HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-10-18, Page 13• •:„:„; • .:7,............'''7.....::::::.". • '. ;•ti-edatt,,Z.I.!:.:t.F.,,...:.,', •.... ... - 1. ' ' • 1.--''''' - s f. .21:' ,;:.N- •'' . * f:• ••,:,,, . / ' ',•: , •• ''''''fer.t::: '," '4:.r.;.'''<,.r : .".. r:15I'tIli';': -Z • News from Saintsb.pry PY MRS. Hgweg DAVIS. News of Grand Bend Ay MRS, W4 14W000 GILL Personal Items of Interest In and Around Stater Exetfl• Timer,Advoc,ite is pleased to publish these item. We and our reodera ere Interested in you and your irtends. Phone vti.-1331, Tim Timos•AdYgtate, October' 18 1962 Pago 13 Town Topics (it•.:00s. WA quilts for hale. Dit wedriesdav afternoon the ladles rl f. St. Patrick's WA met at thr, home of Mrs. Harvey :Latta for their meeting and to doilt for the bale. Lyle Bennett gave an Interesting neotint of Perth .Deanery WA held at Renison Tonics from Elimville By MRS. ROSS SKINNER Messengers .plan cookie sale The Alessen ,Trs held their meeting on Weillesda,' afternoon at Winchelsea school with 26 members present. The president „Danny \Valleys pre,sided for the met.ting. Roll call was answered by "I we prepare for winter". Mrs, 1.,,,n0 gave the Bible study for the aorship and .lie study book story w as "The First. Thanks- gi‘ mg in America", During the business it was decided to have a cookie and home made candy sale.at the church on Saturday, Oct, 20. The regular Hallowe'en mas- querade party well be held on i'riday evening, Ocl. 26 at the church. Activity period followed the business. Personal items Mr, and Mrs, Harry Wolfe of \ alley Stream, N.Y. are vis- iting a few days with the lat- ter's mother, Alt's. Thomas Belt, Miss Karen Morley and Ralph Morley of Exeter spent the wee.kend with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cooper and family, Mr. and Mrs, William Browne attended the funeral on Friday of Mrs, Browne's .aster who died last week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wolfe, Mr, and Mrs. Chils, Stephen, Mrs, Thos. Bell wc,i'P Tuesday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs, Harold Bell and Carol. YPU The Elunville YPU was held oth Sunday evening with Miss Janet Skinner in charge of pro. gram assisted by Miss Margaret Johns and Miss l'rances Johns. Fred .Delbridge conducted a sing song and Allen johns gave the Bible study. Games were enjoyed at the close. Country Pals The seventh meeting of the Country Pals was held. an Monday evening at the home of Miss Margaret Johns. There were 21 members and two lead. ers present. Roll call was an- swered by two labels from commercially canned vege- tables. Mrs, Jaques discussed vege- tables the year round by hav• ing canned, frozen, dehydrated and home processed vegetables, The three grades "Canada Fancy", "Canada. Choice" and `Canada Standard" were dis• cussed and NH's. Skinner had one each of canned peas to show the girls the difference in each. Demonstrations for Achieve- ment Day were discussed and record books are to be complet- ed and handed in to the leaders on October' 29, A110 The Case of the SOBBIN' ROBIN PC& little Mister Redbreast. He's pretty lonely, He's also pretty chilly, Right now he should be hob-nobbin' with the other robins down in sunny Florida, But no, He kept "putting off" his travelling Plans, The moral? "He who puts off till tomorrow what he should do today could be badly nipped by Jack frost." Inquire now at your Co-operative about CO-OP Sunglo fuel Oil Service ... if makes every house a home. Inviting. Comfortable. Warm. Patronize your Co-op...you benefit by its very existence. When you belong to and patronize your Co-operative YOU are helping to MAINT'AIN fair and equitable prices in this age of rising costs. PETROLEUM PRODUCTS FUEL OIL GRSASE OIL PROPANE GASOLINE 'EXETER .E`;$11STRICT College., Waterloo, on October The roll call was answered with an article for the hale to he packed. at the home of Mrs, ,Jim Barker on October la at the Gund Meeting, A mystery prim donated by Ales. Earl Atkinson was won by Airs. Kari Weiburg, The hostess was assisted by Mrs, Maurice AlaeDonald and Mrs Dean .Gibson, Personal items Air, and Mrs. Horace Lake, Grand Bend, called on Mr, and Mrs. Heber Davis Sunday eve- ning. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Atkinson attended Thanksgiving .service at Clandeboye United Church on Sunday' and were guests with Mr. and iMrs, Arthur Simpson for the day. Mrs. Hugh Davis. Mrs. Bill JohnSon and Mrs. Ron Carroll attended the bazaar and tea at Whalen United Church d a y even i ng, Al va , Dav i s an d Airs„lohnson went from there to the euchre and dance at the Lucan Arena, sponsored by the congregation of St, Pat- rick's Churc le., Saintsbury, which was very successful and enjoya ble. The community was well represented for the oc- casion. Little Miss Marylou Tindall returned home on Thursda.y from South Huron Hospital where she, hart been a patient for four days. Mr. and Airs. fack Diekins attended 'Thanksgiving service at Clandeboye United Church Sunday and were guests with Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Mill- SOD, On Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Noels, Forest, and Mr, and Mrs.. Maurice MacDonald, Lucan, were. guests with Mr, and. Mrs. Dickins, - Mr'. and Mrs. 'Harvey Latta spent, the weekend in Port Huron. Mr. and Mrs. Bill ;Johnson and boys visited with Mr. Johnson's uncle and aunt and brother and family, .A.11', and Mrs. George sudden and Afr. , and Mrs, Verne Johnson, Wood- stock, Air, and Mrs. ',Mervin Elston. Centralia, were Sunday eve ning guests with. Mr, and Mrs, Toni Kony. Alr. and Mrs. Orville Rail- ings, Clandeboye, Miss Alareie Rose Bowden, Centralia, and Mr, Barrie Reid, Lieury, were Friday evening guests with jr'. and Mrs. Tom Rees, Bruce and Brenda Gaynor, Centraha, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Carroll. Miss SharPn Davis •was. guest al a dinner for last year's entrance class from 55 No, 9 on Friday evening. All's, Gib- son, teacher, was the hostess, Youthhonor two -,couples By .MRS, ROBERT .BUNDLE WOODIJAM The Young People held a bowling party on Saturday eve- ning when presentations were made to Mr. and Mrs, Bill ('raga and Air, and Mrs. Don Brine. They .were entertained at the home of Ralph and Bob Wareham. Personal items Mrs, Oscar Brine spent the Thanksgiving. weekend. with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Watson, Phila. depiria, Rev, and hit's. j. 'Tardy and family of Egmorulville were Sunday evening visitors with 11ev, and Airs, J. 'Wareham and laniily. iVr . and. Mrs. Victor .Cnatten spent the weekend,with Air. And Mrs. Bruce Kettle of Midland and also atteneed the plowing match at Owen Sound. Mr, George Wheeler and Dav- id, Mr, Glenn Copeland attend- ed the plowing match- at Owen Sound on Saturday. Mrs. Pearl Haines, Murray • and ,Roger of :Bornholm visited with Mrs, A, Butters on Sunday afternoon, Mr, Nelson Murphy attended graduation exercises al Mal - vern Collegiate Institute, '1 0- ronto, on Eviday evening where he received his diploma, Mrs. L, Copeland and Alur. visitA Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay 'Harris of Medina. Rev. and Mrs. John Wheeler, of Alma, spent. Sunday evening and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. George W.,eeler and .Da yid. Mr, and Mrs. Don hlor'phy arid Bradley were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nut'- ray of Exeter, Mrs, G. Wanless„lohn, Eliza- beth and Margaret of Grand Valley visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Dottpe 'and were Sunday guests with • Mr, and Mrs, Norris Webb and fam- ily and called on. other friends. The annual fall anniversary was held on Sunday with Ret'. A. IV, Gardiner of Milverton. as guest, speaker. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Watson and ,him my of Third Line, Mr, and Mrs, Ira Ali:Curdy and Ross were Sunday evening guests th Mr. and Mrs, Reg Mc- Mr, and Mrs. Bob .Marshall, Brent and Lana, of Kirkton, were guest: Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Reg Mc- Curdy. Mr. and Mrs. :Ray Mills of Exeter, Miss Lynn Levy of SI, Marys, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Copeland and Cynthia were guests on Sunday with Mrs. M.. Copeland and Jean. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Brine on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Phil Brine and Haney, Mr. and Mrs. Rae Stephens and Carl, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stephens, Mr. Lloyd Mrs. Marvin Salisbury Airs. Marvin Satisbnry, London, the former Dorothy May Grigg, died in 'Victoria hospital, London, on. Thur. day, October' It. she is survived by her hus- band; her mother', Mrs. Rose May Grigg, Grand Bend; three sisters, Mrs. Isabel Gardner, Windsor; Mrs. Robert (Kath- leen) McDonald, Victor] a, B.('.; Mrs, _Fred (Mabel) Har- rison, Fort Wayne, Ind. six brothers, Edward .Grigg, ford; Harold, Kitchener:. Bus Stratbroy; Alvin, ton, Dashwood and Nelson, Brandon, Man. Enneral .service, was held Brine and Air. and Mrs. Ross Robinson and Lynn.. Air, and Mrs, John Brook. shaw and Murray, Mrs. Harold Levy, Karen and Barry, were guests on Sunday with Air, and Mrs. Walter Levy, Margaret, and David, Air, and Mrs. Bill Craw), of London, were weekend guests with Mr, and. Mrs. Norris Webb and family, fir, and Mrs, Carl Mills and family of Kirkton, Mr. Arlo Copeland were Sunday guests will, Mn',.. and Mr's. Lloyd ,lattrieS and family. Air, and Mrs. William 'Swartz. of Crediton, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Ted ',Insley and Mr. and Mrs, .Fred .Rogers of Kirkton, Mn', and Airs. Don Brine were guests Sunday with Mr. and Airs, Fred troupe, Mr. and Mrs, Archie, Payne, Kenneth, Joyce and Shirley of London visited Sunday with Alr, and Mrs, 'Robert Rundle and ,family. Mr. and Mrs. Roy :Russell and .family of Russeldale, Mr, and Airs. Albert Scott of Sun- shine, Alr, and Mrs. Bill Run- dle and Larry were guests on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Ger- ald Brininell and, Terri. UCW studies Korea The '1„;C11' meeting was held in the, basement of the church on Tuesday, October 9 with 23 ladies present, • , The study on Korea was taken by Mrs. A,' Butters. 'AirS„''Lloyd Cowdrey had charge :of the de• votions and .was assisted by Air's, Gerald • Bnintnell, Alt's, E. Shahan, Mrs. E, Parkinson and Mrs, A. Timma. Stewardship reading was given by Mrs. -L. Thacker. Mrs; T, Insley favored, with an instru- mental and solo, Miss 1. Copeland had charge of the 'bu.,,iness, from the Evans funeral borne, London. on Monday, October 15, .Personal item$, Sunday visitors v,ith Mr, and Airs. William Love were Air. and. Airs. Alex Love, and. Stewart of Toronto, Air. and Mrs, .Ellison, Whiting, Ksther, Gordon and. Lloyd of Pa.rklull, Air. and Mrs. Colin Love of Harpley, Mrs. Ethel Laing of London. Miss April 'Whiting of Park- hilt spent the weekend with Miss Donna. Ruth Sturtevant. Miss Mary 'Yea of Detroit visited Saturday in Grand Bend. Alisses . Audrey Titibills, 'RN, Andrea 'Plysien, RN, Leona Kowaleiik, RN, of Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John ,Kow.alchuk and family, The general iICW meeting will he held on Friday, October 19, at 8 p.m. Mrs, Rose Grigg visited last week w MI friends in Clair, Mich, introduce new study • The Afternoon OM unit met on Thursday, October .11. with J7 members present. Worship was taken by Mrs. Susy Devine and Mrs. Elgin Adams, Mrs, William Love read a poem, Airs. Emery Des Jardins .in- troduced the new study honk, "The Word and th e War, The study hook for November will he taken by Mrs. C, Airs, Colin Love conducted the business. A committee was named to plan for the turkey supper on November 8, Next meeting will he one week earlier, November 1. rl elect executive By MRS, FRED .89WP4t: .CFAT,11/ 1.I;IT held its „w- and meeting Thursday Mrs. E. flicks and Mrs. H. Wilson officiated for the t-lec• lion of officers. President is Jean Esser,: vice-president. Linda .1.30Wc '; secretary', "Joanne Hicks; viCc. .secretary, Judy Blair; trea- surer. jean Laramie; vice. treasurer, Janice Bratreedt special pianist, Elaine Powe; sunshine rommittee, Elaine Powei press reporter, Joan Essery. Ann Shoehettom and Gayle Lamport led in the worship service. Membership totals 22. this year. Personal items Mr. and Airs. J. S. Thomp- son of Listowet visited for a few days at Ihr ironic of their son, Mr, and Mrs. John Thompson. Airs, Elmer Wilson returned home on Saturday after visit• ing for a couple. of weeks with her son, Mr. and Air's. Doug Wilson and family, in Strath- ray. Air, and Airs, Frank Os- borne and Robin. Were holiday- ing for' a few days with, their daughter's and sons-indaw, Air. And Air's, Clarence Young and family in Afilibrook and Mr. and Mrs. .lames :Richardson and .family in Camphellford. Mr. and Mrs. snit acrompanied Mr. and Mrs. Reid Brown. In Owen Sound, on Friday where they all ended the international PI n i n g A'lalch,. The animal thank offering service will he held in the ehureh on Sunday morning with the pastor, R es . O. M. Guest, As speaker. Special music will he provided by the choir under the direction of the organist and choir leader, Mrs. Ken- neth Hodgins. The Sunday School service will be cam celled. Don't fool around with a loaded gun. Nlany wise guys end up dead ones. II might not be your fault — just. your funeral. Mr. and Airs. ElnerS011 niS11. 'visited, over last weekend with their :son'- in -law and daughter, F/S .and Mrs. H. A, W a a xd s and granddaughter CYndY Lou. in Trenton. Pastor T. Hewlett and son. paid, of Columbus, visited the former's motion'. Mrs. Martha Smith, over the weekend. Mr. and. Airs. one Jackson, London. called on their aunt, Airs. Joe Sutton, on Sunday. Air. and Mrs. Ward Fritz are spending a few days in. Cincinnati, Ohio. Air, and Airs. Earl Smith of Detroit. Mich., spent a few days with them last week. Mr, and Mrs. Edgar' Squire., accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. William nneki, spent several days last week holidaying at Southampton aril vicinity and attended the plowing match near Owen .sound. Mrs, Ralph Batten, town, ae- enmpanied her brother, L P. Whalley, St, Marys, and Iwo- ther4n-law and sister', Mr. and Airs. W. A. Burns, London., 'to Toronto on Sunday to he pre• sent at the dedication of a window in Kimhourne Park 'nited Church in memory of a cousin, Miss Ethel McBeath, formerly of Anderson, Airs, M. C. :Fletcher attend- ed a reunion of the 1927 gradu- ating class of the Victoria Hos- pital School of Nursing in hotel London last Wednesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Over Hurd-on. Detroit, visited with -friends in .Exeter on Wednesday. Mrs. John Luxton returned Garage Sunday And Evening Service Open this. StMday, Wed- nesday afternoon and dur- ing the evening through- .. out the week. Larry Snider Motors home from a visit with 111r. and Airs. Fred Liszt an and familyt ,St, Thomas. and Mrs. Keith Coates and Bradley, Exeter, accompanied by Alr. and Alt's. W h i tney ('oat's, 1.7st:ionic, and Miss \%d.. ma. Coates, London. motored to Aft, Clemens, Mieh., an Sung day and attended the baptism of Richard Thomas Doherty 0 son of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Dn. herty (nee Coates), Mr. and Mrs. Edgar' Squire visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Roland Wight, Medford, DRAIN TILE 4"-555 per M Feet Diehl, 5"--P15 per M Feet Del'd, 6"—$110 per M Feet Del'd. 7"-5155 per M Feet Del`d. 8"—$185 per M Feet Del lo!. Above prices based on Won Linear' Feet, in full truckloads or more, delis ered within G5 mile radius of our plant. For detailed prices on all sizes tile, either delivered or F.0 B our plant al Tlginfield, write or phone RYDALL BRICK & TILE LTD., RR 2, London — Phone 221.4721 Lucan. Foil Plan•tin * SHRUBS * PERENNIALS * EVERGREENS We have on hand now Red Barberry, Bleedingheart and Arctic Willow for hedges. This willow is low with a blue, gray, greenish color. OUTDOOR HARTY MUMS In Pots $1.00 Each Re.-...r'. Florist 37 Main Street Now See The Inside OPEN HOUSE 7.30 to 4,30 pan., OCT. 24 and 25 Exeter. Ontario, Oct. 15, 1962. Dear Mr, and Mrs, Telephone User: Please accept this letter gs my personal in- vitation to you to attend our OPEN HOUSE on the dates and hours mentioned. We at the Bell are Anxious to show you the inside of your telephone exchange and we hope that all our customers will Attend. ne smart modern looking structure shown Above covers a wealth of the latest in telephone swtiching equipment which Alone will fascinate all members of the .family, Ecsides the equipment which actually routes local calls you Will 80.0 where pover M100 individual wires enter the building: how the equipment de- tects and records ally malfunctions and then tells its where the 'trouble is, 100I,Pat samples. of to- litOrrOW8 'telephones And a brief explanation of the financial set tip of the rnilipAlly. Please snake a date to come and see its next week And get the inside story on "what makes your telephone tick", N'tittn. truly, W, w. .1.1AN'S0111 ' Noah Grafton dies in Quebec A former Grand Bend resi- dent, Noah Grafton, died in Montreal- G e n e r a I :Hospital, Tuesday evening, in his 68th year. Brenner, Grand Bend, .He is survived by his wife, The. body will arrive at the .111e former Sophia Eisenbach of Hoffman. f ti neral home on flay township; three daughters, Frida.y afternoon and the serv- Marjorie' of Montreal.. Eileen of ire will be conducted from the Toronto, (Doreen), Mrs. D. Gospel Hall in Grand Bend on Cali of Montreal, and one son, Saturday at 2:40 p.m. Leslie, Montreal. interment will be in Grand Be has one sister, Mrs. Emma Bend cemetery, Thn year yOu have the widest Choice ever from GMC. New models! New wheelbases from 1.63' to 228% You'll get exactly the truck to best your work. But that's not all. There are new ongines—truck•built erigineg to give you top power for less cost, arid 'new girder•strong frames to put real backbone into every Job, The new suspensions will do a better lbb for you, too, by giving more load protection and adding lo your riding comfort So before you buy a new truck. see your CMC dealer, II 5110,4 you the best value your' dollars have ever known, 0.1631 TAYLOR MOTORS 'LIMITED NeW CAP Kill§ 'of Huron County" Periffee luiek 'Viiiukhall a GMC .TruCkS a 'Bedford Vans They're here! New GMC trucks with EXTRA VALUE features for 1 63! *`. tfiERE,S ,tXtitA VALUE IN EVERY 014C TRLICX ZURICH