HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-10-04, Page 5— Continued from page 4 living here.) The sale of beer and pop is tremendous. The water smells so bad you need a clothes pin on your nose at times when taking a drink of in 1939, when war was de- Oared, guards were posted at many reservoirs to protect the water from any contamination. Now, big business gets around the guards by selling the, idea lo municipalities to tamper with their own water supplies. We are told of the great re- duction in the cavities in children's teeth with no harm- ful effect on the population. llow can it be proved that flu- orides can and do cause harm to health? Some years ago I remember that it was dis- covered that deaths from heart diseases were higher in Brant- ford than in Sarnia, ,iii an interview with out Medical officer of health, he said this was caused by the larger number of older people here. in the Telephone City, I notice that many of my ace otiaintences have dropped dead from heart trouble. Would it not be a good idea to find omit how much higher is the death- rate in Brantford from this disease, if any, compared' to other places which do not have fluoridation? Some years ego, we lied an epidemic in Brantford known .... as the '':f3rentfeed FeVer", This epidemic Was kept a elOse. secret for several months. I found out later that our MOH eleitms it was caused by an "Echo Virus". Many of us he- l'eve it WAS caused by An over- dose of flitoridee into our water. On tiny job for exeMple, three of us lived in Ri'antford and drank Brantford water, an- ether Men who lived out into Ilse, country and who -never too a drink of Our fluovirleted water in any shape or tenet, was not 'made ill by this fever, 'Myself, and the other' two Mee were stricken by this sickness triter canted great ere mpe lit the, Stomach and a splittifig headache plot other pains which were hard to take. EVeit it fluorides aee, good Or harmless, 'no one should he required to conMtme it against their will Our lieoPle are now lasing privileges of eltelsion too roadily, Municipalities claim loss of rights, and vinees, too, resent etiettech- mente. As those who are pushing fluoridation for their Children ran now buy 1'111011de leblete fur less than $5 pet thousand and give eine eeth day for the Hatred amount, Why the need to install costly finoridatiOn erittiontent in our watetWork0 It does scent so ffittlieb flush tons of Ale Poistin through the- water systente and only about two ne three per cent itsed for drinking Wive Math retnedy it available, think that, the Abed folks t),C Exeter. whom 1 Ain laid 1't verir good supply of Pitt trateri should take a Ring, SkA. Weletieee CNIB fetes local lady Miss Amy. La,mmie spent few days in Toronto last, week. On 'Saturday she was honored at .e luncheon, along with Miss S. Miller, another retiring teacher' for the CN1B at the home of Miss L Cowan, na- tional director of home leach- ing, The Ontario teachers pre rented both ladies with elec tric coffee makers. Guests were present from Ottawa. Hamilton, Peterborough, Corn- wall, Barrie, Sudbury and To- ronto, Kinsmen discuss bingo At the Kinsmn dinner meet• ing held Sept. 27 Mr, Paul Shortreed on the staff of the Bank of Montreal here was in- stalled into the club as a new member. A cash bingo was discussed to be held later this month. Mr, Stanbridge, of the com- munity programs branch at Hanover will he guest speaker at their next meeting, October 11, The new president, Mr. John Heal, presided for the businss meeting with 100ee at- tendance reported, Personal items Mrs. Sim Roobol entertained at her home Tuesday evening in honor of "Mr. Roches birth- day, and also the birthday of Mr. Cal Horton, A dinner was served, a social hour spent and gifts presented. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Cal Horton of. Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Don Dodds of Seaforth, and Mr. Jack .Faber of Hensel!. The Legion bingo jack pot this Saturday night will be M05,00 in 58 calls, with two door prizes. Unit 3 of United Church Women, Mrs. Dave Kyle, lead- et-, are holding a bake sale in the church basement this Sat- urday, Oct. 6 at 3 p.m, Mr. and. Mrs, Gus S./0th and dint, of Royal Oak, Mch., were weekend visitors with Mrs. Lou Simpson. ORDER YOUR WOOD NOW when the weather is good mixer) SLAG WOD-.0 Stake Truck load, delivered . ...... $$0 00 Half-load. delivered $17.00 MIXED LIMB AND BODY WOOD Stake Truck load, delivered $50.00 Half-load, delivered . — • - ........... • A• • $27,00 Apply in Writing to Robert Eagleson AILSA CRAIG or Phone 232-4450 Nairn before 8:30 or between 5 and 7,30 p.m, You'll Find Many Services UNDER OUR ROOF . and trained, experienced officers to handle your business efficient1,7 and in complete confidence, Some of the Services at British Mortgage are: Savings Accounts Executor of Your Will Deposit Receipts Investment Management Guaranteed Certificates Estate Planning Retirement Savings Plan First Mortgages Administering 'Pension Funds Safety Deposit Boxel Guardian for Minors Visit or phone our office to find out how our services can help you. Hours: Mon, to Thurs, - 9 a.m in 4.30 p,in Friday - 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. BRITISH. MORTGAGE & TRUST COMPAI\ Echt ard lands, Branch Manager, At the Stoplight, Goderich, Ont. Exeter -Over 50: children compete .at concert Fair -"as held in the .town hell 7 Hibberit Joyce Flynn Caro. .t"titlaied,,,evening and was well .lyn a his 78l.h. yea' Alt. A eLloy Chairman for the evening was Piano duett in and over. ,W45 ,1)-orn,in Timkersmith. where It'h.e L,s(;,,Ili coNolaittfohatornd„ chairmanndjivdgensf ;halt Liners 11:171.2. K"e1(31,s eit'aein.t8e. '41 r4:sirdlln''"5114"HC7rtrS1.141?1Y14iyaekairrIrgs were Mr- Arthur PrioMP.61 of Exeter. ,Publie School, arid Mr. William CourtneY, MUM supervisor at RCAF. Station Centralia. Hensall personals And iN1 rs, Fred Glover, Arko- na, Mrs. Walter Gilbert, RR 2 Rarkhill, Mr. and. Mrs. James E. Orr, Parkhill. Guests Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Jones at Queens- way Nursing home were Mr. and Airs, Norman Hoover and daughter Marian, Airs, Nellie Scott, Brussels and Air, Ross Smith, Wingham, Kenneth Jones, London,' spent the week end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs, R. C. Chad- wick of Burlington were 3.T- rent guests with 'Mr. and Mrs, Fred Beer. Mr. and .aers, Ed Little spent Ilse weekend with Air, and. Mrs. Oswald Brown, in Detroit, Mr, and Mrs, Harry Snell are spending this week at Blenheim with Mr. and Alt's. Don Rigby, and Alt. and Mrs, Bill Knights. Mr, and Airs, Fred Ireland of Toronto visited last week with tbe latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jones. Miss .Ellie Heslinga, who is relieving at the local Bell Tel- ephone office, spent the week- eeweeree!•eeeeeeteeeeeeseeeeteeeeeeeeee end at her home al Thames. ford, Air, Howard Scane, who un- derwent surgery in St. Jo- seph's Hospital, London, on Saturday, is recuperating. Airs, Edna Corbett was a weekend visitor with her son- in-law and' daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Parker. at Chisel- hurst. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Passmore of London were recent visi- tors with Airs. Pearl Passmore and Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Bell, Mr, and Airs, Don Maclean en of Toronto visited over the weekend with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Cha pm.an. Mr. ,lack Chipchase of To- ronto, visited over the week• end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Chipchase. air. 'Robert Lambie, who. has hen a patient at Westminster Hospital, Londo n, returned home this week, Mrs. 'Wilbert Dining, Alt's, R. Al. Peck, Mrs, Fred Beer and. Mrs, Larry Horton of Hensall WI attended the Huron County WI rally in .Bluevale Hall on Monday. 31rs, Fussell Brock, R.R. 2 Tippen, was the lucky winner Mrs. Alice Keene of Stratford, visted recently with Mrs. Dow. Sun, the latter .returned to. Stratford Tor a few .days IA40, floss proadfoot is a ,patteht in Victoria hospital, London. Mr. :Cdward harrison 1Vingliatn, who was well known at Eippen and a -traveller for Canada Packers lox, many years visited Saturday with sonic old time customers. Airs, N. Long visited 1.11tirs-, day With Miss Pearl Keyes of Exeter. Sunday visitors with 'Aix, and net's, N. Long were Mr. and Mrs. Wm- Long of Woodford., Mr. and Mrs. John Long and, Airs, Bessie Gillis of Owen Sound and Air. and. Mrs. James Armstrong of Staffa. A :umber of the faintly of Mrs. Robert McBride met at Queensway Nursing Home, oe Saturday, Sept. 22 to extend birthday wishes to her on her 901.11 birthday. • C. V. Pickard Phone 235-0310 John T, McCloy district farmers John MeCloy died sudden- ly at Clinton. Community Hos- st ti ws'ictIliogorltitcti:eu7leril,aeljnislatstc1:4:14:j!oloi ttiot(ii :14aAllore(F,o, lt:Pnani(talt?co-Yo' ',SPtecitile`I''el.145). Wednesday 11; i l1the7i the Redvrne:lfittneegrii, Muni tY a " noon of that day, Forrest, Patricia Parke and a go,lie was unmarried. Joan. Simo,ons, liensall PS; any Surviving are two sisters, instrument, Grant and Kenneth Mrs. Robert Simpson, Hensall, Jones, Hensall I'S; and Mrs. Agnes McLean. also Spelling Bonnieich(l .Kerslake, r:b l KYllslatt('el l ofi ilieillise all Hensall funeral services were 7 lir ibbertl Heather Reid, Hen- held on Friday from the Bondi- salt PS. ron funeral home conducted by There were 53 entries in the ,Rev, Ross MacDonald, Burial various classes, was in Hensall Union cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. R. A, Our vis• Janie Smith, who underwent lied over the weekend with Mr eye surgery in St, Joseph's Hos- pital, London. has returned home, Mr. Garnet MougSeau and his father, Air, Alex Alousseau, left Saturday for a week's fishing and hunting trip to Northern Ontario, Miss Eiiie Heide/ma, Thames- ford, has accepted a position on the staff of the Bell Telephone. Me, and Mrs. John ,Finlayson, of Detroit, were guests, Monday with Mr. and Airs. Harry Faber. Tye Tilted°, who is stationed at RCAF" Station Centrabo, called on friends in the village last week. Tye is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Tiberio of tier- many, formerly of elensall. TIMELY TIPS Feeds for beef cattle must supply energy, protein and certain vitamins and minerals. These requirements must be, kept in mind when planning and following a feeding pro- gram, say livestock specialists with the Ontario Agricultural College.. Personal items Mr, and Mrs. Anthony Bran and Richard, Montreal visited recently with Mrs, Brait's par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, Samuel Nor- ris, Teresa Miller, who had been a patient in. St. for Hos- pital, London, for over six weeks, is home again with her parents, Air, and Mrs. Russell Miller, Alt'. and Mrs. Eldrid ol and Mr. George Miller, Lon- don, visited with Miss Marga- ret and james Miller, Mr. George Miller staying for a few days. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Mayer and family, Farquhar, visited on Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller and family and Alt', and Mrs. John Templeman and family visited at the same home on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Annis and Calvin, near Mitchell, vis- ited Sunday evening with Mrs. Ernest Ten-internee. Your library — Continued from page 4 grapby was a hest seller and of the flash camera in a draw this book is altogether as fine at Brown's 1GA Saturday night, II opens in July 1941 when Mr, 31r, Howard Scane is A. pa. Masters was a 26 - year - tient in St. Joseph's Hospital, second lieutenant in the Second London, where he underwent Battalion Fourth Prince of surgery nn Saturday. Wales' Own Gurkha Rifles. M. Airs, Frank Harburn is a pa- closee in August .l045 when be. tient in St. Joseph's Hospital. Was a battle-worn brigadier London. who had experienced the worst Mr. and Mrs. Jaek Peebles. that jungle warfare could or- Monica and Gregory, London, fer, were Sunday visitors with Mr Masters . is a fine descriptive and Mrs, Leonard Noakes and writer and in his very personal family. account of what, conflict means Lisa, little daughter of Mr to a soldier, hr. is at his beet. and Mrs., Jim -Hyde, is a, pa- Roth of these new ,books are tient in the War Memorial rh il - feom Huron County Library, dren's Hospital. London, Ses Your local Agent Bona less Dinner 79 valmompsommegmeerserge . d Che e a l*-Eq TIM gn sTUART HOUSE HEAVY DUTY oil Wrap 1-1 WIDTH 57, HENSALL ti a Winners a re Recitations. grades 3 and under, lean Cole, SS 7 Hilbert; Julie Heal, Hen- sail PS; Shirley. Brintnell, SS 7 lethberte grades 5 .and uncle". Marjorie Sehwalm, Hensel) PS; Debbie Anderson, .Hensall PS; :Cordon. Dick SS 7 Hilbert; Publie speaking, Bonnie Kers- lake, 7 Hihbert.; Beth Cook, Kenneth jones. Hensall P'S; grades 7 and 8, Cheryl Little, Hensall PS, Vocal solos, girls under 111, Ann Keys, Herman PS; :Barbara Kerslake, 7 Hibbert; Bonnie Sangster, 'Herman PS; 10 and over, Kathie Henderson, Muriel Ferguson, liensall PS; Denise Kerslake. 7 Hibbert; boys Wa- der 10, John Noakes, Tim Mock, Hensall in and over, Ken- neth Jones, Bob Maxwell, Mich- ael Davis. liensall PS: Vocal Mach, Denise and 13on- nie Kerslake, 7 .Hibbert; Joyce Flynn and Linda Lenaghan, Hensel] PS; Unison Mortis, grades 5 to 8, 7 Hibberl; grades 7 and 8 Hensel] PS; grades 5 and 6 Herman PS; Piano solo under 10, Doug The story in Staffa Ely MRS, JOHN TEMPLEMAN Neighbors fete couple By 1413-$ KIPPEN On Monday evening, Sept. 2, about 45 neighbors and friends gathered at the home of Mr. And Mrs, Keith Lovell IneWlY WeelS1 and .chivareed 'them. A friendly lime was enjoyed and lunch served by the hostess. Personal items Mrs. Robert McLean visited a few days last week with .her , sister, Mrs. Linton of London Air. and Airs. Harold Jane:, and boys visited Sunday with and Airs. Garnet Shipman and family at Exeter. 11ev, and Airs. D. A. Mac- Milian of Ilderton called on several friends in Kippen on Monday. Maple Leaf Smoked Rindless Side C GARDEN PATCH rn el Corn. GREEN .GIANT ono, Nos H NZ .omato.Ketthup 14.0z, TINS 15.OZ, TINS Nook 3; Petol?ftr 4, 1902 Henson and district news c.ORRg$PONPgN.T$ Maude Phono. 3. .Archio .MacGregor*, Phone $b elassetertiee eeeeeeteeer-eee-ee.ereeeet.ee . eteekeeeefemerite~ Chisol.hurst has anniversary Anniversary eervieee in -Chs- . ellutest United Church Sunday were attended with ideal weather prevailing for the day. Afternoon speaker was Rev. H. F. Curie of Hensall and solo. fists were NW Dorothy Parker and Eric Ross. .The choir, under direction of Mrs, A, ROgs at the piano, rendered. A. selection. Evening guest minister was Rev, S. E, Lewis of James Street United Church, Exeter. Hensel/ United Church choir under direction of Mrs. Robert Pryde contributed two selec- tions, Lovely autumn flowers decorated the church for the occasion, Kinettas plan activities At the meeting of the Hen. eat'. Kinetic Club held Wednes- day evening, September 26 at the home. of Mrs. James Hyde a lengthy business session was held with ways and means com- mittee, Mrs. John Deitz and Mrs. Harold Knight, outlining plans for the coming rummage sale lo he held on October 13. Discussion was also held on several other projects which wilt he. held this year, Service committee convenor, Airs. Rob- ert Baker and her assistant. Mrs. .11orner Campbell, outlined their program for the coming ear, also. The social conven- ors; Mrs. William Clement and Mrs. John Drysdale also gave their report. Mrs, William Weide was presented with a baby spoon from the club for baby John, The guest. speaker for the evening. Miss Margaret Fuss, KN, was introduced by Mrs. William. Clement, Miss Fuss, who has travelled extensively, ,bowed many of her pictures of ['Bane, Japan and Ra.waii, where she lives and works. Mrs. Har- old Knight expressed the thanks of the club and presented Miss Fuss with a token of apprecia- tion. New president, Airs. john Heal was in the chair with ,1.2 members in attendance. The- next meeting of the club will be held at the home of Mrs. Ross ;links on October .10, Laurentjan trip follows nuptials Volloveing their wedding in Hmpress Ave, United. Church, London, Saturday, September n, Mr. and Alt's, Welter Frede- rick Ainess, London, left on a trip to the. Latirentians. The bride, formerly Aimee Jean Noakes, London, is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Leon- an d Noakes, Hensall, and. the groom is the son of Mr, Walter .1, Amess and the late Mrs. Amos, London, Rev. A. E, leostace officiated at the me- dal. ceremony, Air, W. It, Goolding presided at the organ consol for tradi- tional wedding music and ae- compoied the soloist, Miss Barbara Eustace who sang "The Wedding Prayer" and "The Lord's Prayer", Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor- length gown of norganza over bridal taffeta. The fitted bod- ice featured a portrait neck- line with an insert of imported lace, The full skirt featured two lace appliques on the front and swept to a chapel train, A lun- ette cap of norganza and lace embroidered with seed pearls held a tiered veil of pure French illusion, She carried a cascade of deep pink roses, stephanotis and white heather sent from Scotland by Mr. and Mrs, Ivor McKay. The bride's senior attendants were gowned alike in dresses of aqua sik organza over tat• feta and carried cascades of pink glads. Miss Linda Noakes, Hensel], sister of the bride, was maid of honor, and bridesmaids were Mrs, Robert Franck and .Mrs. Robert Quantvell, both of London. Junior bridesmaids, Miss Brenda Noakes, lfensall, and Miss Monica Peebles, sister and cousin of the bride were gowned alike in pink silk or- ganza over taffeta. They carried cascades of white and aqua glads. Robert. Fra lick of London was groomsman and David Noakes of Hensel!, brother of the bride, and Robert. Quantrell of Lon- don ushered guests, The reception was held in the church parlors and later at the home of the groom, For receiving guests the bride's mother wore a champagne beige dress of lace and peat' de soie embroidered with seed pearls with accessories in brown and wore .a corsage of yellow roses and bronze mums. She was as- sisted by the groom's sister, Mrs. 0. R. Franck, who wore a dress of rose beige lace over taffeta with matching acces- sories and a corsage of gold carnations. The couple will live in Lon- don. Guests were present from Hensall, Zurich. London, Chat- ham, Hamilton, Brockville and Veteran, Alberta. Carmel Presbyterian notes Carmel CG1T held their meet- ing Wednesday evening, Sept. 26 and planned for the, fall rally Saturday, °clover 6 at Sea- forth, cars to leave the church At 12.15. Plans were made for iriteet- logs in October. New president, Patsy Moir, was in the Barbara Schwalm conducted games. The Sunday School .rally was Observed on Sunday with the children of the Sunday School occupying seats in the church auditorinm. Faye Troyer and Michael Boy took .part in the. service, Rev, Ross MacDonald gave an illustrated talk on "For the wages of sin is death, hut the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord". A new .Explorers group eras been started in Bayfield of Knox 'Presbyterian Church al the home of Mee, William 'Talbot Jr, with Alrg, Talbot as the new counsellor, Tee boys and girls were .present, Rev, Ross Matilibalti spent Monday at Kintell Camp l'nr Retreat of the Hilton- MARIAM Preshedery. Resident's father dies Pallbtaters were Bruer Bragg, .F.Ittiest Clark, R n n young, too Themsen, Allan and Wilson Trettiter. Funeral services for the late William T, Robinson of Auburn, who died in Clinton Community Hospital on Friday, Sept, 28 were held he Monday, October 1 front the Arthur funeral home, Auburn, with butter in Ball tenteterY, Auburn. Survivors Are his wife, the termer Lucinda ,:tatiette Ander soti; step-daughters Mts. Hat- Old {Bernice) Citerie of Hensail; Mrs. ,lean Stephenson, Stoney' Creek, . end Alre. Settiti Toronto; and a brother Nelson, Wyche inieter.. Alta. Mitt M, Pybus dies 1"uneral services for Miss Mary Ellen :rybils, 85, formerly of :Chiseibittele London and /notion were held Settnedaye Sept, 2.1 from Hopper - Hockey' funeral hone., Exeter,. burial in Exeter rentotery. Miss 'ryhti8 died lit Si Thnthas hospital nn Wednesday, Sept. 26. She hats born near ilettsait TilekerS -township the tlatigh- ter :of the lee Potty and Eliza both fPengellyI thybut. She took alt :active part church work all her life, turro,,m,t; is nut, brother Roy, filtelt" ‘PYbItt bf Ethitrititen, "212 4 Felix The reader comments hard look at this fluoridation of their water before dumping this poison into it, If Exeter has such a good tasting water supply, they are indeed for- tunate. We have no such thing in :Brantford. Your sincerely, G. W. CHINNERY, 230 Marlboro St. P.S.-11 is interesting to note that while we have 17 dentists listed in our Brantford tele- phone directory for a popula- tion of some 54,000 people, it. takes from six months to a year to obtain an appointment. We should have 34 dentists in- stead of 17 to provide proper service. Also, up until now (year 1962) it has cost the tax• payers of :Brantford over $25,- 000 annually to provide "free" dental care for school-age children whose parents could not afford to pay for dental treatment, ED. NOTE: Our support of the. benefits of fluoridation is based on extensive and expert research by .competent medical authorities, Mr. Chinnery may suspett that even warts are caused by fluorides hut surely he should provide some tell. able hasis for his contentions, The world would never receive any of the benefits of inodeen medical' science it each new treatment was banned by the Suspicions of a few, May mean you Th the editor, This letter is directed to a "dear neighbor", As 1 sit here, at my kitchen table this bright, pr'omisi'ng morning I can Oteasibitatly see, (torn the window, at least, six lints of lovely, clean, white, fresh clothes. You'll notice I say ""occasionally'", Well, the srlitike that is belehing from your borefire of petato•vieer and fitel nil is, to say the least, diffietilt to see through, Vett know, as we all do, the safety sln gant about fitee. There's one they left out, be. tatted right now you're biggest ettetten should be that yett don't then your hack, you'd he liable io get a knife in it. Well, I guess I better 'collect "my" garbage as today is Wok- 110 day on out street 1 must: carry it, a mere 10 ,,f6ot: from otir house, My lead lakes up my speed end usually Mere, on the garbage truck but .1 figure the safe method of disposal. You'll never see use burning (resit on Washdays Or any day' Al. least t neighbouring housewives ttand. ing beside their kitehtit tvan OW'S using profanity their kitchen ettriaitisl Which is tit- attly what. I just 'did. Give it a bit thought I tight mean "Yetf%