HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-10-11, Page 15The Young People's Group w ill meet on Wednesday, Octo- ber 17, at 7:45 p.m, in the manse, The WMS meets on Thurs- day, October 18, at 8 p,m, ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Sunday, October 21 at 11 Flan, and 7 p.m. THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Trivitt Memorial, Exeter Rev. 13ren de Vries, Rector Robert Cameron, Organist Sunday, October 14, 1962 17th Sunday after Trinity Harvest Thanksgiving Services 8:30 a.m.—Quiet Communion 11:00 a.m.—Holy Communion Nursery and Sunday School 7:00 p.m.—Choral Evensong BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Huron Street East R. Van Farowe, Minister 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Communion Sunday 11;15 a.m.—Sunday School 8:00 p.m.—Evening Worship Communion BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: T. Leslie Hobbins, B.A. Sunday, October 14 10:00 a.m.—Bible Study 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship "When Huron County Should Cry" 7;30 p.m.—Evangelistic Service "When God Draws the -Line" Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer Meeting "Prophecy for Today" "Welcome to Worship" ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASH WOOD Pastor: Rev. William Getz RALLY SUNDAY • 9:45 a.m,—Sunday School 10:00 a.m.—Bible Class 11:00 a.m. — Special Children's Rally Service Sermon Theme: "Called to Teach" CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Minister: Rev. A. .1. Stienstra 10:00 a.m.—Worship in English 2:15 p.m.—Worship in Dutch 6:15 p.m. — Back to God Hour (680 Kc.) Woodham UNITED CHURCH. Anniversary Service .. . DEATHS — BEAVER—In Buronview Home, Clinton, on Sunday, Oct. 7, 1962, Edwin Beaver, late of Crediton, beloved husband of Evelyn Kerr, in his 78th year, dear father of (Edna) Mrs. Arnold Robertson, of London, and grandfather of Anne Ro- bertson, dear brother of Clara and Herbert Beaver, of Ex- eter, Harry Beaver of Credi- ton, Fred of New York City. Resting at the Hopper-. Hockey funeral home, Wil- liam St., Exeter, where fune- ral service will, be, held on Wed., Oct. 10 at 2 p.m. In- terment in Exeter Cemetery. Ile COMING EVENTS— BAZAAR & TEA — Main St, Church bazaar and tea, Satur- day, November 17. 9:27tfnc RUMMAGE SALE — The Hen- sail Kinette Club are sponsor- ing their annual Fall Rum- mage Sale Saturday, October 13 at the Legion Hall, Hensel'. Doers open at 2:30 p.m, Any- one wishing to donate articles for sale, call 262J1, Mrs. John Deitz, or 252, Mrs. Harold Knight. 27:4:11c MONSTER Penny Sale and Bake Sale at Mt, Carmel Hall, Wednesday, October 24, 8:30 p.m., good prizes. Everyone welcome. 4:11c MITCHELL CIDER and apple butter mill will operate Tues- day, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from now on until November 23. Terms strictly cash. Fred Hennick & Son, proprietors, 4:11:18:25c HOT TURKEY SUPPER in Cromarty church, Wednesday, October 24, 5 to 8 p.m. Admis- sion: adults $1.50, children, 750. 11c BAZAAR, program and tea, Friday, Oct. 12, 8 p.m., at Whalen United Church. Every- one welcome, lie CHRISTMAS BINGOS start at the Exeter Legion on Wednes- day, October 24. One bingo every week following until Christmas. lie PLAN AN EVENING out each week at the Green Forest Hotel, Grand Bend, Euchre parties start on Monday, Octo- ber 15. Prize for high lady and gentleman, Admission 500. Lunch included, 11c Reception & Dance "They r,ay ha got out of a _sickbed to be here tonight." BAKE & Apron Sale Interior Shop Saturday October 20 at 3:00 p,m. Sponsored by Thames Road. UCW Are we physically fit? An interesting panel discus- sion Will be held at the Home & School Meeting Mon., Oct. 15 8:15 p.m. All are invited to attend this meeting. TURKEY SUPPER Topics f ront Mt. ..Carmel. Thanksgiving visitors Mr, and Mrs,. Kuntz. and. faintly of .Greenock with Mrs. Pat ,I'lernin$ and 'rem, Mr. jack Doyle of London with Mr, and: Mrs William: McCann, Several relatives with their parents, including Miss Sheila Regier, Mary McKeever, Elea- nor Dietrich, Vincent Ryan and Joe .ifouthw, Margaret, Grace and Ronnie iiagis with their parents, Mr, and Mrs, Paul Mr. .and Mrs, Hubert Carey and Rosalie in Windsor visit- ing with the latter's parents, Mr. .and., Mrs. :Paul Masse. Mrs. Carey remained over for a visit as her father is very ill in a Windsor hospital, Miss Shirley Ryan and friend of Centralia with Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan. Mr. and Mrs, 40e Hogan of Merlin with, his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Hogan, Mr, and Mrs, .Jim Carey and Valerie of Exeter with Mr, and Mrs, Joe Carey. Miss Mary Eileen and Rita Anne Carey accompanied their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Helm, and Mrs. James Glavin to spend Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Trudell and family in Tilbury. Mr. Paul Dietrich with Mr, joe. Dietrich and Mr. and Mrs. Clem Boland and family. Good sportsmen are good conservationists, They take precautions to prevent bush fires. They make sure their smokes and campfires are dead-out before leaving them, Good sportsmen are careful. Brownie's Drive-In Theatre Ltd. CLINTON 2 BIG HITS EACH EVENING FRIDAY & SATURDAY October 12 and 13 HIT No. 1—Shown at 1:30 Only "Cattle Empire" Starring Joel McCrea and Glaris Talbott Color — Scope. HIT No. 2 — Shown et 10:00 "The Bravados" Starring Gregory Peck and Jean Collins' Color — Scope (CARTOON) CLOSING FOR THE SEASON ! Reason: Freezing'! Thanks For Your Kind Patronage See You Early Next Spring LORNE 8. STEPHEN BROWN end STAFF Th. Tirnes,Acivocatet October 't`l 1962 Page IS Starlite Drivemln Theatre 5 MILES EAST OF GRAND BEND 2 Shows Nightly,—Rain or Clear' First Show at Dusk Box office opens at 7:30 p.m, Children Under 12 in Cars Free Double Feature FRIDAY & SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12 & 13 "Snowfire" Color — Starring The McGowan Family "Raymie 9 Starring David Ladd and Julie Adams AN' • • • What's doing? TO FIND OUT READ THIS .,PAGE 4 •••• 110N.1.1, STARLITE WILL BE OPEN WEEKENDS UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE HELP YOUR HOSPITAL Rummage Sale and Furniture Auction Legion Hall, Exeter SAT., OCTOBER 13 Doors open at 1:00 p,m, Auction. Sale at 2:30 p.m. TOWN-WIDE PICKUP ON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12 Please have bundles out by 1 o'clock or call 235-2697 if missed. Out-of-town articles may be left at Russell Electric. ANY donation will be appreciated. CAN YOU FIND THE TIME err-County Campaign For. The .1311n..d HURON COUNTY OBJECTIVE' $6,000,00 tioict. your .'tiontillori -tot 'rotor, PHONE .235-2911 EXETER 2 Shows Nightly Starting 7:30 Saturday Matinee 2:00 p.m. THURS., FRI., SAT, 11°U; 13 MON.. TUES., WED. I '. ROSEN:DR RUSSELL i JACK HAWKINS ELI It NITS . COLUMBIA P4 ES presents N Rawriezi RICHARD BEYMER the FREDERICK BRISSON rtododo DANCING iR LISTENING mate aY THE LYRIC THEATRE OCT. 15, 16, 17 TIlE ROAD TO 1111/8ffirilill 11/131111,111111 mAximillAN SCHELL BEST AWAlte Nuoamen AT l' ACTOR E CObattRil NAMUR ft marl.' 9,919. .:09.9i9ifive sports i491 Et 90019;piri4.4 91440999,14. isalszatkc INfElEA idiAdatilf gIDNed'0416 trAtr: tom Ineo tAA,ELVAq,' * MY GEISHA • JUDGMENT At .NUREMEURO $000 MIGHTY JRSUS FaYisv K, ',K. •• eti 1 • g 1,7 ere CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN. JAMES. STREET CHURCH UNITED CHURCH. Main .at .Exeter Rev. .4, Minister; Minister Rev, John C., Boyne, B,A,, P.P. Mr, Lawrence Wein, A,W.c.M, Organist: Mrs, W, G. Cochrane.' Orga n ist and Choirmaster Choir Leader; Mr. W. G. ,Cochran e .0:00 gam,—Sunday School 10:00 a.m.,-,Church Service Yekt are invited to worship with us, 10 A,W—SUNDAY SCHOOL All Departments. 11 A,111,—MORNING .SERVICE Monthly Sermon — Study on "The Word And The War Chapter 5, The Problem of The Session meets tonight, October 11, at 7:30 p.m. in the minister's study. CM each Wednesday night at 7:00 p.m. Every Person Canvass, Sun. day, October 14, from 2.5p.m. From the time of Job men have asked why God allows snffering and misfortune to fall on the innocent. If you have ever been perplexed by this problem this will be your opportunity to. get as comprehensive an answer as can be given. Duct: Kathy Smith, Susan Dinney Anthem by the Choir Nursery for babies Junior Congregation for child. reit 4 to 6 years. ST. PETER'S CHURCH Highway #4 Sunday, October Holy Mass — 11:00 Pastor: Rev. J. E. 7 a.m. Kelly CARDS OF THANKS — DEATHS Mr, and Mrs. John. Glavin :11A1.4-11) Detroit, on Sunday, wish to thank all -those. who'()olobOr 7. 1962, Alice Anne remembered harry with. cards, Ford, beloved wife of David, treats and visits while a pa. Dail, Detreit. Funeral •ser-. tient. in South Huron hospital vices will be conducted at and since returning home. Exeter cemetery on Mtn's- Special thanks to Gerald Isaac, day, Oct. 11 at •1 p.m, no, Baden Sholdite, .Dr„ Gans, nurses and staff at the hes- IN MEMORIAM., Pital; also. Mother Veronica - and Grades IV, V and VI at CORI3ETT—In loving memory Mt. Carmel school, 3.14 of a dear mother and father, Ruth. Wildfong wishes to Mary Ellen Corbett, who. thank all her relatives and passed away October 11, friends for cards, gifts and 1961, and. Nathaniel Corbett, treats while a patient in South who passed away May 21, Huron Hgspital, also Dr. Flet- 1955. Cher and the nursing staff, When ties of love are broken, 11.* And loved ones have to part, It le aves a wound that never . mats, ".`thank, you" We wish to extend a sincere lo all our ..rela. Also a broken heart. Lives, friends and neighbors But looking back with memor- for their cards, -floral tributes ies, and other expressions of Syrn- Upon the oath we trod, pathy at the time. of our recent . We bless the years we shared bereavement, Special thanks to • v.1111 them, Rev. S, B Lewis, the R. C. And leave the rest to God. Dinney funeral home and Dr. Sadly missed by Hilda and 111. C. Fletcher, We are truly Russell, Eva and Doug and grateful, Mrs. E. 13roderick families, 11* and family, 11* COATES—In loving memory of a dear m other and grand- mother, Mrs, Alice Coates, who passed. away one year ago, October 12, 1961, Just a thought of sweet re- membrance, Just a memory sad and true, Just the love and sweet devo- tion, Of, your family who thinks of you, —L o v i n g l y remembered by Whitney, Vi and family. 11* CARDS OF THANKS-- To all my friends, neighbors and relatives who so lovingly remembered me with their EXETER PENTECOSTAL visits, get-well wishes, gifts, TABERNACLE flowers and prayers during my Larry Talbot, Pastor illness in hospital and since returning home, I wish to say Sunday, October 14, 1962 "thank you"; to the Rev. R. 9;45 a.m.—Sunday School B. Cumming, Rev. G. W. Sach 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship and Mr. A. E, Bridle, Salve- 7:30 p.m.—Evangelistic Service Leon Army, also the staff on Wed., 8 p,m, — Prayer and First West, St. Joseph's Hos- Bible Study pital, for their kindness. My thanksgiving cup overflows Fri., 8 p.m, — Young People's with tears of happiness.—Sin- A hearty welcome to all. cerely, Jean Sigsworth. lie We thank our friends, rela- MAIN STREET fives and neighbors for their United Church of Canada many kindnesses during the recent bereavement of our dear Minister: mother, Mrs. Garnet Frayne, Rev. R. S. Hiltz, B.A., M.Th. We wish to thank specially Dr. Organist: Ecker and the staff of South Huron Hospital and Miss Mar- Mrs. F. Wildfong, A.L.C.M. Ian Bissett for her many kind 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School deeds. We also wish to thank 11:15 a,m.—Morning Worship the pallbearers and the neigh- bors who assisted with lunch at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Frayne after the fune- ral service. Also to all those who sent cards and flowers while she was a patient in the Come and worship with us, hospital. Your kind thoughts were deeply appreciated by— The Frayne Family. 11* The family of the late Mrs. Arthur Rundle wishes to ex- press sincere thanks and ap- preciation for the many acts of kindness, messages of sym- pathy and floral tributes re- Sunday, October 14 ceived during their sad be- 10:00 aan.—Morning Worship reavement. Special thanks to 11:15 a.m.—Sunday School. Mr. and. Mrs. Wilbert White, 7:30 p.m.—The congregation is Rev. T. Wareham, L. A. Ball invited to Dashwood EUI funeral home and all those who 3 Church Anniversary Service. helped at the home,—Mr, and Mrs. Robert Rundle. line EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH DASHWOOD Minister: Rev. M. J. James, B,A., S.D. EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH In Bethel Reformed Church Huron St. E. Pastor; W. Stephenson 2:00 p.m.—Sunday School 3;00 p.m.—Worship Service Sermon: "The Meaning of Communion" Wed,, 8 p.m.—Prayer Service Nursery for young children. THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH S. M. Sauder, Pastor 10:30 a.m,—Worship Service 11:15 a.m.—Sunday School and Adult Bible Class All Are Welcome BIRTHS -- FERMIS--Mr,. and Mrs, Paul Fe rr j$ thee Thomson), Niag- ara Falls, are happy to an. none the arrival of baby daughter, Barbara. Joan, at The Greater Niagara Hospital, October 5—grand- daughter for Mr, and MS. LeOie Thomson, Exeter, .and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ferris, Shelborne, FORD,,-Mr. and. Mrs.- Wayne Ford, Exeter, announce the birth of a. daughter at -South Huron Hospital, October 4 — a sister for Cheryl Ann, GRAY—Mr. and Mrs. Robert James Gray, RCAF Station LaMacaza, Que., announce the birth of a daughter, Suz' anne Michele, at South ,Huron Hospital, October 9 .— first grandchild for Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Cann. KIRK — and Mrs, Robert Kirk, Carling St., Exeter, an- nounce the birth of a daugh- ter, Deborah Lynn, at South Huron Hospital, October 7. MANSFIELD — Eric and Elea- nor Mansfield (nee Venner)., Hensall, are happy to an- nounce the birth of their son, Paul Douglas, at St, Jo- seph's Hospital, October 8. ENGAGEMENTS — Mr. and Mrs. Orville Roger of RR 1 St. Marys announce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Mary Adeline, to Mr. Lorne Chappell, of Cromarty, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Chappell. The marriage to take place in October. 11* Mr. and Mrs. Roland Oren- ier of Grand Bend wish to an- nounce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Marion Marie, to Mr. Peter Giosia, of Montreal, son of Mr, and Mrs. Nicola Giosia, Montreal. The wedding to take place Satur- day, October 27, 1962, at 1 o'clock, Imaculate Heart of Mary, Roman Catholic Church, Grand Bend. 11c ANNOUNCEMENTS " Sermon: "Unsearchable Riches"—Ephesians 3 Nursery provided, Anniversary: October 28 ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON A, M. Schlenker, Pastor Sunday, Oct. 14 1 1100 REV. ARTHUR GARDINER, B.S.A. MilVerton; Guest Speaker Special music by tile choir. ANNIVERSARY October 14 10;00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Rev. R. J, Lautner Saginaw, Michigan, guest, speaker. 11:15 a.M,—Sunday School EUCHRE & DANCE Lucan MEMORIAL ARENA Fri., October 12 1330 p.m. Music by "THE RAMBLERS" Sponsored by St, Patrick's Anglican Church, SaintSbury Adults 75 l for MR. AND MRS. LAVERNE HAMILTON (nee Marjorie Boyd) SEAFORTH LEGION HALL Sat, Oct. 20 Music by The Norris Orchestra. Everyone Welcnie (Ladies please bring lunch) THAMES ROAD UNITED CHURCH Wed,, Nov, 7 Supper served 5 to 8 p.m. Admission: Adults $.1,50 10 years and under, 15O Tickets in advance available from members. Sponsored by United Church Women I This Saturday Night! Your favorite entertainers of Radio, Stage and Television THE ALL-STAR NIGHT HAWKS NOTE: NO DANCE ON OCTOBER 27, NOVEMBER 10 AND 24 CLARENCE PEIRIE Exeter Legion Hall