The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-09-27, Page 11,„, ..;imegesese•.ee'•••••eeseetessaieseaeeeseee,etvoaetas'tr •
Second $ection
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SWEEPS COUNTY 4-H AWARDS—Grant Hodgins, 20 -year-old member of Kirkton
club, not only showed the champion steer at Huron County 4-H championship
competitions Friday but also won the beef showmanship award and the showman-
ship sweepstakes for all animals. It was the first time the clean sweep has been
accomplished. Grant's younger brother, Allan, won reserve championship in the
Queen's Guineas class last year. —Phillips
r ow in the
clnnis ter:s
FAME President Charles Mc-
Innis, speaking at the sod -turn-
ing ceremony at Ayr last week,
said construction of co-operative
meat packing plants was a
"rainbow in the sky" for Ore
tario farmers
"This sod -turning event," he
said, "is an historic event, lt, is
even more than that—it is a
rainbow in the sky, ushering in
a new freedon to farmers, a
freedon to market as they deem
Wise and not as someone else
tells them,"
"If the livestock industry is
to remain in the hapds of farm-
ers, then FAME is a must,"
McInnis bald the crowd at the
ceremony. "FAME will become
trulyfamous as it eliminates
the injustices and the suffering
among thousands of farm peo-
ple. It will give the farmers
control over the merchandising
of their finished product through
to the retail trade. FAME will
reach its greatest fame, not in
making money otit of farmers,
but in giving to farmers a
greater return for their labor",
The FAME president, who led
farmers into their present hog
marketing system, said if the
new meat -processing co-op only
raised the return byone cent
per pound, it would give Ontario
farmers an additional $7,500,000
a year. "In 8 years this would
amount to $75 millions," he
"It Wield not be difficult to
raise a few million dollars for
an investment that holds the
greatest Of possibilities for the
farmers, Just think, when the
profits in the meat packing in-
dustry hi one year totalled
$22,400,000, can We afford not
to push FAME?"
Invest in processing
He said Ontario farmers have
invested nearly $300 million in
livestock and close to $600 mil-
lion in !anti Machinery. "Think
of the hundreds of millions of
-dollars invested in production
and yet we need only a few mit-
ten dollars invested in proces-
sing—‘Vhere prices are °stab.
lishcd and where farm incoine
is determined—to dO the job
that should be done.
"We can de it. We must do
it now," he concluded. "And
we start from here. We either
do it, ot we are at the 'Mercy
of those Who have to -melts',
but just seek profits."
Earlier in his speech, Mr. Mt -
Innis charged the meat packing
corporations had failed to realize
their obligation to serve the
farther by adopting a policy of
buying as cheaply as possible,
so doitig, they have
• tinted great fortunes and the
gap between the producers' and
the consumers' price has wid.
ened to the point where we are
getting for our livestock only
30% of the motley spent for
livestock produtts. This is ail
intolerable siteation,"
'McInnis said that FAME,
thtough the eliminatiOn of heavy
transportation tees, efficient
On A
John Beane
fitariaHU14it6. tattect
operal.ions, and modern mer-
chandising, will ttempt "to
prevent the unnecessary fluc-
tuations in prices to producers."
David Ireland, a farmer from
Teeswater, turned the first sod.
He told the 500 -strong crowd
that he joined FAME because
he thought the organization can
help his sons (he has six, plus
a daughter) when they become
farmers. "I wish my father had
done this for me," he added.
Among the local FAME com-
mittee members attending were:
Jack Soldan, James McAllister,
Lloyd Lovell and Ross Love
from Hay township; Mr. and
Mrs. Alex. McGregor, Kippen;
Reeve Dan Beuerman, Ken
Stewart, Gordon Elliott, Gilbert
Smith of McKillop, and Alf
Warner of Bayfield.
The FAME committee in 1-lur-
on is planning a drive in the
county for more capital on Oc-
tober 1 and 2.
County chairman Alex Mc-
Gregor has appealed to area
farmers for support, "Let's put
Huron county over its objec-
tive," he said.
Federation news
Hog co-op directors
invited to Quebec
Huron Federation President
Hog producer committeemen
from. this area, along with hun-
dreds of other farmers, attend-
ed the sod -turning ceremony for
FAME'S new meat processing
plant near Ayr on Wednesday,
Sept. 19.
Clayton Frey was master of
ceremonies and a number of
prominent citizens spoke briefly
including Gordon W. Innes, Lib-
eral MPP who spoke on behalf
of Liberal Leader Wintermeyer.
Donald McDonald stated that
prosperous and eventful times
were ahead for FAME. Robert
Barber, warden of Waterloo and
Lloyd Becker, reeve of North
Dumphries township, s p Ok e
J. A. Cotrtean, president tit
the Quebec Coop Packing Plant
was guest speaker. He stated
that they had four plants in
Quebec, one large processing
and three idiling lants, and
that they bad the support of
the large Majority, of the pro-
ducers of the province of Que.
Farmers in Quebec have in.
Vested six million in pietas and
farmers feel that this invest -
meet offers them some protee.
tion. The objettivein the next
two years Vas to raise $2,000,000
for ferthet expansion and he
stated that hitters are net
hesitating to raise that money.
Mr. Courteau stated that they
had to learn the hard way in
getting started and FAME could
benefit from their experience.
He stressed it is important to
have good managers, butchers
and accountants and all help in
general, "You are going to like
your plant," he said. "It will
be interesting to see your own
cattle slaughtered and proces-
sed and to pick up your cheque
at the plant."
Mr. Courteau added that
farmers always make a success
of any venture they undertake
and added that producers should
support FAME and have faith
in the prOjedt.
In closing, Mr. Courteau in-
vited Mr. McInnis and nine
other fernier. to come to Que-
bec as their guests for one.
week, expense -free trip to visit
all theirplants and. points of
interest in Quebec. We hope
someone from Huron will be
given the opportunity.
Mr. Troy and Mr. Ctintherson
spoke briefly each commenting
that when this ne‘v plant is
built the cost of operating will
be the cheapest in North Anler.
uron *•eef,
Area breeders win
livestock awards
,Area breeders copped a ma-
jor share of the Livestock prizes
at Exeter fair.
Holstein herds of Ross Mar-
shall, Kirkton; Tom Hern and
sons, RR 1 Woodham, and Ron
Brock, Granton, swept most of
the dairy awards.
In beef cattle, Keith Coates
of RR1 Centralia topped the
Hereford section; W. E. Parker
and sons, Watford, dominated
Shorthorns and the major win-
ner in Polled Angus class was
Alex Edwards, Watford.
Besides sweeping he Dorset
Horn class, Preston Dearing's
sheep captured the open cern.
petition. Major winners in each
breed were: Oxford Downs,
Cyrus E. Lowden, Smithville;
Shropshire Downs, Fred Guen-
ry, Paris; Lincolns, A. D. Steep-
er, Ailsa Craig; Leicesters,
James Snell, Clinton; South -
downs, Emerson Lowden, Glen -
ford Station; Suffolk, Raymond
Comfort, St. Annis.
Ross Cottle, RR 1 Woodham,
was the major winner in the
"other breeds" class in hogs,
followed by Emerson F'enhale,
also of RR 1 Woodham. Wil-
liam Turnbull and sons, Brus-
sels, had no competition in the
Yorkshire division,
Holsteins — Bulls, one year and
over, Ross Marshall, Kirkton;
Tom Elrock, Granton; Tom Bern
and sons, RR 1 Woodhani; under
one year, Marshall; aged cow,
milking, Marshall, Herm Brock,
Marshall, Brock; dry,Broelt 1 &
at heifer, two yearsMarshall 1
2, Hero; one year and under
twa, Hern, 51arshall, Brook, Mar-
shall; senior heifer calf, John
McAllister, Brock, Orville Lang-
ford; junior heifer calf. Marshall
1. 3 & 3, Hern, McAllister; herd,
51arshall, Bern, Brock; get of
sire, Marshall 1 & 2, Hern.
A moment of carelessness
can Mean a lifetime of regret.
it's little careless habits that
make big accidents.
International Plowing
Match Bus, Trip
Spend a day at the International
Plowing Match
Reserve seat now 'for a. trip to Owen Sointd,
Oct, 10 $2,00 Return
"mks' t specially Welcome
Purther particulars in next week's paper,
Watch For Our Fall Sole
ee e, D. Steeper, Attila Craig;
Steeper. seven thane, three ace.
onds, one third: A. W. Barrett,
Parkhill, one first, three seconds,
three thirds.
Leieesters — Champion ram,
eDhotturnrt,lionrireallit.eatni., ,James
ton; 8110 six firsts, five seconds,
twa thirds; (I•raham, one first, twa
seconds, four thirds.
Southdowns All prizes won
stTatjaHumerson Lowden,
wreaks barnplOn ram end
ewe. Raymond Comfort; Com -
fort, Fix firsts, five seconds: Fred.
Lowden, one second, Iwo thirds,
five fourths; Donald
two thirds; James Watson, Den.
field, one third,
Specials — Open flock, Preston
Dearing, Fred Guerney; Iamb
flock, attorney, Snell; pen of
three market lambs, Donald Ker.
nick 3 & 4, Cyrus Lowden, Ray.
mond Comfort,
Yorkshire hogs — All prizes won
by William Turnbull and sons,
Other breeds — Boar, two and
over, one to two, .Ross Cottle;
hoar, six months to one year,
(Antic, VIVI CrS011 Penhale, and
Dykema; hoar, under 5 months,
Penhale, Cottle 2 & 3; sow, two
and over, Cottle 1 & 2; sow, one
to two years, Cottle 1 & 3, Pen -
hale; sow, 0 months to year,
Cottle 1 S. 2, Turnbull. Penhale;
eow, under fi months, Turnbull,
Penhale 2 & Cottle; herd, Cot-
tle 1 & 3, Penhale,
best in hogs
Lorne Passmore exhibited the
champion carcass in the bacon
hog competition sponsored by
Exeter Co-op at Exeter fair,
• Reserve champion was en-
tered by Gordon Stone, RR 3
The results, as graded by the
Canada Dep't of Agriculture,
Lorne Passmore. Gordon
Stone, Irving Stahls, RR 1 Cre.
diton; Archie Etherington, RR 1
Hensall; Gerald Dearing, RR 3
There were 16 entries in the
Shorthorns — Aged bull, W. E.
Parker and sons, Watford; Wil-
liam Turnbull and son, Brussels:
McMahon Bros., Wyoming; bull,
one year and under two. Parker,
Turnbull. .51c5lahon; junior bull
calf, Parker, Turnbull, McMahon;
senior b 11 calC, Parker 1 & 2,
aged cow, Parker, 51e51ahon,
Turnbull; heifer, two years, Par-
ker 1 & 3, McMahon, Turnbull:
heifer, one-two, Parker 1 &
Turnbull, McMahon; seninr heifer
calf, Parker, McMahon, Turnbull;
junior heifer calf, Parker 51e -
Mahon, Turnbtill; herd, Parker,
McMahon, Turnbull; get of sire,
Parker, McMahen, Turnbull,
Polled Angus — Aged bull, kklex.
Edwards: hull, one to LW 0, Ed-
wards, Hodgson Bros., Granton;
junior bull calf, Edwards. Hodg-
son, James "Watson, De nfield
aged COW, 'Edwards, Watson,
Hodgson; heifer, twa yeara, -Ed-
wards, Hodgson 3 & 3, Watson:
senior heifer calf, Edwards, Hodg-
son 2 & 3, Garfield Cornish,
Woodham: Junior heifer ealf, Ed-
wards, Watson, 110dg:ion herd,
Edwards, Hodgson, Watson, get
of sire, Edwards, Hodgson.
Hereford — Aged bull, William
O'Neil, Denfield, 1 & 2; bull, one
to two years, Keith Coa tes, Cent -
O'Neil 2 & 3t junior bull
calf, O'Neil, Coates; senior bull
calf, Coates, O'Neil 2 & 3; aged
cow, O'Neil 1 & 3, Coates; heifer.
Ova years, Coates,O'Neil; heifer,
one to twa, O'Ne, Coates; senior
heifer Calf, Coates, O'Neil; junior
heifer calf, Coates, ONeil,*& 3;
herd, Coates, O'Neil; set or sire,
Coates, O'Neil.
Baby beer eorepetitiert Rod -
gin, Watson, Turnbull Hodgins,
Coates, Watson,
Dorset Horn — All prizes tO
Preston Dearing, RFI 1 Exeter.
Oxford Downs — Che.mplon ram
and ewe, Cyrus E, Lowden,
SinithVille. Lowden won six firsts,
fottr seconds, three thirds; Donald
Dearing, Meier, won one first,
three seconds, three thirds, four
Shropshire Downs — Champion
rant and en'e, Fred eliterney,
Paris, Gaterney 'won five firsta,
two aeronds; RaYtileud Comfort,
St. Antis, one first, four seconds„,
four thirds, three fourths; A. W.
Barrett, Parithin, two leurths.
Liticolts e— Champion ram and
Grant Hodgins, 20 • year - old
Mitten club member, made a
clean sweep of the Huron comity
championship beef and show-
manship contests at Seaforth
fair Friday.
Hodgins, who comes from a
family of 4-11 winners near
Granter', successfully retained
the beef showmanship title he
won last year, then went on to
capture the sweepstakes for the
fifth time
Mrs. Luther Reynolds has
done it again! For the fifth
year she has won the champion-
ship in the flower division.
She captured 19 firsts, three
seconds and three thirds to re-
tain. the honor. In second place
was Mrs. Wilfred Doupe who
also was the runner - up last
year. She won five firsts and
five seconds.
Mrs. R. Weber, RR 3 Dash-
wood won first prize for the
centrepiece suitable for Thanks-
giving with Mrs. Harvey IIYde
second and Mrs. Donna Price,
Tuberous begonia, Mrs. Luther
Reynolds; foliage, Mrs. Reynelds,
Mrs. Pepper; geraniums. Mrs.
Reynolds; African violet, Mrs.
1-lelen Toorestra, Mra Frank
Whilsmith, Mrs. Reynolds; snap-
dragons, Mrs. Reynolds, Mrs.
Case Zeehinsen, 51es, Lloyd Rey-
nolds: colleetion asters. MI's. Lu-
ther Reynolds: white asters, Mrs.
Reynolds, Mrs. Wilfred Doupe,
Robert Dewe; mauve asters, Mt -s.
Reynolds, Mrs. Daum; purple
asters, Mrs. iteenolds, Robert
Down; pink asters, Mrs, Rey-
nolds, Mrs, Dotnie, Robert men:
Coxtombs, Mrs, Reynolds, Mrs,
Lleyd Reynolds; feathered cox-
rombs, lire, Reynolds. lIrsLloyd
Reynolds; dahlias, Mrs. Donee,
Mrs, Harold Cudmore; eaettts deli-
- Please turn to page 12
Pge Pleven
, , ......... ........................... . . • .
best display of alt types of live-
These awards came after he
had, won the county steer chem.
plenship ie the Queen's Guineas
class. He is the first 441 mem-
ber to win all three prizes in
the same year.
Hodgins, a 4-11er for eight
years, won with an Agus calf
which he'll take to the Royal
for the Queen's Guineas coni -
Name new winners
in 4-11 contests here
Larry Ballantyne, of Exeter
calf club, won twa top awards
in the 4-H competitions at the
local fair last week.
Ile showed the top senior
heifer in -the beef class, and
won the beef showmanship
Almost all the winners of the
4.11 classes were new ones. The
only repeaters were Wayne
Hern, in the dairy section of
the Exeter club, and Larry Tay-
lor, who again sliowed the hest
junior female in the Stephen
calf club.
Edwin Kerslake won the steer
class in the beef section of the
Exeter club. The dairy winners
included Iris Marshall, junior
heifer calf; John Langford, sen-
ior heifer calf, and Wayne Hern,
Two girls topped Exeter corn
Judge top
Huron County Holstein breed.
ers paraded a total of 1.23 head
of high quality animals before
Judge Orton Eby, of Kitchener,
at their annual Black and While
Day at Seaforth Fair, Friday.
George Hayden,Gorrie, was
the premier exiiibitor
show, with G. R. McKie!, Clin-
ton, the runner-up. G. R. Me -
Kiel took the premier breeder
honors, with Thomas Hayden &
Son, Gerrie, the runner-up.
The grand champion female
for ElstonSpeiran, Brussels,
was Fordleigh Betty Sovereign
Pearl, who headed the aged
cow in milk class and was also
named the best uddered female
of the show. Elston Speiran also
showed the reserve senior and
reserve grand champion female,
taking these honors with his
first prize four -ye; --old in milk,
Shady Spruce Governor Tuna.
Edgeware Sovereign Rocket
repeated his win of last year of
the senior and grand champion-
ship for bulls after heading the
class for aged buns, He was
shown by Ross Marshall, Kirk -
ton, who owns him jointly with
Morley If. Lannin, Dublin, and
Dennis Bros., St. -"homes. The
reserve senior and reserve grand
championship went to the win-
ning two-year-old bull, Meadow
Glade Hope Ring, shown by W.
Hume Clutton, Goderich and
Wm. D. Clinton, Goderich.
The first prize junior yearling
Beaucrest Citation Raga.
pax, was named junior cham-
pion male for Reginald alcleiel,
with Wellington Brock & Son,
Granton, taking the reserve
junior award on the winning
senior yearling bull, *Meadow
Lee Supreme.
Ross Marshall had the junior
champion female, winning with
Merl Acres Melody, who stood
first in the junior yearling hell -
et class.
In the group tiasses, George
Hayden had the first nrize prog-
- Please tint to page 12
club. Shirley Reynolds showed
the best grain corn and Joan
Westeott look top prize for
sweet corn.
Junior heifers — Larry Taylor,
Grand Bend: Milton Dietrich,
Dashwood; Wayne DesiardIne,
RR 3 Parkhill.
Senior heifers — Glen Ratz, RR
3 Dashwood: Don Baker, RR 2
Steers — William 7).forenz, RR 2
Dashwood: Emerson Gill, RR 3
Parkhill; Bob Sha,pton, RR 1 Ex -
NM': Donald Dietrich, 1111. 3 Dash,.
Showmanship — Bob Sha.pton,
Emerson GUI. Larry Taylor, Don-
ald Dietrich, William Moreez,
Milton Dietrich, Wayne Des.lar*
Dairy Section
Junior heifer calf — Iris Mar.
shall, R.R. 1 Kirkton: Barbara
Hero, RR 1 Wood barn ; Luuk
MulIwyk, RR 1 Kirkton; Gerald
Einkbeiner, RR 1 Exeter; .Dale
MeAnister, Centralia; Paul Baker,
en 1 Granton; Larry Bern, 11.11 1
(;ranton: Larry Skinner, RR 1
'entralia; Larry Lynn, RR 1
woodham: Bill Brock, RR 1 Gran-
ton; Donald Dundee, RR 2 Gran-
Senior heifer calf . John Lang-
ford, R.11 1 Lateen; Wayne Hern,
RR 1 Woodham; Neil McAllister,
3111 1 Centralia; Ron Motz, RR 1
Showmanship — Wayne Bern,
Inc Marshall, Paul Baker; first
prize group (not necessarily in
order). Barbara Bern, Dale Me.
Allister, Nell McAllister; second
prize group, Gerald Finkbeiner,
Bill Brock, Donald Dundas, Larry
Skinner, Larry Bern, Luuk Mull-
•n•ylt, Larry Lynn, 'Ron Motz, John
Petition. His younger brother,.
Allan, was reserve champion in
the national event last Year.
His elder brother, Gordon, is
leader of the Kirkton cleb,
Mainly through 4-11 work, the
boys and their father, Norman
Hodgins, have built tip a black
herd in the past five years, 13e.
fore that, they had Shorthorns
hut they turned to Angus after
Grant wen one in the aif
scramble at Western Fair.
Other winners in the beef
division were Doug McBride,
RR 1 Centralia, open class
steers; Bob Eedy, Dungannon,
heifers; and Blyth .Belgrave,
the best group of three.
County winners in the dairy
call division were Tom Riley,
Myth, junior Holstein; John
Henry, Blyth, senior Holstein.
and Ronald Hewett, RR 1 Bel -
grave, showmanship,
Beef Section
Senior beef heifer — Larry Bal-
lantyne, RR, 3 eter; Margaret
Cornish, RR 1 Woodharn: Muriel
Maxwell RR 1 Hensall; Eric
Swartzentruber, Exeter.
Steers — Edwin Kerslake, 1111 3
Exeter; Edward Johns, RR 3 Ex.
ram; Douglas 51eBride RR 1
C e n fret ia.
Showmanehlp — Larry Ballan-
tyne, Edwin Kerslake, Doug Mc-
Bride, Muriel Maxwell, Edward
Johns, Erie Swartzentruber, Mar-
garet Cornish.
Grain corn — Shirley Reynolds,
1111 1 Hensall; Robert Reynolds.
RR. 1 Hensel]; Barbara Bern. RR
1 Woodhani; Wayne Bern, 1111. 1
'Woodhate; 51rs. Muriel Maxwell,
RR. 1 Hensel!: Margaret Cornish,
RR 1 Woodham.
Sweet corn — Joan Westcott,
1111 1 Exeter; Gordon Strang, RR
1 Hensall; Ken Cite, Bit 3 Exeter;
Keith Strang, RR 1 Hensall; John
13therington, 1117. 1 Hensall; Ed-
ward Johns, RR. 3 Exeter; Kath-
ryn (Ike, KR 3 Exeter; Doug Sir -
3111 1 C'entralia, tied with
Doug Jeffrey, RR 1 la en sail ;
Allan (Ike, R.R. 3 Exeter; -Ronald
Oke, RR 3 Exeter; Larry Skinner,
RR, 1 Centralia; Danny Walters,
171..114)0d1.11aNNI:o. dhatn; Edwin Kerslake,
11.17, 3 Exeter; Larry Lynn, RR 1
Queen's Guineas Steers
Champion, Grant Bodging, RR
1 Granton; reserve, Kenneth
Black, 13elgrave.
First prize group—Lila. Black,
Belgrave; Barbara Watkins, Lon-
desboro; Murray Scott. Belgrave:
Roger Kieffer, Wingham: Torn
Powell, Wingharn; Bili Kieffer,
Not nominated for Guineas
First prize group — Doug Mc.
Bride, RR 1 Centralia,: Charles
Becker. Dashwood; Brian Rini:Qui,
Grand Charriifoenr.8 Bob Eedy,
Dungannon; reserve, Margaret
MacGregor, Seaforth.
aunnolor heifers — Margaret Mac-
Gregor, Robert Sherwood,
Senior 'heifers — Bob Eedy,
Murray 'Vincent, Belgrave; Larry
Ballantyne, RR 1 Exeter; Fred
Tindall, Clinton; Gordon Moylan,
Seaforth; Corinne Kieffer, Wing -
Club Competition
Gitir'oups of three — Blyth -Eel -
grave, Turnberry, Bayfield, Dun-
gannon, Blyth-Belgrave. BrusselS,
Seaforth, Zurich, Zurich, Exeter.
Grand champion, Grant Bodging,
RR 1 Granton; reserve, Bill Kief-
fWr ea'nyai t kricsth? am&drunnyeeros:up,2bartura.
rtilooriune Kieffer.
Junior Holsteins — Tom Riley,
Blyth; Gail Storey, Seafortht
Candice Bell, Blyth; Linda Riley.
Blyth: Doug 'McKenzie, Lucknow,
Senior Holsteins — John HenrY.
Blytb, Sandy Eolkrnan, Blyth.
Amy Stewart, Seaforth: Richard
Caves, Blyth; John Bradley, Luck-
breeds — Junior, Deanna
Dale, Seaforth; Gary Addison,
Blyth: senior, Jim Henry, Blyth;
Ronald Howatt, Belgrave; Wilma.
Dale, Seaforth.
Shonmianship — Ronald Hawaii,
RR 1 Belgrave; Mac Stewart, RT -t
Seaforth; Sandy Kolkman, RR
5 Goderich.
Girls—Champlan, Barbara Turn-
bull, Brussels: rennerg.up. Ernest
Lewington, Brussels; Itielty Wel-
Papple, sea,.
forth; Ken ShOwmansgp Gria';:n1PdPetclii am-
rdoe, Ivan Howatt: reserve, Ken-
neth Papple,
Sweepstakes ftwo champions In
each dtvi,.ioyz competed I — rant
liOdgInS. RR 1 Granton; Kenneth
4-11 club exhibit — Seaforth.
Junior farmer exhibit — Sea.
N'ew idea class — Don Heming-
way, RR 3 Brussels: Bruce Cole-
tnan, RR 4 Seaforth.
The Shur•Gain All•Meish Program was
designed with your poultry profits
in mind. With 'this Program, every
bird is assured a properly
balanced diet, Virtually
elfin inating irregularities
in egg production and quality ;Ate to
unbalanced feeding.
Come in, 'we'll tail( about your flock
and the extra dollars you'll
profit with the Shur'Gain
All•MaSii Program,
Stop in and let us show you
how the New ilotlanti.rartnivity why this silo utiloader is the only
Silo Ilnloader makes a tough chore dna for yoe, Simple to install and
easy—saves time and labor—lets maintain, Fits any Size May
you and your Then get on with be moved from one i1d bo another.
other jobs.
Beside CNR, Station
Exeter Farm Equipment
Phone 235.1180 Exotee