HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-10-11, Page 8THE LARK—CBC-TV's Festival series plans a varied season of dramas, concerts, ballet and opera, beginning this fall. One of the early productions is The Lark, a play about the French heroine, Joan of Arc, by Jean Anouilh. In this scene from the play, Joan of Arc (play- ed by the young American actress Kathleen Widdoes) receives the blessing of the Archbishop (Gillie Fenwick) before leading the French army into battle. Federation news Civilservantsqueeze seen from austerity MST MORTGAGES FARMS *** RESIDENTIAL. COMMERCIAL Prompt, Confidential 5ervice. THE. INDUSTRIAL MORTGAGE ,& TRUST COMPANY Established 1889 Contact Our Representative; JOHN BURKE REALTOR • ,and INSURANCE' PHONE 235.1863 EXETER Cheek I Rated Deluxe High Speed Fully Automatic Dryer THESE FEATURES SPELL THE DIFFERENCE I • Automatic Control — shuts off when clothes are dry • Automatic De. Wrinkler • P e d e s t mounted controls • Three cycle operation — Auto- matic Dry Cycle, Damp Dry Cycle and Automa- tic Fluff Cycle • Magne- tic Door latch • Interior light — Porcelain enam- el top and drum • Vari- able Timer Control — up to 130 minutes • High Speed Drying System • Safety re-start switch • Full wash load capacity • Fine metal screen lint trap • Full width wide opening door • Counter height (36") and depth (25") fits like a "Built. in" • CGE 1 year writ- ten warranty. Watch our window for Friday Night Specials Telephone 235-1505 'RUSSELL TR1C YOUR. HOUSEHOLVAPPLIANCE DEALER FOR SALES*Ti SERVICE sr Hopper-Hockey's own ,Kirkton club elects slate fly MRS. :HOPP DAVIS • K1RISTON The first meeting of the Club of Cotton Accessories for the club girls bedrooms was held on Tuesday, Oct,. 2 at the home of the leader Mrs. Wat- son, The .officers were elected, President is M a r i 1. yn Neil; vice -president, Faye Crap; secretary, Sandra Jory; assist, ant s4cretary, Arthur; telephone secretary, Gayle $te,. phea; assistant, Barbara Swit- zer; press reporter, Carol Bib. by. Linda Bibby and Linda Johns are. to design the covers for the record books, The girls were shown a dresser scarf, waste basket, a throw cushion and a chair cushion, also glveg a sem- ple of material, Thanksgiving visitors. Mrs. If, Copeland and Miss Ethel Copeland with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Ball and family of St. Marys on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. George Hall, Mrs. Pearson, Mrs, J. McCor- mick and Bernard with Mr, and Mrs, John Hanniman and fam- ily of Callender. Mrs. Thos. Doube and Mr. Russell Doube of Base Line with Mr. and Mrs. Norris Att- hill and family on -Sunday, „ Mrs, Fred Thompson of the 8th line with Mr,, and, Mrs. Herman Punter, Mr, and Mrs, Peter Fergu- son and daughters Jill 'and Jane of Toronto with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs, Alex F, Crago, 4th line Blanshard, also, Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. crago, London, with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Alex F. Crago, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J, Blaek- ler with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Henry and family at their cot- tage at Point Clark. Mrs, George Allen, had as visitors on. Sunday, Mrs. Hugh Berry, Woodham, and daugh- ters Mrs. Margaret Jamieson and daughter Shela of Montreal, and Mr. and Mrs. Stew. Doug- las of Edmonton, Alberta. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stacey and family of Zion and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Fairbairn and fam- ily of London with. Mr. and Mrs. Burns Blackler and family on Sunday, St. Paul's Harvest Home St. Paul's Anglican Church observed its Harvest Thanks- giving service Sunday morning at 11 a.m. with the Rector Rev. L. Bennett officiating assisted by Mr. John Roundel Sr. The choir rendered an anthem, • Flowers in the church were placed in memory of the late Mr, Cecil. Mossey and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Washburn, Get proteition Against RUST at Snell Bros. LTD. ONLY $9 Compare "Bauble ueen" Mattress with any other mattress value available anywhere Ask any of the 82 customers in Exeter and area who have purchased our "SAUBLE QUEEN" Before you buy any mattress, we urge you to see the "SAL1BLE fort they've always wanted. "We never realized a mattress QUEEN", They tell us "SAUBLE QUEEN' is the finest value they found anywhere! And, more important than that, they report this nxelusive mattress gives them the wonderful sleeping coin- could be so comfortable," one customer told us last week, Hopper-Hockey FURNITURE 11'Whoro Quality is Economy" UALITY C • UNTS MADE TO OUR OWN SPECIFICATIONS * 13V2 -Gauge Steel Springs * Pre-Built Border • Stitched Edge * Double Insulator Both Sides * Better than Hospital. Strength ticking * Insulator and Felt Quilted to Ticking—Felt can- not shift, roll or bunch. Ticking is kept tight and snug, -Phone 235-1990 MINNI.Mml••••• We Are Still Taking Orders For Fall Planting * SHRUBS * PERENNIALS * EVERGREENS We will trim your evergreens for you so they will hold their shape. Give us a call at 235- 2603. OUTDOOR' HARTY MUMS In Pots . . $1.00 Each 37 Main Street Reder s Florist LENNfixo.VVIDE RAPIGE-ora. HEATING and COOLING terldbx equipment is used fit the hones of tomorrow.6-- beceute they provide Complete Comfort along with exceptional ecohorny. The fuel savings of Letinek may surprise you. But betaute the luxury features of Lettribx Are 'dealgried to 'Errol costs as Much as they are to delver complete COMfOrtt your saylrige Add tip 'to 4506 or more, Cog, ell,,gas and electric furnaces to choosefont, br In teithirlation with ,itiffirritr ate an. ditiehhig Phone for complete infortriatian and free estimates, • Year "round luxury • Save 20% on fuel • Coinplete comfort— tom-to-room (*tatiotWaitit'atettisakii I•iridenfieldi Limited Phoney 2154361 Exeter LSMFT '61 FORD Sedan, Fairlane 500, V-8, automatic, radio, 2-tone, lovely $2,500 '60 FALCON Coach, a nice one ..... „ ...... $1,550 '58 METEOR Coach (choice of two) ....... ... $1,150 '58 FORD Sedan, 6-cylinder .... „,„ ..... $1,150 '58 CHEV Coach, 6.cylincler, a good one ...... $1,150 '57 FORD Sedan, loaded, clean ..... $1.150 '57 FORD Sedan, 6-cylinder, radio S 950 '57 OLDS 4-door hardtop, impress the girls $ 750 +55 CHEV 4-door, V.8, Ranchwagon, new motor . $ 750 '56 FORD Coach—you're robbing me blind at . $ 400 '54 METEOR Convertible S 300 152 METEOR Sedan, a nice one ...... .„, ......... $ 200 TRUCKS '60 FORD Pickup, V.8, 'power transfer axle, style' side, use it as a car the girl friend would even like it ....... . .„ $1,450 TRACTORS '60 DEXTRA Diesel, live PTO $2,000 '51 OLIVER 77 Diesel, live PTO, above average $1,300 '51 ALLIS CHALMERS WD, live PTO, power ad lusted wheels, above average motor $ 900 57 FORD 250 Baler, used Very little $ 850 '49 FORD, Motor overhauled $ 595 2-ROW Minneapolis Moline corn picker, good shape $ 506 '39 CASE D—you should have one „,. $ 150 MASSEYMARRIS "30" $ 150 2-FURROW FORD plow, used very little $ 150 Larry Snider Motors LIMITED Pod* Pairlane, Felon and Ford Trucks PHONE' '2354640 EXETER .411 MRS. WILLIAM goipg THAMES ROAD On Sunday morning during the ,church service the rite of bap- tism was administered to Cath. .arine Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. l'toes, Cottle; Larry James, son of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Dawson; Barry Arthur, ..Son of Mr. and Mrs. Art Me- 'WM. hear guest minister The UCW thankoffering meet- ing was held on Wednesday afternoon in the church base- ment with Mrs. William Allen and Mrs, Jack Borland as host- esses. Mrs. William Cann, president, took charge of the worship serv- ice, Rev, Hugh Wilson intro- duced the guest speaker Rev. Duncan Guest of Centralia who spoke on "What bast Thou That Thou Hast Not Received'''. Mrs, Alvin Cottle was in charge of the program which consisted of a vocal duet by Mrs. Donald Bray and Mrs. Reg Hodgert. Business was discussed, It was decided to have a bake sale on Saturday, Oct. 20, also a candy and apron booth. Mrs, William Snow gave the hospital report. Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Edwin. Miller, Brian, Barry and Barbara spent Saturday at Boat Lake in the Bruce Peninsula at the cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ottewell of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. John Selves spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hem of Jarvis. Quite a number of relatives attended the reception for Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Galloway, Report on Shipka • Holiday visitors Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Webb and Mrs. Sylvia Holloway of St. Catherines with Mr. and Mrs, Cliff Russell and family. Mr, and Mrs. Milford Deit- rich and Wilson of Windsor with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Deit- rich and family. Miss Agnes Lamport, Mrs. Sam Lamport and Mrs. George Vincent of Detroit with Mrs. Ed Lamport on Sunday. Mr. John Guenther of Toron- to with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Guenther. Mr. Clare Love of Sarnia, Miss Mary Davidge and Mr, Don Love of Toronto, Mr. Fred Lobb of Brucefield, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Datars and family of Grand Bend, Miss May Hodgins and Mr. Mansell Hod- gins with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love and Kathryn. Mr. and Mrs. Art Thompson, Doug and Gail of Lieury with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sheppard on Sunday. Mr. Reg Brannon of North Bay with Mrs. Brannon and family. Mr. Earl Deitrich re- turned to North. Bay with Mr. Brannon. Dr, C, B. Sanders, Mrs. Sanders, Janet and David of Welland with Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Finkbeiner. Mr. Paul Humphreys. of Lon- don with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Desjardine. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Comfort of Fenwick, Mr. and Mrs, Ted Leadley, Donna and Debbie of Welland with Mr. and Mrs, Stuart Sweitzer, Mr. and Mrs. Milian Sweitzer, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pickering and their fami- lies. nee Grace Allen, at Tinsseldale Hall on Saturday evening. Mr, and Mrs, Galloway were mar- ried Saturday in Thames Road United Church, Miss Kaye Allen and Mr. Robert Gallo- way were the attendants, Rev. Hugh Wilson officiated, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Passmore were guests at the Baynham- Koehler wedding in Dashwood Lutheran church on. Saturday, Mr and Mrs, Wilfred Kohl and son Dawson of Waterford, Mrs, John Kauk of Hagersville, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Kauk and two children, Carry Elain and Chris Robert, of Toronto, were at the manse on Sunday after- noon for the baptism of the children, Mr, and Mrs. U, Vanderlaan received their Canadian citizen. ship last week at Goderich, Mrs. E. Morgan and Miss Susan Horton of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Nesbit and fam- ily of Blyth, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Harris and family, Mr. ai.d Mrs. Jim Harris and family of London, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harris and Ronnie spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Len Harris, Thanksgiving visitors Mr. and Mrs, George Mon- teith, Nancy and Jane of Inger- soll with Mr, Edgar Monteith and Mrs. Gertie Wiseman, Mr, and Mrs. Cleve Brophey, Glenn and Elizabeth of London, Keith and Billy Siemon of Wal- ton, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Daw- son, Rev, Hugh and Mrs. Wil- son with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Dawson on. Sunday. Mr, Robert Miller of Toronto, Mrs, Muriel Miller of Seaforth with Mr. and Mrs. Barry Miller. Mrs. Willard, Mrs, Koehler, Diane, Linda and Keith of Hen- sall, with Mr. and Mrs. Art McCallum. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Bray, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. John Bray, Mr. and Mrs. James Loree and Cathy, of Guelph, with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cann, Mrs. Loree is a sister of Mrs. Cann. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cann, Mr. and Mrs. Reg Hodgert, Grant and Brenda with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Love of Grand Bend, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Luther, Janice and Susan, of Sarnia, with Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Jef- frey on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Fisher of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blair and family of Centralia with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rowe on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. La Verne Rodd, Wayne, Karen and Eddie of Woodham, Mrs. Edgar Rodd of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stewart, Marlene, Elaine, Mur- ray, and Lori Lynn with. Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Passmore on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. 'Harold King, Gordon and Wayne, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. William Johns on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hunkin, Margaret and Kenneth, with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Jory of Kirkton on Sunday. With Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carroll were Mr. and Mrs. Ger- ald Langillc, Dennis, Debbie and Cathy of Chatham, Mr. Martin De Jonge, Pat and Carol of Appin, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Smith of Dresden, Mrs. Beth Morgan and Susan Horton, of Toronto, with Mr, and Mrs. Leon Harris and Ern- est, Mrs. Maud Clark with Mr. and Mrs, Leon Harris on Mon- day. Mrs. Beth Morgan, Susan Horton of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Leon Harris and Ernest of Far. quhar With Mr. and Mrs. Keith McLaren of Cromarty on Sat- urday, 88c Toys We're opening our Christ- mas toyland with a terrific 880 Toy Sale (6 for $5.00). Buy early, layaway now at the largest, most colorful toyland in the area. BEAVERS CREST HARDWARE Phone 235-1033 Exeter By MRS. FLORENCE ELLIOTT Huron Federation Survey This report is taken from Ot- tawa Report of Agriculture, a weekly news analysis featuring farm policy: Squeezed by austerity Prospects are that the auster- ity program will be felt more strongly in Ottawa and through- out Canada in the months a- head. First impact was on the construction industry when building contracts were sharply cut. So far, this has not seemed to hurt employment much but is expected to, later in the fall and winter. In Ottawa, the biggest prob• lem is the cut in staff that is now in process. Departments like agriculture, DBS, etc. with big staffs but an increasingly, bigger job to do are already finding difficulties in getting their work done. With the rule now fixed that staffs must be cut by 15 percent before any new jobs can be filled, unfinish• ed work is piling up and new projecti are being side-tracked. Slower action on reports and ' statistics is in the offing. Ot. tawa civil servants are dismay. ed but not critical. Report on OFA session Report brought back from members' meeting held on Sept, 24 by Elmer Ireland, president of Huron Federation of Agri- culture: Annual meeting of OFA will he held. Nov. 12-14. I-Ion. Wm. Stewart will address • the conven- tion, Mr. Farnsworth said that 10 meetings had been held on milk marketing since June and the board was willing to listen to recommendations from pro- ducers until Nov. 1 before a -vote is taken, He• urged that producers co-operate for the good of the dairy industry. He also said' that producers are voting on the structure' of the plan and not the mechanics of the 'plan, as the mechanics of the plan can be changed when conditions warrant a change. In a year when weather condi- tions are such as to increase production some change in the mechanics of the plan may be necessary, P4911; :•a The TirtmActypOete, October a 1, :190: Baptismal service at Thames Road Mr. and Mrs. Chris Baum- garten with their daughter, Mrs. John Cada, Mr. Cada and family at Tecumseh. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Sharpe, Eleanor and Glen with Mr. Sharpe's mother, Mrs. John Sharpe, and sister,Miss Violet Sharpe, at Hamilton. Mr. Harold Vincent and his mother, Mrs. Katie Vincent, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vincent of 13elgrave, spent the Weekend with vela' tives in Batryten, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Good- man of Detroit were Friday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Les Adams, Harvey and Gloria. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Ratz, David and Judy were Sunday guests with Mrs, Ratz' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dinsdale, in Lorldon Mrs. Mabel Desjardirie, ac. tornpatied by Mrs. Rose Gregg of Grand Bend, spent last Week visiting relatives and friends in Claire, Flint and Lake in Michigan.