HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-10-11, Page 13WITH THE PURCHASE
IGA 48.0%. Tilt
Pineapple Juke 31`
IGA Crushed
hese C04. 0 y
41 Treat
..or your l amie
Th I dQmic .only one
Many ..harmful *drugs
..Advocate,, .October 11, 1962 Page. 11
still on market: doctor
Dr. D. A. Ecker„ reprosenta.
LIN e tat the local medical as•
sociation to the South Huron
Hospital Board, was guest
speaker at the meeting of the
Women's Auxiliary .Tuesday
afternoon speaking on the
problem of drugs in the medi-
cal world of today.
ile gave an outline of the
thalidomide disaster in Ger-
many, Britain and Canada. "If
we eliminate all drugs with
harmful effects There would
not be too much left to Prac-
tice with," said Dr. ticker,
"for many of the drugs M.
common use today have harm-
ful. effects on some patients
and can even kill." lie pointed
out that Penieilliit, aspirin and
insulin save some people's
lives and take others,
"There are sore other drugs
that cause more suffering,
more trouble and more deaths
than thalidomide yet nothing is
done to remove them from the
market," the doctor stated
and referred to alcohol and
tobacco as examples. The
speaker was introduced by
Airs, j, G. Dunlop and thanked
by Mrs. Fred Dobbs.
Mrs, Ed Brady reported the
results of tag day as $622.47
with for districts still to hear
from. Mrs. Eugene ilowey an ,
.nounced plans were completed
for the rummage sale Satur-
day, October la ln the Legion
Hall with pick-up and arrang-
ing articles for sale on Friday.
The auction sale of furniture
Personal items
Mrs. Newton Clarke, Mrs.
John Coward, Mrs, Elson Lynn,
Airs. Tom Campbell enjoyed the
bus trip to Collingwood, Owen
Sound and other points north on
Thursday sponsored by the
Elimville Women's Institute,
Mr. George Martin spent Fri-
day evening with Douglas :notch
of Sunshine Line,
Miss Ruth Horne, of London,
spout the weekend at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Freeman Horne.
Mrs. Fred Walters, Sandra
and Judy and Miss Linda Brock
of London visited on. Monday
with Mr. and. Mrs. John Cow-
Mr. and Mrs. John Coward
This week in
will continence at gi50 p.m.
A copy of the proposed new
constitution for the Auxiliary
was react by Airs, Glen Mickle
and of the proposed bylaws by
Airs. Dunlop, These will be
discussed and voted. on at the
annual: meeting in November,
Mrs. Harvey Pollen, .conven-
or of the buying committee,
gave an estimate of $600 to
equip the basement kitchen for
the new class in eertified.
nursing aides, Approval to go
.ahead with the project was
given by the members present.
were Thanksgiving guests with
Air, and Mrs. Bob Bibby and
family of Kirkton.
Sunday visitors.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Langford,
of Granton, with Mrs. Isobel
Sugden a n d Mr, Tennyson
Mr. and. Airs. Colin Ctilfillan,
Grant and Barbara Ann, with
Mr. and Mrs, I3i.11 Gilfillan and
family of Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Horn
and family, of Exeter, with Mr.
and Mrs, Phil Horn,
Air, anti Mrs, Newton Clarke
with Mr. and Airs, Beverley
Morgan and family of Thames
C..romarty honors
deparhng couple
litre from this neighborhood. g4v(' a reading °The First
Mr. and Airs. Herman lioste Guiana vests reviewed by Mr s.
ing of musical numbers on the Mrs. T. Laing,
humorous readings by Miss for the .thaakoffering meeting
and neighbors met in Cromarty college.
sc h ool on Friday. night t o honor 'the mission study on young
and family upon their .depar- t'. McKaig. Miss Olive Speare
with a short ,program, consist- led 1)>' MTS. Sadie Scott and
Olive .Speare and Mrs. Dow,.0)liaSt
utd cloayesaerlyorinttle meet NemVeeM
w i n d. by Airs, Ha rvey ,Dow, invitation to be guest speaker
lamp i°1P.ndrC. Isnetallhttecebdignlig"i'elsttlhai bpj liaajcl. Sr hostesses,owta
alid s. fiC'lloo.
violin by Eldon Alien wont- Airs. tr. C. Boyne accepted an
lamps, by Wesley Russell and Personal items
ing was held in the Sunday ton.
Harvey Dow. Jean Dow pre- Air. and Airs. Alex Gardiner
sented the girls with a gift. attended the 60th wedding an ,
WMS hears about its origin n ilseiew Re
School room with members of Visitors with Mr, a:rns, d
the Marian Ritchie Evening i lilau'rhos,ne it,,sainagnowere
im London,
Auxiliary as guests.
A large gathering of friends impressions of the new Ewart
Euchre was enjoyed, followed han
An address was read by Mr. h e r.
The Thanksgiving \VMS meet-
Mrs, At Lamond presided Ian McAllister, Toronto.
„people and education in British
Tksgiving". Prayers were
a rsaryiboofflgAlro.f apnediarhiliA hA,eirt:
and the Thanksgiving program Mr. and Mrs. lioste have
in the Glad Tidings was Sol- bought a farm near Seaforth
lowed. Scripture lessons were and with their family have
read by Airs, C. AicKaig, Mrs.
W. Harper and Mrs. R. Dodds.
Mrs, Bert McIntosh of Moth-
erweil was guest speaker and
told of the origin of the Wom-
ens Missionary Society, and told
of her work in Stratford *Pres-
byterial, She closed her re-
marks with a poem "'Una-
ware". Mrs. T, L. Scott fav-
ored with a solo and. conducted
a Bible quiz. She also gave her
Wayne ..of Lindsay were 'weeks
end visitors with Mr, and MPS.
T L. Scott and family and
Airs. E. Moore At Anderson United Church on.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie .Thomp—Saturday. Lorraine was one of
son ,of Exeter and. Air. and the attendants,
Mrs. Malcolm Lamond And Tra- Misses Ina Scott, Alice Wal,
verse of London were recent ker, Dorothy Scott and Carol
visitors with. Air, and. Airs. M. .Howe of London spent the bol-
LAMMIch iday weekend at their. respee-
Air. Jim Chappel of Gerald , tire homes.
Ion spent Thanksgiving weeks
end With his parents, Mr, :and
Mrs. Fulmer Channel,
Mrs, Jennie riseher of
6uelph is visiting with her bro-
ther, Mr. Russell Butler.
Air. and Mrs, Len, Harris of
Farquhar and Mrs. Elizabeth
Morgan of Toronto visited on
Saturday with Air. And Mrs.
Keith McLaren.
Mr. Barry McKinnon of Ot-
tawa spent the holiday week-
end with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Donald McKinnon.
:1147 Ed. Kay of Port Arthur
and his daughter, Mrs. JOhn-
ston of Clinton, were recent
callers at the home of Mr, and
Mrs, Will Hamilton.
Weekend visitors with. Mr,
and Mrs. Otto Walker were
Mr, and Mrs. Glen Tuffin of
Rondea.u. Park, Mr. and Mrs. R.,
Hulley and children, Winthrop,
Jackie and Judy McGhee, Lon,
don, and Mir. and Mrs, Hugh
Currie, Linda arid Joanne of
The. Time
taken tip residence there,
Several members of the fam , Mr. and Mrs, Alex Gardiner
11,y of Mr. harry Norris visited visited friends in Toronto on.
with their father on Sunday, Tuesday,
Guests at the home of Mir, Mr. and Air's, Sam McCurdy
and Mrs. Frank Allen during visited on Sunday with Mr, and
the week were Mrs. Violet Mrs. Will Kay, London.
Quanc e, .Bracebridgc, Mrs, Alr, and Mrs, R., Laing, Mr.
Frances Sanders of Toronto and and Mrs, Gordon Laing and
Mrs. Ross Taylor, Toronto. Lorraine and Mr. and Mrs.
Mr, and Mrs. Hugh W. John Jefferson were guests at
Moore, Elaine Neil, Donald and the Jefferson -Bearss wedding
Mr. thigh Scott was home
Guelph for the weekend.
Weekend guests with A ir.,
and Mrs. John Jefferson mire!
Mr. and Mrs. John Jefferv.1
of Sault Ste. Marie, Diltbs. 1.4
Jefferson, London, and Mr,,
Wut. Ringler of Detroit.
This chain sow line
ho' everything.
S Power
• Speed
• Balance
so Design
to Selectivity
(8 big models)
Try a Remington
Chain Saw today,
"Handling charge
FREE * Rmington,
22 caliber
Outcuts Outlasts 'Eta All
Phone 235-1273 William St,, Exeter
arling's 1G
ns in ensall is Thursday
Fred Darling is pleased to announce he has purchased the former Brown's IGA at
Hensall and has appointed Tony Charrette as manager of the new store. Operations
of both our markets will be co-ordinated to give both Hensall and Exeter customers
even greater values and better service than ever before! The weekend specials below
apply to our Hensall as well as our Exeter store.
(PS—IT'S A GIRL FOR TONY! Resides supervising the opening of our Hensel!
store, Tony Charrette became the proud father early Wednesday morning of A
baby girl, a sister for his four sons. Our congratulations to Tony and his wife.
Looks like we're off to a great start!)
The new manager of our Hen-
sell store, Tony Charrette, hat
had considerable experience in
modern food marketing and
will be pleased to provide the
utmost in service to our cus-
tomers in that area, He invites
you to shop and save at Dar-
ling's IGA.
Pineapple .ouz 33
Scott Family 40 Off
Toilet t issue
Fresh Picnic
PORK LIVER 2.9 Vstatsiteis
White or Pink
McCain 's Fresh
Grapefruit 5-36' Cut Beans Irbo45.
Tomatoes 1 is Zero Pak 2 rtj)
Turnips tA10' Strawberries 69".
.6 LB. AVO, 4 lb
5 3
2 loaves 3 5
Economy Fak, Facial Tissues
11.6z. Baffle