HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-07-28, Page 4fs'
ON -.111•11011111111111111111111111.-Mo
"..•-••••eiroravr •
1i wog C w• t!ii h, *h rernaiker
leen •pealstog of the s 1 effect of thiel
ratal-mg. that one e..e stilo•r ).1an, in a All
ee weld Lear trot I. 11,att loo. two 'nor,
then four aud so o:•, ant if there wer• fiity
raora.0 a II. • he *hole ..f these pot to,
• r ltear nit [...Melberg% art all. The
trail% lime is lIttic!I greater lots Ir'
,egetstries to stmt.! Hoek's, together, eloon
nowt see at e'l aware of. To rost.re a eroi,
plenty a see,' is fed r, het the intenetose
of thinoing at the prop.o litne; hot nho,o
thineeng anti es, it r, quirts rather
more nett *004144h111 whet npoetra to be
the mercOare fittest of tearing 011 Dint -
troth' of the bratt•ifolly growing toting
plants, than inert peaple p . A cove
of beers hes j t tsrsniug hand -
souto,blit8o„ precieely one inch aouoikr in
the ',At; certsioly something olf the .u' -
goon. 'crater to neeectl to lay niee-lentros
otroe %Amor g in 11.8 Surt--s-rileololu'rs
are i•t Levi:Mug toitorow .out their yet
trosson.4, ot.t1 it seems to some a bard
matter to ...a: out three•fourths of the
i.orea 0•.w growing in the Lilt. .11 mu, 1
toot t ver b • Ly. one -all tiottorplue p:a•itas 111
• bed of brake turt.epr, or a 1,11 ..f co
cumber,, twiiii.hes or melon% aro to be re
girde,1 1111 1114 Onelity pooi•itr-, . on aright
weed,. ubeinictit g the growth of the rest
and y Itlirg het 1ittle eothing them-
traltes. li ton moo. are 10. Los crwatka
and 'tutted, e quite so wilhogle
- brae 4 door w sth- -pigratoodooked Vx taeLe
to have itrent stut.11,eved reed the tot
sznaueled by limas of toeir own epe-
ny years ago,- IR tt,:n the cultivation ft!
the rutabaga oa. firm introduood, tout.
iorariabiodistirgmett the crops ta the 110.
TILL by th• to". grooreg, bolt develop-
ed bulbs. "0! but they hod thinned thein
to meet)! great exit -tit -al ey had eut. coif
doee-Viothe, and reduc•-el 'form (,o -n one
Inca to four int ho es Or dos hoer. whereae
oone altwohl Mend nearer th to a Ver-
tu each other, i! tler; sol_. pen, Feed any
thing like a lar degree of ferld to: tent
ifertkell loik noicti like indite r -mood,
claughier, on.i ont be thrombi of to
• Minnent.--.The fillet t st erotic:tie of g a..4..n
produeor,,Wleteh we tee i.e.-Mond at h orto
cultural ohon r, are Hiner %teeth hate been
Well thinned nod allowed ,terr eppqrtnnit)
to deselooe theater:Yee freely; and tier
same is tfue ort worm td !plants, %throe a
full, rich, irrid. luxuriam grovell. and
are obtarn.,1 ti toogli theodopton ef the
mine Fit iht (*votary Gentleman. -
• .
C. ARDS. 8.c•
Helmet Ruatl.
(We.' of Mr. Tie SLore.)
Dtc. 15th. 114.1.
MUSIC &Sly LISIINI ENT. 0,-,...., 14. I: 4 ir-"•••••toor _ . JUDSON'S
. 4 •filr-' '/f, jig '.. • COlinaCAL EXTRACT OE
t ,iolk C
. 11, hsT S•rat is r. Goal
11•1 prepared In turobsto I/Et:WM.1 end
• MANN, Ilre nom* re
Gade rob, Ni. 111.11. I$*.
irtEitT REID,
11001C-SELLE.It & 13T A T1 0 N FAR .
1) opposit. ill'• Illot•I.) ettriirf •I
Medea •nd Telboimreets. Londoe, C. W -
School Bonk: Corinne. and Clastucal Beek
Bolding and doh, g of every Jerrertplien Eitern•
01 I:le Nettie sett.
ID' Orders Mr Areal. t Books. from itte Tia.tv
or Collotry tie •tieudvii
entf Impart dlocouni allowed.
Loudon. Morels 1851. 4,4
Aoc-rioxess. to p•epare.i to attend Sales i,
Any earl of the Uoiled Couut if O. oe tip
moat liberal term*. Apply at the Fare.
I) 'in Coot,' office, or 41 hie house, LSO
S r.`,11, Goat roll.
N 11. -Good• end •,the- prooerly will to
received to sell ci• het by pris ate or pubis.
.• 1 wooer 6.1552. 04n47.
. , fi is a general opinion Ind bid:ore:I to be
411141(4 utt cornet ethromatione .54.4.1 Iht-
f.od given to is gs nsiould be ,=112i tly spilt •
orel r to prodoce the greateet. poti• del- ,
efreet to Id.: riviag• thea. condtion. An
oorrotorratO.n of this tit Innilt. tn Gdman)
mit train ti i Ler tarts .4 Ettrope, hI•rtme -ere !
ted,on beta -I -that hav beim f• vomit,: so at
toile a Illt:,! ',owe ', an.1 it i*. nu.' flu be
there econ,,,.. '4-14 h in ltedino them with
grain. Bread oo., 4. rs 1-4.•iijlti tty lb- pro.
et..1111 of fernientalmn 4. •;, . • - • -' •• 0 • ott
• u, drldhS. and that in oo.,or ., ,, . . 1, n;s1
"4. 4-4,"" Porlill'ition. gralte to Coil point. .
to' 401 IFIrbili1. n 1.. 4. no re st holesome end
no.010 ,rertsit t.ti gleilij.au unlearnord tread.
Ileoce it 14 0,1 unreasonable to IltIP:'0De•
that all faromeeous eithstencee TM, to stot
mai. wouht bo mote econ oliteorry anti lYgoe.
lie:Mly apolie I by being lire,. eligh" ly ler-
uo-nreil. - lo ord•tr atom elreetuelly to ac
compile!) t it ..rol coinyrepairog food for
bet.:e, t o er What allielLi be procereol uf sue -h•
as would be adopted 1.1 the ., number
to be leo to 'which to prepaid their food:
therm stoo.L1 be lord to feed from, alt -r -
tate' y ;the raster ir hoin one would be melt r
going the necessary . oreoarett vn, while
fre, ipg (rem *he 4,11.er. .•Tho ettathe
hemp! generally. cool while hoo 4 aro haven --
• ieg, thc. pr.,. es . 0.1. lettnit:111ing progrees
-", elooly goo i: 9 I. 4(Y. Cold, tt lls tattoo:1y
rapp•oderOoinlisosetrtic.el mein* ere re-
stored, to 1.-eir it uo. roves of Stale
bright,. 'hal Ilft; no ioroer 41 for family '10.o.
end %loch find their say iota !he mold tub,
are moth -roily 1. und to p et the e bole too
tents into • state of fernient.•!ton. If miter-
ed to. oe maill few It few Acura. T. to hal
roweled- 'he oposion Cost a mural ttorantity
ef yeast v. loch to a cheap sit.ele, siii,rii
• with advantage be add. il to•th• cuntentrini
tbs tub ilostateg the food tor swine, in Ora
der to more etothly and thoro Mir briers'
, It tato • temple:to staie. 4 term...Alton
. sededvance it to slight acidity before It is
fed This a.1.441.4 eeed nut ghee he made,
pramd. el t ne leo was reoleniesed with food
taw. It wan quit's. rmpt ied of ite ferment
ed contente, mad its this way it eou'd he
kept op during the Stettin omen. Core
er ether grain that hoe blotto steuinewhIsoiled,
or wet soaked, is %toy surcepi ode of *ho
iefinenc.. of yeast. Stamh ruerkere end
dietitlere tote it in order to prepare the
gram, so that they CaR CCU iCt 'thrall ,11111.•
petlie• at Itelell‘Of mentrfacturs (101111 It er El II
more Undo,. mut In greater quantities; a114
,1 appro.'s ressonabl, to etippon the mum
orbs ,.1. an:IIII.:11 1101.14 1171 Mine labor
abridgert,sarivrtsuld be enabled to eatract a
grreaor quar,t17 ui 80'44'4 from a given
e•torlity of grain Of IV gelled° tattler thus.
I rein:NM, ilmn et Iltn ft Is fed, to them in
thel nitwit s ..y •
The st IV,/ of fermentation are the sac •
hartne, ll.e %moue. the meteor, and the
pro. f co, eothe: 114* is •zhitiited in omit-
lng at ba. ley. w'ic:t is reoJered sweet by tt,
the second te Olt tit% n iti the working ol colei
Or test the totrel is retired in kilo a ;Urine
of Isre• and in 11,e teethe w of v istegor,
%PAM* oorth ta dismiecred i this dogmas-.
polities of brollies gent "Op In th• pre'
petrales .. f food fur M.gs, it le belletn.1 II
ritilit, advent.. to tho 11,154 Atage hes sor
• 1
rams t remelt ie,for sf,er st I'n tete the frost's
and 1. 11 to twee el leohentsitio.., 9 would te
trmy pejedictal toil,* heelth of aniooto
end ceekkead evotrikers Os. Mom nourish.
tuent II spy way ' wlatesilr......Feemerea
C. timer' Covnittis F.11 [Iwo Pkess......R. G.
P•rdee elm. to in the Nsent4 New Yorker,
Ihel tict Leo need i loth am • ereabettiote for
glees to 4*oche.41 sod aralheregh it • ill net
elites OM growth el ptittitto as muck, he
throats kiwi m.o.* ollysorage•. It does not
IMtrik &Phu teenier plahra take glees, if arft
ear% the bed in ft cle-r t ay. 1: preserve* Ora
merier peters God 0..ril ta a comparmivisty
hast.1 ',tate. The pia Os are stronger owl
loseithirer, slid Frew, shim transplanted.
willbellat • arrotilhale eh,elt. Ttv cluill to
ne foNoerso....Tshe whii• costae
of * elm* sealoem eirateh sral nail -rt
slimy mwe yew ooh: battles.
Met, 4 oil, rf Itniteed oil. 1 mt.
WWI. 4 mt. y ..Ik of ,tes. NIII
tad 110108 .41 et sob a ecxf genii,
•ett sepseately,
nisi fit' • iitcal
T the GU1)F.R1C11 3111.1..
.111. N.
Golor•ch. Jot 21 h, 1853. v.5. 52
-:?trrit: E.
• DP 10 fter1i1J soy perame of porAone
p • reho.H; a N-oe drawn the
icribor In tame., of Alexander flodeine
heari• g dale 3".1 Motorail. r. 1353, fad do.
Om let J ,atuary, as I hare riweistd n..
value for the tame.
Townehip of ,Broce.
F. b. 6t4*. 13. wen?
MOE Canada Company. let it be remembered,
1 hove pmuled. the beet posethle lac,Itty to
the raid SettiMi tor Om tramaction of Begun*
w.111 their office in Terunto through the Agent.
II•nk of Upoer Caned., both -III Goterett,
ni lo'orre•hird, withum charges to theraid mo•
6111. 1832.
rie tv 1•1•”ore Steamer
111LeEL WARD. 284, c•••.71D1114 .
ir ILL run desong she prement Beaton.
• as follows: - Lego's, Detroit for
.G., rch every NYedoesday morning, at 9
0..*:, ek.!
lloorres ..7erich _every Tioiroltv morn
Inc et 1 o'clock. R•stiono lone 11 I ,,,,, •
•ShOtt ;.1 the wea•her prevent the RUBY
can.ing un the Wedneed .• no.ht, she be
Iritve.irm trat following ids, me ht •
For Freight or Passage kende on hoard
or to E. 11..NIARLToN.
:Jerieh, MoreliSth,
. Snored trait
ea int enollea
fledey 100440
4441001. *Or -
Opp.. -le Aleuts Mgastrd
IVnese mar he hod, St : Err
eter 161•C,14114.1.11..litiri
ffor it; 1.•nost loot fish t O. ke.,
sa e•n be had to Tnruatu, Bort.. of Mr'
N 0 'I' I C B.
A 1.1. throw indebted to 13,orze. Mille.
"I. to Co. ef th.. Goderici. FOondry, eat her
tti .Nole Oehan.1 or 11..• k account aro r •
roomed to Coll and hay, them settled on nu
hehire • Ise first of lute next, ard ail othe•
debt* .410 to the ranee ...oablt•hment up 5,
the firm of Jimmy, 1852,.a.rat tom lord
et the eatne.t.tese, other *toe they he
placed In the tarn le of the Clerk of the Da
aarto Collator c
G We' tch Fouelmy, . •
, ef At tifill:c3.. tr-6 --it
(//worporfrfca by Act q" Parliantent.)
TIIESiihierther b• sr. to annoonee
In art.lit isi the 0:4ire at Aiorti.er.
form...4 h. ld by he Itas low, 04)1 ):n*
.d Atil•:NT for the above Company. and
plifrOvIll '0 lit, instritett,n.n,h-.1,1 hoe -
self in rea.linesis to as- et ihtending ands -
casts in 4.1sisioing toon••y.
11. has also to intim*. e that arrange-
mese* hove been made' for faralitaisne and
grimily expediting. the completton of Loins
Lettere (poet poid) will meet with
prompt 01 5044100.
Agent, &v.
018,4 of ihe Agency ef .
the Trust Is Loan Co. of U. C.
London. C.W., 23th Aori1,1853 vfirt 11 3,
N. 11.. -At tho advertieer's -nceuottion
will nect openly erase lora to ho frc000ntly
from home, fie begs to mote that • e'ork
will be found in hos oln .0 every lawful day,
from 10 to 3, *bre tool fornteh 4:1 necessary
orateral ir,form i so, 81,•.
The onbeer.ber 14 rale one hundred
••• agree of excellent lend, a.ree lear•
ed and well teneml, with n good log. barn,
on uretiaril heat frutt• TOP Shore land
lo 1...1 on 3r11Concestion, lot 11, Teton
Mrio ..1 lliaweouth, and one hall Imre from a
Sch.rit Wallet...4;1 the (Deploy win bit IA
red down. F. r punctilio's spply to the
0..4190,4 on the prem140.
Wawanosh, Ith Aug , 18.5d. ne.8
Unrted Ceitnties of lir. of a
To Wit: um nt Ir•mal uct
egea Wrt .‘itsche
IIvr sty's C..itet 14,,reen't Benet., and
to me diesotod ago the. lEatate res1
well as perforate of George Beneett, an ab-
sconding Of tonemord et the mitt
of JOnfr IIRLT3N, for the shim T..rty •Rve . .
i''Inindv 'ea 'hob Inge, I hate .raer • MI toe
ems • reel se well se portioned of he said
tilon•it BRNORYT, an4 'inlets the mod
lal•origo Boomot town vreralp the yoried•co
loon ..4 the said Croft Anti put In he'll
• n, or tem.* the .mc tie be doetterged
•ifiria three talateder months front the It -t
der of • he poltheatien •1 thn Nrt.eit. Mr
the ost.to rest as well a• perooral th.
0*4 6'-.p* Bennett, or en Janet thereof a0
may be ineesei ry, sill be held treh• for
mivinest, ben. tit or satisfsettroi of oh.
o nid el on% or el .im• of see% other Plititetft
or Ptatntifft as ohoIl or my, t•hrt peenterute
thee iliyarnet the properly ao•1 eft' est thw
add termitts ret• gestlitht ist
&se Mehl of toe *hove W re .
I. .hile DON A I.D,
Sherif, florae k Stec*.
toot:erten, tilth Jane, I133.
•112 -See
Al lora!, of MUSICAL INR
from a than. Foote duo!. to
St, ng 4.41 I. tole. and of Pleperio, 41171•;
ty : tri 01,11, rte.!, I tog • ti ell can or no
loon t on • sell .aid emelully Del. co:
Moot Store.
The PIA NOS are front tle eato,tio
.nrrt• .4 .4. till. p et trbe • tett nok,
ox: Chrekering, Sivehlart ar.' •
11 el. -deed re, be i' -e heel h'e part
1,e globe. an are th, 1111:1.0DIANS, is as
•a Atte, d by Proer k Co.
Posner. 001 Nit Iodises meld to cheap a. ,
4 an leo.- Lk terror ae ilo y case be pro-
eorral Torotio, or hem tho makers them-
Litheon, 1431. 13..3se
To ems
Farmer, Farrier A. Stage rreprieier.
GEO. W. ;11E111:HANTS
The gout 4.t M'. PlIae
Mows hay. atiaheoll. he eilewaermee ef
catreentwar. sem ellameil by *OW um, mearee 4.
tionerwiyary ke the geoprirtur 10 0.0.0 Into • portent.
tar analysts et their ohtlielnal rtrtiove se preperUse.
Downie bees moire Mae teeety year0 befog. th• hob.
ar. ace hawing the ranee toatiasouy of more Urn
Throe laillione of pontoon who have bore retained
to the outoymoil berfoet Wealth by them. 45 4. be-
hoved that their emeatatAtia as the bore ereetable
one.lielso atm before the public. admits of no direct..
lo almost livery rity and 'lama in the I.: cited Stat..
hem are toasty who tun reedy to taiday to their di-
cer; la remuelog dhow sod giving to the whole
ty•tem renewed 'tiro •...1 0, 4,0
1 o eases tef Serenala. COCOOk &cam or ErlarfirOall
or the okin. thr opera/kola sr Lthe liteettetsiee
trot, agloattehtne ales ryaroritat le • be day • every
vestige of IttatIteome gleteart-e by thoD purl.
tying carets on Om blood Fever eel Agee,
Dyspepsia. them, Mot sad ta abort word
all drew.. view yield to their curative
proptrtnes No family atoms be +about
them as by their tnarty ase emelt suffer-
ing wad cap. -mitt way berried
WILLIAM 1101Ferr, la. D.
rote tome
itt.ZJ. 1 A
Giadieleh, Jas. 24, 1413
CELEBRATED GARGLING OIL ffa I 0, rantruid d Ci i( I
" Tun incruai Or oar....
It A 11.1%'AY."
• th• most remarkable External Applusation inw -
2.1 PlifeallEt to a K. totitl.or Of the LW.
4t DIITeteln. MD,. II tf the NIA% !SSC!
Dr SHARES ot the rocreseed
Sleek of the Buff kr, Brasolord cod, r
tch Itailsay CI to motored to be mail
to th• Trendier'', of the Cemp•ny, •1 thi•
B rk Drilla' Ninth Amer to, Brabilord,
tn filo equal lestalmralra. es follvoirt
20 per cent, ere Of be,. In de 1,0 Jay oi
• if/ er cr wettest' Is" fele the lel de; oi
jut,. melt.
20 per cot on ot befure the 1st day or
5. fdeteber erste.
215 per trot ea or before the lel dayora
No.ember reit,
20 per toot on Of bofcre the let day of
Jacuatir, 1051.
By order,
- crater'. ,
Olce of B. II k Ra iu ay Co.,
Brantford, %latch 15, 1853. v6 c9
"They can't Seep Rouse without it."
Ix lienee of more thrall .efteen mem haerytahdybel
%ha for Mat blercha.tta ceiebrated th:, or Em-
battle . tich as
Mc% not: y Entleocation...11 1104110111 case', wit,
Sparing. Swernev, Rittnne, Windgalls. Poll
..Kvil. 0111011d, Crack Heels, thells of all
kind,., Fresh Woorols, Sprains, .Bruisek
tulaoSitfaet. Sami Cricks, Strains, Lamenese•
Foundered Fect..Seratchen or Greaser Mange.
Illteumation. /live a Animals. Extenial Poi-
. suns. Painful Ne•rvoue Affections, F:•tet Bitsw,
Boit% Corms, Whitlows, Pnrne and Scahis.
flantle„ Cramps. Con-
, tea:gloms of f.,•• :sides, Swellings, Weakness
" est the Joints. Breams. tr. or. Ito.
cAirrioN TO PinicHastas.
Inis oil hoe 14.,'.,.. n, tert.raiet in the treaimant el
digeWel. ant Ay • come panre. the .14eran4 beetttnIng .
Ma. • . . . . .
men bare intim-et] them to palm otT tet.ni •unenurr tor
porton, an imiurthra.aiticle for the Grams* Oirriill Oli,
deet,muir Om t•irt.tethei utzwees irim market tip
on the popolort ,t4 04 - the out:, tom article. which now cow -
taint. an entriable repoiati . aharb it hoe scoured by
nearly etzteen years tee in the (Mimi Sratee•and nosed& .
Ito rwreasine demand and eranderfnl outer/Nur Mecum
.Or ALI. r1.5111. and MIDIS ID pirlrY:111r, inJuced soma
permits to at -rawer li.imentig A in voritotio ways, wrelen
Is thairtorioo pewee or irettirmiste metro:
.„ yb„..,,e, „,,t, ,,,hing linevery however, ter prat mut
certain ...trot," t v *lien eito iire oripoeing oron'the eilZ
time of Moor avanee. a etainterfr it for the •Ipirto• Gar-
gling oit. The mamba ewnrke .1Me life or property
ef • fellow ina i r a flee ester! conotterotion with Mew
unprincipled ilmemstri. Who, dom, can be eefol Wen
wbo Will IA11.1104..0 On the credo:ray of their ewe:mien ;
may die! rim he evl'•, of the wow Cupidr• in regard ue
any 01 all o•lirr mettsibtes of lert.tern mounationl Whet
confidence ran von Plc* in them. - .
The proprietor miut.i there:orreedrivot inn.* *beano
thee, Re Dirt tkat dream e de preerietarts is Mkt
owe kaadttrame erre the cork. mid Woe verde me Mews
in tn. filIl Atf tke Attar: -G W..Merehant. Loral. n t, M.
y ,...tha nlhe ONLy LIGITTII•TO ra.rfrat•Toa. Mon
.an be centime. TM is done that the petiticisey
net 41,,no eau their money (ora worthier and commas
Isom6troolei 41'4 addressed 10the proprietor Will be promptly .
.7zNA to
.,. Parophtet of the tient. en', we what wooden am
eteeninpIehed by th. tre nt• thi• riledierne. .
gold b reepectatra .1ealery geueraily, in the Unite ,
OWN Canada. Cs. by ,
irf II. P.% it St i9,4. Goierich, -
. o• roe k. C.... P•or S.:r.'n li^erts 'Mt
It ..• rot- n. 4 tett am; il.. dt. Mile! •I .. lyrin
. I -n; Se Croak, I, tehmolho A. li.g•ehotham.
11 antfo d.
The following sue Wkarroi:. Ayrnin, viz.
ans. 11#11, INAloit ; Booth to Datteon, Piot
rittoley : '4'. Ittok e k 18 in, Hamilton.;
Ly non. Bro. k ('r., Tr.irto; Boyd k Paul,
No, 40. Cottrtlted Stni9, New yorks.5.10.
May 27, 1852.
- 7-
4404'l 08 l'111'114.41:1 'F.
ee ri'll El FORTIETI 1
A Ed ' h O
Hundred Enfttasiser.
th,,wing Its -cues .aed
Matitormatisms of the
. Huron% NESICM ID er0.
ry shape es4 form. To
olveh ts added • Trea-
tise on the theesse. o:
Female', Wing ..1 its,
hIghest importance to
inariried peopte,or those
coo tinplating mariiage. 8. 0
I.et no father be ashamed to preseat a
.ESCULAPIUS to his child. It may save
Iwo from an early gtar•. Let no yeur.g
man tit woman enter into the secret obi.
oa•ione of nearen.d Ote without .ding th.
soff 'leg from a backend Coup , Pa -n in
the Side, restless .,44h1., so ramie ltd 11(0.
and the whole Orrin of I'l 'prom setioationo,
1 and love's up by thew ph's.tiana be shells
er morn, nt without eerouttrog the AS
CU1.PAIUS. Hats lbe married any loupe -
/tomcat, trod Ohm truly uselul bo.•k, ae ll
has beet' the memo. of Paving the,,,..aade ni
einfortunate createres from the very j‘er. 1,1
ilea i h
%Cy' . fly eerie' werd.og T1VENTY-
F1 1 E l'r.N TS eneltmed In 1 letter, %II
iv teeter owe ropy of theo work by mail, Le
tie. Coveted 4111 be rent for one Dollar.
AilJrces . (post paid.) •
1/14. WM. Y0UNG.
I 54 Spleft St.. l'hileifelptia,
Fes. 1714*. . vII-at
1,1 lot r door I. II. R. O'Coesor's Store,
• • We•t Street, Goderreh. Clothe.. made
and repaired, sod culotte, done on the ober-
trat motee, end mom liberal terms.
Deeemb. r Irtf, 1ft.st, •4•49
vim.% p GOODS at Port Albert,
"• --; lobo eit.1. there writ flroil
l'he Goods roof IMP ragtime, thri pr.ceir,
the mind,
if Wise Intim. In perches*, will please .p
5 soll sod me
flie stock, orill *fleeted, «40 0.1 Cop -414.
Ben,s• APR STertnellit Lee -DRUIDS APO
Port Albert, Sept. it, 1654, tr4•31
0 T 1 t.' E
undereogned having a sineere Wish
A to soy w at be, e *es le comported to
•.I 'hoer *ho are intletited him,
tt.ey "oust at 1,11C. pay him, or ooleer.
al'., May 1111I be 'tied witt.00t any ne-
lion or fewer sad be 10 Ericla. Their
araomets are now prat in the horde of Nero
Watson, Solicitor, oho bar lull
power•to edjust all Isi-
Guierich, 4ib June, 1853. ,n19-tf
Sheriff's Sale of Lands.
ilia ibis ttial Ye
Cowrie. (olds, Ilearsaeia, SOWN
of tided, Nidild Sweats, Latham,
Liver Coalylaiats, aad
DEA ca. be arsd been pre
eent.d thous.rals ..1 ea -es 1.)
sli,use's ow • reused,. Jodono's Cherni-
• illfaCt .f Curaine sod 11..ElitintiNT. This
ineiltri•e moat of tbe psomi remidles
.1.. day is the refult ol martial study and rape
aliments 4I• other:odic and esper.et ecd Physietan.
Ihe ton prim Out inytedinnis hose long been
knows sad celebiatid. 1A GIP ClaanST BAUR.
When the ilret,eth el this ranpetty egotist:led
their article' km been estresively estawiesleit.
ed of totaled* sad tied the poloiciore issensJ.
Ceoltoe Comstock, &c.. rover toy withoot.
DEAENESS.-thre 11r. lorsetie's Ammon
0,4. rug the core ral Dealiteee. Al... all theme
diem/useable oviform like the bunko' ed
•antog el water, arbiutog elrout. stet
.V0+144110 oi spprowhi..n &Meow. Perrin
• ho bora bees !feel tor 11A1041 yeara. and weer
sabres so tar ear tiutureis„ hire aloe ming nee
bows made well
I 11 1 I 4.1.:11A1 liehl.-Comerisek's Pleree and
Ran. 11.4.nome.i• ibiloteoliti 10 rtile lipir c.f. 01
Itt.eten•thin. Com, Cootrected Cmde. trod ,
klio•clee, or miff Dior. •lie na ilt. ow weak Lotto,
e nd rnaldc• those she are eoppled n•Ik
.491 0,0. 0VIflC 11,44,0, 111111 0Sfl80*5
th• wrapper.
TOOTHACHE -Dr. Krim.. Drops, fro the
care ol the Toole/who It i• i.h co.fi eggs
e ll eay injuty te th• teeth or
cra,ni....rn2rso ,,,, it se so inlell,ble cote ta
the ranee "tit trantd.nery remedy tor Wiiiille fifer
nee& it effectually eredice•es Worms from both
A,1011/ and Chrtlihen. It rano. t hagm the most
delicate infent or et roaceSt Dente, lind nei tare
ie ettilybe Rod othei Pulmonary
'6 *1`. by•I"""I •'"' k""""1"' CU"" u it iin • mar o • •nt • more • w I le
it to enniple•ely root outland destroys 0.51
Wotnte. Th. rest, 25 me tor bottle, pure It
eveihnul it are w•nlon enimeln
the phial M and (*4141,1,0 14.1 sufferer to expecte-
their children to 'bore 'ell &tooter, rif yoo•h,
tet• tri•tly. atul Ili... Mill CU, the wort,' colder o o„„o dn. 0* conmack &
cough, oho!, if neglected .Io •y• lead* tu Cull-
Itmeher, proprietors, the Murree' et each
sumptien. Bottle.
1 veowne, -Thi• iv a plant the virtues of
whit•li ere known to hmt f.o, t hen been Med by
Heir. •eti no. the Skin. This dye nom be ap.
tbe most learned then ol .11 too", Met "osier.
plied In th••• hair ne•r met!, the firpt ntght torn -
Authorities, the ramie V Deborah/rem by
(Inc Ithenscip 1 Corporation of f11*
u-rr rf &rick. 10the elesentytt
.C2500, iar puriemrs Mervin err forth .
1- DUE AO the Musiespel Council gl
the Tow ot Gaoler !eh le to preeerat
oda bled toomersorerater, fee 40.14*4.00.
i,...,,,t‘hrtaessieetolutot nuot.1 ror
du.lit andoei
Traertres, bee• 'reword of the b•Itt SI tfills
cool C. tiro', the rait. of sox hoe deed
ponntis lot il.. election of 55 ete P. boot
Oolocio end, soh oh:el, den attl. the Conn-
ell err on it eat lat et IMO% sad
• lirr.ns the C. enrol brae token shark in 114
Gravel Road Ciiinprity, to the
milouot sal tee 194th( o sod tils loomed:
and have also resolved 5.• graete and eravel
certain uf the prinetpal 'Meets In the luw•,
and to nolie other Ireal public improre-
inents, *ohm the *nen; at • rest a the
heither ram of twelve loindrrd end RS,
p, end,: and, whereas it re heteliire per et -
✓ e!, a, d tmei weit to. itattadeht 'ilia, • to
the anghint 01 ',to thotteard 6i. lit.rdettl
pound. : and 114.44,(',o, for she payn.ent of
the mod debentured, sof tbronterest to be-
come doe thereon, o be r.• , lo
raise nor ually, as a tr t.v.r d
above, and is eddit inn t• sill other wee,
the foliowing suno, that is in .at to the
year 1859. th. •nni of .C76: it, eat,' a the
ye rs 1854, 1155, ION. and 18„7, the suns
uf !NO: ard, in the Me, the Omni
of £25'75; and o he-eas the 00 t 01 the
e ore rateable prnperty cf the •nul Town
of Godertch, fOr the finartgat sear
ipe 1!,f, netting of this, II! Ilytte, wao
1:7:03 and v here's leor 1,e pay.
tor 51 a the mid Interest. sod for the ere.
& two of a eit.k ng kill fur the payment of
the Pelt' dt•ht, there will be rt riAred upon
ihe Paid raleali!e property an •ODUOI rate
in the prund, so follotts, that is to say:
fn. the Iror DO& the sum .4 21d. in thik .
1..•onel, kr r arli 1141 yi rirs 114.41 1855,
1856. and 1857, ilie own of slid. in the
poold..n.1 for the *car 1858, 548 itm Of
69. fill its the peunti•
Ile si therefore reacted. by the Municipal
Council uf the Town nf Dolma -km Cram-
ett aosembled, under and by virtue of the
Upper Canada Municipal Corporation Ar1e,
and it herebv enacted hy author ty of the
anitlillyciaritrs; trills!'ate inPaid"1111gof
viol! 1'- 00.51 rEall tate. rwer snit NIther...,
ity. and he is hereby authorise el hid tem-.
powered to 111111tiepent, ond n eke dt kn. -
tures_ of the 1411-1 Stumm-rail Conseil lOf
Petal tint lemi than £23. nor ext. -riling in ell
the said stim of £2500 for the purposes
Move eper.fied; provided st ways, that too
Mayor, for the totes ,beeng. OWE not issue
any ol the Paid del...Tomes !twice* he shalt
he 'hereunto Trammel by resolutioa ol
"d MeiiniClPifiltr"flliretetl;
Agtbeiatesrle4, that the said
n tures shall becomes d,,..44 he ParaLle
nt the • Aire of the.Trsaiiiirrr of toe Pau/
Milltleiped Conned „en thOlOth der of De-
cember. is 'be year of cm Lord ICA: aml
'halt the interest of the gaol debee• tires Otrall
ray pay.be half yearly .4 the 3)4, 147 of
.1.me and the.30th tinf Docember or each
, year, at ths office of the Treavuier so afore.
And be it Ho r•fo•e r Inc &Mho/ • !
it y !efete.aid, that' the said deber terra shall
he issue': under the tomeeern. ram) red Hee
said hitinie.pal Coured. aed shall have Cu
pores &tenet ed to thrm for the pooneot of
the 101.1 intevoist, and that the .44 D. btr-
. Amite end cos/pone shall he ire: eetteely
•,gred by the M.yor.and eetent•reigneol hy
the Treasurer of the &aid NItinrcri al Colin,
Ad be it ftsrther enseteti by the
lt htueeTO dnll
ioa fete eiltaul er.e
.. thandai ft h, rpelihrenet°,1
no therc .hall be assewed 'rated, stsd
raised orlon the whole raterthle propertv tn
the •aot Town of Ooderieh, es • epeetal
..ate. ar each year se after menevored; over
rend sheep rad •11 other rates
• betenet .r. ao nolows. Hort te to Pay, en
the rear 1853, a rate of 2114. la 11..' t•otInfl;
in each of the yea., 1851. 1 355.,11956. and
1851 a tato of eV. in the poon.i, and in
the year 1853 'a rate of Os. 814. in the
Ard he it fisraer rearted,by the authori-
ty aferesairl, that 6111 fit' -:111W shrill lake
e.ffect aed crane Into operation immed:ately
froai end after the proms thereof.
l'''''-.':'''"io. "i"•"g'dY i",do","', ii,.. CIsb' ligho; e! 4* .4
crt.tiniItIio a 4,11
'5":':,'7ic:':7r'a"otart",a,Vn:;'::r!F'l:dti7P.a'ina:::11P:h.:ni''°i‘00rl01r;1L'::Vw",i.j•ui:e;b'IjharkTh.:fie8;.ssi'':nlriInt,eni::!esgnd,y:eureh.; frt.oit. ooi;rgo4oe,enfar1;t, atoie
1,1 11.0 .1 ttPrrt,r0 we u°11 '""d'fl•r•""1re.ebreied ChernetDret rolick. •U11101ni
'he 'ITO'', 01."hich11c4r" 1511 t"..' e0.11omstock'0 Clmutory. PliMeophy, and other
„ ftt,ereued Lune, $001hinr and nmming s,
works.. and Retool Bonk.. •ril known.
irroatioo, •Irnoto immediately, le a proof ot 111 "rTuo, A,, of ti. .4.,,,,,, n.,,,,,,,,,,,......„
atfttpeatj.ta to !ht. 14, ewe.
sold C
nory by erneieck & !limber. 2 ....It r.o..
Thew too artic'e1 con.binnd with other pure.
Place. directly in rear of the All,,, 41011W., he-
ly vegetable . nip .lientr, Mrm • medicine thet is
1 ween Itarclm mid Veer, sta. one dour Irom
•-ettain to cure the nost eases rf Con-on•plinn if
. Perelay. and one Block from Browdese, Nrw ,
enLen holore ihe *offerer in enidely pI0olreleil -
Tnek. In tylorm ill notelet most b• d.reeiryl.
no not lee dipcouteeed, a Wel c 4 n do no Au a ,h, abaa. .*,',,'.l ankh., a a. aohi only
harm, hut will C.!, 111111, the moat ?rewire! 01 in ornierirh. e. vv.. n . ,i,
Reber' Pork, Nlerwood
•i, f•at worih. Tlinuramils ot Consumptive p.r•
& Keine. C. Cribb. and 11. R O'Connor: io
"'"" h"e b'en d'e.'''""'i ""ed1y " bur" siiitford bv II. C. Lee: in St. Mar) 'It by T 44.
medico.., obroi o•re reel In he int•Iiihle cu:ep,
' . ''t • 41utiin4mir. kt.r,8,4":nvii.nTh"wicll''"l'"'el""l,"?l'4'''•h"II"1YW1:ctielTinrnnifyil!.JC'sr..r.1•
midje, j.ant only pallative bil ft 4911.1 01. ii.,,,,,,,, t,‘1md),,,,s r„ :in 1.
""1011UI,'. It c'''''''''' 00 d'i.""i"" il"" otle T Ford & en . soCin
il Behh & a: in Fhro
end one trial will prove its astonodong Pi
fon" or roriiflooirrV,7?. "./. D. Deno in Ilelna•re hy Tirol. Formire for
better than any
i:,& eononmprion •nd ell•diseaseti a ,i,.. Lang. ( errotock & Brother's Volans, 50, 151, lieh.eb
and Liver, toteh OP Split's' .4 6loed, Cough., 1,11 be p,..,. OsIll irrel,e. in Ihr.fiOld by C. -
Crabb and Gardner; at Bell's Corners by M.
Outwits the side and chem, might-evreete. are•
(','*ii'..(','*ii'.. -To•protecreer own as welt- 01 140 Mown
interest ,.t454' consumptive $11fforPr.we are obi, es
.4 to reutiou 011 to 4,4 the eignatercof COM -
STOCK al ORO on the wrapper. wi.h.
out this it ir a worthless eraitterfeit. Remem-
ber .
- , •
N0 medicine hes been di.eevered that is so
happoy adopoof to use interhalry as deeps
to be taken, end yet geritornasuch w, mime when
0'004 ezier.ary ass wash or bath. by hien, 0,
23 ets. all yes have In risk to try ti: and ••
P11151 ,„ „„„,‘ goog ig ...:..4,...i thst IWO feu no otject 4. the proprietor. it ie.
lowii•I•to and to the private !ratite, its onr h."P" 155., leech • Ott van fie no eillsneel• 10 In,
stimze.pre,arThain ref.: plermerl y, 341
e.251totod ilci,arier.0 epr
rr boirieke.ntscirinetrrd,ivail. to Tbe
P.Ira. and ohm eateont,•ly an'd •IfivemaPy ei to site, will -enable all to use it. If yogi doubt, t..-
hatn.creittlity Wilmot where lie gin with o•-25 rest 1444, and thet will revive
.nior dnebtoosed maks "rar boy. and us• ann
• m•ed it do your ft tend*. more them a hundred
eer•.ficaree would. W ho wool 4.1 to try it then,
e nd rose life sod raffering for 25 cents This
• '• Nee Ktilit•• may he mod with • surree• the,
h h hh Id h oho
ne•eod Cretonne, in the fel
Nowise eompleiat,--
Dropsy Swerlinme. Rhernatirm. Arnie o,r Chin -
• ie. itt•inu Imnardiate rase. Sore Throot.. Brut,
• Benin*, Berns. &r. Sorel and rem* -
Whether lrevh or of long ...main,, end fra•r
e ery0 4,. operstion art adults and childom un-'
redoeien theurroitic •welingr. loosening (soothe.
righter's of the ihest he relevoins of the pole.
hes bees eur beened erae dm' The
C0040100 remark of thou %shahs., used it in
the Pile,. is • it pets • charm.," ft 4 Imes
ranted to oleo.. my person that will try it.
Coniston. -Never buy it rale,* yeu 604 toe
foe Pm Ile eignature of Comstock eilto Brother,
prnprietors, OD the wrapper.
eerteio remerle for Baldness. •nil lor p
&stripping the hither slut of the hair. Aes Tni•
lot office., for bomitifyinz end lumpier the Heir
soft. gran.e. and in oraesliby cowiiime, it ire os-
.4sellrol. Ite peratiee enslitiee ow a. Adlowor
Id , frees' the bowl franydsodeeR. tormorthens
Ins 'note. imparts heath and vigor to the eiree•
!grim, anif promm.• the Mir cbaogieeitolour ne
.''.nArrow. 211. 11 COO•••• 1M heir to red
beautifelly•when dons rip in it over sight. " This
Balm to mode from the !wisdom! toreito peeentoel
from themr.eirral Trultieh Hakim (reheoteien)
con•ttiotioople, where 4p oni Ily need. -
Th. Turks Mere *May. been ettleb.ated for their
wonderful okill is comp000ding theeiehem pet.
fumes and all ocher miler areielos. 1n- Trolley
the *osmotic herhe. &e. of whieh thi• Helm is
eemeneed. ore elosrai univertree krolva and
Ousrl for the heir. fl.nee • VIP° of nr
heed of hair le entire!, orilt-lewn 4,, the'
errantry. W. wieh hat noe trial in be mat& .5
.01.4. 9••••ret to Ir'iriehr• Wnii or its vit..
• r4.•0 • • “••• fehroive.o.nuin.e 5'0 1.
• otOtherl, am* Mai all may he able ta trot it*
rir•••••• is 4. pet op ift 1.orge Bottles at the low
price n(30*' 11.1' Raid!.
R..."M0.i7 ff;* genoite ham the eignatere of
Comitratk At Brother en the splendid *ripper.
• •
• MR TIIE M RRIVD -`' 11, Fnere-
re t. 41n Mar VOLT "-I• ennemend ram ranold
eheerfie.ly obeyed by the children of Men.
Larierree's ire° CORDIAL. Of Plriereftivd
F.I.sie. p deed ere ow effeetioal remoraties
erre,' ni Drhit,gr. Imogene,. m Rareenn• se, mei
, ii roman. 1' ie thel 4, pia -
Moron and Bryce, JO Writ of Frau
United etainti,s nf Y VIrlue of a
To WIT: lec.a.. nutted out ot
the County Court 1,1 the Utittril Countien
of Weibel/lop, •Waterloo and Grey. and to
nap directed, mraitot the iande and tents
tiny° se:zeri mid taken in rucutiou L, t
.uober nine, in the rust CoLt'ea4100 ((ast
division) Townvittat of Colborne. contain
In& by admeareien.rat one lorodeed• scree, I
be the mono Itior• 15•11; blCh n0•1
tonomeet• 1 eh. 4 .,tft.r tor sorrel the Court •
lloon , in .ho Too o of Grateritti. oo eftf.
DA Y, tht• FIFTH day of ACGUST nev;
at the h.ur of l'welve of the Mork. noun.
hbetiti, II. k. B.
Sheriff's Office,
Graierieh. ath May, 1853. trell.atit
(Piro* published 14t4* May, I1.3.1 •
The above sale las bee- t• et p red t th•
FIFTH day of Auguat 1, xt
J. 111cDONAL1), rolher•if, 11. k B.
Shrrat's (Mc* )
Godertch, July 19. 1563. 6. 1.8.n21
Sheriff's Sale of Lantls. • few." he' 0'1 I4'°1e'• nf"'111.•'''""i"".011
- •
United Camaro of gqtY Moue of several
Huron aad liettee, " Writs of Ften
To M IT: Facia., osued not of
Her M.jesty's Coma of Queen's Bonch
at d the -County Court for the finite.
compiles ot Willies ii n, Wat..rloo and
Grey, to me directed, moistest the lands ano
ieueinent• of MICHAEL FISHER., deo
ceased, to the hands of Jacob Clemente,
rarateinp gzetutor .4 the lam will 104 less
tamest of ther raid M:ehael Fisher, deceits.
ed. is thea to11.4.074.8Bneh
Benjamin Roetoberger, vs. J•cobIC:xlrecmuewror,
George Chimera, en. do do
Lowety C.o.'.
James Tommy, v.. .1.e . b Clemens,
' Exec, tor
Dame! Crorhy, •.I.
dd.: :;0°
Milell!• 5. Bow man, .....
John hillier, ra. do do
1 hove seized and taken In timely -on the
following land., viz: hos nuoitherri ten.
'levee, twelve, rate y•fiee twenty ----oz,
thirty and thitty-one fl the MeCarill Con
erosion of the Town.h. ot Cotborne, con-
taining by sdmeasorement nine hundred
arid eighty-two acres, be Ht. ramie mote et
•c••; ims non.hers ele, en, teeter, t hr. teen
and toil/teen ,0 the find t•once• mon (Kaet•
ern My soon) In the emit Townyhm ot Co..
home. c,,ntnining by admetenremeni 84
huedred ndittoite•two acres, be the estate
none or eoi which lard. I vigil4 offer tor
rale at he Criterl Rooito In the Toon ot
Giederich, on 5.1.41444 DAY, thr SI X-
TEENTII day of JULY n• st . et noon.
tihrrOff II. k B•
Sheriff's Office,
(4oderch, 1614. A prd, 5833. 4 1 e6n16-9t
[raid puboshed 34.311 Apr1141953.]
Th.. ellove Sale 44. been pomposod 1111
th• FIFTH ilay of AUGUST next.
1. Merit )NA1.0, Sheriff, 11. k B.
Sheriff's Office, ?
Goderieb, 7t14 July, 1633. i n13
_OT N. 21, normal Rotel, °Internee
" II 1 eerem, 40 of wh•ch sr. elem.&
within 11 neree of Godersch, and 11oIth.
Inartithing Tillage of •Chnton. Apply oil
(be peewees to
July 11, 1833 023-51
remedy to throw in the married irate willing'
xffserine. lt ie m pertain egettfer Seminal emia.
trams. Gerarel debility, Gle.Weeskneee of th•
•GeMtal Organs, Nervous Affeetions, Leneor.
ranee Or White*. A• an invienreitioe medielne
it vs ramoralleel. Aloe.* eerie's, rentedfoe leo
Melee, Ceerammion. Indigestion. Iowa of Moo -
color EOM., Phvairal Lawiltele, Fentele
Weekowto &e. -It ie warranted In
olowe the mor 4 soy of the shove complsinte
sod i..1 poeeless vele, to then without ca-
enctin• Fortue.--Find the Seine Of COM -
Sloth & Brother.. the wrarper and hot
it anion ton find the shove name; es it he.
bora eveneively ematerfeited of late. AeOld
the eranterfeil as yee would poise°.
TO OW11E11110? AID MALE/MIR Hos-
. firil FOO•OrIll 011ITIIIPT•
For the cite. of Founder. Flplit floe,
linof•hoond end Coareeted and Felon -
1,04 Fero, Wnringl., Rods.* in the Fiera, Galled
Reeks. Cracked Heel.. Senora.., Cate, ILiehis.
&c, nn hot., Carlton'. Root -Rose Cm,
For the eons of Rine- H.fle, Blamed ftpayin, Bone
Spe•on, W and Splint -e certain temedy.
C4111.100'1 CONOFTIOP for Ilmses end
Cottle. Tis. ebanges wroither ant season.
twit', !b. en"•• al ace and fised, hey. very
ergo .14-01 torm the blood end sinuous dads of
hem. 1. .. eit thew change. they ronntre tive
Ilaeiceent ont•re In threw off any d !order of
Reale of the hotly tired noir have bees 'Welted,
tool which, if sot attpedrai tn, will result .n the
'fellow Willer, heaves, Werra*. Brom. &c. All
co which will be prevented hy O•. ef
thew. powders, tend .01 to soy ono/core wheal
• ny symptom, II erase mower. If mod to Ione.
rho, purdly 94 blood, remove till inflanntiort
end fever. Mown the *kin. the outer, sod
in•Ignrale thy «bole body. •enbli." them ‚.4.
mor. work with the some feed The act". of
thew. powders is direet epos ell dm annoy..
gla.tds. sed therefore they have the wore effeet
• peo the How, the Oe. th• Am. sod •11 Hoe-
leirareoe arouse from or
prefelering a bed poop nf the Mond. aro sperol"
etired hy them_ Coifing -Reweverarr sod IA
for Carltoa's Condom. P•wskrin, sad tato we
Ceti:roes Niers and Bi,oa Lranseser for
so4 for the earned 011 dlitemes of ass*
or Meet that remelre extorted teiderettmi. e•41
for ertne.aeted eorde tied eneselew et reattifiem
weak and or also med fee apnoea. broom
saddle galla swelled legs. soros, ral al'. hied' eta
hornet t'arloso's artieles tionse• nod Cat-
tle sr. prepared ham the refire( a very earatkra-
led Emden Ferrier, mol volt ewe lo 911 cows
ost of 106 11119 of the above rempfstate 7144
Moe bree ww4 by thetwer., Itmery nem, nowt
mairrieters arid other", toth the !meet werked
eed &voted seetiowa
Caen.** -Noe* esh froweiwa velem ye.
fled the seem 44 J. Darken Cosionoek sie fhb
Wrapper ad web article. Rewormber Ate, se
11 CaOo al
!tellowieet Cholera Meibus,l/mreesinieDyren..
reto.„Pedes in the anle sod Stemmas. Cron*. Cole
. end Brai-re, Ciudera Bionehitic
IItealtes Sorer on Manor pataiti. (_h.14.•4 Teeth.
'io, Itsireng ttovreeserre. Quintero In a
few hems. Choto'sine and Frosted Feet. Spa.m.,
prevent • 111..tet from Burno Stokes 111.5eis,
, 'a ce. a,
Flesh. Roes or Stinnes. Certifiestes to fill_ •
valorem noeht 1. pabitelse.1. showing the Won.
&OW effrete 01 Cilebetrek•Ii Pate Killer. her thee
!are ice toltilltael, apd end ber articles el on Mot-
if: and the 25 coo bet* do mom than •
ilenrosed nolorawn stante.... coeramee ne seer.
S ews& of worthleis artistes pilled Pais K tilers,
Iand 'wirer bey soy bee Genwtocre.
A I XTACT, for the rote' et and' eases'
e ,4.1141 if. ro Mom,. roam rif thy blood. Thee
1 Sifirepool'a remain. fro new* so nowit pore
Ileetrares Serraparilfie an any other. )0 feet,
ill oilier' Sirrsatwotheu sre priemeally elernprared
1 of &nevem! front the ,4„,r),•,.„„ ,„„.;,,,,,„„„ p.m.
petal*. efirI tin DOI hair rt.. marivideffeer 'Mit a
1 1"1600 Pul• Pr'llred Freiherr...4.4ra .4 35.,,,. kills
hi• 'molest. Oa the contrary. Genone's Hondis•
, lee Sarsaparilla, from beim, cement...a or the best
material/and nanufsetered with the greatest
mire, teor•re pound of the earnearills be...feat.-
-ected to the •trtcteat Chemicai (est*, and tie
geneineneme atteerteined before It is seed. ) trete
immedi•tely and powerful's'. TIve i•nr. Mineral
p10.!!le C rl
prepared up scientific privaaplee. end w• nth
confidently smelt it ie the beet Sarsaparilla ever
before the ribber.
Lir THE Itrelra TALI Nr.TICT.-Tma who
Mu eaffeeng wide the Malty ills that female fle.h
is heir to, no maitre isew deeperme leer row
may to, he net rbeentuttied; moo to Groove's
raa,S4iispa...,orill.arr....anddyyee. .41 fled it •
You oho alt.:me ta beastlful. clear ALM. fore
&OM Purples. Blotches, and ell isoireol.ra, 0.0
rere ep,n it se the best Coen...tie on
Mona Ihi• methane h•forr tla• pohhe. tfifi4411en1
1141 the good COPITn0 00114. 01 he prara4
discriminate between o 4)014-110.4
Ike pure !fondants SareaperdIa and the iho....4
worthlow extracts of • worthier. eon,
which the (menu" is filled, son eserfelently by -
braise that George's Headers, enr.sosollt
once toed will be always seed We hove o•
r too: pile:gem atytito.7,,,...7;sof,..srpelii,e.hosis.,eq.,ssool mos.
CARTIO. EITIR• -The reputatino of thie
Medicine has become so great !eh 're it has been
'teed. that floor:tripled mes ar. •Iresdy engaged
in coon tern:olio" it: therefore Ile esutioes. Find
h• name of Cormtock de Brother, Propri•tore,
on the splendid Wrapper, m rig vetll 14. deeeiv •
•••I All orders must be addremed to Comstock
& Brother. No. 2, St. Peter's Place, rear of
Astor 'loupe, Neve York
P.c. $1 per bottle. or Six Fowles for co
All of the above named articles ere ...Id oily
in erte •• . •
& Keay., C. Crebb, end It B. O'Connor: in
Stratford by It C. 1..e: In AI. Mety• by 1'. B.
Guest; at Bell's Corners hy M. Brown: in
Woodstock by T. Semi; ia ',natio° hy Mitchell;
In E1mond•111. by .I. Carter: in Illerpnrhey by
M MeD-rmid & Co : In Stor,iell 1., T Ford
& Cm. •nd 13•1•11 & cn to EMbffi by J. D.
Deer t• DIIIIM•f• by Tool. •• tt..flsld by C
Crebh. and Oeolner. 1F.nqntre for Comstock
Brother's Almarac for !KA, whtch trillbe gives
Oet. 15. 1859. .5.139
STRASBURG, M •Ten 1.00,
2914* February, 1849.
1 41111E 'Subscriber hereby inttmetes to h
' friends and the Travelling Public gette-
r/illy, that he has removed from New Aln
deen to the Whig. 01 St rentstergh, on,l on
now be found In that well•knnwe house fn
steely °rowed by Mr. Joners,-whore h
.ill be ready •nd able to condom, to the
comfort of those who may honor hint with
their patronage. Arid while he mitsros
thanks for past favors, he hope., by etriell
attention to the went, and onehes of his
weiterners, still to merit a continuance of
their patronage.
N. B.-Oood RTARI.F.8 sod airantin
"VIN AND rOPPER SMITI1, nett doer
a to the ihetorte Hotel, West Streit,
(loitered', hes Penetrant!, on hand. • eltercia
meek nf Tomato, Cosktog end Rey EltOWIR,
wh.cli he will mil et sensideralaly
&teen view/.
The luglimet mice psid in trade for soW
cooper, bribe, pewter, sturepoltine, calf rasa
beer. hid...feather. and tralgOi. All kilo& of
Ifitrehastabk modoee takes ia 'rehear at
isaets firmer.
soryskieteh, TO. 19, MIL .1-4
Ths goof. is a tree copy of • Be -law to
he taken into cr mideriltion hy the Muster-,
panty of' the Town of Graferich in the
cone-te of Heroe..5 tire Conned Room on
he 30th day of Sentether 11.111, it tho
hour ot 12 o'clock rim& et wn ch tame and
place 11., no ',Astor of she Paid Munictpaltly
are Retetty re qeorcd m tr rd.
Mom A St KYDD.
.• TOWN C1vrL.
• GnApreh. Joie 5. 1453 'Sent(
IIE undimmed hog to inform their
euelemera. end Town sod Comity
Metelmats, geosrally, thst they Ore DOW
ree•leingt • eomidtrable portion of *twit
Sorted Moorhead' of
ompoptrpisinhty •,na
tu.d 1.repr.noe
to Boston and New Y ..h. an.I he that hove
advice, of the amyl .01 ohm's. port., of this
remarader of oi. early Spring levee-
000re, ter.. e•,.. • orao •horto for..
',rod • full e. •oe• lt ire• -
. ;nitarrobiry,H•r
Warm., of the Intent Coolie:en style.,
whtch they are prepared, ars heretofore, to
M.p.g., of to THE TRADE ONLY, at as
moderate an advance so any importing
"Ti7erwill 1
InC417.1:e.wee enaiimie to receive,
from time to seas..nable additions to
their Mready extenm•e OnnoreMente of
And the stocks held in thou. emirate depart.
meets will at •II One. offer to merchante
in the west as templets factlitreit, either for
forming or replemahing a Stock. on Rs ad-
vintagrofle Immo •• ran be mot with In
say Other Wholesele Establishment in
ADAM 111011: fa Co.
n., C. W., Marntch 9, 1353. ven3-A
ATEACIIER Wanted for •Colle111011
Wheel, at School Section No. 4 Col,
horns, with a Second or Third Chras
lteu'., Immediate applitalton le rinrilribriOl.
For farther information lonely to
W74 . 1100 DA Y, Trostme.
Colborne, Jonir 110t4*, MS. nit
A STEER came iota the *nehmen, of the
Robeenber, shoat the middle of NI,
Net, • dark red with the point of 04191
white, rather biros horse sod wide at 'the
palate, monis( 4 years. old Hos Spoof, the
trainer Si erapseeted to press proptut1 Far
ssyssess sed mho hint slimy.
Biddelpi, 4.1 It Mans. t
April Ith 4111111. r1.11