HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-10-04, Page 18reeve-a •ehegoreeeseeeseeeesseeeeepereseestes letreenseeinee :reenter .. Page 16 October 4, 1962 Lucan and district news -patEia anada Savings Bonds easy to buy simple to cash good to keep The neW Canada Savings Bonds Estates, too, may buy. Interest pay04% interest tor each of the is payable annually by coupon, first'three years; 5% for each of or on the higher denominations the next three years and 5.1, g; by cheque, if desired. for each of the final eight years You can cash your Canada an average interest to matte. Savings Bonds at any time, at rity in 14, years of 5.11% per any bank, at lull face value plus year. In dollars and cents every earned interest, $100.00 you invest will grow with Bify new Canada Savings accumulated interest to $172,50 Bonds today—best ever I at maturity. You can buy a $100.00 bond for as little as 201 a day, through the convenient Payroll savings Plan where you work, Canada Savings BO A& can also be bought for task, or on Imo/merits at any bank, investment dealer, stock broker, trust or loan tom pa ny. They are available'in amotin is as low as $50,00 to any Canadian resident—adult or child—up to a limit or $10,000,00 per person, CANADA SAVINGS BONDS .• • its Mrs C, Carter Cboye woman .- ' _trance , ,, active in church iniured in crash Funeret SerVieeS Wered to 0 C194,,UEV het fay Mae, J, et, PATON for Ms. Charles etter, ate, driving north, about a and Mrs-. Mervin Carter, were On Saturday afternoon Mr. Geo:ode" for the scripture cal. 'fife horn't in lebbuical:i:k Ton le mile presided CLA.NDEBWelil enders were taken. le mines oi e et es lt , 01 . TiteStlar, Oct, 2 at the elerdY Presideelo; e isle's, Guild drt m tleilL! -intle:AevIrl..so:011111.4sileerCite°‘oviclisolelil)itiotecia,a1111,:o ilal :: north of elendeboye, making e ing During th e b usi ness ses„, right hand turn into a lanewey sion plans were l a id f or th e Gillivren township, daughter of Phone 227.4255 Wit h signal lights 'bl in k ing 'bazaar to be held on Saturday, the lat e 1•1" when struck from behold by a - Nov. 3 with homebahinge aps ilitnilall Kedely Cobbledick' on id Cobbledick and car, whieh in turn was etruele .tons, fil m worn e nd e t ea to. April 17, 1874 of a family of /V "nth" "I' following' Mrs, be served in the SS rooms. The -four girls. •Carter received several free.' hostess w a s assisted hy Mrs She inerried Cliarles Carter in 1897i et the home where she Recreation Lured ribs and a sh aking 1-1.P . Arthur Cunningham and 'Mrs. Mr. •Carter also received a oi . social hour. the wee born, wine the Rev, Ford officiating, They Jived in Mr- shaking up. WV Cunningham during p .octivities- ,. ppoonoi.itenn ...sclouliliv4rItYandto‘troshiop,"7iinr neat' Then, new ear was consider. Coc dtrector NEW POST OFFICE IS LL/CAN'S FIFTH ably damaged. The T o w la. a d Construction Crediton later moving to Clan St, 4 01.1cet:URCH NEWS Co. have finished the under- deboye where they started the At the opening meeting for'say NORM CARTER pass near the village. it was Supertest service station and :With Harvest Home services During the past week' meet- 141.. St. James Church, Claude- the fall season of the Lucan rugs of ',gimes groups have . Harvest Thanksgiving seie. open for traffic tale on Monday booth, on Sunday there was only the Tuesday evening the guest was Norman Carter, ly Shamrock Hockey, Lucan :New .post of ice -here Sept,' boye, at ei. a.m. and 7.30 p an „ Home (n. School association last were •ate willti6114 the taken place at the arena, name-Diocesan Sullci; afternoon. The tihrrev18 curve lets. C(11;1 .7ircieZe a tfililien be71 S a.m. family communion al speaker a - : ' - • • " — • ' : • • ha - ' - ' : ' Commiseioner of the Diocese of to the south of the old road, in Church, a life member of Ilse Holy Trinity with Archdeacon Lucan "s new recreational direr- liderton House League Hockey a . • heron, Archdeacon C, J. teem, the diversion, \VMS and a member of the the rector, the Rev. E. 0. Lan- winter activities he was plan- is. i -t or communit ... .... . . . , . .. y BmAo,rn.reg, gainiedet eevpeenailsnegr fsoL vtilciee sonR Rey, London .i1 , ('. anti visited r,;11ii;i1.- fe6traiotsvicebros ,r; years, le \aernsn ens Institute C. if. Queen in charge. Though tor, who outlined many of the and Teen Town, 'mtg. In the case of the hockey nester was unable to be present due to the:Mum of the rector day with Mr. and Mrs. Meier to the Thanksgiving serv i ces of the School Board reported on way for the start of their re- the size of Wean can boast of Stanley, William Walker and Th i i c (impel was suitably dee- Hendrie, Their daughter Mrs. seAeirhsaCdaerleble'rdiriodmien: sltv0i 4tft ahne(rt be is b uildi ng on be i ng a bl e to Mr, Clare Stanley, chairman meetings plans are well wider Probably few communities William on the street, (William the Rev, E. A. Lancaster, in Holy Trinity next Sunday., the cost per pupil to run the speesive leagues. glare will be havine five post offices but Le- William Portee the side street ()rated with flowers,. fruits and the weekend with her Bill Downing of Chatham spent d aughter and fam i ly in .cianthe boye but has been in ill health The father of the organist, the Rev. Leonard Jaeklin of Hyde Park will be the guest speaker money came. He told of bow the board was assisting the new date. public library, by appointing to At the Teen Town meeting school and from whence the pultliehed about this at a later opened Monday, Sept, 24, Airs, Ralph Rummell, Mrs, was replaced he Lucan's third wheat, In 1909 the old frame building traditional small sheaf of .,en a loaf of bread and '''''" parents. ...' Sunday, Sept, 30 in a London . home and hospital. She died on since 1.960 and in a nursing ca'n's fifth building was quietly was named William St. vegetables,On the altar the George Hodgins and Mrs. Don PO, ae imposing red brick grapes were displayed,White T • p i esfrom al the evening service, the committee, three members. it was decided to hold another glads were used on the re- She is survived by one son Guild meeting Airs. aeries Corbett, eir. El- dance this Friday night, Oc- Ankers (who have been carry- structure whscn now houses the ing on alone since the death of village council, chambers, the table, N Allan Carter of Lansing, Mich., Postmaster Charles Beggar) hydro office, the village police Special music was provided t. Carmel. one daughter, Mrs, Gladys Hall, 'Most of the meeting of the mer Mosurinjohn and the Rev. tober 5 at 8:00 pen, Let us hope Ladies' Guild held in the pariah E. () Lancaster. that the attendance will be more are in charge, and Edward Unger's law ,a` with Mr. William Lamboure of ' - - - London, Another daeghter„ airs. hall last Monday evening was He added, the library was now encouraging this week. A draw In jsee, over a c e n t ury a go, Lice, with the epstairs being Ilderton, as guest s oloist in seeeenestannesse ass„;i: . „ .................................... Helen Gill:owl., died in 1933, Also given over to making plans for receiving 400 books front the will be held in the near future converted into living quarters the evening with the junior surviving are two sisters, airs. the turkey supper. Owing to the County Library quarterly. In and the eroup is looking for litecan's first post office was Many from this community Allan (Essie) Oehm Sheke- l:or Constable A. E. Cowan and chair singing a Thanks last Wednesday in October be- closing,. Mr. Stanley enroduced good support in the sale of the Aece opened in a log butheing o.n enjoyed the turkey supper speare and Mrs. Al b e r t ing Hallowe'en it nos decided the new teacher', Mr. Keith tickets to help their financial eeei St., where Calvin Has- 'amity, held in Strathroy Arena last (Bertha) Etherineton Hensel], hymn at the morning service. tie hold the supper on October O'Neil, a local young man who status, kett's house now stande, by On the death of Ms, Porte in Due to the Harvest Thanks- Sunday evening sponsored he 13 grandchildren 41 grean e„, , 24. spoke briefly. Ladies, don't forget the min William Porte who, with his 1899, his son Fred took over gi vi ng wife and small son George, the PO and carried on until he ladies of the All. Saints grandchildren and three great- Plans atHoly Trinity Church, Lucan, Oct.t7 there will he no were also discussed for On behalf of the staff Prin• Jittery class next Tuesday- and had moved to Lucan front his death in 1943, For the next Church there. great grandchildren. service at St. ;James Church, the catering for the Hodgine. sepal Robert Jenkins reported Wednesday, Oct. 9 and 10 and Belleville. In that log house three years, his sister Miss Ida Intermeet was in. St, 'Tames Ryan wedding and the decora- on the September classification, bring a lunch box, Remember, their daughter Alice (Mrs. Wind- Porte, was in charge, Owing to ter schedule will start and an Oct, 14 the win ' Wiz and family of Exeter via. Mr, anti Mrs. Eddie Mink cemetery. Pa Ithearers w e r e On Sunday, bon of the church for the Thanks- lie made two requests of the . the social and. creative sails. sod was born and Alice St, was increased duties and responsi- ternoon service will be at 2'30 ited the latter's parents, Mr, • • • and Mrs Wilfred Hogan on Sun- Robert Hall, joseph Hain Har- gtving service, October e. parents, first that children be factions derived from this type named after her, -bileies she resigned in 1946 and with Holy Communion. vey Gilbert, Londoti, Clarence President Mrs. Joe O'Neil not sent to school more than of activity are very rewarding, move d the new. postmaster, Charles a , „ Soon after the family United Church day. . Carter, Lansing, Mich., Arnold was in the chair. 15 minutes before opening and • - ,Pith reference to the dances to Main. St. and built Lucan's Beggar, a war one veteran, LI Rev, Father Hugh 'Fleming, Blake, Clandeboye, and Arnold second that children wear rub- The Rev, J. W. Sach will cow PP, of Aylmer called on his Cunningham, Lucan. nephews. Little Helpers` party been, held at the arena, the e mother Mrs. Pat Fleming and er. He was loud in his praise Lions Club dance on the last •tees at the rear. Here seven With the growth of the vil- second PO, with dwelling guar. took over. The world -wide communion The weatherman, at the last hers or goloshes in bad weath- • ' duct the service at 9;45, Oct, I, Personal items fine afternoon for the Little the H S.. S. regular Saturday night dances and Mrs. Porte. Owing to the of mail it was decided to look On Sunday, Oct, 14 the Rev, Tom, Cann and Mrs. Laura McCann worth family on Sunday were minute, decided to provide a of the splendid work done by Friday of each month and the more children were born to Mr. rage and the increased amount service will be observed. Mr, - and Mrs. Joseph Mc- Friends who visited 'the Sip- day afternoon. Helpers' annual party. Thugs The Freeman was in the The new president, with the Canadian Playboys, the airs' attendance for the first of these fact Mr. Porte made the third for larger quarters for Lucan's fourth P0, It was finally de- Edgar Roulston of Exeter will Sunday, relatives in Detroit on Mrs. Melville Kirby, Murray functions was very encourag- tided to move across the street be guest speaker at 11 a.m. Some of the CWL ladies mot- and '1\Marlse.rieKeonf '"govnePdrlie, 'Aanird. :The parish hall was artistica)... chair and announced an im• i „ into the Stanley Block, for Harvest Thanksgiving serv• ly arranged by the "Little Help- munization clinic against small- ''''''' err" convener, Mrs. J a c k pox to be held at the school As far as Senior Citizens are Picnic, fishing After extensive alterations ice ' morning and attended the Mr, and Airs, Cooper Merlin- ored to 'lesson. on Wednesday Chriss of West McGillivray and Murdy, who was in charge of October 4 with Mrs. Robert concerned, just a few more and renovations the new build- Theme is thanksgiving Stratford deanery meeting held dy, Centralia, Ott S aturday the worship service, games and Jenkins and Mrs. Calvin Has. names, especially front the mark reunion ing opened for business June 4, Mrs, Almer Hendrie, enter- there, evening Mr, Cliff Cobleigh and -collecting the penny boxes. kett volunteering, to assist.ladies, we will be able to call 1951. Although the new building tattled the ladies of St. fames The' High School pupils of Miss Muriel Whitworth were A lace-covered table held one After some discussion it was a get-to.gether and try to form After a full and memorable was much larger, more stream- Church on Thursday afternoon. Our Lady of Ali. C a r in el visitors also Airs, Earl Dixon large candle and six smaller decided to change the day of a club for weekly activity, two-week vacation, Mr. and lined, modernistic, and acces- President. Airs, Andy Carter School joined Dublin High on Monday, candles. As the one-year-olds meeting from the f ourth T ues. It has b een brought to my ae. M rs, Bo b Watson of Winnipeg sible, it lacked the imposing ap- presided and gave a paper on School pupils and enjoyed a Mr. Klemens Mitoray of Isle presented their pennies the first day to the foutrh Wednesday of tention that some people would flew home last Sunday with the pearance and situation of the Harvest Thanksgiving, field day of sports on Wednes- 1 Clandeboye has the forms small candle was lit from the each month, like to see the formation of a former's parents, Dr. and Mrs. previous building, Devotions were taken by day. laid for the basement of his new large candle. This continued un- The meeting was held in the skating (figure) club. if suf.- T. A. Watson driving them to Another decade passed, bring- Mrs. Karl O'Neil assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Dignan house. Their former house was tit the six-year-olds had their kindergarten room. Mrs. Ross ficient numbers would like to the Mallon airport. ing more mail to, the village. Mrs, Ed Flynn and Mrs. Em- of London spent the weekend destroyed by fire in May of candle lit. McRobert's room, Mrs. Cor- become members then maybe Three outstanding highlights with Miss Bernie Madden, this year, Owing to the lack of space at fly Tomes, The members of the Woman's bett's kindergarten and Mr. something could be arranged of, the busy fortnight were, the the rear for mail carriers it Auxiliary provided the refresh• Keith O'Neil's room tied for the along thes lines. family picnic of over 60 mem- was f ound necessary to erect silents, The president, Mrs, attendance cup, which will be Till next week may all your!' bers, which owing to a wet day. Lucan's fifth P0, on the op- Erwin Scott spoke briefly ex• shared for the month. recreations be satisfying, turned out to be an in-door posite side of Main St., with a tending a welcome to the 25 smorgasbord at the Watson large drive-way entrance, off little people and their mothers. home, the attendance at the Frank St. just as the ranch- Each child was presented with 25th wedding anniversary of type home of today replaces the ainounted to ULU. ucan personal items son of Clandeboye and. the fish- Mr, and Mrs. Murray Thome- imposing grandeur of the two- as small gift. The collection ' ing trip to the family cottage storey residence of the last cen- tury so Lucan's , one-storey, UNITED CHURCH After a week in St Joseph's Mr. and airs. Tom Coursey at Kee Harbour, which Bob, 38'x38' fifth PO will present a Hospital Mr. Edgar McFalls is and family and Airs. George his father Taking as his theme, "Goin and a number of different appearance to the forward or turning backward'' Bob's friends enjoyed to the former building on the corner home and able to go back on Coursey attended the Perkin re- with of Main and William Sts, the pastor the Rev. G. W. Sad the mail route. union at Moorefield., Sept, 22, fullest, bringing home was in charge of the 11 o'clock them a good catch of fish. Mrs. Roy Hamilton Saturday the latter returning to Camp Lucanites attend convention service ,Borden with Fit, Sgt. C. V. Celebrates'80th birthday Next Sunday, Oct. 7 will be attended. the Hood•Hodeins wed- Mrs. Russell Goddard, Mrs, world wide communion ding in St, John's-hyb•the-Lake Coursey for a two weeks' vaca. On Sunday, Sept, 23, a turkey Pat Grudge, Mrs. Harold But- church, Grand Bend and had non, dinner was held at the home of ter J r , M rs. A. .E. Reilly and Explorer news as a Sunday burst the Rev, E. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Morris, of Roy Stone, celebrating his 80th 111.rs. R. K. Montgomery attend- Counsellor Margaret S a e h Al. Cook of Tenets, Chatham,. who are on vacation, year, ed the 30th convention of the was in charge of the election Those attending the n om • are spending a week with the Family attending included Canadian Legion Ladies' Maxi', end installation of Lucan.Clan• mutate Centres' night school latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Don George, wife and family i are, e Ontario Provincial Com• deboye Explorer officers at a riasses in Empress school,. non, Jack Murdy, of Seaforth, daughter, Mrs. mated, held at Niagara Falls Meeting in the church school don include airs, G. Fl, Nichol- airs, C',A. Appleton. who has Murray Thornton, husband and Sept, 24-27. Over 1,000 women last Monday evening: Chief Ex• son and Mrs. C S. Miller, been visiting at the parsonage son of Dorchester: grandclaugh- registered at the Sheridan Brock plorer Carol Heseett, Keeper of leather carving, airs. Murray for the past three mouths sailed ter, Mrs, Ray Scoine and hes- Hetel for the three-day session, the Log, Marie Cochrane and Hodgson. millinery, Mrs. Ron for England on the lyernia band of Brantford; grandson, . One hundred and sixty Kee mem. per of the Treasure, Betty Squire, art and Mrs. Murray Thursday. Rev, and Mrs, G. Reg, wife and great-grand- en bers, from 80 auxiliaries, car. Scott, She else. led in the nor- Hodgins, sewing. \V, Sach took her as far as daughter of London: nie-- ried, the Queen's Colors and ship service and began the Mr. and Mrs. Allan Carter of Montreal, While here Mrs, Ap- Mrs. Cecil Ayer, husband. of their auxiliary standards in the seven-week story "The Christ- Lanstng, Mich. attended the fin *ton assisted many of the or- Hamilton. parade. , . mae Tree Forest". nerai of the former's m other at ganizations of ills U n i i e d Car hits school bus • The mei period was given the alertly funeral home and Church. OPP Constable Donald Cox of over to the making of articles spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hodgins was a Mentioned in the store. Hon- Mrs. Gordon Ranting, weekend guest of her sister,Lucan investigated a car and Friends honor school bus, collision at 3.30 p.m. orary Counsellor Iva Horne-rite ei r: and ai rs: Torn W eil er miss merle Law', of London. last Tuesday near Elginfield began a course "What at means 1. ,e returned fr to he an Explorer." weer s lit, andgigs. Ernest'et g , when the bus carrying six pu. Saturday, bride motor trip to northern Ontario. son and grandson Lorne have pits stopped to drop off passen- Couples Club They had one big disappoint. !nosed into the home of Mr, gets at a lanensfay, Prior to her marriage on Sat- At the meeting of the Couples . men. They planned a surprise Ralph Smith, The car driven by William urdag, Oct, 6, Miss Alice Ryan. Club held in the church school. ‘isll on their cousins, fir, and Last Monday Mr. and Mrs. Gibson, 38, of Crediton re. Was honored at two prenuptial room last Wednesdae evm eng airs. Arthur. Covert of Deep Ron Crozier wore host and host- airs. Dave Park introduced the River. only to find : n 31111 al, ess for a meeting of 16 mem- ceiyed extensive damage hut showers, the bits driven by Reynold Kes- The first, sponsored by the now study book, "The Word and that they had left for London bers of the London Hoesernan• set, 51, of RR 4 Denfield. re- Thompson family', was held at the Way". 10 minutes earlier, ship club, -ceived little damage. NO chil- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andy A * masquerade 'talkie e en Archdeacon and Mrs. C. .i, Mrs. Florence Cunningham dren were hurt. The bus was Thompson, Septembers 21. Fa- party was planned for October Queen, of London. were Sunday was a. Wednesday visitor with taking home children from the lowing the opening of gifts a 26, to be held at the home of ;liven; of Mr.. and Mrs. ‘Wham her sister, Airs. W. .1. AleFalls ox b ow school, Slumber of. amusing games and Mr. and Mrs. Date Park. Brownlee. Of Alice St, WI entertains grandmothers contests were held, Mr, and Mrs, Murree' Neil, PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS of Exeter, were Sunday hu ne te Mr. and tits. Fred Gibson, vise. Al.the grandmothers' meet- The second shower, for neigh- Last Friday e e of Thedfoed, mere Sunday 1)0e8 and friends, was sponsored.night was the of Mr. and Mien W. R. Mc- tors with the latter's brother ing of Granton WI held at. the by Mrs. Toni Courteer, Airs, YP's missionary meeting. Mrs. rens. .1 A. Graham was the speaker. and sister-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, home of Mrs, Chester Corvett roll call was ta iled by answer- jeck Mutely, Mrs, Ed Morris, Missionary poems and stories Mr. and Mrs, 11. A, Fleury of Chas Windsor on Sunday, Sept,ales. Martin • Van Atentitalsi Aurora. Mrs. Joece Todd and 23. Oh Moedey while making ing by netting "Advantages of airs. limey Hodgins and Mrs. were also read by Airs, HOW. son Jo h n of Lon don, Dr. C. a left turn th e i r e a t, was tom- living in Grandmother's Day". he O'Neil atut: held itl. the come and Currie, Miss Lorraine Gra- ham and Paul. Graham. Bruce Cant-don of West Lorne plelely wrecked when hit by ant- Grandmothcre receiving- 'Pe* sey school Friday night, TWO A and sons David and John were other car. Mrs. Gibson is slowly eial prizeS . were Mrs, James games were played, the- first The pastor, the Rev. E. — Sunday guests of Mr. and Mee. recovering f r o m cuts and Forrester, airs. Elmer., Melton, woa ley Mrs, Norman Hardy Gagnon, was in charge of the he }I. ca ntei on. bruises in Sarnia Hospital and airs. Al, Wells and. Mrs, Fred and Mrs. Joe O'Neil and the •Sereday service with the eunior Lunn Mr. Gibson is completely .para• Crouch, second by Mts. LAWeeried Mid- choir singing at the 11 o clotk . Mrs. Rose Atkinson, service. librarian. has received word the lyzed in Victoria Hospital, Len- Readings were given by WS. gins, Readings Wert given by bookmobile will be in Lucan don. The driver Of 'the other 8. Al, Hartsell and Mrs. Clar. Mrs. Van Arenthals, Sunday School prontelien October II, car was else hospitalized. B. Lewis and Mrs. George personal items It was Promotion '5undass at Mrs. Fred Vorn .and son Rob• Ain and airs. Ken Fisher And Wilson discussed the motto "Be Sunday School with the pastor ern of Detroit, were weekend family of Camtaehie were Sew proud of your farm heritage Mr. William Lambert of ii- in charge of the promotions, guests of Mr. and Alre, Doh day guests of air, and Mrs. and have faith in the future". derlon, one of Lucan's former which were held in the church. Downs and Janine. j, IV. Lockyer, Mrs. Fred. Crouch, M rs, E. CNR agents, whowas soloist at Each teacher led hergrade. lire. Wes Hodgins has re- Messrs. Harold Brooke and E. Summers, Mrs, cni reec e SC James 'Church last Sunday ates to a decorated gate with .turned from a two week's visit 'Reese]] Williamson, of Toronto, Lewis end Airs, in Al, H evening, called 'on a butitheaneah • the hew teacher receiving them with her sister. Mrs. Rebecca were neckend etieste of Mr. Will A.S,SiSt, in the November 1:11 of •Etteall friends Prior to the as .they passed through. The Marshall of .Allentown and had and Mrs. W. Allen and other survey., service, William Dickerson, a. levelers included, airs. Jack es Sunday guests mr, Milton Lucan :relatives. Mrs, Kenneth 11-Origins end Eizenga, , Begnmers, Miss Lor- Robinson .o f Lond o n an m r , Miss Judy Hesteett has be tun ale,s Clarence Lewis were .es• 5altiniete' Wes: 4 l'eeetit visit." nine Graham,. Printery, Mrs. .With Mr., and Mrs, TbItil Cour-and Mrs, Sam Earle and lam • her taintialiting class 1,10 ail staatit hostesses. Clayton Abbott, Juniors, and ile- or Woodstock. enrolment of 21 bed the premise Tay .4..... see .arid tamely, Rev. B. A. Gagnon, :Junior mr e , n.,.. ., .. .. .e ., of more. Mr. and airs, Murray High. s t.iieen 1..11rrie tit Sent Malin Kennelss Lucan, Mr. David Ruiz who sold his , tle." 14'ilsa elates tagthethe day foe the Canadian National Murray the Northern Missioe Field, re. Hazel 'McGann of London town flay for the Blind. ga, Dwayne Montgomery, Hilda Nin ny pr inted in The Tunes- ship, left_ Monday evening for Institute Van Veen, Bonnie Logan and Advocate to neiogs in Canada", hi s new wnnn in Victoria, 13.C. Despite heavy rain the Cubs Dave carefully—think of your' Sandra Cunningham.: primary th e official dog magazine, at Debbie- and KithbtrleY Eat- Made a housego-house canvass Children w It e n approaching to junior, Bruce 'Currie and Toronto, and .k.a.s pleased to tire. small children of Mr, and .°,,f,, i tile villago„,rridaY eveninga mine. Keith Logan: Junior to Junior have il printed. e l. •.h.,,,, Eatery, Landon, 01110 Saturday ,all.rSr Harold ,...nr. i',.......................,..................6.....i high, Donna Gardiner and time m ..‘ i 1 m , ,o' 7i, CT. ‘,i,.6.1 ''.‘-t `,.':th belt .and airs, Jack Lankiri of Ferguson, r, anti sirs aloec . agene spentV, as two et 1 . . , A six-week eared pror.1111 '," IA rt re is, ceeend gtooas of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Emery of ,arid cent .- -I, .... n . . Davis, e. . and family of Scotland. 'Ont., their terendparente, Mr. -end tile Lucan WI sent out. Ann Alice George Neitev Watson Maur. St111,1),, Gant Judy . :HEALS was 116gun i with tits. 't-:.1a1leil ,:lrl. Murray Abbott. They were St. Abbott melsing posters .ot van.. '- Tlittnis0 Barbera Ready A d ' ors, animals ninth ,vatmatioyi enined nieinjey afternoon by Mr At e fashion. .show Macdonald ,1`,0r: Barbara.---: 'T,,n-D"k" To-. '-tonvisi, -n a 0 ILS and Mee. Clayton Anhott and freshmen at eitscooriard -insli. e caps, • Linda, Mr. and alts. Mug. tube, Guelph, Julia Creefer, a Pelee winnere. PIMPLES St) 1'16 t iS et party ford and Itr. and Mrs, 1)0 second year .stment. Was titin lef :Mr. Iton Crozier showed four rr5m.e 30 members of the Hod. Abbott and family, the girls chosen to model, Julia horses at the Merton Fair last woo". and Tito ores ,. gins family Saturday, sprang a Miee Marilyn Brownlee has is a. daughtetenef. Mt, t1 Mrs. .1`Sktitclay and won five prizes Igtliiaaltht, Said .ii 111 „,..,„,,,,,r.: real surprise party Ott Mr. and 'decided to board iti London Ron Croeier of Ulan, as follows—second and third on „ t/htsti---c ' inuittounters. '2M% .116Thiliat 1-10agihS -of RR from Monday to Friday for the Mr, alid Mrs. Bailee Gorman .Belle, sneends nth Aeaati and SO-olhing 4 .,,e,,A.,. ger!;ere t" P ' t Lucan tn. the occasion of winter 'Months: and Mrs, Lae Diann 'of St. 'Theig .ehd a third On Tara. Mr. A/11/4°116 their ,a0th. Wedding ,:anniversary. Mrs. I3ob Colemati held a George, Mrs. Mary Kelly of and :Mee, Crazier were proud - ; ' %.-7,,' The evening was spent int euchre family •gathering at: Ittr 110111t Hamilton and Air, and Mrs. :Rob Of thetr altar-old klattghter c.fin uTio..I'...f6''t and Oriding. It dreSliiiitttS in. Friday evening iii hon or of her Fitzgerald and family of T.lintn Jane,., -Who-. ivoti the third on ar elu d ed a large c1 coated ant denghter, . Mrs, W, W. 'Gar- -dale were. Sunday guests tof ealr ee Tera, as- it was her first time • tiversaty eakcie rett's birthday, and Mrs, Wilbert Stanley; 1.0 - .show Correspondent: Miss Line Abbott Church S hears news MECCA 1:4