HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-08-04, Page 2$1. { HURON SIGNAL. . - asM a character tet Ibis meth.' mid .. rt i. the *paries el e per- tioai of the pima, that they were " get p" by tie Goeono.at. [Much appleme.] We ere sot here to-eig , said he, as ors our trial, but bare cow to runt the marks of your approbation mad to be cheered oo by your gond will to put upon the amide book acts, of is more important kind, than these even which bad been placed there during the let steaiuu. You Lase been at tine time told that time was no unanimity in the governrneat, and now, you are told that that unaurmily was at- tained at the sacrifice of principle. He bad not done so nor would he ever. The question that was now before the country, was not so much whether they would re- tain the present administration in power, but whether they would bare • progreseiye one or not. '1'be question or the people to ink, was, was the goverou.cnt a ataud still one, if it was or should ever arrive at that cooditioo it was their duty to place other and better men in power ass gorern- meut. They had bad much opposition par- ticularly on the Representation Bill and every effort had been made to defeat it by those wbo dare not vote against, but who obstructed it in Lower LToupe and after- wards use their beat endeavours through the means of those with whom they were in league in the Upper House, to defeat it there. With regard to the Clergy Reserves, every thing that nould be said had tees ut- tered to order to prejudice the public mint. It bad been stated that they meant to have the quaeuoa '•tiled and that the aeuurea of the goverment bad been cal culated for the purpose of dslaytog the set clement as much as poalbte. But tb• very success of their m•a.u,er, is the beat proof of their correcinees aid aim, sod no ole who bad read the debate* in the Howie -of Lord*, could for s moment believe that a Bill would ever have been passed by them if it had been sent. It was certain that all the Bishops would have nppoaeJ it, for they would in effect have been called upon to sanction the voluntary principle, but under the resolutions such was not the cue, the matter was treated rotirely a a local affair, aid they now bad tho power to deal with then) as they thought best. As to the mode of settleineet, the government one 'bat point were deciei and united—they would be secularized. (Immense appleue.) If they wanted further v.udicatiuo, they could turn to the statute bouk—there would be found the Railwvy Act -the Mu. n cipal Act—the Roads Act, sod really other measures which commend themselves to abs good sense of the coon'ry at large Ir- respeetise of party. Bot in iso measure - they had peened, did they seek for thus legi.Istion. (Great applause.) The op ponente of the government were as much benefitted by thmu as they 'were them- selves. Ou the con'raryetbe opponents of the government did wish fur legislation, end 'ought to elevate one or two sects to such °weer or °suers agreed apes or awards dm Iwo s twsbNie lib boat, white teas arrived, wed led M more Malty quarters. as - outage a u! ear kind lin ha r g neat preceding Sec luau t Glia Sed% Ica b award, or rosy w any the price of or u oompeoaesiers jar `s - bet that ala swamped, and the ropes tater may t►tmb conducive s to any lard w uthel real g whit► it was held Mcieue tutaugleJ is se the damages fsterrdd W a all slasd is the pia, a thereof, y foal acid r.N . a u,elra►. bt the award, or those for whether• lila bands of the \t i bottomed led was at oras jtttas leeieipllg;tura lowered down,but was un(OrluaNfl s6, uld they oxiur) the said sweet Corpwstioe or to any party to whoa" the eNowed to drop t..o low down, asd 1 or 0011313 will be ciao/ed to recover further. alp .ball bare hue paid, be subbeet to aide current or eddy carried tt arosud t damage's ; ani if any damage not covered by all mach limitations and charges to which l log and the rope became eutangled, nut h award should ttereioalter be suffered mei lead or other real property was sub- wail all the young saute efforts he wee' by the owner or owners of such proeerly ee wet, and from which the Muuicipal Cor- able to eatrieate it, althouglt'ha took by the liudia; 01 the .fury as heruisa(Ier poraliwt shall be di,cbargrd, his cwt and laboured like a hero. Find - whether by reason of the ezereise XXX VII. And be it enacted, 'That int himself unable to get the boat free be by the Corporatiou ul the power* which is wbeurvrr any person rated un the Assess- stepped into the water and exerted bis such notice as aforesaid they shall have de-went-Rollof any Aleuuijality or place whole strength to louse the log but with- clared their iutenduu to exercise, or of any Mali object to the. passage of any By-law, out grad.. A *.alt was then constructed of forther power. such owner or owners elan the passing of which is to be preuedrd by pieces of timber and lowered down, so be entitled to recoser the amount of such the applteatioa of a certain °umber or that Le got upon it, and in a sitting pos- danu;cs from the said Corporation, 001 -NO sea of the rateable inhabitants of such ewe IavLvJ himself to it. But upon mov- e at ta.diug Uie.p.aymeut of the bolo award- • Msrieipetity or place to be affected by such ing iLe 1 alt, it caught u ou the rocks ed by the said Arbitrators, or found by By-laaw, be abaft, on petition to the 'Town- and could not be stirred. 1:Lis was about such Jury: And provided also, thirdly, that ship or other Muuipal Couucit to that ef- 4 o'clock, p. an., and front that moment it the plead of such Corporation shall ne- (eco, be at liberty to attend before such Le was in a more perilous situation than gleet to appoint an Arbitrator for the Gor- Council (or • Committee thereof appointed before. Ile remained in ties position uu- loration within such tune as aloresud, OF for the purpose of bearing .evidence,) at it about six o'clock wheu a large ferry the said two first mentioned Arbitration the time at which such proposed 13y -law is boat was lowered down, and, as we liiuk, shall be enable to agree or shall not agree intended to be passed, and to produce evi- tarelvssly a!luwed to strike the upper end Komi anal appoint a third an aforesaid, or the deuce before such Couocil or Committer, of the raft, which caused it to sink iu the said thtce Arbitrators or the majority of to show that an) of the signatures to the water; when young Avery unloosed the thein stall be uuable to agree or shall not application for such 13y -law are not gesu- cord, which bound bis to the raft, he •e- ugrce upon on award within the time afore- due, or have been obtained upon false air cured a temporary foot hold, and stool raid, then aid in every. such case it shall incorrect statements or representations, or erect and turned nearly round, but it was he lawful for su.5 person or persons so in- that tbe ueceseery and proper notice of the oily a temporary delusion, for he lost his tcrestcd a, aforesaid, to ineeitute a special application bin not been given, and that held and was carried down with the cur - action on the caeg at !-ave against the Muni- the proposed By-law and the objects there- rent, bciug a portion of the tithe in an eipal ('ouporation by which such. By -Law by intended to be carried out are contrary erect posture, until he arrived near the shall have been passed, and such action to the wishes of the person. whose Signa- brink, win aim raised himself, tbrowiug shall be sustainable whether any entry shall lure, have been so obtained, and that the his extended arms, gave a fearful sere be trade under Set By -Low or not, or reinaiomg signatures do not amount to the and seemed to exert himself to leap as whether any use she!! be made of such pro- number, nor represent the amount of pro- as possible, but was caught in the wa . perty under such lav -law or not, and if uo perty necessary to authorize the passing of and drawn wader the sheet but a fres rush entry or use other au for the pur- aucb By-law : And whenever the Council below where the perpendicular fall of 1 pose of survey shall- be proved at the trial of the Township or other Municipality, water commences. 'Thus ended the t oti'ucb action, thea the Judge who .lull before which such person .ball have ap- gm scene. try the same ,La!1 certify the want of such peered, shall be satisfied upon the evidence The effect upon tie multitude, who proof upon the r: cord, aid in such case a adduced, that the application for the Lay- been standing upon the shores all day. shat! and may be tomtit' for such :Municipal law does not contain the names of a sutfi- few of them" even retiaing for their mei Corporatiou, at any tune alter such trial, cient.number of person,, obtained withorit is ,described by an rye v fitness as truly and until four cale...lor months after the reu- fraud and in good faith, representing the feeling. Exclamations and lames tati dering 01 judgement upcn such verdict, to requsite amount of property, who are de- simultaneously from the assembled mu repeal such 13y -law, or so much thereof einem of having such By -Law passed, or tude--ladies wept aloud, and stern in as relates to or affect the properly in goes that the due and sutlictent notice required hood was melted into tears. tion, and to withdrasv the notice given to by law has not been given, theu it shall Who ran imagine the thoughts of 1 the owner or covens thereof, and to tender not be lawful for the Council of such Town- young tnau, alter chosiug to bis trail nn!!_pay to the l'laiutiff in such action or to aliip or other Alunicipality to proceed any aurid the bissing dizzy waters for twin the Plamtif a Atloruey the taxed costs 01 further on such application, nor to peas any four hours, as Ise was contending with t the said Plaintiff iu such action, and from such 13 -I'•- de be bar bilge water pumped out. and Some physicians ay that the disease is wmu - the alivut yellow fever. of BALTI$0aa, Jai) 28. The New Ortens mail of Friday fait reports the arrest of A. M. Ballot, the keeper ot a grocery in that city, who u charged with the murder of Elisa Love,. beautiful girl, with whom it ie mated lialLou lived. 1' a cause of the murder is under- stood to be jealous)'. There were too deaths from cholera at Hancock, in this state, on Sunday last. A valuable vein cf iron ore has been dis- covered in the Cumberland region. Letters from Williamsport, received phia morning, mention that the cholera has en- tirely disappeared from Ibat place. CINCINNATI, July 28. Siicounterfeiters were arrested past night, three miles below this city. In their House was found $40,000 iu counterfeit money, all oo the State bank of Ohio, ex- cept some fives on the Fairfield bank of Cunnelicut. Bogus dies and implements were found, but the plates Lave not been discovered. 'Three ail the party are pent- tentiary birds, and another named Quincy Hurschey was a large sub -contractor on up the Ohio and 5lissi sippi railroad. The ave whole party have been committed to jail. far ! The gang is supposed to be the most daring ter and exteuaive 1n the country. f ttt Tam Beard of Ikelth boar caned the b.* ,111bO urirs. Mirk attired a taw *lays dote tilos Irani Citi(sagba, walk the (aver se I Md, M he mood to theuarantine tbieleaa mth ill below e City. They baa ata ordered bur plaaks to be tore up, and eet PITTSBVRG, July 2S. he 'Two counterfeiters from Detriot, 1Lcha re- gen, were arrested here tibia afternoon, hay- had Iiug in their possession $3,000 m couuter- frit •' twos" oo the bank of the Espire but State. They had passed a large quantity Is. in Brownville, l'a. af- \\'ASHISGTor, July 28. one A motion was made in Court this morn- 16- ing, by the counsel for Dr. Gardiner, to an- continue the case; on the ground that there was no prospect of the return of the Mexi- hatcan Cotmnissrou at preseut. The court de - bold i dined, because the Commission was es- te- i petted. be It is understood that the squadron sent and after aec6 teuJrr oepayment the 11 u. y strong elements, might against might, stn= XX XVIII. And be it enacted, That it •ring for sweet life—the waves proving 1 nicipal Corporation against whom each ac- shall and inay be lawful for any Member of , poaverful, and slowly approaching the bri tion shall be brought shall be discharged 'the Municipal Corporation of any City, j which was to dash Lim to the yawni from the damages which' shall be *mewed 'Town, Township or incorporated Village gulph. in such action, and the Ia.nl orotherreal N'e learn that his body has since been property aforesaid shall be and remain as if the consent of the majority of the Mem- picked up below the Falls, having floated no such 13y -law had been passed, and no hers of such. Municipal Corporation, signi- near the Canada shore.—Lockport Cour. eotry or other use of aucb land or other tied by such consent being entered on the real.property for the pnrposesof such first Minutes of their proceedings, to resign his ARRIVAL OF '!'HE S'TEAMSHI mentioned By -taw, shall be lawful after the situation as a" Member of sash Corpora - * P asscssscnt 01 such damages by the Jury, thou, and the vacancy occasioned 'by such `,Sl -k' uatiLthe amomit of the. damages assessed re'tgnation shall be titled at in the case of arid the, cbsts of the Plaintiff in welt fiction the natural death of such Member. NEW Yotl, F Jnly n ..9.• shall have been levied Ly the Sheriff or paid YYYLC. And be it further enacted, The . from Liverpool, Friday 16th or diec,tarred:or'law,ully tendered' to the That none of the provisions of the fourth amredwt wharf.. 10.'clockhstorm. i r Plaintiff air the Attorney for the Plaintiff or sixteenth Sections of " the Upper C.t the weather lin become been rather scot w such•aetion; and the Jury trying any such nada Muaita Corporations Law Amend- the marketahad become fir and corn bra case soy gist. a special verdict defining the 'Dent Act of 1851," shall be held to alfcct + the full rtes n last creek, and what t damages which such. verdict shall or shall or apply to soy By-law or By-laws passed I duced one penny. Weste3. rn 6d. our 3 • tot cover, as hcreiobetisre provided with re.- or enacted; by any Municipality oe \lune- I 6d.21s. 1s a `71Un ed. States' wheat 7s. Soar •J spect to the award of Artfttraturs, end in cipal Corporation in Upper Canada, under a seal nuinuer al they shill deem most con- tIe•authority of or,for any of the purposes Id; eased and red, 7e.4d, a 7s. 9d; Ca slued** to jushcc as regard .both patties to mentioned in the Act of the Legislature ' 32 7d: Corn white and yellow, 3 the action... of this Province passed is tbe Session tali it a. The. lfylure stair of the mark XYYVI ; And be it enacted, That , the said Legislature Bolden in *fourteenth f w de entirely on the weather. shall be lawful forall C'orpora•ious and per-. and fifteenth years of ller Majesty's ltcigu { •Paovtstoss.—Beef, small purchases, sons whatso:cr, tenants in tail or for a life iuled, " in Act to enable Municipal) !or prime; shoo dere neglected. a IllOs or lives, guarduses, committees and trioCorporationsm Upper Canada to coutract Lowoov MONEY \IAKnEi'.—English tees, not for and on behalf of themselves debts to the Crown in the purchase of feeds steady. ion their Brits abibuecessors,but also for 515,1 Public -Works, without imposing a special I for accuuhtr sols close) 1-5 higher on behalf of those gLont. they repre4eer, rate or tax for the payment of the sSme," whether infauts, issue unborn, lunatics, or to any debts, bonds, deeds, covenants idols, (emrs covert, or other pervme who or other securities, contracted, made or shall be seized, possessed of or entitled to executed to' ller Majesty, Her Heirs or err interested in any lauds or real property Successors, under the pronMons of the last t` which Roder the next preceeding onions, mentioned tet, or tor any of the purposes or any provision or enactment ol•the upper j therein mentioned. Canada Municipal 'Corporations Act, ort XL. And be it enacted, That in this any of them, may be taken by any Munici_ t Act the .word " Township" shall include Aird Cori/oration without the consent of the any- union of Townships forming a single owner thereof, to c0btiaet for, sell and con- ! Municipality, and the word t! County" shall in Upper Canada at anytime, by and with to the fishing grounds is intended to be 00 permanent. nk,, ng1 AUSTRIA. HIGHLY IMPORTANT—AUSTRIA DE- CLARED AGAINST TURKEY. A startling -piece of information was published in !'aria, on the 9tb, in three Go- vernment journals, the Pays, Constitu- tionrwi,sod J''arie, all of which announce that M. de Bruck, who was supposed to have. been sent to Constantinople with con- ciliatory instructions, opened his mission m7' by making fresh demands upon the Porte. Se This pretended mediator now demands stu- bs: mediate payment of tire millions of pias- tres due to Austria, and possession of the ,ports of Kkck and Soutcrina, on the Adriatic—lo fact, renewing, iu more po- oa sidle terms, the demands tonnerly refused et to the mission of Count Leinington. This startling intelligeuce is thus given by the Pays: We. receive from Constantinople, under date of June 25, news, the gravity of which imposes upon us a certain mistrust as -to its truth, or at least, a reserve in com- municating it, which our readers will ap- preciate. This news relates to the atti- tude assumed by Austria in the questioo " which for the - Lis last three months, bas threatened the very existence of the OL , Home trade good, --export crippled. The Eastern question remains in stat grio—nothing authentic going on iu t reepwt. Lord Jolm Russell stated Parliament that it was by no means at Mend still; but nrgocialans were going o In - tuman Empire andke;t al Empire, I Europe i s - a l i n us pence. \We are informed that instead 01 n' confining himself to a pacific intervention between the Sultan and the Czar, instead AUDlY'lQNA fa NEWS BY THE " ASv » of proposing the meditation so confidently 1 IA. reckoned upon, which appeared to oe the i which are earwig enough to be psuur, asd teat e.eugb to desire peace with -oat 4_01ebb amuse them of weaker/se.Int N1i WV samwaee rree up ageism es •U7, 15. &teem 04 'boo o a impaled e• thea 1$ ts'wtlea, asd the eata'seee of whom is tesportast for the repose sad most sacred tatereem el g trepa, se per•ee will iappesa that they would allow SCSI to be acoum- pkohed which, wider whatever form diet us aaoyshould succeed in leaseumg cheer Im- port, would constitute a mew impresewn, sad • at.niteat coalition against the Sul tae's Euspire. HURON SIGNAL. THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1853. " BROWN," A TORY COLOR. The election at Leeds - has terminated in favor of Mr. Deloog, the Ministerial candidate, by an immense majority over the Conservative and Tadpole caddi. dates. The result is taken up by the Globe as an argument in behalf of b s fa- vorite policy and be urges now, that the Conservatives should be fully aware that their cause is hopeless, that they should ponder the matter and decide whether a new organization, a new platform and new principles are not wanting. This `M very sensible no doubt in the Globe, but even should lbs Coorerratives delusively hope to reap any advantage from a more open co-operation with their trai- torous ally and change their tactics to that end accordingly. What strength would their party gain 1 Would the Reformer., who have been imposed upon and deluded by the Gkdr, any longer continue to swell his train after they had been sold with all their dearest rights by their betrayer into the hands of their former enemies? We de- cidedly ttiuk not. The Globe would lose even the trump of his shortened tail and Mr. frown would stand out in bold relief without a single reform supporter, fully re- cognised as what be has all along proved himself to be, an intolerant Conservative. Ile evidently insinuated himself into the Iteform camp for the purpose of creating a division in the ranks of the friends of progressive measures, By craf t and misrepresentation he lora time gained the disparagement oI the other [renewe applaurej but no pelt of their policy hs met nab so much oyaosition, hid brough down upon them to much uninterrupted o loquy as the Railroad measures. it ha been mated chat it was • job, for the pu pose of benefitting tbo Eog:.s6 contra tore, -but what were the simple lams that we bail granted them power to mak the road, is dutog which some £'10,000,0 would be expended, one fourth of whsc only was guaranteed by the Proi.nee, u then to cover that guarantee they had the first mortgage on the real, and yet the was called a job and a bad bargain. 7'h English Contractors w to are shrewd fa seeing men. arc sanguine of the success o the undertaktog. but before they could liar any Jrsidende, the province was steered and the chance of any loss accruing to rh prevent was so • email that it scarcely could arise; Tee contractors had to rx. peed their own money and nut ours. Tba- Eccle.rastrcal corporations were next brought under notice to speak:ng of the Three Rivers Bill be •bewed that the Part,honcra•were not tax ed ode farthing mnre than previously, and that the only effect of the 1111 was to faci- litate an arrangement between the Bishop of the Dtoceae and thepanahooere for the purpose of trotting their funds so as to be able to erect a Cathedral in place ofa Par - tab Church, the pari.honere flailing £3000 for which they were habit under the old law, and the rest coming out of the pocket ot'he Bi.b. They bad opbeen told time and often, that no confidence was to be placed on the Low- er Canadians, but what were the fact', that on every measure fartbenng the progrea of reform in Upper Canada, they had voted with us to a man on the Representation hill but one Lower Canadras vote was given against it, but if as waij Lower Canadian vote. had been given against It as there were Upper Canadian, the Brll would have been lost. Are we not then indebted for Ibis great measure to our brethren of Low- er Caudat (Much applause.) He felt that to addressing the Reformers of Middle sew for was speaking to old fr:snd.—Ile had gravelly been returned for the ieighbortog county, Ent be had always experienced obs greatest sympathy from the reformer. of Middlesex, Elgin. sed London, be trusted pot that feeling had not subsided but that reformers of all classes would be united, asd thee they would be able to wutbstaed a:l the efforts of their political enemies (Tremendous Cheers.) some, by false and absurd &Jarse he prac- ticed upon the fears of others of the reform party, all the time endeavouring to preserve his real character incognito, though oc- casionally in spite of himself it would appear. But the game is cow up. The farce is over and he now finds that he has faller far short oI the mark be iotgsded and that the once confiding victims of Itis crafty policy are learieg him to reap the ignominious fruits of his toil alone, while they return to their true allegiance. This is abundantly made manifest to every ordi- nary observer of the signs of the times. The cordial greetings which every where attended• the Ministry during their late western tour. The contentment and pro, perity enjoyed by the mass of the popula- tion. The gall and chagnu which has pervaded the opposition Press.ib p rp a zh tin gl the spirit of disappointment which broods ever its dreams. The reception the Min- aterial candidates received at the hands of he constituents during the late elections, arc sufficient iudicalions, not only that the ministry have come through the ordeal of a most difficult session unscathed; but that be reform party is still unbroken and to excellent working order. Tne "Leeds lection appears to have awakened the Globe to the painful conviction that its fac- ies must be changed. He sees that the firm phalanx of Iteform is yet unbroken and is yet as effective as ver and that the independent par ty that teas to [sate been, is not to be found, even the appellation of tadpole being too magei- fieeut for it, although that animal is nearly all head wttn scarcely a0vestige of a tad' acid no body. The mighty bead,disappoioted of this new body at length turns openly and attaches to its kindred_ticsh and will no doubt direst it- self of the scanty relies of its traitorous covering and comm out a full blown cooser- vatiye leader. His own will surely net be uumiudlul of the great services be has al- ready rendered them, and by Ibtir affection- ate assistance he may yet rise to those gid- dy heights of his ambition, which in vain e sought to attain by rendering RtrORM- rs traitors to their cause. PARIS, { only oujcet ui .u. ere urucx s mission to laid orreal.properfy or any part thereof, single Municipality, except where such in- vey tp such Mmiicipal Corporatiou sueb Include an The exchange was firm till near the ^loser sten to St. l'etenbury' uninn of Counties forming a I Ants, friday 15th. Con%fantinople, and Count' m Glulay's i or to agree with such Corporation for terps- ,the Austrian inter- retation would he inconsistent with the w'Iten a pant, arose in consequence of a rue nuncio in Turkey- renewed the demands the sum to be paid(ur .Ili+ damage, ronte*t of etre roactrneut wherein the word odour that Admiral Betrot is squadron bad addressed some times since to the Turkish arising firm the exercise of any power occur., berg ordered to the I3atti by such Alnescipal Corporation iu re- YLi. And be it enacted, Tin) this Act erect of such land or read property which shall come into force and effect upon, from cou'tl be ,exercised by Bach Corpnr. and eller the first day of July one then - stilton in respect of the Same without the sand eight hundred and fifty-three, sad not tor,ent of the -owner the•reof,o► to be validly before. sets ed with aro' notice' from „such Mueici- ----------- - - pal Corporation is reapert of the tak- 1'1H: 'I.\(:ARA FALLS CATAS- in of such L:i:d or otherproperty,or the et- 'l'KOP11E. ei rise of any "melt rower as aforesaid in re- spect of the ..aide uoder any By-law, and to appoint any .1 t bitrator who ought to be ap- pointed, r,r to bins any action which may Iawfa,ly be brougbt,iu respect of such 'a id or real properly and In consequence of such Ily-law or Notice; and ilio any case there be no p': son why, ran act as aforesaid in re- vert of any surh land or other real property, lien it shall be lawful fur the Judge of the event, by telegraphic despatches, and per- An extra issued from this once last a Isar Imo paid to Russia the evenn, containing a brief telegnabee dos_ i to abdicate m favor of his son. first annuity for the cost of the occupation patch from the Balls, • gave the terrible I 1 Ln "In" tD the Baak• of England had of tie Danubian provinces in 1549 and finale of tbe heart rending affair, whit! decreased to X290,000. 1S 0• But the requirements of Austriakept our citizens in a state of bewildering rhe Cit oJGlhsgnir, from Philadelphia do not stop there. It appears that she excitement during the whole afternoon. ' arrived at Liverpool on the 19th lost. has again brought upon the lapis the ques- \We have during the day, learned many NIAGARA TALL*, July 27. ti wonlucb of thewere portsatm ofobBlectecokf aid Souterina, Lein - additional particulars concerning the fearful Thexcurseon train over Canandaigua jCount Di railroaJe, arrived at Niagara Falls at 11,40; ries mission. left Canandaigua at 7.29. This is the first 1' will bo remembered that Austria had train over the road. Ioig coveted these ports which would place e. 1 Le income Goveruntent in the name of the Court of from indirect taxes and revenue, during tbe 1 Vienna by Count Leiningen. '1'be Au,. first quarter of 1853, ez-eeds that of the I trian ambassador, it is said, demands of corresponding quarter of last year by 12,- i the Porte the immediate payment of live e OQO;000 fra.s. millions of piastres as an indemnity, pro- Itt;ssra.—A letter from a Russian Oei- bably oo account of the affair of Mooten- t cer states that as the army would pass the egro. Certainly, the moment is strangely winter there, the officers vrculd send for chosen to exact this pecuniary satisfaction, their wives and families. when the unjust aggressions of ltussia im- Lettcrs from Florence revive the rumour poses upon 'Turkey considerable expense, e that the Grand Duke of Tuscany was about and when sh t ( omit) Court tor the County in which such renal cons-ersatlon with individuals who Lied or property is situate, to appoint a were present durtng the day at the scene - person to act m respect of the same, under of the disaster. this section, on the application of the Muni- At am early hoar in the morning, the N Nigel Corp +ration :and any eoutract, agree- most intense excitement wee created by mint, side, eonveyaarc, assurance or ap. the starduig intelligence, that a man was. ',ointment to be matin, mid any thing done clinging to a frail stump in the rapids jest in ar.y such action uoder the pro%isions of abose the brink of the precipice. '1'bou- u( Dins Scrim still be valid and effectual sands of people gathered ou the bridge, the 11 law to a8 intents and purposes wlatso- Islaed and un the main shore, and remained ever, and any Corporation or prcrso0 act- (here during the day, all in a state of the ing under the authority of this Section, is n est feverish excitement, as the efTnrts to hereby iudcmeificJ fur what he or it "hall save bun pmeressed from time to lime. do in pursuance thereof; I'rovirkd always, Upon, enquiry, it was ascer'amed that the that Li any such case asaferesa'd when the poor fellow was one of three persons be- t rty conveying such land oriothrr real' longing to a scow, and used for taking sand meaty, or ap •ninttns such rbilralor,! clown time river; and who bad got tato a hrnsginr seen action as aforesaid, has! saeall boat attached to the scow about 9 not the ahselutc estate in surb laud or other I o'clock tbe preview evening, and by some teal proiu rtv, the suis agiecd upon or I means got separated from the scow, anal nwarded 10 be pail for Ihn sane or for any 1 ducted into the current and was hurried damages thereto, 'hall not be paid to such 1 town the rapids. As they neared the precipice the hoar swamped, and two of them —Thomas Hein- emann and the other whose name we could not lam, were precipitated river the frightful falls. The other, a lad of 17 years, Joseph Avery, by some ouster. - party shell claim the sale; and execute a ons and wondeirut interposition of l'rort- sahJ aegnillanre teicrefnr, unless seek drnce was thrown upon a sag or log, week Annicipal ('orporatene skall in the areas- had been lodged upon a reek about mil- itate be directed by the ('nurt of;ho- way between the bridge enemies to Goat eery, or other Court Isaetag equitable jw. Island, the prercipaae, rue saaia shire soil Ii,t.ol,on in such case?, to pay over the lite Island. As soon as bin pontos* taloa- ear*. to any psrty, which directors* etch lion wa ascertained, a boat was prepared Mesni,r:tl Cceporati•ts shall obey; and with role rabies, and lowered down fo- re+ blutiicipzl ('are-alio° shell act Ite' wards bon from the bridge, 5.t rt was Im- betpldJlla see to the s?eiiratioe of any is- mediately apart and daubed about with .. loot piM De I(.ee■aed er of any won peed fury among the boding surge. (Alter beet' pk the directrna of the Court of Chea. of (Marcel e003110• 1101/ were primaeval, Court as aforesaid; erre. but met with the sane fate. A $.l.gra- that an seas e1 sweaty phis despatch was thea seat to B.r li tor parte, brit the interest thereof only at six per ern per annum slull he eo paid, and the prop pal shall remain in the hands of the Atha ipnl Corporation, to be paid to the pally entitled to the absolute estate. in seek hind. or real proiierty whenever aunts SAILING OF THE FRANKLIN. NEP, YORK, 30th July. 'The steamer Franklin sailed to -day a nnmt for Southampton and Havre, wit 85 passengers and 853,0110 dollars r .peeve, Bos -roe, 30th July. The British steamship Medea arrive here this morning, it is supposed with des i,atcbee concerning the Fishery question A desperate encounter took place las night between the New Harbor police and the river thrives, who have been boarding and robbing vessels at the wharre•, wearing masks. The robbers were seen leaving a vessel in a boat, and were pursued and cap- tured alter a desperate encounter with fire- arm.. alae robbers firing tire arms and the police returning the same without effect.— ' he robbers were armed with sit barrelled revokers. Each robber had *evens' gold walebes, vet irh they had stolen. Much property was .toles from the brig Mary Wilmer cm 'Tuesday night when the espies was pat to sleep with chloroform. WASHINGTON, July 20th. l'ke President has concluded a eeetraet with Clark Mills for the erertioa in this env of the Statute of General \Vashing- ton, at a cost of fifty thmutnd dollars. 1'1t11.Ai) i.PHIA, July 28. Six more deaths Irmo yellow fever oc- curred hut evening is the rickety o1 South street wharves; the sirlims were all buried Millers daylight the nlnniag. The rapid spread of the discs.* hasceuatd mach es- erletweet end few is the aeighbourh od, and spy hare closed op their houses soil stores in its power the mouth ot the Cattory in the Adriatic, and that in setting the text of treaties at defnoce she demanded the res- titutioo of these ports, notwithstanding the t long possession of Turkey. While these h important intelligence reaches us from Con- s stantioople, certain German journals pre- tend that the A ustrian Government is b marching troops npon the frontiers of Bosnia d and Semis, with an object not yet stated, but which may cover ulterior designs upon • these provinces. \\'e repeat, we retold this news with all prudent reserve- Our reason forbids us to believe that Austna, whose attitude hitherto has been that of a mediating power can all at, Dace abdicate this honorable and concilliato4'y part, to imi- tate Russia, to secohd Rosa, to her pro- ! jects of encroachment, and by ultimate des j mends to complicate with new difficulties a rot olio°'beady atm mod to tech a degree of tension. B it if yiterior teformattoe should eonfirm the first intelligence, that would evidently be is fact which would complicate in a moat Iinioe•r d manner the present its re of abiage. The result would be that two powers ere uniting together to force the Ottoman empnre to desperate reeolte- 1 o.., and to arrive at i is deememb•rment fey demands a. oetoraee" se they are ens *tillable. But to that *see it a problble tkat the pokey of tie ober Courts of Eos rope would declare itself is • far morecbar• aeterutte muner. Prue* and rag hied, op to the moseat owe bare given •tneting Knob of a moderation winch nothing bee been able to tron►I•, sad of a loyalty whin\ teething hes reseed to deviate from the straight hso palsied oast by respect fin ireeiree—the e./egsara of P,,irtpese right, nod tho UYalNeeee N general pewee: .bey have a __ M t• ►,conal bathes all that •upeaeted from tete muesli. THE DI'sfNER AT LONDON. TLte affair, which, according to some of our farseeing contemporaries, was to be nothing and aowbere, came off, no doubt much to their chagrin, ie the most splendid and satisfactory manner, about 260 being present. Wm. Niles, Esq., Warden of the United ''crusta of ,d;ddlesex sed EIgie, was is the Cheer. Jobe Wileee, Esq., occupied the Viee Chair. The teewbera of the Ministry present wire the Roubles. 'Locks, Drummed, Rolph sed Cameron- Tbe Praesieeers' Bead was is altesdaace. The Real preks Bary toasts were given, after which the " Hos. F. Meeks" suc- ceeded. ilio replied with gratification aad pude pee wltnemi.g the manse* i. which the Miaietry had bees received by the Re- formers of Middleset and Elgin ; we will give the Hoe. Gead.*aa's speech as rea- dmitted 4 Nese the Free Pre 3:* d d bet, d c- e1 00' b d The trio Hareems& in titre of Cammda will oadorye i!.. marks with which the t',.. j , op las meow of the Dtnuer : The reacting& Ise taken place, Uh of falsehood and ievectire has passed sad the actions orate Miuietry tea' u their true light mouthed by to dimiuisbed by lute, actives w L , L out heartfelt gratitude said d,,. warmest support. DIED. Ota Wednesday :be 27th ult., staid of Bilious Cholic at Priem, blip L. Capt. George Langdale Marsioud Town aged 38. Tse deceased left 1 aidence and an affectionate Bride to n he had been united only within Ibi lag mouths, a( lbs call of business, and al entry inexcellent health but a few dern or to his decease. After visiting where be felt a slight indiseoeitiou, tat sed the Lake from Port Stanley to (,. land and arrived at Petriut on the ti, , ing of Saturday his indisposition cone to increase and on Sunday he took • simple medicine, but on Monday he unable to leave his bed and a ph„icia„ seat for, who used every exertion but e out avail as the disease had alrcadr great progress. M. Twoom'y, }s,, Goderich was present durinq"tbe lain meats p the deceased. The intrllt, of the dangerous illness of a gentleman much mitered to his fellow'fowu,oa,; was Capt. Marwoodk which arrived herr the Ruby on Wednesday evening, tast'u, deepest gloom over the whole Town. 1! distressed wife accompanied by her fat... and mother left the same Dight by but on arriving at Detriot found to thee inconsolable grief that death had accoe• ;dished his fell work. 'I'Ixy returnee: with the remains of one of the neat swish!* enterprising and beloved gentlrmeu that our Town has had the misfortune to by the Ruby, on friday evening last. '1'Ir afflicted wife has sutTrred greatlyfrom h sudden bereavement &naturetitr her ca. hardly been able to sustain a shock ,o . and unexpeeted. The remains wen lowed to the grave by nearly all the me, iniialaitante of the Town and were interrel in the cemetery of St. George's CbuicL. at the gate of which they were met by th Rev. E. L. Elwood; who officiated ego the occasion. The stores thrnughnatthr eutire Town were closed during the per- formance of these last rights, and it errs evident that the deepest grief pervaded be breasts of every member of the r : muoity, The Freemasons, of which b ., he deceased was a member, were ala altendauee and performed their list sad luties to their departed brother. Mr. Marwood will be greatly missed ie sur Town, he utas a most earful member of nearly all our municipal, brnevnlent and*. tellectual association, and, with a large c:- pital was engaged in ex!eneire busing operations, but more than all be ba gained the esteem and confidence of .. classes by bis unassuming amiable traits character. t its Mr. 1i. A. Robison lectured a rthe'1-emperaRee Hanberr on the esents, f of Teesdav sed Wednesday- to Targe al e atteatiee audiences, upon the beaatiful to - once of :Astronomy, which he illastratej with the aid of powerful Magic j.aitterns. The shortness of time allowed for the itht- !ration of a subject of such magnitude per vented the mention of many details whirs would t hese been interesting,+. to gtinv .. sent, but the splendid dissolving views as(' claromotbrope were. highly pleasing. As - ' an legitimist a of the liberality oG Mr. R .a rtaay- eiemtioa that he gore one half of the proceeds of the first night's entrrtawuat, towards the fund now raising for getting sup a Bead 'of Music far our 'Town. Ile de- serresr fo be emcoarsged; and we web hie success: The Icon. geothermal coocleded by giv- ing the WARDS, or MIDILESaz THE PROV uCtAL WaRDLN or ELGew and pros- perity to the Tows or LONDON. The Warden returned thanks. The health of the How. Ma. DRUM - MOND and the Raroaeawi or LOWER CAPADA was given and was received with great entbusium. Mr. Drummond in rising was greeted with cheers three times three. Ile deliver- ed a powerful address during which lie al- luded to the determination of the Lower Canadian Reformers to sustain the Upper Canadian, and that the Clergy Reserve question would be settled by their saist- asee as the Reformers of Upper Canada desired. The next toast was the How. Jour( Rousts and GLoR,ot-n OLD NORVOLX, Dr. Rolph was received as he rose with tremendous plaudits, soil replied in speech of considerable Ieiglh sad of elogeetee, which at its conelasioa was greeted with overwhelmiag applause. The Hon. MALcoltmt CAI111074 and I110 BURtAU or AottctLTDR* was sett given and was received with a the Free Pre,' terms it, a perfect hurricane of ap- pions.. Mr. Centeno seemi.g to be more popular rem ever.le replied very appropri- ately. The oast evldeat mtethetieg wen " Tho.e present could testify to the ezperioseed by ser praust, New Scnooise --Another hoe new Schooner of 60atooe, named tho Forte. built at Kincardine, +:eared from aur Har- bor in the beg:noing of the week with nearly etzty card. of Bark, oho ie an honor to hor spirited proprietor and Captain, Mr.. Murray, and • credit to her forest home• In.aasoLL Thwwrta,—This demise/I- lion came off in tho usual ontbueiatieata- icr, aid was well attended. Tia Hamar is well spoken of as abass dant throughout the country. The 'prise crops are generally improving. Bowe,, Aug. 1. 8l. John's (New Brunswick papers of the 30th ult state that fires were raging in the woods at Sbedlsc. and had already destroy- ed • estrnr-eds large quantity of valuable timber. Thr hay crop throughout the Province would M hg ht, Waiii5OT0N, Aug. 1. George M. Sanders has been ap ei.td oonaulat Loudon, New 0 , July 30th. fleatha'During last e4 hours 164,01 wttid 136, were from yellow fever. Picrou, N. 8., July 47. The British War Steamer Devastate,* arrived at port this day, haying on board lady Seymour and the Miaee :Seymour, Victor and Priciest. Commander Campbell left soon after with the ladies forHahfaz. alommnntiat1dni. TAE -MAN OF KENT - To Tia EDITOR 0P TRa WOWS 1111$*1 The man of Keats something of wine the Rai -Miran Cahalan would call • " Lickapittle" ; he can turn Mosel( ache any thing. Whoa lin found tnat his /a- tbod of reform was not practicable, be was determined to 117 and pa the penplt; m order to bo en, he offered lienee( to the Tories ; bat they seeing pkat be was e' black es themselves, and to add him to their member in that eclair, would not he. pnlr" tar to hisretf mer may b,stw4t to tient therefore, it was'tbosgkt the woes' Ph" ts wW*•+ramb Brows toad let Om amt as