The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-09-27, Page 17Proudly announces its Dining Rooms are
now under the supervision and manage-
ment of
Make your reservation now for
Thanksgiving Dinner,
Dorothy also specializes in family Sunday
dinners, wedding receptions and private
Pink and white gladioli dec-
orated Kirkton United Church
for the wedding of Margaret
Rose Ulch, daughter of Mr, and
Mrs, Milton Ulch, Kirkton, and
Homer Morley Weir Taylor, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Taylor,
1",,R 1 Belton on Saturday, Sept-
ember 15 at 1:45 p.m.
11ev, T. Ell'ott officiated and
Mrs. Fred Switzer played the
wedding music and accompa-
nied the soloist, Miss Gayle At-
well, Belton, who sang Wedding
Prayer and 0 Perfect Love,
Given in 'marriap. by her fa-
ther the bride wore a floor-
length gown of nylon net and
lace over taffeta styled .with
square neckline embroidered
with sequins and pearls and
bouffant skirt appliqued with
lace, A crown embroidered
with crystals and pearls held her
veil of double illusion She car-
ried a cascade of red roses and
Miss Marilyn ilia, twin sis-
ter of the bride, was maid of
honor and bridesmaids were
Miss Joyce Illeh, sister of the
bride, and Miss Judy Naismith,
Thorn.dale. They were dressed
alike in street-length gowns of
royal blue brocade with match-
inq. accessories and carried
pink carnations and whit e
mums, Theresa Taylor, niece of
Take vows 'at Kirkton
- vboto bum Alm:rico °Liver
bride, as flower girl was gowned
in white nylon and carried a
basket of Sweetheart roses and
baby mums,
Edward Roberts, London, was
best man arld Robert and John
Ulch ushered.
A reception was held in the
church rooms after which the
couple left for Calgary, Ma.,
for their honeymoon, The bride
travelled in a red suit with navy
accessories and a white orchid
On their return they wilt re-
side at RR 1, Belton,
Guests attended the wedding
from London, Windsor, liar-
row, Kingsville, St, Marys, Bel-
ton and Thorndale,
Gives report
on workshop
The Times-Advocate, September '27., 1962 PaBo l Z Plan :zone
conference THIS N THAT
$l( MRS, J. M. S.
Area teachers
at conference
At the fall conference of the
FWTAQ, Region One, held at
Juliette Public School, &rat- Sift together flour, salt and
ford, on. Saturday, September cocoa and add to mixture and
22, Mrs. Madalene Jory, who beat at No, 2 speed .for one
was elected director for Region half minute, then on. No. 4 speed
One last June, was well sup- for two minutes scraping the
ported by her district with over bowl when necessary.
30 members present. Pour into 3 greased and wax-
At the .oinpletion of the first paper lined cake tins, Bake at
session of the clay three work- 350' for 30 to 35 minutes until
shops were organized. One work- done,
shop for presidents was led by
Miss Mary Graham, Dresden, .juice and rind of 1 orange and Miss Edith Thornpkins, 1 thsp butter Mr and Mrs, Whitney Coates London; another for secretaries
1 egg yolk
entertained their family, Miss few grains of salt was in charge of Airs. Jory
cnp water.
Wilma Coates, London, Mr. and. and Miss Ina McKennitt, Owen
Sound, convened the conveners Mrs. Keith Coates and Bradley,
workshop. filling constituency
Cook and thicken to proper Exeter, and friends Mr, and
The noon banquet was served with corn- Mrs. Sid Pearson, Hickson, Mr.
at the Parkview United Church starch: Roy Coward, ,best man
with the dinner address given Oatmeal Cookies of 35 years ago to dinner at
by Miss Ola Reath, 'FWTA0 1 cup flour
the Dominion Hotel, Zurich,
assembly president, and Mr. G. 2 cups fine oatmeal
on the occasion of their
N. Edwards, Stratford Public li cup butter
35th wedding anniversary on
Friday, September 21. Their School inspector. 1/4 tsp soda dissolved in 1,:i elder daughter and family, Mt, Miss Marie MacGregor, Sar- cup water
nia, chaired the assembly and
,12 cup brown sugar.
Clemens, Mich, were unable to
School Prinicipal E. Schneider Mix well and roll out on
ga lt.taeinudiatilo)ttilts. phoned their con
and Stratford Unit President floured board to the thickness On returning home several
Miss Phyllis Barbour brought of pie crust. Cut with round friends had gathered to spend greetings to the group, cookie cutter and bake,
home unit were Mrs. Shirley filling or jam.
evening .
Mousseau, Mrs. Helen .Termyn,
Attending from Miss ,Tory's When cool spread with date and lunch was served. Mr, and Koine
Euchre was played. .
Date Filling
Airs. Coates received many
Mrs, Grace Brine, Mrs, Helen
Coates, M Guests attended from Credi-
ivies. Dorothy Hughson, 1 lb. dates. ton, Ridgetown, Elora, Kippen, Mrs, Beth Batten, Mrs. Kathe- 1 cup sugar
rine Becker, Miss Marie Sal- 1 cup boiling water. Ilderton and Mitchell.
shall. spread between cookies. Rasp- married by Rev. D. McTavish,
Mr, and Mrs. Coates were moo and 'Miss Marilyn Mar- Cook until thick, When cool
berry jam is also good between now of London, at the James
the cookies. Street Parsonage, September 21,
Divinity Fudge
Mrs. Harold Cudmore won
first prize for divinity fudge
and here is her recipe:
Dissolve 2 cups white sugar
in 1/2 cup hot water and add.
Members .of lmpital auxin
ries in regions. 1, and a of
Western Ontario will meet in Mrs. Ward. Ilern is champion
a combined conference in the conk for 1362. She says she
new Nurses' Residence at Vie, likes baking but does not have
toria Hospital on Wednesday, as much of it to do now as
October 3, when her family were all home
Following registration at 11 which .meant seven to took for
a.m. and a business meeting .every ea3.,
delegates will tour the new es-s.1.1 is ici ncily sh ar i n g with us
idenee. After lunch provincial some ..of her primoinning Tee-
President ,Mrs. C. W. Sheridan fpes,
Of Ottawa will be the guest
speaker and will install' the '.Chocolate Fudge 'cake
new officers. ii cups sifted cake flour
Members of the Women's 1i cups granulated sugar
Auxiliary to South iltironlios- tsp soda.
pitat will meet at the auxiliary tsp salt
rooms at .9:45 a.m. to attend cup cocoa
this meeting. )2 cup soft shortening or hut-
1 cup buttermilk or sour milk
2 itinspbeavtaeilnilleaggs
Cream sugar and shortening.
Beat two minutes, Add unbeaten
eggs, Add soda to sour milk
And beat one-half Minute on No,
2 speed on mixer, Add vanilla,
vanilla and -nuts or cherries as
desired. Beat till ready to pour.
Mrs. -Ctulmore has a bright,
idea of pouring the randy into
the ice cube tray, Wilco cold
and tinniolded the candy is in
uniform squares. If this is not
feasible pour unto plate or tray
and cut in ,pieces. For the fair
Mrs. .Cudinore decorated each
square with A piece of mara-
schino cherry on the top.
Cherry p ar,
Mrs, .11ern has given us some
other recipes that are her Lai'.
1/a cup butter
1 1/4 elm sugar
1 orange, grated rind and
1 tsp. baking soda
3 1/2 cups flour.
4 egs ,
.Crea in butter and sugar. Acid
rind, juice and eggs; add flour
sifted with soda,
Spread half of batter on a
large cookie sheet 1.5x18".
Spread 2 cans of cherry pie
filling and drop remaining bai-
ler over cherries.
Bake in 375 degree oven for
Orange Filling for Cake
Couple marks
35 years wed
Belleville, July 9.13. The pur-
pose of. the workshop she said
was to "study, share ideas, en-
'l'o inaugurate the fall season joy social fellowship, fun, quiet
for Caven WMS Mrs. Ken thee and spiritual guidance."
Bridges discussed "The Church The devotional was taken by
Downtown" with a panel com- Mrs, Whilsmith and Mrs. Stan-
prised of Mrs, Frank Whil- lake. President Mrs. C. Ers-. cup corn syrup. Boil until a
smith and Mrs. Norman Stan• man presided and reviewed the drop hardens in cold water. "It
lake, current issue of Glad Tidings, should be very hard," says Mrs.
Miss L. :Ba t. Cudmore. Pour mixture over Miss Marion Heckman told of Hostesses were
her experiences at the adult lantyne, Mrs. Norah Taylor and beaten whites of two eggs beat-
workshop held at Albert College, Mrs. Jessie Sanders. ing all the time, Add 1 tp
The desert is a constant
threat, even in Ontario. With-
out the constant vigilance. of
conservationists and the willing
co-operation of the public, fer-
tile forest land can be: reduced
to desert — it has happened al-
ready in this province. it is
our clear duty to protect the
forest which protects our land.
Alembers of llurondale Wi
numbering 33 enjoyed a .bus
trio to Brantford on Monday.
Leaving .gxeler. at .8:05 .a.m,
they visited first the National
School for the Blind before
noon. Lunching in a park at
the Bell homestead, they tour-
VI the home and also the
factories of Johnston's WAX
and Harding Carpets.
An interesting slop for Wi
members was the Adelaide
lioodless home, the home of
the W1 founder, to which CM ,
hers have contributed funds
for its restoration. Dinner was
served at the White Horse
Motel just outside Paris.
A day for the ladies usually
includes a spot of window OM,
ping which they did at .the new
Towers Shopping .Centre on the
outskirts of London on the re•
turn trip,
'J3 minutes.
Half of the recipe makes
enough for a cookie sheet
10 1/2"x16".
chicken Ca”erale
1 chicken
4 cups water
2 tsp. salt
Cook chicken in salt and Wa-
ter until meat falls off bones.
Make a dressing of bread,
sage, salt and pepper. Put in
casserole alternating layers of
dressing and chicken. Thicken
the broth in which thicken
was cooked, with flour and
pour over the layers of
chicken and dressing.
Put in oven and heat and
brown for 30 minutes, Serve
Brantford le" , , ... sary were: Mr. and Mrs. 11,Ial
color Spence, Mr. and Mrs:,
Win. Jones arid family, Mel;
and Mrs,. Jack Thomson :anrl,
family, Air. and Mrs, ICenncitl:
Parkinson and family, Mr. and
Airs. GladwYn Hooper, Ittithp
Veryl and Jeanette.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lang-
ford and family were Sunday
guests of Rev. anti Mrs. Stew-
art niners of Beachville—
Miss Nancy Brine of St. Ma-
rys spent the weekend with
Miss Sharon Thomson.
Miss Ruth G. Hooper of 7,16.7
ronto spent the weekend WW1'
Air. and Mrs. Giadwyn Hoog-.
cc and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Claire Sisson
were guests on Wednesday for
the golden wedding anniver-
sary for the latter's parents,
Mr, and Mrs, Fred. retch of
Those attending open house
for Mr, and Mrs.. Fred Fetch
of Strathroy on Sunday in honor
of their 50th wedding annivers
Happenings. in,
By M1RS,.41„Ap.wY.N HPOttgR
Prompt, Confidential Service
Established 1889
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