HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-07-21, Page 3alb
won (sl.d t( emcee sty the melee* of •p.rtweity of gates the Committee PO
lied %sr ate). 4r . Court Rouse sad outs- ports at length. Decidedly to treat re -
hie Dices, Asa that a committee be ap- portant messerts tits result of this see-
poisted to select a site, re-:eive pleats mad sioo are, the raising of.C30,000 for gr.vi-
csrry the name tato ersct. A committee liag the road from Goderich to Perth sed
was appointed to take the above oution
into ceasiderstioo, consisting of Metiers,
Wallace, Holmes, Woods, Walker sod
Moved by allr. Young, seconded by Mr.
Girvle, That tbia couatil great the ere of
£10 to assist in repairing the bridge at
Lawsoe's Creek, the Caine bei0g imtwmi-
blc ; referred to finance committee.
Moved by Mr. Lamb, seconded by Mr.
Walker, That wberes the IRMOe over tbe
• Big Sable' on tbe London Road is a a
daager-ous slate, the covering beteg de-
cayed, That tie County Sueveyoe be in-
structed to get 12 feet k the centre et the
same covered with new plauk ; referred to
finance committee.
Moved by Mr. Holmes, seconded by
Mr. Hays, That 100 copies of the 'Act to
prohibit the tale of intoxicating liquors on
or near the lino of public works in this
I'rovince' be printed in placard feign, and
that ten co,:ies be fureisbed to each Mewi-
tipality within the distance of three miles
of the Railway now in course of construc-
tion -carried.
The Report of the Suspension Bridge
Committee was received and adopted.
Report of committee appointed to ron-
aider the (notion respecting the court house
and county of5ces was received and adopt-
fro. Godetleh to the proof Nee Loodoo
ltuad via Bayfield ami Brreeield, also tom
Clinton to Brseefkld, and the raising of
£2,000 fur lbs erection of a Court Hasse
Hoderieh and a furtber anis of A150 for
the purchase of • site for the WOW if requir-
ed. These resolutions are to be submitted
to the people of ties various 'Townships in
rustles whoa deeisien sod 4e coodle-
tt - The Propelkr Peoteettiow Ione
Totowa tog arrived used
&psllsd �fi11i11 MOW tBb. di. -
charged Cos.deraMe freight.
q bare tee round for MrMMMMMMM db's
i�ilstiss is the r, hot will
it *all with ;!Maser•`, t- tier best at-
1 � y
...dm.. `tiep� ems.-i� �NMp we mM.
Dia base leets tis lion. M. Ca eo (a a
diwuel 4l that piece. Amor nee aumm•t-
tie •ibfre are the mimes o several who
.used ttiafttat Mr. Cameron at btu last elsc-
the ( ttasemaara. '
'twee mored by De. \V OoDa seconded
BRUCEriELD in the eveet of Mr. Flasagans
motion being carried. I:eferred to Gravel
Road Committee.
Mr. Girvin moved for 120 to repair Zine
between \Vawanosh and Ifullett. Refer-
red to Finance Committee.
Mr. Davidson moved for £10 to repair
Towoline between Asbfield and \Vawaoosh.
Referred to Finauce Committee.
Moved by Mr. Flanagan seconded by
Mr. Lamb, That the Warden be author-
uthor-ied to borrow £20,000 on a credit of ten
fifteen,or twenty years for the purpose of
gravelling the road from Gode rich to Lon -
Jon proof line Gravel Road, and also from
Clinton to line between the Counties ot
Iluron and Perth on Iluron road--rcterred
to Gravel Road Committee.
Mr. Johnston moved for £5 to improve
road between Hay and Stephen in addition
to £25 petitioned for by R. Balkwill and
others -referred to Finance Committee.
Mr Atkinson moved for £10 for Town
lino between Biddulph and London.
Mr. IIays moved for £10 to corer with
plank the frame bridge across the south
branch of the River Maitland between
McKillop rod Ilullettt--referred to Fi-
nance Comnnttre.
Mr. Flanagan snored for £lir 10s.`to
assist in repairing Towollne between
McGillivray and Williams on condition
that an equal sum to be paid on the part of
the townships of Williams --referred to Fi-
nance Committee.
Mr. Flanagan moved for £6 5s to assist
in planking anew the bridge across the lit-
tle sable between McGillivray and Bid-
dulph-referred to Finance Committee.
Moved by Mr. Wallace seconded by
Mr. I folnmes, 'That the Lngiuer be instruc-
ted to snake a plan and Specification of the
approaches to Maitland Bridge so that ten-
ders may be received for the work, that the
name may be completed by October, the
time appointed for finishing the Bridge --
Moved by Dr. Woods seconded by Mr.
Hays, that as it appears by the accounts of
Public ezpenditnre-that the Collector of
Customs for this Port is in the receipt of
.£1 5 per annum for the use of his •olFce
which office has been held m the Count y
office.--tbat the same be charged and col-
lected by the Treasurer from the Collec-
tors ofmid Port and applied towards the
rent of County offices -referred to Finance
Report of Road and Bridge Committee
was received and adopted with one alight
lteportof Gravel Road Committee was
received and was adopted is Council by the
following rote. Yeas, Messes. WAL-
AND IloLltae, 9. Nays, Messrs. Girvin,
Young, Davidson and Framer, 4. Report
confirmed by a majority of 5.
Moved by Dr. Woods mesonded by Mr.
Lamb, That Ilse majority of Totes in each
Municipaluty be coesudered as the the voice
of that Municipality and use taken as Ole
vete to this Couoeil-Carried.
Moved by J(r. Fraser sec* ley 1)r.
Weods,Tbat as atenuot qwl to the Hahi-
bilines of the Crete ot Bruce in the gya'el
road loans be granted to be laid omit mit see-
mss Roads in tad CeSoay wieder the stipu-
latios that the acid Comely shall, meet the
pnp.est of same mitred e 7 .IN a' the
proles eif the tells et toe Cosaty of Heros.
Yens, Mew*. Gini•, liming, Dithers,
name sad Woods, 5., Nays, Meths.
Walled, Jekesos Atheism, Lied, WOR -
sr, liiisssgas, Bays sed H.(.rs. 9. M. -
tie. Ind.
TCaused did sot Mick ap mad s hie
beer se Osler'deg. We shell love a Aube
OA Mi -
11 will be eves by the infamies el this pro •
eeedlege of the Cotnty Cosadit that a pro
per step hu at length bees taken by that
body at ire immense'. e.0.Ioa to make
the leading roads of the County p4ss-
able et all season.. Tbia is a 'dew radatum
of the hlgbeet fmportaae• and prabably can
be more favorably undertaken now, ahao at
may future tune. We are glad that our
County Council w ere so 0e5rty unanimous
to vcting fcr this undertaking and firmly be-
lieve that it will be endorsed by the voice of
an overwhelming majority of the people who
must by this time be fully aware that the
only thing now regnired to make these uni-
te.] Counties at least equal to the 6oest in
the pruritic. is • hoe oflood gravel reed..
We are sorry that tbo It of the north-
ern Townships should be the only chases -
tient. en this occasion, but we believe they
acted io accordance with the exclusive end
prejudiced views of the maj lily of thei r
constituents, who only require to be urged
to t:.ke enlarged views of this ouea.urc to
receive .. with favor. We hope the Reeves
of those Townships will endeavor to pro-
duce a favorable feeling in 'Admit' of good
roads in their different localities. We bad
hoped and we have the beat reanone for be-
Ilevleg that if the Reeves of the Northern
Townships bad concentrated their efforts
for gravelling the Lake Road through Col -
burns, or even beyond that, they wc.tJ
have been 'vermeil. This would bare
Improved a most miserable piece of roe d
and bays been another step in addition to
the Suspeosion Bridge towards opening up
the main cornmunicatioo with the County
of Bruce. We shall not say more upon
this measure at pretreat, as we intend to
return to it again, except in answer to our
esteemed Clinton Correspondent to any that
as the Juant Steck Company to which be
alludes as already in operation, and intends
at present to make a road of only about sax
mics in leogtb, be will see the absolute ne-
tensity that exists for the inhabitants of
these Counties in general and of his own
focality in pertrcular to make every exer-
tion to get a favorable, verdict from the poo•
pts upon the question. ►portly to be sub-
mitted to their vote, and we are well as-
aured that our correspondent will agree with
us that the private enterprise ',good is far
as it extends, but tba. the County project
as now brought forward fe the oaly really
satisfactory one to the public generally. A
little exertion from each individual, favour-
able to tbe uudertakiog, will secure its sus-
lite .1kbaettfemtuts.
«I' Tea Ray. lea. Loma will phase& in
.165 United Presbyteries Chetah, Goderich,
on Ssbbatb, the 94th, usual boors.
7' The Library cf the Mechanics' le -
statue is sow open to subscriber* esery
Wednesday evening• Mr. Nicholls the
Irbrartao upuS apelieauoe will give further
To Tug ►aTua or TM* rotor ara5As-
TI1 E Din sis.e s/ tbM SOWN I eel asset
at the British $ 'bleg• Heats us lie
turd.! Remus, the Mb met , ts deep... •4
Deck of their PUS& ars may be thee es Ilse
heads of the Teeseo etis,•tiler by penises
tag from say whir, 5.i te .SM he
.Me.. at • eiesmaaasst the amowrt .e4 Meek
pod eo. of by way it tees a, ber0n151•.
as tie. Director, My Ilam 'beet edweuge
else 1• tbnsty•
, .T.k8.H.B.8•
Godenel•, lees 11. 1808• tr6-•
Sta.-In the last issue of your paper of
date 7th last.. 1 observe you notice& meet-
ing of the Maitland Gravel Road Company,
and Office bearers appointed ; wttl you have
the goodness, Mr. Felitor, to Inform your
numerous subscribers in Iluron, ke.. how
far Ihia company intends to extend the Gra
vel Road from Town ; ai it is rumoured
that Otte Company is only to ex'.uJ it 4 0r
6 anile* or just far enough to convenience
the .is or seven Director., ke., named in
your 001105, by enabltng them to ialre ■
comfortable drive to their farms, nr from
their enuntry reeftknee to their public elec.'
m Town: and at tbeexpence of the tra-
velling politic, who will nut be sufficiently
beeettted by 11,,1• warrant •bur paying
one or more tolls. The County of Huron
did not expect that any compeer would form
who would Dot extend a road from Gode-
rich at least as far as -Clinton, (12 allies,)
hems the Junction of the Stratford sued
London Road,. after the example set be-
fore Ds by the two latter places In Gravel
Road making• it may be pad, another
Company: rimy form and may templele
the remaining part of the distance to
But it i• well known to the orcront cnm-
Ojl1 ! tiffs ! Ca, !
BOILED an.l Raw Lro•eed 011 ,
Faro, Wbab O'I
Ml. lMr tbt7;
Celdir...d Oil;
• ` Pale Beel Ott:
Varauab leTsrpeatw•e;
For sale by
Druggist, Feat 81rre1, Cssferitelai
�1 otice.-A Farm fur Sale.
L(YF No. 5, lith eaac..u.S. Eastern Di.
vwion, Awbfie14, 100 etre, ar pool
land, 30 of wt,ieh are cleared, in rood •tat•
of tallrva'inn. e.II fene.rt, with a good
sense orchard of 105 chows fruit trees.'
with a well 6•ished bolas', being within
mile of a saw mill. and 3} mites of • grist
will, and suih.n 10 miles of Gnd•neh, on a
gond road. For farther particulars apply
to 8amnel ilagon, on the !rename.
A•hueld, July 10. 1833. v6n241rn
Sate! Salt ! Salt !
IURT 1tF.CEIVFD, reit Rwoovaa "As -
i tut, 300 Lida. SALT.
C. CR 1RB.
At tke Cort G4rilev.i Quaster Sal-
em Lb 4eid55
se seed for is United c el
b N ArrD BRucs, tri the month •9
1 * DR tea That 1. permeate
1'-wf tr ��j1 Np bill iaet.M, tit': tJalsrt 1. o.* isN►.O• demure tb.
emit caeeesep of the pep dation thrnrehoot
tee United Cwet1je e( lluree gad WOW.
and pr'•cv.4 to a N-ila(5a et the boundaries,
Louis god • itent .1 b several Dlvlsruo
Comm, that tbeit Numbs; Ire added to
wrtw t;l. ,&d Uatt,d Counitoeu as¢ alta.
tbit ibe %ism 10 !iiia• Iso he*Jt5� 1be
true be new decided rp..n-Whereupon
IT 18 ORDERED. That ilio fulluwiag
shall be the boundaries and extent of the
F.siT rhinaria Cotter for the said U.i•ted
Counties, viz: -'re cosiest of that part of
the Termite') of G,,dencb to the North -rt
the Cut Liao and the Huron Hoed, until
the sem• meet' the road alluwaoce bet wire.
tee I4.h .ad Nth Con.0esinu5, thee south
along the said Concession to the rivet Bar
siwfd,rhee .fon` the river to tit. Lo.doe
tu*J In a N.iitheaxt direc•uen, Toge.her
with the Township of Colborne.
Jul: 3o,
15 53.
17' IS ORDERED, That the follower
f.► all be the bnundane+ anti extent of the
Seco,o Dlvusi'N COURT for the .aid United
Pillennre, v'x:-Ti consist of the Tuwe-
*Mpm of Holbert, McKillop, Tuckc►,.lib,
Woo, Cites,'1•urnbery Gni Ilowick.
A FrHOOL TE %( It ):R for Mention !8n 3.
Ls Inde Mere Read. Mbar* He will
reentry seemed or meal clam. wersife.N.
Apply to LFJIYETH alertREGO')R.
Mhkrld. July 21. 1651. 16.9511
CAU 1'1ON.
IHEREBY elution any person or pptooss
not to trust to any may my wife Anna
B e• os 1 it IR sot pay the ...sae, also not
to board, harbor or u,atniain ber, as she boo
left my bed and board wstbout soy provo-
0d1 141_ I 1 N
fl.ds•W8 errd, h
iCallywrise air MNsg pwrthsMd
qpial ,ir (needs sad he pe►Iie, that they ismer' eery
le u aft its 8ra..b.si a 5.0.11511 Griot
ion ll» 1''rur5dry &,slices
Baso ido1M; 114 w eaufauisr5 T►raeb,wg Matebi.w, Separate*
Ploughs and all other Agricultural Implements rn,dred N thee sesit.e ofthePr1 p,osiee •
Peer also Weed ern largely mots Nis the 8toel5al.ad we w
.sas Darya •eisrpbs.
cooking, box and Parlor Stoves of the 1.1.01 Pettier*. sed eaedMDplrry e(i pl SiCr'Tee buaioee. will b1 carried •o, by Ib. e.th5•ig5•'l• seder F
Mr. Robert Rhuocimtan wil1.7 odocI its Bueua.0 nd'te i a' I..g ►vlCl aolae from
tent. is ttte enn.•rnetloo of maehto•ry m.d ag Pi•�
his thorough knowledge of all the latest tmprotesseste is seek, feel*.osI1eet of keep'
my pace wnh IbeTtme•
N. B. Apvrenticw• wasted m the moulding and mill weight Jepartru.tl.
G,.derico March 14tH, 1501.
17' iS ORDERED, That the following
shalt be the boundaries and extent of the
THIRD Duvistnt COURT fur the raid United
Counties, vv.-Teener/oil of the fuLouu'g
Townships of the t ,uu(y of Bruce -Arran,
Brant, Bruce, Carrick. Culrius, Elderalle,
Greenock, Iluron, Kincardine. Males'.
(with the exception of the first four South
Concessi no of the acid Township of Kin
Ina.) and the Tnwesbrp of Sauget'.
Thu Cuurt to meet throe uullm duriag
tb• year.
iT I3 OIDcatEil, That the following
,hall be the buuadar.eu and extent of the
Fouaru Drvt-ioN COURT ler the lmiJ Uuit-
ed Cemintiee,vie:-'1'uconaf.i of the Tuwo
ships of BIJJulr,1 nasi McCltI vuey. '
pane, that the completion of the .eeoad WI" wbalner.
Was. BiCE, Ben..
McGI l vray, Jiro' f3tb, 1853- e5-526
A NOTE by Thomas Graham toed Wei,
Do uglerty Io faro- of R. D. Auche-
sue, Aef.ltetd, for £4 ie. 6J., dated 14th Oc-
tober, 1851, payable tStS inootbo after
A note by James Hawkins and Thomas
Hawkins In favor of R. D A1'cheson, Ash-
field for £5 7a. 61., dated 1 ell Octroer,
1862, pat able 15th moot he after date ;
any person bringing the above notes
fo the office of the Signal will be suitably
rewarded ; as they are only payable to ibe
order of the Subscriber, they can be of 00
tam to any other person.
A*hflcld, Jaly 18, 1853. v5 -o24
section would be much more expensive to
make, and that its te11e wonld not be so
proflfil.le, why cot therefore form a com-
pany which will extend the road at least to
Clinton al once, and give those who ire
bath able and willing, an opportunity of
taking stock to exieod the road to a reaoe•
able distance, a distaecn which would make
it ueefsl to the rue pavers, a well se the
travelling public, and prevent the odtnm of
the rreeent company. of being. accused of
sel6ahnees to a very great extent, and
which otherwise will be sure to be the
case by every thinking person interested
in the prosperity of our United Counties.
Please give place to the above remarks
in yourivaluable icemen, ail correet the
writer, if mistakes, in your rest imo•, ed
oblige -
Your obdt. sent..
July 9, 1863.
-V e learn from the Perdue Newel that the
Railway " Sod" was turned at Stratford
on Friday, July 8th, with much ceremony
by William Smith, Esq., the Warden of
Perth. A grand Dinner came off at the
Union Hotel, end the Stratford Band en-
livened the proceedings. The Roo. M.
Cameron was present and spoke on the
occasion. The " Sod" has also been
turned at Harpurbey.
On Wednesday last we had the pleasure
of attending the Soiree at Mitchell. The' Chairman Boerd of Trustees..
sons of Stratford were met a little on this Grammer School United Counties
side of Mitchell by i proressinn, and the
whole pt'oceeded through 'the town to the
place selected for the meeting. Thu+ was
at the back of the school -bowie. sad booths
had been erected and tastefully decorated
with green boughs. Beneath the pleasant l -thollef Careen of Bl VIIIUS of a
and welcome shade. 10.... •ad B,.ce. } !V.;t of ?tort Fa•
Th" can which ehrers; hat not "".1 SI.. 11 Ts Wir: ) 'las, issued out of
was served to all comers with a welcome Her Majesty's Cetnity Court for the Unit.
smile by the charming divinities of Mitchell. I.d.Caatre..1 Huron and Bruce. and to
A Branch League was also formed at �adirected. ala lieGthe
la ds and ust thesuit
M itehNein!. ell. -Pert) Nei.
rffE 'novel Examination of the above
Semtaars wdl Wt. -place on Friday the
291b test., at 10 o'.lock'1'. M.
We lately paid a visit to the site of the
Maitland Suspension Bridge, the abutments
of which under the exertion. of Me.ors.
Johnson and McEw,e, the Contractor.,
ars approaching completion. The entre
owls not yet commenced, bet will be in
program ra • week or two. The workless
ship appellee to be of a very solid character
and is creditable to the contractors. The
courree of mom are from 9 feet to 16inch-
es thick and have what is called the "tock"
Marsh. The material is of a very superior
quality being of the best de.eription of lime
stone. A rp eodid quarry has been diicov
Bred by the Contractor• within ball a mile
of the Bridge which with very little stile.
ping bus furnished stone of the moat solid
description and of any required sire ad not
only sufficient is gaatity fpr the primes(
work but will also afford an ample supply of
nimble material to araist the develops -
meet of public mad private enterprise in our
thriving Towle The earefage way of the
Brtige is to he elevated .t least thirty lee,
above the level• of the water which will
obviate the dengue from ice.
We believe James 1Vateoa, Eel., is to
supply 1IN " Woe," and It is intended teat
the enols Stals be eumpletod }►ip,An.-
'1'he work 'se very important and mess
sari one, and we hope and believe Ib►t
eve}y sisi. will be used to render it do
►I5. We regret that the sits was mot
chores s little lower dews the etreem, se
ie that ewes the approach from the Town
would have been, more egreeabis and more
eeoaemle.al in elryctsre, but probabtp ober
rrepertset i Novices bad weight Is tee es•
of Iluron and Bruce•
God•rseh, 20ib July, 1853.
i SlteriH tt Salle of Lindy -
1lurkrl Square, Galeria.
i8 prepared to tetanal Sales in any part
tf the United Counties.
TIM; Sobsrriber, weals an 5011,• bey
about sixteen years of age, to leers
the Cabinet busmen.. For farther pertt-
culars arply to
Gsderiob,June 0th, 1853. nI9
Quarried Stone for Sale.
THE Subscriber has et the Maitland
B'uspension Wee Quarry a quantity
or Stone, superior to any beretefors offered
fur sale in Goderich, suitable for cunt*,
and building purposes. Tweet -7g 6,1 per
IT IS ORDERED, That the following
•ball he ibe boundaries and extent of the
Fiera Duvu IIsi COURT fur rho said United
Gayeties, vitt--To consist of she (allow•
ing Townships of Stephen and Cohere.'
aid that portion ot lbs Toworhip of Ilei
to the East of the 6th and 7th Couceestons
of Abe said Township of [lar.
IT 1S ORDERED, That the following
.hall be- tie-boundaries.end extent of the
SISTA Dt.asion COURT for the said United
Comatose, vrati- T,rconsist, of the Town•
ships of A.hfield and Wawano.h, and the
first four South Cuacasioss of the Town-
abip of Kielce,.
iT 13 ORDERED, That the following
.hill be the boundaries and extent of the
IZRvEINTR Drvt.uor Cot•iT for the .std
United CuunLee, viz: -To consirt of the
'township of S'anley and that portion of
the Township of Godrnch to the Smith t•1
the Cut Line and Iluron road, m til the
some jnir.s the road between the 18th and
14th Concessions of the Township it
Goeoricb, thence along the said Conceaion
,goad, until the same joins the river Bat field,
thence along the said river to fake Iluron;
together with 411 that portion of the Town.
ship of flay to the \Vast of the 6111 and
7th Concessions of Ole said Township of
GODRRlcIi. July 7. 1653.
Flour from 21s -to 22. 6d per bbl.
Fall Wheat, to 3, to 3s 6d, per bush --
Spring, 2s 10d to 3. per bushel.
Oat., I. 3d to Is 9d., per 34 IM.
Pork, $15 per barrel
Hams, 7 id per pound.
Butter, 6d to 7d, per Ib.
In Cornwall, es the 3rd ieet., by the
Revd., J. F. Connote Peter A. McDonrall,
Eel., M. D. of G eder.ch. C. W., to Flora
Angela, nn!y daughter of Angus Mc'Dosell
Esq., of Cornwall.
On the let i•st., et his residence fo
Thamesford County of Oxford Christopher
Brock Eel in the 83rd year ebbe age.
of CHRISTOPHER CRABS, i have sem,
eel end eke. on execution Lit number
Twee'! -eta. ie the Eg'.teenth Cnneeesion
of the Tnwni.htp of Godertch: which lands
I1 .hall o6-► for sale Al rho Cwwrt HAIim, :n
to Town of Ce••der.eh, oa SATURDAY,
the TW K5TIETH .lav of AUGUST next,
at the boor of TWELVE of the clock
n oes.
J. MCDONAI.D, Sheri%,
Iluron and Bruce.
Sheers Office.Gode'reh, 2uth M.y, 1353 n24 -6t
(Pint pnbh.hed 21(b Mat. 1868.1
DRY (bode, Groeerlee, IIardwarp,
Cornet of Ilaceltoe Street, Market Striate,
Godert ch, D22
Jane 15•h, 1653.
"Ka mmv Le ants. --The Toronto leader
hu jest made its appearance is a dwelt toile.
As alis to the first Reform Joann! Viet has
email deify in Canada West, and •tit the
Leader se eosdecied with marked steady,
we Mrs every eeas0111 to believe that the
Itefnrmers 0( Canada will amply uu,teis flee
enterprise of the Publishers, aid teal Ibe
.1lsedwd siert se seeder mighty "Spolm"
is the great wheel of Reform. W* hoe
ahritys welcomed the bade, with pbse-
our% sand im Its lady egpssregert N oil M
meet eseepeable.
Goder'cb, June 29th,1351. .11
The lielmettellier Ass low 'es howl and nor
Market Piste, Gndenel. a ser, eaten•:aro
Meek of Pitney k Itiap.-e Dry G 'ode, 'feces,
Groeeesse, Hareem,. Crockery. Le., Le.
Alam et heed acd for ole •cls:c" .ntpe•
icer stock of heady. W sae., Ots L• Re n,
wNl wort► the anodises of Fatuities and
Alen ea bead, and for *ate Pasts, oils,
k W isdow Glass
Also on bead {elm We Scythe., Seat he,
11a1 -Retro ke., ke. p M 1CBAY.
Gnderrch, 90th June, 1853. v6e10
British and A mer tcnft Anteroom
CAPITAL t 100,000.
Ti1E via of which et liken ep sad a
IPrge position paid •a sad tweeted.
The •, b.erre.•e anti continues to gIMt
Almurascs, at the current rates of Premi-
ON TA RIO Da. Stalest
MARINE AND FIRE 1NSURANO6 Os Hau.es, Furatlurr, herd., Prodeee.
tempera fed byact of Proeti'l Perham*
Diane -roes:
Hugh C. Baker, Esq. M. Merritt, Fag.
J1. W. Browne, " J. F. Maws, "
Peter Carroll, " James Oshawa*, IP
D. C. Gunn, " Clem A. Ssdlrsr, w
James Mclstyre, " E. C. Timms', *
James !deadeyes, " Jobs Welles, w • -
THE Subscriber having been sieved./
Agent at Goderich„ fur the above high
It respectable Company, le prepared to
effect Insurance at the most reasonable
rates upon Homes. Shipping ad Goode.
Goderich, 15th Sept., 1859. v6n34
iT IS ORDERED, That the said ar-
rangement of the boundaries, limits and ex
tout of the several Division CutitTe .hall
coma into operation after the holding of
the next ensuing Courts for there United
Counties, and that the mance be ad. ,ei sed
Inc six insertions in the Iluron Signal
By the Court.
Clerk of the Peace
Huron and Bruce.
Office of the Clerk of the Trace,
Godertch, 11th July, 1853. r24 -Ga
Crocker,, Stationery, kr., kc., gee -
AN Invaluable remedy for all itenrf.,lous
demean, Indigestion, Sault Kamm,
Sick Fleadaehe, Cenbee. Npreing Sere
Keene lied Gwent Debit.' /, .5d es a Pe -
,41.r. of NN bawd,* weeq..alled.
fJ7 To be ererls .4 lIisl it it the most
valuable medicine of the dee. roe have eery
to reed the teSrimney of ire 'Meaty. A. a
Family Medeatee it se in,eI,ab!e. and •ee
wete% be parson should be without.
'the Rock Rolm has gal5.d a r.pulati00.
et home sad abr. Ad. which eo ether Meda
ohms has ave. dose to its* same lewgtb •f
Ae•medie to the emesines of marvel
plemeehse, h• Rock Rose stool i• nevem,-
ea 115 Cert.` ,e•rfsla is its •armee lir !
The Biel Neaklelee. Is OM4es&
(%ioaia caves, May herein( •
Thd Ceske, sed Nurses( Sere Womb,
In emns1.s mime. key hews speedily eve -
THE next Division Cnn,. for the Untied
Comities ..f Heron and if!'isr, will be held at
111 hall Ind places following
Colborne Inn, R. Ellis.) Dederick. Moo•1 --- -- ---' 1
day 1st August Scarlet W Iltame• Clerk. I FARMERS STORE.
Gude, ich, 6th July, 1853.
►riiE Undersigned being about to leave
1 tor England, regilers any demands
tl.ere may be against nim, to be readersd
immediately for stay went.
sad other desenpaiees of property, ale*
egaia.t lee. a• ttama,I.by the
Os Carge.0 or Vessels, a well .n the ia.
led Waters e1 this eeaUaeet as beyeed
sae to ad Ines the Pert of Oreet Nretei5.
Fame of ApplMaties, with an resp.l5N•
Irks ties. furwies•ed by
t]ste►, J u ee 361►, 1863. nti- l y
BOOTS As ZECville.
F09 BALB. •
AN Excellent Brut. house with } of as
sere of Lend for sols on East Street,
'retina 100 yards of the Marhst Square.-
parttculan apply
Gaderlcb, Nov. Sid 1852. s5 -a41
Tuts is to forbid any person or poreose
■ purehsatng a Note of hand given by
tee is favor of John Gibson, dated April.
1083, £18 Ib 0, 1, I hate received so value
for the same.
W,st Greet, Goderieb, n1 e3e sip
r;Jfbr Sorngieg Boca.
T ADIES and (reservers bees re '14 news,
l . G teen still u.ak.a s► 6.a4 rate Bono At 8►eee:
Andes they're good, why ablmld M draw tail,
So now for lea atop-biirrab. sleet Nis hose t
Bo•I. keep our Ret Err est and bees Bold,
Hy weariag tbe seem yen,. III live le be Did:
Beside: they last keg. why 51seld we drew hack,
8u sow for bis Shop -bench, ela[ly loom
He has tired is tors (hese Ives sesta and
Thanks his friend, for tail essmen. It l•ererrs
'• 5nlorr
The work beteg seed, soh► shoed w. draw brei.
So sow for Green's 116ep-basals, elver lbs
Tee jourseymd.
en warned
Jeer 29 1, 1853 -
tri. e
Godetieh Toeeahie,
May sorb, 1853. .18-31
rjs11E Partnersb'p heretofore existir 'Is
teems Horace Hortno i
Gamble Heals us- Teener*, ie tete day des.
. olvd by mutual consent.
The Baleen win still be carried on by
Wm. G. Seoul. Al Notes and Actuante
due $hs above firm, must be paid Stikine
ad 1. sill elan fettle ail liabilities.
W. G. SMITH, •
Godertch, 35th June, 1853.
1500111 I ,
Knox"- lintel, Harpurhry, Iluron Road, Tore.
day 16,11 Auger. Ludwig Meyer, E•q.,Cluk.
New Goods ! t I
United Coeaties of BY virtue •
ibis• rail Braes, eral writ*
to elf r talhmett
of Her Majesty's County-ICnilit
petted Coust+r• of lluroe. Sod
t me deeded, against the cera
wail as pore teal, of .1 LEX+even
as a4.euedtng or concealed
rerpeelive'Oita of 1 aac Cattle
t Odes, Morgan J. Hamilton a
t clime DIVISION. .
Walkrr'e Tsvern, Vinare of Prnnauneere. - Parson., 1 have seised all times
TnwMhip ..1 Kineardior, ThulaJay 1st Scpiem• I it`ll E Itnbreribee to now 1n receipt per ! well se perso,.al, of the will
bet, C. R. Barker. Clerk. Schooner Annexation a the 1.115511 M•-intvr• : and utas_, the esid
FOURTH Pi$1,Ins. lend hest ..n.riment of STAPLE AND M61"tyre rears venue the it
FI '. Tavern. McGillivray, Tuesday 13111 FANCY (loo %, ever brought to Hide tt. said C..art, sed put ie tar
September, Geo. Clatter, Clerk. I marker; and which he will seri fur Cash ties, or cwt tea rause t0 M
Fin i, '•IVISnA. , er reentry produce, cheaper by TW ENNTT i outdo avec calendar MAW -Stec.
The time god pl.,. for holding the next .ittlieu PER CENT, tires has ever beef ei Id ie day of the pablicat ion of leis DA
of 11.ia our! w,ll Lr ano' mused as SCAM se die G ]•l. ilea before. Cenirrisng the sewercease. real ,. well el pore mat.
Cleik anCd Bailifb. are sppoiotrd. elvIe of Merlin, B•y.dere ad other siszobdc3 sir lntyre, nr w much
ruin niVreloa• `.ir,i•.-e. Rumme. Shawls, Bessetr, ke. wily be necessary, will be held 0
The time and !leve ow holding rhe next sit iag k,r, ke„ psy•u^nt, hireeet or salndael:os
chums, or claims of truth niter
pluifTN as ,b,•r may take -
agamntrt the propertyall and .weir e(
Alesaader 6151n'yre, within err
free, the issuing of the ab.te weer
1. McDf)NALU,Slierd1111.
Sheriff's tetB:e,
Gr. device, 23oJ June, 1853.
'UDECadet...geed homing, by the Iasi
WI't .n,1 Testament ..1 her late hus-
band, Jame. Gentles, been made solo
Legatee sad Executrix to his estate. here-
by .eq•iesta ail partite 'edobted to the said
Estate an esti and sett:° their Revival rens
mediately: sol those having elating against
n, are desired to present thorn fur adjisl
inert to
ROBERTSON, Esrelllrlx,
her Ageot.
(ao1Srisb. dad July, 1853. 14 oils,
For talo by
Wholesale sled Re' aft Ag• it free thidemete
*d meshy. sad seems dewier le Diet.
sed MNictoq.. 18aNto. Ode. fee • 1•e.
Aloe by McDerweet, It C.. iierpeeheil
David iklLeein.k, Ehraedl.o: J. Guard
woe, flayINde R- Tlsw•r.es Castes.
W Nh+i.M Agee* fifer Cease',
J. C. 1111111i0011. -
Ireperiw d get*dew llrftM sod
Paine N ISIe. Kset Rresi
0. W.
sae ite..t -tai x . :a -
of rhie Curl will he annnuaced as soon as the
Clerk ad Bailiff's are eppoin•rd.
SIVC.TO Dlyialo N.
Connote' Tavern. Village of Bayfield. Mondor
12th September, David ilooll Ritchie, E•q.,
(;rents ready mode CLOTHES, fog
t stir ty.
A large ►.rl.rtmeni of I.artie.' lied Misses
floats ar.d Slippers. Do. Gent and Boys.
f:...'lf and heavy birdman..
t'AINT9, OILS, Potty, Pilch, Tae. Ro-
The Sittings of rho tevrr.l Cour!' w;11 cern- r.i., 141,". and Cordage, Whwkey by die
meeee po.etoa'Iv a' 11 o'.-Inek, A. M, 1 bgl, nr 3 pollees.
ARTHI'R ACLAND,.1 r.(. n'I:A r1 Driver from China, ter dtfo Dog-
Goderich, IPrh luny, IPS3. +6A-4 1( 1, acd %bicb will be sled at pekes to
a.inr, +h aa.
jlltllitland Gravel Road Company.
sEALED TEN11ER8 will 1e received
heel the first d•y of Angles' 5.01. f .r
Gialrag •ed GrmrrHl.g Uri fret five
seder •f the Maitland Rued. eoeseheni ing
at the 5M Booth floosie-, of IM Town of
The work will be lot in Five Recline,
one Mde **eh; *ad mutt Ie vowed by
'be loth,. llWeinb.r sett, to the sat se
tors d itis Gglw'.
Pops gad 8peeileattese cuss be sees.
sot ferilter referbetten received no spell
seams t tee Ake of
4tfbrm • t
Temkin mss he ed'Msasdraury, to
By order,
G10ON M. TRUEMAN,,See'y.
Oalsrtsb, Jely 1118, 1833. eta+1'
N 0 1' 1 C R. G1.i88-All gigs•.
t'u't' A1+H KF.TTLF.A for ale thee.
THOSE Member. of the Duren Agririd- Advances made on cue.ignmsbl of A.b..
1 (oral Sudety who do not ply tb, n end ether produm
subscriptions es nr before the 151 day .1 It yore warn( hargaine for cash, come In
Augu't next, will nut he allowed to 001,.- and take a Idth beiote Iryi.4 Neeerti e..
pate fur prise.; .' 11• arnn.l Shne. C. Os ARB.
JOHN BLAKE, Sic'y, GoJerieli, Joie 16, 1181 ail-ly
II • D. A.S.
Gehl' ich, June 2911i, 1833. ail: -2
ri"116 Seh:enb.rs return •heir si de I intnk'
L N ttte inhal,ilsau .4 G•Nirrit `sd•i5•
mg e..•Ry, for the very liberal patronage be-
et gqWeir epea them wl.lk on bu-men io Qe'
Ike. They would sew ►'Nr chat they
r►wNeed'M,r be •new• ie (: MI, riA 14 fs.w.
'thle emirs. BARN RMAY h FI;ItOUP
r *born they Geld reep.e '. lly .11i011 the
m, nteoded a. pm, •Herded sheer/Thos.
Osderieb. April were. iESJ. •6013
IN reknaee ra the shove 're hies
td sante that we have wirehaired NIXTIIEN IIUNDRI. POUNDS....-
SW •*son Seek of Maw.. GORDON Fo. partwulara apply a5 Ate Ole..
& MACKAY. ess•I.iree el DRY teme.U1• Godeneh. Jule 171b. 1653. 113
Ate , on 'ha meet sdras.tpwse serer. T►. . -
oddities* we ar. nuking ibeit• will render r1
emeelae ie .11 iii Iepri•te*w. Ts Ara ..5.•
men of ibe late Ilan se well se rite inh.biu•'s
gewently. we .r.dJ risk et.i 'b• entities e•
psyse fee parriwa4 if its but MoAru, will
a lirjertsbais.. est adhere to int 111•9_,AZ
s• oar predernsr'rs, aseerl►
Late Mise, Aeoll Prate, •cables m
.•.445140 te oaken '1N ripper of a Os-
RAPIN ER M A N • FIRO111108.
flediAehr MA Apel, 1883. ,ie13
T1Ht Setmeeker ellen for sale tel No.
11, ea the Herbs*, Phi. 1. the t sow
rlfeslaa t.
.1 ti•dwritlh. WILLIAM
I A M 1. T A Tf.Alf.1 ret
Ctto'8 i May SI* 1114/1.
sac rl's1Ms. +, 'i • . .
,5itertf'r Side ofLauri
mated e.t.hr•.,f) Y Virtue
liar,.., sad ilriee. Witt
To WIT: S actt•. 19h•d
11.1 Maj'.ty'o Court of Qt.sa'a
sed as Attie Writ of Fier' Faciae
owe of the .aid Cnnrl, Mad 10 ma
•gminas tho lands and t.nemeat.
Property 111 Great Britain and itgttewberv, at the trio of S
ire land.(L'RE1V$TER• 1 lose 0010 a
11tH!11 ►t•r A .era an
' R bee h fr perlar hellitiee txrmniI . is fellewiag "1"4"•pe"1"4"•
fur the recovery of a atm, is these! Lou foam*, ..mben fowl
r• untrirr, limns Murder/en en • • severs the T,
•here, betide• reeking p, semi mien. far nth, eseb eAsluai'g nave f•bc' b 51
Ihat purpnw. Boma eaves liken cargo Df, N ', Norte nitre or 'see. bre ot{ f
at Ms own risk k04 .•nee• sod further lMr of "1"'"'" fr Kmmla
Alen, Lot main .camber
mtnrmauw bpd N srpltcesrn0. enorsissg Oleg fostIb ala ae►w,
J t MEv 341,80/1. ge,.ears mere et kyr; ad hl somber
No. 4, Royal Eeehag• Mm'dtq., e..aien C. Is tis Town of Oo1
INendes, C. W., no, May 1686. meals leisbl8y admeetrefen.emt ns5
- ---- - Three Leiter.. be the some eons
Money to Lee ! ( - a»
O 1, -ten 4a real amuse ♦ the WWI el 401.1; ,•1t
■, 1} /wee of t Ire same t1' may he
•etldy the 'set gate, 1 Matt
at t1• Cenn Rn.'e, iso Has
rkb, as FRIDAY,
AUGUST e•s4 81 ttSMar t�
.1 that clock sees.
1. Mt
u.rt'F'e (llfi.e,
dple.weo,Ab Ss?. 116!1,
[}'wa pet►liebd 14to !K
saw d , i nus a1 tatty 'tett
Wog peepers of thew•dI
which tan 1514 1
wITH totemic* to • Notice Nuri' by
5" wA•eft meseered is the 84 -
sof osi
11-sites also 11th Mee h, i bartey eeb..rs
ldga lest i wee federal to tesevt the osier
i etertltl/wtla llos, sed I wow .4. t tree
} had ree.,s.d •I tui time 1011 u1as.d51s'
tees fee the Nets1e se that paper. AIL HYNOW
8WTIf. EPSOM TA's**.
408e11, 1111 hoer ISBB ,••M- 1i v10 Meg 1661.