HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-10-11, Page 11LIBRARIANS CHOSEN During the first few days of school, many students filled out forms applying for positions as library assistants.. From these applications .the following students were chosen to help Mr, Victor .Dinnin, .the Carol Foster, Yvonne Fisher, Elyse Lamport, Brenda .Srnil. lie, Joanne Martine, Doug .Greewood, Michael. Keay, Anne Shoe. bottom; Marlene Noels, Pat McCoy, Margaret johns, Anne Johns, Judy Boulianne, Margaret Salmon, Sandra Schoch, Con- nie Dietrich, Sharon Lightfoot., Jo-Anne Miners, Bill King, Bri- an Smillie, Iris Marshall, Karen Finkbeinee, Ann Fairbairnt Sandra Jory, Dick Colter, Helen Hendrick, Joan. Dettmer, Su. san Dinney, Elizabeth amt.,. Ron Weber and. Bill Dinnin. * * SCHOOL ELECTIONS Due to. the football game ed track meet the elections for school offices could not be held this week. Your re.• porter hopes to have more news about this next week. OUR NEW TEACHERS The many new faces around SFIDHS are too numerous to mention but among them are Miss Velta Liepens and Mrs, Al. Lindsey, Your reporter thought that you might be interested in these facts about them, Miss Liepens was' barn in Latvia. From there she moved to Sweden where she went to public school. After graduating she moved to Canada and attended Medway District High. School at Arva, In 1962 she graduated from the University of Western Ontario, Skiing and piano playing are her hobbies. She now lives in London. Mrs. Lindsey's birthplace was Stevensville, a small town in the Niagara peninsula, She attended public school, and continua- tion school there until grade 12 completing her, secondary school, education at Fort Erie District HS. She went to Queen's Univer- sity at Kingston, where she took part in the drama guild and church-centred activities. Last year she taught at Carleton Place. She now has taken up residence on Carling Street in Exeter with her husband who is studying at UWO, * * CROWDED LOCKERS This remark was recently overheard somewhere In the halls of SHDHS, by one of two students standing in front of a typically crowded locker: "Do you think that we can man- age if you 'wear your galoshes one week and I wear mine the next?" News of Grand Bend By MRS, WELLWOOD GILL --ncvmortamtv‘nMentrAZNIGICOrlez: • . . F+i By SUSAN THQM.PSON. SHigh comment 1960 FALCON TUDOR, new tires, 1958 FORD TUDOR, 500 Vairlane Hardtop, radio, automatic, tutone, new tires, 1958 CHEVROLET TUDOR, real sharp, radio. 1960 850 MORRIS. MINOR 1.956 FORD HARDTOP, V8 automatic, radio, red and black (good). Driven by an old man! 1952 PLVMOUTH SEDAN, good transportation, 1960 ANGLIA, perfect second car, iii perfect condition, new tires. 'TIL THE END OF OCTOBER TIP TOP is featuring this important new male colour in shades that span the spectrum from light to dark. See DRIFTWOOD GREY now .. in superb all-wool fabrics from finest British mills! Have your choice tailored to your measure in a new FLEET STREET suit! HANDOUT & TAILORED TO YOUR MEASURE PRNEICE $7500 =mom oLOTHES when you invest in a British Mortgage Guaranteed Investment Certificate? e A safe, convenient investment. • Authorized by law as an investment for trust funds, • Any Artlottni, from $100 can be invested for 1-5 years, Start earning Slt% today. Bring or ma your cheque to British Mortgage, BRITISH MORTGAGE TRUST COMPANY Edward R. Rowland, Branch Manager At the Stoplight, Godericb South-End Service titiewe '1U.110 'ROSS and CHUCK St4.ELL, Exeter. See 'Y` Ur local Agent C. V. Pickard 12Ilene 235.0310 Exeter =7=7.777 You've got to drive it to believe The 850 will outperform any car you've ever driven at anywhere near its low. low cost. 2Ce Wolcd. To .Rent .E.F:N.UOY HOUSE,in , KX- e! Centralia or Grand Bend .area. ;peer dining room and basement, Will pay good rent fa- right place. Phone 1.113 12.12 Clinton, after :5. p.m. ,947tfria HOUSE, 2. or 3-bedroom, in E:.eter„ suitable for family with two children, Willing to pay good rent for right place. Phone 228-6312, 21 Properly Wanted 100 ACRES or more of land with or without buildings, Ap- ply to Smale and Boa brothers, Care of Mrs, Roy Smale, Hen- sell, line 23 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Irene May Myers, deceased, All persons having claims against the estate of Irene May Myers, late of the Village of Grand. Bend, in the County of Lambton, Widow, who died on or about the 18th day of Au- gust 1962, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Ex- eter, Ontario, by the 20th day of October 1962, after which date the estate will be distri- buted having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Executor, Exeter, Ont, 4:11:18c 24 Tenders Wanted TENDERS FOR SNOWPLOWING Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 8:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 16, 1962, for snowplowing the roads in the Township of Usborne for the winter of 1962-63. Work to be done to the satisfaction of the road superintendent whenever conditions require, Two plows will he required but not neces- sarily under one ownership. A brief description of equipment will be appreciated, Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. For further particulars apply to; W. J. ROUTLY, Road Superintendent, RR 3 Exeter, Ont, 4:11c 25 Auction Sales Stocker and Feeder CATTLE SALE at the Livestock Sales Barn, HENSALL, ONTARIO SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13 at 1:00 p,m, S00 Durham and Hereford steers, ranging from 600 to 800 lbs.; 150 Hereford steers and Hereford calves; 20 Holstein heifers, For further information call; Jack Morrissey, 234.6200 Credi- ton; Victor Hargreaves, HU 2- 7511 Clinton; Mel Graham, HU 2.9908 Clinton. TERMS: Cash. HAROLD JACKSON, AucL 4:11c Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Finance Co. Repossessions, Bankrupt Stocks, Bailiff Seiz- ures and Personal Consign- ments of Modern Household Furniture, Televisions, Appli• ances and Brand New Clothing al the CLINTON LEGION HALL, CLINTON, ONT. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13 at 1:30 p.m. sharp 22nd Annual Said of HEREFORDS The undersigned will sell STUTT 'BROS. Forest., Ontario WEDNESDAY, OCT, 17, 1962 at 2:60 p.m. DST ap Head — 15 Heifers, 1S Bulls Most of the Bulls are Performance Tested Eligible for Grant of 20% -Cataidgile on Bequest 'W, 8, O'Neil, Auctioneer 4:11c 25 .Aucilion. ,sales. Important. A‘,JPTION ..SALE Of Valuable Household Effects, Antioyos and.. .Muse, items: On the premises in the V1/414A.G.K. OF HENSALL, tlirectly opposite .liensall • Community Arena. The undersigned . auctioneer received ,instructions to sell by public Auction on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20 at too ,p;m: HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Oak dining room extension table; dining room chairs; china cabinet; occasion a, I chairs; chesterfield suite; var. ious rockers; glass cupboard; antique chest of drawers; kit- chen table and chairs; drop leaf table; • couch; mirrors; Phonograph and records; flower stands; fernery; centre and end tables; Remington type- writer, new condition; Superior 2-burner rangette, brand new; Princess Pat coal and wood stove; Teco space heater, like new; small coal heater; coal- oil stove; coal-oil lamps; elec- tric radio; pictures and frames; toilet sets; antique umbrella stand; spinning wheel; ironing board; trunks; books; 2 oak bedsteads; commodes; dress- ers; steel bedstead, springs and mattress; new linoleum; large assortment of quilts, pil- lows, linens, mats, rugs, fancy work; large variety glassware, silverware, antique dishes, din- ner sets, kitchen utensils, aluminum ware, sealers, crocks; garden tools; step lad- der, No Reserve, everything will be sold to settle estate. TERMS; Cash. REX DICK, W. J. HARVEY, Executors for the estate of the late Jean Taylor, GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer , 11:18c CORRECTION, PLEASE In a recent story about pro- vincial farm drainage assist- ance, The Times-Advocate in- dicated that applicants may not borrow more than $3,000. The legislation has been re- vised tq eliminate any ceiling but the provision is made that the amount of the loan shall not exceed more than 75'",, of the total cost of the work, Pipes fall near pair By .GORDON MORLEY B RINSLEY Two local men, Mr, Fred Blake and Mr, Rae Lewis, had a miraculous escape from in- juries during silo filling opera- tions at the farm of Gordon Morley, The hood and distributor pipes of the blower' owned by Wilfred Windsor and sons set up for operation came tumbling down into the silo where the two men were employed in levelling operations, missing them by inches Personal items Mrs. Harvey Morley visited with her mother, Mrs. Simp- kins of Sarnia on Thanksgiving Mr, and. Mrs. Grant Amos left for a two-week tour to Europe. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lewis and family were Thanksgiving guests with Mr. and Mrs. Hdw- ard Andrews. News budget from Baseline By MRS. ARCHIE DEWAR Coopers UCW studies Korea Coopers UCW meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Al. /red taker on Thursday, Mtn, ber 4th With 13 members and two, visitors present. Mrs, Itobt, Elston read a chapter from The study book. ""Asia's Rite, on Korea. The devotional was in charge, of Mrs. Tent COvvard assisted by Mrs, Robt. leilston, Mrs, Austin Thrifts and Miss 'Iorenee eS011, Cutie Cumbers meet The Grand Bend Cutie Cum- tiers fifth and part of sixth meeting was held at the home of Diane Hood on Wednesday, October 3, Assistant leader, Airs, Roy Morenz discussed "The carried lunches, sandwiches, fruits and vegetables", also the best, way to pack lunches, for freshness, quality, proper containers and the wrapping. Different kinds of bread and fillings were sug- gested to add variety, For the sixth meeting all types of salads, salad plates and dressings were discussed, Diane Hood demonstrated how to make cream tomato soup. Mrs. Moroni showed how to prepare a vegetable relish tray. For lunch the girls were served the soup, relish tray and sand- wiches, The next meeting will be at the home of June and Sharon Morenz. Personal items L/S Barry Hamilton, Mrs, Hamilton and daughter Debbie are visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hamilton and Bradley before moving to Moncton, New Brunswick. Mr. and Mrs. Roblin Milne of Willowdale spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs, Lyman Grafton and family and Mr, and Mrs. John Stocker. Wayne Mitchell spent last week with his grandparents, Air, and Mrs. George Mitchell, The car with the CROSSWISE engine Edwin Beaver district builder By .MRS. M. CR,NDIToiv Edwin Beaver, 77, life-long, resident of Creditors died ,.on Sunday, Oct. 7 at Huronview Home, Clinton, He was the hen of the late Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Beaver. He is survive(' by his wife, the former Evelyn Kerr, one daughter, Airs. Arnold (Edna) Robertson of London; -o granddaughter, Miss Anne Rob- ertson; one sister, Miss Clara bBreoatvheerrs,Qi H114::rXreyter of dlihtOene, Herb of Exeter and Fred of New York City. Mr. Beaver was well known for his wood working and build- ing in the community and played an important .roll, along with his brother liarrY, In the ning and building of the Credi- ton United Church. In the church he was an active member on various boards and served as of fhtyrrecah years, for a number He was married April 18, 1911 and he and Mrs. Beaver cele- brated their golden wedding an- niversary in 1961, Funeral services were held Wednesday, Oct, 10 from Hop- per-Hockey Funeral Home. In- terment was in Exeter ceme- tery. Ladies' Aid and WSWS meet The thankoffering, service of "Just thinking of WINTER gives me GOOSE PIMPLES! Silly goose. Warm downy feathers will protect him from shivers and shakes. But winter's freezing-cold will give you goose pimples if you are not prepared. Rely on CO-OP Sunglo Fuel Oil Service, for a warm comfortable home. It's so dependable.., so convenient .. so easily arranged. Inquire today at your Co-operative. When you join and patronize a Co-operative, you are sure to get your "money's worth." In fact, "compare it with the CO-OP brand" is common procedure in communities where there is a Co-operative. PETROLEUM PRODUCTS FUEL OIL PROPANE GASOLINE GREASE OIL the Ladies* Aid and WSWS. was held Thursday, Oct., 4 with Mrs. Lloyd Lampert As convener. A number of members took part in the pro,gram followed. by a solo by Miss Doris Schwartz. Mrs. Jacob. Ratz. gave the Thanksgiving message. Dur- ing the social how birthday greetings were extended to Mrs. Sans Lamport who was celebrat- ing her ...01st birthday, Personal items Mrs. Daisy Dennis, Mrs. Mel- Ma Wistler, Ronnie and Lorene, of Detroit, Mrs. Pearl rani, hater, .Kitchener, Lloyd Sharitz,. Waterloo, Mr. and Airs. Fred Cunnington, Centralia, Miss Mabel Refoir, London, visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Bender and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Becker. Mrs. William Misner and daughter are spending some time with the former's parents, Mn, and Airs. Maurice Beaver, while her husband is taking a course in Toronto. Mr. Lewis Faist of Kitchener spent Friday with his mother, Mrs. Mary Foist, who has been. ill, Airs, Faist is now in the Roth Nursing Home, Exeter, but is some better. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wenzel vis- ited with the latter's sister, Mr. and Mrs. George Richmond, at Simcoe and attended the fair. Mrs, Sam .Lamport is spend- tog some time with .her family in Detroit. Mrs. 'William HaViland has returned home after spending some time, with Mr. .and Mrs. Gordon Haviland And family of Toronto And Mr, and Mrs.. Har ,old Deathe of .Lorne Park, Mr. and Mrs. Gedise of .Listo. wel have been visiting with their daughter and. son-in-law, Alr„ And' Airs. Gordon Finkbeiner and family. Mrs. Earl Walker, the former Gleetis Hill, spent Sunday in town, She .attended the church. of her childhood And called on friends. Mrs. Walker plans to leave for her home in Regina some time this week. Thanksgiving visitors F/14 Robert and Mrs. Palmer and family, of Toronto, with Mr, and Mrs, Emmery Fahrner, Mr. and. Airs. Austin Fahr- ncr and family, of Toronto, with Mr. E. K, .Fahrner. Rev, and Mrs. F. Faist and Mrs, Ezra .Faist and Nola with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hilborn. and. Kathy -of Hanover, Mrs, M. Gunn and Joe in De- troit. Billy Jennison, of Grand Bend with Mr. and Airs, Allen Pfaff. Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Hill with Mr, and Mrs, Robert Jen- raison and torn i,1 4 07;44 Bend, alln4(1:1414sil..7*Jobn 'Wade In mr. Royal 1-faist of Chicago with Ws father, Mr. ligrry 1144, and with Mr, and Ilra. Ed )Stott, Brick Ottawa, Mr. Mrs. Lloyd Gasser with relatives in Detroit, Mr. and Mrs, Wilmer Weirt and Barbara with relatives,-/p Watford,. FOR SERVICE WITH A SMILE , North End B-A Service * Complete Rad Service * Tires & Batteries * LubriCations Call 235-1910 at Moray. The morning worship service at Grand Bend United Church will be withdrawn on account of Greenway anniversary on Oc- tober 14, Thanksgiving visitors Miss Judy DesJardine of Bur- lington with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ross Des Jardine, Mr. and Mrs, Ray Patterson and family with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Woodburn of Corbett on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wellwood Gill with Mr. and Mrs, R. L. Knight and Robert and. Miss Mae Pat- terson at London on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Jessiman and Bruce, of Kingston, with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hamilton and Bradley on Sunday. Miss S lr a r on. Des Jardine, nurse-in-training at Woodstock, with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wally Des Jardine and Bud. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston Patter- son and family with Air. and Mrs. H. Bough and family at Kingsville, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Engel of Toronto and Miss Eleanor Tay- lor, of Woodstock, with Mrs. Nola Taylor and family. Miss Pauline Mason, of Lon- don, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mansell Mason. Miss Marion Gill, of London, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gill and family, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Allister and Janet, of Hamilton. with Mr, and Mrs. Willis Gill and family. The Times-Advocate, October 11, 1962 Pagle Consisting of the following; Large console model organ; large chest freezer; combina. Thanksgiving visitors lion radio and record Playerl Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Carr and 2-piece foam rubber zipperedf family with Mr. and Mrs, Wit• chesterfield suites, 5-piece bed' fred Wilson, Saturday evening room suites with bookcase With Mr, John Finn Howard, beds, box springs and matt- Rill and Noreen were her mo- ('asses;es; S TV sets; 2' piece Mrs, Grace Walkom and n .1-ce e daV enper I suites; kitchen — air. Chas. Cottle of Munro, suites; automatic washer and dryer; refrigerators and elec, Miss Linda Pretty of Rostock Inc ranges; conventional wash- with Mn and Mrs, Tom Cow- er; two 39" continental beds; and and family platform rockers; coffee and Mn and Mrs, Stewart Mar. step table; tri-light and table riolt, Ron and Maryanne with lamps; hostess and arm chairs; Mr, and Mrs. A. Dewar, Mrs. other odd pieces of furniture; Baker and Mary on Sunday. quantity of brand new cloth' Mr, and Mrs. Austin Timins ing, plus many more items Denzily with Mr. and Mrs, which will be released before Patterson of Belton, Sale day but net available for Mr. and Mrs, Jack Mitchell publication at this time, of Sudbury and Mt. Harvey Terms; Cash on day of sale; Parkinson of Kirkton with Mr. cheques accepted; 3% sales and Mrs. Fred Parkinson and tax in effect, family on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell are remaining for a FRANKLIN BUUK, Auctioneer f ew days, RR 2 Gadshill, Ont, with Mi'. and Mrs. Alfred I3a• ker and family on Sunday were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Registered Harold Carter and 'family, 8th line, Mr, and Mrs. Stan Marsh all and Donnie, London Town- ship, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Elston and Mrs. Ida Knox of St, Mar- io ys with Mrs. M, McCourt of Atweed. EXETER DISTRICT PHONE 235.2081 NIFTY THRIFT DROP IN TO SOUTH END SERVICE TODAY1 • Front wheel drive independent rub- ber suspension. 4-speed synchro gear- box Rack and pinion steering • Rust- proofed body Amazingly roomy . 75 mph.. up to 45 mpg. For a nifty, thrifty 850 test drive — ANNUAL SPECIAL TIP TOP tailora DO YOU KNOW r014441,4tim, • WatiiatiV THE SEASON'S MOST POPULAR NEW COLOUR! dri twoo gee Walper's Men's Wear that your money can earn