HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-07-21, Page 4d w 1)11• SU' 'IiAM. CLINTON, Hums Road. (Wert of M►. Thwart.' enure.) bre. 15th, 1 tb2. v6a46 WILL1AM SIIAItMAN, BRICKLAYER AND PLASTERER. Wear ST•SKY. Gue►e'tll, S prepared to furl tali DESIGNS 'sad PLANS, oe 11.e most reasosabta tprm. Goderich, Nut: 18th, 18L*, .6.43 HURON SIGNAL. a•' e s ROBERT REID, DOOK-IZL1.Ett & STATIONER. ./] topped. IH.lkwill's hetet.) Corer of I)..4.s sad Talbot -streets, Londe*, C. W.- SSlInol Rooke, Common •o, Classical Beek- Sadlag.•d Relic of every Descriptio. Eaeer- ' ted on the Premieres. O' Orders for Accost t Beeks, fpm else Tiede ear Cnhatry Merehaste, punctually attended sad m hkeral di.a.ws allowed. Loudon, March 1851. 4'4 I'M ROWLAND WILLIAMS, Aecrlonaacrt, is prepared to althea Sales in say pert of that United Counties, on the most liberal tern,. Apply at ibe First Division Court office, of at hie house, E.si Strome, (:ud.•rieb.- N. B. -Goode and other property Intl be received to mill either by private air public sale. January 6,1852. •e4a47. Cash for nhical AT the GODER1C11 MILL. W11. PIPER. Gelder eh, Jut 91 h, 1853. v5nbc NOTICE. 711118 is to forbid any petiole or persons p,rchasing a Note drawn by the Sub- scriber m favour of Alexander Ilodgin.. bemire data 3rd December, 1152, and due the lot of January, as 1 bare received so e value for the tame, D.ANiEL McDOUG.\LL. Township of Bruce, Feb.6lb, 1853. S i6n3 TO TIIE SETTLERS ('F 7'IIE HURON TRACT. rr1IE Canada Comrsoy. ler it be remembered. 1 have provided the bei poaeible (MAUI to • the said Settler. Gtr the treaesotiou of Dssiseu .Atli rhei• office in Tomato through the Agents M the (task of Upper Camilo., both et Goderich ad Stratford, witl.ut charges to toe said set- tlers. Goderich, F.b. fiat. 1852 16o2tf SOUTH SIOL DUNDAS 8T., Opposite Amara. R.)Imead F %arfer.d f•rrwro. `7V 6.116 sally be had SHEET MUSIC of sorry deseuptiou, Inatruetto. Book. (.s ell loads el In.'tume•'e. Le., an cheap as ria 11. had to Turuetu, B Mies, or Nes Yet It. All k ride of MUSICAL INRTRU- MEATS, frees a Pte.. Fust' dean to e Fife. Swag of aII kinds, ed of superio, scall 1y: is short, tyry•bag at ch caa se mat b. foul to • well amid carefully **laced Music Store. The PIANOS ore from Ib. c.tabtish- me•l. Nther following celebrated maker.. viz: Cluttering, Stoddart sod Dunbam, se keowlydged to be I!• host oe Ma part 02 the globe, so are the hiELODIANti, man u - fact urn 4 by Prince k Co. Pomo. and Melodian..cold s. cheap and on as favorable tering a they can be pro- cured in 'reroute, or from the makers the".• delver. HERMAN KORDES. Londoe. Jaseary, 1838. s6n3 On. PI.ANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. ern E Subscriber begs leave to inform the 11. Inhabitants of the District of Huron, and the neighboring Districts, that he has Established himself in Stratford, and is prepaid to give Plane and Specifics - toles of Publ•e rr Private Buildings, Bridg- es, 61i11 Dams, kc. ke. kc., and wilt take rho superintendence of such Erections, on the most reasonable terms. 111. thorough knowledge cable profess', a and hie practice an Builder, qualifies him fur any undertaking in the line. Address post paid, PETER FERGUSON, Builder, kc. kc. Stratford, C. W. Stratford, March 601, 1841!. 9,-u7t PETER BUII.ANAN, TAILOR. EXT door to i1. B. O'Con.er's Store, \Vest Street, Goderich. Clothes made and repaired, and curt dune on the shor- feet notice, and most liberal terms. December Std, 1851. .4.42 NOTICE. frill': uoder.tgned having a sincere wish to pay what he owes ,s compelled to inform all those who a• indebted to him that they most at once pay him, or outer. wise they will bet sued without any Jeune• GOUEI(ICII, row!' IIURON, S:ARNIA tion or laver and L• put to costs. Their AND DETROIT. accounts are now put Co the bands of Diane Watson, Esq., Solicitor, • bo has full poor, to adjust all his claims. WM. ROBINSON. G death, lib Inn', 1853. n19 -if The New Lew prra.rire Ste.wrr RUBY, SAMUEL WARD. Sed, COMIIA2Dha, WILL rue durtag the present season, *. fullowe: -.Leaves Detroit for Gu&righ every Wed.erday morning, at 9 r'ek tb. i.Nveo (2o.l. rich every Thursday morn - log at 1 u'rloek. Ronnie! time 12 hours. Should the weaker prevent the. RUBY coming on the Wednesday night, she will Naive on 110 following Friday night. rot Freight or Peerage spply en hoard el tea• E. 1I. MARLTON. G.,drrirh, March 9th, 1853. NOTICE A 1.1. thole Marbled ,to George MiHn k Co. alike Goderich Foundry, cit het by Note ahead or Bonk 'Cermet are er- go. fled to mill .ad have them settled., Of before the fret Olen, sent, ard`k1I other Cebu due ter the same estabiiabment op to the first of Joinery, 1859, roost beer tiled et the saae time, other ens* Oro, wlt4ke pieced is the bads of the Clerk of the M- etal .a i•etai.a Court for cullretion. WILLIAM KEiTH. • ch Ptpmdtry. e(Apn1,1833. • 6•.•II AHD 10.1N COMPANY Or UPPER CANADA. nowporaterl by Ad of Parliament.) HE Subscriber begs to annn'rnce than in addition 20 the O:fieo of App-sieer, remedy held by him, he has been appoint. col AGENT f..r the above Company, and will, p.r.unnt to bps i netructions,holJ him - aegis rea.lincoo to sa•"st intending apph- cents In tebtainteg money. • Ile has also 10 1011012 8 that arrange- moots byre *en made for facilitating and greatly expedtnng the completion of Loai. L^tters (plat paid) will meet with proem! attention. ALEXANDER hl.\CDON,\LD. Agent, kc. Office of the Agency of the Tenet k Loin C t. of U , C Lr.1s, C,W., 25th A•rril 1133 vent; 31 t N. B. -Ado the sdver!Iser'a occupation will erceeeartly cense bon In be frequently frwn home, ha begs to state that a clerk will 1e fonml in hue office every lawful day, from 10 to 3, who n i'I formats as ascessaey general Informatt.ii*, FARM FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for pale one hundred acre of excellent land, 45 ..rue ed 'ad well fenced, with a good log bare, as orchard hearis fruit. Too above lard is whetted on 3rd Cocc..non, lot It, i'own- shi..4 \Vawanush, and one hell mile team a Scheel h.mse-ail ibc mossy will be re "Wed down. I' -r particulars .play to the pr btnr on the eremitic.. Yrawaaoeb, 41h Aug , 18Stt. a18 ATTACHMENT. (Whig Caustic, e•J Y Virile. of a !forma eel Bryce, Writ Lf .Auach1 Wit: scent in•oe.l oil of ifa.Eaj•atr'• Court of Q wen'. Bette h, and t0 ase &reeled against tee E.tae reel ss wetfig personal cot George Bc,i tt, an ab- saeiwilgg .r concealed Deb:er, at the nit sat ilii BILTar, for the U20a) of Thirty flew tee .h,11 ego, I hate mixed all the teal as sell as personal of the said Ba'.trrr, and ualass the said snit reform withi, the jsrieduc- 3514 C.esrt sod pit in Lad to Vie ,with, the same to he discharged sl.54ur monthe from the Ars' the pehfieetios .f ibf. Nutlet,, alt estate teal in well se ;mammal sr the George 1101001, of o' esaeh thereof se be etess.usy. wi8 be kid limb:o for hese At or eetisfsettne cot ell. ekries el mesh Mime Plaintiff i er easy take promised - the prp.rty NW's( cue r./ 11. Monett wlthts me soothe *l t►Nahn.i Wrii. J. McPDX ALI). posh Hares Ik Dose* 11.1111 133 atlt-la IMPORTAET To Tits Farmer, Farrier A Stage Proprietor. GEO. W. MERCHANT'S CELEBRATED GARGLING OIL A0004LLDLSD 01 Tu. D1.TulY 01 0[012110. Li the mat remarkable External Application eve discovered. "They omit Keep House without it" Experience of mac than C(teen }can W seubllehel 1►s face that Merchant's CMI•onted Gargling (MI, of Ua- esewl Family gmbrxatlon, will cure muse wee, sat r. Eno all such ea Sperin4 Sweeney, Ringbone, Wintlgalls. Poll Evil, Callous, Cracked Heels. Galls of all kinds, Fresh Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, Pia- tula, Sitfaat, Sold •Crock.. Strains, lameness, Foundered Feet, Scratchy or Grease, Mange, Rheumatism, Biles of Animal', External Poi- lons, Painful Nervous Affections, F:oet Bites, Boihl, Corns. Whitlows, Burns and Scalds, Chillielains, Chapped Hands, Crmps,. Coo - tractions of flee Muscles, Swellings, Weakness of the Joints, Caked Brassie. te. be. to GL -EAT IMPOSITION AND FRAUD/ CAUTI01 TO P9191ALS = 'tut. fit km become •o celebrated In the IIe•Iw.at a5, tihs•...,( sal u • consequence, the d.rsd bu.Nag east throagh„01 the country -415 eaplltywf tlatph. •ea have iodate! them in palm memos fl. •n Imitation tinkle for the p..m/v e.4taing rhos lo.n.Ia Mei wr0irm■ 02e0 e take popularity of the only true articlewhich gag t Claw an nr4able reputation, .hkh It has aa•akhg lag earl, sinew yews we in the United Waw and IM fw•reaaing demand ad wonderful wawa is the some st ALL .Lean, •n1 Nowise in pankular, inl.c.d nor* pawn. to AtTanT 4t, lmuatim in varlet.. ways, wale. O CONTINCIN• pastil o/ IT■ INTRINSIC TALO TM moot uni,'n.hinr knavery howe•.r, Is practised by soma merrena. T dalom who m tmp'.e,ng epos the 115 dear of thou •.ane•, • caunterfelt for the amount Gar- gling nil. The potable .acmee of the Ilfo or pro(ert sf a follow ,man 1s . secondary conehbratlon' seal h unprincipled 4rag.i•ta Who, then, can bo alit Ma. who will thee maim on the erel"cotta M their rustnewt., may they let be salty)' o1 the cone e.phdity 1n regard u ay a sit ether mwliehw M knows maladroit 111/hat anednee can you place In theme . 5hs proprietor would therefor...tro taw she par. 04.... Semmes Ma 5,M waw .f tri. grwg•tswr 4 is W Me le.45, Drs,' ..ev Ms workad t►... e•rd• rice Meas fa Mega.. ' 5,a. anis: 'Y7. W. Merchant, I.ork1. t, ly 5," wler is Ike owe LI.ITIN•f• PM.►aINTOU. leas ether can be genuine. Thi• 2. does that rhe punk is ON threw a.*r ihefr maay far • .00122... and rainier fait ankle. All nrhre addressed 2. the propheta will he prompt! Mpa0lei a. 00 i Pit iht . o1 the Agent, and see whet waders are .wauptasio4 y the ase a deb. sedkine. mees1J byt.. ad tdealers Curds. also g..eralty, iii the Uo1W r.,/•• B. PARSONS, Go,erieh. Cl.dk k Co., Port Sarnia : Ebert. find R.rbertn'n, 4'lealham; B. A. Mitcl.elt, Lon dun; S Cook, kichmoad; A. iligtobutbam, Bre ntford. Th, follnwing are Illoleon:e Agent., rix. (I.e. Ilrll, Detroit : Routh k 1)..,.un, Pelt Stanley • T. Buckle k Hon, Hamilton : Lyman, Bro. k Ce., Trireme): Boyd k Paul, No. 40, Courilanaf Street, New York. May 97, Ind. v5 rile LI atta..a a..ktrlbtsWb> r a 5, was haw a . s b(la. se Id woe et wissorsdeaseamirwa.w. lefe'he Ita•p0k•r be maw aser ear • wpores . ter woods e5, Utak morel hal rear at, p ai. amiss two mars sir monk lean below = =rott'3 ed pr -.y law kw• es erns a/ 75,2.5 hada by Item, 4 Yr. Neal + a 2•wWar 1N tars r. •t s 1a dors every 0117 wvibes'dr V re g(aaea S. en reap *he an cosy te lewd* ars Bek ell. sew mewedes W break ha so the erbr k. et sb a1la.,the Det W M.4.4. k 20"47 •w••tee•i altms rerwsg 1a are. ay. say natal at thrs.laalhe ms Orr. y sir rm. tyingarms• she kart free sari Ur, psheet mat sree pdrkaser, '71.M iw their tier. say tthaw thistly use mesh Amity shaeld eet-. keg app caps.•a tray be mot r• i• WILLIAM a 1a0,71T, M. D. ■sea r•ss. 4 FOR BALE BY BENJ. PARSONS, Bole Agent. Goderich, Js,.:1, 1113. Buffalo, Brantford an(i C((!clich RAILWAY. NOTICE 18 IIEREBY GIVEN, that pureuaet to a Resolution of the Board of Dire einem, payment of the NEW ISSUE OF SHARES of the Increased Capital Stock of the Buff.lo, Brantford sad Goder- ich Railway Comp•y is required to be made to the Treuurer of the Company, at the Bask of Brutish North Amer ca, Braattord, ,o five equal lest elmente, as folios,: 20 per (eat, o0 or before the 1s1 day of May next. 20 per et.t en or before the 1st day of July next. 20 per cent on or before lbs 1st day of Sept(n.ber nrxu. 20 per cent en or before the let day of November next, 20 per ccnt on or Wore the lel day of Januar, 185.7. By order, ARCH'D GILKINSON, Secretsry. Office of B. B. k G. Railw■y Co., Brantford, March 15, 1853. v6 n9 TO (':APITALIsTS. TO dispose of • few Shi,c. of *50 each, iu a small Propeller that the Subscri- ber is now budding. Apply, poet paid to H. MARLTON. Goderich, 131h Aprii, 11853.. •8-11 To the Settlers of the Huron 'I'ract,• - friIE Undrrbigned begs leave to give 00. Lice to all those who may bare any trustees' to trac..et with the Canada Com- pany that since the removal of their office from this town, he has determined to open an agency t ffice hero for the benefitf of those who may not wish to travel to Tp- ronlo to tranaaettheir business in rer0on. From his thorough knowledge of the Com party's mode of transacting business - (having been so luug employed in their - office) he feels confident that he can aid and give •aftsfactton to all those who may require his service. Cenveyancing, Lied and General Agency Office, also a list of lands for sale kept, and a registry of these wishing to i'irchase without change except where a ...le is -ffec'eJ, when a moderate per centage will be required. At.hx. Roacauos, Land Asea,. ke Gude rich, Jas. LI, 1663. spa 1 - NOTICE. I ALEXANDER McINTIRE, do agreo to make over my'rigla, title and claim of Notes and hook• accouets, to JAMES DONALDSON, belonging to the firm of Alexander McIntire and James Don.tdsan• A. McINTIRE• Witness-DAvlo C Goderich, March 3rd, 1853. t6o6 Sheriff's Sale of Lan(Is. Disked Counties elite Y virtue of aevenl Maroc end Bees, so Write of Fieri To Wrr; nein, ie.ue l out of (1t,r Majesty's Coen of Queen's Bench If the County Court for the Untied Counties of %Veiling ton, \Vaterloo sad Grey, to me dirceted, almost the lands and tenements of MICHAEI. FISIIER, de- ceased, in the hands of Jacob Clements, ,a.» surviving Executor of the Iasi will and lee- temewt of the said Michael Fisher, deceas- ed. !0 the following .011,, tlx: Quern's Bench. Benjamin Rosenberger, v.. Jacob Clemens, Executor. George Clemente, n. du du • County Gomel. 7 Junes Tunney, v.. Jacob Clement, Executor, 7 Daniel Crosby, re. do do Slone. S. Bowman, vN. do do Joon Miller, ,s, do do I have • ised and taken In ezecut•oo the following land., vis: lois euenhers leo, ,lose., twelve, tseoty-see twenty -cis, thirty and thirty-one in the Wetland Coe Look out fur atca) Salts before the Ozr lie Rim r . 1'IIESu►wriber will 'e cheep to actual alders, forty Terre sots in the Town o' Clinton, •uuuood centrical ad arlj.eent fn t 1. Rail Rued line; Intending purchaser* can we the Map of the Town at my Office, or et the Clinton Arse Heel. JAME8 CORDON. Clislets, bib A ell, Ilia. ren1b-8es GOOD NEWS. +IiP.AP GOODS al Port Albert, who calla there will find The Goode .it the faabloe, the p;ear, p zg the owed, '< yWN wakes to porches*, will Osseo 7 cell wed see el His stock, well 'Matted, will emit Cap- .3 •.pie. 0.200, *'n RTATIMS$T.-Dwr•o torn Tam moray . THOMAS LOUGH rpm. Pert Albert, Sept. t, 1e0.l .5,39 e«stun of the Township of Colborne, con. t.tnieg by admeeaurcment fine hundred and eighty two scree, be the same more or leer; lois numbers eleven, twelve, thirteen and fourteen in the first eonee.mon (East. ern Ditu,on) in the said Tuweehtp of Co: borer, containing by dmea.orem'st five hundred red thirty-two sense, be the sane a ore or less; which Loads I .1.11 Vier for sole at the Court Room, in the Town of Godeneh, on SATURDAY. the SIS - TEEN I'H dry of JULY wet, at noon, J. McDONAI.D, Sheriff H. k B. Sheriff'. Office, Gderteh, 1612. Apel, 1853. 246.16-9t [First pe►b.bed 10th April, 1853 I POSTPONEMF,NT. The obey Rale hes Ione postponed till 8. FirTll "lay N AUGUST west. J. McDONALD, eberie, F1. fit B. 8heriff'e Gedsrieb, 7th holy, 1883. .13 FARM FOR. SALE. LOQ Ns. II, Horns Ree& esetsfsi.g 111 gores, 40 of which ere cleared, withal 11 nibs of Gederah. • 4 i of the Aosrrebuig village of Chines. Apply cm Was p►wese to W. M• MOORR July 1, IMS. .33-.6t • NOTICE. • IHEREBY give sotto that Mr. William Cheerer Tipton, el B. field, is not au theorised by me to collect Ib' debts es pin (vivo the money dee to hos Estate -he hes- tsg trasslerred add ataigeed fume time ewe, se appeared In the Petite Prieto el Gedertck, all his debts sod ether property to me fee tbe *seat of hie Credilors- erbieb either) 1 bare shies placed In the bards ..1 D. 11. Ritchie, Fwq., Clerk of the sib Divisive Cues', Bey tela, for solleenos, .1.., with s• the mederstgeed if sloes su- uhostad to grail receipts epee permeet of amasses. JOHN STRACHAN, Aaiprire to rte Estee of W. C. TIPPETT. God.rlak, Sept. tied, 186a. n36 III 100 THE subeeriber begs to Worm the tuba• tants of Goderich sad its vicinity, that he has received a Largs Supply of the La- test Improved Patterns of COOKING, B 0 X AND PARLOUR STOVES, which be offers for Sale at very reduced Prices for Cash. The subscriber sl.o keeps on band mi usual, at bit Old Stand, a large and very superior amortment of TIN- WARE of every description. The sub- scriber takes this opportunity of returning hie 'Mettle thanks to the Public for the eery liberal patronage be has received sine, he has been in business in Goderich, k hope. by,atrict alleotiof'*0 business, and moder- ate prices, to cootie** to receive a share of public patronage. N. B. -Graining, Painting, Glazing. Pa- per and Bell Hanging, csrrmed on as hereto- fore. WILLIAM STORY. . Goderich, Bib Sept. 1849. •2n31 NEW STORn:: WILLIAM MALCOM BEGS leave to acgeaiot the inhabitant. of the United Cuunftes of Iluroo, Perib ted Bruce that be is now opening iu Pe,* premises on West Street, nearly opposite Stracban k Brothers Law office, a splendid stock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES and CROCKERY, which he has purchased at the best markets, and on the most favor- able terms, and which he is determined to dupes' of a1 such prices as cannot fail to secure Om support and Patronage of a dis- criminatieg Public, Goderich, Oct. 27th, 1852. v5 -o40, FARM FOR SALE. ( VALUABLE Freehold Estate, Lot No. 38..on the 6th Coe. in the Town ship of Godericb, conlaimng 80 acres, 45 of which are cleared, 35 free of stump., it is well watered, with a '.ever falling stream through the centre o: the lot, a good gar- den, a Young Orchard now bearing fruit, situated within 10 miles of Goderich, and 3 of the eillege of Bay field. A good Log House, lathed end plastered; a Barn 41 by 26, Sheds and Stables. Fur particulars sp. ply to Andrew Docough in the Towo of Goderich, or to rho proprietor on the pre mires. SAMUEL SPLAN. P. S. Terms easy Goderich, July 15th, 1852. v5 -n28 DOCTOR. YOURSELF. THE POCAET.ESCULAPIUS: OR ENERY ONE HIS OWN PHYSICIAN. f1'HE FORTIETH Edition, witb One iluodred Engravings, thawing Diseases and Meliformations of the Human System in eve- ry shape and form. To which M added a Troa- ttse on the Diseases of Femelcu, being of the highest importance to manned peoplc,or those coot emptalinp marriage. By WILLIAM YOUNG, M. D. Let no father be ashamed to present a .£SCULAPIUS to his child. It may save huuu from an early grave. Let no young man or woma0 enter into the secret obli- gation* of married life without reading the POCKET ££SCULPAiUS. Let no one suffering from a backnied Cough, Pain in the Side, restless nights, nervous feeling*, end the whole train of Dyspeptic sensations, and given up by their physicians be Booth er mom' cot without consulting the /ES- CULPAIUS. Have the married any intim- dimes?, read this truly useful book, an it has been the means of raving thousands of unfortunate creatures from the vary jaws of death or Any person sending TWENTY - FIN E CENTS enclosed in a letter, will receive 000 copy of this work by mail, or five copies will be sent fur one Dollar. Address (post paid.) DR. %%'31. YOUNG, No 152 Spruce St., f hil.delpkia, Feb . 17 :h. ,6-nt Sheriff's Sale of Lands Harold and Bruce, United Counli.s of BY Virtue of a Writ of Fieri To W,T: Facia.. issued oat of the County Court of the United Counties of W.11iegto., Waterloo aod Grey, and to me directed, against the lands mid ten* menti of HENRY PANNABECKER, at the suit of ALEXANDER HARVEY, 1 have seised add take. in execution Lot au er nine, in the first contemn yuw (east dim n) Tuwnehlp of Colborne, goaaaie- leg sdmnsuremeet nos huedr acres, be lb gti • r01 m mo • Ida; *Inch land" •.J tenement. I shall offer for ails at Ibe Court Room, in the Tow of Goderich, on FRI DAY, the FIF I'H day of AUt3UST rev, •1 the botir of revolve of the clock, now. J. McDONALD, Sheriff, H. k 8. Sheriff's Office, Godeneh, 5111 Ma), 1253. '6e17-01 [First ptlbliebed 14th May, 1833.1 POSTPONMENT• The above gale has hew postpoed to the FIrTH day of Aa``aml next. J. McDONALD, Sherif H. k B. 8henff's Ogee Goderkh, July IL 1886. 6 vd-site DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER- SHIP. THE subtle ere herby netifid Ibit 11. Cnpsete•rehlp heretofore es.wisg be threes JOHN la RORRRT DONOGH, es ls.keepws, ie the dey di.eeleed by mutual cattiest. All poetise iod.Yled to the said firm all letleeal.d to mole their reep.eti.s seeest.b with Jobe Doses►, who .Ill a1.0 My d1 *Wien. JOHN DONOGH, R'OIRRT DONOOIi. Gadegkeb, Meeh, Blb, 1111111. •Bee..4641 JUDSON'S COAL 110CMADY OM W ■ B I/ • CHERRY AND LUNUWORT) FM Tat Cela Ow COY, Celts, Osarne18, $pII$ g elft $1es4, lllgfht Sweats, Astra, Uver Complaints, aid CONSUMPTION. DE HT1! can be and has been pre• vested is thousands of cats by t1us utas's ems remedy. 3.dooa'. Chemi- cal extract .f Ceaaav sad Lamewo.T. This medielae 'silks most of the patent retnidin of dm day is the result of careful study sad eape- rinents of a aniesu&o sad eapritueed Pbydcws. The tae p►lecipal ispediests base loss bees knows .d celebrated. Wuxi Cr Rs aa When tbe.trespb of ibis is properly nuwtd i• the bed taedici•e haows for curiae the .ora Cough. and other Pulmo.ary diseases, it looses" the phloem and enables the 'offerer to eapeeto- ns easily. and al«s will core the wont colder cough, which if neglected always lead" to Cua- Samptio•. Lver.woer -This 18 • plant the virtan of which tare known to but few, it has bees said by tie moot learned mee o!all times, that •' amore has provide a remedy for each end every d1. - ease," sad them 'covert,' that ere daily made, go to prove it. truth. Lu.gw.rt is de.btle,. the remedy de•igsed by salute for Couwmptio.. 14 healing properties sae truly weederfid, .d the rapidity with which it corm the worst mom of Ulcerate Lane., sootbi.a sad wbdsing all injustice, detest immediately, i. a proof of its adaptation to tib disease. These two articles combined with nther p•re- ly vegetable ingredients, forma mdteia that is enlai• to cure the wrist cases of Co•a.mptioa if takes before the sufferer is entirely prostrated. - D• not be discouraged, a trial pa do se harm. bat will eenvi•ce the most .etpdeal of its rid worth. Tben.••ds of Co•sampnve per. sees bare been deceived repeatedly is bytag medicines which were said to be iasllible cores, bat which have proved °sly p•Iliati.es, bat this midiciae i. •m oily palliative bat a core for .I- esntrd Ing.. It malaise so deleterioas Deep sad esti trial .ill prove is astoaishiag efficacy better then any u0ertioe e, eer,t6cotes Meet- ing consumption .ed all thseseee of the Lenge end Liver, such as 8pfui.g of blood, Ceagb., pale la Ibe side and chest, •igbt•s. t.. &ea Cc'arlor.-To protection e.• aswell as the interest of the consumptive sufferer, we are .bib; gr ed to emotion all to find the signature of COM. STOCK & BROTHER on the wrapper• with- out this it is a worthless court teach. Remem- berthik CARLTON'S LINIMENT FOR. TH PILES, 4e. -1i is new used is Ih.•,prieei hospitals, and is the private prance i■ tett eomitry by an immense nambet of teduld,ols a families, first & moel eerteidy for the care e(t Piles, and also extensively tied effectually se baffle credulity unless where its effrera are w sewed Ezteroalir is the follnwieecomplai.ls: Dropsy Swellings. Rhemati.m, Arnie or Cb die, goring Immediate ease, Sore Throat, Bre see, penis., Bares, &e. Sores Ind Ulcers. Whether fresh or of Tong srandiog, and fever wren. Its operation upon adulta ■,d children in reducing rheumatics rweltop, loosening cough,, tightness of the chest by rclazauio, of the pars, 1s. been surprising beyond conception. The eommoo remark of those .ho have used it the Piles, is'• it sets like• charm." It i• wa rented to Orme any person that will try it. Cm:mos.-Never buy it onless roe find t fee Anil signature of Comstock & Broths proprietor., on the wrapper. AZOR'S TURKISH HALAL -The on certain remede for Baldness, and tor prevent & stopping the follies not of the hair. AiiT lel article, for beaotifyin4 sod keeping the 11 soft. glossy. esti is • health, condition, it is on. ermined. Uta positive qualities are a follows: 1st It frees the head from dandruff, strengthens the mote, imparts health .0d vigor to the eirea- luioo, cod prevent" the hair changing colour or getting gray. 2d. It rouses the hair to cool beautifully when done op in it over eight. This Balm u. mode fmm the origin.) receipt nrneored from the nrigin.l Turkish Hakim (physicies)j of Connrent;nople. where it i• e•iverally med.- The Turks h•.e always been celebrated for their woederfal skill in compounding the richest per- f,mes and all other toilet articles.. In Turkey the aromatic herbs, 4c, of which this Balm is composed, are almost universally known and need for the hair. Hence a ease of baldnew n5, this heed of hair is entirely onknewn in the' country. We wish but one trial to be made n( it. that will do more lei 4,nvinee yen of its rif- ts', thee all the advertisements than ma be published, sad that all may he Mile to test its thole*. it is pot op in Lugs Bottles a the low prier of SOc per Bottle. Remember the granite hes the aviators of Comstock & Brother on the splendid wrapper. FOR TIIE MARRIED.-" Be TI F.mT- ✓ et. aro MU,.TI►LT."-Iris Command that should be cheerfully obeyed by the children of Me.. - Da. LAazeTTIt'o Joao CORDIAL. or Procreative F.lizir, preeeribed es me effeetival restorative in eases n( i).bility.'lmpoteacv. or Barre.nees, and all irregularities of nature. It is ell that it pro- fesses lobe. via: Natere'. Greet Restera,ive, sod remedy to there is the married rate with.,, riff pring. h is s certain tore feu Semiial emie- sinn•, Geeecol debility, Gleet. Weakness of the Genital Organa, Nervous Affection, 1,,.e.w- rhnea n, Whites, As an inTirenting medieise it is unequalled. Alm, • Certain remedy ler in- cipient Coa.omptioe. indtgeatiou, loss of Mes- cals, Emory, PMsie.l Lassitude. Female Weakness, Debility, &e. 1t is warranted to Please the nee, in env of the above cnmpl•iera, and is of priceless ,aloe to those without of sprieg. Ibeft aftlei* .tile bNe ,.tea... *T t'frseam J. d .( lar., Mak .ad W tM prepuce«e' s... 1. Cashes C.■olwk, ,te.. weer bay whines. DRAFNiLSD.-.0 Des Lateets's Ae.all. Oil, he .M see. el D.albn, AIM, .B liar dissereuebte *Mem like the beady .1 Weems, (allies of we,,., whims' of stew, whish we yeept.m. Si spg55eekisg 4,.lees. Poor.. .1.Iet. Hee deaf f e ,...., year., ae4 wen ayret to s0. et,► tnm/tu, hoes after .deg s.1 howl., bees mode w•11 RHEUMATISM.-Comaeh'. Nerve nod Bo.. Li.i.est le awarded is core say car d Rh«artfem, Gest, C«meld Cord., end Macke, •r stir .i.u,'nnaetbeas week Limbo,. amid .wbtee the.e who aro cnppkd to was agate. Comstock 4 Bres►er, Proptet.n, New York. sail ws postai without theft waw at, the wnpp.r. TOOTHACHE. -Dr. Cities Dap., far the eon of the Toothache. It le with orellm.., that w• ego ne.rs.d it maim i.1.Ilille wore i• all MOM. witkwt say i.jary to the teeth er germ. Priv. 25 et.. COMSTOCR'S YERMIPUOE.-Tbte is the west atrSeMiwry remedy lee W.rm. .ser •.d: it .fleet«IIy erdl«in Wena from both Adele, •d Cbnldres. It therm the moat delleat* toast el et rooms Adult, .d weer dy to enwplet.ly root 5•1 tad dairy all lied. of Werm.. The east, 25 ata per bottle, pal. Is within the retch .f all, sad all paresis .hone without it aro wastesly espemag the 11.05 of their ehildres o rose fell destroyers .f youth, "Worms," Leek ler rhe saai..f C.msieek 4 Bother, proprietors, we the Wrapper of inch Botik. EAST INDIA HAIR DMF... -Color. the Hair. sod sot the Ski.. This dye war b. im- plied as tb. hair ...e eight, the first might tors- ion the Iiehdnt Red .r Grey Hair to a dark brow., mid by repeating • armed sighs, to a bright jet black. The* feels are w.rmNed by the gentleman who ami(aersres it, .1. is the celebrated Chemist, Dr. Cerwteek, Sather .f Comstock'+ Cbemiot.y, Pbileeephy, and oilier works, sod Seh«t B«►., well hews. CAerios.-Ali of the abort named srticlnare sold only by Comstock 4 Brother, 2 St. Peen'. Piece, directly i• rear of the Astor Honer, W- twre. B.relay ad Vee., et, tie* seer from Barely, •d use Block from Brodw•y, New Tori, to whew •.I orders moot be direetd. AII .1 the .hoes waved • irk. • • sold poly is O.derieh.C. W.. by Robert Park. Marwood 4 tray.. C. Cribb, ad H. B. O'C«ec; is Stratford by H. C. Les: is 81, Mary's by T. B. Geese: le Woodstock by T. Been: in • Leedom byMitchell: i. Eese.ddille by J. Corer: in H.rp.rhey by M. McDonald 4 Ca: is Mitchell by T. Ford 4 Co . cal Babb 4 Co.: i. Ea.be, J. D. Deaf: Is Del.were by Tirol. Esquire b, Cei .tock 4 Brother's Alms* For 1833, .12.11 will be gives to all gratis. In Barfield by C. Cribb and Gadder; at Bell'. Comers by M. Brews. COMSTOCK'S GREAT PAIN KILLER NO wedicise boa bora discovered that Is* happily adapted to am istereadly u asps to be takes, god yet perform ouch weeders when applied externally es. wash or bath, by frietine. E 25 eta. is all yea have to risk t0 try it; sal so p.) !bat sem can be so object Im the proprietor, it is hoped that loch • mice can be no obstacle to any gal (.mdy, add will prernt is trial. The h. price, 25 to 50 eta per bottle, according to the to size, will enable all t. ..e it. If you doubt, he. t2. gie with a 25 cent bottle, and that will remove yoardo.bs, and make you bay, god oris add re - ye. commend it t° your ft leads, more than a hundred I certificate. would. Who will fail to try it d.ee, and nee life .ad suffering for 25 testa. This '• Paio Killer" may be use with a nee** that will astonish the beholder, in such canes as the following: Cholera Morbs., Uistressieg:Dyeea. wry, Pain in the side add Stomach, Co,.., Cuts and Bemires, Cholera lakntam, Bronchitis, Healing Sores en Manor Beast, Children Teeth - in r- tog, Reu..g Blood, Heareeee.., gamey, in • few hear*, Chilblains and Frosted Feet, Spasms, h. prevent a Blaster from Born., Broken Breasts. r Measles. Cramp., Han., &retches, or Tore Fk.n, Rites or St;og•. Certificates to 611 a volume might be published,.howiag the won- t, derful effects of Comstock'. Pain Killer. but they ng are toe common. and need lot srtieles of no mer. .,. it: and the 25 cent bottle wilt do mer. than • sir thousand unknown some, to convince the user. Beware of worthless ar.iele0 celled Pain Killers, and boy say bat Comstock'.. Catrrtoe EXTRA, -Find the Dame of Can- n ock 4 Brother on the wrapper and bay it miles* you fled Me above name: as it has been extensively enosreefeited of late. Avoid the counterfeit as you would poison. aisTe Owsted o, a110 Darien., Hoa- .a-CaaLTo.'. Foo.mte OINT.nT. For the core of Founder, Split Hoof, Hoof-boaad dories, ad Contracted and Fever- ish Fe., Woo•de, Weise. is the Flesh, Galled Becks, Cracked Heels, Remiche*. Cate. Kicks, 4c. ea berms Corium's Rise -Bose Care. - Few the ear of Ring.8.s., Blood Spo.i•, Boos Sparta, W idpl le at, Spl i e t -e eertai a remedy. CAawos's CoenrToe Poeotas for Heroes sod Cattle. The eh.sge. .1 weather sed sees e. with the cheap of use a.d fed, h.,. • 0.ry g rist effect epee 11e blued .d dao••• se.e. d horses. It is et these champs dory rewire se a.Ostest to eater to throw off a.y disorder of Bride of the body that may have bra imbibed, .d which, if et aire.ded to, will resell is the Yellow Water, heave*, Worm. Botta, 4m. An et which will be prevented by elvise eat •f thee* powder, ed will at say tiese ear when say .ymp.os d bees.. appper, if used la lino. They purify the Need, remove ell isaametl.• sad (ester, loosen the skim. elegem the water. and tavigorals the wbel bade, **Wise them le the awn work with the Sano feed, The monies of !bows powder is dirtier .pre. 011 the secretive clads. earl thereto, they hese rho s.. crest •pep. the Horse, the 01, the Ass, ad all 11.e- liverous seirmle-ell diseases soiree hem •r modesties o bed nota of the bled, Greer/mall coed by thee.. Cacti«.-R.memise sail mak he Carlwo's Ceeditiee Pewees, sod mho ea .Sher. Casavow'• Nava .d Bows Lowes, fee Hears. •d fob t1e ever at till diseases .( are or beast that relate* 'aural seelitetrpo. ad for captioned mot. read work., .treerbese weak lit.be, ed ie also nod to 'pairs. We,* saddle galls, *welted 1 wee. of all dd. iees des bo. Carlow, err elm b► Norms sod Cr - Ile sr. prepared Irmo the roar d • eery edab•- I.d 11Lgli.b Perrier, and wis awe I• MN ear, cot of 100 ay .f theti.ou eeoplciet. They Ms, Wee sod by %mem, hefty see, .rage proprietors ad ethers, .tc1 the nut marked rod deiid seems. C.t„ee -8••• ••• be gous,.s mhos pee God the room of .1 Caret« Crnwe.ek es the Nutmeg .f 'vela winch. RIonrbor ebbe te GEORGE18 HONDURAS SARSAPA- RILLA EXTRACT, for the cure of all diseases arieiag from impure mate .f the blood. This Sarsaparilla contains tee times as much pore Honduras Sarsaparilla se soy other. 1n feet, ell other Sarsaparillas are principally composed of an extract from the worthless common Serra - penile, sad do set have the desired effect until a person has poured perhaps downs of bottles into his system. Os the eostnry, Georgi'. Hoods - hie Sarsaparilla, from beteg composed of the best materiels and manufactured with the grrateet care, (every posed of the Sarsaparilla being .ob- jected to the strictest Chemt& teem, and its gensinenest aseertained before It is sed.) acts immediately and powerfully. Tbts ie so Mineral Nostrum, but ■ purely Vegetable Composed, prepared on sciesti6e principle•, add we ewe confident!? assert it 1e the bat 8usnparllls liter before the public. LIT Tat Laois TASK NOTICE.-Yoa who are suffering with the many ills that female flesh is heir to, no matter how desperate year ease may he, be et diseowragd: resort to George's Hn•dete. S.r.parilla, and you will bed it. delightful and effectual remedy. You who dnir, a besetifsl, eldest ski., free from Ptwples. Blotches, sad all ima•ntiee, as rely apes it as the best Caimetie i■ aa. We brig this medicine before the public, a«fd..t that the good comm« strew of the people will diaerimieare Aetwees a medicime peppered from the pare Madams Rampant!' and the tbo.Sa.d worthless extracts of a worthiese plast with which the 0«stry i• 611.4, red epofd.stly M- lievtsg that G«rge'. Header* Sarsseanlls twee tried will be always awed. We have pe it tip is large bottles, .e of which is ,Coal in •ietas a six col say other Sarsaparilla ever soli. Castes Exra*-The reputation of ibis Medici," boa become so great where it km Ma sed. that uapriecipid area are already «ped ie coaeterfiniag it; therefor, be easiness. Pfd the same of Comstock 4 Brother, Pr,pmlet.r., en the phledid Wrapper, a yes will be deceiv- ed. All odore most be •ddrered to Goateed & Brother, No. 2, Sc. Peter's Plat,., rear N Astor House, New York Price $1 per bottle, or Eliz bottles for i5. All of the above mimed snicks gra sold poly i. Gnderieb, C. W., by Robert Park. al strewed 4 Rays, C. Crabb, .d H. B. O'C«eet; le Stratford by H. C. Lee: i. Bt. Marys by T. B. Chem: et Bell's Corsets by M. Brow.; is Wee4loCk by T. Scott; i. Leede. by Miieboat Is E`/r-wrodvilk by .1. Carter; i. Heeperbey y M. MoD.r.id 4 Co.; in Kimbell he T. Pei 4 Co., and Babb 4 Cs.; i. Gabe* WJ. D. Dent; is Delwere by Tirol: in a. 1.M by C. Crbb, sod O•rd.or. Esquire fee Cracow! Brother's Alma** for 1853, which willbegHm 65512.. Omit. 15, 1852. rb.18 TRAVELLER'S HOME. STRASBIIRG, W.rear.oe, 1811 February, 1849. THE 8ubeertber hereby intimates 10 11 friends and the Trarellieg Peblie real - rally, that he has renewed from Ndw Aber- deen to the Village el 8traebergb, .d will clew be feed in that well -knows be... fer- teerly Oecepied by Mr. Jose, -where he .i11 1e reedy ..d able fe eeed..* le the comfort allures who nay hisser lila with their petroeage.. Aad while be veteran thanks for put favors, 1e lopes, by stria att.etie. to Use waste .ad wishes .i bit ...tenets, still to merit a sestispee..l their petre.ag'e. JOHN ADSL. N. D. -Reed STABLES •N.stwtiw Grreee. vs .4tf 10818 RALPH, N AND COPPRR 8151714, sort deer to the Nester*. Hotel, West Street, Daderieb, ho' eseslantly es heed.. choke moe1F of 7te..,., Coattail tied Bet Meow. he., which M will sell et eseelieesbly m- issed roes. l/ eel es 711. highest, pries id le trees ter 524 , brook bed Mdee, fen mod reeow.ve. e.. ~AR m1mMM McN55atsbb peduee takes fe eMtbt■gt.et obeli prima. 6NMIN, 8d. 11, 18611. 11-44 A aY-LAW ArrtAdrisiwnng the tau. De/maw" b. the Them•ef ' Q ntA he °n lAf Amount p purposes thersirt act r `V HULAS the Mosici fora. aati the Tows of G M) tat prem of r.dN,nd le sundry hies, for is at passe to the atsoa.t of roar ler weld done, whereat, lbw our 10.4,54 oro pus MC• sod Beard N Coo•mo. Nci.oul Trsetees, hare required of Ile said Must, eipsl Co.scit, gibe sem N his bandied prude for the •recties of new School hoeew; so, with which d ems& the Cello. ed demo it enpedlest to comply; sed whereas t►. Cowed have takes neck is the Maitland Gravel Road C aroeet et tee buedred and pray, o the ad bate ales resoled 1,, J pou.dsl mutate d the principal 'streets o•be town, nd gravel sed le make other local public improv. - waste, witbie the time; at a octet of the farther .on of pomade; mid, whersa.e bandied sod fifty OUT and ex herefore hide/- to toes debentures lo the amain et tore thoessed Ave busdred pounds ; sed wh--- the sail debentures,the p.ymsDt o1 and the Utter's' to be. tome dee thereon, It will 1. necessary to MOO I r and she.,, and ts addition Ctol e ell otherre es, the fallowing suis, that is to ray: in the year 1888. the sum of £75; in each .f the years 1864, 1s56, 1656, and 18.57, the scum of Ll60: sad, is the rear 1658, the sunt of £9875; and wbereao 'he mourn of the whole rateable property of the said Town of Goderich, for the financial year preced- ing the passing of this By Law, wan £7703 186d., and n berry for the pay- ment of the said interest, sad for the cue. sties of t the aid debt, there willf bethe payment upon ed up of the said rateable in the properly as annual rale pound, es follows, that is to say: for the year 1153, 1110 gum of 21d. in the pesnd,'for each of the years 1854, 1855, 1866, aid 1857, the sum of 4jd is the pousd,•aod for the year 1858, the sum of 68. 8}Z in the pound. Be it therefore reseed, by the Municipal Couaeil of :he T... of Goderich Ie Coun- cil auembled, under mod by virtue of the Upper Canada Municipal Corporation Arts, ad it is hereb• enactedby authority of tbo same. that from .ad after the paeeiag of this By Law, the Mayor of the said Muni- cipal &9,01l shall have power and author- ity, aad be is hereby authorised and em- powered to mese. (riot, and wake deben- ture• of the said Municipal Council for soy sum 002 Tans then C25, nor exceeding in all the egad cum of £2500 for the purposes above' specified; provided always, that the Mayor, for the tune hemi, 06.11 not issue any of the sand debentures un;ees he shall be thereunto required by revolulion of rho said Municipal Council . And be it therefore enacted, that the said debentures shall become due and be payaLle at the cflke of the Treasurer of toe said Municipal Council on the 30th day of Des comber, in the year of ons Lord 1858; and chat the tntereat of the said debentures shall he payable half yearly on the 30,1, day of Jule and the 30th dal of December in each year, at the office of the Treasurer as afore - sold. Aod be it the relorm , a 3 J,by toe author• ity ■foresaid,tbat the said debentures shall be ieeueL under the common seal of the said Municipal Council, and shall have Cou- pons attached to them for the payment of the said interest, and that the rcd Deben- tures and Coupons shall be respectively signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the Treasurer of the said Muoicipal,Couo. oil. Aad be it further enacted by the au- thority aforesaid, that for the paymeot of the said debentures and the int here- on there shall be assessed levied, and raised uFon the whole rateable property in the laid Town of Goderich, as a special rate, ,n each year as after mentioned, over and above and in addition to all other rates w hatsoever, as follows, !list is to say, in the year 1853, a rate of 21d. in the pound; in each of the years 1851, 1853, 1858, and 1857 ■ rate of 41d. in 1h• pound, and in the year 1858 a rate of 6s. 844. in the pound. And be it further enacted,by the authori- ty aforesaid, that this By -saw shall take e ffect and come into operation immediately from and alter the passing thereof. NOTICE:. The at ova is a true copy of a By-law to be taken into consideration by the Munici- pality of the Towo of Goderich in tho county of llurbo, at the Council Room, on the 30th day of September next, at the boor of 19 o'clock soon, at whack time and place the members of the .atd Municipality are hereby required to attend. THOMAS KYDD, T.w. Clerk. Goderich, July 5, 1663 .6.131f SPRING IMPORTATIONS. THE oodersigned beg to inform their customers, earl Town ad Country Merchants, generally, that they are now receiving • considerable portion of their Spelt Assortments of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS' Suited for the p..at and appr«ehrse Spring trade, imported by Ube all steamers to Bootee ad New York, and an they have educes N the arrival, at thew ports, of the r.madsr of their early Seeing loseet- m ets, they expect to have shortly forre ward a full •d well-o'lectd stock of ..- oasibl. Style ad Pansy Dry Goods, to Drapery, Hosiery. Haberdashery and Small Warm, of the latest European styles, which they are prepared, sa heretofore, to Merles d to THE TRADE ONLY, at as ■edeale au selvages as any importing lieges In Cards. They troll kimono' *coition* to receive, kem time to time, 'seasonable addition' to their already extensive imminent, of GROCERIES AND HARDWARE. Ad the Meeks bold in their various depart. newts will et •11 timer offer to serebaat. Is the west me semplets fietliti., milker for herring ee repbmuMng • Stook, we ea ad- imstagseme terse SO mei he arse with in Grp elber Wholesale Esta1Ialmest on Comes. ADAM HOPE Is Co 1,o.., C. W.. Mseeb 9, 1868. .8.8 -Sm WANTED. ICH= Wasted be • (,esemes A TDweel. es ael8rl Len - N.. 4 Col, berm►, with • goosed er Third Clea Corti - Meese. im■eiloW a pD••15•e la r•1as•ted. Pee teethe, easeosues apply to JOSEPH FISHER. WM . HOLIDAY, Trustees. H. PENNEBAKER. Colborne, Jame Web, 161* NOTICE. Aergotism"' ism the swingers N t►' itdseriber, skeet the middle at Nee iib bot, • dark red with the plat et the .bite. rather Imre here* •d *Ye at W peista, amiss 4 years eh WO Sense. the sweet bto rpmN•porty 8.y o pAM can him tipsy. MICHAEL GI 18 11111Jelph,let 31, In ere. Ara 1101 HIM ,4ra)1