HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-10-04, Page 16,•• Pig. 14 The T1.1111P.S•AOYInqt.te, P001?Ailt 4 1942
—Photo by 0. Peterson
Willows provide setting
4. Against a background of a
,weeping willow tree with tre1-
44 interwoven with cedar. yel•
low and white gladioli on the
!Ipacious lawn of the bride's
,Tarents, Janice Anne Mae:In-
00, and Raymond Bruce Karr
'i-e.x.changed marriage tows in a
'Amble ring ceremony per-
-formed by Rev, G. W. Sach on
Saturday, September 15 at 2
The bride is the daughter of
-Mr. and Mrs, Alexander Mac-
intosh, RR I Clandeboye and
the groom is the son of Mrs.
:Karr and the late Ray Carr.
An aisle was formed of white
bows and streamers and bas-
kets of mixed gladioli for the
bridal party.
Given in marriage by her fa-
ther the bride wore a floor-
length gown of bridal peau taf-
feta styled with fitted bodice
topped with thrwee-quarter
length sleeved jacket with prin-
cess neckline outlined with lace
applique and seed pearls. A
crown of pearls and crystals
held her double illusion veil
and she carried a cascade of
white carnations, white roses
and fern,
Maid of honor, Miss Mary M.
Riddell. RR 1 Clandeirlye wore
a sim.ple wheat-colored taffeta
dress styled with yoke neckline
and a street-length bouffant
skirt. She carried a cascade of
bronze Mills, white pinocehio-
poms with sprays of brown
Mrs. Roy Meggeo. and Mrs.
Lawrence Craven, Ailsa Craig.
as bridesmaids were gowned
similarly to the maid of honor
only in sea green taffeta. They
carded cascades of yellow
mums white pmocchio pours
with sprays of wheat.
Kenneth Pembleion, Forest,
was best. man and James Mac-
intosh, brother of the bride, and
Jack Karr, brother of the
groom, ushered.
A reception and buffet lun-
cheon was served on the lawn.
The bride's mother wore a
sheath dress to willow green
nylon lace over sea green crys-
tal charm, lighter green acces-
sories and corsage of Talisman
roses. The groom's mother
chose royal blue and black
with corsage of light pink
Piper Donald McLellan, Den-
field played Scottish selections
on the bagpipes during the re-
The honeymoon was spent in
the Adirondack Mountains, The
bride travelled in a sheath
dress of peau de sole with white
and gold swiss satin brocade
jacket and corsage of white
mums sprayed with gold,
The couple will reside in
—Photo by Jack Doerr
Bride's home nuptial scene
Gladioli, white and mauve salt. sister of the bride, was
carnations decorated the home matron of honor wearing a
of Mr, and Mrs, Garfield Cor- street-length gown of gold
nish. RR 1 WOodham, for the satin. She carried a cascade
marriage, of their daughter of white roses arid of the
Doris. to Draaisma. Itli v alley
2 Ailsa Craig. son of Mr. and Douglas Ataxy% ell. Hensall,
Mrs. .1. Drafts:ma. Holland. on was host man.
Saturday, September 29, at 2 Misses Mary Simpson, Ex-
p.m. Rev. J. Wareham offici- tier. and Shirley Jaques. Cent-
ated. ralia, served at the reception.
Given in marriage by her following the ceremony.
father, the bride wore a floor- For travelling in Northern
length gown of white nylon Ontario. the bride changed to
styled with portrait neckline. a two piece winter White wool
lily pointed sheath sleeves and brocade dress with red rose
the front panel of the bodice corsage.
And skirt studded with chine- .„...
—Photo by Jack Doerr
Dashwood couple wed
of Brussels her' mother accept'
the tt in her abs,c‘nee
It yvas reputed that 3t)n chi],
dam hail been Adopted by Wi
branches- through the Foster
plan. The Ontario. Rural Lead-
ership Forum will be held at
the Sheridan Motel. Niagara
Falls on ,Vebruary 17,
Mrs. Norm an Air Murchi
president nt East Huron WI,
was in. the chair and ,speko
briefly as did Alias AL Wood-
cock, West Huron and. Mrs.
Ilarry Strang. South Huron.
Airs. John McLean, Seaforth,
VIVID Board m.ember brought
greetings from that 'board.
Courtesy 'remarks were mad()
by Mrs. Otto Popp, West. Hur-
Beauty Lounge
147 MAIN ST. PH 235-1533
Perms - Cuts - Sets - Tints
Monday to Friday, 9 • 6
Toes, & Thurs, Evenings Only
Closed Saturday
stones. She carried red and.
white roses.
Mrs. Douglas 'Maxwell. Hen.-
About 50 friends, relatives
and neighbors gathered in
Hurondale School recently to
honor Mrs. Frank Bryans, To-
ronto, the former Carolyn Oke,
whose marriage took place
last month.
She was presented with a
miscellaneous shewe r. The
evening was Spent in playing
Sales and Service
Ttepairs and begs for all nto-
tieis Of vacuum cleaners and
polishers. IlecOnclitioned ma.
chines of all makes for sale.
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FESTIVAL Freet Marie Fraser's "Stride to the
World of Canadian Cheese".
Write today{
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A Or.0.011 of DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA 147 Pavetrport Road, Toronto 3
, seueeessemeremeemememen eeemeeneemeeempiimmea
Top your
Hydro topic
for Institute-
Ken Lampman was gue,:
speaker at the home .economics
and health meeting of Huron.-
dale WI last Weduesday es e-
mug. lie spoke about hydro
telling of its development and
its uses and showed a film on
the St. Lawrence Seaway. A.
question and answer period ful-
law ed.
The motto "Humes are made
to look in. not to look at' wan
tiiscussed by Mrs, Arthur Run-
dle, Mrs, H. Strang an.d Mrs.
Ii Lou e led in a singsong and
Mrs. Alvin Moir .contributed
humorous reading, Mrs. Lloyd
Ball Antyne and Air s, J
Kirkland were conveners of tht
program and introduced and
thanked the speaker respective
Mrs, William Etherington and
Mrs. Archie Etherington were
named voting delegates to tli
iluron County rally held at Bel-
..:rave on Monday, October 3.
,qrs. William :Sillery was ap-
pointed delegate to .the London
area convention to be held in
the Carousel Motel November
5 and 6.
Mrs. Lloyd Ballantyne and
Mrs. Abner Possmore Were
named to attend the leaders'
course "143 lbs. of meat". Oc-
tober 16 and 17. Mrs. Hugh
Love reported that two sweat-
ers has been sent to the group's
adopted child in Korea as birth-
day and Christmas gifts.
Mrs. Sillery expressed ap-
preciation to the committee who
planned the successful bus trip
to Brantford on. Monday, Sept.
24. Mrs. Mae Hodgert. Mrs.
Lee Webber and Mrs. 'William
Lamport arranged the trip,
President Airs. Harry Dougall
was in the chair for the busi-
ness and Mrs, Ross Oke and
Airs. Lorne Oke were hostesses
in Hurondale school. Assisting
them were Mrs. Sillery, Mrs.
Passmore and Mrs. Bev Mor-
At the October meeting to be
held on Tuesday evening, Oc-
tober 30 in Exeter Legion ball
the other WI .branches in South
Huron will be entertained with
Mrs. Futcher, St. Thomas,
member of the Ontario Histori-
cal Sites Board, as speaker.
Note the change of date from
Wednesday to Tuesday.
Married couple
feted by friends
Friends and neighbors gath-
ered in Hurondale School to hon-
or newly weds, Mr. and Mrs.
Ken Moir last Friday night,
An address was read by Lloyd.
Ferguson and a pair of end
tables was presented to them
by Frayne and Donald Parsons.
The evening was spent in play-
ing cards.
Present study
to Caven group
At the meeting of the Gor-
don Young Women's Auxiliary
of Caven Church Monday eve-
ning at the manse Mrs. Hugh
Patterson and Miss Donna Ers-
man gave the study on "An in-
terview with a Deaconess",
Mrs. Jim Bell led in a
thanksgiving devotional. Mrs,
Ken Campbell was in charge of
the program, President Mrs.
Alex Meikle conducted the .bus-
mess when Mrs. Bell and Mrs.
Andy Miller were appointed a
nominating committee for the
1963 officers.
It was decided to have a mis-
cellaneous table at the Christ-
mas Fair, Mrs. John C. Boyne
and Mrs. Harry Strang served
Panel features
UCW meeting
Mrs. Gerald Godbolt intro-
duced the new adult study book
"The Word and the Way" at
the meeting of ,lames St. I'CW
units 3 and 4 on Thursday aft-
Five discussion groups were
formed and a panel of five
members summarized the find-
ings. 'rue panel included Mrs.
Godbolt, Mrs. Elmer Bell. Airs.
T. C. Coates, Mrs, Arthur Run-
dle and Mrs. William. Kerniek.
The meeting opened with a
devotional on Thanksgiving
ing audio-visual aids of slides
and musical recordings by R.
Allen. Fraser and Mrs. R. S.
The units separated for a brief
business period ' and members
of unit 3 served lunch.
Marilyn Isabelle Thomson,
Marwood. and Bernard Clayton
Nauss. .Dashwood,, exchanged
marriage vows in Dashwood
Evangelical IlB Church •on Sat-
urday, September 29 at 4
Attending the b r i d e and
groom were Air, and Airs, El-
Thanksgiving in Canada is a
time when ow' great land seems
to be preparing for a well.
earned rest from a vigorous
summer of growth and produc-
Our storage bins of vegetables
and fruits and grains are. filled
to overflowing. Most summers
the land is good to Canadians
and we certainly have much to
be thankful for,
To many of us it's just an-
other long weekend like Labor
Day or Dominion Day, We think
of it more in terms of a good
time than in a sense of humble
thanks giving for many bless-
Walk through the country in
the rustle of the autumn foliage
and get your soul in tune with
nature, Then sit down to dinner
with the people you love most
and you will realize you have
much to be thankful for.
* • *
With the improvement in the
variety in sizes of turkeys
available at Thanksgiving goes
also the more attractive appear-
ance and quality of the modern
1w-key. The plump rounded
breasts and meaty drumsticks
are a far cry from many of the
turkeys of yesteryear.
Along with the changes in the
bird itself go changes in cook-
ing techniques, Modern 'turkeys
are generally young and tender
and so the directions call far
dry heat when roasting,
Rubbing the bird liberally
with soft mild-flavored fat or
cooking oil is recOmmended,
Place turkey in shallow pan on
low rack. Do not use a lid or
add water. Cover bird lightly
with. a loose tent of foil, Roast.
in moderate oven 325' until the
legs move without resistance
when twisted and the bone slips
in the meat or the hip joint
breaks easily. Remove foil dur-
ing the last hour to permit bird
to brown.
Always allow a 30-minute lee-
gin Kipfer, Dashwood,
A reception was held for the
bridal. party at the bride's
home, Kerwood,
The couple will reside n
Dashwood where the groom is
employed at Dashwood Mo-
tors and. Mrs. Nauss at Dash-
wood Planing Mills.
way in planning dinner as the
shape, temperature of the tur-
key, and whether you are an
"oven peeker" all affect the
total cooking time.
The small family will prob-
ably choose a small turkey of
6 to 8 pounds, Allow 32 to 4
hours to roast, it. An 8 to 1.0
pound bird will require 4 to 41
hours and one of 10 to 12 pounds
will need 41 to 5 hours.
To use a meat thermometer
Estimate where the centre of
the dressing is, in the cavity of
the turkey and insert the meat
thermometer halfway up the
side of the bird and through the
ribs to this centre point. if the
thermometer is properly placed,
when the turkey is cooked the
guage read 165 degrees in-
dicating that that is the tern-
perature in the very centre ,of
the dressing.
Any of the fresh fall vege-
tables will compliment the fur-
key. Choose contrasting colors.
Fresh grape jelly will add a
sweet note to the turkey plate
and for desert a spicy pump-
kin pie, Fill in the menu with
rolls, pickles and salad to suit
your fancy and don't forget to
give thanks for the bountiful
harvests provided for us.
Uncooked Fudge Cookies
There is always a place on
the Thanksgiving menu for
cookies. At Hurondale WI meet-
ing last Wednesday night the
roll call was answered by a
dozen cookies including the ,r0C-
ipe which were sold at the close,
Uncooked fudge cookies were
brought by Mrs. Gerald Mc-
Falls who says they are "rich
but good",
Melt 3 squares of chocolate
(one, semi-sweet and 2 un-
sweetened) in a sauce pan with
1 thl, butter.
When melted add:
g eg
1/2 salt
—Please turn to page 15
Over 100 .W1 members at-
tended Huron County Rally in
in RIttevale Hall on MondAy itt
morning and afternoon ses-
Mrs, Ken .Johns ,and Mrs.
Harry Douai) of South llttr-
on commented on the first
county rallies with the first be-
ing held in Figmondville in.
1952 followed by 'Ionic, BlYlk
Grand Bend, Goderich, Londes-
Pair wed
55 years
Last Wednesday Mr. and Airs,
Robert Flynn, London, parents
of Airs, Harold Broderick, Exe-
ter, marked their ,55th wedding
anniversary with an open house
at their home,
Earlier in the week a family
dinner .was held at the home of
their son and daughter-in-law,
Mr, and Mrs. Clyne Flynn, Lon-
Alt', and Mrs. Flynn have been
residents of London for the past
20 years, living in Liman and
Exeter previoes to that time.
Besides their son Clyne and
their daughter (Helen) Mrs.
Broderick they h a v e three
Pictures of tour
shown to CCC
Dr, and Mrs, H. IL Cowen
showed pictures of their ex-
tended tour of Europe and the
Middle East this past summer
al the meeting of 'Caven Con-
gregational Circle Tuesday eve-
Air, and Mrs, Cowen were in-
troduced by Mrs. Norman Stan-
lake and thanked by Mrs,
Norah Taylor.
Arrangements were made to
hold a Christmas Fair the first
Saturday in December.
President Mrs. Harry Strang
was in the chair and the de-
votional. was led by Mrs. Hil-
ton Laing.
bozo, Brussels, Exeter. Auburn
anti Elmiville in 1961.
Miss F. Dempsey, Toronto, a
E1+r 10 Board, member brought
greetings„and said that the
items 'being discussed at the
ACWW conference ,now in ses-
sion in Melbourne, Australia
was friendship, learning and,
leisure, She said there was a
need for better public rela-
tions between branches and the
provincial board.
Vaughan D o it g l a s, CKNX
Winharn, conducted a panel
discussion on centralized
schooling followed by a ques-
Miss Isabelle Gilchrist, Hur-
on home economist, spoke of
4-11 .work saying 542 girls were
enrolled in Huron County. She
announced ,Ac,hievement Day
for the current project", Dres-
sing Up Vegetables" would be
held in Exeter. November 10
and also in Wingham and Sea-
forth. The upcoming course in
"Being well dressed and well
The county bursary was pre-
sented to Miss Marilyn Knight
Living is easier when you rely
on gas to bring modern con-
venience into your home. See
us about gas appliances.
entralized schools
uron rally topic
Whipped Cream
Order Now From Your Hurondale Milkmen
Hurondate Dtiiry •
AND :$13.05:
By MRS, J. M. S.
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Your new fall figure 'begins with Spencer or
Spirella Foundations and Spencer Bras especially
designed for you. Save up to 3c''o on long-wearing
nylon fabrics for 'the month of October.
Mrs. Valeria Armstrong
89 Anne W. Phone 285-1920