1 -an Stanley, Dee- field, call d in the evening, Mr, and Airs. Fred Dobbs Jr. spent the weekend of October 13 in Guelph where they at- tended the annual alumnae hornet:oath-Le, celebration and ten-year class reunion at OAC, During the Saturday evening program Mr. Dobbs spoke on "Methods to Stimulate Active Alumnae Participation", Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dobbs Jr, held a recent birthday party in. honer of Airs, Dobbs Sr. Those attending were Rev. and.. Mrs. F. T. James and Airs, L. At- wood, London, Mr. H. S. Mc. Lean, Teeswaler, and Mr. and Airs, Fred Dobbs Sr., of Exe- ter. Air. and Mrs. ila.rvey Latta and family were Sunday guests with the former's sister, Mr. and Airs. Bob Elliott, London. AIr. and. Mrs. Earl Atkinson were guests on Sunday with Mr. and Airs. Whitney Coates, Exeter. Alr. and. Airs. Gordon Maines, Russeldale, Mr. and Airs. Harry Noels and Donald, Forest, Mr, and Mrs. Maurice McDonald, Lucian, were Sunday guests of Air, and Airs, jack Dickins, Airs. Clarence Davis visited with Airs. Henry Itodgins, Lu- can, on Saturday, Mr. anti Mrs. itarry carrell visited with the former's broth. er, Mr. and Airs. George Car- roll, Detroit, over the weekend, Airs, Tom Rees attended a. shower for Al i s s Eleanor Thompson at Neil's school, Ale- Gillivray, on Thursday evening. Mr. Arnold ['Irby, St. Thomas, Miss Gail Fairbairn, London, were .Sunday guests with Air. and Mrs. Bill Johnson also Mrs. Johnson's aunt and uncle, Air. and Mrs, Jack Lake and family, Hyde Park. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aitken, Toronto, were weekend guests with their niece, Mr. and Airs. Fred Dobbs Jr., also Mr, II, F. McLean, Tceswatcr, Air. and Airs. Hugh Davis, heather and Michael, attended church service at Centralia the ,Crediton Public School, again announced that the dm would be making their usual penny collection for UNI- C414' instead of the. "trick or treat'' that usually aCe9113Pa• Pies Hallowe'en. Miss Prenda Schoch, of Zur- ich, spent the weekend with Miss Fay Schlenker. The members of the EUR choir are planning "an evening of music " with the 8a voices the Dominion Life Choir of Waterloo to be held Friday eve- ning, Oct. 26. Air. and Mrs, _Russell Fink- helper and Air. and Airs. Ed. Finkbeiner visited on Sunday with Mrs. herb Jones who is a patient in St. Joseph's Hos- pital,. London. Airs. W. Ii. Smith returned home Sunday after spending the past month wth. her sister, Mrs, Young, of Fort Wayne, ln- dianna., Mr. and Mrs. Terry Wade and family, of London, spent the weekend with. Mr, and Mrs. John Wade. Men's Day was observed on Sunday in the .1'r1113. church with A IhtleS. choir. Al:'. Donald. Gaiser of Exeter was the speak- er. Mr. Lewis ',Foist, of Waterloo. visited. on Saturday with his mother, Mrs. Al. Faist, who is now able" to be up and around. And Ml's. Cliff Brock at-. tended the Dobbs.-LennoV ding at Olencairn, They -Pent the weekend with Mr. anti Mrs, Clyno. Dobbs, A number of the members_ of Creditor BUD WSWS attend- ed the rally in. Dashwood on Tuesday. The ladies of Brinsley UCW held a successful bake sale at Ailsa Craig on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Trevithick, Ruth aid Neil, Mr. and Mrs. Don Newey, Carol and Colleen of London visited Air. and Airs. Harvey Wainer of Greenway on Friday night. Mr. and. Mrs. Lawrence Schwartz, of 1,.ondon, visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schenk re- cently, Church news Rev. C. Beacom of Arva took charge of the service at Brins- ley United. Church on Sunday, Oct. 21 when the Rev. K. N. Hick exchanged for Anniversary services at Arva. There will be no church serv- ices at Brinsley United Church on Sunday, Oct, 28 in favor of .anniversary services at Car- lisle when the Rev. Moorehouse of Parkhill. is guest speaker for the occasion. The TimppAcilvace Octpher 25, 1962 13200i'l