HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-10-25, Page 8Poi* 4 The.. Ti111„,,,4,A4v9sAte. Octp.b.or 24. 1962, ,1-"^f,"3.77" ric43.afsie...stS1 BOWLING + SCORES N rte +. TANaINPS + STATISTICS a ••• EXETER LANES 111 What every wife Hi should know tii Sputnik.s t B. Reid 572; . 5 Blowett es ID. France 510) Bus y Bees. I G, WPb,S1 5531 3 Ml Parsons 529) Leltpops Lippert 558) 7 D; none( t es I(:. Bad er 11)71 11 ‘.3 ho Caves IS, Appleton 325 Jolly Jill, IA. 7.acha r `521) 111eN cats Walker (178) 3-1amit.'ant4'1's IV. Stag 5321 Flowel es Lolltpops Mighty Mira „ ...... H tIrli ppe k ,lcY Cars ;laity Six Busy Fors 17 .1n14 ,lids 16 ties poet tes W t.) OR VON • • • 73 Spifimks High single. Wa 'Apr 131111 Wirh •trl vie: P. Walker 1577; 6 ......... ..... 34 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS? BUILDING -0120 EXETER''DEVON : PH 235 EXETER'' .mun.kup,..61 . Auditors , N., Office :Hours 9 a.m.= fo 5 p.m •• Building Lots Restricted for $20,000 Homes and up, Restricted for $12,000 Homes and up. DOW Subdivision, 6, E. DOW Phone( 235.7'6'1 ,1a III 103 . • "The Pick of'Em All!" sr OUR NEW OFFICE AND WEIGH SCALES ON STATION STREET • White Rose Fuel Oil and. lop Quality 'Coal For Prompt 106.1ivery Order Today From SELDON FUELS PRONE :135.2314 OR 235.0602 xtTER ORDER YOUR WOOD NOW When the weather is good. MIXED SLAB WOOD Stake Truck load, delivered $30,00 Half-load, delivered . .... $11.00 MILD 1-1N14 AND BODY WOOD Stake Truck load, delivered „. $50.00 Half-load, delivered $27.00 Apply in writing to Robert Eagleson AILSA CRAIG or Phone 232-4450 Nairn before 8:30 a.m, or between 5:00 and 7,30 p.m.. leLCiN 66 RIFLE • 22 caliber nt r semi-automatic 1,1 THE PURCHASE TOP QUALITY • Ref/Wigton CHAIN SAWS This chain saw line has everythig. • Power • Speed • Balance • Design • Selectivity 18 big model's) Try a Remington Chain Saw today. • Handling charge $4.00 Outcuts Outlasts 'Em All MacGREGOR FUELS AND WELDING Phone 235.1273 William St., Exeter Our Pencil Is SHORTER But It's Still A5 P We've worn our pencil clown figuring out these tremendous tractor deals on the NEW FORDSON SUPERLINE But There's Still Some Good Deals Left . . Drop In and See! SUPER DEXTA DIESEL 13x24 6-ply rear tires, live PTO, hydrauli , with draft control. differential lock, mechar ical governor. SUPER MAJOR DIESEL World's largest selling diesel, over 50 PTT h,p., over 8,000 lbs. draw bar pull, 6-ply tiros, hydraulics with draft control, dirfe- ential lock. FT '61 FORD Sedan, V-8, automatic, radio 52,500 '61 YOLKS Deluxe $1,550 '60 FALCON Coach $1,550 '58 FORD Sedan . '58 CHEV Coach Your '58 METEOR Coach , Choice $1050 '57 FORD Sedan, V-8, automatic, loaded '59 CONSUL Sedan, above average $1,000 '57 FORD Sedan, 6-cylitider . 5 950 '58 VOLKS $ 900 '56 sulck.,'4-door hardtop Your '55 FORD Coache-choite of 2 Choice $ 550 '53 CHEN/ Coach $ 200 TRUCKS '60 FORD Pickup, V-8, power transfer axle, nice $1,450 '58 BEDFORD VAN, above average $ 100 TRACTORS • 19 FORD 871 Diesel, low hours $2,495 '59 INTERNATIONAL 275 Diesel, loader, 3-furrow plow . $2,100 '60 DEXTA Diesel, a nice one $2,000 '51 OLIVER `77 Diesel, above average $1,300 'SI ALLIS CHALMERS WD, live PTO, Bower. Ad lusted rear wheels $ 850 '37 Fora) BALER, used very little $ 850 '49 FORD, motor overhauled, ready to roll $ 500 BLACK HAWK one-row CORN PICKER $ 500 INTERNATIONAL- one-row CORN PICKER $ 400 MINNEAPOLIS MOLINE 2-row CORN P1CKER $ 400 '39 CASE "D" $ 100 '51 FORD 3-furrow PLOW $ 150 '52 FORD 2.furrow PLOW, used very little $ 150 harry snider Motors LIMTTE15 Foisds. Nitlenes Felten a nd Pod 'T2'ut16 PHON't 1154640 tXtfEtt it By MRS.. WILLIAM RPHP.R The first fall meeting of the Happy DotAbles club was held on -Monday evening in the church with a good crowd 10 attendance, The evening opeped with a Hallowe'en masciuerade party with prizes for funniest cos- tume Won by Alin.er PassniOret most like Hallowe'en, Airs. Floyd Stewart; fanciest cos- thine, Mrs. Lorne Passmoret most like what you are repre- senting, Lorne Balleritype; most modern costume, Mrs. Almer Passmore; most old fashioned costume, Mrs. Glen Stewart: best-dressed couple. Mr, and Mrs. Ross Hodgert; funniest couple, Mr. and Airs. Bill Roh- de.' The program was conducted by Mrs. Ray Cann visited by Mr. Ray Cann and Mr, and Mrs. Murray Dawson, The business was conducted by the vice president Mrs. Ross Hod- gert. Mrs. Glen Stewart, secre- tary read some. letters from the club's adopted foster chtild. At the November meeting - Continued from page 7 ideas • for raising money are to be brought in, The meeting closed with sev- ral games, contests and lunch. Personal items Local art enthusiasts brought 23 paintings for Mr, Bennett to criticize, This portion of the program was extremely inter- esting because Mr. Bennett Blanthard brought out many enlightening facts for the painting of various pictures, People from Brussels. Dash- wood, Centralia, Mitchell, Sea- forth, Hensall, RCAF Centralia and Exeter attended the two- hour seminar. Art Club Starts Exeter's adult art club bap- tized its 12-week '62 - '63 pro- gram in the basement of the Exeter Public Library Monday. evening, :\ir.Greg Curnoe, professional artist from the Antists' Work Shop in London, was hired to conduct the 12-week course. Mr, Curnoe attended the art course at Beal Tech, London for two years and attended the Doon School of Art in 1956. In '57, Mr. Curnoe started at the Ontario College of Art and fin- ished there in 60. The London professional has taught at the University settlement in To- ronto and at the Artists' Work- shops in London. He has also ex- hibited his work over the past six years in London, Toronto, Winnipeg and. Regina. Air. Curnoe is a capable re- placement for John Chambers who originally was scheduled to conduct the Exeter classes. Un- forseen circumstances forced Mr. Chambers to withdraw his services, THAMES ROAD M. awl Airs. -Gene .Folley of Lexington, Michigan, were visitors on J"t'iday Willi Mr. and Airs, William Allen and girls Rev, Hugh and Airs. Wilson were Sunday evening guests with. Mrs, IL N. Dens of Lon- don. air, and Mrs, Morrison Cas- well, Billy and Diane of Lop- don, spent Saturday with Air, and Airs. Alvin Passmore. Mr. and Airs. Ken Brazier, Michele and Carol Lynn of Brantford spent the weekend with Mr. and Airs. Alvin Pass- more. Mr, and Mrs. Case de Mooy and Sandra of London visited on Tuesday with Air. and Airs. Alvin Passmore, Mrs. de Mooy and Sandra are remaining for a few days. The Sunday services will be withdrawn on Sunday morn- ing owing to .Eihnville anni- versary which \\rill be on Standard Time. nesday evening at the Exeter Public Library before 7:30 p.m, Seminar Successful Forty-eight enthusiastic paint- ters from Exeter and district attended Exeter's first art semi- nar held in the basement of the Exeter Public Library Thurs- day evening, Mr. Paul Bennett, art advisor for the Community Programmes Branch, Department of Educa- tion, was the guest speaker. His presentation included a lec- ture and discussion on the his- tory of art, a session on pro- gramming for groups and a question and answer period. Mr. Bennett showed slides on various types of paintings to point out various ways that one could go when letting loose with a paint brush, Criticize Paintings Rec news 4 g by and Debbie of London vis- a ited Sunday evening with Air. 2 and Mrs. Claire Sisson. Mrs. Margaret AdeCorquo- dale of Embro, Mr. and Mrs. Ken. Howard of Woodstock vis- ited Sunday with Air. and Mrs Grant McCorquodale, Mr. and Mrs, Wm, G. Jones and family were Saturday eve- ning guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bryan of Ebenezer. Mr. and. Airs. Edwin Hawk- ins and family of Oxford Cen- tre were Sunday guests of Mr. and' Airs. Leonard Mills. Air, Orville Rinn, Miss Mary Ellen Sittherland of Ilderton, Air, and Mrs. Bill Sherriett were Sunday guests of Air, and Mrs, Lloyd Thomson. Miss Anne Thomson spent the weekend with Mr. and. Mrs, Chas. Lambert of Lon. don, Mr, and Airs. Wm. 0, Jones and family were Sunday eve- ning dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas, B. Bryan of Prospect Hill. By MRS. GLADWYN HOOP E..R wksaMiz Personal items Mr. and Mrs, Morley Waugh of London visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thack- er. Mr, and airs. Leonard Thack- er and family, Mrs. Fred Patti- son were at Evans funeral home, London, on Sunday to see the late George Carter of London. Mr. and Airs. Parkinson and. family visited S unday with Mrs, 1.;ella Dann and Mrs. Kitty of London. Mr, and Mrs. Claire Sisson 4 were Sunday guests of Mr. and (l Mrs. Henry Moore of Ridge. 4 town. Mr. and Airs. Lawrence Gras- r,rneers (n. (nu' 'wood7511 Boeliete .(ss. .Kelly 7451 . 'Billiards (20260) . 1/: Ringers (192g7) 17 B ig Six 120.10, . „ 16 Ringpins ()MN) I6 Bovicets (211008) 14 1.. Supertesi (18771) 14. Trarlesme» (18014) . 12 reests 12 . • .. A&f:f Specials (Isla) g Huskies (177671 liensall 1126991 Spares c137871 "a" GROUP F. Tigers t:1. Finlaysnn 704, Hot Rods (B.. Patterson 66111 0 Bo-.1)lIleys (R. Slather¢ 5S11 3 Larks (J. Carr 595) 1 N N.. Slest 11.1, Sehroed.er 650 1 D. Fuels D. 31cFalls 535) .... 1 C. Loggers 131_ McIntyre 594) 2 Bankmonts (14. -7Wolfe 6131 .. 1 Vairlanes (C. Edwards 617 -West on s D. 13runzlow 419). Canners IF, 13vintnell 6481 • Milkmen (S. Stire 5551 .....,... 1 Cry stal Loggers 1S583) ,... 19 l4ippen Tigers (19298) 16 Bankmonts 119142) . 1.5 'Milkmen 1161183) Patrianea 08532) .... 13 N. End Superiest (187614 . 13 110•Blcileys 417402) . 13 Larks (1.654.1 10 Canners (151911 .10 Hot Rods (1.69111 9 Sterling Fuels (15531') '7 Westons (151142) . „ . 3 3 4 a LADIES' INTERTOWN ga ; wp,. Sfratfnrd , 41 S, Marys 19 St, Marys 111746) 14 St •Al ford (11745) 7 Zur; cdi 110,11114 High single: ra, lilesorYC reedi. ion I :136 High tripas-. 1r. 'Murray if4t. alars.s, sus MIXED LEAGUE Con! Oar s (T. Burke 7871 5 1Thift. Doses ID, Wells 654) .... 2 ChekensGras. et t 735) , .. 7 TIndgers 114. Penhale 11191 „ „ 13 one trot ers +M. (;Inver 6381 .. 5 tirhi‹ R Hilda 1h. Munro 6011) 2 '1't-k is! ors ,1. Campbell 5121 5 14ot Toddies (.5. Gunn 625) 3 FRIDAY NITERS NighteugaleS IP • Hamathei 51111 5 Poppet:es IM, Horkev 4971 'l'np cats • A. lionianiuk 5611 S Alley Girls 04. Pl1iatrault 4011 3 The Jokers ill, ;Saude,r 545) 5 the lsarlsonea (M. Bridges 5561 2 BANTAM BOYS ' Rocket s (Jim Darling 3771 3 Bitic jays (lack Ds r.lng 2351 2 Tigers 1.11. Moore 257) . 0 Night Hawks (11.ick Weber 3491 5 WIlk3.0fLtS (1), Kirk 115 ) (I Silver Darts ID. Hinton 111) 5 Silver Darts -- , , • - • -: • .8 Hite Hawks .. I Rockets . ..,. 6 Fine .Jaya 4 Wildcats .. ...... .... ....... - ,......., 3 High singie: Rises weber (111) High double' Jim Darling (3571 BANTAM GIRLS Farquhar 260) 5 Sparrows ( C. Holtzman 174) . 0 Owls Ferguson 2421 ..... 5 Larks (R. Whiting 152) canaries (a, Sweet 1.3):) . Robins (.1. Waver 196) .. ( '. anarles • • ' • .• • .... 30 Chickadees 18 t .B.obins SParrOWS . ......... , balks ..... High single: .1', Ferguson (181) High double: L. Farquhar I 260.1 JUNIOR BOYS 8. GIRLS T - Birds (D. I.. Campbell 321; 5 Pin Busters 11-', Schroeder 260) 't Dodgers IL. Wells 105; , „lets (R. Durand 326; . ...... 2 SENIOR BOYS & GIRLS Dynatniters I), Wright 3S0) . 3 Cool Cats (P. 31cFalls 447) ,.. K-em,-Dow ns Ilosar 477) 5 LUCAN LANES C. Basta oran t Freeman. 575) 3 Agrien (.1. (tykes 5014 . 0 Dairy Inert 114, McDonald 6121 Hot Shots 1(. Hodgins 6111 , II Legion N. Carling 607 . 3 Vit e Eaters NV, Hickson 504 ,. 0 Rex Ill. G1e(11110 ;0,1 ) Duffers Ainsurinjohn 500) Haft). men Legion Shamrocks .9 1Voodbutt hers Lumber 1:inive ('Slurs! Restaltrrint 7 Hot Shots 5 Mote: 4 Hex I )1t1 f g .kgritm . . Fire TI:411 ern nigh single' It. Gledhill 129,61 High triple, 11 Gledhir 1681 • LADIES' LEAGUE ;4:venires •A. Zuhal 1821 A. es )- Balommr(B, W tson 216) 211 Ramblers (S. Really 25111 19 Shamrocks I F. Arnold 2121 . ,16 C. t'ot'es 1.1. Simpson 30111'5 I.Pg.orn It es ID I`rmlgr 31t) . 12 B1111111014 T NT. -Ca! )1t1¢ 201,1 11 Sou: T.11ks 1F. Wraith 244 . 11 H1;0, Bop,: r MoodY 191'1 1'7' Diamonds IM 1-1 origins. 214 The Clow ns 11,, BPS mgt. on 73) High single; 1, Simpson (304) High triple' M. warms (599) eS47'51rSI1177.2r7s's• Report on a sa,16...'wetentall .Personal items Aire. George Sherritt -of Cal- gary arrived en Friday eves Meg to visit with alr. and Airs. Herbert Harlton and other rel- atives and friends in this porn munity. Mr. and Mrs, W. P. Reid of Lakeport, were Sunday and Monday visitors with. Air. and Mrs, Hugh Morons. Mr. Roy Rats and Mr. Cliff Russell are home after a sties cesaftd moose hunt at Matach- ewan, Northern Ontario, Mr. Roy Comfort and. Miss Marilyn Cook of Fenwick were Sunday visitors with his sisters, :Airs. Jack Pickering, Mrs. Mil- ton Sweitzer, Mrs. Stuart _Sweit- zer, their husbands and fami- lies. Mr. David Sheppard of Tor. onto. spent the. weekend at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sheppard. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Kers- lake and family of Elimville visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Finkbeiner and Mr. and Mrs, 'Ekron Hodgins of Woodstock were Sunday 'vis- itors with Mr, and Mrs, Her- brt Elerlton. Mr. and Airs. Jack. Smith of Woodham were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bert Harlton. Mr. and Airs, Jack Smith of Woodham visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Wray Sweitzer and family, The family of Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Harlton held a sur- prise dinner party on Monday night at their home in honor of Mr, Hatton's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Love, TOM and Bob of Parkhill and Miss Barbara Love of Toronto were Monday evening visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Ross Love and Kathryn, LUCAN LANES COLLEENS (October 10) wingdings IA Wissel 577J . Tee Tappet's (T. .Hodgins 445) 0 Little Shots (Ti, Hodgins 565) „ 4 T op Fiv e I Af, Carling' 486) 1 AILSA CRAIG MEN Whd Cats t M. lulls 431) Black Panthers (H. Dixon 486) LADIES' LEAGUE Harmony (see. (.1. Borland 520) l'utoucliables 1.1, Gibbs 505) . 0 Hot Shots (P. Schroeder 452) , .. 2 Braves (G. Alasse 4871 . ... . Pit exrackers (N. Trott 632) Westerners 'R'. Gill 501) 2 Toms Gunning 6691 , ..„ 6 Legioneties (1'. Clarke 601) . Flreoraekers . .„ ,„ 17 A70111,, 16 Le.glOriett es 1.2 Harmony GA:a ...... 21 1 'ntottrhahles . Braves 9 Hot Chats .............. 7 "wesierners „ . 6 High single: 0. Gunning (227 High triple: 0. Gunning (60) By MRS. J OHN TEMPt,EMAN Mrs, Lizzie Campbell and. BeRa, .Setiforth visited on Fri- .da y with Mrs. Mary Ten1Ple- man. Teresa and V :a i.e. x .1 a Ann Scott, Cromarty, spent a week with their aunt anti tutele, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Agar, Relatives from Hamilton and. Toronto visited over the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bowman!. Pupils from the It ibbert schools enjoyed a holiday on Friday while the teachers at- tended a convention in ate Exeter Public School. Fay Templeman visited over the weekend with Carol Ann Vivian. Mr, and Mrs. John Temple- man and family visited on Sun• day with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tem.plem an, Maxwell. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Templeman were Miss Marga- ret and James Miller, and Air, and airs. Will Miller, Cromer- ty, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller and family visited on Sunday evening with Mr. and. Airs, Ken Dunean and family, Kirkton. Sunday evening visitors with Air. and Mrs. John Templeman were Mr, and Mrs. Robert Ma- yer and family, Thames Road, Mrs, Carter Kerslake, Mrs, Gerald Agar, and Airs. John Templeman attended the local leaders training school on "Win- dow Treatment" held on Tues- day and Wednesday in the Col- isium at Stratford. Quite a number of ladies from the UCW at Staffa at- tended the meeting at Roy's United Church on Wednesday evening last, Teens plan masquerade By MRS. ROSS SKINNER ELIMVILLE The Elimville Messengers held a successful cookie and candy sale on Saturday with proceeds amounting to $14.25. The Hallowe'en masquerade \ ',till be held on Friday evening in the church basement. Personal items Mrs. Howard Pym entertain- ed a number of ladies last Thursday evening to a demon. st1.411°11,ed Mrs. Floyd Cooper attended the Schoenewnes-Lux- ton wedding at Owen Sound on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Cooper visited on Saturday with Mr. and Airs. Al McDonald and family at Owen Sound, The Elimville Teen Town Hal- lowe'en dance will be held. Sal• urday evening 9-11,30 when prizes will be presented to those in costume, Airs. Beatrice Munn and Airs, Thomas Drover of Chiselhurst visited on Monday with Mrs. Thomas Bell. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wolfe of Valley Stream, N.Y., after spending the past week with the latter's mother, Airs. Thos. Bell, left earls' Friday morning for their home. Mr. and Airs. Almer Pass- more visited with Mrs. Ross Merrill of Clinton, who is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospi- tal, London, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cowdrey and Bobby of Woodham visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Knight, Mr. and Mrs, William Roh- de and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Benneweis of Bornholm on. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Jeffery visited with relatives in Sar. nia and Port Huron on Thurs- day, Mr. and. Mrs, Bert Chadwick of Crosswell, Michigan, and Happenings in .1.,,RAGUE "A" GROUP • mniarth, .B, PooleY 617) Hensall 121. Baker 6121 Stx 113. Holtzman sssi se. Huskies, (13. Farmihar 710) Tradesmen ((1. Rriotnell 7391 A Specials IR. .1ory 5711 LADIES' LEAGUE "A" LEAGUE Lurky Strikes FAstc. 536) Be Bops 1,11, Holtzman 593) Pills IL. Sun)); 652) . , Trailers t.1, Cronyn 6494 N, Hawks tB. Sangster 5211) Happy Cals in. Munroe 560) Frisky Six rB. Coughlin 5-In) ,.., Hot Dogs II. Campbell 513) .... Wee Hopes (N.. ('a'clwel, 7r,.3 'Merry Maids .( L. Fincombe 68g) Clint nn .. 7 0,-,editnis ...... ..... ... ..... , • , ..... 0 r(oderieh .. MItebell ................ 2 clInfrin flatle t 27 tt-nrWtir.11 s 11761 I ..... .........,.... 1.7 Exeter c 1146:11 ...... .., 15 Ilitr'1101 4 i.1 roll'a tn II ell-inn (11625,, 4 .1 1 4 The jo);.erS 11 jeMppet 14 TKIllgPins (C. Walker 7391 1'00 Ca18 .12 Pepsis Lt. Coughlin x:971 1 'Nigh (en gales • Stipert est IT. .I.Nrrell 60) 4 The 1-7,art v oiles SpdreK (13. Nienl 1134) 0 Alley Girls 7 3 }Ugh single: A. Rornaniqk (2; 53 High triple: .1. I nanink 1501/ High single: 1). 'Brim 1337) High tripie: R. Collingwood (7641 Bombers t.1. 0 rassicit 318) „...„. 6 H idden score• F. Jorgensen Kingpins ( D, Wolfe "JO) ... . Bombers . ....... .. . . ... .......... In T-Birds In Dodgers 5 Pin Busters 3 0 Jets I 7 Kingpins . .... .. . 0 5 High single; R. .Durand (2(191 4 High double: p. L. Campheq 4 112,1 4': a cker.ia,c1,s ( Pl. Caldwell 333 ) 4 Blowers ( 1. hoarier -4921 , e , ill ,..,, ea It.: nri C),ioker404 ..... 2* (pills 4, 1.1114a 21 11111'P '11110Irm' .... 1/i' I.! .1 Pli.Pr3:4.,k•• rk 13;nbpIrmfprri• 11 *Pw•tsters 6=.m ere 1-1o, Tarldies . 11 ?)edgers . ... ... .., . 1 :kfi.er 3. Mali Pintl*: - la. teretvett via; T. Merest aril h triple: '1'. Burke fess ) 1,sirilea' high single: V. -Stagg (Zsia ',1 Leritea' high triplet At. <Stover tent) .., ............ 1it iii Pin Fopperies I P. Haugh 5401 5 Strikers ( B. Farquhar 352) .... • 3. f ir,V,ettes ;G. Smith 5101 . comets (I1, Sanders 334) ..... . Flits .. ..• . . 31 1 iymarnit Pt' . . . . 7 Ha :my Gals . 311 I:neck-cm-Downs .- Pin Poppet( es St nice; S . . 5 Hot 1 Ings 5 Avingdings .... ... . „....... ..... .., 15 . t'ord Cats 2 'l'op Five 6 Trailers 4A-' ol °n'ileLtss The TOP Tappers . N Ha w ks 5 Fie Sops , High single: E. Gosar 0051 Little Shots .... .......... ,.. , .. 4 Frisky Sis, High double: H. Gosar (477) High. single: C. 'Wissel (276) Merry Maids . 17 'High triple; C. Wissel 1636r Roller les 15 High average: C. Wissel ((96) Lucky Si rikes 11 Wee Hopes . ... .. . ...... . 11. High single: 1,, Smit 11 (2701 Hidden single; R. Coughlin "B" GROUP jr);)r. Six III. skinner 576) , 7 •1-1;01 Hopes(rd. Bogart 500 ) „.. L. Kings O. Nurse 5241 . 2 W.butchers (R. Woodward 663) 1 Lucky Six 1,1, Hodgson 622) D. Dare .))evils -McComb 403) C. Supers (A, flocigins 645) Chevy 161gbIs 11). Collins 603) . MEN'S LEAGUE Shamrocks ( FL Rolling's 595; 3 Hotel IA, Gilmour 479) 11 BO4 Lour= (N, Lewis 612) B. Bombers a), Lewis 559) ..... Wingdings 10 Toe Tappers 5 . Little Shots 4 Top Five 1 High single: /1). Hodgins (255) High triple: A. Wissel (587) High average; A, Wissel (201) (October 174 Top PINPS 31, Carling 547) Wingdings (1', NVIssel 61St Little Shots (t.. Blake 495) Toe Tappers ('r. Bodging 397) (The \ )' Bights ... , , ..... .. 10 Clandeboye, Supers I Lucky Six 7 Brinslev Bombers 7 Wild rats . . ...... .,....,, , '7 Bottoms VP 6 Devizes Dare Devtle .. ...... a Black Panthers .. . .. ,.._ (1 High single: 1), Collins (274) High triple: A. Hodgins (6,18) GB LANES Sit iif Ei tit It makes good sense for a wife 10 be well inforined about her husband's insorance. Her security is the number one objective and it's through her budgeting sti skill that money can be set aside for the future, If you and your husband would like to review any or these duestions, just call the Man from. Matte factererS, You'l 1.11f117d him a competent and friendly adviser, ...about her hosbaricrs life insurance. How many "I don't know's" would you score on this test? .1. Ilov, many policies does yout husband own? Does he have group insurance where he works? How much is the total amount of protection provided? 2. Are any of his policies just temporary? How old will you be When this temporary protection terminates? 3. Is your husband's life insurance coordinated into a program? Is there a part ear-marked to pay off the mortgage; to educate the children? Bow much income would it pay now? How long would it last? A. E. Pym, C.L.U, Representative EXETER Tel: 236-0395 if * A "Pi t Ca'MPAPY 144 Masquerade party The story in hipka. at Thames. Road UC Staffa I 7