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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-10-04, Page 2
DON ROOTH 'ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR • A Domestit' COt4merciall isidostrial Motors; Contr.-61s. Lighting 70 Huion West , 2a5-0282 „rigt7 4 ' v•.. • -1•••• Dales Grant Denning Benn • CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Municipal Auditors • DEVON BUILDING PH 23S-0120 EXETER • Office Hours 9 a.m: to 5 p.m. SPECIAL WEEKEND RATE 5.25 per person, 2 to a room You'll enjoy a weekend in Toronto mot** when you stay at the Lord SIMCOe Hotel 5,25 per person, 2 to a room • free over, night outside parking for registered guests family plan, children under 1 4 free when occupying a room with an actult *cafeteria, restaurant, lounges • for friendly service and economy plan to stay at the Lord Suncoe Hotel—convenient to theatres, sport centres and shops. ATURDAY CONTEST CLOSES Maple Leaf FiU Moist Mincemeat GRADE 'A' FRESH Turkeys Las, 2.pound poly bag AYLMER 'PEAS .0St CARROTS 39' Libby's 'Panty SLICED STRAWBERRIES. PUMPKIN .PIES PRODUCE VALUES 154:twice package 3 11 Large 14.601iCe 49r LOUISIANA YAMS— — SOUTH AFRICAN ORAN' ES .M2't SNOW APPLES. jutty NEW CROP WAX TURNIPS gt,titi size MARRA1 'MOWN. SERVE 2 L. 23' Doz. 49 t s,29t Cn I0( ot52EN.11,5 PkG, Clover Leaf 1;10111 FROZEN FOOD FEATURES Choice Quality Come in and get your Entry Form for the 2nd Annual Ford Farm Family Quiz. Let your whole family in on the fun. All you have to do is match six photos of Ford Tractor owners to the clues. No purchase needed. No obli- gation. Only a bona-tide Canadian farm family can win . •e-1•44:41:0MT Lions name pool group At a meeting of the Exeter Lions Club held Thursday, Sept, 27 at the Dufferm Hotel, Centralia, a committee was ap• Pointed to meet with commit. tees from the Kinsman Club and • the Caner inn Legion to 4...Muss erecting a summer ,I,vimixting pool in connection with Exeter's Riverview park. .,For .entertainment IC Lion -.Take Sweitzer showed pictures oL, the Lions International con minion held at Nice, 'France, tn. June. le hart many inter, eMing slides of the trip he and Sweitzer took through France, Germany, Belgium and SW1t7.erland. "In France they visited Paris and Venice; in Germany they visited Luxemburg, Heidelberg and, enjoyed a boat trip down. Q e Rhine. They visited Luc- eiiie in Switzerland: Brussels ill Belgium. They made the trip 6th ways across the Atlantic by plane. .0, A. Campbell 'first war veteran Orville A. Campbell. 69, a world war one veteran, died Friday at his residence near' Eiimville, A former candy maker at Brantford, he retired to Elim• vine several years ago but had been in poor health for some time. He was a member of the 125th Brigadoons, Brantford, during the first world war. The body rested at the T. Harry Hoffman, Funeral home. Dashwood, until 5-..nday, when a fianerq service was held at Elimville United Church. His grandsons acted as pallbearers and members of Exeter Legion were flowerbearers. The body was transferred to the Beckett. Funeral Home, Brantford, where another serv- ice was held Tuesday. Inter- ment was in the veterans' plot. at Mt, Hope Cemetery. Surviving besides his wife, the former Ethel Mar;., ,lane Wilson are two daughters, Mrs. Bayfieici church inducts pastor T. Leslie Nubbins, tlA. was inducted as pastor of Bayfield Baptist Church Friday evening with Rev. R. E.. Robinson of First Baptist Church, Waterloo, glyiRg the charge to the pastor and R ev, Ronald Mills, of St. big to Bthaepticsoln Criet guaTtih, on,sPealc' Also attending were IL B. Hooper. pastor of Stratford Memorial Eaptisl; Wallace Stephenson, of Emmanuel Bap- tist. Exeter, and Dr. A. IL Pylte of Central Baptist Church, London, who closed the meet- in Frank Collar, Wingham, sang two solos accompanied by Miss Louise Talbot on the organ. Miss Rosalie Westlake on the piano and Miss Talbot on the organ provided the music and accompanied the hymns for the service. Little Miss Elva Keyes .pre- sented Mrs. Bobbins with a corsage. Brigadier and Mrs. Bobbins of the Salvation Army, London. parents of Mr Hob- bins, were present for the .nc• casion. Eber Anderson former resident Eber Anderson, 75, of Gull Lake, Sask.. formerly of this community, died Friday, Sep- tember 28. Surviving are his wile. two married daughters, Ruth of Saskatoon and Helen of Font- hill, two grandchildren and three sisters, Mrs. William Schroeder, C e n t r a l! a, Mrs. Myrtle Hay. Exeter, and Mrs. Ella Brokenshire, Hagersville, and one brother, Charles (Tup- per) Anderson, Leamington. Mr. and Mrs. Eber Anderson visited a couple of weeks in the area two years ago. Albert Fay, London, and Mrs. Arthur Miller. Brantford; three brothers, Edward and Albert, Brantford, and Gordon, of Long Beach, Cat.; In grandchildren and Rim' great-grandchildren. Reaches 90 Enoch Roweliffe, Andrew St., an ardent gardener whose fa- vorite flowers are glads, cele, brated his 90th birthday Thurs- day. A native of t'sbern.e, he spent 22 years in the egg and poultry division of Canada Pack- ers and 14 at Harvey's grist mill here. His excellent garden, testifies to his good health. They made sure cash was cold Thieves made sure the cash was cold when they robbed Exeter Frozen Foods early Friday morning, They took the cash regis• ter from the office into the cold storage plant where they extracted between $60 and 570. Entry was gained through a rear door into the refrige• rated area. Investigating are Chief C. H. MacKenzie and Constable Harry V. Bergen. CORRECTION — Last week in the obituary of Benjamin Mc- Cann the pallbearers were three grandsons, Edward Glavin, Don- ald and Kenneth McCann and three nephews. Lawrence Mc- Cann, Leo MeIlhargey and Pat- rick Kenney. William Wood A d i st r ict farmer William Henry Wood, RS, died. at South Huron Hospital on . Thursday, September 27. lie was horn at TYronne., Ontario, and came as a child,. with his parents, to Vsborne 'Township, where be farmed at Burondale until his retirement 1S years ago, He was the son of the late JameS and Mary Wood and married Miss Margaret Blateh- ford in 1901 who .predeceased hint in November 1956. Two sisters, 'Etta, Mrs. Wil- liam Bletchford, and Ida,. Mrs. Henry Anderson, also prede- ceased him. He is survived by one son, H a r o 1 d, in Lambeth; two daughters, Olive in Toronto, Mrs, William (Pearl) Murdoch., in Dimdas, and one grandson, William, in Labrador. Funeral service was held at the Hooper-Hockey funeral home, Exeter, on Monday, October 1, conducted by Rev, S. E. Lewis of James Street United Church, assisted by Rev. Charles Down, a life-Intig friend. Interment 1V .a$ in. Ex- eter cemetery. Pallbearers were John Johns- ton, Simon. Greg, 'Perm/ Mc- Falls, Clarence Down, .81ervyn Dunn and Elmer Trick, Henry Anderson A .brother-in-law of Mr. Wood, Henry Anderson, Sault Ste. Marie, died at Plummer Mem- orial Hospital there. Thursday, August 19, Surviving are his widow; a daughter, Mrs. Clifford (Hazel) Everett, Sault, Mich., two granddaughters and four great granddaughters. Preceding him in death was his first wife, Ida Mary Wood, of Ontario. SORORITY MEETS The correct procedure in "invitations and introductions" was discussed by Mrs. B. 1V, Read and Mrs. Len Veri at the meeting of Alpha Phi Chapter' of Beta. Sigma Phi held at the borne of Mrs. Lloyd. Smith, Tuesday night. Plans were made for the pledge party and model meet- ing to be held October 16, Mrs. Ross Tuckey and Miss „lean Taylor assisted the host- JUNIOR too-yard dash - lcarhs Siegler, ;la, wet Skinner. Ma l'Y Kennedy Standing :broad - Iris 61arsliall. LoiS ltrnnrnns, AlartaniiP derrip.s 4 ) Running broad tiatity Regier. :Karen Finkbeiner. Marianne Vries f 12:7 "1.; tligb jIlrop - 7.4a(Iaono deVrieg., liathy Regier. 1-41iirley Viie w er 14:)"/. softball distance -- :Kathy Re- ig ier, iris Marshall, Ann .MIckle 117'). .Shoi pun - 11 Alen (-1010ll, 111$ Ma rabal I, I pis SiMmOns (21',c"), softball speed — Marvia Bauder fled !Hills' Begley;'Brenda. ran- ney and Elizabeth Siiell; 'Marilyn John, and .\targ Heist. Basketball speed --• Susan (lo- Man, .11.IA.rent Pink beilwr and Ka t hy liuttnn: Shirley Vern, Joyce Mac ey Rnd Jane, Pnort toga ; Di- anne Stone, Judy Arnold and Yvonne ,Devine. INTERMEDIATE Pin-yard dash —Ciarolyrille, Sim- mons, Valerie Desiaratne, shoe]. Palmer illi.2T. Standing broad Carolytme Simmons, Ira! A I' I e Dealardine, Aladorie McPhee (6'9"). Running broad carol ynne Simmons, Va.1Peta DesiEerdtile, Sheila. Palmer (14 .9"). High ;lump Valerie Des,la dine, Judy Raiz, Geraldine, Vey- etk (41"" Softball distance -- Marlon Var. ley, Marjorie. ee, Sharon Light foot (1:13'61.a" Shot put n 1 p Porte, Nancy MeTay1)s11 soft ball speed - • Iris Becker 'and Valerie Carolynne Simmons and Susan Dinney; Marlon Walker and Sri lid ra Troy- Pr 131'1. Basketball sp ee d -m ar jor i e. Eizabeth Chapman and Celia Sine', Arvin Pairba•Irn, Linda Runt er..ptorar and Lana. 1Celler Elaine Pcnre, Ttuie Vanderlaan and Judy Finkbeiner, SENIOR OtRLS jeo,ye,rd dash — Ausma, Gulens, Turvey, Lynda 'Wai ve r (13:11. Standing broad •-- A ustna, rtt- lens, ilrave. :Eagleson, Bonnie TUr- mv fli'S -V I, Running broad •••• 'Bonnie 'Fur-vey, Dianne Hood, Grace Eagle- son (14'). Righ Jump .-- Lynda 'Wrist ent ktisnia, Gal ena, Joan Pet Mier (45" Softball distance -- \'erla Smith, Joan Dettmer, Ruth Ann Salmon (11111 2 "i, shot put -.- Ausma- Gttietl4, Goan Delmer, Ruth 5nn Salmon Softball speed - bane) 'Slab, and Marlon En ralake ; Carolyn Harris and loan Smith; Diana Hood and Peg Hall (39it )• Basketball speed --- Joan met', Helen fiendrick and Linda. Ws,lper (251. JUNIOR goys 1 110-ya,rd dash Robert San- 80.1 01 • -Bob Keith Ft rat% 2,111..yrail dash -- '<Fit li. Siva lig. flPrald cls!ai t'ralg iikon. Paul lialser, Barre Dallotatm 1112.14. Vraig Paul-nn. hr•il l) Sr I'.1115, ,1)010 Mt•Alifeter clin.1"1„ ifip, Mel' and ;lump - Craig ilas bison. inth Burn e, Paul Sims (1!•'7"1,, High Jump • I 'rat); Iintid son. Pale alcAllister, Robert flannist Pr IV9"). Toles caulr -- 1)1i1111V '1,111er011, Rob Burps 1. Shot ;11-01 ideals. non Cornish,.l int De0d111111P r84'1"1. INTERMEDIATE eases tile-Yarn • Rnd l'oufter, Neil .illeAllistm Boll Hoffman (HIM.' 2211,5ard Brie motz, Neil mr• Altai er, until, Harrington (26,61. 4411-yarrl - Ron Jlntz, Rohl) Harrington. finly Rumple (61.5). Half mile - • 1 blare, Don feerg-uson, Larry Idle ('1.41:21 --- T.C.ric. Wolfe, lien Gentt• riPri Taylor (5.44:61. Broad Jump 40110 Look, Rod Coulter, Jack Glover (15'8"). 4-4044, step, Jump -- Tim Coal P', 40.mes, Barn, l'Areeneere shot pin -. 'Hod Vaulter, 41115 David 'I7a4 lot! 132' Elrlau 'Mustard. 1)0Ald. '5Vir1114, Peter TaN-oc. th igh 15(1'4"), . THE LORD S1MCOE HOTEL F, EDWARD 1.1WiTFO0T, GENERAL MANAGER University & King, Phone 362.1848, Telex 022 4 5 8, or your own Travel Agent rage 2 The Time.§,Advecate, •October 4, 1%2' -: - , mee, rest" ,s -ni:Ji$T,•.,.':,,,`,,,t,itiii,r,,i,'.:-:-„,ilL,-;,„tti. .ulf:-Y.L'4,,,,t,,I.,., s Pole vault -. -Fired Tendersweet Hams S-Le, AvG. LB. 69c Large 28-oz. tin 43c Stokely's Fancy • Puufis, kin E. 0. Smith's Cherry ie Fill Lge, 20•oz. bottle. c 32.0z, 23c Pound package 27c 15'0x, tin Cranberry Sauce 25c Libby's Fancy 4 /1•ez, tin Tomato Juice 29 Raspberry or Strawberry 24•ox. Breakfast Club Jams 39( While Swanette Twirl Ply -• New Facial Tissues 20t3 Pc:q x 7 OrsIEN 1tiA6 PHONE 23$-0212, :FR Et .DE IVERY THIS NEW SUPER DEXTA TRACTOR plus all of these famous Ford Products can be yours: 1963 Ford Styteside Pickup Truck; 1563 Comet station Wagon: Post•hole digger: Lima & Fertilizef Spreader; Field CultNetor; Flexo-Hiteh disc. harrow; 3-bottorri plow; Rotary Cutter; All•purpcise Blade; Fatim Loader; SpringiThoth Harrow; Rear Scoop, '.51 FORD Fairlant 500, vii Sedan, auto, rnatio, radio, 2-tone, above average $2 0 500 'SI MONARCH sedan, shoieg of 2 31,795 '61 YOLKS Deluxe, eboye average S1,.500 '58 METEOR Coach, tholes of 2 11,150 '58 Form Sedan, 6 cylinder 11,150 '58 CHEV Coach, a nice one $1,150 '57 FORD Sedan, A-cylinder, $ 1950 'AO Or CTA bltStA., live pewee lake, „.. off . $2,100 OLIVER 77 DIESEL, live power takeoff, alseVe average condition $1,100 1 ALLIS tHALMERS Wbr live power takeoff, Power adiusted wheels $ 000 '57 OLDS 4-door hardtop, good 5 750 '35 CHEV 4.door VS Ranchwagon, new motor, aUfOirtatnit 1 750 '$6 FORD Coach 400 14 METEOR Convertible. 400 '53 PONTIAC Coach $ 195 '52 MrlictK Sedan. a good ant 1 12$ '57 FORD BALER, used vary little 5 59$ MINNEAPOLIS M01.1Nt 'tow torn Picker, above average condi- tion .. $ 500 CASE "O" TRACTOR . $ 150 MASSET,HARRI 'lb" TRACTOR $ 150 Long Island Ducks 5-LE3. AyS, La 59c Roasting Chickens 5-4'l LV4vu Le 53' Maple Leaf Bone in, Skinless, Shankless Ready to Serve Stuart House 12" wide F rap 18e off deal Joni' Fab r. r©4 Smith's Pure if:etch up plastie container cl Dutch Bleach M4-11;ne Regular Margarine Ocean Spray Whole or Jellied le off lee, 28•0z. tin 7( 20-oz. tin 35 c 100' roll 28c 69c Some has to win , , IT MAY AS WELL BE. YOU LSMFT TRACTORS We Need .Good Used Trucks Top Prices .Pold • Larry Solder. ,Motors Limit tb 11.5A641t1- r•refeity EXE T