The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-10-25, Page 2a Give to UNICEF the .children are The Sherwood Roars . 0 0 ENJOY FAMILY-STYLE DINNERS EVERY SUNDAY All You Can Eat Plan your next cho.s s athletic s ffic de T11.11 16-year-a:(1 SHIMS IA vice-president of the girls' clent.s uere elected to the top group, while her counterpart on poaitious on the school's athle- the boys' executive is Barry tic societies this week and will Brintnell of Kirk'on. be in ear.ge of the groups 'who The dau-a'o- of Mr, and Mrs !els alter travel arrtmgements Ruth Anne has fra• the athletic teams and make -"" Sal mon, holm. izanr _. completed her grade eight piano ;,acne -• and is a member of the Cat!oinne datt.gh- Dashwood band and the SILDHS 'lint of Mr. artti Mrs. Fred Sint- orchestra, mons. Exeter, will !wall the Da‘.e A trumpet is the 12A miss sines m the school glee anon of lIensail holds the top club and plays the piano and for the boys. teaches at Sunday School. She The Exeter miss , tae also played on both the volley- star at the school and has three chami.),,,„. .'" ball and basketball teams last ships arose entering sehonl, A year. gt';1e 1'.1 student, Caralynne Barry, another 12A students. a1,0 compet ,„1 „a l ast ye,es is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Win- volle;11.Lil and basket- son Brintnell. Lie quarterbacked halt= a.quads anti. Is a member the junior football team last rot the efieerleviling team year and also plays baseball, She KITH on tho pa per stair The secretaries on the stn. "l i ve i navnn dent groups are two Exeter -p i•eginInni an i n youth,, Linda Walper and John the ellitir and as a member of IleeNallghtell. the N'F'L.. nresertly tr..- They both have served as tr;-.: her ..rale eight piano exa- vice-presidents of their classes trwia! ions . in previous years and both are :he F.on of Mr.. and avid musicians. Linda has pas- .. Nrs. Keltit Buchanan. is also an sed her grade eight piano and a...1 was top scorer sings in bath the glee club and nn 'a-t junior boys' has- the James Street choir, while kethal: rntri John plays the clarinet in the The 12 1. s:tident pie' e, junior school orchestra. !%s• year and is one of The Exeter miss is the daugh- :itoiling. rasa receivers on ter of Mr. and Mrs. Norm Wal- t,,, • tar's .error squad. The per and she is a member of • fr.t.r.sa"; !.ettlit also participates the cheerleading, squad, She al- ba...0bal so competes in track and field Torn. musicians and is a graduate of CGIT. .teetsienlly inclined John, the son of Hon. C. S tnomber or the group is Ruth and Mrs. MacNaughton, is see- . %are Salmon, rtaliwood, who retary of the Exeter Teen Town :,-. The Washer That's Specially Made For Baby's Care ... Plus Today's Most Wanted Features I TWO-SPEED 1 speed for regular wash, 2nd speed for delicates such as baby's clothes, I ' — 1111111111111111101111100111111111111110111111111111111111 1 11111 NI 1111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111 MM IIIMIIM111111111 1111 111111111MMIIIMIIMMI 111M11 rand . PEED uy of e year! e%%% •","' —40111@nealte-- • 2 Year 'Guarantee on the Machine itaatiaLla • 5 Year Guarantee on the Mechanism • Handy Removable Lint Filter • Heavy Duty Lovell Wringer MFG, SUGGESTED EilIi.CLEING 199.95 Lindenfield's Low, Low Price b uy it ! ! FIEL Romoinuouto 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111 11111111111 1111111111111111111 1111 11111111 11111111111111111111i11111 11111111(11111.111111111111111111111111111M11111111M1 iimmitto om Milt 1 MUM 4 .95 • Year UT1 GUARANTEE AL 5 'Y EAR. GUARANTEE ON MECHANISM $5,00 4p Monthly Phone 2354361 Peoo. 2 The -Timos,Atiyocate, ,Octohor 190 MMAM,741-r^,re- rict kids' 'trick' Montieth 1.. native t A eat for others Alenteith, .84„ •.-- • - long resident of this icomintinit,Y,, HEAD STUDENT GROUPS—The students at SHDHS elected the executives for their I.,‘,o athletic: societies, Tuesday, and the groups will be in charge of arrang- ing transportation and making plans for home games for the school's athletic .t.e.ams. The girls' group is composed of the following, from the left: Lynda West- ?olt, Carolynne Simons, Linda Walper and Ruth Anne Salmon. Missing from the .i5Toto is Eli4ahelli Gosar. The boys include: Dave Buchanan, Barry Brintnell, John •Ac Naughton, Gary Eagleson and Don Wright, • photo competes in public speaking at the school, He is a Queen Scout and is a member of the Exeter Rovers. Both youths are 17 and are in 12A, Look after publicity In charge of publicity for the two groups are Lynda Westeolt helping children! A4ain this year. this will be the theme for many area chit• drcn as they canvass for VIS1- CEF nuHallowe'en night, and they hope the residents will be generous in "shelling out" for the important venture. Last year, students of Exeter, llcn all, Crediton and J. A. H. McCurdy .school, along with sev- eral other area schools, col. holed close to $500 00 to aid needy children throughout the %corm, This w.as not Ntrictly a char- ity, but was only used to help countries help themselves, Cm- ernments of needy countries must request UNICEF aid, and match the contribution with lo- cal goods and services, On the average, aided coun- tries provide tinequivalent of $3.00 in matching funds for every $1,00 allocated to UNI- CEF. Taking last year's figures, this means that area children were instrumental in providing 1,000,000 glasses of milk for needy and improverished dB- and Don Wright, both members of the Learners' of God Sunday School class at James Street U('. Lynda, 17. is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Westeott, RR 1 Centralia, and her favor- ite sport is found at her back door at her father's golf course, She also plays volleyball and competes in track and field. The 12C student sings in the church choir and the glee club. Don,-.15, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Wright, Exeter, and is one of the top bowlers in the area. Last year, he trundled one of the top games ever re- corded in the local lanes, com- ing up with a nifty 400 game. The 1113 student also plays hockey in the Exeter minor league. The final two members of the new executives are Elsie Gosar and Gary Eagleson, who act as treasurers, Elsie is the daughter of. Mr, and Mrs. Joe Gosar, Exeter, and she is another member of the school's cheerleaders and sings in the James Street choir, Gary, 17, son of Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Eagleson, RR 3 Dashwood, has played for the Panthers football teams for the past two years and also plays baseball. A 1213 student, he plays trumpet in the school orches- tra and sings in the glee club. Ile has served as a class presi- dent at SHDHS and is a member of the Dashwood EUB young peoples, then, throughout the world. The same amount would also provide "i'fl vaccinations for 200,000 children or would enable 50,000 children to receive peni- cillin cures for the dreaded Yaws disease. :Plan compaipos Children in Exeter and. Hen. sail will commence their cam- paigns on Wednesday afternoon when they seek donations in ,the two business districts, During the evening they will carry on a house-to-house canvass, as will students in Crediton„ McCurdy school and other cen. ices. The canvass at, :11417011 Park will also seek money to donate n, to Care of .Canada and for sup- port of a Korean, child that has been adopted by the students. Principal Henderson g stated that information would be. sent to each parents and would point out that the donations re- ceived would be divided among the three charities, lie said he hoped that close to 100 percent of the children would be involved in the can- vass. At Exeter, the canvass will be conducted by members of the grade four, five and six clas- ses. Principal Arthur Idle reported that the children will also be al- lowed to parry bags for their own "treats" as well as for UNICEF. "We don't think they should be penalized for doing something good", he stated, pointing out that in some cm tres UNIEF canvassers had to forego getting their own treats. [a all centres where the UNI- CEF campaign is being carried 'out, the children will all carry identifying badges to show that they are authorized canvassers. "There is no possibility of anyone being mistaken", Mr. Idle reported, Last year, with the help of kind neighbors, Ontario children collected $102,000 for UNICEF on Hallowe'en ... money that went to the international Head- quarters of the United Nations Children's Fund in New York and from there went to supply carloads of powdered skim milk to build straight, strong hones; drugs and trained per- sonnel for pre- and post-natal clinics; supplies and equipment to help fight the ancient; di- seases (yaws, malaria and tu- berculosis) that sap the life of children the world over. Certainly an example of chil- dren 'helping children — with the aid of their kind and gene- rous neighbors. Drive as if all children were your ()vim. died in ,St. ;Josephs Hospital. London,. :on Tuesday, October 744,. having, been a patient less than three Weeks. Mr. Moi4leith was born At -US- borne Township on the Thames Road .and had lived there until retiring to Exeter .some years ago. Ile married. 'Jessie. Hamilton of the sante .eommunity whit predeceased hint in 1917. lip was a member .of Thames Road United Church and later of James Street, Exeter, Surviving' are. one daughter, Mrs. Ted (Jessie) Goddard, 11. Orton; two sisters, Mrs. An. urcw Campbell, Exeter, and Miss Helen Monteith, AiiP Craig, and five grandchildren. Funeral services will be held OA Thursday, October 25 at 2 p.m. conducted by lieu, S. B, Lewis, at the ifopper-liockey funeral home Exeter, with in- terment in Exeter cemetery. Pall bearers will be John, Er- nest and Jim Watson, Edgar Monteith, William .Allison and Sillery, In a year the National Fingerprint Bureau of the RC- MP at Ottawa receives about 40,000 "non-criminal" finger- prints and about twice that number of "criminal" finger- prints, eff IIIIMEMIMEMEMINAMIN!rfa MOM BUY YOUR • CANADA SAVINGS BONDS YIELD 5.11% EASY TO BUY ,SIMPLE TO CASH GOOD TO KEEP See: ELMER D. BELL, Q.C. 417 MAIN ST. EXETER. Official sub-agent of 'MIDLAND SECURITIES COXPN.LIMITED ,..1.,, 4 .7.: Our,:ppi,L. . ,,, • i 6 '44 - ' ' .i,V,..t .."' r*,/04 wEpDINGS .„ 0 ,' i", u, • ' ,;.. -; .,,,it,.:,•,* .3.:‘ , , 'firilVittlYPI1-#11P A it,tpky,;priced. I, , , v., 12.30 .4)(7.t.;,sfk,E0i -t: 1,.v?,< , • , a m..,.... . kke. 14:,, GRAND BEN,D HIGHWAY:, i;osI.,,,Yoll„ no more and Operf -0 1 ' '.. .' 'tit -tiuoiii-siyfe, . p.m Daily MEETING OR PARTY IN THE Sherwood .„4 Room AT THE REVENT SC*URS IN NEW CALVES To prevent or treat calf scours and bacterial pneumonia, the calf should receive one AUREO- MYCIN OBLET or AUREOMYCIN-SULM1,11T- VITAMIN SCOUR OBLET 1 to 3 hours after birth. This is a good routine practise. The use of a balling gun, as shown above, facilitates administra- tion of the OBLET, Ask about the Cyanamid reed-Health Dairy Pro- gram, your complete guide to disease control, EXETER lj1$111CT COORDINATED FEEDNHEALTH PROGRAM