HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-10-18, Page 18re!n light for swimming poll
re water from arena :for pool
will provide fire protection, too
Brussels may
buys hardware
Mr. U. F. Stanley has sold his
hardware store to Mr. James
Davis of Brussels, who has
taken over .and moyed into the
liarold Corlett .epeetment, ror-
nee of Main end Alice St,.
Mr. Davis, a life lime farmer,.
She's not happy about it
Dr. E. R. Patterson, assisted by two school nurses and two
members of the Home and School Association, Mrs. Calvin
Haskett and Mrs. Robert Jenkins, held a successful clinic at
the school last week. Three members of the staff, as well as
pupils and pre-school children were vaceinated.Six-montheold
Carolyn Elizabeth Riley is not very happy about the whole
affair and her mother, Mrs. William Riley, watches sym-
pathetically as Dr. E. R. Patterson of Lucan prepares to
inject the vaccine, —Jenkins photo
by Benet
Double-ring ceremony
Persona- Item
All's. Warner McRoberts of the
115 staff at Dresden spent the
weekend et her 'home -here aft-
er visiting friends for the prey.
ions two weeks.
Pap 18 October 18, 1962
Correspondent: Miss Lina Abbott Phone 227-4255
and district news
Surprise party
for local citizen
Mr. Frances Jolliffe, who re-
tired from the CNR after 34
years service was surprised by
his family on September 15.
Saturday, his son Fred, a Free
Press employee, invited him
hack to the CNR yards for pic-
He then took him and Mrs.
...Tolliffe to St. Thomas for his
own wedding anniversary din-
ner. On their return to London
he asked thm to come in and
see some alterations in his base-
ment. To their surprise they
found the house filled with
During the happy evening he
and Mrs, jolliffe were present-
ed with an electric mixe.tte.
Winner lost
in race fire
Howard. Rosecroft, owned by
Sheridan Revington and Bud
Gilmour, won his last race Sat-
urday covering the mile in 2,01i
for $11.10 return on a $2 pari-
mutuel bet, Howard Rosecroft
the nine-year-old pacer had won
an estimated $120,000 before
his untimely end, Re was among
the 22 horses lost in the Batavia
Downs fire on Seriday.
Eighteen of the 22 horses had
been trained by Bud Gilmour.
One groom, Jack Jamieson,
also lost his life,
Former Lucanite weds
Large baskets of flowers and
white satin pew bows formed
the setting in the United
Church, Sundre, Alta. for the
double-ring marriage ceremony
of Geraldine Patricia Phillips
and John Clayton Thompson at
4 p.m, Saturday, Oct, 6, when
the pastor, the Rev. Richards
united the couple in wedlock.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. Carmen Phillips
of Sundre, Alta., and the groom
is the son of Mrs. Mary Thomp-
son and the late Mr, James
Thompson of Calgary, Alta.
(formerly of Water St,, Lucan).
The bride, given in marriage
by her father, chose a floor-
length gown of brocaded white
satin, featuring lily-point sleeves
and appliqued neck-line, A tiara
held her finger-tip veil of French
illusion and she carried a cas-
cade of yellow roses.
The bride's sister, Mrs. Dare-nn Pierce, as matron of honor,
Miss Joan Garbut, Miss. Doreen
Millar, as bridesmaids and
Miss Judy Phillips as Junior
bridesmaid, of Calgary, were
gowned alike in white satin
with turquoise body and over=
skirt and white net headpiece,
They carried turquoise carria-
James Thompson of Calgary
was best man for his brother
and Jack Inetepithe, Leslie Sere
,anson and Ralph Phillips, were
Mrs. Ellethorps accompanied
Mts. Al. Rutz of Calgary who
sang the "Lord's Prayer" and
the "Wedding Prayer".
At a reception held in the
Coil JO at
general Insurance
Real sat
.161-1N BUttlet
Sponsored by the
Ladies Guild
Wed., Oct. 24
$too ttO(1
Adults — $5.60
h ildrert Under 12 75'e
Pre-School childrii
The ice is in at the arena and
a full program of activities is
beginning to formulate, Public
skating will commence on this
coming Saturday at 8:00 p,m,
and Sunday at 3;00 p.m,
The Lucan-ndertort Combines
are going again this year and
Lucan Junior "D" team will be
playing in the junior loop. More
about this later,
I have 14 names so far for
Senior Citizens and an organiza-
tional meeting will be held
at the arena on Tuesday,
October 23 at 7,30 p,m. Please,
will every Senior Citizen in the
community make a special ef-
fort to attend,
A small but successful milli-
nery class was held. for two
days last weer- and having seen
some of the creations that
emerged front within this class,
I know the satisfactions these
ladies obtained were great.
Beginning next Tuesday there
will be skating for one hour for
pre-school age children from 2
to 3 p.m. So it will be tip to
you mothers to bring your chil-
dren out to make this weekly
hour a success.
Repair shop opens
Last Friday Mr. Gran Brady
successfully opened his new re-
pair shop next door to the Coch-
rane barber shop. Large signs
on door and window left no one
in doubt as to his business or
willingness to serve.
Inside was little left to 3:E.
mind one of the former pool
room. A partition now separates
the section to be used for sec-
ond hand furniture from the
radio and TV show room at the
front. This latter section has a
new tile flooring and an electric
fire place. Two large congratu-
latory floral baskets from Le-
can and London well-wishers
added much to the room's cosy
appearance on the occasion of
the opening of "Grant's Repair
Mr, Brady reported on. Mon-
day that he was pleased with.
the reception he has received
and with the business he has
done over the weekend,
Sponsored. by the
tw it ac les
MbRit tiPPEIOtTithfltit
The Symbol of progress arid
opportunity for the people
And leduttrie's Of Ontario..
We arc the world's greatest importers.
Contrast our yearly total with that of other
A.mericans spend $35 per capita
on manufactured imports .
The British spend $75 Y
West Germans spend $60
Canadians spend $235 per person
per year!
If that expfiditure$ in. Ontario on import-
cd goods could be reduced by MO, we
Vetild still be amongst the world's greatest
importers. If tbat$100werc diverted to Can-
adian goods we would add $600,000;000 to
otir economy ondhelp create 60,000 newjahA•1
To accomplish this, the consumer must
become "label conscious"; it is the sum of
all our day-to-day purchases which ean add
up to the success or failure of our economy.
Whenever the consumer reaches out for an
imported product, lie or she Amid asks
"is there a Canadian equivalent?" Vor iii
most eases there is a. Canadian product
that is as good or better. The more motley
we spend for things ,we make, the incite
prosperous the people of Ontario will bel
'We Canadians buy imported matinfattured goads at the rate d $215 pet person per Ito,
if each of us diverted $100 of this to the purchase of Canadian-made goods, We would
help create 60,000 new jobs in Ontario,
Erwin Scott, chairman of the and janleS H. Davis, who has .1.1as had previous experience
arena. board chaired a meeting taken ever the Stanley Hard- in the heedv*are business. lie
in the community centre last
Tuesday evening, for the two-
fold purpose of discussing the
advisability and feasibility of
building a swimming pool at
the ;Irene and also the pros and
cans of again leasing the snack
After wleeoming the new di-
rector, Norman Carter and as-
sistant John Roberts as welt as
several, new businessmen, Grant
lgeTevieh of the Luella Lanes,
Mike Bober of the Central HOW
has, A family of two boys and
two girls, Bob ,at RCAF, Chin.
ton, ,Fred in Grade 10, Medway,
Mrs. William (Edith) nearer, of
Barrie end three-near.eld Cher-
el at home.
Mr. Davis and family are
Mr, Stoniest will remain with
Mr. Davis for a few weeks at
least before finally retiring,
plans to retire
Ex-warden Harold Corbett,
who has served a total of 14
years on the. Lucan Hydro Com-
mission, has announced that he
is retiring this year and will
not seek another term on the
Rev. C. W. Saab pastor of
the Lucan I 7nited, Church of-
fideled at a double-ring mar-
riage ceremony in, the church at
4 p.m SaturdriF. Oct. 6 when
he United in Wedlock, Shirley
Jean Zrnerick and George Ken-
neth Shipway.
The bride is the daughter of
Mrs-, Eleanor' 'Enteriek of Lon-
don (formerly of Alice St., Le-
ran): end the late Mee ileteeld
Ernerick, and 'the getioni is the
eon of Mrs. Ralph Davidson
and" the late Me, William Ship-
Wa V.
Given ar Marriage by her
grandfather. „eir. Cecil Neil of
J.ucan, the bride those. a floor-
length gown of scalloped French
broca ded lace, over slipper satin
with ruffled lace, sweeping to a
slight train, The. gown featured
lily- soint sleeves, tight bodice
and scalloped neck-line,_
rhiedettme And pearl tiara held
her, shoulder-length e7ti, 'of
rrertelt Stin. tarried A
lane- Meted Bible crested with
mauve orchids, ferti and IVY.
The bride's tiger, Miss Elaine
Enterlek 'of London, as
Plaid of honor. wore a green
ezelett gown with matching hat
end gloved .and carried a ..eae.
Ode of yellow roses .and white
Wa4.!, Mr. Scott gave e short
resume of this year's arena
He Also recalled the building
of the arena, begun 13 years
ago October 8, and the policy
of the arena board to "pay as
they built" and not to go in
debt as other arenas had done.
He paid high tribute to the
work done by so many indite-
tree Lueanites ae well as men
of the community. Thee he went
on to explain the situation which
at present confronts the board,
Lucan's water supply comes
from one well and one pump,
which pumps water into a large
tank. While the arena com-
pressor cooler is in operation
the arena uses more water than
the village. For years this
water, after leaving the arena,
goes down the creek. The
board's proposal is to store this
water in a large reservoir, filter
and contieue re-using it, This
reservoir would prove a big
.asset in ease of fire and could
be used as a swimming pool
during July and August with an
instructor to teach swimming,
Prom W. A. Stewart, as guest
speaker, was highly in favor of.
the project and said all children
should be taught to swim. At
the end of his address he pre-
sented Reeve Ivan Hearn with
a cheque for S2„500 from the
provincial government,
The Biddulph and village
council as well as a goodly
number of men and ladies were
present at the meeting.
Ken Carter reported on a visit
to the swimming pool at the
Blenheim arena.
Reeve Harold Wallace, Reeve
Ivan Hearn and Airs, A. E.
Reilly es well as others were
given an opportunity to speak,
after which all present were
unanimous in their approval of
the proposed $20,000 swimming
Mrs. Sheridan Revington, on
behalf of the arena ladies, said
that during the past 13 years
they had contributed $17,000 to-
wards equipping the kitchen and
snack-bar as well as arena up-
keep but they still had a bank
account and would be willing
to assist financially on the pro-
posed project.
With the exception of. last
year, groups of Lucan and vi-
cinity ladies had been in charge
of the snack-bar as well as the
kitchen. Last year the former
was leased but did not prove
satisfactory. Mrs, Revington
intimated that if they could
get sufficient help they might
consider taking over again. If
not, it might be possible to
rent to a local couple instead
of outsiders.
Elk's Hall the bride's mother
received. in a brown wool gown
with brow" satin trim and yel-
low rose corsage and was as-
sisted by the groom's mother',
who chose a navy silk crepe
with pink accessories and pink
For a honeymoon trip to Van-
couver the bride changed to a
black brocaded suit, with fur
trim, muskrat trotter coat and
yellow rose corsage,
The, couple will make their
home at Westward Alta.
The groom and best man
were well known in Medway
and Lucan hockey and baseball,
Personal items
Mr, C. If. Amos, of London,
visited his father, Air.
Amos Sunday.
The barns nn the farm of the
late Mr. Ernie Guest have been
Friday, Oct. 19
8:00 p.m.
White mums formed the set-
ting in Holy Trinity Church,
Lucan, at 2.30 p.m, Saturday,
Oct. 6 for the double-ring cere-
mony of Alice Maybelle Ryan
and. Gerald Albert Hodgins, with
the rector, the Rev. E, 0. Lan-
caster officiating.
The bride is the daughter of
Mrs. Mabelle Ryan and the
late Mr. Guy Ryan, of RR 1
Lucan and the groom is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. George 3, Hod-
gins, also of RR 1 Lucan,
Given in marriage by her
brother, Thomas G. Ryan, the
bride chose a floor-length gown
of white peau de soie, featuring
a heart-shaped neckline of lace,
sequins and pearls, lily-point
sleeves and princess-line skirt.
A pearl studded tiara held her
elbow length veil of French
illusion. She carried e cascade
of red roses and ivy.
Miss Kathleen Ryan, sister of
the bride, as matron of honor,
Miss Edna Ryan, RR 1 Lucan
and Mrs. Ed. Morris of Chat-
ham, as bridesmaids, were
gowned alike in red velvet, with
matching feather hats and car-
rying baby white mum nose-
Beverley Hodgins, Tell, 1 Lu-
can, was best man and Bernet
Hodgins of Denfield and Hiram
Dixon of Ailsa Craig were ush-
Gordon Jacklin, church or-
ganist, . provided traditional
wedding music and accompa-
nied the soloist, Mrs. Clarence
Hardy, who sang the "Wedding
Prayer" and "0 Perfect Love",
At a reception and fowl din-
ner (catered by the Ladies'
Guild) in the church basement,
the bride's mother received in
a royal blue gown, black acces-
sories and white mum corsage.
She was assisted by the groom's
mother who chose a silver and
mink tone two-piece brocaded
ensemble, with feathered hat
and bronze intim. cosage.
For a honeymoon trip to
Northern Ontario the bride
changed to a three-piece brown
wool .suit with beige accessories
and yellow and bronze corsage,
The young couple Will reside
on the groom's farm, conces-
sion 4, Biddulpb, a mile and a
halif south of Lucan,
Guests from a distance were
present from Barrie, Brussels,
Walton, Seaforth,.Chatham, Har-
row and Wallaceburg.
Jr. Institute plans dance
At the meeting of the Jr,
Institute held at the home of
Don and Keith O'Neil. plans were
made for a dance to be held
November 16 at the Lucan Me-
morial Centre with "The Ram-
blers" of Exeter to provide the
music. At the close of the meet-
ing they joined the Jr. Farmers
to hear an interesting illustrated.
talk on a fall-out on farm and
city. At the joint meeting the
boys expressed their agreement
on the Nov. 16 dance.
The November meeting will
be held at the home of Helen
Shop Now For Top
Selection of
tape .with l Stickfr wom75:ach)
Bring in those broken
storm windows for
Main St. Lucan
Bring This. Ad Into
Our Store For A
(Nothing To Buy)
Nmy. if
t5w m ovio
$2,50 FOR A $50 BOND,
$5 FOR A $100 BOND, ETC.
61.4eueia '7a4 ,e '844
is tvEPY WAX Or Litt Mkt
F. W, Jardine
retired farmer
Frederick William Jardine,
(Ironton, died in South Huron
Hospital, Exeter, on Saturday,
Oct. e,
Funeral services in the C.
Haskelt and Son funeral home
were conducted. by Rev, W,
Maines of the Granton United
Church on Monday, Oct. 8 with.
interment in Wyoming ceme-
Pallbearers included Messrs,
John Jardine, Bruce Jardine,
Frank Nickol, Edward Patter-
son, Austin Dining and Clarence
He is survived by one brother
and two sisters, Roy Jardine of
Sombre, Mrs, Walter (Edith)
Simpson of London, Mrs, W,
(Minnie) Nichol of Granton,
Mr. Jardine, a retired farmer
of Camiachle, was the son of
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Jardine of
• •'efee
Tiny Donna Lyn Shipevey,
niece of the grooth in a green
velvet dress. with White acces-
sories, carrying a baSket of
white and yellow mums made
e 'charming little flower .girl.
James Shipway of Ailsa. Craig
was Thomas
for his brother
And another
brother and Bill Neil of Lueah,
uncle of the bride, were net-
ere. ..
iNtiA$ Beta Chown, church on-
ganiet, provided. trazlitinnal, Wed-
ding Music,
At a teeeptine at .Glena
London, the bride's mother r e-
ceived in a gray brocaded satin.
sheath two-piece dente -with.
blaCk and pink accessories and
pink Met corsage. She. Wag AS-
sisted. by .the groom's mother
in A green brooded, sheeth
jacket dress with Week -acces-
sories Mid yellow rose corsage.
For a honeymoon trip to Flea
tie And points -north,. the bride
-changed to. a black jersey 'knit.
snit, With black and white aeo
tieekeriee and -titatiV6 .orchid eon,
The yeung eetinte Will MAO
their home. at AilseCteig e
Guests were preetril„. lente
Stiettli FAlle, MIcntar.,.
Lnitibli., Wilton 'Gent-et Detifielde
Craig .and
Vancouver honeymoon Grants' 2 in
Repair Shop
(Next door to Cochrane's Barber Shop
on Main Street; Lucan)
Specializing in watch, TV
and Radio Repair
Diamonds, Watches and Silverware by Order
Save up to 30%
This Week Only