The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-09-27, Page 12ti ORDER YOUR WOOD NOW when the weather is good MIXED SLAB WOOD Stake Truck load, delivered $30.00 Half-load, delivered $17.00 MIXED LIMB AND BODY WOOD Stake Truck load, delivered $50.00 Half-load, delivered. $27.00 Apply in Writing to Robert Eagleson AILSA CRAIG • Product* Of - General Motor* ' Frigid afire Sales with Service Drysdale Crest Hardware PHONE 11 HENSALL "dust s. minute. The wrote*, stays beret" -40'` lc_ RANGEr.sOFQ ' atigNiarta HEATING and COOL-ING Lennox equipment is Used In. the 11011,1 e.0 of tomorrow s•-• because they provide complete comfort, along with exceptional economy, The fuel sayings of Lennox may surprise you. But' uecauee the I Ws ury features of 141111os are deigned to trim costa as much as they are to deliver complete comfort, your eaving add Up to ;000 cr inpre, Goal, oil, gas 5111d electrlp. furnaces to choose from, or in .ealllhinatiOn with summer Air cell , Oltionlne unite, Phone for complete information and free estimates, Yeer'rouna luxury a 20% On fuel e. complete comfort- .room-to-room 1. Tesegifee* eselesgs i.ndenfields Limited Phone 2354361 Exeter HANDCUT AND TAILORED TO YOUR MEASURE BY TIP TOP TAILORS — ONE PRICE $7500 FOR THE ..FUN OF IT .".63 FALCON 35 News Qt Grand Be. .By MRS, wg1.-w0op GILL 3.16110, Mrtf rr•tielmorfe .1.0,kenn. itaithas. Ittra• POupe. %fro. It.. weber. Mrs. t'us morn:. row nao t iis„ ?lira 'rout fief its. on.dipo: 5+ g:afti 010%5 ctrl,. rallied. Toni I Ire n A Son; g' lopes If, t n. Asfrita, Mss. voids: Fisin mar .)iitrr4 'Hera, Sti L. A4 Itel. Lolls. Mrs. iier RoNtm ds : sing-le petunias. Mr' Mrs. Ilusse:1 f 'er- pisoii, 0! iinIt :P.5' 01, pismn• 41cSitVS.. Mrs. 1, t tat ii0F110;r1. M••. i.'m d ties ..out''. beta, Troa.sies. Ma. 1;.9.nplelfii MOS. Af4"s- Edwil, M.Aar. Mrs. )10 • s;.; rot-As. Mrs. Rey-tifrds; efalflo,:s. Iv: •,. Mrs lies nods, NTS: •L'os d 1try-noids; ;crested trstas Mrs. Ilo!.1,0!da; ffatilia„ zinnias. Mt s. rt.-t pnids. .• •$„ 1,n,d ttesi,(Nde.: Ora inn %voles, Mrs. Doupe, Mrs. rI-ni.:11 basket eu^ flowers, Mrs, 'loupe, Mrs. Smith, Airs. 1•Veber;• dish garden. Bethel Re- ;fern: efl I.A. Mrs. $1111:11, Top classes at fair here Major v,inners in the arts and crafts division were Mrs. • Jones and Mrs. Doris Ile riser with Mrs. Richard Ete'r--!ngton, runner-up, Lloyd Reynolds was award- ed eight :firsts, four seconds antP-'43ne third in the vegetable section with South Huron Dist- rie“Ifigh School getting four first's and one second. John Kingma was winner in the en 13-1111 erel al vegetable feature. Zicory Jeffery emerged win , the fruit section with 14 firsts and three seconds for apples and two firsts, one sec• and and one third in other fruits, Fred MeCiymont, of Varna, won five firsts and 12 skronds for apples and two firsts and two seconds in other fruits', Victor Jeffery won the prize for the best collection of fruit with Fred McClymont second. Rasell Gesell, Varna, and JanteS Watson, Denfield, were tviiiir'S in the grain class with Ma -Tern & Son coming close, 4".I.Itry prizes were captured 11,*ar1 Becker, RR 1 Dash- and Clifford Pepper, DlOtvood, with James Sproul, Aabgn providnig competition. -ARTS ANb DRAFTS n:: • ielsoape, AlIk. Ted Mrs. Pons Opt , in er ; See • Airs. Oct slier, Mary Van ‘;;; Nfrs. joues, Mrs, Pr; fltNIVArS ar Enlist -Mrs, r. Mrs. Price: enY subJeos, 'VA.; ; number picture. • 'rote; Here;; a Alss- Th :Skipi!or; S. pSI1,3Is instil , ▪ Rd, P., ,istri::gso ,.; ,•bit (Iran , 11 I• eringt ; ,:olorerl. Bethel itear,ted LA, lira, l thertrigtnn, ,solyfier Too:I:1g . Mrs. jone$: Pd tire, Mrs. Rey- nol• 4s- Mrs. Price; embroidered mho Mrs, Reynolds. YEGETABlegS. Potattive. tarry, Tot it Bat ro, Fred Mi•i "ly , 11r-. hui I ier ftes 4 ,041fs: rite. vet!. tom, thi.k tato., bp'ts. Mrs, Ito? PP4,114w. silt-13r Is4.18. FNVIK 11,444 sr. . ',mg; h. Reis • vs, tit, Ja”,es Vt-a: soi., • Intel., nal.. 10.1s. I.. tt'; r 11.7 toms,- Toes, cwt. Itossell Mrs. Msi riyal on t pit41,, Mrs. I Iss o:ds, rifiday :•firrots, hater.. Nils, Pep- per •NIC,.1, Dielsos 4•Ki•I*Sits, N11 Mrs. Tern L, Rey ',olds: AI. „11rn, ball:en:, ()PR. f1. I. ItIV41014P: 41W variety. L. 'Reynolds. DiekeY: waterrneln Diftike;:•, I,, II e:iTto l ds, 1.. t `nab men ; muskmelons, M's, Gordon Smite, I., fleYT10111S„ Nre, .0 3 niny•; te.1),14 ill IS1Ps. Snierson Peni,a.:e, lira. a Shap tun ; larg,e.st turnips, Watson: i,nolt log onions. Oess•,, M•:s. Tourtis: ra Harry Bern ; Nistnish onions, Oesch, Mrs, chnimore: Onions, piskiing. Mrs. Reynolds, 'Mrs. Pepper, pie pump- Dieke,t , 1.. Reynolds, Mc- olyrtion; large .m111: ts Heys yieids, rte.:5ton Dearing & Son, Cushman: tv ions. I., Reynolds, ritettey. 'Mrs. Triehner: parsnips, L. Reyne11s, Cushman, Diekey; hubbard Squash, 1, Reynolds; pepper squash. 1, 'Reynolds. Pie- 1,ey. Airs. Clirtmore, squash. any o ; ariot v • Met wont , Mrs. clid Wore: early eabbso:,•;e, 11t mom ; pare ralt- bapr.sHrif is; Sa‘ ny i•abbage, SEIDITS: red c•abbage, .aill ifion er, Afer'ymont, Wa tstsn. COMMERCIAL F E ATURES 'rte nips • Emerson. Penhale, .1.01111 m gam, kraut- ea bba.g•e, Kingnia, stirgt s dorneStie h- bap,. Kingma, `fro HS sugar beets, Airs, Frank Triebner, Tom Hero & Son. Earl)" potatoes Mc- Clymont, Bern & Son, ,SIMITS. Lat e potatoes li,ingnla, Me. CIA Mel.% Her, & Son, SHONS. William Dirk ey, hong •earrols .-. I,. Rey noids, Kingma, Mrs, Trlebner. Short earrot s dickey, L, Reynolds. Fleets --- Art-tile Ethertngton. Mrs, Tri ebn or, SITOI-TS, FRUITS Atnnes Vetter Jet- tiv•y. Fred AlsClyraoro; ; 8110W, .1 ef f erv, ; Graycnstem, efferS. Mollymon t RIenheini Pippins .1 effery Tatman Sweets, meil) Mont, Jeffery reenings. feffery. A(etItymoni Northern StO', Jeffery, Mei Ilymont ; Tied Jet f Pry. MotlyiriOnt ; rus ;sc.., WI:':11M0111. Jog; EV3 Jeffery. mon 1ae- lir•ione, ef f e r y, Nieciymont ; Courrland, Jeffer MOO Vleerrl : WOK MY er, Met-iv:non, t Ma n - resit. Af ,•;01,yrnon ,, Airs. case,.7,reehuisen; snow I.ppiest, of- ,tery. ,NR•ofy-riion r; t, McelYuln : pippins, Jeffery. IV - Clymorit Tolman Asiree t. S. MCP; y - 1,1 • t, 41'491'3. crab apples, Jet--snit Pears • - C•app Favorr.e. Mts. Han otulmot•e. Peed NIer`l:‘ • Dion:; Hartle: MeOlyrnont, Mt s. cUdnioret: Sbo:don, .510Ciymont I winter pea r„leftery. Titans -- I) a to so n. Jeffery: Irallan, 'Mrs. rudmore. MeCiy- mom, Jeffery; Gehman. Mrs. Cod-. more; Grand Duke, leffery; Green Gage, Airs. Caulmore, ,1effery, Mc- elynior GRAIN AND SEEDS Sheaf wheat, Tom Kern & Son; sheaf oats, Bruce Delbridge. Bern; fall wheat, Russell Oesch, James Watson, Fred -McClymont; feed barley, Hem, Harry Hern, Watson; malting barley, Watson; Mrs, A. -Rvrdie, correspondent 4y MRS.* ROBERT RV NPLt W,001)HAM Mrs, Arthur Rundle, 70, died suddenly at her late residence, St. Marys on Saturday, Septem- ber 22. She was the former Esther Ann Fletcher and. widow of Arthur Rundle and formerly of Rase Line, Blanshard Town- ship.. She WAS. correspondent for The Tinges-,Advocate for Many years.. She is survived by one son, Robert, Woodham, two grand- children James and Jack Rim- die and one brother) Nelson Fletcher, Lambeth, The funeral service was conducted by Rev, d, Ware- ham of Woodham at the L, A, Bali funeral chapel on Wednes- day, September '26 with inter, ment in Kirkton Union Ceme- tery. Personal items Weekend visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Ted Insley, Murray and Karen were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Insley of Sudbury, Visitors with Rev, and Mrs, J. Wareham. on Sunday were Rev, and Mrs. Clifton Sturge of Gander, Nfd., and Rev. Wilfred Vardy of Harbour Grace, Nfd., was a Wednesday visitor, Rev, and Mrs, John Wheeler of Alma were Friday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Wheel- er and Mr. and Mrs, John Rodd and family. Mr. Nelson Morphy and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Morphy and Bradley spent the weekend in Toronto with Dr. and Mrs. Geo. Morphy. Miss Joanne Webb and Mr. Ralph Wareham spent the week- end in St. Catherines with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Williams, Mr. R. J. Goodchild of Chelmsford, England is spend- (slip, Hen:, Oeseh, Mrs. Harvey Hyde: alfalfa. Watson, 05501; red elm PT n P Tt's Icon: sweet einVer. Opsoh: timothy. Mrs. Rd. liering•ton, Watson, Bruce ;map- nn: white beans, M-Clymont, Shapton; Mired grain, Its: ry Heim, Mc • Ciymont, Bern; bale hay, Victor ,TPfrrry, Hern. Donald Dearing; (bopped hay, Jeffery, Mrs. Ether- big ton, .1 rchie Etheringto.n; grain sort, Mrs. L. Ferguson, Mrs. 'Russel , Ferguson, Sirs. Frank Triebner: ensilage corn, Watson, I tarry Bern, in Triebner. • EGGS White — Howard Pym, Edwin Miller, Mrs. Frank Trlebner; brown, 'Fklwin Miller, Harry Hern, Russell Oesch; mired eggs, Edwin genteestagelalleRMIVIMMitirt ,United Church Women Meet The first fall. meeting of the I.TOW .evening. unit was held re- .c oily, Mrs. Jack Eagleson. read letters from the Irwins Korea and from Leo Dal Bo, the adopted. Korean boy, A hyninary Is to be presented to Mrs. Doug, Johnson who re- cently moved from Gran d' Rend, A rs. Blewett con= .ducted the devotional — the theme being "Praise God For His Universality", She was as- sisted by Mrs, Lawrence Ma- son, Airs, Jack Eagleson who re- cently attended "School For Leaders" at Alma College for three days gave an interesting report of her activities while there. p e r sonal items Mrs. Ida. Knox of St. Marys visited on Wednesday with Mrs, Mary Gill. Mr, and Mrs, David Green. ing several days with Mr. and Mrs. H. G, Webber. Mr, and Mrs. John. Rodd and family visited with Mr, and Mrs. Roy Martin and family of Delhi on Sunday, Mr, Beg Darling of Browns Corners visited d on Sunday with Mrs. L, Copeland. and Murray. Mr*, and Mrs. Teke Witteveen of Paris were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. John Witte- veen and family, Mrs. John Cornish of Battle Creek, Mich., visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wheeler. The sudden death of Rev. Gordon Wanles of Grand Val- ley, a former minister of the Woodham char g e, occurred with funeral service on Wed- nesday. Air. E. Vodden spent the weekend in Clinton visiting rel- atives. Mr. and Mrs. Phill Brine of St. Marys were Sunday after- noon visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brine. CUSTOM CLOTHE IN THE FINEST IMPORTED BRITISH FABRICS TIP TOP proudly announces the debut of the "Fleet Street" custom tailored suit . • and the arrival of our new all-wool fabrics from Britain's foremost mills. Twists, Worsteds, Flannels and more—in the season's latest patterns and colours—await you. now. In the incomparable FLEET STREET manner, TIP TOP will hand-cut, hand shape and tailor your choice for you. alone . . . to an entirely new Canadian standard of custom tailoring excellence! T I P TOP tailors ~' Walper's Men's Wear PHONE 235.0991 EXETER Top 12' 1110 Tin1q$,A0Yet,401 -40ptottlitcr. 27,. 1941 - FAIR RESULTS Fishermen: Why spoil the other fellow's chances? As it is unlawful to transfer fish from one body of water to another, you. should not dump unused minnows into the lake. This precaution prevents the spawn- ing of coarse fish which will make a poor catch and spoil fishing. THE LUCAN LODGE HOME FOR THE AGED RATES: PRIVATE ROOMr$200 'PER MONTH SEMI-PRIVATE, $150 PER MONTH 4.BED WARD, $135 PER MONTH For further information, phone W. S. RIDDICK LUCAN 227.4473 ,Holstein --Continued front page 1.1 coy of .data from Bancila. Per- fection. Sylvia, and the miming senior 'herd and dairy herd. Reginald showed ,the toP.jonior herd and the winning have moved to St. Maus, .senior• get-of s ;ire by Pabst Airs, George. Latta of the Raven .Senore, while Thomas Alollard Line 'won a Westnig- He ra Sons, Woodhant, had house clothes dryer at London the winning junior get of sire Fair. by Thamesview Regal,. Mr. and Mrs. Russell of The Herns also 'Showed the Brampton and Mr. and. Mrs. best junior heifer calf, Keith Charlton and Garry of London visited on the weekend with Mrs. Lily Gill. M r. and Mrs, Ray Patterson and Winston spent the weekend with Air. and Mrs. Wi». Ab- bolt at their cottage at. Bap- tiste Lake, Mr, and Airs, Harold Walper' have moved to their new home. Mr, and Airs. John Stocker are v isiting this week with her sister, Mrs. Jack Pardon and Air, Pardon at Siemer. Dr. Harry .Godsell will con- duct the service at the Grand Bend United Church on Sep- tember 30. Mr, Allen Miller is a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exe- ter, Grand Bend 4,H The Grand Bend Cuttie-Com- hers held their second 4.-H meeting at the home of Karen and Kathy Taylor on Wednes- day evening with live girls present. The roll call was to bring a vegetables and tell how to pre- pare and cook it. Mrs. W. Walper discussed cooking vegetables. Karen Tay- lor demonstrated how to make a medium white sauce.; Kathy Taylor cooked frozen peas, The sauce was put on the peas and served to the girls on toast. Next meeting will be at the borne of June and Sharon Mor- enz. oaseviir.anvgnokr or Phone 232-4450 Nairn before 8:30 a.m. or between 5 and 7.30 p.m. Aar We're ALL "EARS" to hear your comments about the LIVELY NEW '63 FORDS NOW ON DISPLAY I N OUR SHOW ROOM Theyril soon be multiplying like rabbits on the highways—Order now! BIG, BOLD BEAUTY liaao '63 GALAXIE • LSMFT Larry Snider Makes Fabulous Deals on both NEW 6i, USED CARS Al- USED CARS '61 FORD SEDAN, V-8 automatic, radio, a dandy thing $1,795 '59 MONARCH SEDAN—Choice of two dillies $1,795 '61 VOLKS DELUXE, low Mileage, above average $1,600 '60 VOLKS DELUXE, OK $1,250 ,sa METEOR COACH, 6 qt.—Choice tit 9 . $1,150 '58 FORD SEDAN, 6 cyl. $1,150 '58 CHEV COACH, 6 cyl, good $1,150 '57 FORD SEDAN, 4 cyl., radio $1,000 '57 OLDS HARDTOP, has everything including a new dress 750 355 tHEV V-8 4-bOOR RANCHWAGDN, new motor, automatic, lust the thing for those cool camp, 1119 nights $ 750 '56 METEOR SEDAN, driven by a very quiet, re. fined Man $ 750 '56 FORA COACH, driven by somebody not so quiet f 500 '54 METEOR CONVERTIBLE, a real sex wagon foe the beginer $ 395 '54 METEOR SEDAN, slightly m otheaten $ 295 '53 PONTIAC n COACH, it ig rah in ,, ...... $ 19$ TRACTORS 457 ALLIS CHALMERS WO, power wheels, LPTO '47 FORD with Skyline Loader, motor overhauled, '60 DtxTA laltsElo tPTO '57 FORD BALER, used very little '49 FORD, Motor overhauled, Ideal for the young' '39 CASE "b" . $ 150 '52 FORD 2-FURROW 10" PLOW, Used •very little $ 150 ideal, for thoSe who don't want to hsovel trianUr try . FORD -FERGUSON 17" 2-FURROW PLOW • $ 75 MASSEY HARRIS "30", a rough Old beggar , 150 $2,100 $ $50 $ $ $50 WE NEED SOME USED TRUCKS LET'S MAXE A DEAL ON A '63 Larry Snider Motors LiMiTEb Ford, Fabians, Patton and "Ford Truk istiONE 2 541640 TER COME SEE THEM ms TRIM AND TERRIFIC '63 FAIT LANE 4