HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-10-04, Page 3.Award ,contract
for Q.B..gara9,0
MasNaughten o
Huron MMP, .announced, this
Week that a contract has been
-mOont:lt r,hVrottitowna y Ppf ttrh:l.
g r
ne . w near Grand m d gaantide',
Paly .constroetien. Co.
Os on its tender hid of
Works Minister Ray
Connell said work would he;
gin on the project immediate.
ly. The structure will be
erected near the intersection
of Nos. 4 and 83 Itiohways,,
CNR agents
fete Cerson
RAIN MARS FAIR—A steady rain that was whipped across the grounds by a cool
breeze at the Kirkton Fall Fair, Friday, kept attendance well below normal and
forced cancellation of the parade and many of the outside activities. However, the
4-H members braved. the weather to put on a good display with their calves, but
only those who could find shelter under the barns witnessed the highly competi-
tive event, as shown here, --T-A photo
Endorse 2-year term
Snell Bros. Ltd.
We'll Thoroughly Inspect
Your Muffler l it:tr
Leaks + Rust Spots + Dents
If it is defective
we'll replace it with a genuine
GM Muffler
for as low as
installed while you Wait
by -OTOS- rnechanitt A SAVING $3,10
Snell Bros. Ltd..
Phone 235-0660 Exeter
ONLY '1.95
to invite you...
Ninety-Eight Luxury Sedan
3.3. 3. "a 04::,..3,3v • • •
Dynamic 88 Convertible
Asemv.,'4•s, .
Super 88 Holiday Sedan
Turn down
two appeals
Sitting at court of revision
Monday, Hensel]. council voted
unanimously to uphold the as-
sessments on the properties of
two owners who submitted ap-
peals against the figures reach-
ed by assessor Earl Camp-
' bell,
The first appeal \vas receiv-
ed from the operators of the
Hensall Sales Barn who said
they felt that different parts
of the structure should be as-
sessed at -different rates.
Vie Hargreaves, Clinton, rep-
resenting the firm, pointed out
that part of the barn was the
remains of a 75-year-old struc-
ture and that the barn was
actually only a shell.
Assessor Campbell, who ad-
mitted that the building "was
one of the tough ones," report-
ed to touricit that the °Mee
-of the .firm had been Charged
at a rate. of. 81.00 per square
Tool. and the remaining suttee
at, 75 cents per square foot,
Ile produced the assessment
figures on a similar structure
in Gerrit, and while he point-
ed Out he had never seen the
building, he had been told it
Was not M as good shape as
the Hensall outfit.
However, Hargreaves stated
that. he felt it was, and point-
Pd out that the Gorrie assess-
ent was lower than his
Hargreaves learned from
council that he MOM appeal
his assessment with the county
aSseaser, if .the grimP
decided to leave it as estimat-
ed. by Campbell,
• Only one home.
Fred floor was the only
homeowner to weal his as.
seSSMent and said he felt it
was toe high,
However, after hearing the.
assessments against homes
similar le his own, lie appear•
ed satisfied that his charges
were comparable to the other
Thieves enter
two cottages
ThieveS already have shOWin
by .tiling summer cottages
in the Grand 'Bend area but
noliee I I II v e they were
fil§liteneti Off 'before .oity
Made btf vvilti any spoils.
Broken. Into were two tat.'
I-606S iii the kingOtero sub'
divisianr .north et
tend, owneit by William
Mills, 'di:idol:A, and William
Lawronte, London.
'Nit* ifiVeStigateit Over 40
heeelons ill the SOMIner rhr
sort area. last winter in Mit
worst outbreak in the
teitri's bit`tory,
owvlit,:,ammotwit s..et•rc„....,?.7,,,...Meset.ezes-ex.:.4.:3..:....7.:„
• 13424244,122Alraar • 'kla. , •
St.arftre Coupe
Super 88 Halley Coupe
7hem:9-.54ornethOg extra*obeiat OW.MV 6V7
to delight yd11!
There, waiting for you, with its long look -of
elegance to sweep you into 1968, is Oldsmobile. This is
the car for you .. with unrivalled performance
• —unstinted luxury. For 1968, each Oldsmobile series
is distinctively different, with its own special
grille and rear-end styling. So which '63 Olds will
it be for you? 'Your Oldsmobile 'Dealer
has all the answers. See him soon!
EXETER Chev Olds Corvair k Envoy Choy Truokt PI4 235.6660
6163.4 itcodl tit* oprtonaletextra coo
Stephen to reforest
its, municipal dump
Stephen township council
made application to the 00
nf lands' and forests for the,
planting of 5,000 trees on the
municipal dump grounds on
eoncession 14. at their meeting
Council requested that 2,500
white pine and .the same more
ber of white spruce be used.
They also gave approval to
dept of highways' Plans for
new bridges and culverts on
the construction work on No,
4 highwey.
Road superintendent Law-
rence Hill 'reported that the
work of building up concession
roads 10 and 11, south of
Sarcpta, had been completed
Taylor raps
walk choice
Drains chairman Ross Tay-
lor, whose committee came
tinder some criticism at a
special meeting last week, re-
taliated in kind Monday night
by tackling the roads commit-
tee for its selection of areas
for sidewalk construction,
"I think the committee should
go around town to determine
what sidewalks require repairs
Most, Under the present setup,
only the people who complain
get their sidewalks fixed. There
are some sidewalks in much
worse condition than the ones
which were fixed this year,"
Taylor referred to previous
criticisms from Deputy-Reeve
Farrow, who had said that
drains are repaired according
to those who make the loud-
est complaints. "If Farrow
was in charge of drains, no
one would get them fixed, re-
gardless of how much they
and also that the spreading of
gravel on township- roads had
been: .completed,
C.otincil Issoed four building
permits and one permit for
moving a building at the meet-
Building permits Were ap-
proved for Clayton Blonde, A
car port at Oakwood Park: .1..
B„ Hay Estate, an outside fire-
place in .Oakwood; Albert.
Smith, a house in Centralia,
and one permit for the erec-
lion of the new Dashwood Com-
They also authorized owners
of the Derby Dip, south of
.Exeter, to move their stand
across the road from their pre-
sent location,
Decided to bold their No-
vember and December meet-
ings on the first Tuesday of
the month at 1:00 P,M•
Paid general accounts total-
ling $1,076.99 and road accounts
of $19,175,10.
Learned that the approach
of the tri-county bridge had
been turned back to them from
Huron county council.
—Continued from page 1
ienced members could he elect-
ed, However, experience of the
past indicates that such an
event would seldom, if ever,
Councillor Wooden: "There is
an advantage to the two-year
term in that so many of our
projects extend from one year
into another," He cited sewer-
age as a principle example.
Simmons: "Yes, and many
of the things we are doing now
are being planned two or three
year ahead."
Reeve Fisher: "I Mir* the
two-year term is a good idea."
So did Councillor .Delbridge,
although he felt the staggered
Deputy-Reeve Farrow said
better gov't should result from
the two-year term "but I'd like
to add that I think there should
be a ratepayers' meeting at
the end of each year, at which
council should make a report."
Some doubted if more than
a few ratepayers would attend,
but most agreed it could be
tried to determine what the
reaction would he.
Councillor Bailey: "I think
we'd get better members and
it would be better for the town
if council could make plans
over a two-year period."
Wooden: "Already we've run
into the problems of trying to
make plans for another year,
which we are not permitted to
do under the present regula-
Councillor Musser said he
was in favor of the idea.
Reeve Fisher wondered what
would happen if a member
wished to resign at the end of
one year, The clerk pointed out
there were provisions in the
regulations for appointment of
a successor.
The motion requesting the
preparation of a bylaw passed
without opposition.
This week council also:
Granted building permits to
D. R. Robbins, Main St., and
Ezra H. Robinson, Simcoe St,,
for renovations to their houses;
and to Eric Campbell, for a
new house on Main St., just
south of Hill.
Granted Boy Scouts permis-
sion to hold their annual apple
day on Saturday, Oct. 20.
Agreed to submit a formal
application to Central Mort-
gage and Housing Corporation
for a loan of 8160,244 toward
the proposed $207,000 sewerage
project; if the corporation pro-
vides the loan, the goy't agen-
cy will absorb about 20% of
the cost over the debenture pe-
Approved the installation of
a fire hydrant by the RUC on
Sanders St. east.
About 209 agents, operators
and their wives Attended the
second annual Order Railroad.
Telegraphers' dinner and
dance, Stratford Division, held
at the Stratford Country Club
Saturday, September 29.
Ernest Cerson, local CNR
agent who retired ,lily 31 after
47 years of service, was honor-
ed by a number of his fellow
employees who presented him
with a billfold and a purse of
money. Mrs. Cerson received
a bouquet of carnations,
The address was read by
Clayton Groh, retired CNR
agent, Ilderton, and the pre-
sentation was made by ,Mr,
and Mrs. Robert Hicks, Hen-
sail agent,
Mrs. G. Frayne
dies in hospital
Mrs. Garnet Frayne, 75,
died in South Huron hospital,
Friday, September 28, having
been a patient about a month.
She was the former Annie
Maria Reid of Exeter and fol-
lowing her marriage t h e y
farmed in 15sborne Township
on the Thames Road, east of
Surviving are two sons, Ar-
thur, Exeter and Robert, Us-
borne Township, one daughter
Mrs. Clarence (Irene) Sim-
mons, Zurich, four grandchil-
dren and nine great grandchil-
The funeral service was con-
ducted at the Hopper-Hockey
funeral home on Monday, Oc-
tober 1 with interment in Exeter
Pall bearers were Alvin Moir
Gordon Oke, Thomas and 'Ed-
ward Yellow, William Kernick
and. William. Webber.
Faulty tie rods were respon-
sible for two district accidents
this week.
Tuesday, a car driven by
Clarence II. Melick, 50,
Komoka, went out of control
and bit a Culbert railing on the
airport road, after the right tie
rod broke. PC George Mitchell
estimated damage at $300.
Another lie rod Caine_ loose
on a car driven by John R.
O'Gorman, 19, Burlington, when
be attempted to steer out of
shoulder gravel on the county
road west of Kippen Sunday.
The vehicle spun across the
road into the ditch, hit a tele-
phone pole and flipped over on
its end. The car, valued at
$500, was flattened, according
to PC Harry Reid,
Monday, cars driven by Don-
ald Kyle, 28, Zurich, and ,la-
cob Hovius, 40, RR 2 Herman,
collided on No. 4 highway 21/2
miles -west of Itlensall. PC Mit-
chell said the J1ovius car, after
backing into the fourth conces-
sion, drove back onto the high-
way as the Kyle vehicle ap-
proached from the east.
The Kyle car went into the
ditch, through a fence and
travelling into a field some 100
feet, Damage totalled $750.
s u el erheadrd f aPc'ejeavl er,,m1i,u9 ke Lsondaoutla,
wrecked his late.model eon;
verlible Sunday when the vi'.
hide went out of control on
No. 21 highway, hit a ferfee
post and spun around in the
Peever told PC Mitchell he
fell asleep at the wheel. The
ear was valued at 83,000, •
Lloyd F, Rader, 21, RR 3 7.,ur
rich, took a flip in the ditch
Thursday after he d-ove onto
the shoulder while meeting a
car with one headlight on the
county road south of Dash.
wood, PC Gibbons estimated
damage at $200.
A moment of carelessness
can mean a lifetime of regret-
Tho Thrte§.Mvocoiet October 1962 Pa ge
Two tie-tads,.break i,
cars crash ditches
Roads chairman Bailey said
the committee had considered
all the requests for sidewalk
repair which had been submit-
ted to the clerk and put on
file. He suggested Councillor
Taylor recommend ones he felt
should be done next year.
Councillor Farrow also re-
plied, stating he felt the side-
walk construction was being
handled in an "efficient way",
The committee, he said, met ,
early in the year to prepare
its budget. Before proceeding
with construction, it reviewed
the requests which had been
submitted to the clerk and
toured the town to view the
general conditions.
"It's been the custom that if
anyone has a sidewalk in bad
repair, he should notify the
clerk," said Farrow. "As far
as walking along all the town
sidewalks is concerned, the
committee might decide to re-
pair some walks which proper-
ty owners did not want fixed
for one reason or another."
Chairman Bailey reported
that almost all of the sidewalk
budget of $3,000 had been
spent by Monday night.
Special session
for zone bylaw
Council will hold a special
meeting Tuesday, October 9,
to , consider the ..planning
board's proposed restricted
area zoning bylaw.
I' approved, the bylaw
will be given two readings
and forwarded to provincial
authorities f o r ratification.
The bylaw, along with a
copy of the zoning map, then
must be distributed to all
ratepayers before council can
give it the third and final
reading which makes it ef-
Council already has con-
sidered the draft twice, once
at a public meeting called by
the planning board but at•
tended by only a few rate-
payers. Some minor changes
have been made in the regu-
lations as a result of these
The bylaw not only divides
the town into residential,
commercial, industrial a n d
development zones, which election also hart merit,
restrict construction to these
purposes, but it also includes Newcomer needs two
many new restrictions in re- Councillor Taylor: "The two-
ga rd to the building of houses, year term would he to the ad-
stores and other structures, vantage
of the town, too, he-
A number of the permits now cause n most cases a first-
being granted by council year man can't say or do very
would not conform to the pro. much until he learns what it's
posed regulations. all about. He's not much good
Councillor Joe Wooden, who on council until his second
!so is secretary of the plan- year."
ning board, said the provin- Councillor Wright: "I think
vial authorities may or may it would create more interest
not require a further public among the ratepayers at the
hearing depending upon the end of two years and that's
reaction of ratepayers to the something we need to encour-
proposed bylaw when it has age. We haven't had much in
been distributed, the past."