HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-10-04, Page 22arid is neighbor, UCW group told By MRS. HEBER DAVIS Saintsbury realize in the world, today, our neighbors are not just the peo- ple across the street but any- one- who needs our help. If the shepherd left his Hoek of sheep to go out after the one missing sheep why wouldn't we be .cpri- cereed about the SS millions of people on the rim of Asia—as Asia goes so goes the rest of the world." The president, Mrs, Ross Mc. Falls, was in charge of the business and outlined the plans far the bazaar to be held in the schoolroom of the church on Wednesday afternoon, No. vember 21, Personel iteMS. World communion will be oh, served in the church on Sunday morning, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elston. of San Francisco, California are visiting wit b relatives and Attend service for road victim Many from this vicinity at- tended the funeral at M. Box and Son Funeral Home on Tuesday for Miss. Patricia Mor- ley who received fatal injuries on Saturday in a car accident on the Brinsley road near the home of Mr. and Mrs, Roy Schenk, The ear in which the de- ceased was a passenger went of control and struck a tree. Miss Morley had been em- ployed wit hthe Unemployment Insurance Commission, London, until recently. Surviving is h er grandmo- ther, Mrs. Pearl Morley, RR 8 Parkhill, Personal items Mrs. Alvin Cunningham vis- ited recently with Mr, and Mrs. George Prest. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gackstet- ter of Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Tweddle of Ailsa Craig visited Saturday eve- ning with Mrs. Gordon Allison. Mr. Cecil Ellwood was Sun- day evening guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Prest and family. "It had a surprise ending— Harriet found both her shoes." as low as '62.95 Curlers The season opens Nov. 1 — just time enough left to knit a sweater. We have a good assortment of plain and tweed colors in 4-ply, 4-oz. skeins and a good range of patterns to choose from. ONLY 98c PER SKEIN GOULD and JORY PHONE 235.0270 EXETER SUITS For perfect fit and true individuality, let us style a suit exactly to your taste and tailor it precisely to your measurements, Complete new fall range of all-wool English worsted cloths. Come in and make your selection today. EXPERT TAILORING AND STYLING BY Firth Bros., James Bros. and House of Stone 60's Salada Tea Bags 79c Good Luck Margarine 29c McLaren's Fresh Pak 16-oz. Wafer Pickles 33c Royal Guest Sliced Bread 20e T Clover Leaf Solid Tuna 7-oz, this 1 45c lb 65 C I6 7 ' • . . ... Fresh Produce ONTARIO 10-LB, BAGS Potatoes • ONTARIO SIAM Celery BWBBT • Potatoes 2#.614.65 2 3 vb029 3-29c RLI Use our Main .St, Parking Lot Stuart House 12" oil Wrap AsSt'd Flavors Jello Powers ••: • • • • • • , • • • '...,•V•4)KAta•MA,e,•,..A.A.AAWAA•414:•ivIA.....•,....Ai A . • 29c By MRS. ERVIN RADER. DASHWOOD The first meeting of the GNO club for the season was held at the home of Mrs. Jean Schroeder with 10 members present. Officers elected were; Pres- ident, Mrs. Emily Hoperoft; vice-president, Mrs. Gloria Hayterl secretary - treasurer, Mrs, Eileen Morenz. Prizes were awarded to Mrs, Eideen Wolfe for high score of the year with Mrs. Jean Schroeder second. Mrs. Mar- tha ,,Merrier received a prize for high score of the night. Mrs. Eldeen Wolfe also re- ceived. a prize for the highest score in one evening during the year, 'The Lutheran Hoer Rally Many from here attended the Lutheran Hour Rally at Stratford Festival Theatre on Sunday, The junior choir from Zion. Lutheran church sang with the mass choirs. Dr. Oswald Hoffman ad- dressed the audience both af- ternoon and evening. He is the radio-TV voice of the Lutheran Hour. Bowling banquet The annual bowling banquet for the swing bowlers of Zion Lutheran church was held in the church basement Friday, Sept. 28 catered to by a group of the Ladies Aid. Following supper bunco was played, Mrs. Elgin Rader and Glen Rader received high prizes with Louis Restemayer and Mrs. Leonard Schenk con- solation prizes. Wedding anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rader celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary Sunday, Sept. 30 with a dinner for the imme- diate families at the Village Inn, Grand Bend. Among the guests were the attendants, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Rader. At a gathering later in the evening progressive games were played. Prizes were pre- sented to Elmer Rader and Mrs. Wendell Gamble; consolation prizes went to Fred Weiberg and Marilyn Desjardine. Mr. and Mrs. Rader received messages of congratulations and useful gifts. Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Rader and family of Simcoe spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. John Rader. Miss Erma Wein of Clinton spent the weekend with Mrs. Herb Wein, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller and Miss Elsie Miller of Zion spent Sunday evening with David, Paul, and Sharon Rader. Weekend visitors with Mrs. Lucinda Nelsen were Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Melsaae and son Donald and Mary Ruth Jaest, all of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs, Wellwood GiU of Grand Bend and Mr, and Mrs. Robert Knight of London called on Mrs. .Ervin Rader on Saturday. Dr, and Mrs, C. W, Yager of Bright's Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Siebert of Detroit visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Klumpp and Miss Pearl Kraft, Mr. and. Mrs. Rudolph Miller spent the weekend in Kitch- ener with Mr. and Mrs. Sieg- fried Miller, Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Bryant of Bayfield spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Pfile. Dominational Day of Prayer In the Sunday morning serv- ice at the Evangelical UB church the Women's Society of World Service under the Spiri- tual Life committee lead in a Denominational Day of Prayer Service, This was in prepara- tion for world-wide communion Sunday, Mrs, Harold Kellerman was leader and Mrs, Stuart Wolfe read the Scriptures. In the prayer period for the EUB Mission Fields Mrs. George Link, Mrs, Carl Oestreicher, Mrs. Ward Neeb, Mrs. Donald Gaiser, Mrs. Merrill James, and Mrs. Art Haugh offered audible prayers, Rev. M, James spoke on the theme, "When You Pray". Dashwood Merry Maids The third meeting of the Dashwood 4-H girls was held at the home of Janet Miller Wednesday, Sept. 26 with 11 members and the two leaders present. Mrs. Hugh Boyle gave meeting notes on meal plan- ning, vegetables for the main course, the vegetable plate and the oven dinner. The girls participated in making the main course for dinner consisting of stuffed baked potato, harvard beets, whipped squash, and double boiler scalloped cabbage. The girls were to plan a day's -menu for the family. The fourth meeting was held Monday, Oct/ 1 at the home of Mrs. Hugh Boyle with all mem- bers present. Mrs. Boyle and Mrs. Sid Ba- ker gave notes on vegetables for supper and lunch, in soups, scalloped dishes and stuffed vegetables, garnishes, appetiz- ers, and relishes. The girls prepared potato soup and arranged a vegetable relish tray. Plan. euchre On WedneadaY, Sept. g6 the Guild meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Harvey Latta with thirteen members present and one visitor, The afternoon was spent in (Milting, and plans were made for a quehre and dance to be held at the Lucan Memorial Arena on Oct. 12, A committee of Mr. and Mrs, Bill Johnson, Mr. and Mrs, Earl. Greenlee and Mr, and Mrs, Hugh Davis were elected to make arrange- laa ents, President, Mrs, Harry Car- roll held a short devotional service and closed the meet- ing. The hostess was assisted by Mr, Lorne Weiberg and Mr. and Mr. Bill Johnson in serving lunch, The mystery prize was donated by Mrs. Ron Carroll and won by Mrs. Rs rmond Greenlee, The October meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Jim Barker on the third Thursday, Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Ron Squire and Mary Jane, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Millson and family, London and Mr. and Mrs, Jim Beckett and Sandra, Kitchener, were Sun- day guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickins. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ab- bott and Linda, Lucan, called on. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Green- lee, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kooy were recent guests with their nephew, Mr, and Mrs. Howard MacDonald, Lucan, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Noyes, Lucan, called on their nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barker on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Dickins, London, spent several days this past week at the home of their niece, Mr. and Mrs. Heb- er Davis and they were Tues- day evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll, Mr. Gote Wenestraun of this community left on Sunday to visit his father and family in Sweden, and on Wednesday eve- ning his neighbors and friends held a surprise gathering at his home and presented him with a bill fold and other gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Tindall and girls visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tindall, Grand Bend and on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Clarke, Shipka. Miss Gail Fairbairn, London, and Mr. Arnold Ferby, St. Thomas, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rees and family were Saturday evening guests with Mrs. Rees' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Rollings, Clandeboye. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Carroll were Sunday evening guests with Mrs. Henry Hodgins, Lu- can. •••••••rmennok. ByLAIRS. PRED BOWDEN CENTRALIA Mrs. Leonard Smith and Mrs. Sam Skinner presided and were assisted by Mrs, Jessie Lewis and. Mrs, Norman Tripp in con- ducting the worship service at the meeting of the tJCW in the schoolroom, of the zintrch on Thursday evening. The new study. book "On Asia's Rim" was Introduced by the Rev, D. M. Guest, Mr. Guest pointed out that "we must Orchestra leader dies By GORDON MORLEY B R INSLEY Funeral services were held at T. Stephenson and Son Fune. ral Home, Ailsa Craig for Mr. Gordon Allison who died at his home on Sunday, September 23 after an illness of three months duration, He was born July 18, 1898 and was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Allison. He was a lifelong resident of McGillivray Township, a farmer and also a former thresher. He was a lover of music, conducted an orchestra for 22 years and was a well known violinist, • He is survived by his wife, the former Violet Eagleson whom he married in 1918, sis- ters (Gladys) Mrs. Ernest Lackner of Inwood; (Mayme) Mrs. Roy Schenk and Malcolm of McGillivray Township; Flora (Tot) Mrs. Ed Gackstet- ter, of Exeter. He was prede- ceased by one brother, Milton in Nov. 1918. Funeral services were con- ducted by the Rev. K, W. Hick of Ailsa Craig on Tuesday, Sept 25. Interment was in Mars Hill Cemetery, Brinsley. Rally Day, promotion service Rally Day and promotion services were largely attended at Brinsley United Church on Sunday, Sept. 30. The Sunday School Superintendent Gordon Morley acted as leader. The scripture was read by Douglas Lee. Miss Sharon Fen- ton presented the children's story. Some forty nine Sunday School pupils were presented with seals and diplomas by the secretary Miss Betty Amos. John Lee assisted with the pro- motion service for Gayle Fen- ton, Debra Desjardine, Barb- ara Lwis and Jim Robinson. Rev, K. W. Hick in his ad- dress commented on the faith- ful attendance of the scholars. friends in thecommunity. Barry, who spent his boyhood yearS in. Centralia left here 41 years ago. Ile and Mrs. Elston attended the service in the church on Sunday morning and had the pleasure of renewing old acetialetances. Following the service they joined Mrs. Andrew Hicks for dinner at the home of her son and daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hod- gins, Marikay,. Keith, Eleanor Mae, Mr. Brian Laird and Mr. and. Mrs. Donald. Pickering were guests at the HOW-Hods gins wedding in St, John's-by- the-Lake Anglican. Church in Grand Bend on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs, Nell Langille Who recently mn Y e 4 from Prince Edward Island to ton -were Saturday evening visi. for with Mr, and Mrs. Victor Overholt and. family. Mr. and Mrs. George Dunn and Mrs. Ray Laramie .attend., ed the funeral of the late Mr. William Wood in KNeter oa Monday, Monday visitors at the home. of Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks were Mr, and Mrs. Harry Elston of California and Mrs. Will :Essery. Mr. Stuart Richardson,. of Belleville and Mr. Dryden Rich- ardson of London were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William Had, dock on Thursday of last week. rape. '20' The: TimplAdvoc0tOt ,Pc.t0hqr 4, 1952. Dashwood group chooses officers $S-sss -,s • • . Pre-Dressed Hen GOV'T INSPECTED lb DARLING'S WISHES YOU & YOURS A BOUNTIFUL THANKSGIVING urkeys Tasty Tender TURKEY! Smoked Picnics 49e DINNER • .H.AMS BURNS SIDE BACON TABLE-RITE RINDLESS •-•• • Royal Guest Quarts Ginger Ale 4.,49c •-•sss•Sr..ss.sss,„.s..„ .... .... . ....... Omo GIANT t8IZE 79c : Stokely Farley 20 off 28.02, tin Pumpkin 17c Betty Crocker Pie Crust Mix 33c Stokely's Fancy 1S-oz. this Honey Pod Peas 2-35c Libby's Fancy 20-oz, tins Tomato Juice 3-37c Libby's 15.oz, tins Fruit Cocktail 2-49' Frozen Feature 3 PACKAGES VALLEY FARM FRENCH FRIES PLUS 1 PACKAGE OF LAK PAK PERCH All for 79c i•S•AZS.'s • ssrlSsSSLLZ!.:s•S:''arSSSSsS;SSsSSssSSSfs.S=SSSS.Ds2nZITASiln1:•4sSSs!S!Si'aisTsSSssass.Sss!SSSSMS'SSSSZtrrM.17:S- •