HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-10-11, Page 7Principal J. B, .Oreeeh's ste- second off their event, dente .at .Sts Marys played any- Davidson made the thing but obliging hosts fO(' Stine of the 1.4; 1.10114$ the jinn, three other schools at a for boys copped in winning Hortm-Perth Conference track their division over the three meet .ThorstlaY, as they made other Schools, A .complete shambles of coin- The fermi! Glencoe youth petition in winning their seV• started, his onslaught with a epth Straight title. close win over the gruelling The St. Marys athletes, who 440.yazd event in which he went take their track and field from last Wage to first in 61.4 seriously, scored a total of 249 seconds, just one second off points in the day's .conleell- the record. lions, 115 more than runner-up tie moved. into third Snot half South Huron, way around the track and Showing the results of an really turned on. the speed energetic training schedule, the .coming around the final turn hoSts established nine of the to pull away from the early n new records .at the meet leaders, and there were few events Moving over to the running that . they didn't have at least , broad jump pit, he sailed. one competitor in the top tnree through the air to land 17'2" performances, from the broad and added five big inches to the previous mark. His next event was the hop, step and jump and again he broke a record with a leap of 37'11/2 " which was far over the previous jump of 34'4", Davidson had plenty of rest before his next two events, but they ran one right after an- other, However, he took them in full stride La end up with CankreettWeeletveVSTOMMIVAM'AMMISSeAletlerMleMeaMe BOWLING + SCORES + STANDINGS 1.71 + STATISTICS 0 EXETER LANES Ons bright spot One of the bright spots for the SHDHS contingent was the showing of Craig Davidson who WaS the top competitor of the afternoon, scoring four firsts to win the junior boys' cham- pionship, The fleet - footed youngster also set two new records and was inetrumentat in helping the relay team clip one fifth of a MEN'S LEAGUE "A" LEAGUE gingers (S. Greenacre 627) 4 'arts (A. Farquhar 612) . '"rodesmen (G. Glendenning, 715) 3 "ockets (L, Haugh 122) ..... ......, 1 "usiktes (L. 'Hockey 589) 2 WW1 (B. Baker 614) 2 17, S.1.-x M. Stagg 6171 .... 3 Hogpins (L. Holiove 695) 1 ", Billiards DI. Smith 5911 3 Stipa:I:est (L, Rumpel 660) 1 ‘`I)Fil. CI. Coughlin 6011 . 3 `PH Specials (G, Webb 6201 1 Ringers (12623) 13 Big Six t13570) , . 11 Ti, Billiards (12962)11 Rockets (13019) „ ..... in Pepsis (12808) In Kinrreina (9759) • • • -• ........ g Tradesmen (12351) Agiti Specials (12102) I.. Supertest (1223/) 6 Snares (12446) Hansa', (6310) NIA at 4 Huskies (11658) .. 4 "B" LEAGUE 10-nidleys (R, 51at)ters 125) 3 'airlones (C. Et-Wards 6121 , ., 1 tot nodei (..r. McLean 518) 4 erling Fuels (D, 51c ;'alts 491) 0 Loggers (W. Romaniuk 656) 3 N. E. Supertest (D. Rooth 541) 1 "xnkinonts (t), McKnight 681) .. milkmen (1', Stire 646) • ....... 1 canners (II. Sanders 606) 3 Westons (D. Brunzlow 581) 141.11Pen 'risers (P. Weiman 711) 4 Larks (N. Mattson 668) . 0 Jolly Jill (A. Zarhar 561) 2 Droppottes (B. Northcott 964) 4 Jolly Six (G. Skinner 571) 3 .J-ligh Ropes (J. Kieswetter 610) 7 Sputniks (Ti. Reid 451) .„.. ...... 0 Handicappers (a Gifford 51).) „, 7 Busy Bees (A, Arthur 361) 0 Lollipops (b. Brock 598) 5 Who Cares (S. Appleton 518) 2 illowettes 26 Handicappers 11 Lollipops 17 Mighty Mire Alley tats 15 High Hopes Bu sy Bees . jolly j11119i . 11 Jolly Six 10 Snufnilis 'Who Ca res DroPPet tes .....".. High single: "A, M. PKiwards (3021, "13" A. Ford (250), High triple: ''A", Ti, Durand 1614), "B", A. Ford (134), MIXED LEAGUE Cool Cats (8, Gutman 601) Twisters (n, Durand 586) Chickens (.I, Vairbalrn 630) ..,.„1 Globetrotters 151. Glover -56,;) 3 -Blowers CD 'Webster 6441 5 White. 'Roses (D. Wells 7661 2 Odds Bodm (C, Walker 647) 7 Dodgers B. Penhale (674) 0 Crociter,)acks 1 W. Caldwell 181) 5 Hot Toddies (A. .Farquhar 508) 2 Cool Cats 111 ' • White noses 11 Odds & Ends 11 Twisters 10 Blowers le Globetrotters 9 Crackeriacks 7 lint Toddies .. ...... .. , 4 Dodgers 2 I ligh single: D. Wells (2161 High triple.: Ti, Wells (766) Bankmonts (12659) Crystal Loggers (12272) 13 Kippen Tigers (12804) , 11 Milkmen (um) ..... 1 Hot Rods (11512) 1 N. End Supertest 112052/ • 1...1X1,:$ (195621 .. ,...„ 7 Cairlanes (11877) 6 Bo-Didleys (11246) . Canners 166041 , Sterling Fuels (10591) .... Westons (10620) High single: a Stagg' (319) High Coughlin (Aim Hidden genre: W. Littleton LADIES' LEAGUE "A" LEAGUE !toilettes (B. Miller 619) 'rradcrs EsErry 612) Happy Gals 1A. Brock 5161 . Wee 1.10pcs (V, L.indentleld 535) Hot Dogs (B, Durand 6111 .'e Bops (M. :Holtzman 620) In Poppettes (M. Gravett 631) 'Re Hawks (B. Sangster 548) ' unity Strikes (G. Elsie 6211 . , ills (51, Edwards 590) . . I ',IsIty Six (I). Dobson 518) Merry Maids (G. Coward spa) Happy Gals 22 Pills • 12 Pin .Poppeltelt ... 11 Trailers 15 14ot, 150g8 • 14 Frisky Si'.;..................11 Merry Maids . 11 Be topt • • It Lucky Strikes . 1i 'Kite. Hawks ,... ...... )1 nolletteS Wee Hopes . .. ..... "a" GROUP Blowettes (k, Ford 734) 5liglity Mice (B, Marley 5361 Alley Cats tia, 6121 Stratford . . „ 1114h single: tett*, et er (‘'114"1 1gli triple: 51 Zds erS. Mitchell R LI SI" 5 0551 two more ribbons. He was last Man on the re-lay squad and picked up the baton with his team. In Second Place, nut, he soon changed .nosition with the leader and WAS an easy first, The junior champ then moved directly to the high jump pit and. without a chance for - A breather cleaned the bar at 4'1.1", the same as the previons mark, lie just ticked the bar on 'his final jump in an effort to set a new mark in the event. The other points picked tie in the junior boys' class were A second to Bob Burns in the shot put and a third by Dale McAllister in the high jump. M a rn berg of the record. breaking class were Keith Strang, Bob Burns, Boh Ban. nister and Davidson, Junior .girls seer. 20 The junior girls were next in line for the local school as. they came up with 20 points and set one ,new record, Karen Finkbeiner, Susan Go- man and Kathy Buxton team- ed up in the basketball speed throw to come up Will) re re- volutions to eclipse the old mark of 26. The juniors also showed their mastery in the softball speed test with Kathy .Regier and Marcia Sauder winning first and Brenda Dinney and Eliza- beth Snell finishing third, Iris Marshall copped first place in the shot put with a heave of 25'31/2 ", while Helen Smith came in second in the same event. With. Carolynne Simmons showing the way, the intermedi- ate girls scored 12 points and then added 10 more with a con- vincing win in the relay. The Exeter miss came home first with a time of 12.3 sec- onds in the 100-yard dash and picked up a third .in the run- ning broad jump. She teamed up with Susan Dinney to win the softball speed toss and took the final leg in the relay with Valerie Desjardine, Sheila Feltner and Marjorie McPhee. The final points for the in- termediates came on a first place showing by Marjorie McPhee, Elizabeth Chapman and Celia Stock in the basket- ball speed toss. Seniors win pair The senior girls managed only two firsts in the competition, but came out with 24 points on two seconds and five thirds. A u s m a Gulens, SHDHS champ, led the way with a first in the shot put and a pair of thirds in the 100-yard dash and the standing broad jump. Bonnie Turvey placed second in the dash and had a third in the running broad jump, while Janet Blair and Marion Kers- lake scored a first in the soft- ball speed event. The final points came on Verla Smith's third in the soft- ball distance and a similar placing by Joan Dettmer in the shot put. The relay team of Ausma Gulens, Bonnie Turvey, Linda Wainer and Jackie Sharpe placed second. Boys edge girls The intermediate and senior boys had stiff competition in their events, but managed to come up with enough points to bring the, boys' total to 68, three more than the SHDIIS girls, This was the first time in a number of years that the boys have placed ahead of their telltale cohorts. Brian Mustard picked up five of the points in winning the intermediate boys' discus with a long Jose of 98'91/2" and Jim Coates copped a first in the shot put with a heave of 32'6". David Taylor finished second behind Coates and Keith Ay- otte added another three points With a second in the. high jump. Get protection Against FRIDAY NITERS pinmipttes (14, vanner .. 7 Top Cats (A, Romanyit 518) 0 Nightingales (J. Campbell 501) The Earlyones (51. Brydges 531) The Jolters (a Sander 55:) Fifth 1‘6(Lin KrairIPP 131) Moppet:Sec The Jolters 4 Nightingales ......... ..... 3 The Earlyonts 7 'roe cats . ‘... n 0 Fifth. Team , , High single: S. ,Davidson, A. Nearney, (Ionia nyli (225) High triple: B. Sander (519) LADIES' INTERTOWN 7.1irich (51. Gelin9ts 626) . Minton (G, Scott 612) . Stratford 151, llossenee 6101 2 Mitchell (M. :Myers 7551 ..... 5 Credlion (0. Essery 706) St. Marys (E, lintton 518) Exeter (P. Haugh 5611 • Goderieli (31, 510Lbod 603) 5 Oredittin . , ii t"union . . in 51aryi „ ....... 7 Etider . Gbderich 7 / 7 4 7 7 BEST AT MEET—Speedy Craig Davidson, Exeter, SH'^ DI-IS junior boys' track champ, repeated his feat at four-school track meet in St. Marys, Thursday, by win- ning all four events he entered and helping the relay squad capture another, 'The youth set two new records at the meet and tied one. The relay team, which he anchored, also set a record. Be is shown being present ed with the junior boys' trophy by J, B, Creech, prin- cipal of the St. Marys school„ —T-A photo A third down and picked up the necessary yardage on, a I6-yard romp. McAllister then ,,picked up the final .major on an end around tile 'right with .Frank Boyle making g key block 0.4. the last Stratford defender The PASS from :centre on the convert attempt was high, but Kyle caught it and took off into ,the end ..zone for the final point of the tilt. Both the rules of the road and the rules of the woods are meant to keep you alive. Whether behind a wheel or a gun, you must he alert to the dangers which may lie ahead. LtJCAN LANES MEN'S LEAGUE Dairymen (H. 51ePthriald 1156) 3 C. Restaurant (.1, Freeman 61)2) 0 Legion (D. Boll 610 • , Ilex (14. .Dielt-ten 621) I Shamroeka (11. riolling• 1411 3 Mega (A. Hodgson 655) . Vire Eaters 111. MeRoberlik 3467 2 14010 (h1, Pobor 579) 1 )‘" elle) (I.,'Wood Wata Ito) 2 AgrIto (.1. 11y1es 531) .. 1 Pot 'Shole (67, 'Hackett 500 . (Default) Dairymen Legion ...... ...... 4 P,liatrroek's Woodtnacliers . Lumber Kings 3 Oentrall Bestmit/AM Hot F,1101R 'Hotel 'Hotel Vire. WC ., . . '2 High single: J, nuTrolur, It. Me- 1:•inald (271) High 11. Vtollings 1701) LADIES' LEAGUE ramblers f(),2511 . G LANES B8-4f, TO Sale (6" Tor $15.09), f.,(1,1one.1.1e (1), 21$11 .. • Vnifyiu.lifil5t,t4 f1, v4,1)1.„, •A:117 Imu ll eridA r51, )1nagl»e .13) 7 M'AMeitiorg 115% (1111 nue,bpun (1). Hayter 1621 Leglonottee (11, 1tai t 118) ,. 111A11 lionits (11, Hardy 211) g 14.arnioity Gale (B. ria)ars 4111 `rho Virierrift , CD, Bei ington 11N7 4 Plreeraelters `141611 425) , *.9.:94 • ,srtlIritt(91 1B, Wraith 2961 • • 4 rit'area "511551 5 7h6.)age t 4.339 wa attliar 1.11kIt '''In.°°1 41' ""'"1" "") 114" Mali triplet! Al. RentitilY 'OW High triple: N. Ilteet (06) We're opening our Christ' Inas toyland with a terrific Caleot f 20111 Dairymaids WeRsen. 14. Haskell, a AnIters 154) „ 13 tAttit LEAdOt the largeit, colorful r.niieq zhintpy sun ...... sibrill, to, il.mmi ti k 012 f0Viatiti thd AreA. shenweeka (Jo, .arnet(1 23(2 ...... 14 nt Moo. trj,„ rittytinc 460 fi Avec Komedy "2.51 Buy early, layaway tow at 6EAVE18 CREST 14AktiWAItt ri JUNIORS ttnibells DI, lleskett 162) Pi tIPPiii I rfk ft",. Arnold. .1, Nagle -11.:11 „ . li 111MA,11•11:,, Umihrt 171.3 N sin e. llearri 1351 41ligN (II, Reedy 152) Aces I Nrilserk 121)) Blethells Dunibelts Aces Pins:flitWS No Krung .0 High steete; R. Reedy (i52) -dbLtEEN8 vivti 151, 1.16111ng 4123 6) Whigdinga 1A. Wissei 621) „ 6 Little Sliota (1,9, Vale 155). (1 'Toe 'nippers (A.. IlaYfer 520) • 5 Aving•ahigs...... . „ $ Tee 'rappers . .. 11 Top Five, it Little, Shots ..,..,......,...... . 111811 triple; A. Aillesal 16211 HIM trills: A. Wleeel 16211 flight alma A. IVistel 12071 of Snell 'Bros, LTO, ONLY $9 ---._...-a-- c 8 s y Supposing your faintly Should. lose youl What would their situation be1 The feet is, they'd either he ade- quately provided fore or they'd face Serious complications * depending upon hoar expertly your will had beeti drawn, or if, indeed, you had left ally "Win at all! The drawing of a will is A serious matter for all concerned — and the use of our tstate Planning Service can effect reel savings for your estate, as well as ensuring your family's welfare, We invite your enquiries. Established in Sarnia in 1889, we habe grown Willi, this tontnittnity, Your business in our luntdt is iiu sedan hy neighbourly, personid service, 1r Tilt IfiDUSTRIAL MORTGAfit & TRUST COMPANY 54„d oiro, Seethe 0Mo*. fatsit, *Walla .AtenN"Vedlificil:h.r?4, bravirtn, litiedusy• 114.1.41 • Build a Western Room with meek\ --'•• • oeT(.4 Askyour buildingsupply dealer to showyou "6 Master-Designed Recreation Rooms". It contains plans, color schemes, cutting diagrams and templates. With it you can build the most ex- citing Western Room you ever saw. PICINEERPLY Nothing is more reminiscent of the Golden West than Pioneerply, the random-planked, knotty pine plywood with its light, golden tones and frankly rustic charm. A wonderful rec! room panel, priced much lower Than you'd expect! Ranch Wall This rustic PV plywood, grooved at 5.inch centres and factory prime-stained In Redwood, is a mighty fine background for the guns, saddles and other collee• ton pieces you'll be displaying. See Ranch Wall and Pioneerply at your lumber dealers, t"sea:s sfi•91, iii See "6 MASTER-DESIGNED RECREATION ROOMS" at your Building Supply Boaldts • 6 beautiful "theme" rooms with floor plans, cutting diagrams, templates, etc. • 116 idea-packed pages, each 14" x 11". The greatest home idea book ever published. e $3.00 per copy - worth much more. by CANADIAN FOREST PRODUCTS LID. Makers of PV Brand Plywoods and Hardboards NIASTE8- DESIGNED REGFtEMION 1100515 In Hensall and Area Your ketraatiott Room Bitook ialw A. Spencer ANtS ON Pheen* 162W 14004011 • 0 ik The final. ,peints 'tart A pair of thirds registered by Ron Motz in the 220r and. 440. The senior boys faired poor- ly in their .events as 'they managed only a second and third. Dermis Mock picked up the .second in. the 1•00-yard. dash, while another .1.-lensall athlete, Steve Kyle, wen third in the high jump,. Moth relay teams finished second behind St. Marys. members of the intermed- iate squad were R011 MC/1Z, Bob Hoffman,, Neil McAllister and. Robb Barrington, while Dennis Mock, Dale 'Purvey, Ron peich- ert and Bill MacKinnon 'form- ed the senior entry, Although the peints didn't count in the competition, the SHDHS cheerleaders placed second behind Mitchell. The final school standings were as follows; St, Marys, 299; SHAHS, 133; Clinton, 128 and Mitchell, 82. Score 32-0 win The SHDHS Panthers came up with one of the best offen- sive and defensive displays by the team in recent years when they drubbed Stratford Raiders 32.0 in Stratford, Wednesday. Quarterback Steve Kyle turn. ed pass receiver to pace the attack with two touchdowns and a pair of converts, while Gerry Drysdale, Jim Pfaff and Neil McAllister picked up the other majors. Four of the TD's were set up directly by the alert defen- sive unit as they blocked a kick, intercepted a pass, and recovered two fumbles, all in, Stratford territory, .to give. their mates their scoring op- portunities. The Panthers appeared to be in trouble rght off the open- ing kickoff when Neil McAllis- ter fumbled the ball to give the Raiders possession on the SI-I 35-yard marker. Quarterback Ross Thrasher uncorked a 20-yard pass to Charlie Barr and Klaus Ham- mer took the ball to the eight on a run up the middle. How- ever, that was as close as they came as the Panthers held them off to take over on their own seven, Pfaff and McAllister manag- ed only nine yards on the first two plays from scrimmage, but Kyle's gamble on a third down paid off when Drysdale bulled his way through the middle for four yards and the first down. From then on the Panthers wasted little time in getting into scoring position as Kyle hit sure-fingered Dave Buchan- an for two gains of 14 yards each, a 12-yard heave to Drys- dale and runs of 22 and nine yards by Drysdale and Me- Allister. This brought the locals into the Stratford eight-yard line and Kyle handed off to Pfaff who faded hack to his right and then heaved a pass to Kyle who had rambled off to the left side of the end zone to score the major unmolested. The convert attempt by Kyle was blocked and the two teams battled on even grounds throughout the remainder of the half with Klaus Hammer leading the Stratford attack and Kyle keeping them in their own end on some booming kicks. The Stratford offense was weakened considerably in the dying minutes of the half when Hammer was ejected from the game along with Brian Wed• lake of the Panthers. Wedlake brought Hammer down with a crushing tackle and the fiery hackfielder got up from the bottom of the pile kicking and swinging. The referees managed to get him away from the Panther defen- sive stalwart, but the pair bumped together as they walk- ed away and were then tossed out, Take control The Panthers really took charge of the game in the last half and they started on Strat- ford's first series when Janis Gulens led the hard-charging line in to block a kick at Strat- ford's 26-yard line, The Panthers had to give up the ball when they -failed to . make a first down, but they regained possession minutes later on the 26 again when they broke through to block another kick. Kyle hit Buchanan with a 12- yard pro pass for one first down and then picked up an- other on the Stratford three- yard marker on another pass to Buchanan and a pass inter- ference penalty against the hosts. Kyle tried the first run and was stopped and then had a pass knocked down. However, he handed off to Drysdale on the third down and he went over standing up as he raced around the right end. Stratford took the kickoff at their own 45, but Neil Mc- Allister intercepted a pass on the second play to give the csw.r-schpol. competitian 5HDHS. track .team cops second itocal star records perfect score ,gallop 25. yArds• and the fourth 'Ti). Apo Pelehort sent the SPee(i. St,P, on Na way when be threw A -Crushing block against the only Stratford ,maxi who had a .Chance to get Pfaff. Tile can- tact of the block could be heard across the Kyle made good his convert attempt • to give the Panthers a 25,.0 margin. The Panthers 'quickly took possession again when -Stratford fumbled on - their first play front their own n, with Doug Russell perencing on the loose pigskin. at the '37. McAllister's run And a PASS to Beebe/Ian moved the ball to the 23 .and after two unsuccess- ful attempts, Kyle gambled on Th. .'Time. A4.Y.P.COPt October It, 194 No# Panthers possession. McAllister then ran for gains of 1-3 and eight and. Buchanan took a pass for seven to move the ball to the Stratford 17- yard line. From here, Kyle called his payoff play with Pfaff fading back to the 25 and P'faff fading back to the 25 again had rambled into the end zone almost unmolested. Score in two plays Stratford made a nice run- back of Kyle's kick after the 'I'D, but they lost the ball on their first play from scrim-. mage when big Mark Hoffman made a crushing tackle and jumped on the ball that squirt- ed out of the runner's hands. Kyle passed to Drysdale for a big gain of 20 yards on the first play and Pfaff scamper. ed around the left end for a 1963 DODGE AND VALIANT SALES AR .EE Tremendous . , Pick your Dependable Car from this Fine Selection of Trade-Ins. 1960 DODGE 4-door, V-8, automatic transmission. custom radio, a real beauty , sold new and serviced here, 1959 DODGE 4-door, V-8, automatic transmission, custom radio, excellent . — sold new and serviced here. 1958 DODGE Regent Sedan, V-8, automatic, very clean , price this one before you buy. 1956 DODGE Regent, 4-door sedan, V-8, a real buy. Exeter Motor Sales Fred Dobbs, Prop. George 235.1130 235-1250 Fred 235.0865 Panthers drub Stratford to even season's record