HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-10-04, Page 17WILL LIVE AT RR 2 cREpiToN—Joanne Mary Kester,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Joe Kester, Delft, Holland,
and Arnold Gerard Martens, son of Mrs. Martina Mar-
tens and. the late Henricus Martens, Deurne, Holland,
were married in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church on
Saturday, September 29. —Photo by Jack Doerr
Report on Thames Road
Many people never seem to get a good Healthy kidneys filter poisons and
night's rest. They toss and turn in excess acids from the blood. If they
bed—and then are dull and listless slow down and impurities stay in
throughout the day. system, disturbed rest, tired feeling
MI of which may be and backache often follow. If you
due to a temporary don't rest well at night—if you
toxic condition which haven't that sprightly step of health
calls for the use of in the daytime —use Dodd's Kidney
Dodd's Kidney Pills. Pills. You can depend on Dodd's!
The Big Slanty Front Dryer with direct air
folw, top lint trap, temp, and time controls.
VrAWFraw,REn . !';g:T;2%ralltM:mitOraff
Personal items service at Avonbank United
Mr, Fred Dawson has recent- Church,
ly returned home after having On Sunday morning, October
spent ten days visiting with his 7 at the church service the
daughter and son-in-law, Mr, sacrament of the Lord's Supper
and Mrs. James McBride of will be observed and the rite
Winnipeg, Manitoba. of baptism will be administer-
Most SHDHS grads
continue education
Mr. and Mrs, Merlin McLean,
of Goderich, spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Alex-
Mr. and Mrs. Almer Pass-
more and family were guests
on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs.
Chas. Harris of London,
Several from this community
attended Kirkton Fair on Fri-
Mr. r-nd Mrs, Milton Slcamon
of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. John
Selves were last Tuesday eve-
ning guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Miller of Exeter.
Mrs. Horton McDougall, Mrs.
Annie Thomson, Mrs. William
Lamport spent a few days the
first of the week with Mr, and
Mrs. John Critz of. Sarnia.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Fass-
more and Beverley attended a.
shower for Bob Baynham at
the home of Mr. and Mrs,
Oscar Tuckey, Exeter, on Tues-
day evening last.
Rev. Hugh and. Mrs, Wilson
visited with the latter's sister,
Mrs. T. K. Howse of Aylmer
on Thursday.
Mr, and Mrs. William Snow
attended parents' night at the
Clinton Collegiate Institute on
Tuesday evening last,
Mr. and Mrs, Bert Bissett of
Exeter and Mr. and Mrs, Chas.
Jeffery called at the museum
at Grand Bend on Sunday.
Mrs, Ernest Pym visited with
Mrs. Ruth Knight of Seaforth
on Monday.
Messrs, William Snow and
Billy visited on Sunday with
Mrs, Lorne Luker of Hensall.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Knight
and Linda visited on Friday
evening with Mr. and Mrs. Rus-
sell Morley of Exeter,
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Gertsen-
korn of Exeter visited on Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs, William
Mr. Douglas Statesbury of
the Motherwell charge was the
guest speaker on Sunday morn-
ing at the church service. Rev.
Hugh. Wilson was the guest
Speaker at the anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wise-
man, of Burlington, visited with
Mrs, Gertie Wiseman on Thurs-
This 'n that
— Continued from page 14
t tp vanilla
1 lb. icing sugar
3 tbl cream
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
42 cup coconut
cherries If desired
Drop on cookie sheet and
allow to set, Ice with this ic-
in g:
1.,:t cup butter
1/i; cup brown sugar, packed
2 tbl milk
Boil 1 minute and' remove
from heat and thicken with ic-
ing sugar. Flavor with vanilla.
Rice Crispie Squares
Mrs. William Rohde brought
rice crispie squares and here
is the. recipe:'
I. cup brown sugar
1/2 cup butter
1,Z cup corn suyrup
I tp cocoa
1 tp vanilla
to salt
to 6 cups rice crispies.
Put sugar, butter, syrup,
cocoa and salt in sauce pan.
—Continued from page 11
ed ourselves l.tt their great
social,, .economic,. political, in-
deed, human revolution. There,
those are some of the reasons.
But how will they sound two
months later?'
People have begun to arrive,
and the group clusters around.
a 'white woman, :the American
ambassador's wife. Her hos,
band, she says, is temporarily
out of the country, but she
wanted to be here to welcome
the .Crossroaders, and to assure
us that they were always
ready to help whenever neces-
sary, and that there would be
a party at their home on July
Converse in French
Standing to one side are
three Africans, who leek as
though they might be students,
Some of us approach them,
somewhat shyly, and introduce
ourselves, At least, the French
which we'd studied in high
school is of some use in every-
day life, for without it, we
would not be able to talk to
The conversation is at first
slow and awkward. We ask
them about school, about the
climate, and answer their
questions about our trip, and
our first impressions. All little
things. And little by little, the
awkwardness melts into at
least a partial ease.
The bags are loaded on the
airport bus. I clamber aboard,
wedging myself in between two
other students, and the bus
lurches off towards Dakar,
Next article: Dakar—city of
Cook until it threads. Add
vanilla and rice crispies. Put
in buttered dish and cool. Cut
in squares,
Mrs. Rohde says the crispies
should be fresh and crisp—it's
a good idea to crisp them in
the oven before using. She also
warns anyone trying this rec-
ipe to make sure the syrup is
really cooked long enough but
still not too long—tricky ! ! ! I
We have a few more cookie
recipes which we will give you
a gain.
Tues., Wed. & Sat., 9 to 6
Thurs. & Fri., 9 to 9
School Girl Perms—$6.00
Regular $8.50
A total of 11 members of
last year's graduating class at
SHPI-IS are continuing their
education at the University of
Western Ontario, while two
others are attending University
of Toronto and two, are at
Sandra Snider, Betty Dixon
anid John Etherington are talc.
ing science at Western, while
Mary Shaw, Judy Tennant and
Ronald Marshall are enrolled
in languages.
Taking general art courses
Urges more
aid in food
The United Church of Canada
has urged the government of
Canada to enlarge greatly its
support of the Food and Agri-
cultural Organization of the
United Nations and the World
Food Bank, by financial and
technical help.
In the report on international
affairs presented at the gene-
ral council meeting in London,
the government was further
urged to embark on a peace
corps plan similar to that of
the United. States,
The report also asked Unit-
ed. Church members to contri-
bute more money for direct
contribution to relief from
", . More than half the
world's total. population suffers
from lack of food, adequate in
quality and quantity to sus-
tain their health, growth or
physical vigor," the report
are Barbara MacDonald and
Ross Rowe, and Bob. Schroeder
is :enrolled in journalism. :Cont.
meting the list of Western stu-
dents are Sandi Morrow in
honors music and Joan West.
cott in honors math,
The two students studying at
Toronto are Ann Grayer and
Barbara lidagson, both taking
physiotherapy, while the two
final university students are
James Rader and Glen Sharpe
who are enrolled at OAC.
Eight. other graduates of the
class are attending teachers'
college with Ruth Horne, Bar.
ry Grainger, Ron Truemner,
Jack Yungblut, -Pet Rowe and
Reg Finkbeiner at London and.
Sandra and Shirley Reid in
Helen Zimmer, Betty Ste-
phen, Roberta Johnston are in
training in. London hospital
nursing schools and-Bryan Bon-
thron. is enrolled in a business
administration course at the
Ryerson Institute of Technol-
ogy, Toronto,
Helen Etimphreys and jack
Zondag have accepted posi-
tions with the London Life In-
surance Company and Dave
O'Reilly is working with the
London. Free Press,
Mr. and Mrs. Richard La.
mond, London, entertained at
their home with a turkey din-
ner on Sunday honoring the
45th wedding anniversary of
the latter's parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Edgar Squire, Exeter.
Others present were Mr. and
Mrs, Harold Chittick„Toan,
Gordon and Clare, Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil Squire, Douglas and
William, all of Granton,
auxi lary
Mrs. Harold ThleI,. Zurich,
Was installed as a new mem-
ber and Mrs. Jim Clark was
proposed. as a member at the
meeting of Legion Ladies Aux'
diary in the Legion Hall Tues.
day evening.
It was announced that the
Exettkr Bowling Tournament
would be held Wednesday, Nov-
ember 7. Contact Mrs. Harold
Campbell for a chance to parti-
Plans were made for the an-
nual birthday party of the
Auxiliary Tuesday, October 9,
Mrs, E. R. Davis gave a re-
port of the Legion Auxiliary
convention held in Niagara
Falls last week.
Mrs. Bryan Kyle. won the
mystery prize and. President
Mrs. William Smale, who con-
ducted the meeting, won the
guessing prize. Bingo was
WMS entertain with film
The ladies of the United
Church, St. Paul's Anglican,
Arnold Circle and cGirr were
guests of Carmel WATS at its
thankoffering meeting held in
the church auditorium Tuesday
evening, October 2.
The highlight of the program
was the viewing of a film
shown by Rev. Ross MacDon-
ald on Martin Luther — The
Great Reformer with commen-
tary on the origin of the Refor-
mation in the Rith century and
the beginning of the Protestant
President Mrs. Earl Camp-
bell was in charge of the meet-
inTr, attended by over 70. A brief
program with social hour was
presented. Mrs. Campbell and
Mrs. Ross MacDonald formed
the reception committee.
Personal items
Mr. and. Mrs. Ross Jinks and
Town topics
Mr, and Mrs, Edgar Cud-
more attended the South West-
ern Ontario Gideon convention
rally and banquet held in Strat-
ford at St. John's United church
on. Saturday.
Airs. Myrtle Brown and
friend, Mrs, Gertrude Thom-
son, St. Marys, returned Thurs-
family accompanied by Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Weaver of Exe,
ter, visited Sunday with rela-
tives in .Sarnia, attending the
and Mr. Weaver's grandmother,
birthday party of Mrs. Jinks
Mrs. Frank Robbins, Moore
Line, with 80 attending.
day from visiting Mr. andr Mrs.
E. L. Peavers, Biptimelano,
Larry Bolder accompanied by
Gordon Lavin,. Walton,. City,
wasstriann,. .Grand 13end. loYd
Wassinann, Mitchell, and Ar-
chie gtherington left by plane.
from. Goderich on FZ'idaST and
spent the day at ,Springfield,
Ohio, plowing match.
Mr. .and Mrs. Don Wilien at-
tended the Toronto giftZshow
the first part of the weeic'.
Mr. R. W. B. jackSon of
Thornhill spent last weekend.
with, his aunt, Mrs..Franic
Mr. and Mrs. Norval. :lanes,:
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald, Borne
and Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Southeott attended the .fiZilett-
Kerr wedding Saturday eve-
ning in Chatham.
New members The Times-Advocate, October 4, 190 PAO 14
Here's what the other '6
Dining by Candle Light and
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at the lovely
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Grand Bend
Pontiac's come up with another beauty !It's your year to go UP with Pontiac!
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there. are 8:3 strikingly stylish models in. 9
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erigitieS; '6 or VS, A choice of five trans-
Tht ride the ttiost Making
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Body by Fisher plus a long list of luxury
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