HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-10-11, Page 12New Y ork honeymoon
and Mrs. Robert L, Barn-
spent” their honeymoon in
New York following their mar,
riage in Zion lAtheran Church,
Dashwood, on Saturday, Oo-
tober,6at. 3 .p.m.
The bride is. the .daughter of
'Mr, and Mrs, Earnest .Koehler,',
Dashwoed, and the groom is
the soil of Mrs. pearl p.ayhhaut,
'London, and Law'renc'e Rayc-
hem, Hens ell.
White And bronze mums, fern
and candelabra formed:. the set,
ting for the ceremony Perfortn-
ed by Rev, W. Gatz, Maa Helen
Nadiger, Dashwood, played tra-
ditional wedding music and AP-
companiett the - soleist, Aiiss
Mary Anne Baxter, who sang
wedding Prayer and 0 Perfect
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride wore a .floor-
length gown of white peau de
faille. The fitted bodice was
styled with lily point sleeves
and scoop neckline outlined with
guipure lace. The same motifs
decorated the full skirt which
fell back from pleats into a
chapel train. Her finger-Up
of double illusion was held by
a wedding band of peau de
faille, She carried a cascade of
white gardenias and stephano-
Mrs. Gerald Martene, Dash-
wood, sister of the bride, was.
matron of honor and was gown-
ed in gold velvet with bell-
shaped skirt, matching pill box
hat and shoes, Dressed simi-
larly were the bridesmaids,
Anninarie Kraft. Exeter, cousin
of the bride, and Colleen Bass,
ham, London, sister of the
groom. They carried. wicker
gathering baskets with white
and bronze mums, green grapes
and wheat.
Itiehard Hasten, Dashwood,
was .ringbearer and Debra Fund,
Exeter, Was flower girls weer•
ing white peau, de faille with
,fltwer headband and -carried, a
miniature 'basket of bronze
Mullis and stephanotis.
James PaYnha o n d o 11
was best map for his brother,
and Gerald Martene, Dashwood,
,and Wayne Tuckey, ..;;zeter,
A reception was held In the
church rooms where the bride's
mother received in a madeira
taupe brocaded sheath dress,
matching jacket, brown acces-
sories and corsage of yellow
roses. The groeen'e mother
chose a beige wool sheath with.
brown ,accessories and tawny
gold rose corsage.
The bride travelled in a brown
wool eta with beige accessories
and corsage of tawny gold roses,
Mr, and Mrs. ..13aynhani will
reside in Exeter.
Hurondale Jills
cook vegetables
At the third meeting of Hun-
°Adele Jolly Jills 4-H. club held
at the home of Mrs. Robert
Down IAA. Tuesday vegetable
plates and garnishes were dis-
Different ways of serving and
cooking vegetables were dem-
onstrated. Kathryn Oke presid-
ed for the meeting with 15
members present.
The fourth meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs, Alvin
Moir at 7.30 p.m. Thursday,
October II,
Elimville Institute
visits Collingwood
The Year's Biggest Drug and Sundry Sale
Thurs., Oct 18 to Sat., Oct. 27
Here Are Some of the Outstanding Values!
POLYMULSION. Reg. $3,49 2 for $3.50
Rtg. $5.25, 2 for $5.25; Reg. $9,25, 2 for $9.26
100"s, Reg. $4.49, 2 for $4.50; 250's. Reg. $8.98,
2 for $8.99
TOOTH PASTE, $1.89 Value . 3 TUBES $1.08
RUBBER GLOVES, Reg, $1.65 2 PAIRS $1.66
RO-BALL DEODO1ANTS, Reg. 98f,' 2 FOR 9.0i
BATHROOM SCALES, Reg. $9.95 ONLY $5.49
ELECTRIC BLANKETS, double-bed size $17,88
5-heat cootroli beautiful overnight ease
Htladquarlers for all -Hearing Aid tiffeeid$
ArVa - Call Collect GE 24916
Open Evenings In 9, Safordayt lit 5:10
Page 12 The Titteee-Aci.vo.cate, October 11, 1.252.
Flute t~ Peak
Gland Bend nuptials
Thiel left their wedding recep-
parlors, Grand Bend, for a
tion at the United Church
honeymoon in Montreal and
Mn, and Mrs. Glen Carl
red with bell skirts. Their head-
silk brocade in pomegranite
dresses were of matching
petals and they carried semi-
crescents of Better Time roses
Quebec following their mar. and white pompoms. Little
riage in the Church of Gad, Miss Mary Lou Turnbull svas
Grand Bend, on Saturday, flower girl dressed in white
October 6 at 2,30 p.m. taffeta with cummerbund and
bow of pomegranite red. Her
The bride is the former flowers were pinocchio red and Donna Isabelle 'Darnbull, white munis.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Clausius, Zurich, was Rufus Turnbull, Grand Bend, best man and Ross Faber,
and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Thiel, Kippen, and Keith Thiel, Zur-Zurich, are parents of the ich, ushered.
For her daughter's wedding,
Baskets of large white mums the bride's mother chose mid-
edged in pomegranite red and night blue silk brocade with
white pompoms, ferns and matching jacket and pink rose candelabra formed the setting corsage. The groom's mother
for the double-ring ceremony wore coppertone silk brocade performed by Rev. L, R. Hoff- with yellow rose corsage. man,
The bride travelled in a
Given in marriage by her dress and coat: ensemble of father, the bride wore a full- mink silk brocade with mink
length gown of "love story" fur trim. brown accessories silk taffeta styled with fitted and corsage of yellow roses.
torso bodice blended to a They will reside at RR 2
basque waist and scoop neck- Zurich. line outlined with applique of Bride feted
guipure lace, and sheath lily-
point sleeves, The bouffant Hostesses at showers for the
skirt was accented with ap- bride were Mrs. John McAllis-
pliques of guipure lace and a ter, Hamilton, at her summer
self-material rose at the back. home at Grand Bend; Mrs,
Her bouffant veil was held by Donald Hendrick and Alma, a
a pill box of satin and pearls. linen shower; Mrs. Ross Faber,
She carried a cascade of Kippen; Mrs. Gertrude Datars
Better Time roses, stephanotis and Mrs. Keith Thiel, Zurich,
and ivy. and Miss A. Claypole, nurses
and staff of South Huron Hos-Miss Carole MacGregor, De-
pital. troit, as maid of honor, and Following the wedding re.
Mrs. Ross Faber. Kippen. and hearsal. Mr, and Mrs. Rufus
Mrs. Keith Thiel. Zurich, as Turnbull entertained the bridal bridesmaids, were gowned alike party at their home.
in ballerina-length dresses of
Teacher weds engineer-
The Elimville Women's Insti-
tute enjoyed a bus trip last
Thursday to Collingwood, They
toured the Georgian China Shop
in the morning and visited
Kaufman Furniture and• Blue
Mountain Pottery in the after-
They drove tipple by way of
Owen Sound where they stopped
for supper. They enjoyed a box
lunch in the park by the bay.
After a few spills and falls
everyone arrived home safely
around 9 o'clock.
Exeter ladies at UCW
The meeting of Elimville
LICW was held last Wednesday
evening, Mrs. Gilbert Johns and
Mrs, V. Montgomery had charge
of the program.
Mrs. R. E. Pooley of Exeter
was guest speaker and Mrs. G.
Vriese of Exeter favored with
two solos. Mrs. Montgomery
gave the Bible study,
The Elimville YPU was held
on Sunday evening with Miss
Janet Rowe in charge of the
program assisted by Larry Bal.
lantyne, Miss Joyce Masers led
in a sing song and Rev. H. C.
Wilson gave the Bible study,
Sunday Service
The Thanksgiving service was
held at Elimville United Church
on Sunday, The CGIT members
decorated the church with
sheaves of grain, fruits, vege-
tables and colored leaves,
The sacrament of baptism was
held for William Scott Hern,
son of Mr, and Mrs. Jack Hern,
and Cheryl Anne Parsons,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bev
Rev. H. Wilson gave the ser-
mon using as his topic "He took
the Cup and gave Thanks". The
Holy Communion was served
at the closing of the sermon.
The services will be with-
drawn this Sunday as it is the
autumn anniversary of the
Thames Road relied Church.
Country Pals try salads
Message from
The sixth meeting of the
"Elimville Country Pals" was
held on Tuesday evening Oct. 9
at the home of Mrs. Norman
Jaques with 21 girls present,
Roll call was answered by
"a raw vegetable I could take
to school or work". Discussions
on salads, salad dressings and
salad plates was given by Mrs.
Jaques and Mrs. Skinner dem-
onstrated making a perfection
salad, potato salad and tossed
salad. Miss Sharon Fletcher
and Miss Joanne Miners as-
sembled a salad plate.
At the close the girls sampled
the salads.
Thanksgiving visitors
Mr. and Mrs. James Lobh
and family, Mr, and Mrs, Bert.
Lobb, of Clinton, with Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Pym.
Mr. and Mrs. Squire Herdman
and Anne, Mr. John Herdman
of Exeter with Mr. and Mrs.
Nilson Whiteford and family of
Ingersoll on Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell and
Carol with Mr, and Mrs. Ross
Skinner on Sunday,
Mrs. Vera. johns of Exeter
and Miss Gail McBride of Zur-
ich with Mr. and Mrs. Delmer
Skinner, Edward and Frances
on Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ramie
and Joanne, of Toronto, with
Mr. and Mrs. William Routly.
Mr. and Mrs. William Browne
with relatives in Toronto. Mrs.
Browne is spending a few days
with ill .her sister who is quite
in Toronto.
Personal items
Mrs, R. E. Pooley and Mrs.
Lloyd Cushman accompanied by
Mrs. William. Routly visited
last Wednesday with Rev. and
Mrs, White of Kintore.
Me. and Mrs. Robert Coates
of Exeter visited on Sunday
evening with Mr. and Mrs,
Squire Herdman.
Mr. and Mrs, Rien Westdorp
received a telegram last week
About the death of 'Nr.r. West-
dorp's father in Holland,
Mrs.. Kenneth Johns, Miss
Ruth Skinner and Mrs. Frank-
lin Skinner attended the Insti-
tute rally held at Bluevale last
These days Canadians pro,
duce not only our world famous
tiLeddar cheese but also most
of the Other cheese types made
in other parts of the world.
This great variety of cheese
is available because of two
changes in the last decade or
so. Our New Canadian neigh-
bors have made us aware of
)meny of the 'kinds of cheese
they used iii their homelands—
and through travel many of us
in Canada have come to enjoy
the cheeses of far away places
And are delighted to be able to
buy them at home.
Neither too hot nor too cold
is the rule for serving cheese
at its best, Cheese for table use
is best served at room tempera-
ture, Remove from the frig at
least an hour befOre serving,
so the cheese can warm up and
mellow. Keep the cheese tight.
ly wrapped during the warm.
up, slicing it just before sere-
A cheese -tray for game
watchers on TV these days is
quite a good idea, It takes only
minutes to prepare and if vari-
ous cheese varieties and an as-
sortment of crackers are kept
on hand it can be prepared on
the spur of the moment and
requires very little. further at-
tention, other than occasional
replenishing of crackers and
For real cheese enjoyment
the cheese tray should offer a
selection of at least six types
of cheese. It may be sliced, cut
in cubes or put on the tray in
blocks or wedges so that guests
may help themselves.
. a
We. said we would give some
more cookie recipes this week,
Here goes..
Mrs. Archie Etherington says
'the favorites of her family
(which is much. smaller than
formerly) are shortbreads,
1 cup butter
1 cup shortening
1 cup icing sugar
lz tp salt
JY2 tp baking soda
4 cups flour.
Cream butter, shortening and
sugar. Sift flour, soda and salt,
Combine lightly, Chill, roll in
ball and flatten with fork, if
she uses the cookie press and
makes fancy shapes the dough
does not need to be chilled.
Bake at 350' for 15 minutes.
Date Turnovers
Another favorite of the Ethe-
ringtons is date turnovers.
2 cups flour
3 cups oatmeal
ai cups brown sugar
1 cup shortening
pinch of salt
1. tp soda dissolved in I cup
warm water,
Mix flour, oatmeal and sugar,
cut in shortening and add soda
in water.
Roll out and cut in rounds.
By MRS, J. M. 5.
October is National Cheeec ;Out a teaspoonful of date
Festival Month. On cooeie .and fold over.
A film depicting an interview
with Dr. Strangway in. Angola,
Africa was the . feature of the
meeting of UCW unt 5 on Mon-
day evening,
Mrs. S, E. Lewis introduced
the film and gave the commen-
tary on it. It was particularly
interesting to the group because
of. the "Operation Brown Cow"
in James Street SS when cows
were sent to Angola with Dr.
Strangway on his return from
Mrs. Ray Mills, Mrs. Alvin
Thanksgiving visitors
,Mr. and Mrs. Jack Robertson
and family, Galt, with Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Taylor of town.
Air, and Mrs. Robert Parsons
and family, Montreal, with the
former's father, Mr. Roy Par-
sons and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Witmer in
Tillsonburg with Mr, and Mrs.
Leo Witmer and Ronnie.
Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Murray,
Mr, and Mrs. Don Murphey and
Bradley, Kirkton, with friends
in Detroit and South Lyon, Mi-
Mrs. Emerson Penhale, Doug-
las, Brian and Sheila, Mrs. John
Batten, Sharon, Helen and.
Ralph, all of Elimville with.
Mrs. Beth Batten and William.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Russell shown to group and Mr. and Mrs. B. W, Tuc-
key in. New York.
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Cud-
more with the latter's sister and
family, Mr, and Mrs. Norman
Moody, Windsor,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Doerr,
Bonnie, Wendy and Susan at-
tended a family reunion at the
home of Mrs. Doerr's sister
and brother-in-law, Mr, And
Mrs Arnold P'olzin, Midhurst
Miss Marie Hodgson, Essex,
and Miss Barbara Hodgson, To-
ronto with Mr, and Mrs, W. IL
Mr. and Alt's. Sandy Neal, Pym and Mrs. J, Kirklandtook, and family and Miss Carole
the worship period and AP's, Fletcher, all of Toronto with .Percy McFalls and Mil, Rich- Dr, And Mrs. M. C. Fletcher,
And McFall favored with a
duet, 111111111111111•1111•1111111111,
Unit leader Mrs. Robe rt
Southeott presided for the busi-
ness when final plans were
made for the smorgasbord sup-
per on October 17.
UC cowis home
Reception follows vows THIS 'N THAT
Chinese Chews
Mrs. James iiirkland brought
Chinese -Chews.
cup brown sugar
1 cup .chopped dates
pinch of -salt
..cup chopped walnuts
air' cup flour
1 malle t'', baking powder
1 tap' vanilla,
Alix thoroughly together and
hake in moderate oven until
golden brown. Sprinkle with
sugar and cut in squares when
Rainbow Slices
sbAcersth‘tve' hiler sable?, Isia4sraailc- e
20 "quick
ap d e mar
fast; s'
2 oz, semi.sweet chocolate
2 1 cup chopped nuts
1 egg
se cup icing sugar
ee cup coconut,
Melt chocolate, Mix sugar
and chocolate, add beaten egg,
quartered marshmallows, nuts
and coconut, Wrap in waxed.
paper, Chill, Slice as desired.
Unbaked Cookies
Mrs, William Etherington. also
makes unbaked cookies,
2 WI cocoa
3 tbl butter
-1/4 cup gran, sugar
•ts cup white corn syrup
2 cups corn flakes.
Combine cocoa, butter, sugar
and corn syrup in a saucepan.
Cook over low heat stirring
constantly till mixture boils.
Remove and acid crisped corn
flakes and cup pecans or
any kind of nuts.
Drop on buttered pan and
Efeetegeeekettetteteseissiereatteesseeess est.
He also donated on behalf of
his company three door prizes
which were won by Ales, Don.
ald Colborne, Mrs. G. Cum-
mings and Mrs, el, Kostur,
Several new attractions have
been added to the evening's
entertainment, one of which is
a mystery prize, The first one,
donated by Mrs, Bruce Green,
was won by Mrs. Jim Hooper
who, in turn, will procure an-
other prize for the next meet-
Starting next month. a penny
table will be set up. Such arti-
cles as comic books, cake OCTOBER 13 to 20
mixes, home-made jams or
pickles (hut no odd earrings e • eeeeeeAseeessseeeeee4: ....eeee please) will be displayed, Each
lady will be entitled to a maxi-
mum of 25 tickets,
And of interest to all bowlers,
it. has been agreed that a gift
be donated each month but the
bowler whose name is drawn
must be present to claim her
The WA has decided to spon- Phalle 2354744 Exeter
sor tap.dancing lessons as in
previous years. Mrs. Donald
Colborne presided at the meet-
Mr. and Mrs, Reginald Par-
sons, lamesville, Wis., visited
recently with relatives here
and are presently on a trip to
Meaford, Ottawa and the Mar-
.Mr. and Mrs, Peter Raymond
and son, Douglas Laird, of Lon-
don have moved to Exeter into
one of the homes. in the Sim•
mons subdivision.
Town topics
Baskets. of - \vitae, .glattioli, ford, in a hallerina.leagth gown
ferns and candelabra deeorat- of turquoise peau de .sots
.ed Thames Road United Church styled with basque waist. scoop
for the wedding of (Race Violet neckline. and full .shirred houf•
Allen, .daughter of Mr. and font skirl with seltematerial
filling Mrs. Lorne Allen, Exeter, and 'bow et beck of waist. She wore
Dougles Keith Galloway, son a matching headdress of fur.
Bake, of Air, and Ales. Jack Gallo- .quoise silk peau de snie 'with
way, Crediton, on Saturday, sequins And face veil. She car-
October 6 At 3:30 p.m. rigid a semi-crescent of white
11ev. Hugh Wilson. officiate carnations and turquoise leaves.
ed .and. Aire. Reginald liodgert
played the wedding music
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride wore a gown
of Chantilly lace featuring a
basque waist, lily point sleeves A reception was held at the
and sebrina neckline embrni. Duff erin Hotel, Centralia,
deceit with sequins and, pearls, where the bride's mother re.
The aisle-wide skirt of Srusch-
ing scallops on the shirred with beige accessories and cm:-
panels touched the floor. A sage of orange- Delight, roses.
crown of sequins and pearls The groom's mother chose
held her double, illusion veil beige brocaded sheath with
balul dd s..she carried a cascade of brown accessories and corsage
red roses, stephanotis and satin of yellow Talisman
streamers dotted with rose
Maid of honor for her sister
was Miss Kaye Allen, .Strat-
The highlight of the meeting
of the Women's Auxiliary of
Huron Park
held at the Com-
munity Centre, October 2, was
a film presentation on Wild
Life on Seal island by Walt
Disney and shown by Bill
Attend funeral
Mrs. Ella Desjardine, Air.
and Mrs. Murton. Desjardine
and Marlene, all of Exeter, Alt'
Norris Desjardine, Grand Bend
and Mrs. joy Mason, Dashwood,
attended the funeral of the
former's brother, john Kipfer
at Elkton, Mich, on Sunday,.
We're opening Our Christ-
mas toyland with a terrific
813c' Toy Sale (6 for $5.00).
Buy early, layaway now at
the largest, most colorful
toyland in the area.
Phone 235.1033 Exeter
For travelling to Niagara
Falls and the cast U.S. coast,
the bride donned a royal blue
sheath with red topcoat and
white gardenia corsage. The couple will resi de i n
RCAF WA sees 'T`i °e.ileeption and dance WAS
f r r, I I held in the evening followleg
TIIM on mom
,I,hey marriage in Russelda'"
Tian which .over 200 friends
and relatives attended,
Bride feted
Mrs. Howard Kerslake, Ex.
beshower -al td- which the bride-
elect's school associates were
present and many gifts pre.
Airs, Clarence Fairbairn,
aunt of the bride, held a shower
last Wednesday for friends and
relatives of the bride.
Robert Galloway was best
man for his brother and Don
Entwistle of Weinflect,
and Jim Allen, brother of the
bride, ushered.
valved in a brown crepe sheath
We'll deliver clean, safe
LP gas direct to your door.
Enjoy modern living!
Phone 156.W Grand Bend
Marjorie Dilkes
469 William St,
White mums. gold-sprayed accompanied the soloist, Mrs.
leaves and candelabra formed Peter Lawson, London, who
the setting in Hyatt Avenue sang The Lord's Prayer and
United Church, London, for the Wedding Prayer.
ceremony uniting in marriage Given in marriage by her
Mary Anne King, daughter of uncle, Clayton King, the bride
Mr, and Mrs. Max Renwick, wore a white peau de soie
Tilbury, and William Thomas gown with scalloped neckline,
Brock, son of Mr, and Mrs. lace appliques on. finger-tip
Russell Brock, Kippen, on Fri- sleeves and flowing skirt
day, October 5, at 7 p.m. sweeping to a chapel train, A
Rev. Alex Ranson officiated bow of material like her gown
and Mrs. Ivan Hunter, London. held her French illusion veil,
played the wedding music and She carried a crescent bouquet
of yellow mtfins and etepha.
Matron . of honor was Mrs.
News budget from
Carmen Murphy, London, who.
wore teal blue peau de soie
a., with round neckline. fitted bo-
dice, capped sleeves and bell
skirl. She carried a spray of
By MR5, J. H. PATON yellow. bronze and orange
mums with stephanotis. Simi.
-s • larlv attired were the brides-
CHURCH NEWS iiaide. Mrs. Sheila Thomson,
London. and Miss Re‘erly Set. United Church terington. Sernia.
On Sunday, Oct- 7 the Ret.,. Donald Brock, New Hamburg.
G Sach, pastor. , f"- was best man and John King,
the elders Messrs .Rea Neil. \\*Afford. and David Brock.
It iltiam Northerave, Wilmer Kippen, ushered.
Scott and Lloyd Lynn dispensed A reception was held at the
the service of Holy Communion, t'obblestone Inn where the
it being the Sunday of the world bride's mother received in a
wide commurion services blue lace dress with beige
cessorics and the groom's
Thanksgiving will be at 11 a,m. The service of Ilarve61'
mother chose brown velvet Greenway
On Sunday, Oct. 14 with the sheath with green accessories,
guest speaker the Rev. Edgar For travelling in Northern By MRS. C, WOODBURN
Roulston of Exeter. Ontario. the bride donned a ..
St. James rose knitted two-piece suit. u.''''' ''''''' '
On Sunday, (Jet. 14 the sees-- black accessories and white Thanksgiving visitors ice will be at2:30 p.m with the gardenia ,corsage. Mr, and Mrs Glen Woreibure service of Holy Communion, The couple will make their . • nd familym of . Galt with l'ele• Sunday School classes will be home in 'London.
held as usual for fall and win- The bride ie a graduate of Mrs. J. Hunter of 'Toronto, ler, during the church service. Alma •College. St, Thomas, and Miss Lynda Steeper of Leaden,
The rector, the Rev. E. 0. Lan- London Teachers' College. The Danny and David Sehilhe of caster, expects to take the sets- groom is a graduate of net"
ice.•••• -1.1rici) with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Guelph. of University of Tome- Steeper. to in professional engiiieering m , m„, Thanksgiving. visitors
and post graduate in Master's "" Fart Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Banks hit s I n r s s administratit of and family of Newmarket with
. and Cindy, of Sarnia, with the University of Weetern Ontario, Mrs, J. Gardner.
latter's parents, Mr, and. Mee. „. . 'Mr. Dawson. Woodburn of To-
Maurice Simpsori.ronto at his home.
Miss Marcia Eigie„ of London, •-•Nfr- and Mrs. Dotiglas Carter Ales. Ed. Bullock. 'Mr. and
'with Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Scott and daughter of London. Mrs. Harry Winterburn,
and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wilhite Scott and Mts. BobBullock of To-
Mr. and Mrs. Lytle Sawyer. returned home from a sisit in ron1.6„ Mr. and Mrs. John Sabot
David and Andrea, Of reetrolia, Ottawa last week. of London and Mr. And Mrs.
Visitors with the Sigsworth Fred Bullock and families with with relatives, Mts. Emily
Tomes and Tom Tomes and Mr. family on Saturday were Miss Mn, and Mrs. Stuart BullOck Marehelle Wright Lond on, and family. And Mee. Ralph Lynn and fare-
ily. Mrs. Charles Filson and
On Sunday afternoon Mr. .and
Airs. thy. Port Huron, with Mr, and. , Larry Ditty of Lucan; on Sun. or Port Huron with Mr. and
day efternoon Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Arthur brophey end Mr. Mrs. Lynn and. Mr. and Mrs.
Sawyer called on Mr. And Mrs. Newten Wasnidge Lutan and -Henry Belling. -
Jon Simpson at Kirk-ion.Miss Vera Wasilidge of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Kern Larmei' of
Alt. and Mrs. Roy Cunning- on Monday Mr. and Mrs. Art Teterboro with Mr. and Mrs.
ham and family and Mrs. Omar Lee. Care, Linda, Barbara and Carman Woodburn.
Cunningham with Mr. and etre. Jeffery of London. it being efts. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pol.loek
J. E. Cunningham to Glencoe. Lee's birthday. And family of London with Mn, On Sunday Mr. and elre, lliilton Nine&
Personal items Sigswerlb. }Mee and Billie Miss. Jean Luther of London
Mrs. Gordon Eaton suffered a were guests with. 'Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Maxine Luther of To-
'heart attack at her home here Herold. Men in Parkhill. Libby rento with Mr, and Mrs. Irwin
on Thursday and was Woe to returned Kith them till 'Mon- Luther.
St,..loseph's Hospital by "the 'day. Mr. and Mrs. Welter Mettler*.
lieskett ambulance. son with relatives it London.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Itedgins .04 Personal Beret
e were guests at the Brock-Kim Mr. .fferry telling is visiting
wedding at the Hyatt Avenue with Mr. and Mts. Arthur Bro.
United Church, London, on Sat-pheye
tirday evening. The groom, Wil. kj Robbie Baker of 110isa vise
Mani Brock, is a nephew of last, 'Meek with uncle
„Mrs: Hedging: and aunt,Mr. MtS, . ,•;- •
M. and. Mrs. Itlerein Carter 'Pittner and Randy.
entertained their faintly on Suit- service's will be
days Mr. and Mrs.. Bill Walden held in the 'United thilteh,eit
bt Chatham and Mrg, Walden „ Sunday at II a.m. Arid 7:::30
Sr, of Thedforcl. Mn, and Mrs. "1'10( halidgorde', intend' p.m. with Rev, C, A, 1Brittain
-Carlyle Carter sod Jinititie arid tifitf Sieteleit Lousy dietteeies bs triiiiiStee.