HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-07-28, Page 3HURON SIGNAL.- Iaet for Rood aeeommodatiotu is woe fee btw the esteem of all parties. sr After diener (at whirls &best 75 sat down) they returned to tbe Lodge Room, where, after tbe usual toasts, they separated at an early hour, thus proving, if proof is wanting, that Protestants can celebrate the Battle of tint Boyce" and bs flee from endorses of eves a desire to .Lead. The wife of Wm. Moore Merchant, Bluitefield, u! • daughter. "PANKORITE•" Salt! Sall! Salt! JUST twiny ZD, roe Se ase se "Ae- •marsus, 100 hyla. Cats. C. CRABS. July te, 181.. eMled -- MR SALE. --- IMPORTANT TO THOUSANDS. MYER'S EXTRACT OE ROCK ROSF. N Inveiueble remedy for all Scorfulous .4' diseases, Indigesti„n, Sault Rheum, Sick Ileadsche, Canker. Ner•ing Sore Mouth, and.Genersl Debility, and as a Pu- rifier of the blood• a to cgnalled. To be convinced that R u the most valu.ble medicine of the day, eau have only to read the testimony of its efficacy. A• a Farah y Medcune It Is invaluable. and one attic!' no person should be without. 'rhe It. ck Rose has gained a reputation, at home and &bread, which no other wadi- c.ne has ever done in the rime length of lime. Accnrding to the opinions of eminent physician', the Ruck Rose plant is unequal. ed in Curing ScorfM• In it• verities furies ! The Sick Headache. In Obstinate and Chrome cases, may herefind a sovereign remedy. The Canker and SortieZ Sore Mouth! in numerous case., have been apcedily cur- ed. Fee sale by BENJAMIN PARSONS, Druggist, ke. Vholeaale and Real Agent for Godench and intently, and .mere l dealer in Drugs and Medicines, faints, 11.le. lee_, Le. Also by 51cD. rued k Co., Hatpurhry; David DlcKen.lrick, Kincardine ; J. Gaud ocr. B.)1:e'd: R. Tl.wsites, Cltetoo. ramparts giallo. %Vhclteale Agent fur Uanada, J. C. BRIGGS. In.pnr'rr of genuine British and American Patent Medicintr, King Street, Hamilton C. W. v6o24 AN EMeell..t Brick Hoon with la as acre of Lied fer ale on Etat Street, within 100 yard• of the Market Square. - Tor pat molars apply to WILLAM MALCOM. O.derieb. Nov. led Ili. e6 -.4l GRAMMAR SCHOOL. THE annual Examination of the above 8smiary will take piece on Friday the 29th lest., st 10 o'clock P. M. A. ACLAND, Chairman Board of Trustees. Grammar School United Counties of Hurne and Bruen • Goderich, 20th July, 1853. Property in Great Britain and Ireland. THE Sabseribsr toys ..peter fidlitrss for the recovery of shame is those eic sautes, bating nuwerea cerryspeedeate thee•, brides caking prrseml smite for that peeps•. Sons came takes charge of el bile .we rank. Raltreaete cod further isforeatroa ba/ oatestate. . MES SIMBON. No. 4, Royal EMchawgs Bar'dkegs. Leedom, 1'. W., Leib May 1651. venni Money to Loan ! I To Lean oa mod •Stunt the sem of SIXTEEN HUNDRED POUNDS- Tor particulars apply � at this Office.od Osrtett, Jia yttk. 1851. a22 Sheriff's Sale of Lands. United Comities of BY Value of • Heron and Bryce, Writ of Fieri Fa- To , e' • issued ed 0 tt of ' O Wt T. ciao, Her Majesty's County Court for the Unit. ed Counties of Hunan and Bruce. and to Otis ! Oils Oils! me directed. against the lands and tone BOILED and Raw Linseed 0,1 , monis of JOHN GLAZIER, at the suit Fine Wile Oil : of CHRISTOPHER CRABB, have ode. 3dacbioery end Olive Oil; I ed and taken io execution Int number Cold p d Castor Oil; 'Twenty-six, to tbe Eighteenth Concession Pale Sal 011: I of the Township of Goalertch[ which lands Varnish. k Turpentine; 1 shall offer for sale at the Court Room, :n For sale by the Town of Gnderleh, on SATURDAY. BENJAMIN PARSONS, the TWENTIETH day 0f AUGUST next. Draggi.l, Wed Street, Guderick. at the hour of TWELVE of the cluck i ALEXANDER LEYS, 0000. J. McD9NALD, sheriff n. H uroo and Bruce. GENERAL DEALER IN Sheriff', Offjce• Godench,2Gth Miy, 1855. n24 -6t [First publisbed 28th May, 1853.1 Maitland Gravel Road Company. DRY Goode, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Stationery, kc., kc., Corner of Hamilton Street, Marketet S9n r e , Goderich, June 15th, 1853. e22 LOST. NOTICE TO C'ON'TRACTORS. NOTE byThomas Graham and 1Vat. I SEALED TENDERS will be ►eat. fed Auntil the firer Jay of August next. for Dougherty to few• of R. D. Aitcbo- Grading and Gravelling the first five eon, Ashfield, for £4 2.. 6d., dated 14th Oc- miles ot the Maitland Road, commencing sober, 1851. payable 15th months after at the old South Beenda•y of the Town of TauiTrn. air, Godench. The work will he 10. hfi to Flee Suctions of Ashfield, Jely 21, 1851. •60.2511 one Mile each: and must be completed by -- CAUTION. the 20th of November next, to the atiefac- - - HURON amLDfl G SOCIETY. 'WANTED. E Dlreeteee of dee Seem'y .111 meet ■ •t the $&Uth Iit•bags Hetet ea Sa- turday Sesame th.leth test., to dispose of ouch of their Fad* as nay he thea is the heeds of the Treasurer, usher by perches - leg from say arseni►er wlllteg 10 sell Its shares at a ursntem es the animal of stock paid op, er by way .f Lees a besetelere, as the Directors may deem meet adssotage ours to this society. W.. BENNETT RICH, T. it 8.11. B. S. Goderich, July 90, 1851• .6.94 NOTICE. rVHS Under.igned havlag, by the. lar Wu1 and 'Testament ot her tat• hut - bead, Jame. Gentles, been made sole Legatee and Executrix t.' M• urate. here- by requests all psruer indebted to Ihessid Eeute to call and •ell's their account trs.• m.dlately: stud those having elating against it, are desired to present them for &deist• mer.t to CHARLOTTE GENTLES, Sole Executrix, or to ALEX. ROBERTSON, her Ageft Gneerich, 2nd July, 1853. seel3 �! ofice.-A Farm fur Sale. LOT No. 5, 5th eoncetsion, Eastern Di. vision, Ashfield, 100 acres of good land, 30 of which are cleared, in good meths of cultivation, well fenced, with a gond young orchard of 100 choice fruit trees. in with s well finished house, bet K within mile of a saw mill, and 33 pules of a grist mill, and within 10 mile' of Godench, on a Rood road. For further particulars apply to Samuel Iiagen, on the premuer. Asbeeld, July 20, 1833. t6o241m WANTED A SCHOOL TEACHER Inc Section No. 3. C- s Lake Shore Red, Ashfield. He will respire a second or third clan. certificate. Apple 10 KENNETH Mc(REGGOR, or KENNETH "McKENZlE, THE Bebeenber waste aa scum boy &beet sateen ,sere v( age, to leafs the Cabi..t busutese rut further parti curare of ply to DANIEL. OORDON. Goarl.b, Jena $the, 1603. a19 ALSO A mole by James Hawkins and Thomas Ilsekin. in (aver of R. D Ai:cheson, Ash- field for £S 7s. ed., dated 1 Ith Octreer, 1852, parable 15th mnoih• after date; New Sbuettselneuts. any person bringirg the above notes to the office of the Signal will be suitably _ rewarded ; as they are only payable to the B6o'r & SHOE FACTORY, order of the Subscriber, they can be of no WEST STREET, GODERICH. use to any other person. R. D. AITCIIISON. THE Subscribe r returns h:s thanks to the people rel Godench, and the surrounding country for the lib.• rel patronage he has received while in the above business in Godench, for fourteen years ; he takes this oprortunity of inform, ing his old cuctornerr, and thee -public sl large, that Le hese commenced again in hie old stand: from his strict attention to bit - tunes., hes hopes to merit ■ continuation of their patronage. A large assortment of Ladies and Gen- tlemen's Boots and Shoes constantly on ba red -at Id unusually low for cash. JAMES CAMPBELL. Goderich, July 27th, 1853, n45 N. B. Five Journeymen will find constant employmer 1, one boots man, two etogey men, and two women. men ; men of tem- perate habits preferred. A contract for crimping and making 500 pair of course Boots will be given to a good workman. NOTICE. AT a meeting of the creditors of the late 'Robert McIntyre, held on the twen- tieth instant, the undersigned wee unani- mously chosen to act in behalf of the widow of dcceteed• she h•ving'adminislered according to law. All part,ee, therefore, holding clams against the aforesaid Robert McIntyre, deceased, are requested to band the same into the Subscriber on or before the first day or September cert; and all partite inoebted to the aforesaid Robert McIntyre, deceased, aro hereby notified that all Notes and accounts remaining un- settled upon the first day of September next ensuing, will without distinction be placed in the hands of the Clerk of the Division Court forlmmcdiate collection. WM . J. KEAYS, Attorney for ANN McINTYRE, Admioutratrix. Goderich. J,!Iy 2711), 1853. n25 Iluron Library Association and Mechanics' Institute. 711E Subscribers to the above Inatilo- tion aro informed that the Library in connection with the Society is now in working order, and is open in the Hell of the Sons of Temperance, every Wednes- day motley at 8 o'clock, ween the Libra- rian, Mr. Nicholls, will be in attendance for one hour each evening. By order of the Executive Committee, R. B. REYNOLDS, Cor. Sec. Goderich, July -25, 1853. t6a251f THE FARMERS' INN. MESSRS. Andrew and Abraham Donogh having recently purchared the ..id Fon, and fitted it up in a style to accommo- date Travellers. and the public in general. And feeling grateful for the patronage ex- tended towards them In years gone by, now solicit a continuance of the same. N. B. -Good Liquors on hand. Good Stables and an attentive r;stler. ANDREW DONOGII, ABRAHAM DONOGII. Goderich, 2816 July, 1853• veo25 Ashfield, July 18, 1853. w5 -n24 N tees 5 0 --s 1v2. CIO t4 FOR SALE. ASTONE cottage with seven rooms, oe a three and half acre lot in the Town of Goderich ; it bee one of the most beautiful prospects on the neer Maitland, a never foiling tering roes through the lot. Apply to ROBERT PARKE. Ooderieh, July 971b 1853. e5•025 TO ARCHITEC'rS- APREMIUM of LIS v1 ll be given by the Board of Trustees or the Counties Grammar Schen! of Heron and Bruce, for the beet plans ad apeeile•uees of • brick bet klieg imitable for the Count y Grammar &borI sed Comoros Schools of the Tows .f Ooderieb Usftd. The mei to be'speeded is 8aisbtat the nue, net le eireeed is the meantime Liebe, Ant the plea is be an arrested that the bndeleg can he 'Rivalled efi.rwardn. The atm el gros.d epos witch the bold hag 1. t. b. •send r • prellelogreni of see fare serf a quarter serre.eded by streets es three sales. TN plum tied geelleatio s le be deliver- ed te the subscriber, at Oedsrteb C. W. ea sr he/bre the 1st ay .r September ..et, fume whom say farther I.fs,.uus. sae be E.phead. 13 0. RITCRit, IMe'y Mord s/ O,es.11 a Selma. Comity Climb'sy1 dl Osd rid, Jul tt rel, • Able rod abtasist le espy ter me tei01t1A. tion of the Engineer. Plans and Specifications can be sees, and further information received oe apple cation et the office of the Secrotary, to whom Tenders may be addressed. By order, GEO. M. TRUEMAN,:Bee'y. Goderich, July 131h, 1853. n24 -3t IIEa:BY caution any persnn nr persons not to trust in an) way, my wife Anna Bice as 1 will not pay the same, also nee to board, harbor nr maintain her, as she ha. left my bed and board without any provo- cation n bitterer. Wi . BiCE. sen. McGi!lit•ray. June 4Stn. 1853. v5 -n2.5 a 0 V P 0 0 DIVISION COURTS At the Court of General Quarter Ses- sions of the Peace holden at Godench, to and for the United Counties of HURON AND Bance, in the month of July, 1853. IT IS ORDERED, That in pereuanre with the order of the 5th instant. the Court do now take into con -Ado -ration the great icern .. of the pop,letnrn thr,tnehout the United Counties of Heron and Bence. and proceed to a revision of the beonderics. latrans and extent of the several Div aien Ccurt., that their Numher be added to within the said United Counties. and elan that the times and planes frit holding the same he now derided upon -Whereupon IT IS ottoEREn. 'Chet the following .hall be the boundaries and extent of the Flat D1,16I07 COURT fir the said Cn•ted Counties, viz:-Tn commit of that part of the Town.hip of G'•der.cn In the North of the Cut Line and the flnron Read, until the tame men• t',e road allowance between the 131h and 14th Cnncrtsi-no, then Sough alone the aa'd Concession to the river Bay• field. then plane the river to the London read m a Northeast direc'ton, Together with the Township of Colborne. 11' IS ORDERED, That tee following shall be the boundaries and extent of the Sitcom' Divtm'n Coral. Inc the paid Un.ted reuniter, vix:-To cnnmist of the 'rown- ohepe o1 Hulled. McKillop, Tuckeremith, Morris, Grey, '1'urnbety ant llowick. IT i8 ORDERED, That the following shall be the boundaries end extent nl the Teino Divtstn+ Coupe for theesaid Unite,' Counties, viZ:-To eorer•t of the following Townships of the ('nosily of B ,.co -Arran, Brent, Bruce. Carrick. Crtlro'r, E ii.ctlir, Greenock. -Huron, K.rcardne. Kinlo!n (with the except inn of th- first four Souls Conceesii De of the paid Townrhip of Kin foes) and the Township of S',tiern. The Court to meet three tunes during the year. iT i$ ORDERED, That the following .hal be the boundnrne and extent of the Forari Ptvislnr COURT for the said Unit - 011 Counties, viz: -To renti.t of the Town ships of Blddulph and McGillivray. iT iS ORDERF.Ii, That the following shall be the bnundartea and extent ni the FIFTH Dictators Corse Inc the said United Counriet, viz: -To rnnnist of the follow- ing Townships of Stephen and Upbnree and that portion o' the Township of Ila• to the Eant of the 611i end 7th Concessions of the said Tow reship of Hey. WWWX t ccs 4 i Vp- 2gF410; 100 S •i � n o >Is o ,r ;E n_ T ' w a m 0 3 u. t -F ,r LTi-.'- - T., ya .y O O O O A FF .i tJNV»^ V w O • ri- y w 0. -. 0. 0 0 vwr . c ❑ ! i •e m o n it o 0 w0-- o O• V mss::r 0 r r vee a m ' ==•yen - .:a�. 0 p C C = a e o c c , e, .;�;ose3w.T $men 'T.t `� r.$i rD rn Cs s 1iL9 g. 0 V 5'444 44i4Fs p e . 0 0 0 O1211 1,'34242 tt, r, S"- ,ptol,TA 0,'" -. 8.21 g. w mg Zig.;; Mr on $ C o 2 L Y. 9 0 0 I1 3 3 �7cg 8 9.= ^- -c- 2 9 .� . A Gee w • O g 0 • 8::--- -. Go,�c00�aSSo'•a v3�� V og nCCna v c g' : C tc n e O csa n o v o ee s en 'Pea v Ia7 **]'r • a 1's sivp pr 0 3 3 T s e a • 0 a -' g g 0 0 0 0 a a e.� e e 4 1:: • • • i "I -i c c a c w �?a3 4 V 0-1 0.3 O NEW MEDICAL II..LL, Goods Emporium, Stationery and Fancy ht . See s aa, Grease we War Illves st. N. B. REYNOLDS &• CO. . Fr11E Undeesi0aeI mer repectfelly ena.ewee that they ars sheet epenieg the above rimieli anti', with 15. moot romp.• awl varlet, er...A .5 DRUGS. CIICMICALS. PATEN r MEUICINLB PERF uMElilf. TOI- LET GOO(D)8q,, PAINTS. BRV>tnE», GLASS -WARE, DYE teTU)'Ft'. STATIONERY, CADtI18Tt- PAPIER MACHE, PLATED *en JAl .►NF:D WARE. JEWCLRY. &c ,A£. !s Fr.m their Iasi repenterIM Campesdieg •ed Maofaeter .g departments of the Drug Trade. they ars wish oalde.er sari the Pabi, that Pbwiralwtsi Cal and Chewiest prepare'Imns void beds. p.a ed ns baseerscy ad .ar,ielnwa thele Steele have help r!ecteJ w'iit The DREGS, CIIEMICA LS. •"eo d ot..er weeds rare from the beet • rotes. a.d Mr variety arid templea.em, will compete favorably wish soy este offered In this netlaborhoad. The 8eb.erth.•a would. direct ...peels! attest:ea to their Stock of Patent. Proprietary and 701"(.77 U121:0:11r111f0, "elected Irony the moat peptdsr arid .ppresed Valent Items dies of the day, ad 'shish .Iways may be purehaaod who• a seesaw article t. required. They ..,.mid alt 10 Ferment. Suge.Prop.,etnre ad ethers. bowies 'Ile ear. of Iforsee, that they have on he rid for sai. •.pead.d •.sortment.1 HOR+E: an CATI LE MEDI(. iNF.F. 011.C/111,y will warrant prennrrd bum the purest sad matt e.,adultrr.ted tnnterid-, Their Stook • f FERFUMI.RY. 8lwsg•., Toilet G..oJ., F.ncy Soup,. E..roceP. Coleco, and La.ader Wares, •,e eat:enaely ,toa.l. es,ea,,e to.d we.l selected, sed wilt repay an mspecuen by ,ate•ding psicha.rrw They ran elan rrecmm.nd with rnefidenee their Stock uf STATIONERY, ennsissing of Putt, Feeds -Cap. Pet aed Nut.. Pepe's, all gealiiir..: plate and nine! F..rrinpeo in 1'.k. hats and 11. ae.. Wank Arr'asr Bonks of eery deettipoon, with a wr,e,y of Attietes is Papier 51avhs, Bruose'i sod Jap•ned. all which they are deternmied to dispose of cheap ler carb. Imeodug i swimmer. .1 Dreg* will find the 1 iliV - a/ WI 11E111 AIL r. 111C/ their beet market as • wemb.r ud the Wm a vilified phyrieta and Sutgroe (Dr. blclJougrill) will het oon.:antly io attendance. 1T iS ORDERED, That 'the following shall be the boundaries and extent of the SIxTH Divlr,nn COURT for the Paid United Counter, viz;-Tncon.iat of Me 'I"own- ship. e► A.hfield and Wawano.h, and tbe Seat fnnr South Concession, of the Town- ship of Kinloss. IT iS ORDF.RF:s), That the following shall be the boundaries) and extent of the `RVWITH Dlvtston COURT Inc the said United Collette*, soz:-Tec corniest of the Township of SAW,' and that portion of the Township of Goerrtch to the South it the Cut Line and Iluron road, Mill the t ame j_,ir.4 'he reed between the 13th and 14th Concessions of the Township of Golerieh, thence along the said Conce.sinn read, untii thee/me jinn• the river Bat field, thence along the aid river to Lake Huron: together with all that portion of the Town• . hip or Hay to the West of the 6th ind 7th Concessions of the said Township of Hay. IT iS ORDERED. That the said ar- rangement of the botrndane., limits and ex• tent of the several Division Cotters .hall came into operation after the holding of the next enemies Courts for these United Counties, the that the same be advertised for six insertions in the Ilurtn Signal newspaper. By thn Conry. DAN• 1.1ZARS, Clerk of the Peace Herrin and Bruce. Offiee of the Clerk of the Peace, Goderich, 11th July, 1853. e n24 -8i I io �1iI it ct. IIQ 'mob 1 T tig a C9 It. B. RF.YNOI,DS & Co. [Q Patcrip.Sona enmp"end.d with aecuracy and despatch. •.�- ,,,i Giee.ieh• Jety Wile 1853. GOIIER1UI IlOEII11%!! 711Emopes«tUndersigned it having is and the public, hat they ,,Fn t e r isg to anpna« their friends anJ the pubhr, that they intro I e•rrynlg nn the Foundry Rumness in all its Drane,es; in construct Grist and Saw !Balla; and to manufacture 'Threshing Maehtner• Separators, Ploughe and all ether Agricultural Iniplerneet.. required In tine.rclioo 01 the Province• Tem oleo mien., going more largely Ilio the Stove histones", and are now fi'Iiny up, conking, box and Parlor Sine, , 1 the Isirnt Patterns and moot apnr„sod principles. The busn,eea will be carried on, by theundectiened, under the F:tin of Story k Co. . W'1LI.IAM STORY. GEORGE L. MARWOOD. ROBERT RUNCiMAN. is Mr. Robert Runcirran will cnn,'net the Busmen' and from nes long practical eater- , wiser is the rnnntroctlon of milks, machinery and agricultural implements, and front hu lhoroiigh know Irdgo of all the latest iteprocrme cite in such, hely e,nfjent of keep. Ing pact wi b Lha Tune.. N. D. Aperentiene w, anted in the meeld'ng sod mill wright departments.. C sirncn Marrh 24th1853, c6o6 DIVISION COURTS. THE neat Diriaine revue for the Drifted Counties of Herne and Brae., will be held a the times and place. following FIRST nlylstn.. Colborne Ins, [R. Ellie.] O•detich. Mon- day 1st August Scarlet eV Iliams,_Clerk. red.ND nlvleto,. Knox's notal, Harparh•T. Heron Read, Tun - day 161h Argos,. Luderi, Meyer, Eeq.,Clsrk. 7111.0 01,0100. Walker'e Tavern, Villa. of Pennarsngnr•. Tnwnohip of Kincardine. Thuralay lot Septem- ber, C. R. Barker, Clerk. FOURTH n1w1•10C. FI '. Tavern. McGillivray, Taewlay 13th September, Geo. Carter, Clark• FIFTH nlvter.rw. Th. Rime and place Int hold,., Ihn sem eitllin, of thisCeert 0111 be annnnnr.d as pone as the Clerk and Bailiff's ere appoinied. elven Melanie The tiro. and plan for holding the of this Court will he d as Clerk tad Bailiff's are appointed. n.yt .mine .au as the y mn.rne. Connors' T tills,. of R.,B•Id. Mends, 19th September, (Avid Hood Ritchie, Clerk. The Sittings of ,he se.enl Coons will tom• me.ee panetteele s. 11 o'rlork. A. M. ARTHUR ACLAND, J. C. C. Oederich, 18th Jely, IPSX •6n24 A CARD. GEO. M. 'I'RUEMAN, AUCTIONEER 4 COMMISSION MERCHANT. tlnrkrt Square,. Goderich. IS prepared to &:tend Sales In any pact rf the United Cuuntiee. c8nlil Quarried Stone for Sale. THE Sibreriber haa at the Maitland Suspen•tnn Bridge Quarry • goantity or 'Stone, repent r to any heretofore offered fur sale an Gndench, .unable for rutting and building purposes. Te ms -7. 61 per cord. - TILOS. JOHNSON, Contractor. Goderch, June 29th, le5S. 624 grill F. Salrrrrtbnn retort' their siserre thanks 1 to the inhabitants of Goderich and •djoin- r •. l roe r ing eonntry, frt hes very liberal pat a t be- stowed epos them *Idle is bo,i.rw in Gide, rich. They weld sow stets that they have r•ettnrd their bovine,' in Oodrrieh fn rayon' of Mow.. BANNF.RMA!f & FEROU8O't: Inc whem they wmaW remseetlefly solicit the same ealesdud Iowan •Worded iMm.elys. ()ORDON & MACKAY- Goderich, April 901h, 1!113. 16.13 fiRIN reference in the abort we have 1 to stab thief win have p't rehaod dn. entire Stark .( trees. GORDON • MACKAY. wssf.rinr of DRY (100338. OROCERIEls, CROCECRY. CLOTHING, ave. ve fie d.t'st My .ratesep term. Th. additlees the ear m.Nng thereat win &.oder u eemeleft a MI !I• depe.tsa.et.. -P. tM test. - mere Mf lbs bre Fm' as evil an Ile idsabirea,e gew.retl se would say rho 1b l elasteo w• passes lye N^bessus M Me beet Morten'. wish a dea.rmfsati.e as Whine to ri. •.rake. Pri.eipI.s t/ ear prodeurnige, &start, -Or Prim. l.a►g. /RIM 1110101 Prellu. worlds@ we et .h eueedPMN M en$,.ts abe rapport or • da- is:omit peralle. RAS KRONAN + rERG COOS . Oedetteb, 119011 April, 11183. .1.13 ONTARIO MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE. COMPANY. Ineouporated by dee of Provin'l I'.rrliamrn Capital -X.100,000. ILEAL, OFE'ICE AT HAMILTON. DIRECTORY: Hngh C. 8..ker, Esq. M. Merritt, Esq. M. W. Browne, •• J. 1e. Moore, '• Pater Carroll, " Jame, Osborne, " D. C. Gunn, ,. Chas A. Sather, " James McIntyre, " E. C. 'Phoma, 't James Mathteeon, " John Wilson, " THESubscriber haring been appointed A. Agent at Godench. fur the above high- ly respectable Company, is prepared to effect Insurance at the most reasonable rates upon Hoopes, Shipping end Goode. THOMAS NICHOI.LS, Agent. Goderich, 15th Sept., 1802. vSt 34 AHEAD of the RAILROtiD. Eta [+5 . The Subeeeibm• ha• now 'nn hand and fnr' • .ale at bis NEW GENERAL STORE. Market Place, Goderich, a very extensive' Stock of Fanny k Staple Dry G sods, Tease Grocericr, Hardware, Crockery, ke., its. Also nn hand and fur sale a e1uire sups= riot Stock of Brandy, Wine., Gin k ROT.' well worth the attention of F amilies's.d'--** Tatternkerpers. - Alin nn hood, and '.r sale Painter oiIO, k Window enn Aho nn hGlaat k. for sale Scythes, Smiths. Hay -Rakes We, lee. W. MACK.tY. Gedcrich, 20th June 19',3. . v6n10 British and American Ass,erana# COMPANY. CAPITAL X100,000. Ting whole of which is taken ors and d' 21- Ierge portion paid pt and infested. The,ub•crieer pall contintiea to grant' Avurance., at the torrent rates of Preset.. 11111, s7im•t 1.038 OR DAMAGE BY FIRE On Holmes, Furniture, Geode. Produce. and other descriptions of property,• site against In'a nr damsgm by the DAMAGES OF NAVIGATION On Cargoes or Vessel., as well nn the fd- land Waters of this continent as h.ynnit sea to and from the Ports of Greet Britain: Forms of Apelicatinn, with all req'tisito infurmatlon, (urni.hed 5, W. BF'IYETT RiCH, Agent. Goderich, J,ne'30th, 1853. r.ti-Iy Code, ich, 61/t July, 18,53. NO'TIC'E. THE Undersigned being abort to tette 1 for &gland, regress's any demand& there may be against hum, to be rendered immediately for ' niant. MAVIIICE B. SEYMOUR• n23 SOOTS its rorioz . MADE BY B. GREEN, e4140 heist Street, Goderich, at flet sign of She Swinging Boo:. LADIES and Gentlemen 1ist.n to the news, Green .till makes up Bret rare Bourn & 8hnee: Anda they're good, why sheeld we d,ew bsek. So now for his shop-burrah, clear the t,sek 11i• ?not• keep nor feet from wet and from cold. Br wearing the mime you will I've m be old: Besides they left Ione, why should w• drew hack. So naw fa his Shop-herrah, clear the track! ile ba lied in this Tawe !hese two years and mor►. Thanks hl. friends for their carom, It Inersees „ tabes:,, The work beine Roost. why ehnnld we drew back, So sow fee Germs'. Shop -hon.,, clear the track! Two jern.ymen wanted. Oedench. Jan. 29:5, 1653. 121 FARMERS STORE. New Goods I i THE Subecriber to new in receipt per Schooner Annexation eif ie'm (,,gusto end beet aaortmrnt of STAPLE AND FANCY 00i0DS, ever brought to this methyl; end which he will well for Nish nr country produce, cheaper by TWENTY PER gpN1', than has ever been sold ie Goderiell before. Cemprumg the Newest .tyle uf b(nrlm, I1.ysders and other dresses. Summer Shawls, Bushels, Ise. kr. kc. Gists ready made CLOTHES, is (teat variety. A Isrgs atsorrmeCt of Ladies' Nr.d Mame Bomb and ft;Ipper.. Ito. Gnu aid Bora. Shelf and heavy bsrdware. PAINTS, OILS, R.tiy, I'lieh, Tar, Ro- sin, Blocks ad Cordage, Whiskey by the bbl. et 3 guns••. TEAS greet from China, per ship Dag'_ date, ad which w;11 N 004 at prince se s.inwisb aft. GI. AMR -.1II eisae. PUT ASH IETTI ES foe rale Cheap. Adessees nods er esw.sgermet of A•bee and ether preemie. iI yea watt b.cgsin foe eab, memo 1. e.d mho a last beim* ayes, Ntewhers. C. CRAM. GwJerisls, Jane 96, 1831. all-iy United Cornties rf' 8Y virtue of -.ee- I1.ron and Brute, L eta' wren of At. toteff: 1schrttent Josue./ out of Iter !.'.•'pal)'s County C fn the United Counties of Huron and Bruce, and to me directed, agailet Ino estate, real as well as percent', of ALRxA"oea MclaTrete• in ahecondtng or concealed debtor, at the respective Putts of 1 aac Carling, Thome* D-te., Morgan J. Hamilton and ilenjnmiu ('arson*, 1 have "wive! all the eau,., real re well a personal, of the pant Alexander McIntyre ; and unlepis the raid Alexander McIntyre return within 1►e j triadictloa of the said Curt, and put in bell to the ac- tion. or eating Ihn gent., to bre discharged within th•ee calendar m,nies from the first day of the pnbliestion el this nonce, all the estate, real ea well am pera.,nal. of the said Alexander McIntyre, er an moth thereof se may be neceasry, will be held liable Int the payment, benefit or ra!tsfaeltun of ail alum•• of a llOme of melt other plaintiff er plaintiffs as "hall or may t preceeJing4 against the property and ef6•ei• of the awe Alexander McIntyre, within tot mantle/ from the moon, n1 the ahnre writ. J. Mc13)NALD,Sheriff11. kB. Sher W's 058•., ticdmcb, Siad June, 135.1. t e21 lea Sheriffs Sole of Lands. United Covssies. f jute ni Heron gird Bruce.; �Writ of Fterl To %% Ii': ) roma., irtnN net .f Her Msj.et1'e Court of Q'.r'n'' B•rnels, and an Alia Writ ne Fieri Facia t.ensd nun of Om geld Court, moil to me dineet.d • garnet Ih• hamlet and teneawls nI JAS- PER KF.MBAI.1. Gr)OL'tNn and Ivied Reiirabory, at 1110 rust of B".NJAMI"r BREWSTER, 1 have seised sod takes id execution the follow, og properly. ria Lou rnmtipg smelters r-nr'rrwu, AMY O 11 ■d matte nevelt ,n 1010 T.•w idO..a- rseh, eeeh enabling nit. (e0,1h 01 as sty.. b. 11.. arse mere or lee.. ►ei.tg the paw. may of the mud Japer K,•whell 0.aswl.af Alen, 1.01 renewer needier iffy meow, mesteinlwg nee roorin mf ea sen, be tem sans• more er let"; ani let we'wberMa, sea. -moor; C. it the Trews of G=.larkb. .Ne+ taintng by ads.a.nrewient MN emu eml three rtaener., be tae same Werra err l.tia 'wog awe teepee,, M the std immo aline Mary; whieh lards and lemrwweb, rem aek, mast% of the .as. u limy b. .sones. f one/0 floe said skeet 1 seen .Rea at .be Ceara Retell. a 11.. .fel.. es FRIDAY, the PI AUGUST tat, et rt. hese .f the etluet earls. J. se • !peril'• Gulag, Oederiett, Bah Use, 1 pNMrinss r