HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-10-11, Page 14feeeeteetOMMV-feMeHlieetiorele*,
Pogo 14 Pcfp 114 1961
phone 227.4255
AlritetriZeterir:Mnitn, '.%'11%*•%. • 0
COreisporidern: Misis Lin0 Abbott
eitle-leeeee'ePeatttteeetiereeeeeaeieee'eeleeeteee.e seseeasee,*elesetee.
Saturday bride
feted by friends
Prior to her marriage in the
United Church, Lucan, on Sat-
urday, Oct. 6, Miss Shirley
Emerick of London and a for-
mer resident of Alice St., Lie.
can, was bonored with two pre-
nuptial miscellaneous showers.
The first was held at the bride's
home, London, and was spon-
sored by her sister, Elaine, and
two aunts, Mrs. Ed Pemblerton
and Mrs. Keith Lawleff.
The second shower was spon-
sored by the bride-elect's fel-
low employees at the Jackson
Cleaners, London.
Ran out of turkey
The crowd, lest Tuesday, at-
tending the first anniversary of
the Lucan Coffee Shop since
Mr, Tom Weller took over, so
far exceeded expectations that
the waiters ran out of turkey
during the evening dinner hour.
Many patrons dropped in to
offer congratulations and to
accept free coffee and doughnuts
during the. forenoon and after-
Lions win $95
Those who watched "Act
Fast" on CFPL TV Sunday were
thrilled to see the Lucan Lions
win $95 in a half hour. This
money will be spent on welfare
work in the village.
the Harvest Thanksgiving In the
Lucan church October 28.
CGIT visit UWO
NTorma Davis opened the CC-
IT meeting in the UC school-
room last Monday evening with
a game following which the girls
chose lhe type of jewelry they
preferred to make.
During the business session
it was decided to visit a Lon-
don Jewish Synagogue Tuesday,
Oct. 16 leaving the church at,
6:45 pan. Plans were made for
the annual basket drive, Sat„
Oet. 20 for clean six and 11 qt.
Patricia Cohleigh led in the
devotional period. The leader,
Mrs, Murray Hodgins, took the
Bible study and continued her
talk on "What it means to be
a CGIT", The meaning of the
LTC crest was discussed by Mrs.
Cecil Robb.
On Saturday morning the
leader, Mrs. Murray Hodgins
aecompenied by Airs. William
Cochrane took the inenthers oft
a toer of the University of West-
ern Ontario, After a lunch in
the University cafeteria, came.
one of the highlights of the tour
—a vita to ,Spencet Hall, the
women's residence on Winder-
mere Rd. The girls were thrilled
at the splendour of the interior
of the hall,
Sixteen Members of the Ltt-
can-Clatdeboye YPU attended
the Anglican thumb service
Sunday evehieg as the devotion-
al part et their service atid then
went to the home of Dana Gni,
bert for the business session.
The chief item of businese
discussed WAS a car-wash plat-
bed for November 3. A commit-
tee was set Up to make the
necessary arrangement.
Mr, Grant AteTavish, of the
Lucari Lanes, Who is interested
YP , groups, spoke briefly
and said, if possible. he Would
act as A VPU teunsellor.
The eext meeting will be held
at the home Of FrAnk
October 21.
Your wife may scold yeti for
droppin,g ashes on the floor—
but what Alma the forest
floor? Thihk of the woods As
your home. An unnotited spark,
Melted from Ogarette, toeld
tattse disaster.
. . William J. Amos
'W. J. Amos
reaches 90
William J. Amos celebrated
his 90th birthday at a family
gathering held at the Knotty
Pine Resta ur a nt Sund ay.
Mr, Amos, oldest son of the
late Joseph Henry Amos and
Frances Mary Craven, was born
Oct. 8, 1872, in 1VicGillivray
He moved to Lunn in 1930
where he ran a market garden
for years and was a great lover
of flowers.
He was one of seven boys and
two girls. Three of his brothers
are still living and able to be
present at the gathering, John,
88, of Ailsa Craig, a retired
farmer, Robert Alvin, 83, of Lon-
don, a decorator, and Dr. Joseph
Eimer, 78, of Brantford, a den-
Also present were four gener-
ations, Mr. Amos, his son, Wile
liam T. Amos jr. of Detroit,
his granddaughter Mrs. Ray-
mond Hare of Wayne, Mich.
and her two sons Tommy and
Mr. Amos has one daughter
and three sons, Mary Ann (Mrs.
Wilmot Gould) of Detroit, Wil-
liam T. of Detroit, Chester D.
of Grand Prairie, Alta., and
Clayton H, of London.
Since the death of Mrs. Amos
in Dec., 1959, Mr. Amos has
lived alone on Frances St„ Lu-
r nt s in 1
ir Shop 8:
(Next door to Cochrane's Barber Shop)
Specializing in TV, Radio,
& Watch Repair
Diamonds, Watches & Silverware
By Order
Save up 30°/0
`'() Imperial Scientists and technicians poSe for their pictures in the
ultramodern wing of Imperial's research laboratories at Sarnia.
Not shownt another 115 members tif the Sarnia research staff,
and another 3.30 who work In imperial laboratories at Calgary..
90% of all oil company product research in Canada
Lion$ .back ..Lucart ,personal items.
• ncif Me!
Fok• /rein
backache er that
iired•-aut feeling
depend Ott—
Most winners
ate their prizes
For years the Lucan Lions
have held a Christmas turkey
bingo, but this year they de-
cided on the innovation of a
Thanksgiving turkey bingo also,
in the Community Centre last
Wednesday evening..
Of those present Mrs. Doug
Ewen was the most lucky, win-
ning the first turkey and also
the first share the wealth
($10.75). Later • her daughter
Mrs., Richard Gledhill also won
a turkey. Mrs, Jack Steacy was
also lucky, taking horne not
one but two turkeys.
Other terkey winners were
Mrs. Basil Nagle, Mrs, Pat
Grudge., Richard Cowan, Mrs.
Benny Kelly, Mr, ant Donald-
son And Mrs, Cecil Neil.
The second share the wealth
r$1.0.(X1) Was Won by Mrs. Heber
As there were no spBt
goes, there was a number of
chickees left, so the eommit-
tee decided to run a special for
two chiekens. They were Won
by Miss Lina Abbott. At the
ehd there Was One free gatrle
for a chieken, which Was wen
by Mrs. Jack Lankin.
Bill CAlcott, the youngest
player in. the hall, had the hen,
ur of drawing, e ticket On the
18-1b. terkey, Mrs. Don AnIters
wee the lutity wineer.
The eew president, Mr.
tiler Mosurinjehe spoke briefly,
Thanking all present -for their
support •rd the first Thaeksgiv-
ing turkey binge,
TroUetehei tee
Mre, Guy Ryari enterteined
with A trotteseee. tea, at het
herheon tonteesiee 4, Biddulph,
last Tuesday Aftereeen eed eye-
eirig ih honot of bet daeghter
Alice, prior to' het marriage be
Saturday, Oct. 6,
She ehd her daughter weee
.assisted in the eedeiVieg Of the
Maher guests by _the. ..greoiti
elect's mother, Mrs. George
llodgins, also ef :toileettioti 4,
A out-work, cloth tevered the
lea table Which was centred
with aft attistie .Artangement of
red roses tna whit8 _
lecturing tea Were MtL
nie Barnes eaftertieeti) Arid Mrs.
Eleanor Eriekson, Mts. Hitaill
Thompson, Mrs, T. A, .Weterin
and Mrs. ,lack elurdy le the
A s sisti ng t he tea teeth Vete
Mrs, Ella Shuttle And WS. Nei,'
etin Reid (afternoon), And MI's,
Betnel Mte. Toni
-Goitreey and Mrs. Mettle Win
Atenthals (evening),
Displaying the weddieg And
shower gifts wee thei bride.
elect's sister, 'MIAS _.•Ketilleett
Ryan, the trousseau, ,.1"effe.eretit
Coteetcy (afternoon), Miss •Edita
Ryan (evening') And displayitteg
the dishes, linees Arid artielee -
collected by Mist Ryere Was
Mrs, Ed. Morris,
hockey loop
The geest speaker At last
MoAday's dinner meeting of the.
'woo Lions Club in the Angtie
ean etnirch basement was :Dis-
triet Governor Pick Keenedy of
London, who gave en intpleing
talk a the Area Of Lioniem
the world. today.
It Was deeided to sponsor a
mipor hockey hoese league for
the Lucan area, to play against
a league sponsored bY
the Merton Lions, in Order to
give ad boys in the community
ioterested in hogkey, a change
to pley.
The Lions hope to beets privete
donations from the Aree 'rest,
dents to permit securing :the
Sarnia Lion.ette Drum and Bugle
Band for this year's Santa
Claus parede, This band hes
just returned from their North
American tour. A caeh donatien
was made to the CNIB,
At the next meeting, on Oct,
15, President Elmer Mosurin-
jobn will show his pictnres of
Herope taken when he ettended
the Lions convention in Nice,
France. This will be an open
meeting when all will be made
Three. new members were en-
rolled, Messrs. Mike Bobar, of
the, Central Hotel, Pat Grudge
and Norman Carter, arena di-
A successful dance was held
ie the Community Memorial
Centre last, Friday night,
Mrs. Al 'Bromwich's group of
the Ladies' Guild catered for
the dinner,
Major changes
made for store
Lucanite.s are welching with
interest the extensive alterations
to the Lucen Motor Sales
ing, in preparation to making
it an outstanding IGA store,
This week two large plate
glass windows and large double
doors have been installed ..in.
the front of the building, which
together with the previous three
large windows makes the front
of the building mostly glees.
Mr, Lloyd Acheson, who is in
charge of the alterations, ex-
pects to have his changes com-
pleted by Nov, 1.
The building being set back
from the sidewalk will not only
provide , parking fecilities in
front of the store, but also at
the side and rear, which should
be a big business asset,
Onaping News
A copy of the 20-page reel"
September issue of the Onaping
News was sent to Lucan's T-A
correspondent this week by Mr.
Harold Ribson, a former Lucan
recreational director.
The interesting little booklet
is edited, (and no doubt illus-
trated) by the talented Mrs.
Ribson and distributed free of
charge, through the courtesy of
the Onaping -Recreation Coun-
In this issue is an article en-
titled, "A-hunting We Will Go",
written by Mr, Ribson, outlin-
ing the need of the utmost care
in the use of fire-arms at all
Marsha Ribson, the oldest
daughter, won a silver medal at
the CNE music festival for
cross-Canada musicians and also
a fourth in the open. ladies'
class. Marsha is still taking
piano and vocal lessons, as well
as Grade 12 High School.
Thomas R. Lee
district farmer
Thomas R. Lee, 75, of Frank
St., Lucan, died suddenly at his
home Wednesday, Oct. 3
The body rested in the Murdy
Funeral Home, Lucan, until 2
p.m. Saturday, Oct, 6 when the
Rev, G, W, Sach of the United
Church conducted funeral serv-
ices, with interment in Marr's
Hill cemetery, Brinsley.
Pallbearers were Messrs. Rus-
sell Lee, George J, Lee, Clar-
ence Carter, Leroy Parker. Ted
Parker and Bob Mitchell. Flow-
er bearers were grandchildren:
Helen, Marion, Karen, Doreen,
Brenda and Douglas Lee,
Mr. Lee is survived by his
wile, the former Violet Weir,
four sons, Harold and George
of McGillivray township and
Stanley and Cyril of London;
three daughters, Mrs. Ken
(Viola) Carter of McGillivray
township, Mrs, Olive Mitchell
of London, Mrs. Richard (Eve-
lyn) Parker of Harriston, also
one sister, Mrs. Scott (Myrtle)
Trevethick of Ailsa Craig, 18
grandchildren and six great
Mr. Lee was the son of the
late Mr. and Mrs. George Lee
of McGillivra, township. After
his marriage he farmed on two
near-by farms for six years be-
fore returning to the home
farm. Here he farmed for 40
"ears, before retiring to Frank
St.. Lucan, nine years ago. He
and Mrs. Lee celebrated their
golden wedding here, in 1958.
Mr. Lee served as a trustee
for Brinsley school for years
and was a member of the Lu-
can ttnited Church.
For the past two years he
has been in poer health and was
a patient in St. Joseph's Hos-
pital, and in a London, Miss
Craig and Lucen nursing home,
Wednesday evening he took a
heart attack-
Friends from Listowel. and
Marlette, Mich. attended the
We are starting to Make lee
In the arena now but weather
conditions are not favorable at
all. However if there is anv sig-
nificant change ice activities
will soon be under way.
The Lucan - Merton Minor
Hockey Meese 'League is dee to
begin Saturday, Nov. 3. Sham-
rock Minor 'Hockey will com-
mence the following Monday,
November 5. Practices will be-
gin just ae sooti as the ire le
ready. While on the subject of
hockey, a meeting of the, Lucan
Minor Athletic Association will
he held oh Wednesday, Oct. 17
in the arena at 8 p.m.
Teen Town held a dance last
Friday and it was net well sup-
ported. Maybe this wilt he over-
clime as the season proeresees.
Pietise kids, support, your, teen
town and help give if a lift,
The Saturday night -dances are
continuing to be successful and
anther brit will be held with
the Canadian Playboys this Sat-
urday night.
Names for the activities of
Seiler Citizens, Figure Skating
-el Square Dance Club are very
elle. in /riming, so please call
me If you ere the slightest bit
Inteiested in Any of these or
'other activities,
boots, two •horne
Laat Wedeesday evening Neil
eicleenn won. two rapes (one of
them the featured C-L paee) At
the Londen Receway, Driving
Sterlite, owned by James Ma-
guire of London, he registered
a half-length victory over Ambi-
tious, owned end driven by Gor-
don Gilbertson of Burford,
MeRann's other triumph wee
with Pauline Volo, owned by the
Hardy Bros. of Levan in the
fifth rave,
He also posted a second with
Shirley Hervester, owned by
Wilmer Scott of Clandeboye,
Present awards
to best students
At the meeting of the St.
Patrick's Church Catholic Wom-
en's League, held in the church
hall (the former Catholic school)
last Tuesday evening the elf,
awards for the best Grade 8,
boy and girls student, were pre-
sented. Joan Dewan was the
girl winner but as Mark O'Neil
and Edward Co Dyre tied for
the boys the $10 was split be-
tween them.
Plans for the bazaar and tea
to be held in the Legion hall
Friday, Oct, 19 were finalized
and also plans for the social
evening at. the Community Cen-
tre, Friday, Nov. 2, were dis-
Father Frank Bricklin spoke
briefly, President Mrs. Basil
Nagle was in the chair. There
were 22 members present. The
door prize was won by Mrs.
John Dewan.
It was Harvest Home services
at Holy Trinity and the congre-
gation were most thankful to
have their rector the Rev, E.
0. Lancaster sufficiently re-
covered from his lengthy illness,
to be able to be present at both
services and to preach and take
the communion service at 11
a.m. for 124 communicants. He
chose a topical sermon on Har-
vest Thoughts.
Both choirs were out in large
numbers and provided special
music, Larry Lewis of Granton
assisted the organist by play-
ing the preludes, Memorial
flowers for Mrs. C. Carter and
Mr. Thomas Lee, added to the
Harvest Home decorations.
Rev, Leonard Jacklin of Hyde
Park, father of the organist,
was the guest speaker at the
7,30 p.m. service, taking as his
theme, "The Finger of God",
Following the service Rev.
and Mrs. Jacklin, the organist
and friend, Miss Marlene Hunt-
er, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Lan-
easter and Larry Lewis return-
ed to the rectory to hear a re-
cording of both services, which
turned out particularly clear.
They were joined by Mrs, Kay
Egan and Mr. Dwight Hender-
son for lunch.
Tour pictures
On Friday, Oct. 12, the Sr.
WA members are sponsoring
the showine of tour pictures
taken by Miss Joan Hodgine
and Mies Maeilyn Brownlee.
It was missionary Sunday in
the Sunday School. The second
safari service was held, also a
sword drill (finding Bible pas-
Thanksgiving was the theme
of Rev. E. A, Gagrion's morning
service and Sudden Miracles,
the evening service. A corn.
munion service wee held at the
11 o'clock service, The junior
eheir sang in the merning old
the sebior choir et eight, ,The
church wes beautifully deco-
rated tor Thanksgiving.
Ie the absence of the presi-
dent, Mrs. Howard Currie pre-
sided at tbe Friday evening etP
meeting and was the guest
speaker, speaking on the verse,
"Suffet little 'children to conie
ehto Me", A 'Bible baseball
game Was held,
The pastor gave et coreet
number and Linda Currie and
Margaret Eieenea sang a duet.
WA discusses prolects
The WA ineethig was held hi
the church lest Wednesday with
the .presiderit, Mrs, Howard
Currie , presiding and epeekeig
on 'The Traimng of Dattgh-
During the business session
the MISSinnary progreseei whs
discussed alert eeVetel Christ-
:Inas projects.
Sunday being the first Stihday
in October, Was world-Wide
conireunion ,encl it also ushered
in Thanksgiving Day. 'The pees-
tor, Rev. G. W. Seth toe& ee
his text, "Whet 'shalt I,rentler
unto the Lord for all His ben-
efits tewAttle me?"
The flowers in try church
were in tnerriory the tate
Mrs, Coee Carter And Mr,.
Thomas Lee,
There will he no service in
the. Lucan church (other thee
Steiday Scheel) neet Swiftest as
it Will be Harvest Thanksgiving
in the. Clantieboye chureh, The
Bev, ft. Donaldson of Seeforth
b 1
Mrs. Wes Atkinson, Who WAS
patient in .$1, .,loseph's Hospital,
was Able to come home. this.
week. She spent Thanksgiving
with her family in Lendon,
Mrs..Sterid a n Revington
pent Friday with her mother,
Mrs. Harry eleFelle of Lendop,
the oCeasiOn being the letter's
birthday. Mrs, McVAlls re-
turned with her to spend
Mr. And Mrs. Ron Crozier of
Lecan were among .the verY
'Wee erowd who met in the
Berg Youth Centre at icottler
:Thursday to honor Mr. A. Got-
clen Cayuga .on his
retirement After 34 years as ag-
ricelteral rePresenteke for the
coenty cif Haidimand,
Mrs. H. S. Stanley, Mrs. U.
F, Stanley, Mrs, Al Broinwicb,
Mrs, T, C. MeFarlane and Mrs.
Gerald Lewis attended the Stan-
iey-Louvez wedding in Toronto
Saturday. The groom is the son
of the late •C, W. Stanley:
Mrs. G. E. Nicholson win be
relieving in the post office this
week while Mrs. Dan Arikers is
oe vacation,
Dr, and Mrs, S, je Morrison
end family are spending part of
their vecation with Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Rummell.
Mrs. Cecil Armitege vent a
few days with her sister, Mrs,
Boas Graham of Arkona. who
accompanied by her two daugh-
ters, returned with her for a
visit in Lucan,
Mrs, M. Gollings, of London,
is spendieg a few days with
ber daughter, Mrs. Wes Reving-
ton and family,
Mr. and Mrs, Russell Ken.
nedy and Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Kennedy end family spent last
weekend at their cottage at Col-
poy Bay, Mr, and Mrs. Harold
Whyte of Bracebridge were also
at their cottage and displayed
the pictures taken of the trip
to California last February,
Mr, John McRoberts of Lon-
don has been engaged as as-
sistant manager of the Luean
An invitation has been re-
ceived front the Strathmore
Lodge Auxiliary for all ladies
of Lucan and vicinity to attend
the inaueural meeting to be held
in• the Sti:athmere Lodge, Strath.
roe, Oceober 15.
Fa rewell party
Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Armitage
and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Arnold Morley and family of
Lucan were among those who
attended a farewell pary held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs, La-
verne Allison of West McGil-
livray for Sgt. and Mrs. Gary
Graham of London, prior to
their departure for Germany
for three years.
To open repair shop
Mr. Grant Brady of London,
with 10 years experience in
Mitchell, is opening a TV, radio
and watch repair shop next door
to Cochrane's Barber Shop on
Frida y.
Mrs. H. B. Langford had
family gathering last Saturday.
Airs, Kay .14gan who spent the
sominer As an employee nf.
Wpodeden .Petrip is back home
Air. jack Murd,y •has had a
ear-port .erected 'between his fu-
neral home and the home of his
late :mother, Mrs. C. Muds,
which Adds :to the appearaece
of his feneral home and 'will
eiao prove a big asset for fu-
nerals in wet weather,
Thankseiving .visiters
Ann Stanley, small daughter
of Mr. and Airs. Clare Stanley,
with her .grandm o tit er, Mrs,
Divine of London,
Mr. and Mrs. John camp.
bell and family, of Toronto,
with Mr. and Airs. Sheridan
Revington and were joined by
Mr, and Mrs, Lyle Revington
aod family of Mooresville for a
family gathering on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Cook and
family, of London, with Mrs.
Mr, and Mrs, Clarenee Has-
kett and family with Mrs, lias-
kett'e sister, Mies Angela Ar-
mitt, of London,
Terrence Culbert, of London,
with Mr, and Mrs, Ron Squire.
eir, and Mrs. William Tasker,
of London, with mr. and Mrs.
Frank Hardy,
Mr, and Ws, Allan Tindall,
of Wiarton, with Mr. and Mrs.
Cliff Abbott,
4"—$55 per M Feet Del'cl.
5"—$85 per M Feet Del'cl.
6"--$110 per M Feet Del'd.
7"—$155 per M Feet DePd.
8"—$185 per M Feet Del'd.
Above prices based on 1000
Linear Feet, in full truckloads
or more, delivered within 35
mile radius of our plant„For
detailed prices on all sizes tile,
either delivered or F,O,B, our
.plant at Elginfield, write or
LTD., RR 2, London — Phone
227-4721 Lucan.
sponsored by the
Friday, Oct. 19
8:00 p,m.
mr, and Mrs Fred Tuke and
Mr. Harvey Heekett nf London
wish ele. end Mrs. Glen Has-
Mrs. C., F. Langford. .of To.
ronto, with. her mother, Airs.
John Casey, for the weekend.
Mr. and Airs. Wes Revington
and family with Air. -and Airs.
Harry MeNaughlon and family
of London.
Mr, arid Mrs, Italnh Smith
aud. famile, of .Wallacehurg,
with Mr. and Mrs. George Hod--
Air. and Airs. Robert Jenkins
-with their daughter and family,
Mr. and Mrs, john Woods, of
Air. and Mrs. Andrew Elder
(bride and groom) of Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wiseman
of Agincoert, Mr, and Mrs.
George Stanley, of Hamilton,
with Mr, and Mrs, Wilbert Stan-
ley end were joined on Sunday
by Mr. and Mrs. Vern Towers.
of Appin and Mr. and Airs.
George Mama .aed family nf
Miss Ruth 'volliek PM
Hamilton, Mrs. J. W. ii..„ellere.,
of London, and Miss Jul'.1.
Crozier, of •Geelph, with Mr.
and Mrs.. Ron Crokier„
Alias Jelly lles'eett: with Mr,.
and Ws. El. 'Conlin and fants
ily of leitebener,
Mr. and :lies. Francis •Jolliffe
with their son Fred And fnrnilY
of Walkerton,
Mr. and Mrs, Neil Hodgins.
and family, of Toronto, with
Mr- IL Stanley.
Call JO at
Generel Insurance
Real Estate
At Sarnia, Ontario arid Calgary,, Alberta,
Imperial operates the largest petroleum re-
search laboratories in Canada. At Sarnia,
the company's scientists and technicians
are worki ngto improve !present products and
to develop new ones. Their research covers
is done by Imperial
many fields, from gasolines to household
detergents. At Calgary, Imperial research
personnel are exploring means to find and
produce more Canadian crude oil and natu ral
gas. Imperial does more research than all
other oil companies in 'Canada combined.