HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-10-11, Page 5rc;41g, 5 October 19.62 and district news c..Q.RRP5PQNPONTS. Mrs, Maude HockiCrt, .Phono Mrs, Archie .11(10cOre,9or, 5.0 soil Instal new lodge slate RSNG, Airs. Leona Park; I,SNG, Mrs, Alex AlcBeath; RSNG, Mrs, Glenn Ben.; LSVG, Airs. ,liarold Parker; inside guardian, Mrs. John Corbett; outside guardian, Mrs, Elgin Thomson. Mrs. Edgar and Mrs. Steph- enson of Brussels sang a duett accompanied by Mrs, Thomas at the piano. The DDP Airs. Crawford in- troduced her installation staff and spoke briefly to the mem- bers. Greetings were expressed by member's of Morning Star lodge. Noble Grand, Mrs, McEwen, thanked all taking part, Tr. PNG Mrs. Orr congratulated members, A "cake walk" con- test was enjoyed. Levi Rands Levi Rands of Mitchell died Monday in Listowcl Memorial Hospital in his 76th year. Be was a retired. CNR em- ployee, and resided in licesall for a number of years, He has been a resident of Mitchell for the past 19 years,. Surviving is his wife, the for- mer Lydia Beurermann; one son Donald, Toronto, and one grandson. Service was held Wednesday at Loehart funeral home, Miteh- ell, with burial in Alaitland Bank cemetery, Seaforth. UCW begins new study Chiselhurst UCW met Tues- clay afternoon with president Mrs, Percy Harris in the chair, The first chapter of the new study book was reviewed by Mrs, Jack l3rintnell and the missionary prayer was given by Mrs. R. Taylor. Mrs, R. }fins- man conducted, the worship. An invitation to Kippen. LTCW visitors' night, Tuesday, Oc- tober 30 was accepted. Presi- dent Mrs. Percy Harris was in the chair. Mrs. A. ,Orr, Noble Grand of Amber Rebekah Lodge, Hen- salt, presided at the. meeting on Wednesday evening when DDP Mrs. Marguerite Craw- ford of Morning Star Lodge, Brussels and her installation staff installed the members of the local lodge. Miss ,Jessie Little, •rnershall., was in charge of the ceremony, NG Mrs. Orr conducted the business preceding the instal- lation. Mrs. Eva Parker, for the CPT, requested tickets on the fifty dollar bill be handed in at the next lodge meeting. Mrs, Ed. Corbett, treasurer, gave the report of the year, Arrangements were made for the tag day for South Huron Hospital to he held nn Tues- day evening, DDP Mrs, Crawford of Huron District. No, 23 was introduced to the lodge by the Jr, PNG Mrs. Ernie Chipehase, and in- stalled the officers ,of Amber Rebekah Lodge. Jr, PNG is Mrs. A. Orr; Noble Grand, Mrs, Hugh AlcEwen; vice grand, Mrs. Clarence Volland; record- ing secretary, Mrs. Blighton Ferg; financial secretary, Mrs. Ernie Chipehase; treasurer, Mrs. Ed. Corbett; warden, Mrs. fohn ingram; conductor, Mrs, Lindsay Eyre; chaplain, Mrs. Laird .Jacobi; pianist, Mrs. Wil- liam F uss, • Benn ,• f:',''- Davies Grant rjirining EXETER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Municipal Auditors DEVON BUILDING PH 235-0120 Office Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Santo : urn DAVIS , left Mallen airport lin rr'Jia? afternoon ,to. visit relatit IS- In Holland. Air. and Mrs. Mar.len Van Arenthals and Mrs. Earl Greenlee drove them to Mahon. Olt Sunday Mr. and Mrs, Earl. Greenlee visited with Mr. and. Airs. Arenthala. . Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atkinson and .Alr. and Mrs. Harry Car- roll were Sunday guests Air. and. Mrs. Heber Davis, after attending Harvest Thanks,. giving service in St, Pain's Church, Kirkton. v.$.4. • ,,y,;• WRITE YOUR RETURN ADDRESS IN THE LEFT CORNER , and help speed your mail: Just loin.v the:.,e tour powas • i an tnr mail ;er v ire every tittle you address an envriope. Use foil and rove-,-0 of person you're • 9 Use fug and co,iert aldress with Postal Zone Number in cameo's six -,:aasci . W , OP your own return andress and Co. la! Zone Numhe, in upper tell corner of envelope. rite legibb,. ' Sir -o ‘,t• Ai ° ro.as ?E, Lt.bankr:. 2-ncios. liAntrtot, 4-tvindo.r . pillarins sedan one of 7 LeSabre heaulie‘ for '63, ,,,,ss...-:',•\.•••• • At.iO4,'P.A14:4\:.4..A,Satftacay..40„, . •••• 41-?4,. ^•-d'• ••, L1,QTRA 2.13 H kan I or si DAN 1.6f0or 6.141 na'ou pt;larir,ts action , , of 5 trIti Ott LECCiAr,rt. reaav-60i 'au( 661163 Buick is a nc\l breed of beauty for 1963. From its bold new grille to the sleekly handsome rear deck, there's a new3 longer silhouette that's distinctively Buick . beautifully Buick. But styling is not the only arca of Buick advancement, You'll find luxurious new interiors, with new fabrics and trim, elegantly catering to your comfort. There are newly designed instrument panels, too, that further accentuate Buick's interior refinement. And just as Buick has set a new standard in styling, Buick's engi- neering has also gone to greater heights. There are new and mighty Wildcat Vg engines. Unmatched smoothness with exclu- sive Turbine Drive (standard on all full-size Buicks). And LP.SAPRE wiaicAr • mvIcrA e.:BLEGTRA 225 RIVIEPA a SPECIAL Advanced Thrust engineering gives you the maximum car control whether on curves or in crosswinds, There are other advancements like the new Delcotron generator that keeps charging your bat- tery evert when your engine is idling. There's the new, improved heater and defroster with "cool air" defrosting. You'll have to see the new Buick to get the full 1963 story. There arc t 7 models in s distinct series this year, See them all and you'll know why you 'Wong in a Buick You belong in a for 1963. See, too, t the nine happy trim- size Buick Specials. I4lx0avoll lots oiiottelta txtra tosi A LINERAL MOTORS VALUE „ NI,A; RIVIERA. Here's the "b3 ear times exuripletelv unique—different from any other ear iii tlw v‘orld—the Ric/kra. elusive in design, features and craftsman. ship, 'Rh iera is another classic masterpiece of Buick style and quality. Boldly Advanced design And engineering arc through.the-line tharactcristics of Buick for 19b3. You set more than a hint of bath in the handsome instrument panel, at well as the riistinetivel appointed and upholstered interior or the Buick Riviera above, NEW WILDCAT SERIES Wildcat, the star AITIOng the '0 Buick's hot perionucts tomes in sparkling new 2 and 4-door hard• tops and a flashing convertible, Exciting performance „ exhilarating sport Cal' feel racy appeatance that's Wildcat' 'thenewndjustable till steering iN heel a locks into any of Sci on positions to suit i our desired driving 'position, To get in or out, just flip the wheel up, ovnitheit ar eXIIi4 eb rt Taylor Motors Limited tXtiTER POntiac * Sulek GMC 'trucks v Bedford Vans ZURICH 14,1M17.7k..,e,;.,;40;i7.41.7:1117175101.1.1rE.Iff.11 .Message from. HO, nor three .coup-ie.p.., ,•••••-• • • • .• I Death of Mrs. Kyle's brother The death of Mrs, Thomas Kyle Sr's brother, John Kipfer of Elkton, Mich, occurred on Friday following a month's ill- ness in his Nth year, Born in. Waterloo he came with his parents as a child to Hay township where he lived for a number of years before going to Elkton, Mich, some 40 years ago. Surviving are his wife, one soh, and three daughters; two sisters, Mrs. Kyle, iletisall; Airs. Desjardine, Exeter; five brothers, Ezra Kipfer, Hensalit Simon and Sol, Minnesota; Dav- id and Noah in Oiwa, Alien, Funeral services were held Sunday. Attending 'from licnsall were Mrs. Kyle and Mr, Nip ter, Fernier Kippeoite diet Miss Annie Murray of Gorrie, died Sunday, Oct, 7 at Listowei General Hospital in her 83rd year. She was the daughter of the late Air, and. Al's, Robert Mur- ray, formerly of .Kinnen. There are no immediate survivors. Funeral services were held Tuesday, Oct. 1) at the Moir funeral home. Gerrie, With burial in Molesworth cemetery, Personal iteins Miss Ellie lieslinga who has been relieving at the local Bell Telephone office for the past two weeks returned to her hOthe At Thamesford on Saturday. ThanksgiVirto visitors Atra, Annie, Dean, Toronto, with his brother and sister-in- law, Air. and Mrs. Archie .Noakes. Mr, Herb liedden with his brother and sister-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Harold. Iledden and family of Dresden, Air. Charles Mickle, Hamil- ton, Mr. and Mrs. William Mickle, Pamela, Judith and John, Airs. Florenee Joynt, with Mr, and Mrs. Laird Mickle, Bob and Ann. Miss Ruth Anne Traquair and Miss Ruth. Anne Hume., Si. Thomas, with relatives here. Miss Thelma Elgie, of Sea- forth, with Air, and Mrs. Carl Payne and family. Mr, and Mrs. Bill Simpson, Birmingham, Mich„ with Mrs, Lou Simpson. Miss Dianne .Rannle of Sar- nia and Miss Maryann ttannie of. London, Air, and Mrs, Jerry Jimmie and ,Joanne, of Toronto, with, their parents, Mr, and. Mrs. Sam ',tannic. M. and Mrs. Clarence. Ruston and family, of Stratford, with the latter's mother, Mrs. Eva Parker and Bill, Misses Dorothy and Geraldine Parker, of London, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Parker and Patty. Mr. Earl Bell, of Toronto, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Bell. Miss Betty Parker, of Lon- don, with her mother, Mrs. Eva Parker and Bill, Mr. and Mrs, William Simp- son, of Detroit, with the for- mer's mother, Mrs. Lou Simp- son. Mrs. Archie MacGregor was R recent visitor with Mrs. W. B. Coxon in Zurich, Beauty care Staff a topic By MRS. JOHN TEMPLEMAN STA.:HA. Mrs. Lloyd Miller was hos- tess for the meeting of Staffa WI which was held at her home on Wednesday evening, October 3, Mrs, Russell Wor- den presided and opened with a poem on "Autumn", The roll call was , answered by "something nice about the per- son on your left". Mrs, Johnny Miller gave a beauty demonstration showing the proper way of cleansing the skin, applying makeup and choosing the proper color combinations. Bonnie Jean Miller presented her -prize- winning speech on "Posture and Personality" and Mrs, Roy McDonald gave a five-minute talk on the climate of the Maritimes. Final plans were made for the TB clinic in the hall on October 4 and 10 with 12 ladies volunteering to help, Mrs. Carter Kerslake react a. letter she had received from the, Institute's adopted child in China. It was decided to send a box to her for Christmas and all members are asked to bring a gift to the next meet- ing and give it to either Airs, Torn Laing or Miss Olive Speare, Miss Vera Itanibley and Mrs. John Tem pleman were named as leaders to attend the .train- ing' school for. "Window Treat- ment" to be held in Stratford October 23 and 24. Plans were made for a HallOWe'en party in with hall on October 30 with Walton and Avonton slittites as guests, Committees were named for same, Hostesses were Arcs. Gerald- Agar, Mra. Russell Warden, Mrs. Johnny Miller and the hostess, Staffa UCW .The Staffa 130W .niet the church on 'Wednesday evening wi t h Thanksgiving as the thente, Worship ft „ was taken by Mrs. B D. Sadler with. Air's. Ed Dearing aSsist- Mg. Mrs. R. D. Sadler and Mrs, Ross Senile favored with a drat. WS, Arthur *Kemp was in charge of a film, Sound of a. Stone". Mrs. A. H. Daynard presided for the 'nisi. netts. An invitation .was accepted front the Rey& 11CW to attend their meeting on Wednesday evening, October ID, Airs. Leslie former' led. in a sing song. A fornier rileMber, Mrs. Robert Vivian, Mitchell, was presented with a gift in ap- preciation fer her work while with the VOW, A social horn' was enjoyed over lunch served by the hostesses. • Personal 'ISertis Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Norris over the _Thanks. giving weekend :were Mr. and Mrs, lames Norris, Judy, Douglas and Garry, Bramp. ton, Mrs. Anthony :Briiit Biehard, Mbritreal, and Erie. Norris from the OAC, Guelph, ..Mrs, Ernest Templeman anti Mr, and Mrs. „lobn l'empleMan and family attended a .family gathering at the Cole and Tani- Cron-Iarty. on Sunday, and Mrs, Bob Norris, Patti and wit spent_ the weekend with 'friends in Wind- sor, MT...and Mrs„ Walter .O'Brien spent the Thanksgiving week- end With Mr. .and 'Mrs. Dori elite and filthily la Plint„ Mielt Personal items Mr. liar* Horton received a cable advising him of the death of his mother in England.. in her 92nd year she died on Wednesday, October 3. Mr. and Mrs. Horton visited her in 1959, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid and. Allan have moved into their new home a quarter of a mile south of flensall on Highway 4, Mrs. Edward. Carter of Hen- sel], who resides in the Fink Apts., was the lucky winner of the Legion bingo jack pot of $105.00 in ,55 calls at the bingo Saturday night, Door prizes were won by Mrs. Jim Clarke and Fred Kennings. There will be another bingo this Saturday, Oct. 13. Mr, and Mrs, Archie Noakes are vi s i ti ng w ith their daugh- ter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, Earl McKellar and family at Chatham, Air, John Soldan of Zurich, Alr• Lorne Hay, Hensall, Air, Fred Dobbs, Exeter, and Mr. Edward Hendrick, Crediton left for Toronto Wednesday of this week where they were regis- tered at the Skyline Hotel, To- ronto and are attending the con- servation authority conference, the highlight of which will be a nine hour tour of the Metropol- itan Toronto and region authori- ties, On Saturday the delegates will be guests of the 6th annual Pioneer Festival at Woodridge, Legion auxiliary marks birthday Mrs, Mary McCann of Ford- wich, zone commander for zone CI, and Mrs. Luella Hall of Blyth, past zone commander, and auxiliaries from Seaforth and Exeter were guests of Hen- sail Legion Auxiliary at the 13th birthday party held Tues., Oct. 9 at the Legion 'Hall and at- tended by over 80. President Airs, Wm. Smale welcomed the guests and introduced both Mrs. McCann and Mrs, Hall who both spoke briefly. One of the highlights of the evening was the presentation of life membership pins to Mrs. Thomas Kyle, being made by Mrs. McCann. Gifts were pre- sented to Mrs. McCann by Past president Mrs. Gordon Munn and to Mrs. Hall by Mrs. Wm. Brown, The mystery guessing prize was won by Mrs. Gordon Munn, and Airs. Jim McGregor was awarded a prize for having wedding anniversary closest to the date of the nariv. Mis4 ,le •1 Henderson rendered a solo ac- companied at the piano by Miss Carol Brown. Mrs. Brown and Carol contributed piano duets, Mrs. E. Davis showed colored slides and gave a commentary of the pictures taken by Jack Henderson of his recent trip to the British Isles. Mrs. Howard Smale and Mrs. Wm, Forrester conducted ny sate. Draws were won by Mrs. Wm, Smale, Mrs. Garnet Allan of Hensall, and Mrs. Min- nie Parker of Exeter. Gift cor- sages were presented to guests, life members and to those who assisted with the program, A smorgasbord luncheon Was served, Honors for' cutting the birthday cake went to Mrs, T. Kyle. Courtesy remarks were given by the presidents or vis- iting auxiliaries. Correction Last Week in the obituary of Miss At, Pybus -the pall bear- ers were misplaced and ap- peared at the top of William T. Robinson's obituary, also a mis- placed line was in a personal item. R. should have read: Mr.. and Mrs. Ross Jinks and fam- ily accompanied by Mr, and Airs. Atissell. Weaver of Exeter, visited Sunday with relatives in Sarnia, attending the birthday party of ADS. Jinks' 'and Mr. Weaver's grandmother, Mrs, Frank Robbins, Moore. Line, with So in attendance. The T-A regrets these misplacements. Robent Drommond; sec- ond Vern Aiderdiee; low, Ken MacKay; travelling lone handS (a mouse trap) remained with Ernest Whitehouse, At this lime Mrs, ll, Caldwell called Mr, and. Mrs, Al Hog- garth to the front and while she read the address Mrs. Alex MacGregor and. Airs. Stewart Pepper .presented tire newly- weds with a platform rocker on behalf of SS 10 Titekersmith, Mrs. Caldwell also read an address for Air. and Mrs, Archte lioggarth, who are leaving ibis section, and they were presented with a pair of table la.mps, Caldwell %rem called t o th e front by Mrs. James Drummond and while she read the address Mrs. Ken MacKay and Mrs. Robert Kinsman presented Mrs. Geld- well with a step-ladder, kitchen stool and Jack, a smoker on behalf of SS 10 Tuckersmith on their leaving the section for town. All the recipients very fittingly replied thanking every- one. A social half hour followed. Shower for bride-elect A miscellaneous shower was held at St, Andrew's United Church, Kippen, on Monday eve- ning, October 1 honoring Miss Lois Schwartz of Guelph, daugh- ter, of Air'. and Mrs. ,lack Schwartz of Hillsgreen. The affair was arranged by Airs. Keith Love and the pro- gram consisted of a sing-song led by Mrs. Ross Broadfoot, a contest given by Miss Marion Forrest and an instrumental by Mrs. Gerald Moffatt, Airs. Emmerson Anderson and Gary showed slides of their trip to Arizona which were interest- ing. Lois was invited to the plat- Personal items Don Kyle., who has been on the staff of the Bank of Mon- treal, Grand Bend, for the past one and a half years, has been transferred to Hamilton and left Wednesday of this week, Don is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Kyle. ter of Mr. and Mrs. MerVin Lane, RR 4 'Seaforth. A program consisted of sing songs, contests, a solo by Ran Patrick and a reading by Mrs. Art Einlayson, The address was read by Marjorie Dapple and gifts pre- sented by Pan Patrick. and Barbara Gernmell. Personal items Blake Pqr.§einal items Mr. Frank Fillinghain„ of New loislieard, visited' friends In the vicinity over the past week. Mr, Lloyd McBride and. son David, of Windsor,. spent the holiday weekend At their farm on the town line., Mr, and Mrs. Dinsmore and Bob, of Windsor, visited with. Mr. and Airs. Thomas Dinsmore and Air, And .:Mrs. Jim Dins- more over the wekenct, holiday weekend visitors with Air. and Mrs. Newell Geiger .and john and Airs. Mary Man- son and Robert were Mr. and Airs. Donald Manson And family and Miss Lea Shutter of To- ronto.. Mr. Hugh. McBride, of Lon- don, visited with Mr, and Airs. Roy McBride and Mr. and Mrs. John McBride and daughter Joanne, was a visitor' on Thursday, On Wednesday, Oct, 3 about 30 neighbors cluvareed Mr. and Mrs. Al 1-loggarth. and had a lovely evening, Anniversary services will he held 1.n St. Andrew's Church, Kippen on Sunday .October 21 at 11:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m, with the Rev, Edgar Roulston as guest .speaker. Special. music will be provided by the choir. Mr, William Riley and Sharon spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Sinclair and family. A number of. families attended open house at Westminster Col- lege on Sunday last. Mrs. Jean Kyle, Clinton, and Mr, and Mrs, Don Kyle and Deborah lane of Zurich were Thanksgiving guests with Air. and Mrs. Emerson Kyle anti Thanksgiving visitors Mr. and Mrs. W, L. this and a sister, Mrs. Edward Cud- more of Vancouver, with Air. and Mrs. Clarence Hutchison of St. Thomas. Misses Mary Ann Greenfield and Dianne Perkin, of London, with Miss Joyce Hood, Al.r. and Mrs. Gordon Wren with their daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith sltr,P.1"11t1=1"!7=77 News from By MRS. arl".7.17.fts:.::7;.•••:.;., • visitors Dr. and Mrs. George Lindsay and daughter Dee, of .Simeoe, with Air', .and Mrs. rred Dobbs jr. Mr. and Airs. Don Fairhairn, Misses (Jail and Brenda Fair- bairn, London, and Arnold Firby, St. Thomas., with Mr. And Mrs, Bill ;Johnston and boys. mr. and Mrs. George Atkin- son and family, London, with the former's parents, Mr. And Ws. 'Herman Atkinson. Shower On Saturday evening Mrs. Tom Rees held a kitchen shower for Miss Eleanor Thompson of Ailsa Craig. -Guests included Mrs, Mar- jorie Coburn, Miss Marlene Thompson, also of Ailsa Craig, Airs, Ken Broom. Exeter, Airs, Ron 1-learrian, Barrie and Airs, Charles Railings and Blanche, Clandeboye. On Sunday Air, and Mrs, Rees were guests with the former's parents, Air, and Mrs , Earl ]'gees, Ailsa Craig, for A family gathering. Personal items Mr. and Airs, Jerry Vander- boek and boys of RR 1. Lucan Your library — Continued from. page 4 He describes how one gets to be a professor, the neces- sary qualifications, intellectual and tempermentel, the frustra- tions and the rewards. in one chapter he describes in detail what a professor's day is like from dawn to long after dark. He is well quali- fied to write about professors for he has spent half a cen- tury among them, Queen's HOTEL Seaforth Dining facilities for banquets and weddings, Attractive Rooms ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY Licenced under LCBo PHONE 433 SEAFORTH Products Of la 1 Gefierai motors Frigidaire Sales with Service Drysdale A' °Crest Hardware PHONE 11 H E NSW,. Mr. Fern McLean, of Toronto, visited Mr, and Mrs, Wilfred Meths and some relatives dur- ing the week. Mr. Norman Long was admit- ted to Stratford General Hos- pital for surgery. Surprise No, 2 Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love ac- Mr's.scoropanied by Mr. anti Mrs, Al. Harry Caldwell and Jack By MRS. NPRMAri 1.4)10 form and. an address was read r, luckersmi which k About ao members 0 41f s1 41NO bg‘i.ftsMaiar-Cortr' ip'..to'crsreenslied?'„fteAr th gathered lit the hour was enjoyed by all. Lois ,e(.1schools, for presentation to. My, IS a recent graduate of Guelph and Air's. Al Hoggarth, newly- General. Hospital. Shower , f9r, bride-elect On :Friday evening, Oct. 5 s . eleven tables of euchre were (4 ,z. „ro n ,i,„,1 Cat A' may. evening, Oct, .5 in play with the winners being: ", laes' high, auss M ari on Rob, JaPOWIS shower honoring Miss oils; second, Airs. Robert Bell; 11114 Lane, ,br W e'el•ect of al."."'" low.Mrs, woyd juicy; men's day, Oct. 13, She is the dough- at Kippen, gathering Ay MISS EMMA FIKAY heft Keys of Exeter Attended the dedication of the new stu- dents' residence of the United Church at University of Western Ontario grounds on Sunday aft- ernoon, Air, and Mrs. Elzar Mous- seau, Air, and Mrs. Ross Faber and Kevin attended the Thiel- Glen wedding on Saturday at the Church of God, Grand. Bend. Mr, and Mrs. Bert Thomson and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thom- son attended the Priestap-Mark- le -wedding Saturday at St. Paul's Church. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thomson. and family visited Sunday with Air. and Mrs, Sam Storey, Sea- forth, parents of Mrs. Thom- son, Airs, Myrtle Kilpatrick is a guest of her niece, Airs. Eldon jarrott, and Mr, Jarrott, Miss Alice 'Keen, of Strat- ford, visited Sunday with Airs. Dowson, Airs, Richard Taylor', RR 2 Kippen, recently won a bridge set in a penny sale which was sponsored by the CWL of St. Patrick's Church at Dublin. Mr. Garnet Smallacombe of Guelph and formerly of Hensall visited Wednesday with Mr, at Grimsby. Robert, Thomson. It is 50 years Miss Marlene McLachlan, of since Alr, Thomson has seen London, with her parents, Mr. and Airs. William McLachlan. 'Air. and Airs. Edward Shef- Mrs. Margaret Johnston, of fee and their two grandchildren, Toronto, with her brother, Mr. ,Joyce and Paul Sheffer of Dry- W. R. Cooper. den, Mich, spent a few days Mr, and Mrs. Emerson Ander- last week with 'Mrs. Elston son and faintly and Mrs. Eliza- Dowson and other relatives, bath Anderson with relatives in Mrs. Eldwin Kerr of Winthrop Marlette, Mich., and vicinity.