HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-08-04, Page 1•
P `l jry,d fig t
roery Thursday
Market Srtare, (iodn{at•
sod Job Printing esecated with
7 11eatness and dispatch.
rears of the Heron Signal.—TEN
ILLING{ Per annum if paid strictly in
rase+ or 'twelve sad Su Pence with
illistitle of Yoe";
E N H I1 i L L I N G fit
Vo Pyr djacootintee yurd no.
til arrears are +s ,r a u s a r c a.
de, unless the rm to do w. publisher thinks it hie
Asr midis ideal ie the guy becondsg.
yble fur six subscribers, elan Wee
, *weal copy gratis.
Os 111 letters addressed to the Editor
ot poet -paid, or tory will mol be taken
of fir poet office.
rte !f Advertising.—Sia uses sad
lirat insertion, LO 2 6
y,kwbsequent insertion, 0 0 74
rn hors mud under, first Omer., 0 3 4
Yoh subsequent insertion, 0 0 10
rr fro lines, first in. per bre, 0 0 4
Earl subenairut insertion, 0 0 1
a A liberal discount wade to those who
'newt by tka year.
edrrrlwmenta without written inntruc-
wrll be inserted until forbid, and
tested accordingly ; and no advertisement
„shamed unpaid for at the time of with -
oh moles by the consent of the pub
s .
1I. P. A. McfOl.(;ALL,
N b• consulted at all hour', at
tie rrrideree formerly nrcvp'rd by
,Ir•t.lfoderwell, Esq., Pial h'Ie ct,.tfar-
&s.ir, Coder ick.
i; ilerleh,.lprd vulg. 1852• v5
wee., Goderleh.
Lee IBl8. Ran.3
1 Ef.
38INF.T M AK ER, Three door fast
Hurrah for Goderich ! !
PAVE on band an Immense Stick of the
very beet Deecripuon of 13001 14 and
SHOES, un sale at the New Brick build
ing, sdjeiru.ng Mr. hale, 1Vaicb maker,
whteh will be sold at the Leered Prices fo•
('ors Of approved trade; call so I see.
J' -rho bil,;hest mice paid in ('ash for
Holeo and bbeep.k'ue, Sec. A general
Stock of Wills always oo hand.
Godencb, June 11, 1853. ,6o20 -1y
Improved Farm for Sale.
BEING Lot No. 2ru1 Conrea.lon,
Towoa:,lp of Tueksrsmith, Iluron
Rad, the property of John P. Blotto, E.q.,
cuntaiieng 100 scree, a..jetning the Build.
leg Lots in the nncg and flourishing ail
!age of Eymoodul:e, the laid is of first
rete quality, beautiiulty ',twitted on the
hat.k+ of the Bayfield river, and will adapt•
ed to agricultural purposes. For further
particulars apply eau the premised (if by let
ler pro paid) to the subscriber.
81cliillop Post Office,
Tuckgs•utl:, 10116 13111, 1353! •n_0 -in.
the -Canada Cumpao)'■ office, \\cat- lit FASHIONABI.E BOOT AND
semi :Mb, 18 to. 2vns0
tett,Goderich. a110I:'tiANIF.% TL'RER
(One door East of C. ('ral.b's More.)
D.1N11i1. HOME L1%Alts, `RTo1'Lil inform tbeinhabitant, ofGodo
TTORNEV AT LAW, and Conveyan- 1 �. tech and neighborhood that he is pro-
ver, 14uhctor 1. Cbancerr,.kc. has his pared to make to order or otherttire, any
co as formerly in Stratford. kind of Led.e's and Gentlemen's Fine or
Stratford, 2nd Jan. 1 a5'). 2vm19 Farley work, in the neat• -t and most
fashiuoable ethyl°. Aral will also furnish
heavy 1lontr and Sheer, to put the ne
cesartien of those that may favor him web
j their costume His prices will be moderate.
Goderich, Joly 29th, 185e. v5n29
CIVIL EN(:1N1 ,R, 11c.
C.ODE.RIC11, C. 1f'.
Aug. 25th, 1852. ettn31
-OTARY PUBLIC, l'ornin as once Q.B.,
and Conveyancer, t4rtatlord.
B,rrirter and :Morrie* al Lev, 4•c',.
Gummi:is C. \V.
O1IS,STRACILAN Barrister and Attor-
ney at Law, Notary Public and Cuovey-
Attorney at Law, Solicitor is Chan.
x, Conveyancer.
Goderich, 17th November, 1551.
U/fke•27, Dundrs Sired,
Augoatl6th, 1852. ,5.30
FFI('I: in the Post Office Budding',
lone 7th, 1 853. t Gn l?
j.Narket•sgrare, Godericlr.j
AGENT for the Pruvinclal Mutual and
General Insurance Office, Toronto;
.\iso Agcnt for the St. Lawrence County
Mutual, Ogdensburg, New York. L cal
etent for Samuel Moulsoo's Old Rochcatcr
Nursery. July 1850. 22
West df W. E. Grace's Store, West
Street (Wench.
Feb, 19, 1852. y5-ni
A;enr fir Ontario Marine 4. 1•irr 1,i-
Jlrranetr Co.
N8('RANCE effected on Mouses. Ship•
pmg and Goode.
All kinds of needs correctly drawn, and
Lots and Accounts adjusted.
Uffice over the Treasury, Goderich.
1s1y 22, 183). v3n2G
A LCTIONFill Aeennntant and Gene•
lab sal Agent. Books and accounts ad
,laud, and all kinds of Deride drawn.—
Sa!es attended in any part of the country.
Letters addrerred to Mitchell or harper.
hey, will be a'trnded to.
April6t1,, 1853. ,6n10 -1y
11(1RWARDER and Commission Mer -
dint, Itoreboute Keeper, general
tent, for the sale of Wild Lands Cleared
arms, y'es,hold Furniture sod Produce
revery description.
Office, next door, North of the Kincar-
due Aerate, G.d.ieb,
Marsh 04tb 1062. 0-49
W.. & R. `1MI'SON,
GROCERS, Wine Merchant., fruiterers
and °daten, No. 17'' Dundas Street;
London, U: W.
f,•brusry :5th 1852. t5-05
AVING during the peel two Years rets
cd in the capacity of GENERAL
AGENT for the collection of debt', ,1esirre
it to be, generally underatoon brat he will
accept the Agency for the collection of
dura in anv part of too Upper Province, he-
tween t'obourg in the Fant 50,11.'4 Huron
in the Went. In making this announce-
ment, he would Leg to express his thanks
to hi. (needs for past favours, and now re-
epectfully solicits a continuance of the
All rnmmen'eation• on Moline, address-
ed (poet paid) to Ayr 1'. 0., North Dem
(nee, C. W.. will be promptly attended to.
April 1, 1852. vSn10
LOT 1\0 50, in the Maitland Conce.-
pion .,of the Township of Goderich,
contenting 137 acres of the best land, of
whish Gu are cleared and well fenced. inn-
ate' on the bank. of the River Maitland,
8 mites from t:ueeneh. There, is an ex-
cellent Hous and Baro on the premise.,
with an Orrh,rd of the choir -opt fruit., mc-
lected from the Nursery in Uprllante, Unt-
tcd States. For terms apply to the Sub.
F. & C. II. BUTHL,
Fancy Furs, Wbolenle and Retail
Bailers is Furs, Buffalo Robes, Deer Skies,
Gloves, Mitten', lee. bee.
Cask Paid for tiers.
The highest price paid, .t all ti•nee In
Cash, for all descriptions of Ship in Fur.
by F. k Q. H. DUFIL.
De'roit, Michigan, Aug. 1851. v3o28
Bi things can straw die,
Ken though tb.. fade;
Beauty and minstrolay
neathle.. were made :
What though the sunnor,day
Ps►ses.at eve away,
Does not the moons soft ray
Silence the night 1
Bright things can never die,
Sloth me philosophy,
Yhtebu., though he pas. by,
Leaves u.ebe bgbt.
Kind words can never die,
Cberurbed and bl.el;
God knows how deep they lie
Iltored in the breast,
Like chtldheod's nnele rhvtwes,
Nsid o'er a thousand
Ay. in all years and climes,
D.stant and near.
Kind words can Dever die,
Stith ray phi o. phy.
Deep in the soul they lie,
God know• how dear.
Childhood ran never die--
NVrecks of the past
Float on 11i• memory
E'en to the lion;
Many a happy thing,
Many a da;ael epnny,
Flows co time.' ceaseless wing,
Far' far, away.
Childhood can never die,
[meth my pbr!nsophc,
Wrecks of our infancy
Live on for aye.
Sweet fancies never die;
They leave behind
Some fairy legacy
Stored in the mind --
Some happy thought or dream,
Pure se d■y's earliest beam,
Kuesing the gentle stream,
In the 'nee glade;
Ye•, though there *hinge pass by,
Barth my rhi'oaophy, •
Br,rbt things can never die,
Ken thought hey fade. -
over mourland and'noustals, and slept on
their bode of fragrant heather. But that
was in bis own mountain Scotland; then be
wag young, and pure, and free; now he was
.11 a strange land, (rsodle.e, degraded _DJ
enslaved. As memory led hon back tate
tbs past, reason and conscience asserted
their power, all his dark life was pictured
before biro. Ile enuld see the gradual step-
ping -stones by which he had Jecenie l into
the whirlpool of vice: he saw that he was
now in the very depths of misery and want
and in these lucid uiomeots there were pale
faces which seemed to approach and look
mornfully into his own. Poor Leslie !—
Tine° pale Nees toad° bite nearly mad .-
0h, Low he hated and bathed himself. Ile
looked wildly around aha dark etooes to
fini snruct!ung with which to tied his wretch
rel life, but he saw nethieg, be thought of
the Aowene river, but be wag too weak to
rue. At length ho Bared up to the sters:
and they seemed to look d..•we into his
weary, tcrtured soul 'rah so touch enmpas
mon, that he became again calm, nod capa-
ble of reflocti in. Tae•e,ths to stillness nor;
quietoeu of the ni:ht, with only the stare
for witht.eses, he promised Minitel( to for-
sakc strong drink forever, to ecrk cutely -
Went, aeJ become abetter man.
AT JOON n. GOt'0n1. •
The young wife ee: a- lone in her pleasant
chamber, and her husband's last letter was
:n her land. The paper looked soiled and
worn, and the handwrittne was nearly in•
telleg:ble, they m;ght well offerer thus. (or
that letter had been carred in Margaret's
bosom, and read amid blinding ter., eotil
every word was engraved on her heart. It
I was many long months since harry Leslie
Item the great which Wig stealing ILe bloom
f h check J h h 1
i R.1TTEN81'RY,
Bntteh Exchange hotel, •
26th Janney!. 1853. v5o52-3m
THE Subscriber respectfully an-
i nounces to the inhabitant/. of
Goderich and surrounding country,
has purchased the Stock to Trade,
Mn. E. Thornhill, in the shore bun.
that he
Le., of
news, and opened the Store lately occupied
by 11. Barter, Tailor, next door to ilr-
McI)ougall's note (trick bedtime, Market
Square, Greleneh, where he intends to can
ry on the BOOT AND SHOE. Business in
sl! its branches. He is prepared to execute
1 all orders for every variety of 1Vork, o0
the most reasonable terns, and by strict
attention to Muteness hopes to merit a
obere of public patronage.
The highest market price paid for (fides
and Bark.
R. 1111.(..
Goderich, May 20, 1853. tGs17
Fanners' Mutual Insurance Co.,
CAPiTAL *1,000,000.
rj 7,RA HOPKINS, Hamilton, Agent for
ail the Counties of Waterloo and Moron.
August 97, 1850. ' 3,15
departed to engage in a profitable business
art family
ofhis or the emigration .raCon
re are ( c c
prelate 1.
to a distant land. and aioce that letter came,
bringing news of his save •rrival, no tidings
of the wanderer had reached Iii. home.—
For • long time Margaret hoped ell might
be Well: and when at last the abadowsdark-
ened her spirit, .be prayed for patience, led
strove to conceal from her father and eh,ld
rum he cc , and giving her •enc ong,
weary n ghts of anxiety and tears.
But the gray-haired parent saw her true
feelmr, and almost raj ucee! its see that
Margaret only trembled lent •be was widow-
ed in her youth, while the old man had
learned the sadder story, that lb • wine cap,
over wh ich Many loved to linger, wire lead
mg biro down into the deer paths of degra-
dation and sham°. Coeumstances at length
obliged him to revealeo his eorrowfol c'd
the troth; and she had gone to bar chamber
to search valley to that old letter for a de-
nial of the fact to wee;• her tears of agosy
Wan groan' J.
*And you hasp neglected a beauti(al wife
your lair hatred chu1ren; and hive gives
them sorrow' and matinee., en 1 anal tuts
watehunee. But I seek sot the see oenta-
lion of rspcat.nt tears, Wy young trwn1; •1
you deet*• to restore them and runes',
to all hap;uness of former years, I will as
stet you.'
• 1 will gikc you outp'oyrneot; and you
*halt sign hettemperance pledge; and keep
yourecit out uf the way of tcniptaUon: at
tee end of thea year you shall return to lour
'Think, Leslie, yesterday yon were a—'
`Brute,' ejeeulated the redeemed. as he
fell epee his Immo., and har!eJ the old man
as his father --his deliverer.
Aly Pen,',said 31•. 61sreeall, mastering
hie oe-n emotions,' Leucin leave you now to
your own reflections• pray nut !te Led into
trrnptatn-n," and he left him alone.
The plans of rho �'eood merchant were
speedily arranged. l l sueld employ 1. -she
ter eine year, ar.d all:•w hint to board to Lis
own family, thus giving him the blessing
of a horse. Mrs. M. entered besrtly lair
her buahand'a pan, and our wanderrr began
his acw iife wish a heart o eltung with; ra–
titude and repentance, •ail courage pled
hope. Teo ttronbat of bit hnrno and the
rt -treasures it contained, cheered hem
n the hour. of lib!*, and when ev. nine.
came, he found Ly the quiet fireside of fits
employer comfort anal peace.
O:, how he longed to send over the water
ne nr.se:VC, 1011 of the breathings uf Its
off ction, and. langinga for f..rg-vencss.—
But his benefactor had adverted hint to await
until the time of lois teal war prat, anal he
should be confident of success; end eerie:a
that his reform was thorough anil complete.
bristle felt the j entice of hie friend's re
mar::a, and wag .a'istied to know 'bat M.tr•
garot's anxiety had been relieved, and that
ere .another mummer, guf.le,t-hsircd Katy
and wee \Vdlte, would c cul: tr dwell with
boo in ao American tome.
The year oe 1lsrry Les!ee t trial is past,
and he a taking leave of the good 01J pair
aha* esu:,, one evcnirg; an was •s whose kit,dr.c.a bat been hie satvauau.—
bnsklr• homewards, when his attei,Uoo was
' Barn; sa J'dLe old man, • f have just ar-
ranged a I talo affair which you must e en -
sent to. You know my businaa+ wi'I de
pend principatiy up in yoe.next year, and 1
have • house oat far froiu the sure, which
et shall hare rot free. it you Will scoop'
e ms Leslie,
► rib a
\Vnh the morningu ,
rvergihed by his gond rceotutioteep►eseot•
ed h:,,setf before one whose reputation for,
generr•e:ty and kindness had reached 1 ins
and enc•euraged bun to apply, full hu story
without reserve, cud begged employment.—
But ho was destined to meet with d:asap-
nointment•, and all that lung day did be
want er in lies fruitless search. Some had
never known temptation; his shabby and
m eoreb.'e dress prejed ced others, and
tbongb he told his story rirnpty and with et
manly and truth:y fare, no.beert allowed
itself 10 pity, no hand was stretched forth
to ease. Poor Loalio had hope) and
struggled to retrace his fearful steps, but
his heart seek uuler his teeny discourage
anent., and ho agate sought to drown his
misery in the intoxicating draught.
Mr. Mancha:l ha'. loft the store earlier
2 walking
Tilos, Premises consisting of T,ot No.
4, ?meting (ight-hm»e mit,
Ovule -
rich, containing one-fourth of an acre of
land, with the Cnttagm thereon, formerly
the property of F. G. Palmer, and known
as " Alabama Cottage." Price £''00.—
Fartrcular. of Terms, 'Title, ke., apply (by
letter or otherwtee) to
43 Yiug.s
T0011(6, 1.1 Joos, 1881•
t, Toronto.
Attorney -et -Law, Coay.yancer, Ito. TTF, subscriber will keep coanentl,yy os
kc. Office : Ontario Buildings, Kieft -St. band at the GODER►CR FANNING
^►Posits t►• (lora Bank. and the Dash or MILi. AND PUMP FACTORY, on An
Rrni■b North America. Ilaatlr.Ton. '♦ 10 their Street, near the Market Square, and
adjoining Mr. SergMnler's Tannery, a
Ma. T. N. IIOLESWORTII, stock of substantial, serviceable and very
IVIL ENGINEER sod Provincial Lied
Sorseyor, God•rich.
APnI N, 1951. vaa11
aT ran son us TNN vasa.
of the laid Arbr:rstoes shall refuse or *leg.
Sect wtbia the apace of mit,* drys after
his epistolist meat, to tate r".0 Wee Ohs du-
ties thereby enveweejle Ilea epos the apple
Ca 1 iOa of the And e1 Ibe Ceopeeelrat er
of eh. otiser port,. N aha/ M Wad for
the Judge of ilii Carty COM M t esta-
late esti) disasiNgehd se.p/sObPMMIr'et
eerwue, from oaf T•waship °that( ibis the
Township ib whs. etch laud sled be Otto- '
ate, to act is the place of such Arbitrator
or Arbitrators so refasata` or negleetia6 as
aforesaid, and that ever] Arbitrator so ap-
pointed by the Judge of the County Corot.
as aforesaid, shall and he is hereby required
Ito hear and delerenier the matter to be hob -
milted to him, with di convenient speed,
after he shall hare beep so noumated as
afuaid, al.d any award made by a mn-
Justice or Justices or other authority be- jurityrtof ale sail Arbiu atue,, dull Ire as
fore whom any eouric'.iuu for any wch of-
• binding as if the three Arbitrators had reti-
ed re shall tie bad (and say such ffener I curred in and made the some : AndProt e'.
ucuv In couctcted on Slat o tIi or ogratidng_ I ed also, secondly. 'Flat every each sett-
Iwu of any coupelrot witness other than ei• lima and
shall a es subjectu10 rrid'
tl.e prosecutor or infurner) shall hace fu.l IJ J Y Pc
puwe'r and authority to award the pcualty Courts of Coramuu Law for tipper (%ana-
ur Ise iby thument, as she case Way le, I da, int th. wore warmer -and to lbs a:twi
conned by the By-law under which the extent for all purposes wlalwwraer, as if
conviction shall be Sail, with the coats of there Iiad been • submi+sioq of the 'natters
probecuttun, against the Zander, and to he 'Inference by Bund betwccu the patties
commit the oflei der to the Common Gaol eontaioing an agreemcut that ouch submits -
Mon the offence be puuisbaLle by impli,un_ Sion sllould be made a rule of either of
tot it, and to cause the penalty to be levied i such Courts.'
with costs if not forthwith paid, by distress I XXX!V. And be it enacted, That Ilia
and sale of the gourds and chattel, of the followin; section shall be substituted for the
°(slider, by \\-arrant under the :tend and ! repealed two hundred and fcurtli section of
seal of such .Tu,ticts oe our of thele, or of i the Act first.above citrsd, and shall be read
the Chuirmati or Presiding (Officer of tie j es part of the said Act: ...Atka be it town- .
Court before whom such conviction wag led, That end' of the •l'owas meutioeed in
hail; and one rnoiety'61 auy such peewit- ! the second ditieiou of the acid Schedule
ary peoa!:y ?!1:!l sa to ::.e iafn-mer er pre- i marked D, 'lean 14. nn•1 re nlinne a part et
..ecutor, and the other moiety shall be raid the 'lowu•bie or Towaabips, within wairh
to the Treasurer or Chamberlain of ike ' the same snail be respectively sitr..te, and
Corp:oratiuu feedlot the By-law whereof ; shall be and continue subject to the ions -
arrested by a group of boy.,gatilcred around
a drunken man, who was yawl? endeavour -
log to prutcel himself froum their insult.,
with hie terrible curare. At length he fell
violently upon the reugL etotee,and e loud
lough Thom his torutenter.,fell painfully up
it. 1 am 'Mug dawn to t',• whtof w.•'t you,
on the can of the gcnd!croso, who appeared and ams we alt It pts.,
soil mast .top ane
atonesuddenly in their mid.', di.pere.n} Slam rook at i:, and then you use toil Marktiret
alone by the digotty of his insurers, ars, I jest w'.ut k;nJ of •piece she i.'eom ng tor
kand'.v offering to conduct the toebriate to Itatrv'r heart was Loa fug for words and
his home. To this pent offer, beware,. no
I wringing tete old lady's Lao!, he elitte{d the
answer waitreturned; the drunken man washouse wash he had I*genal 10 love s°
evidently injured by hu fall, and a.) Mr. dcarl , rind, with a (secure_ of sadaea,,.di
leave y
I c
t t e ,
hint h o
'e • forbade4
feUuw cl'• feet ngrected his e'epe to rite p'acs of emaarka-
felluw creature in such distress, be cal led a
the (fleece shall have seen committed, and
%hail form part ot the: lunds at the disposal
of each Corporation: Provided always,
diction of the 6luuicipality or Aluuiciltal,-
tles ot such 't'o'wnship or Townships. as ti
the same was an unincorporated \' Mini e
tirstl. that any such prosecution may be a or hamlet; and that *bon by the ('ensu
brought io the 'name and on the behalf of 1 returns, it shall appear that any of such last
such Corporation as aforesaid, and In that j mentioned Towns and any pr. tion of a
c'se the whole of soca pecuniary ptualty Towushilm or Townships which may enure
shall be paid to the Trt.aeurer or Celeaueber- , uiently be attached to such 'Town,-:iaU to -
lauufund as af Corporation,
resaid; And provided allot, I upward., ttshall role
inay be lawful inhabitants
eache for anv
secuuJly, that any member of the Muui- I uumter of the resiUeut freeholders or house-
cipal Corporation loo.:cr the By -Law nhere-holders of buts 'Town, not less than nee
of any such prosecution as aforesaid shall' hundred, to so petition time liusernor of tine
he b:oueht, laciag.rx otfirio or otherwise a Province, that the mlwbitants of such Town
Justice of the Peace titian such locality,'mny be ineorprrated, and tome' such peti-
may act as such with reeerd to guca probe- tion it shall be lawful for the tiovernnr of
cotton.'+ I the Province, by an Order in Council to is •
XXNII. And Le it enacted, ').'hat the sue a Proclamation under the great seal ot
folloiving section shall be eubstiluted for the l the Provumce, setting forth the boundaries
rt;lu•a!ed one bemired and tsslety-eighth of suchTown, and including within such
section of the Act first above cited, and 1 boundaries any sue!' portion or portions of
aholl be read as part of the said Act: the seed adjacent Township or Townships
•' Anil Le it Gmacteil, 'that on the alters- as may conveniently be attached to such
ten of any Itoad under the authoriiv of Town as aforesaid; and the inhabitants of
this Act, where the Road tikes altered shall i such 'lama 05 embraced within such new
not have been an original allowance for I and extended boundaries, s;talt on, froiu and
atter the first day of January next after the
end of tIreen:alendar nr ieths from the lr.te
of such 1'roclantatieu, be incorpora1i,iJ 3;130 ,
from the Townsbip or Teiweshms,in whiele
it is situate, and scall no longer Sic subject
to the jnnisdictioi of the ikluuieipaliev or
Mutrncipaities of such 'Township or 'Posen -
carriage and had beat conveyed to his own
When the Coe.eiousniae of tete drunk-
ard returned, he found hr'nee( in a coot-
fortable chamber, decently dreered, end
hie benefactor etood at hits ide. No' word
of ce:,ore or robe ke fell (rune the lips of
the excellent man, as he stood caotempla-
ttrg the change a few hours had mane
in the being before iiu, but he gently
said. 'My son, i found you in trouble, and
base been happy is offa't"g you a tempo-
rary ibelter,you have now entirely recover-
ed,and i will gladly seed you to your friends
or home.'
Only a wild lick of anguish replied to
hes kind uffer,anJ again hear.] mediy,,"Aly
son, 1 pity yon, and it may be 1 can aid you;
at any rate, tell me your name and your etu-
ry, without fear."
Oh! how these words fell upon the ears
of the stranger; the tones ofthe good man's
voice awakened the ■anis feelings in Nus
heart which the blesapd glaeices of the eters
had aroused when be stru:glad with him-
seif,■lono and wretched. Tare tears stream-
ed down his sunken cbctocks, as he inform-
ed hu host that be was a fere:gne.r, with
neither mends nor hornet. 'xiy namn,'.n I
he, 'is Leslie, Harry Leslie: see err, 1 have
tried to shake off my fetters, to be a man
once mare;but no floe wilt employ a drunk-
ard, 1 am a hope. lees wretch; and wish to
deo unknown. A ble.ning on youdor your
kindnert;it quite overcomes me; but 1 t o?.
for nothing but a grave."
The nhl man looked eistrented and s'r
rnwful, and hardly knew w hat to do to
arouse in Leslie less discouraging feeling.);
but at length approaching him, in a toleinn
and tender voice, be rnid:
'Harry Leslie, have you a wife or
'Set!'• exclaimed the inebriate.
' 1 say, Lealte, hare you a wife or
,Oh!' groaned the misnames emitter',
'why did i ever leave them! Margret!
viown true wrfr, my golden -haired lien -hairs J K•t y.
and wee Willie.' and he covered hs face
with his hands.
'Fol edge hatred Kay, eel w• 1Viltee
and your anxious wifb—'
'No, eir,' exelafined i.eslie, wildly, haver
must they knew aught of my wreseh.denis
sal degradation. Better far them they
should weep • besbaed and fatherdead,tbn.
mourn him a living dusgraee.'
'Leanki do you still le,. that weft those
eh direst'
.Lose these.! Most fondly:
'Thee struggle, and restore them and
}eelself, homeless; 1 behove firmh, that
yogi Stay be miaowed. 'Pell we whin yew
last behead .f year family.'
'It le glee?. • long year" and the poor
The young wife hod rat alone in bon
window, holding ecunmunieo with her ow■
troubled, suffering spirit. She gazed, but
not upon the sweet valley which lay sleep
mg calmly in the moonlight; she listened,
but it was not to the low, soft breathings
of her nneenecioes children; she looked op
to the quiet, watching stars, and wildly
prayed them to guide Harry Leslie back to
his home and the elan returned to poor
Margaret glances of Lope;she folios though
the eyill'uf enema were watching her in
sympathy, and the was comforted.
That very night, the subject of Mergers'
Leslie's prayers and tears was sleeping in
the streets of a distant city. Aye, in the
streets, with only the bluetit sky for s cote
ering,wilh the cold gray summon( the pave-
ment fur ■ pillow. Oh! could that be one
for whom faithful byes had been weeping,
and faithful hearts. yearning -nth unutter-
able love? Alas! it was true. There. cov-
(red with nags,1 d shame, lay the wreck
of • stately forrh1� perhep•, too. the wreck
of a noble •ptntl That everting he had es-
char god the last article of value w tech he
had poaseased for the fot.noed eon, and
ere midnight the wretch who tempted cod
eatrnycd him had doyen him betel... and
the •
free s. Ile tottered
aleag slowllr,.008ttmen falling upon the
Mrd pm/emote, sometimes croepeng like
a foot motet, until at lest, exhaoaled end
nearly insensible, he crept clove to the
walls of a building, which east over his
wvetehWac•s a friendly shade, and fell
Winn the inebriate awoke from hl• deent-
like slele►er, he was la full po••eestoa of
••a•Ss, lend b. iooked around hies bewilder-
ed, and wewlensg where he wee. Ile
tblwght he was sleeping. foe the first time
In his life, with ae oasopv above him but
the 'terry ae4veee; yet acs1 not for the first
time, for now he remembered that encs to
his boyhood be bed gone with the healers,
nperior article* of the shore description,
M►leh he will sell cheap fir cash. merchant-
aWe Produce, er on approved credit. lie
wishes those parties to search of a good
article at a reasonable price, to give him s
JAMES WOOD*, NtI, and he flatters himself that hes long
,UCTIONr,RJL, Is prepared to attend espene.ee in the bwin•se wUl ewer* the
P.Wie Sake 1a any part of the United satisfaction of all purchaser*.
«nets., ea m.derate terms. HENRY DODO.
Ytraferd, May 1500. v4 -s14 Goderkh, March 15th, 1861. ten/ it
lion.' ':harry; said ear: 11are'aal', 'sere
line may Lave laid out streets in any City, \-ilia„ e, Totvn.or (ivy. sh ill bare full Pow-
is the pea,' arW
cera ay oat, -"I• It ora+ a 1 Town or Ailla;;e without any compensation er aeJ autbotur to.eanse :ley coininon Sew -
pleasant cnJ eorufertable davahine, and a therefor, be or they shall be entitled to re- er or Drain, which tiles may consider ne-
t:ey servant usterc.1 them into the_ per tor . 1tea the•1:inn W thin •sach,Crly,
Town or tessary-for the health, cleanliness or con-
-Harry tauked amend h;Hm—surely t! at was
h:s own portray that adorned the wash; the
door openels-`r.s own—his uw•u dear 1lar
garet, wee Willie, and the gold -n La.rve
Kitty, were in has arms. .
__\N ACT.
To(tint-m1tirc -t:urri.iytl alntsif L-jeper
[Asscntal to•UUlr barer, 1553.]
Continue -J.
NX S. ;1nd be it enacted, That the
following archon shall be silbalitnled for passing of any By -Law by auy .\luoicipell auizingsucthh Ceolsr•ulnrttnmeteoJ,mafkinorae or])g er repairing of
the repealed One holed. it std sixty --eighth C,irporatiiti erected o. to be ere'cte,1 Miler : � ,
sechort of the Act first above cited, and i them authority of this Act, for the purpose; !o cauthe e same to go ti tou.lr or to be. et,
shall be read at part of the said Act of autlwriittt_ the opening of ase" road,placed upon, or to render if necessary that
And he 11 enacted, That at any session 1 street or other public thoroughfare, or of 1 Ilea said .Municipal Corpurationsheuld take.
or meeting of any \lnntripal COI-pore:ion; changing, widening or diverting nary road, Ienter upon. or use the laud or other real
under this Act, a majority oaf the whole •treat or public thoro,r,lhlare, so as to cause , properly rel any person or persona, it shall
number of itmc Who eliall Iif law Zinn the same rr goy part lue:reol In oo tltraueb I and may bt• lawful for the person❑ nr prrsous
such Corpnratinn, - shall 1,e a 11 rt um for o' Lu plated Upon nr inju:innsly to affect whoogre such properly to name an ,trbi-
the drsplatcs of business; end tf the per- j the land or other real property of nor per- Irator and give moire thereof is weitioe to
son who nnr,iit to preside at any such meet- i sent or persons, it sleall and utsr be 'Lewin{ '; Clerk of such Corieortlion. and the head of
it shall and may be for the person or perseus oh shell own- the Corporation shall tctt,un three dales rat-
ing shill be rebs: tai
lawful for Ikeeer resent to appoint from well t,l
property• to name: *s .1ralor an . ter bue: cl notice Hattie an ;11.11strator on be -
Kier notice tberecl in wriUn� t' ti: Civil:Civil:half of such Corporation, mid rive notice
Amongst thenwehes a Chairman to preside
at Ruch meeting, and ilia Chairman so rep- of aueln.t'orporatioe, nod the Bend of the thereof to the 'verso,' or persons owe ;ne the
Ii einted'sl':d{ lilac the some fuictinna gillCorporative shall, 'titian sell d:aYS after said properly, aoa a;mpuiutng such Arrttra-
authorhy an preaidins at such Inciting • such notice, maan Arbitrator on h -,'.JJ ,tor as a.ete<aid, area every such notice shall
as the pctaon who, if pres':a:, w01111.1 par- of such Corporeti•ts aril bite ueucr Ileac. !, express clay Waal powers Iltd aril Cor -
of to the pera0lr ee ptranite owning the said ; ;'atabi ,11 mien I to exercise in respect to
11111005 and -pprncee'hmi;s of such me'cttuja properly' and appointim. sueli Arbereator as ;11.11 Land or real poverty (.1.'aeribine it) of
,i all be careful h Ilea inajnrity '•1 r t. a ret nloresail, or If within else calendar month ' the person or •persmns to waein it it addl..-
t 1
the persons cumpea•ini, sea !I meting, oilier after service of a 1 opy of snob Bylaw, a sett; and 1110 two Arbitrators elte3 within
eentilieul 1 be'a true: copy under the band : these day after opoieiut a third arl,11 •ator,aa 1
Of ale Clerk of such Corporation on the , the as:J 1:111:4! .1.rultra:urs or a 11 je;ity of
person 01. persOus osenio4 sm.h property, them :dila ieaee rover to determine aeon
such person or reasons shall omit to intim !awl award Vac aununt of .damages (if auy)
an wrlarator 841 gee too ie thereof as ; to be pail to such persnu or persons ar
al,;ca;d, i1 shall acid may he !viscid fur the ; afu:eseiI,sal their award shall be bindin'
Heat of *eel' Corporation to na,ne an. Ar- Ion such person or persons ant on the said
bitrator on behalf of such (. rlrurati•'n, and 'Corporation reape.tirely,tee at tiucit award
to ;Sea notice thereof to the person or per- ; be -made within one calen•Jar m_oab after
sons owning the slid pro; erty, and such i the appointment of the there) A'rhui a:or ae
persn:m or pies -mos sled' within seven clays af- i aforesaid: l'ruvida.l Morays neverthe leas,
for such notice name an Arbitrator on bis ' lintly,that eery seaoli subin.asi.,n an 1 aw d
or th •ir Iehrll, and oyes au -h two Arbi- I ahtU,bee subject to Cao jarisdictF.o of Ne
tralure being am named as aiurewi.l, they loeerinr 1;uarls of tee norm law, as To.
shall within -ere., days tli.•reafk•r appoint a . roato, in the n: rnaaucr an same
1 to the sae
third Arbitrator, sod fin said three Arbi-',sheet foe all arp.rn tvemt.• raer, as i;-
Irat'ara, or the in •jo: ily of liven, shit! here there had b.en a suu.ni•0Iaa of the matter,
lower to determine .pea and award the , » d.ffeenicc by him l belweee the paAice
(toad, or where th; saute shall lie within
any ,incorporated Village., Towu or City
Or the liberties thereof, the site of such old
Road shall and may be sold and couvet•ed
by .lh,: Municipal Corporation under whose
autlee ity the alteration.- wait - node, to
the party or parties next adjoining to
avhn,e lain or lauds the same stall have' shims, aud.as suali Corporation •Mall Jere
perpeluel sneccsswil and a l%um:n,ru tie tl
with all such puwera within the Iirnits of•.
su-b Town a, are by Ihis Act conferred
.the taaabitant, of 0117 incorporated
Village, and tlte-povers. of the('orporatioo
of such L tisri shift h•t exercised by, for a 1Ie
and ie the naive of She„ \Iunicupatity of such
lbws aeJ all the peavisiaas of this Act and;
other Aces heret"ter to be passed alrilieable
thereof to any oilier than the le:rsou or l to ince ,.,watull tlla;e; in genera!, a red the
persiina first. ,tet tioniJ at any- given price, I Jfpnici, al;lies thereof, shall apply to Such
until such first mentioned person or eeremoi Tow(' acid ;1a. Mu iaci; eLity thereof alit the e
alell have refused to become the ewe:haler same were metitiouei iu the Schedule to this
or purcLaxrs thereof at such prier; area Act narked
in case the person or persons noir in pos- XXX .Aril be it eaaetei, nettthe
session of any coacessien Road or side Municipal Cnrporction of any incorporated
rua, or i0 rase of hit, her or their refusal
to become the purc6a•er or percliasees
t::rerif, at such price or prices respecltrely
as such Municipal Cnrporp,tnn shall think
rcasonablc,e,,lhen to any other person or
persons wiotnsocner: Provided at,euvs,
nevertheless, that it shall not be lawful fur
any such .Municipal Corporation to sell aha
convey anv such old Road or any part
1'illahe, originally sal apart fur such con- teniencp of the Inhabitants of such \'itlage,
cession Road or side line, iu lieu of the. 'I'owu or laity, or of any part thereof, to
street set apart by Nun in. place of 'Ibe said ITh, opened, node and'kelt 1n repair, and for
C eiwes cuts Coad or side line : an,) the that purieoee to take wit 1 eat aitch consent
\lunicipal Corporation of such.citt,'ToWn of the owner, withoutMoltconsent to fa-
ce Village utay convey such land sore- to upon, trench, and b:cak• ole, lay lam/ or
tabled to tee to the person or.persons so poo arty tel:l.i.ut an: is consent take for
entitLJ 'to retain po,s•:'inn, or to Lis or n,teniu; a new street, and lay- upon such
their heirs and aa•iens tier ever." laud all m.ttrmials arid- imede:nents and per-
\XXiIi. And be itenacted; 7'hattne form all such week as miy be necessary
hellowinu dative altall be substituted Gtr the efer opening, m.iuy or ,keeping in repair
repealed one hundred and ninety) -filth sec- any such Common hewer or pram as
lion of the Act first above cited as amend- afteewid; or any part lilrreoi: Prot Wed al-
t 1, area shall be read as pal of tits s:inl ' warn, that rlpnn the passing of any 14j• -taw
1ct • ".1nd Le it eua*ted, 'neat neon the ; t:v am sea:lm Vunizipal Ce:poratton author -
than the peranu Newhard, when, nu tele of
au .gtality of tel.'s, shall lase the casting
ante: Provided alwaya, teat the concur-
rent tote, of at 'cast three Mi nalaere of
any Municipal Corporation shall be uecili
•ary to c lrry 4 vote, re. 'Whoa, or pro-
ceeding at 3117 pieetint of such Corpora-
tion, nhere the avltolnumber of Members
constiuituig sea:1r 1:Or orahnn shell be Ger,
and the person peest too at rich mu.•ti•io
sit dl always be allnweJ 414 vole wile! any
of the fire Members cenelitutin,t the Cor-
aration shall be a'uae•, out shill nit then
entitled to a double or casting vale."
XXXI. And Ire it crier:tett, That the
f1Uowmg section shall be suhstitoted for
111. repealed one hun,l,etl mid cighty•Gfth
*tion of the Act fret above cited, as i
shill be read as pail ul tint sit] Act : " .1tm 1 a aoant of dar0agsa. if say. to be petit to 10 1.4 0 ria an a:ree,neal Ila''mob sal m e -
be it enacted, That all per•oee eumtiaittiag r.swh peraua If per sons as aforesaid, sal stale adttetll be7r0ads a i:uk o ft:eirrt: Aa4
any offence eeti,st goy Ily-law lawfully 'Lem* award shall he biw.lingon seek Ise: .0s previcle.l refit, •eeos•Ly,r that .each award
mile by any Municipal Corpnraticu, OM- or persona and on the said (:errp,rat,a re- shell crater only seek tuts (If qtly) ii
der the mathnr,ty of thee Act or u; any sewrnvclr, so ors swell award h•' raider to meet. in tb,►yrne u.(Obn Arhitra!nrs rs.k-
other Art of the i.r„ri,latut'e of this Pro- antiut: wdam IkMty este offer forappartN- iwg lh+sea•. hPteasarily reattlt to Sea ow„ -
1 r bprealter lea be paaseJ, and meat of the third A, tweeter as aiorrsaid: et ev nwnrre of the land+ at frrr••si.s, (,rut
rune passe o
with r ,lard to prosecutions for wiei. h nn Prey; led always. Lys of sit nu -h owa.•r et
other provisions Is. made, say be prime- oecu,u •r elven ueglret•to u i.01 an Arbitra•
cute.' D, a tutnawry way before lay one or the for the Twee of serest data. after bor-
f Ito !'.'are ha vwtyt limn- int been neti6.d so to tM. or if the mit
reore eta -owe, r
dietien witLis the locality sa whack the yf- two, Arbitrators do area within the scree of
Iea:ler shall bu re.0 kM, n► w,hiw ilial eadost s(1er Ikeir tip Iflinlm.•wtr a4,r0 �etrlteA,iP efrair tetac rlsal�iIf (csla
.beep I/, • mean v wag r i illlhi -1, ria 1 sm. b 0i, vn am' li third Ari trxlor, 01 if am rear 1'.ne •1t?reia• a crab Inwrrtaa tic w -
theex'rei.e by Cm (.:wptnrvitt,a of VW'
paw••; s m;n•i>nod to the *Woo guff°
stork owner or nw,xrn'a wfrne+Mhfitt>rb,l
Asi/A n:era easy if they skink peeper,
Itoddlgrieribe the •stere of the .l4m1t+•