HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-10-04, Page 20Pave 18 The lime.4.4.0.Vorgait. .g.ctoker
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KION .FAIR WINNERS ,01 UCO's .computer
—.C.;outlutled from page 1.1
Meet: Culvert, MeClYniOnt: (WI
PiPPin, eiceelynionr; Gravenstein.
AlcCiyinrust; Malden Blosb, Harry
Logan, BeltOn; Snow, Losan. Me-
-telyinont: Laserence, McVay -
errant, Logan; Wealthy. Met:lee
nuint, Logan; Wolfe River, Me.
Clernoot; ates- other varsetY, Me-
Baldwin. ',mean, Metlyaront,
Gold Russet, Logan. AinClertiont)
King. Airceesertiont, Logen: Mann.
Logan: Melted. Logan. Moiety.
2111/1111 N"tlhern SPY. Meelemorit,
.Logan: (Unarm, Mealy/front: Pa
• warakee. Alecelymont. Logan. Rhode
Island Greeas, etirdelvinont, Logan:
' leibson Pippm, Ateelynaont, Box-
torough AleClemont. Tat-
man Sweet. elcielymont. Logan:
colleetiOn (at apples. Mrleymota,
eZelted crah apples, Newton Clarke,
Bel 1 Wondhain. Logan: yellow
:'Oleet) aPPleS. eteeelymont
Itradsliaw, elctlyniont:
erillection of plums. eicelyinont;
onto other ve.riety, Alrelymont.
'Pears — Bartlett, MeOlyniont:
.Clapp's Fa\ or ie e,
largish Beauty, letcCiennont: Sliel-
.oti. MeCtlymont; any
.other variety, Aietelsrmont, Logan.
sIloney, Mrs, Ea Mrantieth. But-
tes,: maple eyrup, Airs. Jed Mon.,
t iP 11, 'Fred lefeellyment. Varna,
.:Mrs Lorne noss, Srlauee }In!:
Nviiire bread, Mrs. John Bee'nett.
11.11 1 Sr, Marys, erne Heim
Toornstra. Woodham. Mrs. Roy
Pepper, Emmet brawn bread,
Airs/ elpien ("addict, Thornaale.
Mrs. 'Helen Toornstra: ant and
fruit loaf, Mrs. Caddick, Mrs.
Clayton Rose, Kiritton, Mrs, :Wil-
liam iteetsch. RP, 3 Lamm; Imes.
Mee. Toorneara, Mrs. John Bar-
nett, elarss, Mrs, Caddiels:
eheisest buns, Mrs. Barnette Mrs.
Cacirlick. Mrs, 'William Johns, Rie
1 Woodharn; coffee calm Mrs,
Barnett, Mrs. Pepper: lea biseuirs,
Alre. Barnett., Mrs. Vaddick, Mrs.
Atilne. Pullen, Granton.
Angel eake, Mrs. Abner Pass-
more, HR 1 Wooclham, Mrs, Rev
;Morgan, RR 1 Bensall, Mrs, Carl
'Kerectott; chiffon cake, :',Urs.
:Morgan. Mrs. PassinOre, Mrs.
Lorne Ross. Seienee Hie; light
eake, Ms. Morgan, errs, William
• Rohde, Woodhaen. ''.gre. William
Johns; sponge, eake, Mrs. Pass-
more. Mrs. Charles Ballhe, Kirk -
ten, elis . rarrirk: rhorolate (*eke,
Mrs. William Freneh, Mrs. Mor-
gan, Mrs. Toornstra; banana rake,
Mrs. William Schaefer, Kiekton.
eirs. Baillie, Mrs. Lorne Ross.
Science Hill; birthday cake, Mrs.
Passinore, Mrs, French, Mrs, Mor-
Cup cakes, Mrs. Toornstra, Mrs,
Passmore, Mrs. Carrick; muffins,
Mrs. Clarriek, Mrs. Carl :Mitts.
Aire. Emilie; apple pie, Mrs,
.Tolins, Mrs. Bailiff-, Mrs. Caddick;
lemon pie, Mrs. Rohde, Mrs.
French. Mrs, ceaddiek; raisin pie.
Mrs. Harold Hem,
fits1 Grano:an, etre, Lorne Ross;
Pumpkin ie, efts. Caddick Airs.
Rohde, Mrs. Borne Blarkier, RR
1 St. Marys: cherry pis, Mrs.
-Sainte, Mrs. Barnett, Mrs. French;
jelly roll, Mrs. Morge.n, Mrs. Cad-
dick, Mrs. Barnett; oat m e- a 1
squares. Mrs. Baillie, Airs. Cad -
dirk, :Mrs. Schaefer.
Cnbaked rookies. Mrs. Scheefer,
Mrs, Caddick, Mrs. Lorne Ross;
email rookies, Mrs. Rohde, Mrs,
Clayton Ross. leirkton, Mrs.
Toornstra; butter tarts, Mrs. Pep.
per. Mrs. Scha.efer, Mt*, °addict;
man's! breakfast, Mrs. Clarence
Switzer, RR 1 St. Marys, Aire.
Caddick: meat loaf, Mrs, Cad-
dick, Mrs, Ed Montieth, RR 3
Embrey cheese four ways, Mrs.
Clarence Switzer, Mrs. caddick.
Mrs. alontieth; dill pirklere Mrs,
Mont -Nth, Mrs. Caddiele, Mrs, Joe
Clinningbani, St, Marys; Melded
bets. 'Mrs. Baillie, Mrs, Marwood
Kirkton, Mrs. Caddirk:
pickled corn cobs, Mrs. Burns
Wackier, Mrs, Joe Cunningham:
putted onions, Mrs. Cunningham,
Mre, reddiele, Mrs. Ed Montieth:
beet relish, Mrs. 'Willis, Mrs, Mon-
fteth, 'Mrs. ()addicts; chili sauce,
Aim Lorne Ross, eire. Bantle,
Aire. 'Johns.
Salad dressing. :sire. Sehaefer.
Mrs, Rohde, Mrs. Rlackler; rhu-
barb. Mrs. Willis, etre, Montieth,
Mrs. 13aillie: cherries, Airs. Bali -
Ile, Mrs. Carl Mills; strawberries,
Alontlerb, Mrs. (*addict, Mrs.
Rattlers; apples, Mrs. Montieth,
Mrs. Bantle, etre. C a el d 1 e
peaches, Aim 131arkler, Mrs, Bail.
lie, Mrs. Willis; plums, Mrs.
CannItighatn, Mrs. Willis, Mrs.
Carldlc-k; pineapple, Mrs. Cunning -
been, Mee. Baillim Mrs. Caddielc;
pears, :Mrs). Caddiree, Mrs. Men.
'eh. Mrs. :MOM • rota, Mis.
elencieth. Mrs. Caddie*, Mrs,
Harold Bern: pen Mrs Cadillek.
Mrs. eirstitietb. Mre, fletillie: tome -
to. Mrs, Italie. 'Mrs Cunning-
ham, Mrs. Willis; ranned ehtekeri,
Mie. Montleth: rhiekete
etre, eiontleth; nrieple cream, Mre
Horned Vern, etre. learnett, Mrs.
Harry Xlahre: chorolate fudge.
Mese Barnett, Mrs. Caddie*, Mee.
Mane' Klahre; raspberries, :Mrs.
Mentietti, Mrs, Ceddirek, Wm.
Domestic' rake special. Aire,
Willia.nt Rohde. errs. Camel:,
Aim Lorne Ross: lertmeAttc pie
sperial. elarer Charles Reale. Mrs.
john Ilatneit, Mrs. learldielt.
Farmers club wheat, Newton
Clarke, P.R. 1 Woorlistem; Fanners
flub oats, rem! Seuire, RR 1
Manton. Ha reed Cie P, RR 1
Woredham. Kelston clarke, RK 1
Wnndham, Harry Herm RR 1
Geethibri; 'Fel-mere reltib barles.
tlArenee Switzer, 1 St. Marys,
Newton Clerke, Iheroki Clarke.
Mrs. Tom Hern; Field (We Oats.
Neaton Clarke, Tons Hern
Wonethitin. name. Swifter, :ins.
1i Bryan. RR a S. Marys, Rosa
Been, Rose efarsbale Cecil Squire,
Mt 1 ritriet,0), Golden }lodging.
PM 1 (Ramon; Field ()roe barley,
reareee e Switzer, Newtor Clarke,
There'd Clerke, Tom Bern Jr..
(Merlon etreleme. NIM Tron
floes, Bern. 1'Pr 11 Sq ive. Meld
(erne eons, clarenee Switzer,
Ales?! Berry, eirirray Solves, rial.
tete ne. Torn Been Jr.. Wilbert
'thy. Jne. Bryan, Reiss Bern,
Jack Arthur, lin 1 St, MAMA,
attefieial rowerfe Mte.
Sellartier. Boost -son
recent 11 11 1 St. Marys, Airs. Del-
mar Skimaer. 1111 1 Conte/thee
message, Sire. Skit:no r. Mrs.
Sebeefer, erre Iferta, oil pairiling.
'Mee. Robert Ilfettliffe Sr. fie'.0t1(4
:wafer color, Mrs. 1' fillifert,
member Mi-,
tsaddiek, Therndale, Mr'.. Skin-
ner, Alre, Itobert Rateliffe Sr
alurnininn tree. George
Xirleton, Caddlek, Mre. Burr,e
Blereler, RR 1 Si. Niere-A; ripper
Innli/IP, Sire. Ilartiett. Airs f'are
"Irk, :Are. Hetrild tleBrielt:
hendbag, Afrs. Srlattefer: lemp
eharle, Mrs. Skin.ner: stuffed tee,
Mite Srluttefer, Mrs. Skinner, Mra.
Carldiek; brimentrole randle, Mrs,
Robert Rairliffe Sr., Mrs. Behae-
far, Mrs. Marwood 'Kirk.
fon; Chriernute doer, Mrs. Willis,
eire. Skinner, Mre. Sehaefer; eny
• se -s-e• "••••;ete. ;I' : e...ess...eese:
Caddielc :rectisheoli set. .',111:8 (ley.
ton 'Rome Kirectost. Airs. Ceddiele;
tea eluth, Mee. Vaddick: Place
Mats, Airs. 1 'addiek. Mrs. 'Willie"
eer for ehesterfield, Airs. Skin-
ner, Mrs Roy Pepper,: Airs. Cad.
dirk •doiliee, etrs. 'Mr&
Pullen, Mts. Bartlett; centrepiece,
etre. Caddie*, etre. Bartlett, Mrs.
Emerson Paton; new ieeit
Airs. Hens, Mrs, Schaefer, Mrs.
Bartlett: Praetical rushion. Mrs.
Vaddlels, Mrs, Skinner, Mrs. Bern;
tea towels. Airs. Skinner, Mrs.
Kitchen aprolie, Mrse •ClaNton
Roes, leiricton, Mrs. Shiniser, Mrs.
Willis: Io 's Pies- stilt. Mrs. T.
Cenniogivern. Si, elarye, Mrs.
'ersirnsua, etailers.
play stile cal, Airs. Skinner. Mre,
Earl Watson, 1111 1 Sr. Marys;
els) Mrs. Joe Curolinglient. Airs.
Watson, etre. teaddielt: meant
Jacket. eirs. Seabefer. Mrs. read -
dirk: girls'. Jumper. Mrs, Hodgins,
Airs. Watson: Mere Maxim sweat.
or. AIM, ceartaieez ladies' went
skirt, :Ors. Watson, 'Mrs. Sittn-
ner, Mrs. ("addict: ladles' cotton
skirt, ;Mrs. liotigine, Air.e. 'Nelson,
etre, Skinner; ladiee' pyjamas.
Mrs. Skinner. Mrs. Tom :Hern:
t"a amens, Airs, Harvey Hodge:ins,
Mrs. Wat.1011, Mrs. Skinner.
ladies /go use, Al Wittsou,
Mrs. esddiolc, Mt's. Bern, sepelat
event day apron, Mrs. Pepper,
Airs. Skinner, Mrs, Bern: ehild's
Jeans, Mrs. Watson. play dress,
Mrs. ROdgins. Mre. Watson, Mrs,
Caddirk; four quilt bloeise,
Bern; gift arliele, efrs. Skinner,
Airs, Joe ;Cunningham. Mrs. Cad-
e:lick; something useful front some-
thing useless, Mrs. Willis, Mrs.
Skinner: pin ceishiou. Mrs. Toone-
aorne sugar seeks article. Mrs.
1:artleu, Mrs. Watson; cs es vin,
Mrs. Skinner; needeipoint. Airs.
Willis, Airs, Caddie -le, Mrs. Cies,-
1011 Boss: cross-stitch. Airs. TOM
Been, Aire, C'addiek. Mrs, Clayton
Ross; shoppieg bag, eirs. Skin•
nee; purse, Mrs. Seadrift*, Mrs.
Willis, Mrs. :Emerson Paton;
bazaar gift, Mrs. Cad.diee. Mrs.
Willis. ears. Paton,
Bedroom slippers, Mrs. Bodine,
Mrs. Caddiek: best piece by lady
over 11, Airs. Archie Robinson,
Mrs, M. Gallop, Mrs, Robert Bat-
ieiffe Sr.; boys' sweater, el rR•
Hodgins, Airs. Caddie*: boys' PY-
Janate, 'Mrs. Watson, Mrs. Cune
ningharn, Mrs. Willis: men'e
mitts, Mrs. Hodgins. Aire. Cad --
Welt; men's socks, Airs. Caddiek,
Airs. Toornstra: men's sport ehirt,
Mrs. Watson, Mrs. •Caddlek, :Mrs.
Cunningham; men's coarse sate,
Mese C'addlck, Mrs, Toornstra.
Class That Countre special for
ladies` slacks, e'rances Skinner,
Marilyn Arthur; Kirkton 'Women's
I n:stitut e, Mrs, Delmar Skinner,
Airs, :Wesson.
reverie — Ituth Alills ee, De.
Anne Wraith \VD. Margaret Miller
z, Diarce .AllanP.
Grade, — Anal). eimpeent
Barry Thomson Al, WIllernina
der 1'„ Leroy Bern Z.
Grade 8 - Janis Duncen P.
Faye Crawl A. Faye Duncan 11,
Sandra Rickey Z.
Waieri,olot Carol Bibby
Dome .etlen P. Salem School,
Linda Johns X.
crayore Teddy Beal-- CM&
Peton jenet ltenuttington 'WI.
John Reurinie Salem. Sebool.
reeroelane, Crayon -- a in e g
Skinner WI, Salem School, Laurel
Ratcliffe A. Paul Pareluson Al.
Crayon, 'Help Mother and Dad --
Salem Sehool, Shirley Switzer X.
lieurrette Reurink K. Karen eiern
Crayon. My Horne -- Muriel Ab-
bott AVH, NOritta, $Zer K.
Marian Fele Z, (leen Mills X.
Valentine Serviette - • firMiu
Bibby X, Grave Patton K, Terri
Paul K, Betty Jean Miner \VA
St. Patrick's Serviette—Dianne
Smith \\'i), Donna, Dickey Z. Den-
nie Dunean P. Oaths Thaelcer
Christmas border plaee mat --
sawn% sehool, Cathy Amos le,
Linda Bibby K, Ellen Simpeon P
Autumn border place mat—Barb
Switzer K, Linda Solute K, Salem
School, third and fourth,
ByJalies bag ,--- ("wise' AmOs 1.
Neeklaee carol Bibby K,
Brenda Parkinson B, Edith For-
rest P, Marete lean muyeu X.
Braided mat Faye Duncan P.
Decorated vase -- Linda BILMY
1e, Bobby Marehell le, Lynda
Switzer A, Salem School.
svindow props -- clare BirIsell
A, Sue Beckett A, Dale Ratcliffe
.A, Donald Switzer A.
Waste basket — Salem School,
Ellen Simpson P, Cathy Amos X,
Bobby Marshall K.
Christmas decoration — teethv
Amos Linda. Johns X, Sheila
Bern Z, ;Janice Morley WH,
Sellout hunch — Barbara Swit-
zer ie, Cechy Amos X, Bryan
Amos le", Linda Johns X,
Date squares — Cathy Amos X,
Ruth Baillie 1, Faye Dunran P,
Sheila: Rens Z.
Brown sande — Min eicitoberr
eVH, :Muriel Abbott Wile :Lynda
Switzer A, Karen 'Donnell M.
Cup cakes -- Elsie Tonrnstra
Salem School, second and
third, Selearlet Abbott WH,
Cookies Ruth Baillie X,
Salem School„lanice Duncan.
Donald Switzer.
Angel food — Salem
Siraight aeters, Airs. M. (Whip, Tsa,ye Crap,o A, Barbara.
Ielrkton, Mrs. Tom Bern; curved K, Joan Batten A.
asters, Airs. Gallop; cosmos, Mrs,
Harvey Hodgins, RR Ailsa MISCELLANEOUS
Craig, Mee, Gallop; dahlia, T. A. Oil painting — Robson
Crago, ,FIR 1 Si. Marys, Mrs. A, Diane Allen 1', Faye Puneati
Harold Bern, RR 1 Granton; P, Nellie Bilstra X.
miniature dahlia. Mts. Baillie, Hobby. collection—Sal PM School,
Kirkton, Mrs. Gallop; show dah- first, second and fourth, Marvin
Ha. 1'. A. Crago, eirs. Bern; Arthur A, third.
glads, Airs. Tom 'Herz), 2 firsts, Animals — Cathy Amos X.
Mrs, Reg Paul, earkton, 1 first,
T. A. Crago, 1 second, Mrs. Milne FLOWERS
Platten, 1 second; Afriean marl- House plant — Barbara Mull -
golds, Mrs. Barnett. RR 1 Si. Ivy* K, Janice :Duncan P. Ruth
Marys, Mrs. William Spence: Delete K, Donald Neil Wit,
French marigolds, Mrs. Hat'old Dining table bouquet .Davld
Bern, RR 1 (Trenton, Mee. Gal- PaUl Ti, Donna Jones M, Cathy
lop. Amos K, .Donald Switzer A.
Nast tar t ium 5, elre. Harry Floral corsage — Janice Morley
Xialeree RE- 1 Granton, Mrg, Bern; 'WE, Muriel Abbott Cathy
Petunia. Mrs. Fred Roger, Kirk. • Arno, K, Faye Duncan P.
ton, Mrs. Cliff Scott; pansies,
Mrs, Robert Ratcliffe Sr., Science FRUITS & VEGETABLES
NUR roses. Mi.s. Bodgins; enap- Bari potatoes Salem School,
dragon. WS. Rern;'salvia, 'Mrs. man Bern Ruth ;Ramie It',
Cliff Scott, Berkton; scabiosis,
Mrs. Bern; verbenas, Mrs, Bern, I,ate potatoes — Alan Hern Z,
Mrs. Gallop: zinnia, Mrs, Hodgens RopbeeLtisapeNeLl Ricky lory Kl ee,
(21. Aere. Harry Xlahre.
Annuals, elm Harold Bern, 76,s.Cirturrie,oter,i-m-kDasitildm\s)lakrsIli,:a..11, Ruth
Mrs, Gallo)); Perennials, AIM Har- ciableege - salem School. Ruth
old Bern; basket of ent flowere, Haim, David esarsean K.
eirs. Harold. Bern; ehrysanthe-
mums, Airs. Harold Bern, Mrs. Cucumber — Bobby Marshall X,
Ratcliffe; corsage, Mrs. Tom 23,1:ork .7. Salem School.
lien, Airs. Xlahre: dining table, 7!esee,'z, .\/felenlef'nlln".fliiPK." Ed'
Mrs, :Mills. Wilbert Kirkby; Roberta K.
Christmas rentre, etre, mine, NvC“orl--.—Ps 'Ro'berts Neil :K, Ake
elre. Schaefer; floral design. Airs. Minn Xi Lynda Johns N.
Willis, efrei. Barnett: Chinese Pop rorn -- Grape Paton, W.
garden, Mrs. Willis; cut geran- Pumpkin -- Ricky jory K, Ruth
iums, Mrs. Willis, Mrs, Barnett; mill's', Salem School,
one bloom east rose, Airs. Tom Watermelon — Sheila Bern 7"
Bern, Mrs, Barnett; dining' table David Marshall X. Bill Brock Z.
arrangement, Mre. lies. Citron Roberta Neil, Jim AR --
Harold Herm Robert ",VH, 13ob Mertobert WIT.
House, plants .— Pink Airier:sec Onions -- Ruth Ballite K, Bobby
violets, Airs. Bantle; blue African Marshall X, Wayne ?ileT.aehlen
slolets. Sirs. Toornstra; begonia, WR,
eIrss Dais SaVeyer, Mrs, Harvey Tontamee • -- De vid Paul 21.
fuheroue begonia, Mrs. Gayle Stephen A, Floyd Dorman
Bd etta n t le th ; geranium, :Mrs. P.
Bernie: house plants in bloom, Apples — Limit Mull:welt X.
Aire, Bailee,
voltage house plants Aspar. :Morley WH, Carol Blithe-
glis (Plum!. Aire. Eric BUraPhreY. Vegetable areangement David
le,rklett. •treoringe, Mrs, Hum- marshal' X.
tee rex begonia, Airs. Mon- Frtait table maitre Luuk Sethi!
Mrs, Barnett; afloat variety sete, David eterelaall, David Stilt
l'e4001115 Mrs. Alentierh, Mrs. lean B.
larence Swit zer mime, Mrs,
lecentieth, Mrs. Baillits; cactus. Da33veldt P4a1t111111Kial, effiltrefeNRogbeetX1tbINN.P14-.
Mee. Zernereon Paton, Mrs. Junior even SIMpsdn V.
Miniature boucntet le 1 e 11
KIRKTON 4.H BE CALF Sehool, Waren Rodd 7,, rap.
fa ago . . -
Atter -- %IR Umbrae*. RR 1 e(>7.nthe°4:4 sPetheelbesftn s8c8e0Nea7l 1S2allev.
Granter', Michael O'Shea, BR a milgtown.
Granton. Grant Horigins, RR. 1 • '
Granton, 14111 Arthur, Bit 1 St.
Grentran. Alian lioderios. RR 1
'Mar"' Ilat Lacombo sow,f4G Siena ereOrt re,
oranton, ttonaid Sauer, RR. 6 st. hale, Wondhaen: BIrkshlres, Ro
Marys, Barred Switzer, RR 1 St. Cottlee. :RR 1 Xirklon, 3 firets,
Marys, Jim Rundle, Woodham. sewed, also first for grade so'
ijc)atiegnilre ilegltirieIrT'eenn3aolleGa ridttioltd7inv. C• IE=risYon PIrtflue 1035, erg;
etpe Grantors. Marilyn Arthur. PETS
Bit 1 Si. Marys. Anne fi'Sheel. Randy Brown P. P
RR 3 Galante -in, Wayne Sauer, RR A. Gardiner P: pigeons, Bat
St. Mary!: Docker D. Leroy Herta 5, J111
Junior heifer --- Tiondle, Watteen ICGordonM- Dykstra X:
t.voodhaln, Marvin Arthur, RP. 1 liabblte, on nobinsdra, GsVert
St. Marys. Mills 3.1, Rieke' Scott X; dogs,
letuk Muilwyk, Kirkton, wore Bryan AMM IC, Judy leloemnarteet,
purebred HOlatein cal from the John 11A 2 Grahton.
iletel noss elerehall. Ricky Scott X: retie TOIn Bennett
le, Nottea Switzer Rick Seeds
KIRKTON 4-5 DAIRY CALF' se% Gems nee Ti; Debits. Bob
Senior greed. - Linde Thacker, e'vtl'a.rDkt.''S.NelPartiMseftter.3314W. nt.
RR St. Mares, ()rile Thkeker,
12.11 6 Bt. Marys, Riehard Heard,
Bit 1 let. Marys, Nelson 1311yea.
et/e 2 GrAtiton, Jim Rose, RR 1
Seience Lalte RUstert. R11
1 Miteheeti. Dorte Crag°, RR 1 St.
Maree, Thacker, 1
'St. SiftrYfi, Frank Xirkby, 11.11 1
Se. Marys, Wort Robson, RR 1
ST. Moyle Echelltel Holland, felt
II St. May, Dan Matthews, 1111
2 oraiiiiin.
Junior group — leranels Afider- Well known for quality" Weiteh,
eon, RP. I Sr:lents 14111, Xelth
Seleee, Selence Hill,. Bob florae,
eleienee Hee Beth Crago, RR I
Sr. Mame, Graham Burrill, Selene()
effle ssene Spettere St. Marys,
Tont Harltor, Rle Geanton, John
Thalami, 1 Sr. Merle, Teddy
Arthur, BIZ 1 SI. Maria, Bryan
Berteend, RR 1 St, Alarees, John
Itarlton. RR 2 Cstanton, , n111
Hattie*, '1111 1 lelleirton, JerrY
Haines, RR 1 Pnlierton, Waver!
Birkby, RR 1 St. Alarytt, Flood
Seives, RR 1 Selene% Hill,
setiettnplon slaresemarisedo Brant
r4r.SPt01i:. retetee ehrent-
ether craft, eirs. Wilils, elre. pioti, MiChael O'Shee.
Clayton Ross, KirIctene. Mes. Jon -
10t Doupe, 1 St. aferys.
-„-fit)OL FAIR
Nursery truPt, Aire. Caddiek, SC
Thernditlee; feney emitting', Mts.
Caetalek, Mrs. William Ienhcle,
onahmin: ineooa ornion togend' MIStlirle.n. X. Willer'
wire, re/Mirk, Mee, Delmar ;elan. ion, W14, WhAlen:
rosr, rut ronirium, Mrs, Hervey :tea: WD, Woodhatry je, Mtge
Imaging, r.tt 2 Allsa Crelgs tei- town: A, Atelererse; Z. "Siert: Al,
?moue quilt, 'Mrs, Siehmer, Mr. Metropolitan.
Cadcllek, AIts eindearie, braided
-58,ktrion.Pr:iyvarrenneenr.i.6t.Ex:ieiter4r, elfaxio :Ntate joierelon wet
vaddRek, -s.rrt„ Hobert Hauslifto Jebel Tleurink W. Mattis*. Maitre
Vr,. wieners Thu, 'mute WM Jae' Webb
Xiticlort; pillow ornbrolitor- rtrado — NioCare
4, Mtg. $11tirhOrr Mre Retidee mirk 'etri, jattneS ;Skinner Ntele
5trs Caddick: orhet trim pineto Zeta DykAtra X, feethY ,Dykst
'Met% Mr. Belesner, Mt& fteasto, Great. 3 - Shirley Switzer T.
Airs. Pribite: idlion, rasps And niek'Y Soott Peter DYketra X,
ebeef, Aire. TOM Ilett, ee'rarelhaTil. Rentletia lieurink 21.
Pillow :Mete etitwork. Mrs. Morn, Grade 4 gariel Abbot INft.
Mrs. skinner; aressor :virs. Norma 9e'lizar xi pence me•x4Y
raaillok, Mrs. Skirintr: t ot Owtst Mies W.
orothrt„ Mrs. Milne Pullen, Oran- rireAle $ — Itoberr Rflerliffe
ton. Mrs. tleardiek; buffo! tot, A'un Nei -amen 24 Sue Bickell
embroulerea, ItIrs. Skinner, Arts, Ruth Peelle X,
Clock, Jewellery, Electric
Shaver & Spectacle Repairing
Established 1918
Albert Hess
JtwEi-LtO & orriCiAi4
Oats SERVICE it4STAliAtidN'
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minute. The system can do
193,000 additions per minute,
which is calculating at the
speed of light.
The installation of the 1401
computer is an indication of
how this member -controlled or-
ganization has progressed ia
recent years. Expansion and
improvements in services to
members during the last 10
years has required the develop-
ment of improved business
techniques at U.C.O.
The USC of data processing
equipment, including the intro-
duction of the computer sys-
tem, is a mark of that pro-
In the near future the 1401
computer will be used for
analysing market research re.
ports, budgets, keeping deben-
ture records and other similar
"It would be as impractical
to do all this office work with
pencils today," says UCO fin-
ance manager E. E. Chorney,
"as it would he to have our
150 tons of feed and fertilizer
mixed, with shovels."
And just in vase YOU are not
able to sleep, until you have
the answer to the problem, it
IS: 167,444,457,849,761.30.
Ask controls
for .chotera
Members of the Ontario FU -
oration of Agriculture have
taken a firm stand of ways
and means of controlling hog
cholera in Ontario.
On the heels of a costly pro-
gram of hog slaughter in
Canada resulting from the
second cholera outhreak in re-
cent years, OFA members
passed a resolution calling for
three decisive moves:
(1) That the Canada Depart-
ment or Agriculture he request-
ed to work closely with tile
U.S. Department of Agrcul-
ture i n devising methods of
controlling and eventually elim-
inating hog cholera,
(2) That the penalties for
feeding uncooked garbage to
hogs in Canada he made more
severe than is now the case
and that they be more rigidly
(3) That steps be. taken that
will insure that the feeding of
garbage to hogs be discourag-
ed and over a long term be
eliminated. altogether.
This resolution resulted large-
ly from the recent outbreak of
hog cholera in Ontario and
Quebec which has seen several
thousand hogs slaughtered and
some $400,000 in compensation
8,4640 Paid to the owners by
the federal government. The
outbreak has been traced to
feeding uncooked garbage con-
taining scraps of raw U.S.
pork to Canadian hogs.
Swine "hogged" the bead -
Hues of the seeond leading
resolution. at the :meeting when
the 0.FA members 0alled for
the early restoration of the
,$3,00 federal p r 0 122 1 1,1 RI on
Grade A hogs.
This premium was recently
reduced to $2,00 as the result
of the federal government's
austerity program. Ben Steers,
Bradford, (president of the On-
tario ling Producers' Associa-
tion) staled that this move
comes at a time wimp we
peed to take every possible
step to improve refality. Dur-
ing the year that the $3.00
premium has been paid, the
number of Grade A hogs has
increased by VI,
The OFA members also ap-
proved A resolution asking
thatthe name of either the
producer or the consignee of
livestock of f e r e d be made
known to community auction
sales Or perspective buyers.
The meeting, presided over by
OFA 'President William
HarristOn, considered plans and
appointed a committee for the
federation's 26th annual meet-
ing scheduled for Toronto's
Royal York Hotel, November
12, 13 and 14.
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For the Winter Season
At this time we would like to say a sincere "thank you"
to all our friends for their patronage.
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with all these value features
eeeeetesseeeeseeeeeskeeee„,e,exeg Tile new Delcotron gen-
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Beaumont Convertible- your battery even when
'•• the engine is idling, en.
sures quicker starts.
Leery Acadian features
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Acadian's modern unit
*ted body coosteuettele
is designed for freedom
110,11 fatties and squeaks
It's safer and adds extra
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High mounted front toil
eprings give greatercdm•
loft, better handling, re.
time driver -fatigue on
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New! Water and air from
the cowl vbritileting Sys.
tem flush and esedry the
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h els, reducing
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Atadieree unique Mono.
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Here's the :I -door Canso (it -also comes iii 4 -door sedan).
It's the rteest addition to Acadian's success story. And it's where thrift and
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Sport Deluxe models, a more elegantly appointed Beaumont series,
and art economy -minded, family -size invader Series hi the line up.
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