HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-10-04, Page 1525 Auction Sales And many other loin, items. FEED; 1325 bales of choice. quality mixed hay. :HOUSEHOLD NEVE() T.S: INIoffatt 4-burner electric stove; Williams 17 cu. ft, deep freeze; m e d 1 11.01 size refrigerator; Wingham coal and wood range; dining room table, 6 matching chairs; „china cabinet; side- board; chest of drawers; kit- chen table and chairs; antique. writing desk; Beatty electric washer; :Coleman lantern; coal oil lamps; leather and oak rockers; oak bedsteads, com- plete with springs and matt- ress; dressers; comniodes; toilet set; rollaway bed; steel bedstead; bathroom scales; Singer sewing machine; assort- ment of dishes, glassware, silverware; sealers; crocks; sausage grinder and press; antique small cider press; kit- chen utensils; copper boiler; gatv. tubs; garden tools, etc., etc, TERMS: Cash, No Reserve, everything will he sold to settle estate. Estate of the late Theodore Rader GLEN WEBB, Clerk ALVIN WALTER, Auctioneer Phone 119, Dashwood, 27:4c Products Of General Motors Frigidaire Sales with Service Drysdale Crest Hardware PHONE 11 HENSALL 2 Stationed at Dashwood 1 at Grand Bend Drivers holders of St. Johns' Ambulance Certificates Properly Equipped ALSO PORTABLE OXYGEN Phone Dashwood 70W or Grand Bend 20W McClary-Easy Meter'd-Aire Dryer * A Complete selection of time settings allows you to dry all regular fabrics, deli- cates, synthetics and wash 'n wear * Safety door * Oversize lint filter * Vent- ing to suit every installation. 9 See it! Compare it! Save 25% on electricity cost Even at this low price you get McClary-Easy's exclusive Meter'd-aire drying system, which costs 25% less to oper, ate than other dryers. Incoming air travelling around the heated cylinder becomes pre-heated while keeping the cabinet cool. Then the air is drawn through a special "metering" instake, over and through the heating unit, then evenly distributed through the clothes as they re- volve in the perforated cylinder. PHONE 235-2511 EXETER • •c>.?-:•", 4.s.•••0•••.‘x,i;:'• • ••• • Combine your home-grown grains with TIONAL* DAIRY CONCENTRATE the fresh-mix with the balanced protein base? Want sleek-hided health and top milk production from your dairy t attic? Th en feed 'cm your own home-grown grains fresh-mixed with National Dairy Concentrate, it's the fresh-mix with the balanced protein base. Whether you have your own grains or We supply diem, we can custom blend the finest fresh-mix you can buy right here at the mill • using National Concen- tratc, of course, P.S. like using National's fresh-n-1k Calf Concentrate, too! *A PRODUCT OF CANADIAN INDUSTRIES 'LIMITED OD Da rold Kellerman, Doti-wood M, & Son, Dashwood Scoffs Elovator, LUCA 11 the happy-GO-liveliest car of the eat 0-163t WATCH FOR THE FOLLOWING TV SHOWS EVERY WEEK ON THE CRC NETWORK OLODATE-11.111 R Mi AY EM P1 R MATH ERS ROTHERS 136 Main EXETER. reef N, AN tAkio 22 Notices Treasurer's Sale, P•F TAXES VILLAGE of GRAND BEND County of .LAMBTON TO WIT: By virtue of a war- rant issued by the REEVE of the VILLAGE of GRAND BEND under his hand and seal of the said Corporation bearing the date the 11th day of June, Sale of lands in arrears of taxes In the VILLAGE of GRAND BEND will be held at my office at the hour of 10 a.m. o'clock In the morning on the 1.0th day of Oc- tober, 1962, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for, arrears of taxes was published in the ONTARIO GAZETTE on the 7th day of July, 1962, and that copies of the said list may be bad at my office, TREASURER'S OFFICE, this 11th day of June, 1962, MURRAY. A. DES JAIIDINS, Treasurer, 7:12.10:4 23 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Irene May Myers, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Irene May Myers, late of the Village of Grand Bend, in the County of Lambton, Widow, who died on or about the 18th day of Au- gust. 1962, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Ex- eter, Ontario, by the 20th day of October 1962, after which date the estate will be distri- buted having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors [or the Executor, Exeter, Ont. 4:11:18c 24 Tenders Wanted TENDERS FOR SNOWPLOWING Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 8:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 16, 1962, for snowplowing the roads in the Township of 11sborne for the winter of 1962-63. Work to he done to the satisfaction of the road superintendent whenever conditions require. Two plows will be required but not neces- sarily under one ownership. A brief description of equipment will he appreciated. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. For further particulars apply to: W. .T„ ROUTLY, Road Superintendent, BR 3 Exeter, Ont, 4:11c 25 Auction Sales Extensive AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate, implements, Feed, Household Effects and Misc, Items On the premises, Lot 7, Concessoin it, HAY TOWNSHIP 3 Miles South of Zurich or 114 Miles East of DashwOod, thence 2 Miles North, The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10 at lt00 REAL ESTATE: Parcel No. 1 — Lot 7, Con. 11, 100 acres of land on which is situated A modern frame dwelling cover- ed with asphalt siding. Large kitchen with built-in cupboards. Living and dining room. Utility room, Second floor, 8 bedrooms with clothes closets, 3-piece bathroom. Full size basement with newly installed coat and wood furnace. Large bank barn with good stabling; silo, Large drvie shed and double garage. Buildings all in frist class con- dition, Land choice clay loam, 7 acres mixed bush; small or- chard; remainder t i 1 la b l e. Never failing water supply. Farm nicely situated, paved road with school bus conven- ience. Convince yourself by in- selecting this farm before sale dale. Parcel No, 2 — 125 acre pas- ture farm, Lot North 1 4 of 8 with no buildings; 25 aorta mixed bush consisting of tint, maple and white ash, 25 acres poplar trees, Remainder pas- ture land with never failing water supply. Inspection ed. Terms of Real Estate; W' day of sale, Balance in 311 days. Sold. subject to a reason- able reserve bid. IMPLEMENTS & M IB C. ITEMS: Rubber tire wagon and rack; George White 15- inch cutting box with 40 feet piping; John Deere corn bind- er; platform scales; gtadn grinder; fanning mill; speed .jack ; rubber belt; rubber tire Wagon; 2 sets sleighs; Min sheets and planks for 12 O. silo; International 3-furrow plow, 2 single plows; large copper ket- tle; 2 iron kettles; cooker"; landscaper; 2 block and tae kles; single seuffler; sap pan and pails; quantity cedar rails arid Mists; qUantitY dry wood; allow fence; new lumber; 40- It, extension ladder; rattle de. bolter; pea harvester: post hole anger; ,scythe; shovels; forks; chains; handy Man jack; Vic; tlectrie -cattle Clipper, 25 Auction. Sales Extensive Clearing AUCTION SALE Of 205 Head of Cattle On Lot 21, Concession 12, BIDDULPH TOWNSHIP, First Farm. North of Grantors, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11 at 12:30 p.m, 6 grade heifers, Holsteins, fresh with calves; 10 Holstein heifers, due in Oct.; 24 Hol- stein heifers, due Nov, and 25 Auction Sales 25 Auction Sales Message from Blake Ill.BRERT TOWNSHIP AUCTION SALE 1/2 Mile East of Chiselhurst or 41/2 Miles East of Hensel]. or Of Registered Herefords PA Miles South and 3 Miles West Cromarty, jaybee Hereford Farms 6th of Production Sale of Registered WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10 Herefords at the Farm, 5 miles at 12:00 p.m. south of Seaforth, or 3 miles east of Kippen, on CATTLE: 28 head of Here- ford steers, approximately 800 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12 lbs. Commencing at 1:00 p.m. DST MACHINERY: John Deere B featuring 37 head: tractor with power cylinder; John Deere M tractor, seuffler 27 BRED FEMALES — 24 of t and plow; John Deere 6-ft.hese are Alberta born and combine with motor; John bred to Real Silver Prince, Deere 13-run seed drill on rub- which we purchased at Calgary ber; John. Deere spring tooth Bull Sale in 1959. He was the cultivator; John Deere hay top selling bull of the sale and baler, twine tie; John Deere season , bale elevator, 48-ft„ with 11/2 10 BULLS, serviceable age— h.p, motor; John Deere 2- 6 of which are Advance Regis- furrow tractor plow; John try Tested carrying Govern- Deere side rake; 1 ton Inter- ment bonus of 20^;,, with rate national truck stock and grain of gain up to 3.38 pounds per box; Farm Hand manure load- day while on test, Eight of er; Case binder; Cockshutt these bulls are sired by Real mower; land roller; land pack- Silver Prince. er; 4-section harrows; Letz Write for catalogues. grain grinder; fanning mill; STANLEY JACKSON, Prop. 2i-inch grain auger with motor; Kippen, Ontario, rubber tired farm wagon with hay rack; manure spreader; Telephone Seaforth 672r5. weigh scales (.1 ton); 32-ft. ex- Auctioneers: tension ladder; bag truck; root PERCY WRIGHT pulper; 2-wheel trailer; , auto- W. S. matic chicken waterers; chic- EDWARD ELLIOTT ken feeders; egg washer; 8 4c .HEREFORD SALE Of 30 ..Head. qf Horned and Polled Herefords 7th Annual Sale of Middlesex- Personal items Elgin Hereford Association ' at FAIR GROUNDS,' Miss Linda •Oesch spent the weekend with her brother and STRATHROY, ,.01NYT, sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. El- SATURDAY, PCTOAER 13 mer Oesch and family of Zur- at 1 ,p,m, DST ich, Mr. and, Mrs, Edmund Erb Tested bulls eligible for and family visited Sunday with government premium; bred Air, and Mrs. Earl Oesch and And open heifers and good family of Zurich. Dee,; 6 Holstein and Hereford yomig cows. steers, 600 lbs,; g Holstein and. Miss Susan Erh spent the a t Hereford :heifers, 600. Ibt.; 12 Sale under cover, weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Holstein & Hereford calves; 30 Sale Manager Catalogues on request from John Steckle and family of Holstein yearling heifers; .6 Holstein & Hereford steers, 500 W. Rene, Parkhill, Death travels swiftly, but Holstein heifers, open, 700 lbs.; Arva, O n t , Mr. and Mrs. John M,caride 20 Holstein heifer spring and Joanne visited Sunday with calves' 6 Hereford steers, 800 w. S, O'NEIL .& SON, Mr. and Mrs. Harold tlendrick lbs,; 6 Hereford heifers, 800 Auctioneers, Denfield, Ont, and Elaine of Dashwood. lbs,; • 8 polled steers, 500 lbs.; 4c 6 polled heifers, 500 lbs. 15 to 550 lbs,; 35 Holstein and most speeders can. catch. it. Hereford heifers, 500 to 550 siiimiwpoosmorieemomonmsligine lbs.; 5 Durham steers, 400 lbs.; 5 Durham heifers, 400 lbs.; 3 Brown Swiss heifers, 400 lbs, Also 2 'York sows, due in a month; 30 chunks. No reserve, TERMS; Cash. EMERSON (JIGS) WALLIS & ELMER HARLTON, Props, W. E. NAIRN & SON, Auctioneers. 4c 22nd Annual Sale of Registered HEREFORDS The undersigned will sell for HAROLD JACKSON, And, 4:11c Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Household Effects, Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises, directly opposite *Hensel]. Community Arena in the VILLAGE OF HENSALL The undersigned auctioneer is instructed to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20 at 1:00 p.m. Watch for complete list of items in next week's issue. IIEG DICK, W. J, HARVEY, Executors for the estate of the late Jean Taylor, 4c Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Machinery and Household Effects At Lot 28, Con. 12, plastic egg baskets; 3 chicken crates; 2 brooder stoves; forks; shovels; chains; maple syrup Grim evaporator, 10-ft.; 370 buckets; spites; 200-gal. gather- ing tank; 100-gal, storage tank; steel water trough; copper kettle; iron kettle; 30-gal, syrup tank; John Deere tire pump; rotary lawn mower. GRAIN; 1,500 bushels Rod- ney oats, /IOUS Eft OLD EFFECTS: chesterfield suite; f I a t top desk; occasional chair; GE 9 cu. ft, refrigerator; Moffat (able top stove; drop leaf table; Clare Jewel cook stove; beds, springs and mattresses; chest of drawers; dressers; steel bed, like. new; Sunanair mattress ensemble, like new; chest of drawers, antique; odd chairs, tables; odd dishes; set of dishes; chest s; trunks; quilts; pillows; pictures; wool blankets; mats; storm door; clock shelf; quilting frames; curtain frames; bridge table; flower baskets; sealers; toilet set; Sunbeam mixmaster; Sampson mixer; electric floor lamps; table lamps; coal oil lamps; kitchen utensils; an- tioue dishes; antique coffee grinder: cards for carding wool; drapes; other articles too numerous to mention, Farm sold, TERMS: Cash. LLOYD McLEAN, Prop, HAROLD JACKSON, Auct. GEORGfj POWELL, Clerk 4c 77,7777'77714 The. Times,AdyecorOctekier 4, 1?62 Page : •13 y MISS EMMA FINIAY STUTP BROS. Forest, Ontario WEDNESDAY, OCT. 17, 1962 at 2;00 p,m. DST 30 Head — 15 Heifers, 15 Bulls Most of the Bulls are Performance Tested Eligible for Grant of 2010 Catalogue on Request W. S. O'Neil, Auctioneer 4:1.tc at the Livestock Sales Barn, HENSALL, ONTARIO SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13 at 1:00 p.m. 500 Durham and Hereford steers, ranging from 600 to 800 lbs.; 150 Hereford steers and IHieeirfeefros r.d calves; 20 Holstein For further information call: Jack Morrissey, 234-6200 Credi- ton; Victor Hargreaves, HU 2- 7511 Clinton; Mel Graham, HU 2.9908 Clinton. TERMS: Cash. Stocker and Feeder CATTLE SALE HOFFMAN Ambulance Service DASHWOOD 3 Ambulances ELUXE eatures a TOCk..bottom price!' : • GOIGOI ,1 ass •&. '63 IS THE YEAR TO GO PLYMOUTH Go great! Go Plymouth '63 the happy-GO- liveliest. car of the year! And this one really goes! Plymouth's like a tiger on the road the way it claws tip the miles. Plymouth's a pure-bred beauty—it's longer, sleeker, slinkier. Grand on comfort. Great on ride. And engineered to go better t hart the rest with its 5-year or 80,000-mile power-train warranty! What happens when you lineage this tiger just has to be called sensational, Pact is, in '63 it takes a Plymouth to catch a Plymouth! Ask your Plymouth dealer for details of the new 8-year or 50,000-mile power-train warranty. WRY TWD•11DOR HARDTOP :•6 • M47,rr"-*K•st;:r'.•;,.ett$I., , 40..\ 116i <,, •• FOUR-1)0011. HARDTOP UT PLYM