HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-10-18, Page 3She was a bright little woman of thirty-three years of age with, four children and a husband. a. year older than herself who had been unemployed for .over a ..;tear., ''heir savings were ;one, One morning her husband eol- lapsed as he prepared to walk the Children to school—an .exer- et•ie he made himself undertake cult day for the purpose of fresh air, he said. She knew better. He couldn't endure he- ing kite. The doctor was yelled. With- IN' two weeks Harry was home Again after a serious operation for cancer. She knew, though he did not, as yet, that it was very unlik e ly he would recover. The Hung that tratibleri„her The most was paying for the Town council —Continued from page 1 said. "When you've fixed the drain you'll have fixed the road," he added, Should repair signs At the recommendation of Councillor Wright, coilnell de- cided to ask the town crew to straighten up a number of the stop signs in Exeter that have been badly bent. "There's a lot of unsightly slanting signs around town,'" Wright pointed nut, and they're pretty rowdy looking," Councillor Taylor' suggested that the town crew should be instructed to straighten up any signs when they spot them. • 'They'll have to do it every Monday morning," Councillor Delbridge jokingly pointed out. In other business, council; Learn e d from Councillor Taylor that several members of the arena board planned to attend a meeting of arena managers and hoards in Sar- nia. Sunday, Gave approval to advancing the recreation council enough money do meet expenses until they receive their grants. Council at GB —Continued from page 1 with council and questioned the Lsuing. of a building permit to Melvin Douglas for an addition to his guest home on the lake- front road between the main street and the pier. Mr. Campbell questioned the permit having regards' In the building restrictions of the re- sort, due to the fact that the Douglas property is in a resi- dential zone. However, he was told that council had consulted the vil- lage solicitor prior to issuing the permit and bad been ad- vised 'Douglas to pro- ceed with his addition, In other business, council: Issued a buildin.g permit to William Love to remove, a gar- age frem the side of his resi- dence and to make an additioh to his post office building. Issued a building permit to Murray McNab to erect a car port: on his property on high- way 21, Authorized the clerk to call tenders for the plowing and sanding of street and sidewalks this winter. Tenders are to be in the hands of the clerk by Nov- ember 5. Authorized purchase of a wreath from the Grand Bend Legion for the Remem- brance day service. Laid river a request from the Chamber of Commerce for their remaining $150.00 grant from the village. Authorized the clerk to ar- range a meeting between the village solicitor, the police emu. mittee and C. E. "Zeb" Janes, MP Larnbtoti, to discuss the 1963 police contract. Sower contract —Continued from nage 1 solution from Fort Erie asking Ottawa for an extension. Fort Erie pointed nut that the. federal government's program has encouraged sewage eon. struction to the extent that Contractors' tenders have been considerably higher than engin- eers' estimates in most of the municipal projects now being undertaken. In Fort 'Erie's ease, the resolution pointed oat, the lowest tender was $40,000 above the estimated cost, After hearing of similarly high bids in other ennitouni, ties. town council erinsidered itself fortunate to secure a hid within the 10";* margin approv- ed by the Municipal board, Although this is the' firs( sewerage project undertaken by Engineer Ross, the repOrts to cettocil vonecrning his work have been faverahle, One eon• struction offieial was reported by Al WO' SuntrienSi In have, said that., the Exeter plans Itere the hest he has seen, 1")eputs-Trees e Farrow stigoNl- ta (lie engineer should he toipmeoeled, WHY NOT letrkitive the 19.63 Cheysieel, Dodge And Vpliant lochiy? YOU'LL Ut ‘PL;E.ASEE) YOU bib Exotor.Motor Sales illS•110 pain-relieving drugs that were, needed .for her husband almost daily. It was impossible for them to .tiny for the drugs, and she found t intolerable to have to watch her husband requiring what sire could not give him. Men one Il.ay a woman friend she had not seen for several years was in town and came to visit her, They talked about her husband's illness, about his un- employment, his Courage, bow terrible it was fo he without funds at such a time. "it's the drugs that are the worst," she Mitchell lady killed by auto Airs. illeditun Greenwood., .55. of BR. 1. Mitchell, was in- al antlY killed last Wednesday night when struck by a car' on. Highway 23, less. than 100 yards from her farm home. Mrs. Greenwood was well known in this community hav- ing several cousins and many friends here. Air's. Greenwood was cross- ing the highway to meet a neighbor' at 7:15 p.m, to attend a LICW rally in Monklon church when. the occident oc- curred. She is survived by her hus- band, two daughters, Mrs. Foster (Joy) Hutton, Kings- ville; Airs, Murray (Laura Mayi Selves, Fullerton; two sons, Harry, at home, and Ernest, Kingsville; one sister, Mrs, Jack (1va) Paris, Mit- chell, and one brother, Howard Leary, Ottawa. Funeral services were held at the Lockhart funeral home, Milehell,• on Saturday, October 13 with burial in Bethet-Munro cemetery, Fullerton, 9 fe4pere(tPf,, let BIT AN APPLi This Saturday BUY YOUR CANADA SAVINGS BONDS YIELD S.11% EASY TO BUY SIMPLE TO CASH GOOD TO KEEP Set: ELMER D. BELL, O.C. 417 MAIN ST. EXETER Official sub-agent of MIDLAND SECURITIES conrio. L /11 IT ZS "I know I get $3,500 a week, boss, but with the baby coming and all ." SAVING is EARNING at British Mortgage. Open a _Savings Account today 'OU WILL — tarn interest on initihnum half-yearly balances. Be able to Write cheques on your savings account, ii convenient ten its free addressed stamped envelopes for depositing by mail. Start. saving your money. Visit our office today. BRITISH MORTGAGE & TRUST COMPANY. Ecli-A,A1`34 Manager At the Stoplight Set ILOtal AS§ent C. V. Pickard Pliotto 215.0310 LETS YOU ENJOY COOKING WITH EASE Regardless of where you live, you eon cook en e modern range with las — safe, clean and thrifty. 014•1*IIMMUMMIN ' • ''.N Nt4,4, '`,3090 est 6c1 tsiorl firra te1sItfn 1400 of berry. $1795 Complete* If you think real automobile value is d thing of the post, take a close look ad the new 1963 Cuslom Volkswagen, l'irst you'll notice that If's the sonic shape. cis lest year', But then the secret of bur success, And thc redsori a Volkswagen is worth more when you trade it in. We never change the htsit desigtir we. just keep improving H. f or example: Tire list price Of our Custom model includes odiuslable bucket seals, (Optional in most cars.) And every VW has'a built-in heater and defroster, (Extra cost on most ears.) Standard equipment includes 2 padded sun visors, windshield washers and on automatic clidike, And then There's somethingwe ve always had, An air-tooled engine thou can't boil over in summer arid never needs tinii- irette in winter. A rear mounted engine Iliad gives you be:Reir friction on snow drill ice, A dependable rogue tliot gets on civet age of 38 miles lo o gallon of 'vs. if you think 'cell, prices are out of 11-1 , world, Ike heart. The Cuslom Volkswagen is still ritist4110 north. IMPDXIS FAY EFOR 'tettl automobile v !tit snit exist) t L'ititittr‘Dolvtir .Maiti GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES iintaiMIMMInt Those eJected in the various forms were as follows, with the first named named 136" the presi- dent.: 9A ten Flume, Cheryl Stade; 913 Bill Farquhar, Darlene Snell; 9C' Barry Morlock, Judy Webb; 91) Jane Southeott, Bill .H.otfman; 9E Alfred Aquiline, ,lane F'onrtinga; 9F Craig David- son, Dale McAllister; 9G Peter McLeod, Diane McLeod; Eugene Greiner, Rod Coulter. 10A Keith Strang, Iris Mar- shall: 10B Helen Cole, Jan Me- Connell; 10C Bichard Westcott, loan Rader; 1.0D loan Mac- Nau.ghtan, .Bruce Shirray; JOE Kathy Smith, Janice Gill; 1.0F Boh Middleton, Doris Mills. 11A Gary Scholl, Marjorie Mc- Phee; 1.1.13 Norma Young _Rob- ert AlacNaughton: 11(.1 Bob .Broderick, Bernie Bedard; 11D KMianlgcolm MacDonald, Gary 12A. Bill. Wright, John Mac- Naughton; 1213 John Snell, Paul- ine Aquiline; 12C .Bill Shaddick, Karen. Taylor, 13A Marilyn Frayne, Sher- on McBride; 13B Steve Kyle, Jerry , Drysdale. Kerslake, Howard Ronnie. jwalking us punishable by Special commercial -- Marion ay .agrees —Continued from page 1 Bonnie Turvey. 16, a MOP- lto also performs in hockey her of the Perthex champion and baseball and showed the .ebeeeleading squad for last P calf at t h i s ,t1-1e 1-tr beef 1.) e. calf14%. year' a term,wash s ack named nd h In le .social. elected staff is ,Joan Francis, Mrs, Lloyd Turvey, Exeter. edit )(I:v. t'-iiterary editor on the newly 'I e .laup,hter of Mr. and 17-year-old daughter of Mr. She also plays on the school's and Air's, floss Francis,. Kirk- championship volleyball squad ton. She has also been a prize and was runner-up. for the winner in .track at SIIPHS and senior girls' track champion. has been Wive in 4-li work. ship this fall. '1,'he 12(' .student is also .a Tire 12A. student acted as member of the glee club. publreity chairman for the girls' athletic society last year and is active in church fun.e- irons, singing- in the Street choir and being. A graduate of the CGI'r, Good qualification s The students al SI-1111-1S corn. A special commercial student, 'detect rho staff of both the stii- 18-year-old Marion .Kersla.kr, dent council and Ink Sprit when Kit 7 Centralia, will be re- they elected their' class presi- sponsible for the secretary- dents1yee. and vice-presidents this treasurer's position nn the k staff. The presidents of each class The daughter of Mr. and are automatically named to sit. Mrs. Howard .Kerslake, Marion on the student council, while teamed up with two other girls the vice-presidents are mem- to cop a first in both the .Sti- hers of the school Paper staff. DHS track meet and Perthex competition in the basketball speed toss. Two years ago, she helped establish a junior record in this event. An ardent youth worker', she is a Call' leader and Sunday school teacher at James Street United Church and sings in the choir. She also sings in the school glee club. The photography duties on the staff will he handled by Fred Sanders. 18, son of Air, and Mrs. Morley Sanders, Ex- eter. One of the 'better golfer's in the area. the active youth has also played basketball and football at sr-rDlis. A 'Rover Scout, Fred partici• glee cith,iol both the drama and The final member of the staff is 17-year-old Grace Kel- l ia(4ty,who is in charge. of pub. I The 12C student is the daugh• ter of. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Kellar, RR 1 Dashwoorl, and is a member of the. school. glee club. Classes choose representatives The cost is low and the con- venience great, Call us today for complete information. We sell appliances too, Phone 156W HOTSON PROPANE injury or death, Grand send told her frierut, "I ,don't know where to turn." "This is Ontario," her friend. told her., "and the Ontario Divi- sion of the Canadian Cancer Society provides free pain-r'e- lieving In anyone with cancer' who :really ;wool. afford to purchase them. Many peo- ple do not know this," She could hardly believe her friend, It sounded too good to be, true, "Have you told your doctor the •tinarreiat straits you are in?" ask"l her friend, "No, we haven't .needed to go to him since Harry was out of work, He's been so good to us since the operation we've not wanted to ask him favor's, Moth- er' loaned us a little money for the first prescription. .But she cen't go on." The .friend took matter's into her own hands, through the cancer' society unit, In a matter of 12 hours the doctor, who himself had not been a- ware of this major' service of the Canadian Cancer Society, had. written the prescription, it. was taker to the local drug store to be filled, and the drug- gist. directed to send the bill to the local cancer society unit, where it was duly paid. That night Harry slept much better. His wife slept better still, She had been assured that, so long as Harry suffered., so long as they had no funds with which to purchase the drugs, they would be provided free of charge. This service is but one of many welfare services offered cancer patients by women's service of the Ontario Division of the. Canadian Cancer So- ciety, Harry and his wife are one of thousands who benefit every day. Reduce charges for electric heat Jack Hood, manager of the Grand Bend MX, reported this week that he had received per- Mission to reduce the kilowatt hour rate for home heating .to 1,35 cents in the summer re- sort. • The approval was given by the Ontario Hydro. Electric Commission and is a reduction, in the gross rate from 1,5 cents. Tbe rate is also subject' to the usualy 10 percent prompt payment discount, The, new charge covers only homes using electric heating and the supply must continue through a separate meter. Mr's. John Manore, secretary, treasurer of the PUG reported that several homes in the re- sort were already rising elec- tric heating and many more were wit,ctin g over, especially summer residents. PERT AND TUNEFI4L—P'eggy Neville is the blonde singer SCOTT each Saturday night on CRC-TVs Red River' Jamboree —the western music program produced in CBC's Winnipeg studios, Charge two with thefts Two London area youth will he charged with car' theft and break, enter and theft in the. Grand Bend area following an aceident with the stolen car Tuesday. youths .were chased by police out of London in a 1962 Chrysler, owned by Elmer Zimmer, Gt'and Bend, The car was wrecked near the intersec- tion of No, 4 and concession 14, London township, The. Chrysler was stolen in broad daylight — about 11 ant. — Monday from in front of the fish shanties along the ,Ausable River at Grand Bend, Tbe youths are believed to have lived for several days in the Maxwell summer residence in Southcott Pines, a subdivi- sion south of Grand Bench. They left there some silverware which apparently was stolen from. another summer home in the area. Despite an extensive check, police have not yet dis- covered the other cottage en- tered. A car stolen from the London area has been found in Grand Bend. OPP Ray_ Gillen, Grand Bend, and•London" ponee are in- vestigating. Drive as if all children were your own. ONLY ONE ACCIDENT rElweter police reported only one accident this week and the ()PP detachment didn't invest- igate any. Last Wednesday cars driven by Jack Caldwell. 29, And Clayton A. Kooy, .17, 11R 2 .Ailsa Craig, .collided in front of South Huron Hospital but damage Amounted to less than $100, The Caldwell vehicle was hacking out from the parking area beside Huron when it was struck by the westbound :Km, car. Constable Harry V, 'Ber- gen investigated. ATTgliP cpNFg.,f1ANC'g Ten officials of the Algable authority attended the .eighth biennial confereie of the 01)4 nervation authoritle' of (Warm in Toronto last week. Chairman -Freeman Hod gins,. Secretary ,Tills, C, Hume, itielcl~ man J. T. McCauley and blip John Hodgins were. among .the group. Odiers included I-4rue Hay, Fred Dobbs .John Snldan r- John Stephen, Edin0nci Bend., pot; and Charles Corbett. Hunting .safety is not child's play; don't toy with it. society that ,cares Too good to be true Tho. Octollpr l r 1762 p.4, Always keep your ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION Hospital Insurance 2193 Y 0 Nee STREET, TORONTO 7, ONTARIO Certificate handy. * Reminders about your ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE KEEP INSUREDS Separate premiums are required for your insurance from now on. Obtain application form at a bank, a hos- pital or the Commission. KEEP INSUREDS The Family premium must be paid to cover husband and wife, Tell your group OR, if you pay your premiums direct, notify the Commission. KEEP !INSUREDS Follow carefully the instructions on the hack of the Certificate of Payment Form 104, Which )our employer is required to give you.