HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-07-28, Page 1s-•
Is Printed 4- rub/Jake,/ every Thursday
Of ice, MarLet Square, Guderich.
tom' Book and Jub Printing executed with
neatuess and dispatch.
Tartan otj'the 'lure's* Signal. -TEN
LINES per annum d paid strictly in
adyaD e, or 'Twelve and Six Pence with
the expiration of tbe year.
No paper diseoeti cued until arrears are
paid up, unless the publisher tkioks it kis
aJvautage to do eo.
Any individual in the country beromiug
reeponsibt. for six subscribers, ,lull re-
ceive a health copy gratis.
j All letters addressed to the Editor
must be post-paid, or they will not be taken
out of the post office. •
Terpaa ta( Advertising.-Sii lines and
uud?t, first insertion, :f0 2 6
Each subsequent insertion, lib a Ti
Ten lines and under, first loser., G 3 4 '
-Each subsequent insertion, 0 0 10
Over ten lints, first in. per hue, 0 0 4
Each subsequent in.ertioo, 0 0 1
Q} A liberal discount made to those who
advertise by the year.
Advettissue:Ms without wnitcn instruc-
tions will be Merited until forbid, and
charged accordia,ly"; and eiu ashen:semen'
discontinued unpaid for at the time of with-
drawel, unles by the consent of the pub-
BEING Lot No. 12. 2nd Conees*ion,
�In Auv*ZCk.
mT TOR v.D tet T111 teal.
11urrdl► for Goderiell ! !
PAVE on hand an Immense Steck of the
a !! very beet Ucrcrtpuon of Bl)(/T13 and
SIIOE$, on sale at the New Brick bulli
one, adjoining Mr. Hue. Watch maker,
wbrch will be sold at the Lowest P. ices fu
Cor; or approved wade, call and see.
OThe lushest price paid in ('ash fur
Inde• and Sheepekm., litc. A general
St. ck of findings always on hand. -
Gdderich, Juae 11, 1883. s8n2u-ly
Improved Farm for Sale.
CA N be r.on.,•Ited at all hear,. at
the residence formerly °reap'ed by
Ilnbert.liederlrell. 11.sq., East Street;.11u. -
krt Sgaair, Goderiekk.
G.'derich, April t9th. 1852. r5
sl rep., Gnderich.
June 1818. 24n25
taARIN 1:T MAKER, Three doors Fast
' the Canada Company's office, West -
street. G(.derich.
August 27th. 1849. 9,nS0
A9'TOKNbC AT LAW, and Convey•n-
ecr, Solicitor in Chancery, kc. has his
°Ince as formerly in Stratford.
StratlorJ, 2nd Ian. 1850.. 2vn19
404ERic,I, C. W. •
Aug, 23th, 1b32. v5n31
NOTARY PUBLIC, Cemmiastoaer Q.B.,
and'Couvcyaocer, Stratford.
Barrister and .ittoraies el Lase, 4-e,.
Gnoaaicu C. W.
'1011N STi(ACIIAN Bundler and Attor-
ney'at Law, .Y„ taryti1'ubhe and C..urey-
aneer. -
1 Attorney et Law, Solicitor .tai Chan-
cery, Cnnrryareer.
°coterie', 17th November, 1551^
Alt('HI'rF:l'r.& ( IVII. ENGINEER
Office 27, Dundas Street,
LOXDO v, C. W.
Angusl 161h, 1862. • n5n30
✓ITTORVEY-.1 '. J 1W.
OFFICI bi the Punt Office Build.ogs,
God, neve.
June 7t1), 1 853. r6n19
• [-Market egrrarr; C.dericli.)
GENT for the. Provincial Mu'nal end
General Inairance Othce, Tor, nto-
Aloe Agent for the St. Lawrence Cn„nty
N lutieaI, Ogdensburg, New York. to cal
.,;••lit tor Samuel Mouleno's Old Rochc.ter
.\ureery. July 1850. 22
~ _ A. NASMYTi1. •
We.t of W. E. Grace's Store, West
Street Godench.
Feb. 19, 1859. v5 -n4
Apra for Ontario .Mine 4' Fire In-
iVrancc Co.
Towns, ip of Tucker.n'fh, Moron
Road, the property of John P. Smith, E -q.,
containing 100 fierce, adjoirteg the Budd.
reg Lute in the rt.i. g and tluuriihing v.l
!age of E.mondville, the land is of first
rue quality, beautifully situated on the
ba. ke of the Bayfield river, and we!I adapt -
cu to agricultural purposes. Fur further
particulars ajply on Vie premise, (if by let
ler pre Laid) to the.af..rnber.'
McKillop Post Office,
Tuckerromb, Juni 131h, 1153. •u!0-tm
(One door East of C. rewire Mere.)
WOULD inform theinhah,tant• of Code
rch and artghborhnod that be to pre
pared to make to order or otherwise, any
kind of l.adte. and Gentlemen's Fine or
Fahey work, is the neale•t and most
(Ashtoreth!' style. And will aipo furnish.
hoary Booth and Shoes, to suit the ne
comities of 'boom that may fetor him with
1 thew cu.tum. ilis priers will be moderate.
G,.derice, July 29Th, 185g. r6n29
AUCTIONEER. Acco.ntaet god Gene-
rel Agent. Hooka and ace."heir ad
jes,rd, and all kinds of Dreds, drawn. -
Sales aterded Twiny part of the eonetrr.
Lettere sddreseed to Mitchell or !tarpi(r,
her. wilt be a,tended to,.
April5ti•, 1833. t6n1O-1y
W. & It. S1MJ'SON,
(I..ATE 110I'E, 1111IItELL k Co.,)
GROCERS, Wine Merchant., Fruiterers
and Oilmen, No. 17 Dundas Street,
Landon, 1'. 1L. -
- Frhrusry lath 1852. e5 -n5
'HAVING during the past two years nets
ed m the capacity' of GENERAL
AGENT for the collection of debts. deeires
it to. be. generally underotoon that he will
accept the Agency for the collection .of
doe' is any par of t lin Upper Province, bo,
tween Tubourg'in the Etat and Lake Huron
in the Welt. in- making this annnunce-
mcnt, he would beg to express Ina Ihanks
• to ba friends for past layouts; and now re -
'meet u ly solicits a Conllnuance of the
All comtatlnicatinno en hueieeu, arldree.
'rd (post paid) to Ayr P. 0.. No,th !ham
(rice, C. W.. will be promptly attended to.
April 1, a85Q. ,S010
4OT No. 60,. to the Maitland fonces-
.ion of the Township of Gnder,ch,
c.•btatning 197 acres of the best land, of
which 60 are cleared and well fenced, tow-
, mint on the banks of the River. Maitland,
8 mitre from Gudci ieh. There ii an ex-
' cellent House and Barn on the premises,
with an Orchard of the choir -cot frusta, PC...
hosted from the Nnrrt ry in Upwilante, Unt
ted States. For terse apply to the Sobs
, scriber.
British Exchange Hetet,
16th January, 1833. 1.5n02 -3m
INSURANCE effected on HouShip.
meg sad finale.
All kinds of Derek enrreetty dvwa, and
1' n:. and Arcoosu sdju•t.d.
•'tfic•e over the Treasury, Geierieh,
i •, s 21. IRBJ. .8.16
I i AWARDER n.1 re...eosins Mer.
/• chant, Niel. ban -e h• •re peecrel
Av. et. for the rale of IA •,.1 1.an- .
Farm., II•'usehoid Fermi ore sod I'ro,:nee
of re.ry d.oenpteon.
Obice, reit door, North of the Kluwer.
' ne .\arm., Gnderieh,
tlareb 24th 1882. r5-nfo
- - r
F. & C. H. BL'ITfL,
II%NUF.VI'TI'RERSof Has, Cape and
Fancy Fun, Wholesale and Retail
roes:er. in Fore, Buffalo Rubes, Deer Skies, :
Glove., Milano, lee. kr.
Cash Pond for !sirs.
The highest price paid, at all ti ' no to
(.sols for alt descriptions of 8bipptog Fon.
F. k C. fl. MAIL.
De -rest, Miebig.a, Aug. 1181. venil
Farmers' Mutual Insurance Co.,
Carer i. $1,00(1,1100.
�ta7.RA Ial)PKINS. ilam,lton. Agent for
4 ' .s Counties of Waterloo and Huron.
August 27, 1850. 9,16
� 1aRIBTER, Selman, in Chancery,
• 'ti' rney-a-Lew, Conveyaserr, ke.
Sec. Oliue.: OnlineBetldtngr, K ng -St.
entire, t. the Gore Rank, and the Rank of
W elsh North America. Hmrrtto'. 4 10
ell V IL F; N O I N h: K R +ad Pro of what IAM
V $.rv.yer, Oud.ncb.
Aped 80, 1811. Ne11
T('TIOfflillN, la prepared to letting
Pewee Soave In any part .f the Usrid
Loon' ma. on mearesto sora..
Stntfesi, May 3880. T' v4•♦14
THE 81tr'hserl►gr reepecifully an-
lt •ounce to the inMbilante o1
Gn.kneh reel surrou•Ain¢ country.
that be has purchased the Stock to Trade.
kc„ of Mr. F. Thornhill, in the abets buwi•
nese. and opened the Store lately oecupvli
by H. Barter, Tailor, next door to Dr.
McDoug•Ir. new Brxk hmldmg, Market
Square, Goderieh, where he intends to ear
n on the (BOOT AND SHOE Boa,neee u,
al! rte tranches. Ile 14 prepared to execute
all orders for every variety of Wolk, on
the most reasonable terms. and by strict
attention 10 boomers hopes to merit a
'bus of public patronage.
The h'gheet market pr paid for !Wee
mod Bark.
R. 1111.1..1
Godetich, May 110, 1863. vae17
Fr HOSE Premises cnn.istin of Lot o.
4, fronting Light -he �1l
nint, r
rich. contamt¢ one-f.orlb of an sere of
lend, with the Cottage thereon, formers
the property of F. G. P•Isw►, toed know•
as " Alabama Cutup:' Price 1:200.-
Fart.culu. of Terme, Title, kc., apply (by
letter lir otherwtn. ) to
48 King -street, Tnrontn.
Toronto. 1st JUDO, 1153. n19 -6e
ri'HE .ebeer:b.r will keep constantly on
titer Bt,ni, 'ear thy %larked Square, and
sdjn,ang Mr. Ken 11,11•••• Terser', a
Stock of nbeta.Usl, asnt.e.N• and eery
e sp.nor arteries of the above de.enptson,
*bleb be will yell cheep for cad, soothed*
.Me Peed wee. et en 'Wowed credit. H.
sedum thy.. ports* Is seen* of a goad
•steel; al a r. asea.ble k�nr.etee, to give him a
el11. tied h. lettere Mlewlf that 1,s lottoR
mrpssfsmawos the baelleiw sip went. 118
esIi8knta..1 W
Gokirleb, March 111111, VINs w8w9y1
(Prov Alexander Smash's Lilo Drama.)
'Meng the green lance of Kent--tliegreen
annoy lease._
Where troops of children shout, and laugh,
and play,
And gather (bower, .roodan antique home.
Within U. orchard, rich with ruddy true..
For the full year w.. laughing :n hie peen ,
Wealth of tall fl :were grew in that tartlet,
Ared the old porch with its great oaken
Was smothered in rose blossoms. while o'er
the walla
The honey.acklo clung del:cinusly.
Btjtore the door there ley a plot of gra..,
Snowed o'er with daisies --Hewer by all be
And fam,usaest in song -and :n the midit
A earned fountain stood, dried up mei
On which a peacock maned itself,
Beneath two petted shits, snowy white,
Fgtated upon the sward.
A raw of poplars darkly rose behind,
Around whose tops, and the utd fa.hiuned
Wb tr pigecm 8meted, and u'er all wan
The mighty .ley, with sailing sunny cloud•.
One c•aeincee was thrown opea, and web
A boy hung o'er a book of poesy,
Borers ae planet ha.g,:g o'er themes,
le at the easement o,.en to the nobs
Cause @wettest garden oeura-and the
The d'uwey. bum -of the rejoicing beer.
[leavened in blooms that overclad 1hr
Seal,. ;
.And the cool,wird wowed in epos his brow,
And stirred hie curls. Su(t Jell 11,. 411111...
mer night.
Gt.:XT.-This man is one of those pro.ii-
gies of the buivan species in the creation
of which Nature sometimes indulges.
When sbe deviates -from bee ordinary
course, and goes ont of her wap to pro-
duce pbenotnnfa, she generally briogs forth
hideous pefoi mities. In the instance, how.
;asci, of the " Kentish ( dant;' - notwith-
standing his iminetre height; he is uoques-
tiouably, upon'ibe whole, a well made man
having bee° prenouncetl a . by eminent me-
dical authorities. The following are the
particulars of hie dimenaious•--Edward
Cranson's height is seven feet sit inches;
weight, 25 stone; age, under 21 years.--
\\'ben.ataodieg Ilan on Itis feet, he can
reach perpewlicularly 10 feet 6 inches. --
1 Ie is supp esed to be the jargest boned man
ih Europe; he is ten inches round in the
wrist; his length of foot is 14 inches, and he
is round the anele 114 inches, the lengtb
hf his middle finer is full eight inches, aid
tbe the circurterence of his little finger 3
inches. Itis statod that he was between
11 and 12 years of age before he began to
grow,.to his present eat.aordinary statuae.
Ile is a native of Woolwich, and in his bit -
hpod was employed in the ropework. of
Messrs. Enderby and Co.; of Greenwich,
where his fattier now follows the same oc-
cupation. Cob his parents are below the
middle stature. In his disposition he .s
geode, and pleasing in bis manners; and be
and he also pnsse.sds considerable intelli-
g'nee.-Acntis/r tlrrcury.
TON BLACK E1.nee-Gigb. tor nine ftmi
lies of colored - mimes h.t•e arrieed In
Windsor teem vinous para et the Mane
.l Indiana, during the peat two week. wilt:
fine Lor c and wagg ne. and proceeded
some to the township of Milder, and n here
to Chatham. We i'.ank God considering
the exiouee Stale .1 oppression on our tier
in the [Jotted Stites that this black exodus
Continues ua..hated. Thee sable trains that
etre! the roods from the eal•etne Booth
to Canada, moving in 'edema stillness red• r
the,shad'•of night through the intricate
tercets of Amore'. to s lead of exiled tree
tom, are sera in bend n, sod they ,»Held
om,nrns mete, that itt fees than a century
will react back on their oppreasals.-Pi-
git ire.
' lRCI:]InTANCE. -- A most distressing
event, arising from experuneutaliaing on
the recently discovered moving power of
' Animal Magnetism; has happened to a
young lady residing u1 Sussex 'lace, 01,1
Kent Road, London, it appears that, in
cen.aon with litany others, she formed one
of a privy to test the truth of the moving
a table by meaty of this agency), arid in
doing so, the usirl way was adopted of
compressing the finger+, or rattier doubling
them towards the palm of the Lends. On
rem»viug them sem was nnrrorslruck In find
that Ibey.Iiad beton; fixed in the position
sbe had placed them oD the table, and all
her endeavours up to the present tune to
open them bare been unasading. To pre-
vent her nails from lacerating the palms of
her hands, her medical advisers bare or-
dered them to be covered with collas
wool. She has been to Guy'at and St.
Thomas Hospital, and they eann‘t relieve
her. inrredible.. as ibis may appear, we
can vouch 'for its truth ; and ere would
caution the public in future to be careful
as to indulging in this apparently laannlens
amosemcnt.--,S -4c4 Paper.
A FEHAte PEDESTRIAN, -- At Ohm tea
and strawhrrry gardens, Seedly Lane, Pen-
dleton, a woman is note engaged to walk-
ing a 1000 miles in a 1000 h.hurs, for a
wager of .C500. She Wipe to walk this
distance on Salurda7, May 71h, and at
twelve o'clock nn 1• riday she had accnm-
plialwd 504 miles. the walks In the Bloom-
er enthrone, a style of dress which sbe
will an dnabt find better sorted for the per -
romance of s pedeetnan fest WWII as that
in which the ia engaged, then Ibe soeteme
nrdiearily worn by women is lbs rewtry.
A reward of £S is offered to any one who
shell detect her sleeping Chert SAP need to
Ire walking.
Witten'saar.nw Rema. -As spears
tee made by a Nand.a enel•lo' the waterer
is take half so beet'. prawaye at the
bottom of a river,
To amend the li rsicipul Acts of l' 'per
[Assented to 14t- h lune, 1S33.]
Contin- uer!.
tare issued, endorsed or guaranteed under
any such Ry -law as afore -aid, shall be valid
and bolding upon the Aluuicipality, if sieneJ
or endorsed and countersigned by such
Munici, al Officer or person and in such
manner and forin as shall be directed by any
By-law ; Provided secondly, That no Aluui-
etpal Cor,torati„n shall subscribe for or pre -
chase stock of any such Company as afore-
said, lir incur any debt or I'aAilay in respect of
any such Company, u,J.,. and until a 11) -Lem
authorianr such eub.rr.p:.un or l.urchase, or dee
,neorr!„g of ■ueh d.ht or Irabllity, nhrll bat e
beets duly made mud adopted with the c.a.eat
fin\ t: s1 and obtained of a noaj' r :y of the quwlt-
Bed Me1ieipal Elector.. of rhe itluuicipel.ry, to
W aseertaiaed it swell luanuer ea shall hr deter
mined ay. a By - 1,10 to be ria to for that
pawpaw, otter public notice containing a e.•pr of
the proposed By -Law or of every material provi-
sion thereof, lualned at least fur times in each
newspaper printed within the limits of the !year
eipelily, (ar if none be printed within the limos
of the ktnrlei(allty, then in wens uew.pspenne
newspapers posted in the neighherhibet of nth
Msseieipality and eireuiat.d thereto.) and ale..
posted an in at lean four of the most put•ile places
in. th. Muo,rpett,y d And provided thirdly, the
the Meyer of any .ueh Mlunicipshty ar efute»id
aab•eribu.g fir and bolding sleek in any ouch
Company. in the amount of Two 'thousand Fire
Ilundred Pounds. or .pward.. shall M dad eon•
tine. to he yx o►nuu one o1 ih..Derec•nr. of the
Company. in addition to the other Directors
thereof, end WWI have the nm. rights, yyroeu
end theirs e. any of the Dir.ci+ro.el tlieCom-
+o y. and the Hayne 10. the time being shall slop
b. allowed to Sete on the share. owned by the
said ttunicip.{ity at any Election of Directors.
XVI. And be It entered, Thar if the 'revs
asse.+ed in any Sere upas soy male iahabu■q, of
+•,yCiy nr i"c upo:at.d Town nr Vilt.ge, n(ihe
age of twenty-one years aid bpwaols, and not
over fusty years of age, (Nod nqt n,h•rwiee ez•
emp,ed by law from performing statute lahnor.
ezerpi by tieing rated on the Assessment -ROU of
rush City. Toon nr Village.) do not wnwunf to
1044 shilling, currency, he .:tall instead of such
i.b•.ur he taxed ten .h Minks rest's% to he levied
aed eotketrd in the sone manner as other local
Tszea, to the use of the Curpo:atiuu of the
XVII Awl he it enaered. That the h•Ilowing
...ellen shall besuh,u'uredlnr the repealed sizty-
firth section as amended of the Art fuel above
cited. and shall be read as part of the wain Act :
•' And be it enacted, that it Atli he the dry .f
the Retailing Oir,eer for each Ward of every
yeah inco•pnra'ed Town. to procure a eoreei
copy- of the Cbllec,ot'r Roll for each Ward for,
the year neat before that in which the Eleelioa
*ball be heldrn, *n for as such. Roll contains the
names of x11 melt. ireeho! len end heu.eholdera
rated nine ouch Roll in teepee% of r -sl property
lying is each Ward. with the a•noont el the as.
...srr...l .aloe of such real property for which
they shall be re•pectiyely rated on such Roll, -
which copy' *hall be verifl-d is Iiae a.
she copies of Cnllerinr's Rolls tot Township
Etectinas. as h.reinh.fnre erotic ed and ne per-
son shall be gwdiaed to be elected • Town
Cosnedler at any each Election,. who shall tint
be a freholder or h-iasehoider of 'itch town,
seized rr powased of red property hell in his
own tight nr that of his wile a. proprre,nr nr !P -
oast thereof. whieh..hall be raved in his Mune
es such ('ollee:ne'. R••11 or w tbr.C.41,ciin'.
Hull .r C.11.cmor'r R.11e for woe .n, or MOM
of the other Wards of *nch Town for such seal
preceding year. in the ewe of a freehnld.r to the
amount of TwesyPoaeds pe
d iri the caw ,.f a hnialitotJrr.me the amneai
of Fors Pounds per annum or upward.. arid
who shill ant Int .eiz.d or t'oasece.d to his ewe
use er that Of hie wife of thereat pr•ipeny ter
ostrich he .hall be so rated. e. th,, 40 fee .r free.
hold, or Go a fernmof one year er spwarJs,...ta•
ate within s.uh Towo: and the person* .nntl d
to -vest at ouch E'.-et:on;letI :w,the freei.,liere
e nd hws..holders of the Ward for wh:ea such
Et.etinn rheN ,he held, w ,r..I. names ahell be
entered en the Cvlleetor'. Roll thereof for mooch
n eat 1•reeedtnr yearas awe fix rateable rest pro -
poverty, held is then own names or that of their
wives re•,,er• Ively se prr(netor0 or tesesw there-
of, le that t mount of Fn. Poonde,per anaam or
o posvdr, mod who at nes nine .f each F.lectios
shat) he r.,d.leot in such Town-: red no pension
shall vote more than once a,. any sac:. Eieeiios,
and if resident in the Ward for wadi he was as-
serted shell inw in that .Vad: Provided.dway..
tt.vertheleso. Brady, that it shall not he nines!.
vary that die property qust.fi:uion of mach Towo
Co•neillnis or Voters shall consist wholly of
(.;hold or wholly of ksweheld p °petty, o'er
rtd.d the Agit-roam ammtnt st winch horh obeli
1,e a's.Nrd shall be samrieal as above required:
Provided deo. aeeundly,i that 'fie oecepan(ef
any separate portion of a hour. Aeries • dis-
tinct commnne/atine with a public road or ntect
n r as aster doer, shall also he considered a besee-
hokter within the meaning .f thio Art, in case
he *hall in like manner M rated therefor as a
hene•belder upon tach Cel',. tar's Roll ••.dare•
maid: Provided don. thirdly., rhe; wh•n•ver Molt
the owner sad occupant of any such real property
shalt be es rated in respect of asci raral.bir real
property, the no nee end the occupant .hal! body
be d.em•d rated with," the meaning of chi. eta-
tinw: And provided .1.'. fnirthly, that when
any such real property .1211 he nwn.d or aces.
pied jtinily by more then one perms.. and the
sonnet et which the saute shall he so rated shell
M edSeient if equally divides between them, le
gee a qualifieat.n to ea.•h. then and in every
each ear every male Freeholder or Householder
who.. nem• shell ancient on such Roll es one of
the joint 00..004 or ocrupen,a of shch real p.n-
perty *halt he deemed a prr.nn rated ;rhe. 11 .
meaning n1 'him ft -viten; hut e1 the an.ennt at
which Foch real p•-p•rry .hell he en ra'.d
net he egt*ei.,o. it rodi,ed-d. to give • nn•'rft•
Minn le each of tech pilo, owners or orr"peet.
; 1.11 he deemed a person rated w ilio the meso-
n( this sectio:."
XVIII. And he i1 rnaet.,l. That the fn!Inw-
inn section skull he .uh.n,et.d for the repesbd
e,ghty•third .cede„ .. e.ne"did of the Art fir.
above riled, and .11,11 he road e. port oI th. said
Art •' nil he it roar l -d, That Int earl, %%'a1
of every sash (',y th,re b• v-• A''•lertnrn
and two (•nnnrttlnr.. le 1•r rl-r'.,I n. h'reinhe•
lore provided wine reaper? to Tnw' Gornes!Lwa•
which Aldermen and ('nsnrillnrs shall tegrctae,
eons,ilwi• the (',•omen Cawood 01 *vela Cita
trod which City .nil ,',r Mayne and Cwnin.n
Council ,her.o(ahaa h.ve an4 n,er,e al sod
)nnegrta the erne right., pwwers, p.iv,Mpe nail
rnd,eti..s en, over *nil with respret .n neat
Pity and .M IiMmer th..a sr: . are neretnh-Ione
;'yes. emoted se eastern -if in... et se shall,
by eine. of this Aef or aherwia. Mies' 'o s,•
e.wpnra.ed Towns la Upper Coast's. tete Mayon
Cireect emu esd Coarse. Co.aeil. thereof, and,
all the riles, regn.atroww, proybinPs Bed
en.eiment cnota/rrd to this Actse applied
to oath 'wrnrperat.d Tow's, iM Mayors
god the Cennedlore thereof, sod thew ohm -
team and those by whom *nth *twine is to
be mode, sail to the Toga C..une 1 thereof,
tuba by way of veneerer. ti /bows root/1-
Si fee (.eeepoeated V,Ilag.e nr otherw,oi,
shell apply to .ueh of the said Cities •n•:
11. Myer, Aldermen and emineiltere
thereof said (hent .ketene. sen to Ib Cess
w est C.o•ciI Usenet.; Presided aleays,
w everth.foos. Awl?, that the Moyer of
every won City shNl be fleeted by the Al-
derson wed C..eentIen of owob Col ions
snag the Aldermen thereof; And preetded
aimo ecoadly, that nu i er.un shall be quail
bed In b ;heeled an A..enuan Oa•
\Ward of aur'. Cuy, w Oro shall nal bit
ura true
'odder or b,uaebuld, r ei *nch !Sty ...sed "r
possessed ul reel prupesty Iced in hie orae
right or Ihet of his alio as pro,,rmeler os
leesnt thereul, et%tchshall be rrted in le.
name on the Collie ur'e Ikon of the Ward
for w loch be shall be elected, or ea the
Collect,•r's Itull lir G.:!ce or'. R,.;s Our
...me one or mu . of the over IVar,i•
-ueh City fur use year next preceding hi
;bton, eve the ease of • lreeho:.'or to t!.
4n•unot . 11'orte Po'tsds p.r annuns lir up-
wards. and in the case of a hon..', , J, r to
'be amount of E ghty r, untie r nems,
or upwarms.aoL tithe at.s11 out b•• .e zed
possesaad to his own owls VI ,hat lit bi
w.fe of ruck to property either to he u
rrceh••Id, •'r tar • 1, nu, et one tear or up-
ward*, .,tu.te w.s: mo ouch City or the
rrtie.tl.ereol• Amui pas%whd e,1!. ,.it.
'hat no person
shell beq . B, J las bo
cleri.: t Councillor fur soyWert: of such
Cliy,w ho .hail n' t ben freeholder of ho,..•-
hulder u1 ru' b Cry wrest or pu.ec►•ud 01
real property heal in hie were right or. that
hie w fe a. proprietor Or 11/411.11 ut
winch stoat be r.teu •u. bas name ..a Ib Col
:odor'. Roll lit the Wood fur which he ab•.11
r.e eirctel, or en iha Co.lector'. 13011 lir
C„1 vetoes Rolls f •r some Jou or more of
he other Waldo of Poch Coy, tar the year
a• xt piteedr: g bta .l, triton, 144 ... the eel
Neel•eNJrT las the .*anus' .•1 •1'w.oly Pounds
,tar annual ur upriver a, and las thee:aae of a
o,iu•t hush r to Me amount m Forty Pomade
per manual or upwards, and who shall sot
ire .e a Jur pas. -weed to b e own use or
that u1 bio aur of ',Loeb real property either
.ei f. a or freehold, • r fur a tern.' et ens year
or upwards iodate within such City or the
trireme. thereof. And provided .M',-ftterth•
ly, That the pcseon. entitled 10A101.•10A101.•at the
rleet:tos of such Aid -roars and CeuacJ.ore
.nail be the f,.eholdore and boueohulders um
he Ward fur wbrch soca eleeilon .hall be
held, who.;. ane shall b. entered •.r the
Collector. Roil Meisel Our inch next pre
ced:,ig year. se rated for Ole real pin
arty held In shite e•An names ur that 01
their wives respectively. as Jroprclors or
tenant. -thereof, to in amount of Seven
Need Ten Shillings per eu,ua or upward.
and w 1.0 411 the time o1 such elecitua shalt
L100 reili:enl la rues City or the liberties to
Ib. aam.e: but co per on at.all vote at mors
thus nue' Ward in rues City. and Il i.m.ese-
ed to the'WarJ .n which he newel shalt
vote only at lbeele.ti,n for shot Ward."
XIX. And be ,t cnacteu, Thal ,he fol.
low.ngSIC. ton, Melo bu.tab.tilu:ed lot hue
repeated a gh y-t••erth.•eiuua ee auissdo.
„1 tis Act first above cited, and dealt be
read Pe pert of the said Ad:: **And be L
coasted, That whenever 'any of the gall
'roans incorporates or in be iccerp^raved
as aiuresand, aS.11 be tuand bj. the census
return* to contain mere,jWn ten U,ousaod
inbabttaat*,tb.n, au petition( from tbe'l'uw•
T,../000,Council of such T.n, It 031111 and :nay w
Iswful fur the Gal th
overoar is Provtuce,b
as Order In Couuctt, to Irmo .a P,a.ciatns-
riots uuder the Ureat'Suat of the Pfus.ace,
c:ectlog such Towo taloa Cas, sec:ari»g
the dune id such Co v. .et mX furtb tine
be unoarics of ibei1.ue and lit the..I. W.Lee
thereof re.pecyely, with the purlieus 01
,he !theme.. 10 be attached to each suck
Wards r..pcatvely, aed uaciudmg "robin
such la.tradatteryaity putiwa e! lbe To tit,-
tlalp o1awaatlipo a:.J.csuat,. 11/1/44-1111/1/44-11ut
toe proaem.ty pi eifeato Or bulkiest,.bulkiest,. there.
in or the pru.W
0* future urgerci.e lit .tun
Coy, it way appear de.lr•b;. re the u Amon
lit hue G iserne! on Council •bun,l b
le astac e.
ed to ae•: C,ty,or tae lit.eritlit/trite',thereof; and
to mak. Dew snowless eel such City into
\\crus. ro I.kewtad
reras 1. prue.•d in the
¢.es 01 the eatj Pus net. anal lite first Erin_
1101 ie sp
finch .• as cq • City *pet, take p 1..e
uu the hat Ronda ul loe u u.th of 3-.oi-
•ry next alter toe end o1 three ca order
m.iDtba (rum the kale of enc:: Pratte:we t.•0.
P.uvide•d slow). °evern.e:tee; that when
awl go 'often le It WWI be du
te,o-1 derirsbte
tor th. greater convenience ul t«e coax o.
of any of the Ct•tea mcerpura ted or to be
u,eerpolaed ae aforesaid, tr at the area
form i.g suCb•City amt the 44414 HOC. tber.ut,
(cul:et wT .
,th any poit:ua .d Its ,wuaotp
01 WM0,l1rps 11•:i Wee,. eel ch !stem t • ,i.
1mdy et etre.1a or bu•luu.ge thure.a os
the probable suture cftgse meaufa ch (thy,
it mays appear detonable .huld be il•act.ed
l b Cyt y or the l.bv, 61re U,errat, or
without such portion et ascii Townie:.lp lir
l'ewr.eblp') .r 104 part tbereut, mid.W k'
r. -dewed tatu wards* .ad lb*.zp'wln.cy
of such re a dlviaf..e.I& bare ususe:.•ttic:.eal
by a mai mty ul (be Cowrmue Cuuw:d el
.ueh Coy euua.•Ing of.el 10401 Iwo tenthtenthul ,ha naeuaberd thereof, In 1Lo motels .d
Feeru-ry to two saeteweseet yenta, it sial&
111.43/111.43/and .111.43/be 144%1111.1 to tl..•U,m,.•rwrel Iwo
rr"rlhce, by a' O,drr loCeriici, to feat
a rroolawaloiw ta
amity the Gavel rival 1e.••
ol, r.•i .,d.ng .uea te.ty ul soar port 01
-,ich city into wail., 0111, Limiters .sucb
ea 1., such wattle respertiveiy, as a tui
O 1411 ..eta eapediea. A*d on, tr. m ♦lid
.Iter 11ee first day oI Jenuery rival aster
t a end of three cal•-.Jer mow:bs Iry a tree
teats of such Pratt dd011/m.ile.,n, K.la se .eu
4.441 Oak, ed• et to ail,luleete ani p three
a. 11 ouch bud been Ih.1'.r ttir.l d %te..n ul
...ice City into Wad., lily. et the tart Menet
. o re divided. la ad toy Act of Perlis treat
r Proclamation Ill the Ii •t 1. n.s.ce. .V..d
resoled ai..,eerunily,-WWII
C.rl In every s
r.-d.vralon,11 sizew
ll anal may be 1ai.", n.
and by suchuL'
Pr cl•nlnm, t• •el do with
the b •nnd•rice el such. City Of 10. 1.1, riot.
1110'0,3, •ay 1•orri'•11 of Ilse 'Fewest. p »s
Tell mom 0 adj*wa, r'1. eh Iran lbw pees. -
unity et stn, 1. aw bai,elal:• therein, ni
ins pralMbls tutu.° tosser' M. el wteb
City, n try app' artle..r.el:•, . the u, t is -r
.t toe l: tensor to l:oo.Ii, sl.uw.4 be
attached td .JCI City lir l.P Lb.' tor,
XX. Aed be it ;east* -I, That he, f.1-
tuw.ni se,- 10 .4111 we .eaise .e, in the
r.,...&, d n n•. 11 -tautly weir on sof tee Act
'rat above cued, all .1.11 se real as Inst
of the and Act! "A01.60 ie mewled, '1' et
Had .1 RawRawl's lines noel held leer
:fessaso Is woo meat mike s ret•i.w .team
rt emill1 ,. OS /be M.tet Md', Ile tri
month. et Jemmy. Are. Jet, sae Plates.
bee is each ye.
hawing .erti.n -hall be •ub.ti'uted for the
repeal, J one Minder-itmodmoth section of
the Art 11 ,t above cited, and shat) be read
,ts part of the sail Act :•'And be it react-
ed, that the tired of every such Municipal
Coo -potation as aforesaid, and the 'Town
Reeve of every Town and the Drolly
Town RCM.'e of every Township and
Town, shall ex uActa be .lusticr% of the
Peace In and for the County within or en
the herders of which the Township, Vil-
lage, Town or City, to whirl they shall
rcapectively belong, .hall be situate. and
, shall have within every such County, as
well as within the limits of Ole Jurisdiction
1 ilk Jluni-ipal Corporation over which
r such person presides, or le which they 01.511
respectively belong, all and bimodal. the
powers and juri•dirtinn an well civil as
criminal nide!' helmng to the office of Jus-
tice of the P. arc."
XXIII. And be it enacte11 Tint the
wiug section shall be aui,ditutcd for
the repealed one handiest and fiftr,rnth sec-
lioa.f the Act first above cited, and Mall
be read aa•part of the sail Act : -And be
it rlactcd, That it shill and may be law.
fol for the Governer of this Province by
any order is Co •aril. wale non th t peri•
*ion of the Municipal Corporation of any
Town or viRa;e, by Proclamnlion under
the Great tient of the Province, to all to
the hoasdariee of such 'Town or Village,
and to make a flew division of the Wards
of aqy such 'Iowa, and to alter the hours--
darks k number of such \\'mrd%, but so
that there be not' less than Three \\ ards
tberein,-aud'tlaat no Ward shall, by aueh
division contain less than the number ref
inhabitants contained in the least populous
Ward of such Toon by the fT•st Census
talen after ilii list erection of such Town
and the first elec lion, • under such : en-
largement or new division of such 'Tnwn
or Village, shall take place • on the first
\today oflanuary nest after the end of'
three calender mopllts from the testa of
such Prrielaination"
XXIV-.Aud be it enacted, that t::e
10110 0 10 4 clause shall be substituted for the
rebeal.J one hundred and twenty-eighth
section ofthe Act first above cited. and
shall be read as part of the said Act : ...Anti
be t1 enacted, That the iiea:l of 'erery
Municipal Corporation, Parted or to be
erected. under the authority of this Act..
shall be sworn or affirmed into office by
the ilibest Court of Law or iEq'iity,
whether of general or only of local pas -
(Felton, which ,bal) at the time be silting
within the limits oranch co po'alion, or be
Ole thief Ji*lice orotlter Juoticenr,Tmiee
of such Court at his Cbainbera, or if there
be no such Court; Justice or Judge within
the limits or at the place of meet ima; aimed*
Corporation at die time, ten before the
Reeordcr or Police Magistrate or Mayor,
(ilt ease he shall net be the person to be
sworn in) of suet City or Town, or any
Jnot ice of the Peace of the Codas y nr Trim'
In or orcr which. su-h •Cnrporatinn shall
hive jurisdiction, or in ease of 'Townships
and Village*, by env ,Tutus. of (he Peace
for the County in which' such Township or
Village shall be situate, or in cane them
shall.¢c nn such Court, Justice, Judos or
Jt'tic. M the: Peace within *itch limas at
the time, then beforethe Clerk of loch
Municipal Corporatioa in the prr'eace of a.
meeting of such Corporation, which srre-
ral Courts, Justice•, Jud.rr, Recorder•
and P•Jice ,llagistratca, Mayer-, Justice%
of the Peace, and Clerks, are here!iv seve-
rally ■titborw:d aid required to a I:n:ni.ter
such oath nr dGinaa'i on, and to give the ne-
censarr Certificate of the same having been
dal7 liken and snbacribed."
KXV. An I be *1 eit eitacted, Tint the fel•
lowing clause shall be substituted for the
repealed one bu-IJrrd and shirty=eecou•l ore•
tin' of the Act first above cited as a:nen Je 1
and 'batt be read as part of the %ail Act :1
" And ler it reacted, That in Jn'l ,re ia( adv
Cmert of Civil jorisdirrion, no Neva! or
. 1il ary l )t6cer nn Gia pay, and no petition
receivmc any al nwsnce from the Town-.
•hip. ('aunty, Villtge, Tnwn or City, (ex-
,ee, t in the capacity or 'roan necre, or
Deputy '\'own Reeve, or Towa.hip Cnun-
colter, or in capacities incident thereto.) and
no person Navin,; by Weigel( ow partner any
iote:Int or shire in any contract with or on
behalf of the Tnwsehip. Cennty,
'Cows or City in which healed reai•le, shell
Ix go dined to lie or be ;herbed .Vdcr:nen
or Councillor for the same or for any
%V'asil (herein.
t ragweed at such ehetioe, then to try at'
' suwell the validity of the election complained
'agates' as the validity of the alledged elee-
'tioe of such I; dater or otle r person,
both whit li objerta *ball be embraced in
the same Witt, winch Writ shall issue nut
l of either of Iter :Majesty's Sul er:ur
i Courts of Cowmen Law at Toronto, upon
au Older of ouch Court in term tune, or
upon the Fiat of a Judge of either of 'uct
' Courts or of the Judge of the Comity
Court hating juti,dirlion Over the ' 11 .t-
eipality within sloth such election shall
bare taken place in vacation, upon such
Relator the wing epee Ada tit to such
Court or .budge, reason:O!de ;rounds for
supposing that such election w.t% not rem
ducted a'.orJmg to Low, or That the par-
ly ;heeled or returned thereat, was not
duly or la',:illy elected or returned, ani
' upon •ueh Relator entering into a r•eog-
meancr beton, the said * '.1111 01 any Jud_c
thereof, or brfgre any Commissioner lir
laking bail in either of such (;mein hen-.
self in the atm of fitly muted*, aid! two
serrlies to be allowed as suliicient upon al'-
fidat it by such Cour! or Judge, or duo! _r
of the County Court as afor. said, in ti.
•uln of twenty-five pounds each, 'cnnd:-
tiuocd In prosecute with ef)ect the Witt
to be isaut•J open such -(leder or Fiat, or
to pay to the '.arty *gains' whom the same
*hall be broubt, his executor% or admin-
istrators, all sue h.coslsasshall be adjudged'
w such party ae inst him the said Relator,
therrupau etch 11V•rit .hall las issued ae-
cordiu4ly out of the ollirc of the Clerk of
Ile Crowle ind fleas of cit: h of said Se-
prrinr Const. of Common Lew at Teton -
:a, reel out ,of the oflirrs of their Dere-
, two in the several Counties in !'peer t:•-
- uad r, a ho Mall be provided web sueb
Wilts for that purpose; and the sant Writ
shall be returnable upon the et.Lth day
(1s on Frisby where service shall have
.been wrote on the ..\ hursday of the preced-
ing week,) or marl, further day to be earnest
in the said Writ mid ,t which shall not- be
Tess than eight days alter Ibst on which it
shall M screed on much pairs Icy the deli-
very of a copy lburer'f to bin personally
or in the manner het -entente prow tiled fort
before some one of the Judges of either of
the said Courts at l lhambrrp or before tie
Jud;e,of such County l:ourt•at a place to
be mentioned in the said Writ, any one of
which Judice, shall Imre power, upon proof
by A11•iJirlt of such personal or other ser-
vice, and be is hereby regitirrd to proceed
in a summary manner teeth statement and
answer mal without formal pleadings, to
hear and deterinitic 1:.. validity of the
Election couy:lained against, and where
-the sufociency or legality of such other
Fimiction %hath bore been so alleged **-
aforesaid then the volt ter of such cart
mentioned Electiu», anti iu ease of such
find mentioned Election being adjudged
invalid nail such last mcntioi.ed LElectios
being adjudged valid,. then by a Writ
adapted 10 that -purpose to cause the person'
returned upon such invalid Election to be.
relaoeed, and eel person lawfully t•leeted
and who ought 1.. been returned.tal.
Admitted in his p t-., a:id in cane of net -3o
thcr of sack" alleged i leclioln being ed
judgeml.rahj, Bice bye a like Writ to coiled.
the penou returned 11,101 such invalid
Electiou to be removed and s new tiles:
tion to be held to anpi,ly the vacancy the
treated, in all which eases it shalt and 10*7
bo lawful lot such Judge, whether of the
County or Suieeeer Courts as aforesaid.
*1 the facts „ate erilere heroic him render
it proper so to 'it?, to make the !'✓atuening .
Oili:::r at sail Election a parry to such
proceeding+an aro:esaieti as to tib Jud4a
shill seem jrtsl ; Provided slw:. s. never-'
theles%, firstly, that all (Election." q('t t.y.
ora, Warden., 'I:uwn Reeves ani t)epete
\'own Reeves shaft be deemed Election
aithi: the utoaidog of this se ti on : An.f
provided alto, s.:.wt1ly, that whenever
the gvomel% of objecteon atainat any strep
Election stall apply equally to all or any
number o \
f the .lrmaers of any ,ascii Mu -
Moto! (:o,p•r:alms, it shall and may be
lawlul for the Relator to proceed by one
Writ of Sten:noes against all such llein-
q-rs; and le ease of the Elect:ons of all
the Mem ►era of any such Monicip*f Cor-
poratiiou being a1jst,;ed invalid, the Writ
fu!• the reuuval of lite :Uym:rdrs sn ad-
ju•J1eJ to have beer, i;ir,aity elected an 1
returned and the admission of thole so'ad-
judged to Irate been legally eh•etei, shall be
•hrected to the SIeii1T of the Co:mty or
Caine of Con mice within the limits. of
nlneh the Igqcaiity in or over whirl"' touch
aluoi:it,al Cbr; oration shall be cslabliOie.l
shall ba situate, rrho Ur: toe p:Irpo*e of
causing an Election to b • held uuder. the
;tntttorny of ON Act, shill here all the
p ewers and nu;:t wity hrn•h j ednfeered
tepern Munition! Corpo•ationa for snpplyirtA
such vacancie- no are o;•c1.i )ntol by death t
And provi.led Islas, thi; illy, th it all stick
original Writs of Sum.; oils shall he ail-
phed for within nit weeks afl,•r the Elec-
0I10 complained *'aia•i, or Killian oda
month alter the Pers in whose Election i•
s •
e tt 'loo ..I shall hall lace accept nl the o.Kcrr
and not after, els ; An 1 provided alae,
fou'lhly, that no costs shaft he awi•.led
ageing any person against wbos any such
Writ of t emtnnns m ilia nature Of a quo
warranty shall be brought, who skull with-
in one week after baron; been Served wills
vetch Writ, tranamil post;mia Ihroi'ih these
Post 1)1Ttce, d'reeled to the Clerk er
.fli.Ige: t'ham'ren, at Os m a l t Hall, To-
rontu, te!ten emit w, -it shill ,be retool nabs„
there, or to the Judge of the Candie
I;overt ;Ilea it i4 made retoraible before
mete Judge, a I)iaclaimer of late (Ili:. in
the tense or to the i 11,ct foll•rwing, that
le to say : " 1, A. H., u;in whom a Writ
of Sum.anne in the nate:; of a q'ro war.
mato, bas been *erred' for the I.0 •pose of
cnateilitg my ri jab lo the, for.
of 1'o en.
skit Committer (ar as the wise may be)
Imo the Townsbilr of IIIthe ('mthly of r far
rs thew( ITS he) tits beweb r di'cMis the
sal Oi'e as t aN dsf.Betr of be) w jht 1
m,y herr to tot sese, Heel se 1t shell
here bee.' proved to Hie tivAelio i or much
Cowl rl or Jird c *e: had "
Stet ! 'Yaea a tare
A euanculias 'arty to being pet in n•antlsa-
tem me taaitddle for web L'ectirws, to
which latter mite sorb ea* a • kill be w lis
diseretine of INA fetes er du lee. Asad
pyotidc"1 aWla, ib'y, tl at it s'i'll 8e w
ia1y of 1rt►y •llch 1-st s nitwit 1 h►r e s
le icSeer a da ,ti :ate of •njh 1 i el .liner ro
use Clerk of the Ise .ic, al i'ot nfalOM Zhu
matt in which shall be c r alcsL�, whit *'esti
fwlhoi It rnmwoni -a:e 1.. Vas. to It
other Nir.n:ee s of se le V'Toamnpel Co p.
trees* ; Amt provided aces. NSIMy. tient
Its Only +ueh caws, it she'\ h.' hale! f r Mt
Jr I. Mien *Iowa s r It \Veit el Oaks
moss is ret*r.*e, to Of NI
time *1111 eo pnetionity for 110 e*iie ell
pal Corpe.atinn, or to 1,7 Kray
as a Maliri,ril .etre of edall
M 'Notelet see 'steal 14.
XXI. And be ti snarled, Teat Ito r'i -
low .g *wool stroll by /lentsuted ler the
rep••al.I earl bww.ked a.rd th "rd .nen ,4 o,
the Act Bret a:,.,ee cited, ani sha!I oo reel
O 5 part d ibe mod Act: ••,It 1 *e it sweet
e.1, feat the Clef be of the Vos,wno Coon
el;. et the safe I:IIMO or sere meet pen"n*
ye the 1'oiporsiiewe of .ueh Coes •halt
appal for gloat perp..., ah.11 M l:,e,h, n•
ateenrief s l; sett., and perform the
Uwe duties a.J recotro the, sine a tn..1u-
o.swu as now apporlau to too Cooks e
iho ramie. in Cooper Canada
N \ (T. And M it •cartel, Thst the 1.1-
X XVI. Ant be it eaa-tuts 'Int the fel-
lowing section nl the Act li.•%t above cited
and 'hall be read a, put of the tai I Act :
1'J be it enacted, That each awl every
,Is«ice of the. Peace for any of the said
Tema, %hall be gwhfoem is the wase
amount of property. sod shall lake floe some
oaths mare rcq•uire.l of other jtraticen of
the Peace, t no Market of any Comp-
ly, Moyer, Ile order, I'olice Magi•Irate,
M AtJerma11 of sv ('il Mayor or
. Tr 7
ila;rstrste,lieere err deputy Reeve many
town, 'Coen 1'teeec, nr Deputy Toen
iieeve of any Tewa%hep or tillage, 4.111
req ere any prn,ierty gaat,S.:ation to retb'c
lam lawfelly to act st a Jweic% of the
`es e, cit 'hall any ether oath be boguire'\
li m than hos oath of nilice as seal %V'ar-
' sheat;r
\la or, Recorder, \'olive \la '
Alderman, 'row,. Reece or 1►-1uty 'Town
(Leer.., and the 0.101 01 4441M -cation tot
Berk ets;; an.7 law to Hie Cwtrary not-
XXVII. And lee It ;noted, That tet.
following mhos %hall be si batitrleJ for
the repea'.J nee lurked tad fatty teeth
section as amended of the Art 5.4 Above
cited and %hill be rcx•t a% pert nl the said
Act : • Aid be it enacted, That M 111;
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as a Meniriisal V'eter is or for any •1'.411•
ohp Of Village, or is or fin a t7 Ward of
any '1-owtnhip, Togas or (;ily, for sinal
any .kerion thiel he b' 1 in Ice the oaths.
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